Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (KIT) invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (KIT).
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of business information systems
The research group Business Information Systems deals with issues at the interface between software engineering and business process engineering. In various research areas, cross-sectional topics such as digitalization, information security and sustainability are linked to current technologies and fields of application. With languages, methods and tools of applied computer science, solutions for current challenges of economy, administration and society are developed.
Deadline : 09/20/2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow
The candidate will have the responsibility to conduct internationally visible research in the project MALEG (Machine Learning for Enhancing Geothermal energy production) with focus on the geochemical characterization of geothermal systems and monitoring during various operation modes of an experimental setup. Your responsibility will be literature research, field work at three geothermal sites in Germany, Austria and Turkey, sampling and sample preparation, hydro-chemical analyses, mineral chemistry, data interpretation and publishing of research results in internationally recognized journals. You will be given the opportunity to prepare a PhD thesis.
Deadline : September 30, 2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. student in the MALEG project in Machine learning techniques to increase efficiency of geothermal energy production
The research will be focusing on the development of a machine learning tool to quantify the impact of the enhanced cooling on the fluid-mineral equilibrium and to optimize the operations economically. The tool will be based on results from widely-applied deterministic models and experimental data collected at geothermal plants in Germany, Austria and Turkey by our international project partners. Once fully implemented the MALEG-tool will work as a digital twin of the power plant, ready to assess and predict scaling formation processes for geothermal production from different geological settings.
Deadline : September 30, 2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science – position for doctorate in vocational education
Doctorate on a vocational pedagogical topic on digital transformation in vocational training (e.g. competence development in the digital working world, digitization of professional learning processes, learning location cooperation in change)
Deadline : 09/30/2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 22-2022-IMT PhD Position: In situ flow-MRI and NMR to measure water and phloem sap flow
This project is part of the collaborative research center (CRC) 1537 Multi-scale quantification and modelling of spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystem processes by smart autonomous sensor networks (ECOSENSE) “https://www.cep.uni-freiburg.de/forschungsprojekte/ecosense”, and is a collaboration with the University of Freiburg.
Deadline : September 18, 2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science
As “The Research University in the Helmholtz Association”, KIT creates and imparts knowledge for society and the environment. A research focus at the MVM-VM chair is on the separation and purification of valuable products from aqueous suspensions. Flotation within aqueous two-phase flotation (ATPF) systems enables industrial enzymes to be efficiently separated from a complex organic suspension.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 18-2022-IMT PhD Position: Development and application of a micro pulse tube cryo cooler
The objective of this PhD topic is to develop, construct and optimise a tunable modular micro cryo cooling system, based on a micro pulsed tube cryo cooler, to be combined with different other miniaturised developments in HyPERiON. By combining a non-vibrating compressor type (i.e. piezo-driven membrane systems or other vibration-free pulse generating possibilities) with micro heat exchangers as regenerators and heat transfer parts, very versatile systems can be obtained. A tunable design of the miniaturized PTCC will provide additional benefit, because the efficiency of the system can be adjusted to the desired application. The pulse frequency has to be controlled, and the tube length should be adjusted.
Deadline : September 30, 2022
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 19-2022-IMT PhD Position: Smart miniaturized shimsets for high-throughput NMR spectroscopy
You will join the collaborative research center (CRC) 1527 High performance compact magnetic resonance (HyPERiON), which aims to change the future of magnetic resonance (MR) by exploring the limits of extremely compact, highly sensitive, high throughput, and highly agile MR systems. The CRC is funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), and is a collaboration between 16 research groups in the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, the University of Konstanz, and the University of Stuttgart.
Deadline : September 18, 2022
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 20-2022-IMT PhD Position: Design and manufacturing of a 263 GHz EPR detector for an optoelectronic-based receiver
You will join the collaborative research center (CRC) 1527 High performance compact magnetic resonance (HyPERiON), which aims to change the future of magnetic resonance (MR) by exploring the limits of extremely compact, highly sensitive, high throughput, and highly agile MR systems. The CRC is funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), and is a collaboration between 16 research groups in the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, the University of Konstanz, and the University of Stuttgart.
Deadline : September 18, 2022
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 21-2022-IMT PhD Position: Development of a CMOS multiplexer for parallel NMR spectroscopy
As part of the ERC Synergy Grant HiSCORE, which is a collaboration between four research groups (Jan Korvink-Karlsruhe, Benno Meier-Karlsruhe, Geoffrey Bodenhausen-Paris, and Arno Kentgens-Nijmegen), you will develop and experimentally test novel CMOS application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) for massively parallel nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy applications.
Deadline : September 18, 2022
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 17-2022-IMT PhD Position: Microfluidic systems for high throughput NMR and process monitoring
You will join the collaborative research center (CRC) 1527 High performance compact magnetic resonance (HyPERiON), which aims to change the future of magnetic resonance (MR) by exploring the limits of extremely compact, highly sensitive, high throughput, and highly agile MR systems. The CRC is funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), and is a collaboration between 16 research groups in the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, the University of Konstanz, and the University of Stuttgart.
Deadline : September 15, 2022
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of building physics and technical expansion
Although thermal, visual, olfactory and acoustic environmental stimuli affect people at the same time, they are mostly treated separately in the scientific literature and in building regulations with regard to perception and limit values. Only in very few cases are complex indoor environmental conditions encompassing several sensory dimensions considered in a holistic and integrated way. The main reason for this is the lack of basic knowledge about the interactions between environmental stressors and the resulting human responses. The primary goal of this DFG-funded project is therefore to significantly improve the understanding of the overlapping main effects and interactions in multi-sensory perception through laboratory experiments. Specific objectives are 1) to create a consistent and updated knowledge base and theoretical framework on the subject; 2) the development of a systematic approach for future experimental multisensory studies; 3) conducting experiments in the laboratory and additional surveys and interviews; 4) the development of a structure for a general multi-sensory comfort model; and 5) the application and evaluation of different modeling approaches through the use of objective and subjective experimental data and the assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of modeling approaches. The project is carried out in close cooperation with partners from the RWTH Aachen (Prof. Marcel Schweiker) and the TU Vienna (Prof. Ardeshir Mahdavi).
Deadline : 09/30/2022
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student (f/m/d)
High entropy alloys are materials that consist of a larger number of different elements with approximately equal proportions. With a suitable combination, it is theoretically possible to design alloys for specific areas of application. Embedded in the EU project INNUMAT (Innovative Structural Materials for Fission and Fusion), the general applicability of such materials in the nuclear field is now to be examined as part of a doctorate using the example of sample alloys provided by project partners. Due to the fact that thermo-mechanical loads generally dominate in nuclear plants, in addition to the behavior under tensile loading, primarily the alternating strength and creep strength at the expected operating temperatures are to be studied. Since the deformation and damage behavior of materials under a given load is largely dependent on the composition of the internal structure (lattice type, phase composition and distribution), the mechanical experiments should be continuously accompanied by structural analyses, e.g. using electron microscopy or X-ray diffractometry. Finally, the usability should be evaluated by means of numerical analyzes of the results obtained using suitable design criteria.
Deadline : 09/15/2022
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science for the FLX department – “Conveyor technology and logistics under extreme boundary conditions” at the IFL
The areas of responsibility at the IFL are usually divided into three. Particularly noteworthy is the collaboration on many exciting research and industrial projects with a wide variety of aspects of intralogistics. The spectrum ranges from the new conception of storage systems within the framework of funded research projects to the leveling of production lines and the simulation of complex material flow systems at industrial partners. Your influence on the choice of topics for future projects and your doctorate topic is just as great.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of innovative and intelligent gear technology
Drive technology is undergoing a far-reaching structural change. New mobility solutions, such as urban aviation and high-performance electric traction drives, require the production of novel and complex gear wheel architectures. At the same time, a greater variety of variants must be covered and the production quality improved in order to meet the increasing speed levels and stricter requirements for vibroacoustic emissions. Therefore, new and young processes, which offer a high potential for the flexible, high-precision production of complex geared components, must be developed and further developed until they are ready for series production.
Deadline : 09/15/2022
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science for the FLX department – “Remote handling and logistics under extreme boundary conditions” at the IFL
The areas of responsibility at the IFL are usually divided into three. The development of innovative and forward-looking technical approaches in the area of maintenance processes deserves special mention. As part of the DEMOnstration Power Plant project and the associated material testing facility DEMO-Oriented Neutron Source (DONES), maintenance processes and material flows are analyzed on a technical level and the required (remotely manageable) components and systems are designed, dimensioned and optimized. The results and the dimensioning are validated by simulation studies and/or test setups. The aim of this research work is to develop and implement usable technical solutions for the above systems, to identify and avoid possible (functional) risks,
Deadline : 09/30/2022
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of smart machines for sustainable and performance-oriented titanium machining
The aim of your research work is to optimize the CNC turning of titanium components in terms of mechanical component properties, sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Modern simulation software, an IIoT networked workshop and state-of-the-art machine tools with integrated sensors are to be used for this. By combining FE software with AI approaches, you generate digital intelligence that autonomously controls and optimizes the process.
Deadline : 09/15/2022
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 14-2022-IMT PhD Position: Solar-driven degradation of water-borne micropollutants via novel photocatalytic polymer membranes with active porphyrin surface layer
The “Nanophotonics for Energy” division (Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)) is currently looking to employ a PhD candidate to expand its capabilities within our Materials for Spectral Convers group based around “Solar-driven degradation of water-borne micropollutants via novel photocatalytic polymer membranes with active porphyrin surface layer”. This research would be conducted within the framework of a very close collaboration with Institute of Advanced Membrane Technology (IAMT, KIT) as part of a small team on this research project.
Deadline : September 30, 2022
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position – Development of high-speed and radiation-hard digital front-end electronics for the microstrip detector of PANDA
This PhD thesis will focus on the design and development of the MDC ASIC for the local control of the microstrip detector modules of PANDA. Since it will be located in the same radiation environment as the front-end chips, Single Event Upset (SEU) mitigation techniques like triple redundancy will be employed for all critical components. To satisfy the requirements on radiation-hardness, the chip will be developed in 110 nm UMC CMOS technology.
Deadline : September 4, 2022
(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of autonomous machines
In the field of validation of autonomous vehicles, all XiL levels from model or software-in-the-loop to hardware-in-the-loop and vehicle-in-the-loop to the test site will play a role. All XiL levels are abstractions of reality. For example, while in the pure simulation reality is represented with sufficient accuracy using simulation models, dummy objects are used on the test site, which are also a model of reality. Another aspect is the scenarios to be validated. Since it is impossible to test every situation, an abstraction must also take place here. In the area of fatigue strength, for example, load collectives were mentioned here, but in the area of autonomous vehicles this is much more complex, since safety is the most important validation goal. As a consequence, that the so-called “credibility” or “trustworthiness” of the validation method plays a central role. As part of the release of autonomous vehicles, this must therefore be proven or all abstractions that have taken place must be explainable and comprehensible. This aspect is currently the biggest hurdle when using virtual or cyber-physical methods to validate autonomous vehicles.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of autonomous machines
As part of your research, you will work on new validation methods based on emerging technologies. The focus should be on metaverse-based approaches. “In addition to the social aspects, the Metaverse is characterized by a digital economy.” [Source: morethandigital.info]. It offers numerous chances and possibilities and will become more and more important for future product development. Among other things, you get access to an enormous number of users, concepts such as “Play to Earn” enable new business models. Furthermore, the use of simulations in interaction with a large user community is obvious. You should work on this complex of topics as part of your research and derive new, innovative approaches for product development, especially validation.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of autonomous machines
Autonomous machines such as autonomous vehicles will become an important part of society in the future. It is already clear today that conventional development and validation methods are not or only partially applicable in this environment. It can be assumed that future mobility systems will be characterized, for example, by CASE (Connected, Autonomous, Shared, Electric). But what does this mean exactly? What are future use cases of autonomous vehicles in this context? Use cases will evolve and cannot be fully defined a-priori in this volatile environment.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of autonomous machines
In particular, validation is seen as one of the biggest hurdles to bringing autonomous vehicles to market. While X-in-the-Loop methods used to be primarily used to make development more efficient, they will be necessary and unavoidable in the future. Above all, scalable simulation methods and new cyber-physical validation methods for complex systems-of-systems will play a central role.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science in the field of autonomous machines
In your research you deal with the complex of topics of massive-scale simulations. These will play a key role in the validation of autonomous vehicles due to the enormous number of validation scenarios. Massive-scale simulation means that validation scenarios are simulated in parallel in a data center or a distributed computer network. Their use enables a large number of calculations to be carried out in a very short time (e.g. to analyze variants, carry out regression tests, etc.). One challenge is setting up a suitable IT infrastructure, another is the impact on the actual validation methods and processes. You should deal with the second as part of your research. Among other things, you should research the following topics: How do you deal with the immense number of results? How can it be ensured that the scenarios carried out are valid and the results are plausible (you no longer have the opportunity to analyze all the results in detail)? How do you configure the actual simulation environment in terms of co-simulation, model quality, etc.? In addition to method and process research, you should set up a model-like massive-scale simulation, which you use as an example system for your research tasks. ? In addition to method and process research, you should set up a model massive-scale simulation, which you use as an example system for your research tasks. ? In addition to method and process research, you should set up a model massive-scale simulation, which you use as an example system for your research tasks.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student/ Research Assistant (f/m/d) in Physical design for printed electronics
Printed electronics (PE) based on additive manufacturing processes holds promise of meeting cost and conformity needs of application domains which cannot be targeted by conventional silicon VLSI technologies. The notion of printable electronics encompasses any printing technologies or processes to create electronic devices, circuits and systems. Printed electronics will complement rather than compete with silicon-based electronics. Due to constraints of PE, existing VLSI physical design methods are no longer applicable. The goal of this project is to develop reliable physical design methods for PE to mitigate the printing non-idealities. The main approach should use machine learning methods to model non-idealities and mitigate them during physical design.
Deadline : 09/30/2022
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student/ Research Assistant (f/m/d) in Design methods for robust near threshold computing
The energy consumption of the computing sector has been increasing exponentially. Therefore, new low power computing paradigms to enable green and sustainable computing are necessary. Near Threshold Computing (NTC) promises to achieve ultra low energy computation based on aggressive voltage down scaling. However, there are several challenges to achieve robust computing using NTC. The purpose of this project is to develop logic and microarchitecture design based on NTC concept and approximate computing to achieve low energy consumption and high reliability.
Deadline : September 14, 2022
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student/ Research Assistant (f/m/d) in Robust Computation in Memory (CIM) based on emerging memristive technologies
Computation in Memory (CIM) is a new computing paradigm which tries to perform operations directly in the memory to avoid costly data trasnfer between the memory and processor subsystems oft he computing architecture, leading to significant saving of energy and latency of computing in big data applications. In this project memory centric paradigms based on emerging memristive technologies will be explored. The main focus would be micro architecture level design by abstracting device and circuit level designs of CIM primitives and their nonidealities (variations and failures) to the microarchitecture level and perform analysis on memory centric applications (such as hyper dimensional computing, deep learning, scientific computation, etc). Also various reliability improvement approaches at circuit, architecture and application levels will be explored and quantified with the CIM analysis framework.
Deadline : September 14, 2022
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science full-time or part-time
This includes the processing of interdisciplinary research projects with a focus on the analysis and modeling of electricity and energy markets. With the help of the PowerACE market model, which was developed at the institute and has been used successfully in numerous projects, the decisions of various actors are to be mapped in an agent-based manner. In the context of agent-based simulation, PowerACE combines a large number of quantitative methods, such as machine learning methods and scenario-based mapping of uncertainties. In particular, the focus is on the transformation of the energy system towards climate neutrality, a suitable electricity market design for renewable energies and the effects of new technologies (hydrogen technologies, electricity storage, carbon capture, etc.) on the energy markets. Another important aspect in future developments will be the robustness and resilience of the energy supply. There is also the opportunity to implement your own research interests and ideas on your own initiative.
Deadline : 08/30/2022
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science for the 4D4L project at KIT and TU Dortmund
For the research project “4D4L – data- and target-driven sequential decision-making for time-dynamic logistics systems” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we are looking for at least two scientific employees (f/m/d) (doctoral student (f/m /d) or post-doctoral researcher (f/m/d)) who is working on the project in and together with the research groups/departments:
Deadline : 08/31/2022
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3 PhD Students Researchers in Superconducting Qubits
We are looking for highly motivated scientists to work on experiments with superconducting qubits. These positions will be funded by the European Research Council (ERC) through the Advanced Grant „Millimeter-Wave Superconducting Quantum Circuits” – Milli-Q. The goal is to develop novel superconducting quantum circuits which are operating at frequencies one order of magnitude larger than those demonstrated until now, going up to the 100 GHz frequency range. Due to the increased qubit energy level separation, millimeter-wave quantum processors could be operated at temperatures much higher than their present counterparts, qubit logic gates can be performed faster and circuit components reduced in size thus allowing for a smaller footprint, denser packaging and better integration. These numerous potential advantages face many challenges and pose intriguing physics questions that are aimed to be answered in this project. Once successful, our approach will open a new way to build superconducting quantum computers.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student/ Research Assistant (f/m/d) Research Training Group Computational Nanoscience
The graduate school ‘Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience’ (DFG RTG 2450) addresses the development and application of multi-scale approaches to the scientific challenges of friction, materials aging, material design and biological function. In detail, the specific projects will focus on the problems of friction between inorganic and biological materials, reactions on semiconductor surfaces, problems of electron and exciton migration in organic electronics, and biochemical reactions in proteins undergoing large structural changes. These problems involve a multitude of different length- and timescales, therefore, methods of ab initio quantum chemistry, force field and coarse-grained approaches up to phenomenological approaches will be combined. These complex multiscale frameworks will utilize workflow engineering on high-performance computing architectures.
Deadline : September 2, 2022
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Employee (f/m/d) in science for safe mobility
We are now looking for several employees (f/m/d) for security research as part of the KASTEL “Secure Mobility” laboratory. Her main focus is the conception, implementation and publication of security-related research work based on mobility-specific use cases. Your research work can be flexibly designed based on the following main topics:
- Architecture-based security analysis / model consistency
- Correctness by Construction / Security by Design
- Analysis and generation of consensus protocols
- Resilience to realistic adversarial attacks
- Safe and explainable AI methods for autonomous systems
- Active Deep Learning
- Quality Assurance and Test/Software Variability
- Test case generation for penetration tests
- Evaluation and demonstration in real scenarios
Deadline : 08/31/2022
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student/Research Assistant (f/m/d)
We are seeking exceptional candidates with extraordinary knowledge in communications engineering for several open positions. Your tasks include the support of teaching activities of the CEL and carrying out independent research in the field of communications and 6G mobile networks. We have multiple topics in this context, for instance integration of communications and cyber-physical systems, radio network and communications system optimization using modern machine learning methods and neural networks, dynamic and self-optimizing radio networks, as well as multi-modal communications and information processing networks. The research topics also include the mathematical analysis of novel communication systems and the software implementation of simulation and evaluation programs. Besides this, you are responsible for the documentation and publication of selected research results in scientific journals and conferences. The job is associated with the goal of graduating with a Dr.-Ing. (PhD) Degree. At the CEL, you can expect a modern and international research environment with exciting topics circling around the future of telecommunications.
Deadline : Oktober 16, 2022
About Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (KIT) –Official Website
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is a public research university and one of the largest research and educational institutions in Germany. KIT was created in 2009 when the University of Karlsruhe (Universität Karlsruhe), founded in 1825 as a public research university and also known as the “Fridericiana”, merged with the Karlsruhe Research Center , which had originally been established in 1956 as a national nuclear research center
KIT is a member of the TU9, an incorporated society of the largest and most notable German institutes of technology. As part of the German Universities Excellence Initiative KIT was one of three universities which were awarded excellence status in 2006 In the following “German Excellence Strategy” KIT was awarded as one of eleven “Excellence Universities” in 2019. KIT is among the leading technical universities in Germany and Europe and established the first German faculty for computer science in 1972.
As of 2018, six Nobel laureates are affiliated with KIT. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is well known for many inventors and entrepreneurs who studied or taught there, including Heinrich Hertz, Karl Friedrich Benz and the founders of SAP SE.
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