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36 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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ETH Zurich, Switzerland invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctorate in hydro-glaciological modelling

In the part of the project linked to this doctorate, the goal is to gain a better understanding of the physical processes that drive the evolution of small Himalayan glaciers at the local scale and to use the gained understanding to project the evolution of the glacier in the region. To this end, detailed monitoring data stemming from both in-situ and remote sensing observations acquired by the Indian project partners will be used in combination with climate data to inform numerical models that simulate past and future glacier changes. Your task will be to further develop such numerical models, assess their robustness and skill, apply them under consideration of the latest climate scenarios, and use them to quantify future glacier changes and the related shifts in water availability and streamflow variability. These model-based activities will target both the local and regional scale, thus providing information that is not only relevant for individual mountain communities but also for regional decision-making.

Deadline : December 31, 2022

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student and Postdoctoral Researcher in Biomolecular Simulations

The research project will focus on the investigation of the dynamics of protein-protein complexes in collaboration with industry partners, and involves two positions. The preferred starting date for both is early 2023. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. positions in law (IP, antitrust, privacy, Internet law, legal tech)

In our group, PhD students conduct internationally oriented fundamental research. PhD theses consist of three to four papers, are written in English, and always include an empirical or experimental component. We organize comprehensive training for legal PhD students in social science methods during their first year at the Center. This may include courses in economics, political science, and/or statistics at ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, the Study Center Gerzensee, or international summer courses. PhD students usually take three to four years to finish their thesis. Since we want you to be able to focus on your own research and thesis, our PhD positions come only with limited organizational or teaching duties. We provide close supervision, guidance, time and resources for you to develop as a new scholar in the field.

Deadline : January 15, 2023

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Machine Learning for Predicting States of Receptivity in Digital Therapeutics

As a PhD student, you will make prevention measurable, actionable, and accountable by developing effective digital therapeutics for healthy longevity. In particular, you will use intensive longitudinal behavioural and physiological data (e.g., smartphone sensor data streams) and work on a smartphone-based digital therapeutic that predicts states of receptivity, i.e., opportune moments when individuals are able to receive, process, and use support. To this end, your research will build upon our award-winning work (ACM IMWUT Distinguished Paper Award 2022) on states of receptivity (Kuenzler et al. 2019 and Mishra et al 2021). The resulting state of receptivity system will be used to trigger behavioural precision interventions that slow down biological ageing processes. MobileCoach ( written in Java and Javascript (ReactNative), among other technologies, will be used for your thesis project.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Ground Motion Modelling for Improved Earthquake Magnitude Determination

The PhD position is at the core of the project “Swiss 3D magnitude and ground-shaking from dense instrumental observations and numerical modelling at regional scale” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The project aims at the development of a comprehensive study in the broad domain of ground-motion modelling (GMM) in Switzerland with emphasis placed on characterising the scaling and attenuation of the ground-shaking intensity measures that are most relevant for earthquake magnitude determination. Among the expected project outputs are:

Deadline : Open until filled

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doktorat an der Professur für Philosophie (m/w/d)

Die Doktorarbeit soll sich mit der Methode des Zeigens im Werk von Simone Weil oder Simone de Beauvoir befassen.

Deadline : 30. November 2022:

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Machine Learning for Mental Healthy Longevity

As a PhD student, you will make prevention measurable, actionable, and accountable by developing digital biomarkers for healthy longevity. In particular, you will develop a digital biomarker for mental health and well-being by analyzing intensive longitudinal behavioural and physiological data (e.g. data from voice interactions, breathing patterns and other smartphone sensor data streams). Your activities will also build upon our current BEDDABreeze and CanRelax projects. The resulting digital biomarkers will be used to trigger behavioural precision interventions that slow down biological ageing processes. MobileCoach ( written in Java and Javascript (ReactNative), among other technologies (Unity), will be used to conduct your digital biomarker research.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doktorandenstelle: Dysfunktion der Atmung – Mechanismen und Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und Lebensqualität (m/w/d)

In diesem Projekt konzipieren Sie Studien, welche sowohl experimentelle Untersuchungen im Labor, als auch telemonitorisierte Trainings beinhalten. Ziel ist, die Atmungsregulation und Leistungsreduktion als Folge einer COVID-Erkrankung zu verbessern, sowie Veränderungen der Atmungsmuskulatur, wie sie bei Intensivpatienten auftreten, anhand verschiedener Interventionen bei Gesunden besser zu verstehen. Sie arbeiten selbstständig und im Team und übernehmen auch Verantwortung für die Ausbildung von Masterstudierenden im Labor. Sie stellen Ihre Ergebnisse an Meetings und Konferenzen vor, und publizieren diese in internationalen Journals.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Position in Human-Centered Security & Privacy Research

As a member of the group, you will contribute to the group’s research activities and gradually build your research profile according to your interests and talents. You will work towards a doctoral degree and participate in the group’s teaching activities.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in multiphase fluid dynamics: cavitation bioeffects

We seek to appoint a PhD student to conduct experimental and theoretical research to investigate cavitation effects in ultrasound-mediated transdermal drug delivery. You will design your experimental setup by exploiting the state-of-the-art ultra-high-speed imaging, optical and acoustic facilities available in our lab. You will support your experimental investigations with theoretical and numerical acoustics and fluid dynamics models based on our existing codes. You will be part of an exciting collaboration with our colleagues at the Lab of Biomaterials Engineering at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, which you are expected to visit during the project. In addition to research, you will contribute to teaching and lab activities in the institute.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position: “Modeling Entrainment Mechanisms in Alpine Mass Movements”

In this thesis, you will work with a coupled CFD-DEM model to investigate entrainment mechanisms in alpine mass movements. One important objective will be to decipher the influence of the saturation degree of the bed material on entrainment rates and ultimately on the flow mobility. Results will be implemented in a depth-averaged model evaluated based on the simulation of documented events. You will publish your results in scientific journals, present them at international conferences and contribute to teaching at ETH Zurich.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position: “Multiphase Modeling of Alpine Mass Movements and Process Cascades”

In this PhD work, you develop a multi-phase material point method (MPM) for alpine mass movements and cascading processes. In a first step, you implement of a two-phase hydromechanical MPM in which solid and fluid phases. Then, a heat energy balance equation will be introduced including friction heat dissipation and phase changes. The model will be evaluated based on benchmark tests and then applied to real-case scenarios such as the 2017 Piz Cengalo rockslide or the 2021 Chamoli disaster. You will publish your results in scientific journals, present them at international conferences and contribute to teaching at ETH Zurich.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Technology and Public Policy: The economics of (advanced) geothermal power

This PhD position is part of the Innosuisse Flagship Initiative AEGIS-CH, which involves multiple investigators from other labs within and beyond ETH Zurich, including engineering, earth sciences, and life-cycle analysis, as well as industry partners. The PhD project will combine several methods, including techno-economic modelling, patent research, policy analysis, and expert interviews. You will be co-supervised by Prof. Tobias Schmidt (EPG) and Prof. Bjarne Steffen (CFP) and collaborate with PIs and fellow PhD students within the AEGIS-CH project. The position is for up to four years. The salary is by the Swiss National Science Foundation PhD regulation.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in Systems or Hardware Security

As a new member of the group, you are supposed to contribute to research activities in the group and gradually build your own independent research profile according to your interests. You are expected to work towards a doctoral degree and participate in the teaching activities of the group. The research group aims to increase the number of women in scientific positions. Female candidates are therefore encouraged to apply.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Position in optimization of rail and rolling stock maintenance processes with extended reality and digital twins

Efficient maintenance of rolling stock conducted in a timely and reliable manner is necessary for effective rail infrastructure and asset management. This is critical to ensure the safety and punctuality of railway operations including passenger traffic. Yet growing challenges need to be addressed to further ensure efficient maintenance: accurately monitor the performance of the assets in the face of increasing technical complexity; optimize and rationalize costly maintenance operations by anticipating the lifetime of assets, systematic failures or possible breakdowns; and, assist frontline maintenance workers who must carry out the required maintenance operations safely and efficiently under pressure, often with limited training and knowledge of specific types of assets or their operating histories. Digital twins (DTs) are powerful tools that can virtually model physical railway assets based on large amounts of data to accurately reflect in real-time and predict the behaviour of these assets.  DTs combined with Extended Reality (XR) will help frontline workers and technical experts to understand and visualize: (1) specific individual assets’ complex electromechanical subsystems’ workings, specifications, and sensed status to troubleshoot current malfunctions, and (2) specific individual assets’ future performance, to intervene with timely maintenance to avoid future malfunctions, thus avoiding both reactive maintenance and unnecessary scheduled maintenance.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher in Deep Generative Behaviour Models for Travel Demand Forcasting (C3170 B1 ADAPTIVE MOBILITY)

In recent times, cities have experienced an unprecedented period of flux, whether triggered by disruptive technology, political upheavals, emergent social trends or the ongoing global pandemic. These growing uncertainties have prompted cities to rethink land use and transportation infrastructure provision planned for the future. The ETH and NUS, in collaboration with a team at Hiroshima University, have a new project, Adaptive Mobility, Infrastructure and Land use, “AMIL”, within the Future Cities Lab – Global Research Programme (FCL-G) that aims to integrate mobility, land use and infrastructure into a resilient, adaptive system that responds to changing needs, through a three-pronged approach.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Development of sensors for airborne pollutants

The research is related to the development of sensors for airborne pollutants. Detection of pollutants plays critical roles in environmental protection, safeguarding human health and societal welfare, limiting contamination, and enhancing production yield in industries. Our group is engaged in the development of various optical and electrochemical sensors targeting gaseous and biological pollutants.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in plant water relations in urban environments

The doctoral project is part of an interdisciplinary project on Feedback between vegetation, carbon, energy, and water cycles in the urban environment (UrbaNature). Within the framework of Switzerland’s Global Climate Observing System and Global Atmosphere Watch programmes, UrbaNature aims to create new knowledge and develop methodologies for observing and simulating the role of vegetation in carbon, energy, and water cycles in the urban environment. Together with colleagues from the University of Basel, the University of Zurich as well as Empa, four doctoral students will collaborate closely, co-supervised by one other leading scientist from the UrbaNature consortium.

Deadline : January 10th 2023

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion

This full-time position offers students an excellent opportunity to delve into energy science and gain deep fundamental knowledge about electrochemical processes. You will join an inclusive, diverse, and supportive working environment that praises scientific curiosity and creativity. The tentative starting date is January 2023 or later.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position: Multi-Objective Design of Structural Materials by AI-based Structure-Property Inversion

The design of lightweight and efficient machine components relies on the optimal placement of material for a given load case. In many real-world applications, the loads span multiple physical domains, including structural, thermal, fluid, and magnetic. Multi-material additive manufacturing provides the ability to locally vary the mechanical structure (e.g. lattices, topology optimization) and material properties within the component to achieve multiple design objectives. What is lacking is a set of tools that leverage this capability and can apply it to the optimization of parts. To accomplish this task, we seek a highly motivated and talented PhD candidate who will support us to develop new and to extend existing design tools to design multi-material components satisfying multiple physical objectives.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctorate in glacier geophysics

Key elements of the doctorate include the planning, preparation and implementation of field surveys with GPR and SNMR, data processing and analysis, as well as the development of novel approaches to detect, locate and quantify GWPs. The results will contribute towards techniques to monitor temporal and spatial changes of such GWPs.

Deadline : November 31, 2022.

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in the Distributed Computing Group

In our group we try to apply and unite the approaches and techniques of theory and practice. Some members of our group focus on algorithms and mathematical proofs, some on system design and building. As a new member of the group, you are supposed to contribute to research activities in the group and gradually build your own independent research profile according to your interests. Successful candidates are expected to work towards a doctoral degree, and participate in the teaching activities of the group.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in emerging black soldier fly biowaste processing

You are expected to explore heterogeneous and dynamic rearing conditions resulting in the optimization of higher-value products, for example, melanin, chitin or lauric acid. The objective is to develop a dynamic growth model that predicts rearing conditions for optimal waste treatment and production of high-value products. Ultimately, the findings are expected to increase the understanding of this novel process and aid the development of practical tools. The research will be completed within the collaboration on black soldier fly research by ETH ZurichEawag and the Singapore-ETH Centre. The project background should be seen as a broad framework that can be detailed and altered based on the applicant’s background and interest.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Large-Scale Robotic 3D Concrete Printing

Within this interdisciplinary endeavour, you will co-develop methods for large-scale robotically 3D printing with concrete. The project involves designing 3DP concrete structures and the development of custom software and hardware tools for large-scale reinforced concrete prototypes. Your research will encompass design studies, automatic data generation for 3DP, the development of print-path strategies, prototyping, and testing. The project aims to culminate in large-scale demonstrators to be produced in the Robotic Fabrication Laboratory of ETH Hönggerberg.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in forest modelling under climate extremes

Forest ecosystems across Europe are increasingly exposed to climate extremes impacting forest functions and ecosystem services. An improved understanding is needed on how tree species respond to extreme events to adapt forest management practices in the context of climate-smart forestry. The project goals are to model tree species’ responses to climate extremes in an uncertain future and identify areas with a high risk of tree stress. The interdisciplinary project will foster research collaborations in different fields of forestry, tree physiology, climate science and land change science, working together with researchers at ETH Zürich and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL.

Deadline : 21 November 2022,

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 2 Doctoral Positions in Gaze-Based Interaction and Location-Based Services

Position 1: Gaze-supported Trip Recommendation (DC 6)

The objective of this DC project is to investigate methods for a trip recommendation for gaze-guided tours. A real-time classifier will be trained and validated, which is capable of stream processing the data during recording, as well as a recommender system that can suggest individual trips based on collective experiences. The user experience of the recommender system will be evaluated with user studies.

Position 2: Gaze-supported Travel Experience Logging (DC 12)

The objective of this DC project is to develop novel approaches for gaze-supported travel experience logging that can be used for improving personal reflection and sharing of experiences. Travel data in the wild, including gaze, will be logged and used to train a classifier for critical events. A visual support tool will be developed and evaluated which provides Spatio-temporal summaries and visualizations of the collected data.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Volcano Seismology: Joint seismic tomography and stress change modeling at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi

You will focus on applying various analysis and modelling techniques to constrain the three-dimensional seismological structure beneath Kīlauea (from the mantle to the crust) using data recorded by a large-N nodal experiment, which the student will help deploy. Furthermore, you will improve the current state of the art of tomographic imaging by designing and implementing a joint inversion scheme for multiple seismic data types (body-wave, ambient noise, receiver function and active source seismology). As part of a highly interdisciplinary team of Earth scientists, you will have the opportunity to be involved in statistical analyses of earthquake catalogues, and seismicity-based stress change modelling to advance our understanding of how melt moves and provide insights into the stress distribution in the Earth’s crust too, in turn, inform hazard scenarios.

Deadline : December 20th 2022

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Senior Scientist, PhD – Motion Control

In close contact with our industrial partners, you will be responsible for a wide range of tasks in the field of motion control for high-precision motion systems. With the help of accurate sensor technology, modern drive technology and sophisticated algorithms, you will contribute to meet the ever-increasing demands on the productivity and precision of novel production systems. At the beginning, you will be jointly responsible for an industrial project with a leading Swiss manufacturer of drive systems. In the future your field of activity might also include the far east region for promoting our Optimization Software MORe.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doktorat in Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in Keramikbearbeitung (m/w/d)

Das Hauptziel Ihrer Arbeit ist die Erforschung von Zerspanungsprozessen an unterschiedlichsten Hochleistungswerkstoffen mit ausserordentlichen Eigenschaften, die an die Bearbeitung extreme Herausforderungen stellen. Die Arbeit findet im Rahmen mehrjähriger Forschungsprojekte statt und beinhaltet den Entwurf von Zerspanstrategien, Prozess- und Werkzeuggestaltung, die Durchführung von Messkampagnen sowie Materialcharakterisierungsmethoden.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Two PhDs in alpine sediment research

We are looking for 3 PhD students (2 at ETH Zurich and 1 at the University of Bern) to start on 1 April 2023 on a 4-year research project funded by the SNF in the areas:

  1. PhD 1Sediment sources and connectivity analysis. This PhD student will be mapping potential sediment sources in the Alpine Rhine, researching structural and functional connectivity metrics, and exploring relations between sediment concentrations, and basin and climatic inputs by deep learning data-driven methods. Earth sciences background, GIS, and experience working with large data sets are required.
  2. PhD 2Process-based hydrology-sediment modelling. This PhD student will be working with our new coupled hydrology-sediment model, making fine sediment load observations in small basins to calibrate the model, adding new model components, and simulating source-to-sink pathways by tracing the sources with sediment fingerprints. Environmental engineering background, numerical methods knowledge, and excellent coding skills are required.

Deadline : 23 December 2022

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(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Positions in Earthquake Engineering

Rocking structures have survived in earthquake-prone regions for more than 2500 years. This suggests that rocking structural systems can be used for the seismic design of bridges. Even though unrestrained rocking systems (i.e. dry construction without any tendons) have been proven resilient, the concept of redundancy demanded by engineering practice requires some sort of connection between the dry elements. In this project, we will connect the structural parts with tendons in series with springs. Here you can see a video. The springs reduce the overall stiffness of the system and serve as a form of seismic isolation. We will perform large-scale structural tests, both static (in the ETH) and on a shake table (in NTU Athens) and also numerically explore different aspects of the seismic behaviour of such structures. The aim is to bring rocking systems with flexible restraining systems closer to practice. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Funded Ph.D. Positions at the Max Planck ETH Center for Learning Systems

Apply to do your PhD in our joint academic program between ETH Zurich, Switzerland and the Max Planck Society, primarily the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart / Tuebingen, Germany. We are currently accepting applications to join our program in 2023.

Deadline : November 15, 2022

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(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD positions in High-Voltage and High-Energy Particle Detector Engineering

Research Position 1:

Today, SF6 is the most important gas for high-voltage insulation. Its global warming potential is 23‘500 times higher than that of CO2 and research and development efforts are underway to find alternative gas mixtures. The research topic will be the experimental investigation of novel molecules and gas mixtures with a focus on the practical application in high-voltage switchgear.

Research Position 2:

About 70% of CERN’s total greenhouse gas emissions originate from gaseous detectors. The main gas is HFC-134a with a GWP of 1’430 and research efforts are underway to find an alternative gas mixture that can be used in the existing detectors. The research topic will be the derivation of optimal environmentally friendly gas mixtures by numerical means and their experimental validation.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Environmental Politics

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector to net zero within the next thirty years poses particularly difficult political challenges – necessitating broad citizen support and consumer acceptance. We are looking for a doctoral student who will study the political feasibility of mobility policy instruments and policy mixes using surveys and embedded experimental designs.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 3 Doctoral Fellowships in Architecture and Technology

We are looking for excellent people whose work demonstrates productive synergies between architecture and technology. We welcome architects with a solid technical, engineering or scientific background or interests and engineers/scientists whose work relates to architecture. We advise the applicants to thoroughly consult the ITA professorships’ websites before applying to ensure their research interests are compatible.

Deadline : January 31, 2023

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(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Environmental Politics

You will contribute to a Horizon-EU collaborative project focused on identifying determinants of climate change attitudes and policy acceptance across Europe, based on large-scale social surveys and survey embedded experiments.

Deadline : Open until filled

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About ETH Zurich, Switzerland- Official Website

ETH Zürich is a public research university in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. Founded by the Swiss Federal Government in 1854 with the stated mission to educate engineers and scientists, the school focuses exclusively on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Like its sister institution EPFL, it is part of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain, part of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.

In the 2021 edition of QS World University Rankings, ETH Zurich was ranked 6th in the world, placing it as the second-best European university after the University of Oxford. In the 2020 QS World University Rankings by subject, it ranked 4th in the world for engineering and technology (2nd in Europe) and 1st for earth & marine science. Also, ETH was rated 8th in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2020.

The university is an attractive destination for international students thanks to low tuition fees of 809 CHF per semester, PhD and graduate salaries that are amongst the world’s highest, and a world-class reputation in academia and industry. There are currently 22,200 students from over 120 countries, of which 4,180 are pursuing doctoral degrees.

As of November 2019, 21 Nobel laureates, 2 Fields Medalists, 2 Pritzker Prize winners, and 1 Turing Award winner have been affiliated with the Institute, including Albert Einstein. Other notable alumni include John von Neumann and Santiago Calatrava. It is a founding member of the IDEA League and the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) and a member of the CESAER network.



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