Newcastle University, England invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Newcastle University, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:
PhD Studentship in Computational Astrophysics – Magnetic Fields and Superconductivity in Neutron Star Cores
Curious to learn more about the strongest magnets of the Universe? This PhD project will explore connection between magnetic fields of neutron stars and properties of the matter in their cores.
Soon after the discovery of first neutron stars, it was suggested that the inner part of the star (its core) is a gigantic superconductor. Over the last twenty years researchers made extraordinary progress in understanding of different types of neutron stars and their X-ray emission by modelling crust-confined magnetic field evolution, but completely ignoring the core. It is time now to start disentangling the core mystery and to probe different scenarios for magnetic field evolution in the core while considering superconductivity.
In this project, the PhD student will solve various MHD systems of equations describing fluid motion and magnetic field evolution using Dedalus code. This project involves performing simulations on supercomputer. You will receive training and gain skills in running a computer code on HPC facilities, development and analysis of complicated MHD simulations.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship – Process Industries: Net Zero 3D Heat Pipe Technology
This PhD project will develop next generation 3D Heat Pipes, to maximise thermal transport efficiency within advanced electronics for space and terrestrial applications.
Vapour chambers and loop heat pipes are proposed for development into a 3D format. Vapour chambers are ultra-thin heat pipes used to rapidly spread heat in the x-y plane. They have various applications in electronics cooling/heat spreading. 3D vapour chambers are a recent advancement combining a state-of-art 2D vapour chamber with a traditional heat pipe structure to allow heat spreading and dissipation across all 3 dimensions. Loop heat pipes incorporate a complex evaporator with flexible transport lines, that require development for utilisation in a 3D environment. This project will focus on the advancement of vapour chambers and loop heat pipes into 3 dimensional environments.
Deadline : 26th January 2025
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in the Health Economics Group: Investigating approaches to the estimation of lifetime progression-free and post-progression mortality rates in cancer patients
This project will investigate approaches to the estimation of lifetime progression-free and post-progression mortality rates in cancer patients from shorter-term survival curve data.
Health economic models of treatments for people with cancer model survival over the lifetime of patients. These models usually incorporate three health states: progression-free (PF) cancer, post-progression (PP) cancer and death. In the absence of long-term data, this modelling requires the extrapolation of survival curves beyond the end of a clinical trial with relatively short follow-up periods. Two common economic model designs used are state transition models (STMs) and partitioned survival models (PSMs).
While STMs can be more accurate and more flexible than PSMs at modelling survival, many technology appraisals submitted to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) use PSMs due to the focus in clinical trial data on PFS as the primary end-point and other factors.
Deadline : 10th January 2025
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: Hydrogen transport processes in underground geological storage and the surrounding environment
ReNU+ is a unique and ambitious programme that will train the next-generation of doctoral carbon champions who are renowned for research excellence and interdisciplinary systemic thinking for Net Zero. The ReNU+ vision is that they will become living examples of a highly skilled workforce delivering an equitable energy transition so that Net Zero is inclusive for all.
Long-duration energy storage (LDES) will be crucial in future energy systems to mitigate renewable energy variability and enhance system flexibility. Hydrogen, as an energy vector, is a prominent candidate for LDES. Underground hydrogen storage (UHS), or geological hydrogen storage, offers advantages like its substantial capacity and flexibility. Despite growing attention on UHS and its complexities, research on hydrogen gas transport processes in geological materials, especially soils, is limited.
This project will use computational modelling to investigate hydrogen transport and flow behaviour at multiple scales. The modelling will characterize the variability in the physical properties of three geological materials: porous formations, unconsolidated sediments, and soils. The work will explore hydrogen transport and flow in these different materials with numerical simulations.
Two modelling approaches, averaged models and detailed pore-scale models, will be investigated. Averaged models, based on the Representative Elementary Volume (REV), average material properties over the REV and effectively represent the heterogeneous porous structure as a continuum with specific properties. Efficient simulation of hydrogen flow over large spatial and temporal scales is possible using governing equations like Darcy’s law and mass conservation. This method can incorporate meso- and macro-scale heterogeneities of geological materials from direct observations and measurements.
Deadline : 3rd February 2025
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title:
PhD Studentship: Manufacturing of Lithium-Sulfur All-Solid-State Batteries with Graphene-Reinforced Ionic-Electronic Composites
Are you interested to research how to make next generation rechargeable batteries? Rechargeable batteries are the key energy storage devices for electrification of transportation such as automotives, rail, and aviation, as well as stationary energy storage for electricity generated from renewable sources including wind and solar. Rechargeable batteries are essential building blocks to realize Net Zero emissions.
We are looking for an enthusiastic PhD candidate with strong skills in mechanical engineering and chemical engineering to manufacture and test prototype lithium-sulfur all-solid-state batteries (Li-S ASSBs) that have non-flammable solid-state electrolytes and earth-abundant material as cathode to replate cobalt, nickel, and manganese containing cathode used in commercial Li-ion batteries, and use sustainable manufacturing technologies that are environmental friendly and energy saving, towards long cycling-life Li-S ASSBs.
The PhD candidate will join an interdisciplinary dynamic research team across mechanical engineering and chemical engineering, together with an industrial partner Levidian Nanosystems Ltd (UK). You will be able to learn different transferable research skills and hands-on experimental skills. If you are interested in Battery Research and willing to learn and research with us, you are welcome to apply.
Deadline : 3rd February 2025
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Chemical Engineering – The impacts of gigaton-scale direct air capture of carbon dioxide on natural resources.
The demands that gigaton-scale DAC will place on natural resources (e.g., land, water, and materials for construction and use as chemical sorbents) are poorly understood, as are the life cycle, environmental, and sustainability impacts. Moreover, different DAC technologies pose radically different demands on natural resources. For example, to capture 1% of annual global CO2 emissions, one incumbent technology will require ~20% of the global silica and ethanolamine markets,[3] and ~25% of global energy supplies by 2100.[4] This has prompted others to explore the use of natural minerals as sorbents instead, and powering DAC via photovoltaic energy combined with battery storage (which also requires minerals). Here, the environmental burden shifts dramatically to mineral resources depletion; such a process at gigaton scale would account for ~1% of all global annual environmental impacts.[5] In almost all DAC approaches, water is consumed in the synthesis and regeneration of chemical sorbents, and as an unintentionally co-captured species from air. Between 1 and 50 tons of water are consumed per ton of CO2 captured.[6] Thus, gigaton-scale DAC will also place very significant demands on water; developing ‘water management strategies’ is at the forefront of research in this area internationally.[6]
Deadline : 03.01.2025
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Mechanical Engineering: Thermoacoustics of net-zero swirl stabilised premixed hydrogen combustors
Hydrogen combustion offers a lower environmental impact and higher energy efficiency than traditional fossil fuels, with applications in aerospace as well as power generation sectors. With the need for the development of novel hydrogen-compatible combustion devices, understanding of the flame behaviour and thermoacoustic instabilities for hydrogen-air swirl flames is needed to accelerate the development of net-zero hydrogen combustors.
This project will use state of the art CFD techniques, offering potential benefits to industry and will contribute to the progress of science in the areas of fluid dynamics, turbulence and net-zero combustion.
There is substantial scope for the student to direct the project with the main focus on (i) Generating an advanced Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) database for hydrogen-air premixed swirl flames. (ii) Developing a comprehensive understanding and a detailed analysis of the behaviour of the Precessing Vortex Core under both non-reacting and reacting flow conditions. (iii) Identification of the conditions for which hydrodynamic/thermoacoustic instabilities exist.
Deadline : 10th January 2025
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship – Reducing the Carbon Footprints of Syngenta Processes by Process Intensification via Flow Chemistry
Syngenta, a global leader in agricultural science and technology, is committed to developing innovative solutions that help farmers grow crops more sustainably while addressing global food security challenges. With a focus on cutting-edge research and development, Syngenta continually explores new methodologies to enhance its product development and manufacturing processes.
In line with this commitment, Syngenta is exploring the potential of “flow chemistry” in agrochemical research and production. This approach, which has gained significant traction in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, offers numerous advantages for rapid process development and scale-up, while ensuring more efficient continuous processing compared to traditional batch methods.
This project aims to design and test cutting edge laboratory-scale continuous reactors, applying them to various agrochemical reactions currently performed in batch. This initiative seeks to demonstrate “process intensification” and facilitate rapid, scalable process development and optimization. Previous work in this area has shown that many batch processes can be made significantly more sustainable through this method.
Deadline : 2nd February 2025
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship – Diagnostic delays in Lewy Body Dementia; exploring the primary care perspective using a mixed method approach.
Background: People with Lewy body dementia (LBD) are more likely to wait longer for an accurate diagnosis. The primary care pre-diagnostic pathway for people with LBD i.e. how GPs manage patients prior to specialist referral and eventual diagnosis, remains unexplored.
Objective: to explore primary care pathways of people diagnosed with LBD prior to diagnosis.
Methods: mixed methods approach but this is flexible. First quantitatively describe the primary care pre-diagnostic pathway of people diagnosed with LBD, compared to matched age/sex controls of those Alzheimer disease (AD), using large primary care databases e.g. Clinical Practice Research Database (CPRD).
Secondly qualitatively explore in detail the factors which influence primary care pre-diagnostic pathways for people with LBD. Data collection via interviews with people with LBD, their family carers and GPs.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship – Process Industries: Net Zero. Whole system optimisation of bioresources
This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University.
NWL operates two Advanced Anaerobic Digestion Plants (AAD), one on Teesside and one on Tyneside. These plants process more than 70,000 tonnes of biosolids, generating 160GWh of biofuels. Most of the biosolids are collected by road from across the North East of England – from the Scottish Border to the North York Moors. The biosolids have a high water content – meaning NWL transfers around 750,000 tonnes of material each year into the two sites and following treatment, the residual product is deposited to land as fertiliser – a further 100,000 tonnes of material moved. This haulage activity uses approximately 1.6million litres of diesel each year.
Deadline : 26th January 2025
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Ageing – Why do men and women age differently?
Are you interested in pioneering anti-ageing therapies through sex-specific strategies? This project aims to uncover fundamental mechanisms behind why men and women age differently and to develop sex-optimised preventive interventions for healthier aging.
While men and women age similarly, significant differences exist. Women live about five years longer than men, yet experience more years of age-related illness, disability, and different disease types. Understanding these mechanisms could reveal factors uniquely impacting the health of older women and men.
Our hypothesis suggests that evolutionarily conserved, sex-specific stress responses drive differences in cellular senescence. Variations in senescent cell accumulation or traits may underlie sex-based disparities in age-related pathologies.
In this project, you will examine stress response mechanisms—such as mitochondrial function, DNA damage response, and autophagy—to understand how they contribute to distinct ageing patterns, through cell senescence. You will also test drugs for sex-optimised targeting. Over your PhD, you’ll gain expertise in biochemical and molecular biology techniques, microscopy, image analysis, and mitochondrial assays using both in vitro and in vivo mouse models.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Astrophysics: Quasar Feedback in the Radio Band: Obscuration & Cosmic Ray Acceleration
Every massive galaxy hosts a supermassive black hole in its centre. Accretion onto supermassive black holes releases tremendous energy, powering quasars that influence galaxy evolution. Energy input through radiation, winds, and jets interacts with interstellar gas, producing shocks and galactic outflows. These shocks also accelerate relativistic particles—“cosmic rays”—that spiral along magnetic fields, impacting galaxy properties and generating synchrotron radio emission. Recent radio observations of quasars reveal an intriguing correlation: quasars more deeply buried in gas – more obscured – produce stronger radio emission. Is enhanced radio emission a direct signature of quasar impact on these galaxies?
This PhD project addresses this question using cosmological simulations of quasar winds and jets interacting with interstellar gas and dust. New features include cutting-edge models for quasar winds, jets, cosmic ray transport, and shock-front acceleration. Synthetic radio observations will be compared with telescope data to test theoretical models of quasar impact.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship in Cardiovascular Development: “Cell interactions in fourth pharyngeal arch artery morphogenesis”, funded by the British Heart Foundation.
Interested in the morphogenetic processes underlying cardiovascular development? This PhD project will investigate the mechanisms by which key genes control the development of the aortic arch arteries.
Congenital cardiovascular abnormalities occur in ~1% of live births and cause a high level of death and morbidity, including defects affecting the major arteries, such as interruption of the aortic arch. These arteries form by a highly complex process that is tightly regulated by genetic and cellular interactions that are not fully understood.
To uncover the gene regulatory networks and signalling events between the different cell types required for arch artery formation we have been using state-of-the-art single cell sequencing technologies. In this PhD project you will interrogate this data using bioinformatic techniques to identify candidate genes for further analysis. These genes will be investigated in model organisms using a range of laboratory techniques including RNA and protein visualisation by in situ hybridization (using the RNAscope technique) and immunohistochemistry, fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS), quantitative real-time RT-PCR, molecular cloning and cell culture assays.
Deadline : 28th February 2025
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship in Indoor Photovoltaic Devices and Materials Integration for IoT Applications
We are seeking an exceptional PhD candidate to join Prof. Marina Freitag’s research group, funded by the Royal Society University Research Fellowship. This cutting-edge project aims to revolutionize sustainable energy solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) by developing smart indoor photovoltaic technologies integrated with artificial intelligence.
The research will focus on:
- Creating “smart zombie” solar cells that combine exceptional light-harvesting capabilities with intelligent energy management
- Exploring charge transfer mechanisms in low-dimensional coordination polymer systems
- Developing copper coordination complexes to enhance device efficiency
- Integrating photovoltaics with edge AI for IoT applications
- Device characterization using advanced techniques (EIS, transient absorption spectroscopy, microscopy)
- Applying machine learning for automated materials discovery
Deadline : 23rd January 2025
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship: Staphylococcus aureus interactions in cystic fibrosis polymicrobial infections
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic condition affecting 1 in 2500 babies in the UK. Disruption in chloride secretion results in build-up of thick mucus in the lungs, trapping bacteria and promoting their growth. Staphylococcus aureus (Sa) is one of the earliest infections in the lungs of children with CF. Sa persists for many years in the CF lung environment.
Sa uses the type VII secretion system (T7SS) to secrete antibacterial toxins that target competitor bacteria. The T7SS and its toxins are strongly linked with colonisation. We hypothesise that the CF lung environment, and co-infecting bacteria, modulate activity of the Sa T7SS.
You will engineer GFP promoter fusions to assess T7SS ‘switching on’ in response to the CF environment, clinically relevant antibiotics and presence of other bacteria. You will assess ability of Sa wild type, T7SS mutants and secreted toxin mutants to form biofilms with other CF pathogens, in particular Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa), looking at spatial localisation and survival in the biofilm. You will determine how Sa interacts with airway commensals and whether/how they modulate Sa/Pa interactions.
Deadline : 17th January 2025
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: Accelerating emerging PV deployment through standardized device to system level operational testing
This project will support faster commercialisation of emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies by establishing a platform for system level operational testing, in real world settings. It would be of interest to candidates with a science or engineering background, with an interest in emerging photovoltaics and how they behave under real-life conditions. The collaboration with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) will enable the specific features of emerging PV technologies such as perovskite PV at device and system level to be evaluated. Metrics for such features will be determined and through system level data analysis, modelling and lab measurements. This will also allow the development of new relevant modelling tools and system level metrics for performance assessment of emerging PV technologies. The student will also benefit from networking, internship and placement opportunities arising from the supervisors’ UK SES Network+. The project falls under UN SDG 7, with alignment with 8, 9, 11, 12.
Deadline : Open until filled
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: Accelerating emerging PV deployment through standardized device to system level operational testing
This project will support faster commercialisation of emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies by establishing a platform for system level operational testing, in real world settings. It would be of interest to candidates with a science or engineering background, with an interest in emerging photovoltaics and how they behave under real-life conditions. The collaboration with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) will enable the specific features of emerging PV technologies such as perovskite PV at device and system level to be evaluated. Metrics for such features will be determined and through system level data analysis, modelling and lab measurements. This will also allow the development of new relevant modelling tools and system level metrics for performance assessment of emerging PV technologies. The student will also benefit from networking, internship and placement opportunities arising from the supervisors’ UK SES Network+. The project falls under UN SDG 7, with alignment with 8, 9, 11, 12.
Deadline : 3rd February 2025
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship: Advancing Evidence Synthesis: Developing Guidance for Reporting Evidence and Gap Maps (EGMs) and Web-based Evidence Portals
Increasingly web-based visual outputs from evidence synthesis are being produced, often located on project or organisation websites. Outputs such as EGMs enable knowledge users to tailor the evidence in different formats, such as locating evidence from specific settings or populations. These outputs can also support the production of living reviews, where updates of the evidence can be undertaken more rapidly than traditional publication processes.
While text-based outputs are guided by reporting standards such as PRISMA, web-based visual outputs claiming to be ‘evidence-based’ or ‘robust’ lack comparable guidance. As web-based interactive dashboards and tools grow in popularity, they may become more accessible evidence resources for the public. Without clear reporting guidance, critical information such as funding sources, affiliations, methods of locating and synthesising evidence, search dates, updates, and stakeholder engagement may not be transparent.
Deadline : 6th January 2025
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship: Energy-SuDS: The potential of heat exchange in Sustainable Drainage Systems for decarbonising heating and cooling
There is no more important challenge in engineering than that presented by climate change. This project is at the cutting-edge of this challenge as it seeks to explore opportunities to both decarbonise our single greatest energy use (space heating and cooling) in combination with sustainable, nature-based solutions to adapt our urban areas to cope with ever-increasing extremes in weather e.g., high intensity rainfall induced flooding, prolonged drought and heat waves. Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) are a form of increasingly widespread Green Infrastructure, offering multiple benefits besides the management of urban runoff. Ground Source Heat is a well-established technology for providing low-carbon heating/cooling that exploits low-grade heat recovery using buried heat exchangers in a variety of forms. Combining these approaches is a potential game-changer in how we can meet the long-term needs of society. Building on previous trials at the UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility (NGIF), based at Newcastle University, this project broadly aims to investigate the untapped potential of co-locating ground source heat exchangers in SuDS to improve efficiency and enhance uptake of both technologies.
Deadline : Friday 28 February 2025
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: GREEN: Growing Rare Earth Elements in the Northeast
We are looking for an enthusiastic and curious PhD researcher to work on an interdisciplinary project to build U.K. green technology infrastructure by transforming legacy mine waste into a secondary source of critical minerals, required for the technologies that will decarbonised the global economy. One challenge for the UK is the absence of primary rare earth elements (REE) deposits. Additionally, the current process of extracting REE from ores is energy and chemically intense with serious environmental implications; many countries’ environmental regulations prevent the processing of REE ores. Research has shown that shales adjacent to coal beds often have significant REE enrichments and efforts have focused on utilising coal waste as REE sources. The UK has hundreds of millions of tons of coal mine waste.
Deadline : 3rd February 2025
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: Innovative ways of supporting physical activity promotion and the systems that drive it.
Despite decades of collective efforts, there has been little reduction in global and UK physical inactivity. We are interested in researching new approaches to how systems (e.g. politicians, national and local policymakers, charities, and communities) bring about changes in physical activity. We are looking for a student who can think creatively with theory from different areas (e.g., sport and exercise sciences, psychology, sociology, political and systems sciences), regardless of their disciplinary background. We will work together to understand how we can better support the sport and physical activity system, and those within it, to thrive. You will develop a range of research methods and engage closely with policymakers and practitioners.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). A sub-hourly quality controlled blended UK precipitation dataset to understand uncertainty in flood predictions.
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
Increasing frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events from climate change pose significant challenges for UK flood risk management. Current precipitation datasets exhibit substantial limitations: radar precipitation estimates suffer from inaccuracies, while rain gauge networks, though more reliable, lack the density required to capture localised convective storms. The UK has a dense network of tipping bucket rain gauges (e.g., EA, SEPA, NRW), satellite coverage and comprehensive weather radar (Met Office). Blending these datasets to provide a multisource dataset can achieve much higher accuracy and broader spatial coverage for precipitation estimates, with potential benefits highlighted by successful initiatives for hourly datasets (e.g. UKGrsHP [1], CAMELS-GB2).
This research aims to explore optimal methods to provide blended high-resolution (15-min) UK precipitation datasets, developing bias-correction, disaggregation and quality control methods to preserve extreme rainfall statistics. Resulting precipitation datasets will significantly enhance understanding of rainfall dynamics, inform flood risk assessment, and support climate adaptation. This is critical for addressing the urgent need for reliable rainfall data in a rapidly changing climate, with wide-ranging implications for hydrodynamic flood modelling and infrastructure resilience.
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Assessing the eco-hydrological and geomorphic effects of floodplain restoration.
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
Naturally functioning floodplains provide a range of ecosystem services. Through hydrological connections to rivers, they store water helping to attenuate floods and maintain baseflows during droughts. They also facilitate biogeochemical processing of nutrients, aiding water quality remediation, and carbon sequestration. Despite their relatively small area, floodplains support a disproportionately high biodiversity due to dynamic geomorphic and hydrological processes that create a variety of habitats.
This project will investigate the conservation and restoration of healthy floodplains, which potentially could mitigate the projected increasing frequency of extremes of flooding and drought associated with climate change and reverse biodiversity losses. Understanding floodplain responses to these multifaceted drivers of change and their controls will help underpin successful management of floodplains and plan restoration projects.
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Disentangling groundwater from fluvial flood risk across Northern Ireland’s permeable flood plains
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
Whilst occurring at the same time as fluvial driven floods, groundwater floods can often be misdefined. However, their duration can far exceed that of fluvial floods and can have longer term impacts to property, communities and businesses. Not recognising and detecting groundwater floods can result in flood risk management plans failing to adequately protect against the harmful effects of groundwater flooding.
The second cycle Northern Ireland Flood Risk Management Plan has included a measure to ‘Undertake a study to develop a better understanding of the potential for groundwater flooding in NI’, as recommended by the Floods Directive Technical Stakeholder Group. Current flood risk maps do not consider groundwater flooding as a driver and as such, likely understate the impact longer duration groundwater flooding may have. It is therefore essential that this flood driver is better understood and factored into future flood risk management.
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Exploring the trade-offs in flood protection and security of water supply when adopting nature-based solutions
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
Planning to manage floods and drought often occur independently and over different planning cycles. However, interventions that address one type of hydrological hazard may influence the dynamics of another hazard. In recent decades nature-based solutions have become a popular intervention to reduce exposure to flood risk and the cascading impacts of climate change. Yet, little research has been done to understand and quantify the consequences of nature-based flood solutions on water resource supplies in the catchment during low flow periods. Indeed, few modelling frameworks exist to assess the interactions between nature-based solutions, flooding, and water supply, and there is limited understanding of how these interactions may evolve in the future under climate change and changing water demands.
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Improving flood protection across scales: novel geophysical methods to investigate vulnerable linear flood defences.
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
The Environment Agency operates ~78,000 flood and coast defence assets in England with a value of £26bn. This includes 7,000 km of linear river and coast defences (flood walls, embankments, channels and culverts). Proactive maintenance of this vast network is increasingly difficult and costly due to deterioration under the pressures of environmental change.
Near-surface geophysical methods provide a non-invasive and comparatively rapid approach to ground investigation (GI) by imaging the subsurface. Localised geophysical characterisation and monitoring have proven highly effective in identifying areas of vulnerability in engineered earthworks (Holmes et al., 2022, Boyd et al., 2024). These studies suggest that intrusive GI and remedial work are best targeted using the outputs from geophysical and geodetic surveys. Furthermore, combining different data sources (geodetic, geotechnical, geophysical) with long-term monitoring significantly increases the understanding of an asset and reduces the uncertainty about its current condition (White et al., 2024).
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Quantifying Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) hazard and risk in Bhutan
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
This project aims to quantify hazard and risk from Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) in Bhutan. This will be achieved by i) developing low-cost, near-real time sensors for monitoring GLOFs and their potential triggers; ii) modelling potential flood pathways, to inform sensor locations and; iii) in-person surveys, to explore the needs and behaviours of at-risk downstream populations.
Deadline : 8th January 2025
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Understanding in-stream runoff attenuation features
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
Flooding is a major problem worldwide and it is difficult to solve. Land use change and a growing population increase flood risk year on year. Climate change, resulting in wetter winters and more intense summer storms, will exacerbate these effects. In recent years there has been a move away from traditional large, engineered structures to manage flooding to many small-scale interventions distributed across the landscape, an example of which are in-stream leaky barriers (LBs), which can take many forms from completely natural (e.g. beaver dams, fallen trees in waterways) to highly engineered designed barriers. LBs can play a part in mitigating flood risk and provide other benefits such as reducing diffuse pollution. Yet, while LBs have become popular features in flood management schemes, it is notoriously difficult to quantify how much work they do.This project combines physical and mathematical modelling to improve understanding of how LBs behave individually and in combination. New models of individual features of different design will be developed and a network model will be used to investigate how they compare in order to answer fundamental questions about the aggregate effects of clusters of LBs.
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: NERC Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT). Understanding Record Breaking Flood Events
The Centre for Doctoral Training for Resilient Flood Futures (FLOOD-CDT) will train the next generation of research practitioners who will make a tangible difference to future flood management in the UK and internationally. Our goal is to provide a nurturing and inspiring training environment to develop the independent future leaders we need who can translate research and innovation into practice. Find out more here:
The number of record-breaking flood events globally in recent years and the associated impacts is alarming. The European floods of 2021 had the highest river levels since records began and yielded US$54 billion worth of losses in damages (Tradowsky et al., 2023). The estimated return period for this event (400 years) has substantial uncertainty (95% CI: 250-2,500 years) which can hugely vary depending on data and methodology used. Accurate estimates are hindered by short observational records while model-based approaches (e.g. UNSEEN) that simulate large event sets do not accurately represent relevant processes that contribute to such extremes. Hence, estimating the changing risk of such events and choosing design levels for flood defenses is very challenging.
This PhD project will develop a process-driven view of risk estimations that invokes a bottom-up approach in which will start with a specified flood level (e.g. flood barrier). Our main research question will be: ‘what rainfall volume is needed to exceed a given flood level and what combination of conditions could produce this level? This will aim to envision what such event might look like and identify the main contributing factors, the plausibility of their co-occurrences, and their projected changes in climate simulations.
Deadline : Wednesday 8th January 2025
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship: Processes driving neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment in Lewy body dementia
Lewy body dementia (LBD) is a common neurodegenerative disorder which has no cure, in part because the disease mechanisms that underlie neurodegeneration are not known. This PhD studentship has the potential to identify some of these mechanisms, and may help us develop more effective treatments.
To better understand LBD, this studentship will employ neuropathological examination of post-mortem brain tissue combined with high-field neuroimaging in living patients to interrogate associations between neurodegeneration and potential causative mechanisms, including iron accumulation, mitochondrial dysfunction and formation of protein aggregates.
Working between two leading centres for LBD research, Newcastle University and UCL, the student will receive instruction in neuropathological analysis and evaluation of neuroimaging data, joining established LBD scientists who are passionate about mentoring the scientists of tomorrow. The training experience will be substantially elevated by the integration of the student within the Alzheimer’s Society LBD Doctoral Training Network, where the student will join a cohort of students working on LBD, with learning and development scaffolded by more experienced LBD researchers within the respective research environments.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentship: Understanding the retention and treatment of highway runoff pollutants within roadside bioretention systems – and implications for design and long-term maintenance
Significant risks posed by highway runoff to the UK water environment have been exposed by industry associations, government and environmental organisations, scientists, and media streams in recent months. The composition of road runoff, which includes road salts, heavy metals, hydrocarbons and PAHs, PFAS, PFOS, PFOA, and a suite of microplastics and tyre wear constituents, means harmful pollutants may be present in significant concentrations.
Roadside bioretention systems are routinely considered as a runoff capture mechanism. Partnership investment programmes, Ofwat funded green economic recovery investments, and DEFRA funded innovation resilience programmes are also implementing these systems at scale. However, there is very limited consistent research evidence on the efficacy of different engineered filter media and soils to capture and retain pollutants and the influence of overlying vegetation; on the likely migration of pollutants through the soil horizons with time; and on the implications of pollutant capture on long-term maintenance needs and final decommissioning. This project will monitor real-world bioretention systems, alongside controlled dosing trials at the UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility, to provide an evidence base and better understand the true performance of these strategies.
Deadline : Friday 28 February 2025
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentship: Using Data-Driven Methods to Model Planetary Atmospheres and Oceans
Juno observations of the upper atmosphere Jupiter reveal complicated small-scale features consisting of eddies, jets, and filaments. Similar features are expected to be present in the atmospheres and oceans of other celestial bodies. Modeling these dynamical processes is difficult given the wide range of scales that must be resolved to fully capture the motion. As such, these small-scale features are typically unresolved in numerical simulations due to resolution constraints. Instead, a physical understanding of these unrepresented processes must be incorporated directly into the model via a technique known as ‘parametrisation’.
The goal of this project is to create data-driven parametrisations that represent unresolved small-scales in ocean and atmosphere models. The student will develop, train, and test a convolutional neural network to predict small-scale properties (such as energy transport, dissipation and velocities) from the large-scale features of the flow.
Deadline : 31st January 2025
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero – Data Driven Optimisation for Process Scale-up
This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University. Nestling has designed a containerised cultivation and processing plant for a broad range of microorganisms with a focus on mycelium. The system is fully automated; the SCADA system is connected to the cloud and provides performance data, enabling the monitoring of critical process parameters (CPPs) and critical quality attributes (CQAs). Nestling wishes to collect the data and apply machine learning techniques to identify process efficiency improvements and enable prediction across scales for a given biological process.
The PhD project will develop, construct and apply Machine Learning techniques to the process data generated at the pilot scale to enable the prediction of process performance at larger scale. This will enable customers using Nestling’s new platform to recognise best practice, identify key vulnerabilities and predict economic outcomes from process deviations.
Deadline : 26th January 2025
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero – Decarbonisation of thermal separation processes for removing water and organic solvents from high-performance ingredients
This PhD project is part of the CDT in Process Industries: Net Zero. The successful PhD student will be co-supervised by academics from the Process Intensification Group at Newcastle University. Established in 1925, Croda is the name behind sustainable, high-performance ingredients and technologies in some of the world’s most successful brands: creating, making and selling speciality chemicals that are relied on by industries and consumers everywhere. This project will help to support Croda’s “Net Zero by 2050” strategy, enabling them to invest in low-carbon, intensified processes that meet their future manufacturing needs.
Deadline :26th January 2025
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero: Development of Sustainable Manufacturing Processes for Confectionery Products
The PINZ CDT will train the next generation of process and chemical engineers, and chemists, to develop the new processes, process technologies and green chemistries required for the process industries’ transition to Net Zero.
Climate change is one of society’s greatest challenges. As the world’s largest food and beverage company, Nestlé has pledged its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net zero emissions from their global manufacturing processes by 2050.
Working with Nestlé Research and Development Centre , the objective is to develop an alternative method to cook confectionery products, replacing the current steam-based cooking process with an electrified energy source that does not rely on fossil fuels.
The successful candidate will utilize their expertise in thermal properties of materials and heat transfer to explore and evaluate potential solutions. The project will involve researching and assessing state-of-the-art technologies, determining their technical feasibility, and identifying how they can be leveraged to formulate a sustainable cooking solution.
Deadline : 2nd February 2025
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Studentships – Process Industries: Net Zero – Biorenewable antioxidants production for enhanced sustainability of polymeric materials
The PINZ CDT will train the next generation of process and chemical engineers, and chemists, to develop the new processes, process technologies and green chemistries required for the process industries’ transition to Net Zero.
Several types of polymeric materials undergo rapid degradation under both storage and use, unless antioxidants and stabilisers are added to suppress undesirable reactions. This project is co-funded by Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. and will be focused on the identification and further development of routes for effective extraction and modification of biorenewable antioxidants and stabilisers in order to enhance the sustainability of polymeric materials. The candidate will research biomass sources and extraction techniques, exploit chemical modification pathways, and investigate performance of the novel preservatives in final application scenarios.
You will be co-supervised by a team of supervisors at Newcastle University and the industry sponsor Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd. Project co-creation with our industrial partner will guarantee the industrial relevance and impact of the research. Some projects may also be in collaboration with our partners at the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence at University of York.
Deadline : 26th January 2025
About Newcastle University, England –Official Website
Newcastle University (legally the University of Newcastle upon Tyne) is a public research university based in Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England. It has overseas campuses in Singapore and Malaysia. The university is a red brick university and a member of the Russell Group, an association of research-intensive UK universities.
The university finds its roots in the School of Medicine and Surgery (later the College of Medicine), established in 1834, and the College of Physical Science (later renamed Armstrong College), founded in 1871. These two colleges came to form the larger division of the federal University of Durham, with the Durham Colleges forming the other. The Newcastle colleges merged to form King’s College in 1937. In 1963, following an Act of Parliament, King’s College became the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
The university subdivides into three faculties: the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; the Faculty of Medical Sciences; and the Faculty of Science, Agriculture and Engineering. The university offers around 175 full-time undergraduate degree programmes in a wide range of subject areas spanning arts, sciences, engineering and medicine, together with approximately 340 postgraduate taught and research programmes across a range of disciplines.The annual income of the institution for 2021–22 was £543.2 million of which £109.6 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £624.3 million.
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