University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in agricultural/environmental economics
Within the Department of Food and Resource Economics, the postdoc position will be placed in the Production, Market and Policy section. The position is funded by the Danish Innovation Fund project AGRIVOLT aiming at developing in-depth understanding of the impact from using novel agrivoltaics systems in combination with use of field robots. One objective of the AGRIVOLT project is to conduct an economic and environmental impact assessment, including environmental cost and benefits, from the implementation of selected systems. Studies will be based on field trials in Flakkebjerg conducted in partnership with Aarhus University. A second objective is to study farmers and other stakeholder perceptions of using these systems.
The postdoc will join several other team members in the project to apply and develop appropriate tools to conduct and analyse relevant scenarios, including modelling and assessment of the financial and environmental cost and benefits and to conduct survey and workshop activities with farmers and other stakeholders. Results from the project are expected to appear in reputable academic journals and to be communicated to key stakeholders in the wider society.
Deadline : 23-06-2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral fellowship on modelling crop water and nitrogen dynamics under drought and varied nitrogen levels
Crop growth and yield is determined by a range of meteorological and soil variables and how these interact temporally. Among those, water and nitrogen (N) are often the key determinants of growth, their availability to plants is influenced by irrigation and N-fertilization management. In addition, the response of crop to soil water and N status is modified by interaction with climatic conditions, i.e., air temperature and humidity. Exploring the effects of these abiotic factors on crop and unravelling their dependencies requires concurrently monitoring soil/plant water status and plant physiological responses and growth/yield performance. This knowledge is essential for optimizing irrigation and N-fertilization management in sustainable crop production, supporting the green transition in agriculture.
We are looking for a postdoc candidate with background in crop ecophysiology, soil science and plant nutrition, and plant phenomics. Relevant experience includes characterization and modelling of plant water relations, leaf gas exchange, N uptake and partitioning, N-use efficiency and water-use efficiency.
Deadline : 15-06-2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Readvertisement – Postdoc on dynamic goals in nature management at Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 2 year [24 month] position to commence 15 August 2024 or as soon as possible after.
The position will be based at the Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC) at the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen. Information on the department can be found at: and
Deadline : 05-06-2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of Condensed Matter Physics
We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow to be a part of part of the Villum Foundation project “Complex dynamics of non-stationary quantum matter” led by Dr. Berislav Buca.
This group is hosted at the Niels Bohr International Academy (Niels Bohr Institute) at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
The candidate should be an expert in non-equilibrium quantum many-body physics, ideally with experience in dynamical symmetries, random matrix theory, localization, and tensor network methods and simulations.
The postdoc’s duties will include research within condensed matter physics as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties.
Deadline : 02-06-2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc positions in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and applied Machine Learning (ML) for workflow tracking in hospital settings
Based on unique access to large datasets of care workflows in hospitals and a team of strong industrial and societal partners including Hospitals, The Danish Patient Society, PowerNet and Systematic, iAware will develop a novel approach to tracking workflows with the aim of supporting the well-being of patients and hospital staff by providing better information about the unfolding “flow of work”. Care workflows in hospitals is an area that will be fundamentally reshaped by the shift from multi-patient rooms to single-patient rooms. Patients feel uninformed and isolated, and the risk of adverse events increases. iAware envisions an AI-trained workflow technology that prioritizes the well-being of staff AND patients. It introduces a virtual ‘window’ that allows patients to stay informed about relevant care workflows and vice versa. By virtually removing the barriers between patients and staff, iAware reduces the need for redundant communication between patients and colleagues. Besides being responsible for the design of the research prototypes (a core product of iAware), the postdocs will answer two questions: What are the concrete scenarios that are relevant for providing better information about care workflows to patients and their relatives? How can prediction (machine learning) be used for better patient information and integrated into screens in the single patient room of future super hospitals?
Deadline : 01-06-2024
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Organic Chemistry
We are looking for a driven organic chemist, with experience in polymer chemistry, who is excited about working on projects with “real world applications”. Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Chemistry or equivalent with good results and be highly confident in written and spoken English. The candidates should have strong experimental skills with at least 5-6 years of laboratory experience, and strong ability to work independently. They should be hard-working and strive towards scientific excellence. Experience in CO2 research will be highly valued. As criteria for the assessment of your qualifications, emphasis will also be laid on previous publications and relevant work experience with GPC, NMR, solid state NMR, TGA, DSC, gas sorption. The candidate is expected to participate and present in group meetings and seminars and generally be a contributing member of the research group, cooperating within and across projects, helping guide students and participating in lab activities and outreach programs. The postdoc’s duties will also include teaching. As such, excellent communication and collaboration skills are required.
Deadline : 31-05-2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Technology Development
The Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship focused on developing solid-state quantum technologies for practical quantum education and quantum workforce training. The successful candidate will be an integral part of our newly established advanced quantum training lab and participate in projects that offer opportunities for innovation and career development at the intersection of state-of-art research and education.
Applicants should have a PhD in experimental condensed matter physics or experimental solid-state quantum information science, with experience in nanofabrication processes. Ideally, the candidates will have an entrepreneurial mindset, and a passion for education. The project combines device design (semiconducting and superconducting quantum devices), nanofabrication, low-temperature measurements using cryofree dilution refrigerators, and thorough experimental documentation. Scientific writing and communication will be in English. The role may include visits to the international partner universities in Europe and the US, conferences, and various other opportunities.
Deadline : 31-05-2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Position in Environmental History
Deadline : 20-05-2024
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in diet-microbiome interactions and metabolomics
We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher interested in studying diet-microbiome interactions by performing metabolomics analyses and analyzing nutrition, microbiome and metabolomics data from human studies. Additionally, the candidate will be involved in the supervision of the group’s Ph.D., Master and Bachelor students. The work will involve:
- Integration of diet, microbiome and metabolomics data
- Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
- Close interaction with other researchers, technicians and students affiliated to the projects
- Dissemination of results in the form conference contributions and scientific publications
- Teaching on nutrition, microbiome and metabolomics courses depending on interests/expertise
The candidate we seek
- Has a PhD degree in bioinformatics, computational biology, metabolomics, human microbiota, nutrition or other relevant areas
- Has demonstrated expertise in omics data analyses, for example with metagenomics and/or metabolomics
- Has an excellent publication track record (or equivalent experience) and strong scientific drive
- Is motivated by both personal and team accomplishments
Deadline : 19-05-2024
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Asymptotically Safe Gravity
The Theoretical High Energy Group at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and the Niels Bohr International Academy invites applications for a three-year postdoctoral position, starting in the Fall of 2024. The successful candidate will be part of the quantum gravity group led by Alessia Platania. The position will be funded by the Villum Young Investigator grant associated with the project “Non-perturbative strings, asymptotic safety, and the swampland”. The focus is investigating the “landscape” of effective field theories stemming from Asymptotically Safe Gravity and its interface with theoretical constraints, swampland conjectures, and observational bounds.
Applicants should have or be close to obtain a PhD in theoretical physics, in a prestigious PhD school preparing students via advanced courses complementing their research. We are looking for an outstanding and highly-motivated postdoc with research expertise in renormalization group techniques and asymptotic safety, Horava gravity, Lorentz Violating Gravity, gravity in diverse dimensions and black-hole physics.
Deadline : 15-05-2024
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in digital civil society and volunteering
The postdoc will become part of a team consisting of a PhD, a student research assistant, and the project’s two PIs, Jonas Toubøl and Hjalmar Bang Carlsen. The project combines data on 1) deservingness attitudes and accounts of participation from survey and in-depth interviews, 2) observed volunteering and helping practices on social media, and 3) public opinions and constructs of deservingness from news media. To utilize this rich collection of data sources, the project combines statistical analyses, machine learning, ethnography, survey experiments, and discourse analysis in order to infer deservingness practices and their consequences.
The postdoc will work closely together with the other members of the research team and in particular on developing and executing the large-scale text analysis of deservingness practices related to social media-enabled volunteering.
The postdoc will be enrolled in a collaborative and interdisciplinary work environment and will be expected to be an active member of the research team. This also entails taking an active part in the academic life of the SODAS research center.
Deadline : 15-05-2024
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Experimental Mechanobiology and Active Matter
Active matter comprises a wide range of living systems including cells, bacteria, and subcellular filaments, as well as artificial and synthetic materials that are continuously driven far from equilibrium by their constituent elements. Fundamental biological processes such as cell division, cell death, and the emergence of coordinated motion of cells are governed by the activation of biochemical signals by mechanical stresses and by the physics of active matter. This research project will use experimental investigation of collective cell organization with potential applications in the life sciences.
Deadline : 15-05-2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Two Positions as Postdoc in Liver Metabolism and Bioinformatics in the Andersen Group at BRIC
The successful candidate will join an international and interdisciplinary research group that views the patient first, utilizing omics technologies, high-throughput robotics screening, as well as approaches in patient-derived 3D cell culturing and in vivo models. This project will include global metabolomics, metabolic spatial imaging (MALDI-MSI), transcriptomics and more.
A requirement for this position is an established track record in metabolomics, data analysis and integration with strong prior experience within liver cancer biology. Emphasis will be given to a candidate with a proven background in metabolomics analysis and liver biology.
Deadline : 15-05-2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post Doc Position in The Future of Humanitarian Design (HUD) at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
We invite applications for a postdoctoral researcher to join the research project ‘The Future of Humanitarian Design (HUD)’. HUD is a four-year Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funded project focused on the contemporary humanitarian challenges: war, refugee flows, forced displacement, etc. Such humanitarian challenges are rapidly worsening: contemporary conflicts are more frequent and protracted, refugee flows are rapidly destabilizing geopolitical structures, and humanitarian actors are under growing threat. In light of these dilemmas, HUD explores how emerging technologies, processes of aesthetic design, and engineering insights can be combined with knowledge from international relations to tackle the crisis facing humanitarianism. Our goal is to 1) explore how we might better integrate ‘high theoretical’ and ‘critical’ social scientific concepts and theories into the world of practice (humanitarian and beyond), 2) to see how social science can be more closely ‘bridged’ with engineering, architectural, and design practice and knowledge, and 3) therein, take up the urgent task – especially in the light of recent geopolitical events – of working collaboratively across the sciences to improve the conditions of some of the most vulnerable populations in the world.
HUD is a collaboration between the University of Copenhagen, the Geneva Graduate Institute, the Art and Design School in Geneva, and the EssentialTech Lab at EPFL Lausanne. It also integrates high-level humanitarian and policy practitioners as project partners based at organizations including Médecins sans frontières (Doctors Without Borders), Terre des hommes, and the International Committee of the Red Cross, alongside partnerships with research institutions in Colombia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Deadline : 15-05-2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in electrocatalytic C-N coupling
We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of experimental electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry and kinetics, and/or inorganic synthesis and characterization. Applicants can have a background from Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Nanotechnology, Materials Science and Engineering or Renewable Energy. Applicants should have a solid grasp of thermodynamics, be comfortable thinking quantitatively, and work well in a group setting. Experience with data science using python and/or SQL is an advantage.
Deadline :14-05-2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of field scale root carbon deposition and subsoil resource acquistion
The postdoc will be working on two recently funded projects on field crop root systems. One project deals with soil C deposition in grasslands as part of overall greenhouse gas emissions from dairy production. Within this project the effects of different grassland species, grass crop management etc. on root C deposition in top- and subsoil will be studied. This will be done in cooperation with project partners studying greenhouse gass balance of other processes on dairy production farms. The other project is a Horizon Europe project focused on understanding subsoil conditions and function. In the present part of the project, the focus is on quantifying subsoil contribution to crop water and nitrogen uptake at a range of European sites. The postdoc will work on the method for injecting stable isotope tracers (2H2O and 15N) into the subsoil, testing and documenting the method, and analysis and interpretation of the data from the different sites, in cooperation with project partners. In both project, the focus is on in-situ studies under field conditions.
Deadline : 12-05-2024
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of glacial rock flour amendment to soil for improved crop productivity
The postdoc will be working within an on-going collaborative research centre, titled Centre for Geo-enhancing Biological Productivity with Glacial Rock Flour, funded by the Novo Nordic Foundation. The centre aims to assess the potential to use Greenlandic glacial rock flour (GRF) to enhance both agricultural and marine productivity while simultaneously sequestering CO2 through enhanced weathering. The centre is led by Minik Rosing at the Globe Institute at University of Copenhagen, but includes partners from Australia, Ghana, Greenland and other institutes in Denmark, including PLEN, where the current position is placed.
Our earlier work has identified that rapid weathering of GRF in active soil environments occur and we have identified that plant available potassium (K) and to some extent magnesium (Mg) is supplied to soils and plants from GRF. We have also demonstrated that although Silicon (Si) is not defined an essential plant nutrient, plants may also benefit from silicon supplied from the GRF by weathering.
The postdoc’s duties in in this part of the project will therefore include research on identifying the mechanisms for improved crop yields with application of glacial rock flour to agricultural fields, with a major emphasis on the plant nutritional benefits of GRF. Research objectives will be a) to quantify the yield and quality responses of some relevant Danish field crops to GRF on Danish soils, b) to investigate the mechanisms of GRF effects (direct and indirect) on nutrient availability to crops (especially K, Mg, Si and P interactions) and c) to study potential non-nutrient effects of GRF on soil quality and function for multiple purposes. Methodologies will include both field, pot and lab trials, and various soil and plant chemical analysis.
Deadline : 10-05-2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in molecular microbiology and bacteria-phage interactions
The Environmental Microbial Group (EMG) at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), Section for Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology at the University of Copenhagen is offering a 21-month postdoc position within the field of bacteria-phage interactions.
The position will be located at PLEN, but will be in strong collaboration with The Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (MME) at the Department of Biology (BIO), Section for Microbiology at the University of Copenhagen.
Bacteriophages (phages) are viral parasites that infect and kill bacteria, which might cause huge production losses in industrial facilities relying on the use of bacteria in fermentation practices. Bacteria constantly develop diverse anti-phage defense systems, but as a response, phages evolve an arsenal of counter-defense strategies. With this project, funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, we aim to investigate the dynamics of phage-bacterial co-evolution and explore the impact of bacterial immune defenses against phages. Our tasks will involve screening and characterizing novel anti-phage defense systems, as well as engineering combinations of defenses in industrially relevant strains to enhance their resilience towards phage infections.
Deadline : 10-05-2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Virology at Department of Veterinary- and Animal Sciences
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoctoral researcher for a three-year position, to commence on 1 August 2024.
You will be responsible for research on vector-borne flaviviruses, and will be part of the research group for Veterinary and Zoonotic Virology (VEZ-VIR). There will also be close collaboration with the veterinary virology group within the Department of Virus & Microbiological Special Diagnostics at the Statens Serum Institut (SSI). This department includes the national reference laboratory functions for a range of notifiable viral diseases. The research work focuses on the development of new diagnostic platforms, detection and characterization of viruses/variants, virus transmission and virus/host interactions.
Deadline : 07-05-2024
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Erler Group
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher for a Postdoc position to commence as soon as possible.
The project will research the influence of the tumour microenvironment on cancer progression.
Deadline : 07-05-2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Stress Neurobiology at the Department of Neuroscience in Copenhagen
We are a systems neuroscience laboratory focusing on understanding the mechanisms by which neural circuits and behaviors are affected by stress, to better understand the etiology of mental disorders ( Our expertise includes behavioral assays, neuronal tracing, in vivo calcium imaging of large populations of neurons (2 photon & light sheet microscope), opto/chemogenetics. We use transparent, transgenic larval zebrafish as a vertebrate model amenable to whole brain imaging at cellular resolution in vivo.
You will work directly with Associate Prof. Florence Kermen and in close collaboration with other team members. Frequent scientific and social events at the institute contribute to a collaborative and enjoyable work atmosphere. We are located in beautiful and well-connected Copenhagen.
Deadline : 07-05-2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Three Postdoctoral Positions in Theoretical Astrophysics
Postdoctoral Position 1 – We are seeking candidates within the field of Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics with emphasis on astrophysical fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics to study how black hole binaries form, evolve, and merge. The successful candidate will seek to address this important problem relying on sophisticated computer simulations, complemented with analytical and semi-analytical approaches. It is highly desirable for the candidate to possess expertise in astrophysical fluid dynamics and programming skills in Python, Fortran, C, and/or C++. For this position, experience with the numerical codes PHANTOM and/or Athena++ will be considered valuable assets.
Postdoctoral Position 2 – We are seeking candidates within the field of Theoretical Astrophysics and Gravitational Wave Astrophysics with emphasis on modeling neutron stars and black hole collisions. With new observations suggesting that very light or very massive neutron stars exist, a key question is how to probe the nature of these “lower mass-gap” objects using gravitational waves. For this position, experience in modeling how the unique properties of neutron stars will manifest in both current and future gravitational-wave data will be considered valuable assets.
Deadline :05-05-2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of Chemistry
In the research group of Prof. Bo Wegge Laursen at Nano-Science Center and Department of Chemistry a major research topic is the design and synthesis of new fluorescent dyes. Our research projects both aims at development of new dyes to improve our fundamental understanding of the relationship between molecular structure and fluorescent properties as well as to develop dyes for specific applications such as improved cell imaging and diagnostic assays.
We seek an experienced synthetic chemist with a great passion for research and the organic laboratory. You will have your own projects aiming at organic synthesis of dye components for the photo thermal teraphy (PTT) reagents to be developed and tested in the project. Beside synthesis the candidate will be doing spectroscopic investigations absorption and emission from PTT reagents. The candidate will also set up an in vitro method for simple evaluation of heating effects (measured by IR) from the developed PTT reagents.
Deadline :05-05-2024
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence has made its way into our everyday life and into the sciences. With that comes great responsibility. The Carlsberg Semper Ardens Advance project Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence revisits the foundations of responsible Artificial Intelligence and asks deep questions about the philosophical significance of recent breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to work on questions relating to philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, including, but not limited to:
Deadline : 05-05-2024
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in `Phosphoproteomics’
We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 2 year position, who will join the group of Jesper Velgaard Olsen to commence 1 August 2024.
The postdoc project is part of the international “OVA-PDM” consortium working on ‘Personalising the clinical decision making in ovarian cancer through patient-derived in vitro models’, which is a funded through a joint ERA-PerMed “PREVENTION IN PERSONALISED MEDICINE” grant.
Deadline : 02-05-2024
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc of Field: Sustainability and Innovation in Food Systems
Faculty of Science, Department of Food Science invites application for 2 dedicated postdoctoral positions, each for an initial period of 2-year, starting at 1 September 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The candidates will join the Food Design and Sustainability research group and both positions have the possibility for extension of employment.
Deadline : 01-05-2024
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in the Social Study of Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship: Policies and Futures
The position is part of the project entitled “Silicon Island: Building (In)Equitable Tech Futures ‘Out of the Way’ Places” funded by the Danish Independent Research Fund (DFF) and led by Principal Investigator, Dr. Samantha Breslin. The project explores what it means for “out of the way” places to build technological futures and the ways these futures (re)configure social and economic (in)equities, focusing on the self-named “Silicon Island” of Newfoundland, Canada. Many places seek to replicate the successes of Silicon Valley, but also differ from it in terms of socioeconomic histories, cultural values, and geographic remoteness. Silicon Valley companies also face increasing critique for propagating societal ills, including multiple forms of inequity. This project uses ethnographic and computational methods to examine the frictions (Tsing 2005) of how tech futures in Newfoundland are negotiated and brought into being in the encounters across local and (inter)national scales among policies, entrepreneurs, investors, organizations, and code. It thus examines the dynamics of (in)equity shaping entrepreneurial cultures and technologies and the possibilities for building equitable futures in “out of the way” places.
Deadline : 01-05-2024
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Intimate Partner Violence Conceptualization and Measurement
The Self, Health, and Romantic Processes (SHaRP) group seeks to examine how relational factors impact mental health and health behaviors. We recently received grant funding to develop a better understanding of perceptions of IPV as well as the intra-personal and interpersonal factors that lead people to become violent in their romantic relationships (see description below). Data suggests that up to 28% of Danish women and 12% of Danish men experience intimate partner violence (IPV) at some point in their lives, and international data suggests that the numbers might be even higher; it is internationally acknowledged that these numbers likely underestimate the prevalence of IPV, depending on how IPV was measured. The research and clinical practice literature is wrought with inconsistencies regarding definitions and measurement of IPV, and lay persons’ perceptions of what is IPV are even less clear.
The project is a collaboration between Camilla S. Øverup, associate professor of medical psychology at Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, and Angelo M. DiBello, assistant professor at the Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies and the Applied Department of Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, USA. In addition to us, the team will consist of a part-time student assistant, a phd student, and the postdoc.
Deadline : 01-05-2024
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in HERV immunometabolism at the Department of Biomedical Sciences (repost)
We bridge cutting edge immunotherapy with metabolism and inflammation research. Methodologically speaking we collaborate internally to leverage the strong expertise in metabolism and internationally and with biotech industry to access the leading immunization technology and breakthroughs in the field of endogenous retroviruses. Our overarching aim is to cure and prevent major human diseases by the selective immunological killing of pathogenic senescent cells.
Deadline : 30-04-2024
(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: One Post-doctoral Position (100%, 36 months) at the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS) at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), with a focus on psychometrics from Virtual Reality and survey studies to measure curiosity in children and adu
The Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS; Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a Post-doctoral position (100%, 36 months). Supported by the Tryg Foundation, the chosen candidate will primarily work in a project related to curiosity in children and adults, together with a PhD student at SODAS, a PhD student at the Department of Psychology, Guido Makransky (Department of Psychology), and Ingo Zettler (SODAS and Department of Psychology).
The position is available from 1 July 2024, but a sooner or later starting date is also possible.
The chosen candidate will be part of the research project “Shedding New Light on Curiosity in Children and Adults”. The main goal of this project is to generate new knowledge that can support children and adults in having a positive life both mentally and socially, by increasing the understanding of: 1) how to best conceptualize and measure curiosity in children and adults; 2) how interventions can foster individual’s curiosity levels; and 3) the role of (different aspects of) curiosity for important outcomes. The project has three intertwined work packages focusing on psychometrics; Virtual Reality (VR) measurement and interventions with children; as well as survey, experimental, and register data studies with adults.
Deadline : 30-04-2024
(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in museology, materiality studies and object-based engagement
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate for a three-year postdoc project commencing 1 August 2024. The position is available via a Carlsberg Semper Ardens Accelerate-funded project called “Health Matters: Complexity and materiality in the medical museum,” conducting historical and museological studies of health complexity (PI: Associate Professor Adam Bencard), at Medical Museion, the University of Copenhagen’s museum for the culture and history of medicine.
Deadline :30-04-2024
(32) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Experimental Josephson Matter
The Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for a postdoctoral fellowship to investigate the emergence of topological superconductivity in Josephson junction arrays based on epitaxial semiconductor-superconductor hybrid materials.
Candidates should have a PhD in experimental condensed matter physics, mesoscopic electron transport, or experimental solid-state quantum information science. The project combines nanofabrication, low-temperature measurements using a cryofree dilution refrigerator, low-noise and high-frequency electrical measurement techniques, data analysis, and close collaboration with theoretical physicists. Scientific writing and communication will be in English. The role involves close collaboration with our partner, the University of Washington, and may include extended scientific exchange visits to their laboratories. The position may also include the performance of other duties.
Deadline : 30-04-2024
(33) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Experimental Triple-Hybrid Material
The Center for Quantum Devices is a research center comprising materials research, experimental solid-state physics, quantum nanoelectronics, and condensed matter theory. The Center provides a vibrant scientific environment with cutting-edge research performed across many different groups spread across condensed matter and superconducting qubit experiments with close ties to a strong theory department as well as longstanding collaborations with industry.
Our center is a part of Condensed Matter Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen. We are located in Copenhagen and offer creative, stimulating working conditions in a dynamic and international research environment.
Deadline : 30-04-2024
(34) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc vacancy HUM
The project PastForward (2023-2026) is a collaboration between Assistant Professor Manuel Menke (Copenhagen University – PI), Professor Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk (Oslo Metropolitan University), Assistant Professor Katarina Pettersson (University of Helsinki), and Associate Professor Samuel Merrill (Umeå University). It will study the uses of the past in the digital campaign material and social media content of political parties in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland during the build-up to these countries’ most recent national elections. Its focus concerns which pasts Nordic political parties refer to in their communication, how they embed the past in visions of the future, and how they strategically employ the past to create a sense of collective identity and shared interest to connect with potential voters. The project also investigates the discourses evolving with users in response to the parties’ social media posts. The advertised position relates primarily to the Danish and Norwegian cases and will be supervised by Manuel Menke at the University of Copenhagen with the remote support of Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk (Oslo Metropolitan University). A second postdoc at Umeå University in Sweden will be a close collaborator in the project.
Deadline : 29-04-2024
About The University of Copenhagen, Denmark – Official Website
The University of Copenhagen is a public research university in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the second-oldest university in Scandinavia, and ranks as one of the top universities in the Nordic countries and Europe.
Its establishment sanctioned by Pope Sixtus IV, the University of Copenhagen was founded by Christian I of Denmark as a Catholic teaching institution with a predominantly theological focus. In 1537, it was re-established by King Christian III as part of the Lutheran Reformation. Up until the 18th century, the university was primarily concerned with educating clergymen. Through various reforms in the 18th and 19th century, the University of Copenhagen was transformed into a modern, secular university, with science and the humanities replacing theology as the main subjects studied and taught.
The University of Copenhagen consists of six different faculties, with teaching taking place in its four distinct campuses, all situated in Copenhagen. The university operates 36 different departments and 122 separate research centres in Copenhagen, as well as a number of museums and botanical gardens in and outside the Danish capital. The University of Copenhagen also owns and operates multiple research stations around Denmark, with two additional ones located in Greenland. Additionally, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the public hospitals of the Capital and Zealand Region of Denmark constitute the conglomerate Copenhagen University Hospital.
A number of prominent scientific theories and schools of thought are namesakes of the University of Copenhagen. The famous Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics was conceived at the Niels Bohr Institute, which is part of the university. The Department of Political Science birthed the Copenhagen School of Security Studies, which is also named after the university. Others include the Copenhagen School of Theology and the Copenhagen School of Linguistics.
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