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34 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Project in extragalactic stellar streams

We are looking for candidates with an interest in galaxies, galactic dynamics, stellar streams, dark matter, extragalactic astrophysics, and/or simulations. PhD students are encouraged to develop ownership of their projects and will receive support to travel to international conferences, and to visit collaborators.

Deadline : 1 November 2024

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Urban Frontiers

The world is currently undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in human history. However, no land, that government and developers see as future cities in the Global South, is vacant. There is no empty ‘no-man’s land.’ Individual citizens, social movements, squatters, and urban developers already engage in making their land use look legal. Urban property development in the Global South therefore often starts out in illegality, and only subsequently does it become legal. The project investigates how land is accessed, coded, and controlled in urban peripheries.

Applicants will work within the theoretical and conceptual framework of the programme as described on The research project will conduct a series of extended case studies of concrete social struggles in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Applicants must propose a country and within it an urban research site and describe how the research priorities of the programme will be relevantly addressed in the project (maximum 4 pages). Significant fieldwork is envisaged. Relevant language capabilities are important qualifications.

The PhD students will be working within the Global Development Section in the Department for Food and Resource Economics at the University of Copenhagen.

Deadline :  4 October 2024

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowships in cosmochemistry and planetary sciences at Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen

The Globe Institute is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment where employees and students can belong and thrive. See website for more information. All qualified applicants will receive full consideration. Candidates who, through their research, teaching, and/or service, contribute to diversity and competencies of our Institute are encouraged to apply. The University of Copenhagen strives to offer a family friendly and flexible working environment with a sustainable balance between work- and private life, including parental leave schemes (up to 47 weeks for both parents) and up to six weeks of paid holidays per year. The university offers a variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families.

The Centre for Star and Planet Formation (Starplan) is a multidisciplinary research centre focused on understanding the formation of planetary systems, including the Solar System, using a multidisciplinary approach that combines astronomy, astrophysics and cosmochemistry. The main focus of these PhD research positions is centered on elucidating the timescales and processes leading to the formation of the Solar System, including the accretion and differentiation of rocky planets, by measurement of isotopic variations in extraterrestrial materials. Further information on the Institute is linked at and about Starplan at  

Deadline : 1 October 2024,

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Economic Geography

The project seeks to provide insights informing policies to minimize the costs of job destruction and maximize the benefits of job creation in a socially fair and geographically equal way, in the wider patterns of green transition. These policies will be informed by findings on the socially and geographically uneven implications of this process across Europe and underlying factors. The PhD fellow will contribute to the project efforts to a) conceptualize contemporary job creation and destruction, b) collect secondary data on labour markets across EU regions, c) shape methods to collect and then analyze questionnaire data in the Danish regions, and d) conduct interviews and focus groups with local stakeholders in Kalundborg municipality in Denmark.

Deadline : 29th September 2024,

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND

We seek a candidate for an exciting research project focused around the concept of teaching science through nature connectedness. The project aims to explore how primary school science teachers might lead their students to experience nature not just as a mental construct, but as something they experience with their bodies, thus leading to posing questions about how the natural world works. The project could be designed to provide insights into how teachers currently do or do not use some form of nature connectedness in their instruction, how it might be incorporated into teaching, and the outcomes for both teachers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of such a teaching and the outcomes for students themselves.

There will be considerable room to shape and adapt this PhD project to the academic background and interests of the PhD candidate. Possible areas of specialisation could be a focus on outdoor education, embodiment, materiality, or aesthetic experiences in science education. The project can include a range of methodologies, including, but not limited to, literature reviews, surveys, classroom observations and interviews, teaching experiments and testing of implementation strategies in the classroom. The PhD project should be relevant to practice in the Danish primary school and/or teacher education. 

The final project design will be determined in consultation with the supervisors after the appointment.

Deadline :25 September 2024

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

The successful candidate will be appointed to the ERC-funded project “Women in the Nordic Enlightenment (WHENCE). Changing the narratives of early modern philosophy and uncovering women’s contribution to Scandinavian gender equality” led by PI Sabrina Ebbersmeyer.

The core of this project is to bring to light and critically assess women’s intellectual contribution to the Nordic Enlightenment by examining a text corpus consisting of unpublished material and published texts written by more than a hundred women in Scandinavia. The guiding hypothesis is that the Nordic way of women’s Enlightenment significantly differs from developments prevalent in other regions of Europe, and that women played a decisive role in creating a sustainable identification of the Nordic countries with gender equality.

The PhD student is expected to investigate the impact of women’s writings and their agency on men’s thought about women and gender equality with a particular focus on the proto-feminist thought in the writings of Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754), Otto Sperling (1634-1715), and Petrus Hedengrahn (1677-1727).

Deadline :25 September 2024

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Neurobiology of Energy Homeostasis

This project revolves around targeting hypothalamic neuroplasticity for sustained weight loss. Accordingly, we are looking to recruit a candidate with a background in molecular biology, neuroscience or similar and with interest in rodent CNS biology and appetite regulation. The candidate will work in close collaboration with several other group members from the Clemmensen Group, as well as other labs at CBMR and our international collaborators. Experimentally, the project involves mouse genetics, fiber photometry, confocal microscopy, and advanced metabolic and behavioral mouse phenotyping.

Deadline :September 20, 2024

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Molecular Underpinning and Targeting AMPK for Treatment of Insulin Resistance

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is the central component of a signaling pathway that senses energy stress and coordinates metabolic processes to maintain cellular energy balance. AMPK has long held promise as a therapeutic target for cardiometabolic diseases because of its beneficial actions, including stimulation of insulin-independent glucose uptake, fatty acid oxidation, and improvement of insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle. However, to date developing a drug that targets AMPK without causing unwanted side effects through global AMPK activation has been unsuccessful.

The major goal of the PhD project is to investigate the molecular mechanism by which AMPK controls metabolic processes in skeletal muscle and liver through specific post-translational modification (PTM, such as reversible phosphorylation) and develop unique methods/strategy to modify or mimic such regulation via cutting-edge targeted protein PTM technology or small molecules in cells/tissues. We take a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach, and your key tasks will be to perform in-depth biochemical analysis of AMPK and its mutants in vitro in collaboration with structural biologists/proteomics expert and perform extensive cell culture work using gene-edited cell lines for signaling analysis and in vivo studies of gene-targeted/edited and drug-treated mice for extensive metabolic investigations related to glucose homeostasis and energy metabolism.

Deadline : September 20, 2024

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 211-1899/24-2H PhD fellowship in Molecular Biology

We are seeking highly motivated and strong applicants with a Masters’ degree in biochemistry, molecular biomedicine, molecular biology or similar fields. In addition, prior research experience with one or more of the following techniques/areas is needed:

  • High throughput screening
  • Deep mutational scanning
  • Yeast genetics
  • Cell and molecular biology
  • The ubiquitin-proteasome system

Deadline : 15-09-2024

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Cardiometabolic Variant-to-Function

Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified hundreds of genetic variants for body mass index (BMI). However, it has led to limited biological insights into the regulation of body size and composition. One reason may be that the BMI is a crude index for adiposity as it does not distinguish between lean and fat mass, which may be a barrier when pointing towards relevant pathways. Recently, our group and collaborators have identified hundreds of genetic loci associated with body fat percentage and fat-free mass index. In this PhD project, we strive to gain insights into the regulation of body composition, in particular fat and lean mass, from these genetic loci. This project will identify clusters of the genetic variants using multiple clustering approaches and phenotypes and further characterize the molecular signatures of each cluster to learn more about their shared and distinct biology.

The project will also identify candidate causal genes using multiple gene prioritization approaches and identify which tissues and cell types each of these genes may act in. Finally, the project will investigate the role of some of these candidate causal genes in human adipocytes, myotubes, and hypothalamic neurons using omics techniques, high-content imaging, metabolic assays to identify mechanisms regulating body composition. Collectively, this project has the potential to pinpoint biological pathways that regulate fat and lean mass and provide novel attractive drug targets for preserving muscle mass during weight loss.

Deadline : 20-09-2024

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND

There is significant variation in how science teachers in Denmark perceive the role of science teaching and their role as teachers in educating primary and lower secondary school students. This variation stems from numerous factors that ultimately influence students’ experiences and outcomes in science education. Therefore, understanding how teachers shape and develop their professional identity is crucial.

We seek candidate for an exciting research project focused on the professional identity of science teachers. The project aims to explore how professional identity develops and what impact in-service training and further education may have on science teachers. The project will provide insights into teachers’ perception of their own teacher professionalism and the factors that have shaped them as science educators, both at individual and structural levels. This may involve examining perceived barriers and opportunities in science teaching, differences and similarities among teachers with a background in different science disciplines, and the importance of teacher collaboration for identity formation.

The project can be designed to include a range of methodologies, including biographical studies, anthropological research, surveys, and/or register-based studies, utilizing resources such as the teacher-student register (LER-Grundskole).

The scholarship is expected to be associated with existing activities in NAFA, with a focus on teacher in-service training. It may also be possible to include interventions part of the research project.

Deadline : 18 September 2024

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Early Detection of Infection in PRRS-free herds at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

The PhD project is part of a new GUDP-project starting 1 January 2025 with the title “Early Detection of Infection in PRRS-free herds”.

The aim of the project is to develop methods for early detection of new PRRS infections in herds that are free of this disease. This is key to achieving freedom from the disease in Denmark as the national reduction plan is rolled out and we approach a large number of negative herds.

Today, this type of surveillance is only carried out by practising veterinarians taking 20 blood samples per herd, which is costly, time-consuming and does not have the necessary high sensitivity and ability to quickly detect infected herds.

The project thus aims to develop new methods based on data from the herds, air sampling, slurry sampling and liquid from dead pigs, as well as sensor technology based on automatic cough monitoring.

The scientific knowledge for using these techniques for national surveillance of PRRS re-infection is not available. Results of the scientific work performed in the described project will provide this knowledge and make it possible to make recommendations for a national plan in Denmark.

The effect of the overall project will be to keep Denmark free from PRRS by early detection of the re-infections that are expected to occur in the future. It is expected that the project will contribute to a total reduction of dead pigs between 350,000 and 400,000 pigs per year going forward. At the same time, there will be secondary green benefits as CO2 emissions are reduced and antibiotic consumption is reduced.

Deadline :  15 September 2024

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in “Breaking Antimicrobial Resistance by Targeting Potentiators” at the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences

One of the biggest challenges to modern health care is the increasing number of bacterial infections not responding to antibiotic treatment. This clinical challenge is compounded by the lack of mechanistic understanding of bacterial resistance. The objective of the “Breaking Antimicrobial Resistance by Targeting Potentiators” project is to combat antimicrobial resistance by delineating the molecular mechanisms whereby intrinsic bacterial factors, so-called “potentiators”, allow bacteria to develop high-level resistance to antibiotics. In the present project we will focus on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), one of the resistant pathogens having  the greatest clinical impact. Specifically, we will investigate how the Spx controlled bacterial stress response is potentiating both virulence and antimicrobial resistance in MRSA. The laboratory work will include state of the art molecular methods within microbiology and immunology in combination with advanced microscopy. The PhD fellow must expect to spend at least 6 months in one of the collaborating institutions, Harvard Medical School and University of Greifswald.

Deadline : September the 15th 2024

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Eco-evolutionary Modelling of Pathogen Dynamics at the Globe Institute

The project is centred on understanding the (paleo-) ecological conditions for the spread of particular human pathogens, and on critically evaluating proposed socio-ecological responses to this spread. It will be focused on infectious agents that are likely to undergo a niche expansion under ongoing climate and ecological breakdown. First, the PhD student will use a combination of (paleo-)ecological data and ancient genomes to model the spatio-temporal spread of these pathogens and develop robust ecological niche models, which are informed not just by the present but also the past inferred ranges of these organisms. The student will then refine models of future pathogen spread under the light of this data. Finally, the student will critically re-evaluate proposed socio-ecological responses to pathogen spread using information gathered throughout the project and from a review of the existing literature (in terms of public health planning, research funding allocation and medical preparedness to pathogen spread, among other societal factors).

Deadline : 15 September 2024

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Large Language Models

We are looking for candidates with a MSc degree in a subject relevant for the research area. The successful candidate is expected to have strong grades in Machine Learning and/or Information Retrieval and/or Recommender Systems and/or Natural Language Processing. Successful candidates should have a) fluency in spoken and written English, b) strong academic writing skills, and c) a preliminary research record as witnessed by a master thesis or publications in the area. As for any research position in this area, successful candidates are expected to have scientific curiosity, critical thinking skills, and strong programming skills. 

Deadline : 15 September 2024

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship in digital media and communication research at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship in digital media and communication research at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen. The successful candidate will be employed at the Faculty of Humanities and enrolled in the PhD School at the Faculty of Humanities.

Deadline : 15-09-2024

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Earth Observation of Disturbed Wetlands

We are seeking a highly motivated individual with good interpersonal and communication skills. Fluency in spoken and written English is a requirement. As criteria for the assessment, emphasis will also be laid on previous publications (if any), relevant experience in remote sensing and wetlands, as well as on programming skills (e.g. r, python). Experience with dense time series of high-resolution imagery (<30m spatial resolution) and machine/deep learning techniques are an advantage and proven experience with handling and processing large image datasets. Experience with remote sensing of peatlands is considered an advantage but is not formal a requirement.

Deadline : 15-09-2024

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in social science of health promotion and public health – PhD Project in Women’s Menopausal Transitions at Work

The PhD project consists of a qualitative in-depth study. Through individual interviews and diary notes, it will illuminate how work life influences the menopausal transition among women in Denmark. Furthermore, focus groups will be conducted to clarify how different initiatives at work can be enabling and/or constraining for women’s experiences during the menopausal transition. The recruitment of women will be based on a nationwide survey (KISO SURVEY) conducted by the research center, Women in Healthy Transition. The qualitative data will deepen the understanding of menopause at work through a theoretical, preferably sociological, lens.

Deadline : 15-09-2024

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Experimental Quantum Optics

The goal of the project is to scale up photonic integrated circuits with embedded quantum dots for photonic quantum information processing. NBI has developed state-of-the-art deterministic single-photon sources using semiconductor quantum dots integrated in photonic nanostructures. The project will take a step further, in designing and implementing scalable devices to control and manipulate multiple quantum dots within the same chip. Special emphasis will be on implementing devices for multi-photon entanglement and device-independent quantum key distribution. In the project, the candidate will develop novel methods for the resonant excitation of multiple quantum emitters and investigate techniques for scaling photonic integrated circuits in GaAs.  

Deadline : 10 September 2024

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) GlyCanDrug: Testing and validation of inhibitors of cellular glycosylation for use in cancer therapy

This PhD project will focus on the design and engineer optimal cell models for screening and validation of inhibitors for the sialyltransferases (ST)s and fucosyltransferases (FT)s isoenzymes. The DC will be trained in glycoengineering technologies using CRISPR/Cas9, cell-based glycan array screening method, as well as synthesis of glycomimetics and high-throughput screening of libraries of compounds through secondments.

Deadline : 08-09-2024

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Bioinformatics/Comparative genomics

We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of microbiology, genomics, and bioinformatics, particularly those with a focus on plant-microbe interactions. Applicants can have a background in fields such as microbial ecology, comparative genomics, and computational biology, with experience in genome mining, metabolic modeling, and different sequencing technologies. A strong understanding of metagenomics and the ability to integrate multi-omics data would also be advantageous.

Deadline : 08-09-2024

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Food Material Science

Protein bars constitute modern lifestyle products containing 20 to 50 % proteins (often of dairy origin), fat, carbohydrates/sugars and humectants, providing water activity in the intermediate moisture region (typically between 0.5 and 0.8) and giving microbiological stability outside the cooling chain. The ideal protein bar has a soft bite texture that does not develop hardness over a typical shelf life of about one year. However, protein bars are highly concentrated non-equilibrium systems, and in reality thermodynamically favoured physicochemical changes occur during storage, more often than not, resulting in component segregation. From a consumer perspective, this is observed as an unstable growth of product hardness that ultimately renders the product unattractive and, therefore, effectively limits shelf life.

The PhD projected is aimed at obtaining knowledge about the causes of protein bar hardening using a range of experimental techniques (among others high and low field NMR, advanced microscopy techniques, texture analysis and analytical chemistry directed at protein modifications) combined with a multi-variate data-driven approach. 

Deadline : 06-09-2024

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in cerebrospinal fluid dynamics

The research project will focus on the role of choroid plexus in cerebrospinal fluid secretion and the dysregulation of transport proteins in animal models of disease. The techniques will rely heavily on rodent in vivo experimentations including determination of cerebrospinal fluid secretion rate, intracranial pressure measurements, etc. in addition to animal behavioural analysis. Cerebrospinal fluid secretion takes place across a secretory epithelium, and applicants from the field of epithelial transport (anywhere in the body) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Deadline :  5 September 2024

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in machine learning at the Center for Health Data Science

We’re looking for someone who wants to conduct innovative and impactful work at the crossroads of clinical data science, bioinformatics and generative deep learning – HeaDS has a history of success with such interdisciplinary research projects and we hope you are excited to take on this challenge.

Deadline : 04-09-2024

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellow in Geography, with a focus on urban expansion and encroachment on ecologically sensitive areas in African cities

The PhD fellowship is part of the research project “Urban encroachment – untangling drivers and dynamics of land-use transitions in ecologically sensitive areas” funded by a Sapere Aude: DFF Starting Grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The overarching aim of this project is to identify and promote more sustainable trajectories of urban expansion, which will allow African cities to accommodate rapidly growing populations, while preserving ecologically sensitive areas, benefiting from ecosystem services and building resilience to climate change. The research will entail a comparative case study of two rapidly growing cities – Accra in Ghana and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania – which have been characterized by extensive informal expansion in recent decades. The objectives of the research are to estimate the scale and magnitude of natural areas lost in urban expansion, to gain insights into the motivations and logics of diverse actors involved in land-use conversions within ecologically sensitive areas and to develop a comprehensive understanding of how urban governance arrangements shape encroachment dynamics. The project will combine analyses of satellite images and spatial data with in-depth fieldwork among local actors involved in land transactions, property investments and house construction within ecologically sensitive areas, as well as among urban planners, civil servants and policymakers involved in land governance, spatial planning and management of natural areas.

Deadline :4th of September 2024

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD fellowship in Detecting and Mitigating Quantum Decoherence in superconducting circuits

The superconducting qubit platform is one of the promising candidates for realizing scalable fault-tolerant quantum computing hardware. Superconducting qubit lifetimes are, however, despite tremendous improvement and perfection in the last decades, still limited by non-ideal material properties related to conventional fabrication methods, interface oxide formation, and material imperfections.

This PhD project addresses the decoherence sources limiting qubit lifetimes by investigating and developing relevant and novel superconducting circuits. This includes optimizing designs, materials choice, packaging, and characterization methods (high throughput) of the superconducting qubits/circuits. Special focus will be on understanding decoherence mechanisms in different superconducting materials and material combinations. Furthermore, the project will investigate the origin of two-level systems and their relation to defects via theoretical modeling.

This position will strengthen the link between NQCP and partners at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, US. The PhD work is based at the Molecular Foundry (MF), The Advanced Quantum Testbed (AQT) and partners at Berkeley with visits to NQCP. The supervision will be coordinated across the involved institutions.

Deadline : 1 September 2024

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in computational and mathematical modelling of flow and fracture in ice sheets

We are seeking an outstanding candidate for a PhD fellowship in the field of computational fluid and solid mechanics. The fellowship will start on 15 December 2024, or as soon as possible after. The fellowship will focus on the damage evolution and formation of fractures in ice sheets. The successful applicant will be part of the research center PRECISE  (PREdicting Changes in Ice Sheets on Earth) (

We are looking for a talented, highly motivated and creative student interested in working in a strong interdisciplinary environment. The successful candidate preferably has strong programming skills and experience with the modeling and simulations of fluid or solid mechanics or ice sheet flow and deformation (for example by use of finite element/volume methods, discrete element methods or kinetic methods). Excellent English skills, both written and oral are required.

Deadline : 1 September 2024

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in computational biology at the Globe Institute

The successful PhD candidate will work within the Korneliussen group and the computational team at the centres. The candidate will have opportunities to shape their projects according to their interests, in consultation with the advisor, and the projects can range from theoretical methods development to empirical data analysis. 

The broader focus of the PhD is the development and implementation of novel statistical methods for the analyses of DNA sequencing data. Of specific relevance to this Ph.D. position are methods for estimating genetic distance and full phylogenetic trees while taking into account molecular evolution substitution models. Secondly, the hosting centre, the CAEG Center of Excellence, is devoted to the generation of ancient environmental genomes as part of a diverse suite of projects spanning million-year-old material from extreme arctic environments to DNA sequencing data from lost civilizations in southeast Asia. The Ph.D. candidate will have the opportunity to develop programs to facilitate and drive the data analyses of one or more of these large projects.

Deadline : 1 September 2024

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Human Geography

We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with a strong interest in agri-food value dynamics, agricultural transformation processes, and regional development in the Global South. Documented skills in global value chain analysis is an advantage, as the PhD project must contribute to the research project utilizing this analytical approach. Documented experience in fieldwork, including survey techniques, qualitative research methods and statistical analysis, is required. A proven record of fieldwork experience in rural areas in the Global South is also an advantage. High proficiency in spoken and written English is essential.

Applicants should hold an MSc degree in geography, sociology, development studies, or related fields with good results. Criteria for the assessment of qualifications will include fieldwork experience, previous publications (if any), and relevant work experience.

Deadline :  1 September 2024

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(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship in digital media and scandal at the Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD-candidate who will conduct research as part of the research project “EXPOSING: The Public Value of Socio-Mediated Scandals in the Digital Age” funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (September 2024-February 2028, grant ID: 10.46540/3097-00035B).

The EXPOSING project examines how scandals emerge and progress over time and across media, as citizens no longer passively witness scandals through mass media but take an active role by posting their opinions online and becoming a driving force in exposing and judging moral transgressions. The project aims to show how citizens’ participation in digital publics affects the ways in which scandals develop, and how scandals, as a result of being increasingly citizen-driven, become sites for public communication of concern. The hypothesis is that scandals have the potential to create public value by occasioning citizens’ engagement in the negotiation of what a society considers contestable.

Within the larger framework of the EXPOSING project, the candidate will carry out a three-year PhD-project with the overall purpose of investigating how and why citizens engage in scandals and scandal communication on social media.

We invite project proposals with innovative ideas for how to empirically study citizens’ participation in, opinions about, and motivations for debating contemporary scandals on social media, preferably using a mixed-methods approach. The project proposal could address questions such as: How can the PhD-project contribute to a theoretical rethinking of the concept of scandal in a digital media context? How can citizens’ participation in scandals online be empirically studied in new ways? Why is it important and what motivates you to study contemporary scandals from a citizen perspective?

Deadline : 1 September 2024

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(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Scholarship in Human physiology, Environmental Health and Climate Change

We are looking for a PhD candidate with expertise in cardiovascular physiology (medical doctor or human physiology/biology educational background) and willingness to work in an international interdisciplinary project (ICARUS) investigating the relationship between individual physiology, psychology and thermal resilience. The position is part of a larger multidisciplinary project (named ICARUS after the greek myth), which will study the interactions between climate change, individual physiology, psychology, and its importance for improving the mitigation of health threats associated with global warming. The project will combine expertise in physiology, pharmacology, photobiology, psychology, behavioral science, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and aims to develop an improved framework for identifying individuals at risk, but also for improving advice adherence and effective mitigation measures.

The successful PhD candidate will work closely with Lars Nybo, Professor in Human Physiology, and will be responsible for developing and collecting physiological data (primarily cardiovascular parameters of relevance for heat tolerance and its importance for resilience to orthostatic stress and maintainance of cognitive function). The work will include echo-cardiographis assessment of heart function. In addition the candidate will have the change to work with methodologies to assess heat tolerance, obtain human biological material (e.g. skin biopsies and blood sampling to evaluate effects of UV-exposure and risk-taking behaviors such as ”sun-seeking”). The candidate will also be expected to participate in field and lab studies in Greece in collaboration with Professor Andreas Flouris.

Deadline : 1 September 2024

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(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship on Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana at the Centre of African Studies

The PhD scholarship is part of a DANIDA funded research project entitled ‘Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana (MUWUG)’. MUWUG is an international research collaboration between the University of Copenhagen, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, the Danish Institute for International Studies and the Geneva Water Hub. The project investigates how poorer residents in different parts of Ghana’s second city, Kumasi, access clean drinking water under conditions of climate change.

The project examines what poorer people in Kumasi (Ghana) do to get clean water, and whether this depends on which part of the city they live in. It focuses on three types of urban sites that represent different configurations of residents and businesses, and different social histories and dynamics i: 1. the downtown older areas of the city where many residents are originally migrants, 2. areas that are both industrial and residential and where poorer people compete with water intensive industries and 3. sites on the edge of the city where long term residents compete with middle class people that buy land at the outskirts of the city. The study of these sites employs a combination of ethnographic and archival methods and draws from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.

The proposed PhD project (developed in the project description that is submitted as part of the PhD application) should reflect the broad aims of the project and situate itself within one of the site typologies.  The proposed PhD project should also reflect the applicant’s background and could focus on for example local politics, gender, urban studies, urban history and political ecology.

Deadline : 1 September 2024

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(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in philosophy of science

The PhD student will be part of a project entitled Selection in Cognition funded by the Carlsberg Foundation and headed by Prof Søren Kyllingsbæk and Assoc Prof Thor Grünbaum. Applicants are asked to situate and develop their research plan within the framework of the Selection in Cognition project. For more information about the project, please contact Assoc Prof Thor Grünbaum ([email protected]).

The PhD student will be part of a project team that uses the analytical tools of philosophy of science to assess the claim that absence of proper theorizing is the root cause of low replicability in psychological sciences and to understand the type of theory needed to alleviate the crisis. The PhD project should address the replication crisis and theory crisis in cognitive science from the perspective of philosophy of science. The PhD project should engage with recent philosophy of science and philosophy of confirmation, as well as relevant theoretical, methodological, and empirical studies in psychology. The successful candidate will be working in close cooperation with philosophers as well as cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists associated with the CoInAct Research Group ( and is expected to partake in the activities of CoInAct on a daily basis.

Deadline : 31 August 2024

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(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Inorganic Chemistry

We are looking for candidates within the fields of solid state chemistry, condensed matter physics and materials chemistry. Applicants can have a background in synthetic solid state chemistry, crystal growth and materials characterization (e.g., using X ray and electron diffraction and microscopy). Experience in physical property measurements (magnetization and electrical transport) is an advantage. We are searching for self-motivated students interested in developing an interdisciplinary profile, and in conducting forefront fundamental research at the international level. The candidate will also be involved in the development of innovative preparative chemistry procedures for the research project.

Deadline : 30-08-2024

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About The University of Copenhagen, Denmark – Official Website

The University of Copenhagen is a public research university in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the second-oldest university in Scandinavia, and ranks as one of the top universities in the Nordic countries and Europe.

Its establishment sanctioned by Pope Sixtus IV, the University of Copenhagen was founded by Christian I of Denmark as a Catholic teaching institution with a predominantly theological focus. In 1537, it was re-established by King Christian III as part of the Lutheran Reformation. Up until the 18th century, the university was primarily concerned with educating clergymen. Through various reforms in the 18th and 19th century, the University of Copenhagen was transformed into a modern, secular university, with science and the humanities replacing theology as the main subjects studied and taught.

The University of Copenhagen consists of six different faculties, with teaching taking place in its four distinct campuses, all situated in Copenhagen. The university operates 36 different departments and 122 separate research centres in Copenhagen, as well as a number of museums and botanical gardens in and outside the Danish capital. The University of Copenhagen also owns and operates multiple research stations around Denmark, with two additional ones located in Greenland. Additionally, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the public hospitals of the Capital and Zealand Region of Denmark constitute the conglomerate Copenhagen University Hospital.

A number of prominent scientific theories and schools of thought are namesakes of the University of Copenhagen. The famous Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics was conceived at the Niels Bohr Institute, which is part of the university. The Department of Political Science birthed the Copenhagen School of Security Studies, which is also named after the university. Others include the Copenhagen School of Theology and the Copenhagen School of Linguistics.



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