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33 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 

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University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg  invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg .

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Computer Science

The candidate will contribute to the FNR CORE project “Give control back to users: personalised privacy-preserving data aggregation from heterogeneous social graphs” (HETERS). The project is within the Security and Trust of Software System (SaToSS) research group led by Prof. Sjouke Mauw. The purpose of the project is to aggregate and release heterogeneous social network data with the help of social network users while preserving their personalized privacy requirements. The successful candidate will conduct research with a focus on designing methods to synthesise heterogeneous social graphs with data that are privately collected and aggregated from volunteering users.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Algorithmic aspects of network slicing over next generation satellite systems

This is a fully funded position for 3 years (extendable to an additional 4th year) within a national research project in collaboration with SES ( Therefore, the objectives of the PhD project are defined in accordance to the project directions, and also aligned with the research interest of SES towards their next-generation of satellite systems. More precisely, the PhD project aims at addressing the network slicing algorithm aspects (routing, scheduling, resource and slicing allocation) for sophisticated satellite system equipped with Digital Transparent Payloads (DTP) with enhanced computation and communications capability to adapt the satellite resources to the real and moving traffic conditions.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in Edge Artificial Intelligence for 6G Networks

This is a fully funded position for 3 years (extendable to an additional 4th year) within the large Horizon Europe research project (TALΟN – AuTonomous and Self-organized Artificial InteLligent Orchestrator fOr a Greener INdustry 5.0). Τhe PhD project aims at developing a theoretical framework for an AI orchestrator that envisions to transform the Industry 5.0 paradigm into an automated intelligent platform by exploiting advances in edge networks and bringing intelligence near sensors, in embedded systems with limited computational/storage/communication resources, as well as the integration of advanced and adaptive sensors and perception.The upper goal is the creation of a new system architecture that makes the most by jointly optimizing the edge and cloud resources, enabling centralized, distributed, as well as hybrid intelligence and transforming the AI network into a low power computer, which will be able to use underutilized resources.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Resilient Real-Time and Embedded Systems for Space and Ground

Successful candidates will have the opportunity of shaping their PhD research around challenging and innovative research themes, as well as contributing to the ambitious research agenda of the CritiX lab. They will be given excellent conditions for the development of their research skills, in terms of working conditions, mentoring and laboratory facilities.

Deadline : 31 August 2022

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Resilient Systems for Space and Ground

Successful candidates will have the opportunity of shaping their PhD research around challenging and innovative research themes, as well as contributing to the ambitious research agenda of the CritiX lab. They will be given excellent conditions for the development of their research skills, in terms of working conditions, mentoring and laboratory facilities.

Deadline : 31 July 2022 

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student (doctoral candidate) in Engineering Science

The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the world. The University’s faculties and interdisciplinary centres focus on research in the areas of Computer Science and ICT Security, Materials Science, European and International Law, Finance and Financial Innovation, Education, Contemporary and Digital History. In addition, the University focuses on cross-disciplinary research in the areas of Data Modelling and Simulation as well as Health and System Biomedicine. Times Higher Education ranks the University of Luxembourg #3 worldwide for its “international outlook,” #20 in the Young University Ranking 2021 and among the top 250 universities worldwide.

Deadline :  31 August 2022

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Task-Oriented Communication Design for 6G Cyber-Physical Systems

This is a fully funded position for 3 years (extendable to an additional 4th year). The successful candidate is expected to work on an emerging topic of Semantic and Task-oriented Communications Design for 6G Networks. The purpose of this project is to develop a novel communication design paradigm for multi-agent cyber-physical 6G systems which simultaneously maximizes the task effectiveness metric and the network resource usage. The developed task-oriented communication design is expected to apply to various important application domains, such as Industrial IoT, Multi-UAV systems, and multi-layer wireless networks.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Physics (Solar Cells)

The PhD student will be a member of the Department of Physics and Materials Science within the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Luxembourg. She or he will perform research under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Siebentritt.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Software Testing in the presence of test flakiness

The successful candidate is intended to work on the TestFlakes (FNR-funded) project. The subject of the thesis will be “Test Flakiness Impact Assessment” with supervisor Dr. Mike Papadakis. Successful PhD candidates will extensively explore and develop software engineering techniques that include the feasibility, practicality and success evaluation of prototype implementations.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD) in Economics/Management in the Electricity System

Successful candidates will join the young, vibrant, and interdisciplinary FINATRAX Research Group, which builds bridges between business research and information systems engineering. The group conducts research on the application and the impact of digital technologies like DLT/Blockchain, Digital Identities, Machine Learning/AI, and IoT/5G on organisations from both the private and public sectors. The group consists of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., policy, business, technology), united in pursuit of sustainable technologies that positively impact society. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher in Psychology (DE / EN)

The doctoral researcher will conduct research under the guidance of a supervisory team including local and international experts, with the aim of studying towards a doctoral degree (cumulative; i.e., based on peer-reviewed publications) in Psychology. The doctoral researcher will develop a diagnostic test for specific learning disorders in the area of reading/writing adapted to the linguistically heterogenous Luxembourgish school context (i.e. diverse language and cultural backgrounds) in the main teaching language German. In close collaboration with the national competence center “Centre pour le développement des apprentissanges Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa”, the doctoral researcher will develop a new testing battery in German to be used for diagnostic purposes. This PhD project is embedded in a larger project concerning test development to diagnose learning disorders and as such the PhD candidate will be part of the LUCET diagnostic test development team.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher (PhD student) in the field of ancient history / archaeology

The successful candidate will become a member of the Doctoral Training Unit “Deep Data Science of Digital History” (D4H). This interdisciplinary DTU focuses on multiple challenges at the intersection between the disciplines of history and data science. The DTU will train a new generation of digitally literate PhD students to deal with “big data of the past” in a critical and competent way, combining the epistemic tradition of close reading with machine-based methods of distant reading (“scalable reading”). It aims to develop a shared understanding of the human/machine nexus in collecting, curating, managing, analysing, interpreting, and visualizing historical data and to problematize the multi-layered temporalities of datasets and experiment with new forms and formats of historical models and simulations in a longue-durée / deep time perspective.

Deadline : 15 August 2022

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in System Optimization of Large Satellite Constellations

This is a fully funded position within the national project MEGALEO: “Self-Organized Lower Earth Orbit Mega-Constellations”, whose Principal Investigator is Prof. Chatzinotas. Therefore, the objectives of the PhD project are defined in accordance to the project directions, and also aligned with the new trends of non-geostationary satellite constellations. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher (PhD student) in the field of medieval and/or early modern history / historical cartography

The successful candidate will become a member of the Doctoral Training Unit “Deep Data Science of Digital History” (D4H). This interdisciplinary DTU focuses on multiple challenges at the intersection between the disciplines of history and data science. The DTU will train a new generation of digitally literate PhD students to deal with “big data of the past” in a critical and competent way, combining the epistemic tradition of close reading with machine-based methods of distant reading (“scalable reading”). It aims to develop a shared understanding of the human/machine nexus in collecting, curating, managing, analysing, interpreting, and visualizing historical data and to problematize the multi-layered temporalities of datasets and experiment with new forms and formats of historical models and simulations in a longue-durée / deep time perspective.

Deadline : 15.08.2022.

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Early Childhood Music Education

The PhD position will be focused on conducting mixed-method research in Early Childhood Music Education, focusing on learning how to play a musical instrument in the early years (5-8) and on the role of the body and body movement in the instrumental music learning process. The successful applicant will work in the field of Early Childhood Music Education and will contribute to the research program led by Prof. dr. Luc Nijs, while being affiliated to the Institute of Musicology and Arts, situated within the Department of Education and Social Work (DESW). The PhD candidate will engage in independent as well as collaborative music educational research.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Music and Gender History

The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings together expertise from the humanities, linguistics, cognitive sciences, social and educational sciences. People from across 20 disciplines are working within the Faculty. Along with the disciplinary approach a very ambitious interdisciplinary research culture has been developed. The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society. The FHSE offers four Bachelor and 15 Master degrees and a doctoral school providing students with the necessary knowledge and high-qualified skills to succeed in their future career.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher (PhD) in Law

The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of company law, banking and financial law or contract law. The research should embrace a comparative approach of different legal systems including Luxembourg law. Aside from the themes mentioned above, the research can also concentrate on the specific structures and features of the Luxembourg legal system.

Deadline : 31 July 2022

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in a Project on On-line Disinformation

As part of the Human-Computer Interaction Group, you will conduct research for a doctoral thesis positioned in psychology / human-computer interaction, supervised by Prof. Vincent Koenig. As a Ph.D. student in this project, your work will concentrate on psychological factors that lead to believing and sharing fake news. We want to detect the groups of online users who are particularly vulnerable or resistant to accepting or disseminating misinformation and provide social, psychological and UX design recommendations for protecting vulnerable groups from fake news.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher (PhD) in Financial Law

The doctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Dr. Dirk Andreas Zetzsche, holder of the ADA Chair in Financial Law (inclusive finance). The doctoral researcher’s main task will be to prepare a doctoral thesis in the fields described above. The thesis work will be undertaken at the University of Luxembourg but can also be jointly-supervised with another university. The theme of the PhD will be agreed upon between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor. The doctoral candidate will be part of, and contribute to the team of the ADA Chair and contribute to the teaching of classes ranging from one to three hours per week, of small group teachings and tutorials.

Deadline : 31/08/2022

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD) in Computer Science on Digital Identities and Verifiable Credentials

Successful candidates will join the young, vibrant, and interdisciplinary FINATRAX Research Group, which builds bridges between business research and information systems engineering. The group conducts research on the application and the impact of digital technologies like DLT/Blockchain, Digital Identities, Machine Learning/AI, and IoT. The group consists of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers who come from different disciplines (e.g., policy, business, technology) and pursue first-rate research on the design and impact of information systems. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in the frame of the PRIDE grant “Active phenomena across scales in biological systems”

The successful candidates will be expected to conduct research with the aim of obtaining a Doctorate in either Physics, Biology or Engineering Science. They will also be expected to contribute to the institution’s activities, including seminars, teaching, outreach and various other research related events. Our consortium offers an outstanding and dynamic environment for doctoral candidates, with multiple seminars, working groups, colloquia, and a doctoral school which also includes access to scientific and transferable skills training opportunities.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidates in Computer Vision

The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada in order to pursue a PhD in the general area of Computer Vision. Multiple positions are open. They will carry out research in predefined topics contributing to CVI2’s activities in computer vision and pattern recognition.  CVIoffers the opportunity to work on industrial projects (with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, ARTEC 3D and DataThings) or national and international academic projects. CVIis a young group composed of highly motivated and active members. Their work focuses on innovative research topics such as 3D shape modelling, 6DOF object pose estimation, human behavior understating, and deep learning and is disseminated in top-tiers venues.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Theoretical Chemical Physics

A PhD position is available in the Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP, group,
led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Physics and Materials Science Department (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg ( The successful candidate will join a strong and highly-motivated research team with an excellent funding track-record in competitive national, international and European grants, including European Research Council Consolidator Grant “Beyond Static Molecules: Modeling Quantum Fluctuations in Complex Molecular Environments”.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidate (Ph.D. student) focusing on the function of the human microbiome in chronic diseases

The human gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem which contributes essential functions to human physiology. Changes to the microbiome are associated with several chronic diseases characterised by inflammatory signatures which include autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. The gut is a reservoir for extensive microbial “dark matter” in the form of soluble nucleic acids, (poly-)peptides and metabolites with bioactive properties. These molecules have so far eluded in-depth study. This gap in knowledge is limiting our understanding of the role of the human microbiome in governing human physiology and how changes to the gut microbiome impact inflammation-linked chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). As part of the ERC-funded ExpoBiome project, a gut microbiome-targeted therapeutic intervention, i.e. fasting, is being performed together with leading clinical partners in Berlin (Germany) and Kassel (Germany). Based on systematically collected samples, the aim is to identify and track common and disease-specific molecular signatures to predict the outcome of the therapeutic fasting regimen. Molecules which are associated with a reduction in inflammatory markers will be further investigated for their anti-inflammatory properties including using our unique human-microbial co-culture system called HuMiX. In summary, the project will yield functional insights into the effect of gut microbiome-derived molecules on clinical manifestations and will provide pointers towards key microbiome-derived molecules to control inflammatory conditions in the future.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidate (PhD student) in the field of Early Modern, Modern, or Contemporary European History

The PhD student will be a member of C²DH, the world’s largest research centre for digital history. The student will work under the supervision of Prof. Dr Sean Takats as part of his Digital History Advanced Research Projects Accelerator (DHARPA) team of technicians and researchers in the humanities and social sciences. DHARPA experiments with how technology can reshape the methodological underpinnings of history as a scientific discipline, and the team is currently developing a new digital platform for historical research along the lines of Prof. Takats’s other projects, including Tropy and Zotero.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Machine Learning at the edge of the Smart Grid

In this PhD thesis, the focus is on ML task offloading and resource allocation strategy under Fog-Cloud hybrid systems. More concretely, the research carried out in this thesis investigates how a given ML task can be divided into sub-tasks, and how those sub-tasks can be dynamically allocated between Cloud and Edge nodes under the multiple constraints of networking, security, computing power and energy consumption. This is known as a cost minimization problem under edge and cloud resource constraints, which is recognized as NP-hard [Ya18]. Federated and/or multi-task learning techniques will likely be considered in this respect, as they offer interesting features for task subdivision possibilities. The proposed ML task offloading strategy will be implemented and evaluated based on use case scenario defined in the (renewable) energy sector. The overall idea is to deploy the algorithm on nanogrid controllers that are limited in terms of computational capacity, memory and storage, which have to forecast future parameters such as anticipated energy demands and renewable generation outputs (e.g., predicted PV production).

Deadline : Open until filled

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Integrated Sensing and Communications for Emerging Wireless Networks

This project will focus on design, optimization and adaptation of a joint radar communication system for the high bandwidth high mobility scenarios. Works on an unified waveform for radar and communications is in its infancy, let alone for high mobility networks. A first research challenge, lies in determining the suitable optimization metric (Mean Square Error, Signal to Noise Ratio, Detection probability etc.). Challenges also arise in determining a parametric model for waveforms that can be used for different flavors of MIMO radar and deriving update methods (or optimizing) for the parameters in the presence of high-mobility leading to poor coherence times.  

Deadline : Open until filled

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidates / Spontaneous Applications

We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place! The University of Luxembourg is continuously seeking to hire highly motivated and outstanding doctoral researchers to work on different enabling technologies for the next generation (Beyond 5G/6G) wireless communications networks for its Interdisciplinary Centre of Security and Trust (SnT), within the Signal Processing and Communications (SigCom) research group, led by Prof. Björn Ottersten and Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in Demand-based optimization of Multi-beam Satellite Communications Systems using Active Antennas

This is a fully funded position for 3 years (extendable to an additional 4th year) within a large, national research project (INSTRUCT – INtegrated Satellite-TeRrestrial Systems for Ubiquitous Beyond 5G CommunicaTions). The project is run in close cooperation with SES ( Therefore, the objectives of the PhD project are defined in accordance to the project directions, and also aligned with the research interest of SES towards their next-generation of satellite systems. More precisely, the PhD project aims at addressing the resource optimization (power, bandwidth, frequency, time scheduling, beamforming) for sophisticated satellite system equipped with Digital Transparent Payloads (DTP) and Active Antenna Systems (AAS) able to adapt the satellite resources to the real and moving traffic conditions.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral position (PhD) on automated maintenance of machine-learning enabled systems

Machine Learning (ML) provides engineers with the prospect of producing data-driven software, with little manual code writing. We are at a turning point in the software industry, as key functionalities are no longer programmed in “the old fashioned way” but implemented by training ML models with data that reflect the expected system behaviour. This radical change offers a unique opportunity to further automate software production, subject to the condition that we can automatically maintain this combination of conventional code with ML models by developing accurate and actionable diagnosis and software update methods. One of the obstacle for adoption of machine-learning is the maintenance cost of the system after its deployment, hindering the benefit of machine-learning. The overall research objective is the automation of the corrective maintenance activities for Machine-Learning (ML) enabled systems. Indeed, we ambition to define a clear-eyed and principled methodology to automatically validate and maintain data-intensive software systems, with limited human intervention. The main challenge is coping with the specificity of systems blending conventional code-base with ML components, to (almost) automatically detect, localize and fix the faulty behaviours over time.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position in Computational Mechanics

The successful candidate will jointhe computational mechanics group of Prof. Stéphane Bordas (www.legato‐ and will work on a project that focuses on phase-field damage modeling, rubbery polymers, and experimental validation. All work is carried out in close cooperation with the industrial partner SISTO Armaturen S.A. ( The project aims to analyze the formation and growth of micro-cracks in rubber due to fatigue loading. Recently published articles on fatigue failure of rubber show that micro-cracks nucleate at initially present natural flaws. The initial distribution of flaws and the micro-crack growth is investigated with CT-scans and interrupted fatigue tests. These results are used to develop a fatigue phase-field damage model for this scale.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Financial Advisory Services

The successful candidate will work with an academic supervisor from the University of Luxembourg in developing AI-based financial algorithms/solutions incorporate satellite datasets for investment management, and will join a strong and collaborative research team lead by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas. Specifically, this is a fully funded position for 3 years (extendable to an additional 4th year) within a multidisciplinary national research project (FinSAT: Automated Investment Advice using Artificial Intelligence on Satellite Data). The project goals are to analyze various satellite and socioeconomic datasets to construct AI learning models that predict the markets’ directions with interpretable decision logic that can support asset management strategies.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD student) in Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Communications

The SIGCOM research group, headed by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas, carries out research activities in the telecommunication and networking systems, including non-terrestrial networks and quantum communication infrastructure, and is currently expanding its research activities in exploring several emerging topics of next-generation communications systems. We are looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you have come to the right place!

Deadline : Open until filled

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About University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg –Official Website

The University of Luxembourg is a public research university in Luxembourg.
The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003, by combining four existing education and research institutes.

The university offers fourteen bachelor’s degrees, forty-two master’s degrees, and doctorates. Students at the university getting a bachelor’s degree are required to spend one semester abroad. The university also offers sixteen vocational training and lifelong learning training courses.

The university is multilingual. Courses are generally taught in two languages, being French and English or French and German. Some courses are taught in three languages and some courses are taught entirely in English.

The university has three faculties, the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Medicine; the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Finance; and the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, and three interdisciplinary centers, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust; the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine; and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. All the faculties offer baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and vocational programs.


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