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36 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at NTNU, Norway

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NTNU, Norway invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at NTNU, Norway.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Cryptography Engineering

The goals for this PhD Candidate position are to obtain a doctoral degree and contribute to ongoing research in cryptography engineering. The field of cryptography has shown to be the key enabling technology in securing communication systems. Cryptographic functionality realized in microcontrollers and embedded systems has become essential to our daily use of communication networks. The theory and practice of engineering of cryptographic systems include encryption/decryption, authentication, digital signatures, random number generators, and their utilization in practical security protocols. New cryptographic algorithms propounding security against quantum computers are under development and being standardized internationally, denoted quantum-safe algorithms.  However, plain implementations turn out to be vulnerable to various physical and electrical signal processing attacks, denoted side-channel attacks

Deadline :15th September 2023

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Human Geography with a focus on just and sustainable energy-transitions

The goal of this position is to complete a doctoral education leading to the attainment of a doctoral degree. The successful candidate is expected to develop a PhD project that investigates the interplay between policies for green energy transitions in Norway and the EU, and the extraction of critical minerals in the Global South. Of particular importance is examining the role of civil society organizations in shaping political and corporate governance strategies concerning energy transitions and mineral extraction Today, green energy transition in Norway and the EU sits at a critical conjuncture. Recent warnings by the IPCC about the need to hasten transitions in energy production and the EU  commitment to fight climate change, underline the need for policy makers and industries to act. The Russian-Ukrainian war has put further emphasis in the EU on diversifying energy sources and to secure energy independence. Large scale regional energy transitions rely on a steady increase of raw material supplies, including critical minerals essential for developing renewable energy. Consequently, pressure is put on both resource rich regions in the Global South to expand and open new sites of mineral extraction, and to open sites for mineral extraction within Norway and the EU. The speed and impact of this development has given rise to increasing conflicts and social tensions on different geographical scales, resulting in strong engagement from civil society organizations both in Europe and the Global South posing questions about the fairness and sustainability of energy transitions.

Deadline : 1st September 2023

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Advance Machine Learning for Face Presentation Attack Detection

This PhD project is in line with the research activities performed at the Institute of information security and communication technology (IIK) and is closely linked to the Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector named “SALT – Secure privacy preserving Authentication using faciaL biometrics to proTect your identity” sponsored from Norwegian Research Council, Norway.  The objective of the project is to create the next generation face authentication services with strong presentation attack detection and privacy-preserving techniques. 

Deadline : 31st August 2023

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Atomic Scale Photonics

We are searching for a creative, skilled and ambitious candidate for our activities on atomic scale nanophotonic detectors. The aim of the candidate is to design, study and assemble nanoscale photonic devices that will utilise molecules to detect radiation in atomic-size volumes. Main focus will be theoretical and experimental understanding of nanophotonic devices as well as optical characterisation using advanced spectroscopic modules. The research will be performed at the Department of Electronic Systems, NTNU and supported by scientific partners in Belgium, Switzerland and Greece. The applicant will be encouraged to spend short exchange visits with the scientific partners. 

Deadline : 31st August 2023

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in social studies

The position of Research Fellow is a temporary position for a period of three years. The position is an educational position that will give promising researchers the opportunity for professional development. The research field for the position is within social science, focusing on the development of democratic citizenship and social science didactics within the Norwegian education system.  The candidate will be affiliated with the Section for Social Sciences, at the Department of Teacher Education. The position will be linked to the research group DACED (Democracy and citizenship in education), and an ongoing project on Jewish memory culture, minority issues, migration and identity relations and Jewish life in Norway. 

Deadline :21st August 2023

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded


we apply for a PhD candidate to investigate the history of human interaction with the natural environment dominated by lake Mjøsa.  For millennia, Mjøsa has provided crucial resources to the population in the Innlandet region, including fresh water, transportation, and fish. At the same time, it has been used as a dumping site for human waste and discarded ammunition, while suffering from increasing pollution by agriculture and industry. By the 1970s the lake was widely recognized to be in a heavily degraded state and was subjected to a massive intervention that spanned from local initiative, through research and monitoring efforts, to national attention from media and politicians. While the largely successful intervention marks a turning point in Norwegian environmental politics, the future health of the lake and its ecosystem remains at risk, including from climate change.  The PhD project should investigate how the human relationship with the natural environment of Mjøsa has changed over time. Among the topics that can be investigated are what kind of ideas of nature, and particularly of Mjøsa as a large body of water, enabled its use as a dumping site? How and when did concerns first arise over the deteriorating health of the lake and its potential impact on the human population in the region? When and why did such concerns lead to changes in behavior, political action or regulation at a local, regional and national levels? How does this fit into a broader international history of environmental mis(use) and interventions?

Deadline : 20th August 2023

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD for Generation of semantic rich digital twins from 3D Lidar point clouds data

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate position at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. In this project, a novel framework will be developed to generate digital twin with detailed geometries, attributes, and semantic information from laser scanning point clouds data. Among others, new deep learning-based algorithms for semantic segmentation and 3D outline extraction will be proposed for traffic related objects (i.e. traffic signs, road marks, urban facilities, etc.) in urban area. This will be integrated together with the existing work for building reconstruction and individual tree detection (ITD) into the framework, so that 3D digital models can be generated with high quality and efficiency.

Deadline : 15th August 2023

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Sociology or Political Science connected to the research group CHAIN

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree and to qualify for work in research positions. We apply for a PhD candidate who will write a thesis mainly through the application of the European Social Survey (ESS), round 11: Repeat-module-application_Health-Inequalities.pdf ( The PhD-position is a temporary position for a period of three years. The position is connected to the research of CHAIN (Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research). CHAIN brings together researchers from diverse regions and disciplines, public health experts, the UN system and civil society organizations, to examine the causes and magnitude of health inequalities, and to identify solutions to decrease these inequalities. It aims to empower governments, businesses and civil society to act on evidence-based solutions to increase health equity. You can read about the centre’s main objectives here.

Deadline :15th August 2023

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Learning Control Policies for Evolutionary Design of Aerial Robots

Aerial robotics have scored some major successes, yet – interestingly – they have long employed designs that merely represent miniaturizations of manned aviation concepts or have resorted to biomimic designs. However, an alternative paradigm is possible if we combine the forces of evolutionary robot design (airframe, sensing) and data-driven navigation policy learning in an iterative loop that can allow us to identify the novel designs and autonomy functionalities necessary towards aerial robots that are best tailored to their environment. Within this broader scope, the PhD candidate in this position will work on the challenging problems of defining the process for evolving rotorcraft-like aerial robot designs (genotype/phenotype and evolutionary algorithms) in combination with “closing the design loop” through reinforcement learning for the stabilization control of the dynamics of such novel designs. The envisioned contributions will break new ground in the domain of purposeful and environment-specific robot design and autonomy. The activity will be part of a research project that further involves multi-institutional and industry collaboration.

Deadline : 6th August 2023

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Experimental Fluid Mechanics at an Air-Sea Interface

The successful candidate will work in the state-of-the-art and well-equipped Experimental Fluids Lab at NTNU’s main Gløshaugen campus in Trondheim, Norway.  Experiments will be conducted using the recirculating water channel equipped with an active grid. Air-flow is presently being added above our water channel and this PhD will be the first to explore the simultaneous impact of turbulence on both sides of a gas-liquid (air-sea) interface! The successful candidate will work closely with a post-doc who already has significant experience with the facility and the lab.  The project involves ground-breaking research that will develop models to facilitate better understanding of our climate systems, while allowing the candidate to gain experience with cutting-edge experimental equipment. The particular colleagues working on this project are friendly and welcoming, and foster an enjoyable working environment while balancing the pursuit of scientific excellence with all the other experiences, activities and benefits life has to offer in Norway. Norway is frequently rated as one of the best and happiest places to live in the world.

Deadline : 2nd August 2023

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Sustainable Soil Stabilisation

The PhD position will be affiliated to the Geotechnical Engineering group which focuses on computational geotechnics complimented by extensive field work and advanced field and laboratory testing of geomaterials. The research of our group aims for safe, environmentally sound, and cost-effective solutions for the built infrastructure. Research encompasses roads, railways, harbours, and complex deep-underground city construction. The PhD Candidate will be part of a research team in the “Sustainable, Stable Ground” (SSG) project. This project aims to radically change the deep-mixing technology to sustainable alternatives originating from solid wastes and make a circular economy around this technology. To achieve this goal, interdisciplinary research is set up with a bottom-up combined experimental and modelling approach, across both scales and disciplines. The study focuses on stabilizing soft marine clays and “quick clays” in particular. Quick clays pose a hazard threat to the society, and it is important to develop environmentally friendly and cost-effective methods to stabilize this material.

Deadline :31st July 2023

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Sustainability in the building and construction sector, A long-term planning tool

The building and construction sector contributes to 38% of global greenhouse gas emissions and the largest materials use. A fundamental transition is required to drastically reduce these impacts on the natural environment. Green2050 is a new research center at NTNU seeking to guide the industry towards sustainability and net-zero GHG emissions by 2050. It is led by NTNU’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, involving faculty members from Architecture, Business, Energy Engineering, Informatics, Medicine, and Social Sciences. Sustainable development requires increased material and energy efficiency, as well as a decarbonization of material and energy supply. The position is part of the Green2050 International Initiatives focusing on road-mapping and planning of the transition.

There exist at least three approaches which deal with greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability issues in the construction sector. (1) Life-cycle assessment (LCA) addresses material use and emissions at a detailed level and can be used prospectively or ex-post to assess specific construction projects and products. They are often static in nature an improvement options are addressed through comparisons. LCA is mainly of operational importance. (2) Sector roadmaps are usually built on strongly simplified models of the construction sector and its production processes and products which can consider interaction among strategies applied to individual processes or inputs. They are commonly combined with identification of barriers and policies of technology development, economic instruments, and standards to overcome those barriers. (3) Building stock scenario models simulate the development of building stocks with new construction, maintenance, and refurbishment where individual processes are represented through life-cycle assessment. They serve to gain insights into realistic timelines and assess the required effort and combination of strategies required to attain environmental targets. The project will build upon an existing building scenario model and seek to extend it to serve as a tool that can be used at the level of large projects as well as for city, region, and national-level planning and policy making. Resource efficiency has been recognized by the European Union and the United Nations Environment Assembly as an important mechanism to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). Land, water, energy, biomass, and minerals comprise resources which are to be used more efficiently. The International Resource Panel has found that there are important potential synergies between reducing material footprints (the indicator for SDG 12.1) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Its Resource Efficiency and Climate Change report (RECC) has influenced policy in several world regions and is cited in three legislative proposals by the European Commission, including the Green Deal and the Renovation Wave.

Deadline : 28th July 2023

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Texture Analysis and Perception

This PhD project focuses within the area of image processing and perception, specifically for texture. The PhD candidate will focus on developing texture analysis algorithms and its quality assessment protocols to measure, e.g., bias and uncertainty of the algorithm. They will also be required to design and develop psychovisual experiments, aiming to understand human perception of texture and how it correlates to machine/computer perception. While the PhD project is essentially a basic fundamental research, applications to natural sciences problems will also be carried out.  

Deadline :28th July 2023

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence Based Software Defect Detection Using Multimodal Learning

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. Different artificial intelligence (AI) approaches have been proposed to predict software defects however most of these approaches considered datasets containing only one type of modality and majority of these datasets are textual while few of them are image datasets. In this project, a framework to detect software defects by analyzing multimodal datasets will be developed. Further an AI, in particular, Nature inspired, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL) techniques, based model will be developed and trained using multimodal dataset. Finally, the proposed multimodal approach will be compared to models using single data modality in order to understand if any additional performance is produced by data fusion.

Deadline : 23rd July 2023

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team

SUBPRO-Zero (SUstainable Bridge PROgram towards Zero emissions) is a research center that funds 10-12 PhD students and postdocs in the next 3-years. Its mission is to conduct fundamental and applied research to contribute to net-zero emissions in the offshore industry.

The goals of the centre are to:

  • Conduct research that makes a difference and contribute to a sustainable future
  • Work together with the industry partners to come up with new and innovative solutions that will contribute to net-zero emissions from the offshore industry 
  • Educate PhD candidates, Postdocs and master students who can help the industry speed up the energy transistion and contribute to the green shift

Deadline : Open until filled

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 9 PhD positions and 1 Postdoc position in the HYDROGENi team

These are over-arched by research activities dedicated to enabling a sustainable hydrogen economy. HYDROGENi offers an integrated community where knowledge, experience and ideas are shared, with an overall research approach to develop methodologies and knowledge in inter-disciplinary teams that balance technology push and application pull.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD within heterogeneous catalysis

The primary objective of this PhD project is to develop highly active, selective, and stable iron-based catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation towards fuels (liquid fuels, methane etc) and mechanistic investigations using kinetic and spectroscopic methods. The main research activities include catalyst preparation, characterization, and kinetic testing in a laboratory fixed bed /slurry reactor. Mechanistic investigation of CO2 hydrogenation with isotopic labelling and kinetic modelling are also important parts of the project. We are seeking a person with a good understanding of heterogeneous catalytic materials and catalytic reactions. The PhD position is a part of the knowledge building project “DICO2F – DIRECT CONVERSION OF CO2 AND HYDROGEN TO FUELS” supported by the Research Council of Norway with 2 research partners and 5 industry partners. The research partners include NORCE and SINTEF industry. The industry partners include Equinor, Elkem, Cambi, Nordic Electrofuel, Avinor.  The PhD research work will be undertaken in close collaboration with Postdoc working on the same project and in dialogue with the industry partners of DICO2F.

Deadline : 30th June 2023

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD position in Statistical Physics of Dispersions in Porous Media

The department is currently in an expansion phase and incorporates a broad activity within physics with activities in solid state physics/material physics, soft/complex and biopolymer physics, medical physics, statistical physics, optics, atmospheric physics, university didactics and astroparticle physics. The department is also since 2017 the hosting institution of two national centers of excellence – Porelab and QuSpin. The department is responsible for the best recruiting physics study programmes in Norway, both within applied and fundamental physics. It also provides a large set of courses within physics for other study programmes at NTNU.

Deadline :30th June 2023

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Expanding Electricity Transmission to Accelerate Norway’s Energy System Decarbonization

This is an academic position which will provide promising research recruits with the opportunity for professional development through studies towards a PhD degree. The position is connected to the FME Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (NTRANS), which is a multidisciplinary national research centre studying transitions in the energy sector and related sectors.  The FME NTRANS is a collaboration between 8 Norwegian research institutions and over 30 user partners from the industry and the public sector. Key research areas are the future energy system, active consumers and distributed solutions, deep decarbonisation and sector couplings, and accelerating the energy transition. The position is linked to Research Area 3 “Future Energy Systems” within FME NTRANS. Electricity transmission expansion can play a crucial role in accelerating Norway’s energy system decarbonization pathways. Norway has set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and become carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, the country set an ambitious climate action plan for the electrification of the transport sector and energy-intensive industries. Consequently, it is necessary to expand the share of renewable energy sources in the country’s energy mix to cater to the increasing demand for electricity.

Deadline : 30th June 2023

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Advanced Informatics for Distributed Grid Balancing Through Flexibility Aggregation

This PhD position is connected to the FME Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (NTRANS), which is a multidisciplinary national research centre studying transitions in the energy sector and related sectors.  The FME NTRANS is a collaboration between 8 Norwegian research institutions and over 30 user partners from the industry and the public sector. Key research areas are the future energy system, active consumers and distributed solutions, deep decarbonisation and sector couplings, and accelerating the energy transition. The position is linked to Research Area 3 “Future Energy Systems” within FME NTRANS. The rapid proliferation of intermittent renewable energy sources in grid increases the need for more flexible loads to act as reserves for grid balancing. Recently, the idea of aggregating flexible loads from residential sector as an inexpensive reserve source has gained prominence. The flexibility offered by these loads needs to be activated automatically using modern ICT systems without affecting end-user’s comfort. To activate and manage these loads in real time, their flexibility needs to be estimated first and then optimally scheduled. This requires monitoring current appliance status, its energy demand and forecasting future consumption. Installing smart plugs or temperature sensors to monitor power consumption characteristics of each flexibility source is expensive. Hence, there is a need to develop alternative cost-effective techniques for estimating flexibility of heat pumps using informatics-based approaches.

Deadline : 30th June 2023

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD Candidate in Safety Assessment and Verification of Collision and Grounding Avoidance Algorithms

The position is funded through the SFI AutoShip, which is an 8-years research-based innovation centre that will contribute to letting Norway take a leading role in the development of autonomous ships for safe and sustainable operations. The PhD candidate will work on the challenging research topic of safety assessment and verification of collision avoidance algorithms for autonomous ships. Collision avoidance systems for ships are computer-based systems designed to help ships avoid colliding with other ships, obstacles, or landmasses. They typically use various sensors such as radar and cameras to detect and track other vessels in the vicinity and are critical systems for enabling the use of autonomous ships. A particular challenge related to collision avoidance systems is bridging the gap between COLREG (the traffic rules at sea) and the algorithms for collision avoidance. COLREG contains several qualitative terms to describe acceptable collision avoidance behavior, such as “ample time” and “good seamanship”. As such, implementing the rules in automatic collision avoidance systems is not straight forward. This also complicates the challenge of testing such systems and evaluating the test outcomes. The candidate will contribute towards developing a framework for simulation-based testing and evaluation of the performance of collision avoidance systems for autonomous ships. This work will be conducted in cooperation with law professionals. 

Deadline : 30th June 2023

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Formal Safety Assessment of Autonomous Ships

The position is funded through the Horizon Europe research project “SEAMLESS: Safe, Efficient and Autonomous – Multimodal Library of European Shortsea and inland Solution”. This project is led by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and is a cooperation between several European research institutions and companies, such as SINTEF Ocean, Delft University of Technology and Kongsberg Maritime. The main goal of the project is to develop and adapt missing building blocks for enabling fully automated, economically viable, cost-effective, and resilient waterborne freight feeder services for short sea shipping and inland waterways transport. One important bottleneck that should be addressed is related to the approval of autonomous ships. The current class rules for approval of ships are not adapted for autonomous sailing. As an alternative, it has been proposed to use a risk-based approach where the vendors are responsible for ensuring and demonstrating that the system is safe through risk assessment and other activities. If the risk assessment demonstrates an acceptable risk level and is found sufficiently rigid, the ship can be approved. The candidate will focus on developing a structured framework for risk-based approval of autonomous ships that can be started early in the design phase based on a CONOPS (i.e., a description of the ship´s operation). 

Deadline : 30th June 2023

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Dynamic Allocation of Resources in Short-term Power and Flexibility Markets

This PhD position is connected to the FME Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (NTRANS), which is a multidisciplinary national research centre studying transitions in the energy sector and related sectors.  The FME NTRANS is a collaboration between 8 Norwegian research institutions and over 30 user partners from the industry and the public sector. Key research areas are the future energy system, active consumers and distributed solutions, deep decarbonisation and sector couplings, and accelerating the energy transition. The position is linked to Research Area 3 “Future Energy Systems” within FME NTRANS. The fast-changing socio-techno-economic requirements of the 21st century requires a distributed, digitalized, smart, flexible, interactive, and green electrical grid. The transition from a rigid, centralized, physical system to a flexible, distributed, cyber-physical system is aided by digital technologies (advanced metering infrastructure, phasor measurement unit, etc.) and latest advancements in ICT (automation, blockchains, Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, etc.) Energy informatics is an emerging field that applies computational techniques such as big data, machine learning, artificial intelligence, optimization, etc. for realizing sustainable future energy systems (smart grids, smart homes, electric vehicles, renewable energy, energy storage, flexibility services, local markets, etc.).

Deadline : 30th June 2023

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Complete Subsea Separation – Theoretical and Experimental Control

One method of handling the produced water that is still in its infancy is subsea separation; instead of moving the fluids at least several hundred meters to the surface and treating it there, it can be treated subsea, which will reduce both emissions and costs. NTNU has dedicated significant research and laboratory facilities into investigating this problem, both on the bulk separation side and the water treatment side. This project aims to develop a complete subsea separation concept, building upon and expanding this previous knowledge. The end goal is a complete subsea separation system concept, where the water stream is pure enough to discharge or re-inject for disposal or pressure support. In this project, you will merge two existing separation/water treatment laboratories into one complete separation facility. You will study the behavior of this system and design an optimal control strategy both in simulation and in the laboratory. This will allow for optimal behavior of the entire system, with the controllers working in tandem rather than at cross purposes to ensure that the maximum amount of water is extracted from the fluid stream while maintaining sufficient purity of the water output for re-injection or discharge to sea.

Deadline : 29th June 2023

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD Candidate in materials technology for subsea power cables

A PhD Candidate position in the field of materials technology for subsea power cables is available. The academic position will provide the opportunity for professional development through studies towards a PhD degree, related to the SeaConnect project. The SeaConnect project aims to increase the breakdown strength and lifetime of subsea cable connectors and terminations using a new design principle and tailor-made materials. The PhD Candidate will work on a joint research project with leading energy companies and developers, suppliers and manufacturers, and research and innovation organizations. More details about the SeaConnect project are available here. The tasks for this PhD Candidate will cover the development of new materials for the subsea power cable connectors, characterization of mechanical performance using tensile and compressive tests and dynamic mechanical analysis, as well as electrical characterization by dielectric, electrical treeing and breakdown studies. A combination of experimental and modelling will be used to optimize the material properties. For the position as a PhD candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.

Deadline : 28th June 2023

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD within development of digital twins and control of Microbial Bioprocesses

Our digital Microbial feedback Laboratory is coordinating a large EU project with cross-disciplinary collaboration with 16 academic- and industrial partners throughout Europe, and seeking skilled candidates motivated for a PhD position targeted towards the area of microbial bioprocess control. As a PhD Candidate, you will explore the possibility to model and control in real-time the activity, growth and processes inside bacteria and their interactions with the environment, using multi-variable control, and optimal control such as model predictive control (MPC). You will also explore and develop digital twins that will integrate the online analytical probes and will improve the control performance. With the digital twins and the advanced control, and together with a large team you will have the opportunity to produce new molecules such as antibiotics like never before. At your disposition is a state-of-the-art laboratory with automatic robots and sophisticated analytical instrumentations.

Deadline : 27th June 2023

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Spectral Image Processing and Visualisation for Paintings Conservation

We have a vacancy for a PhD candidate in Spectral image processing and visualisation for paintings conservation, at the Department of Computer Science, in collaboration with the Munch Museum (Oslo). For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.  In the field of paintings conservation, the degradation of pigments and dyes is a well‐known problem which has a large impact on the preservation, exhibition/display, and perception of works of art. For example, in the Munch Museum’s collection, the fading of some cadmium yellows is visible in The Scream (1910?) as a possible consequence of the interaction of the paint with moisture and/or light in combination with chlorine compounds, whereas the darkening of some ultramarine‐, cobalt blue and red lake‐based areas is appreciable in Old man in Warnemünde (1907) as result of causes that are still unknown. We aim to develop and test spectral models that describe the colour change mechanisms in these and other paintings by Edvard Munch. We also wish to explore the possibility of inverting said models to be able to visualize the original appearance of the paintings (using the virtual restoration concept).

Deadline : 26th June 2023

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD Candidate in Information Systems

The focus of this position is on the exploring the business value that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can deliver to organizations and the mechanisms through which this is achieved. While there has been widespread enthusiasm regarding AI, adopting and strategically utilizing these technologies constitutes a major challenge for many organizations. Furthermore, there is limited understanding about how the use of technologies such as AI can drive business strategies and generate sustained value. While most research to date has investigated technical aspects related to AI, there is a growing need to understand how business strategies can be developed to harness the strengths of these novel technologies. The ideal candidate will be able to approach this topic from an Information Systems perspective and examine the broader socio-technical implications that AI introduces to the workplace, as well as the mechanisms through value creation is achieved. To do so, a combination of both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be employed through appropriate theoretical lenses of information systems and strategic management research. The aim of this project is to understand how organizations should adopt, deploy and routinize AI technologies, and to uncover the value generating mechanisms and their links with organizational strategy. We are looking for candidates with a strong research perspective that can publish their work in leading academic journals and conference proceedings. 

Deadline : 26th June 2023

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Predictive Models of Change and Inattentional Blindness for Multimedia Application

An exciting three-year PhD position in the field of psychophysics and visual perception is available, with a focus on understanding and predicting change and inattentional blindness —our common yet fascinating failures to detect alterations in visual scenes or notice unexpected stimuli due to focussed attention. Understanding these perceptual phenomena can significantly enhance multimedia applications. For example, by identifying areas of an image or video frame where viewers typically exhibit change blindness, we can target these areas for data compression, thereby reducing file sizes without noticeably degrading the perceived quality. Similarly, inattentional blindness can be utilised in computer graphics to strategically draw attention to or away from certain elements, enhancing user experience or guiding narrative in gaming and virtual environments. Depending on your background, the project is set to concentrate on creating models to understand, predict, and potentially exploit these phenomena.

Deadline : 25th June 2023

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(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Edge Intelligence

The PhD candidate will investigate fundamental issues on edge intelligence, with focusing on 1) development of edge intelligence architecture for IoT; 2) develop and optimize lightweight edge devices; and 3) augmented interactions for IoT. Results of this research will lead significant scientific, industry and social impact. The PhD candidate will collaborate with innovative researchers from University of Helsinki and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 

Deadline : 22nd June 2023

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(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate within microfluidics for water treatment

The Ugelstad Laboratory ( at the Department of Chemical Engineering has a vacant PhD position, in which microfluidics will be used to investigate the treatment of water via gas flotation. The main goal of the research will be to: (i) identify process conditions that will improve the efficiency of removing contaminants at high temperatures and pressures and (ii) understand the physical mechanisms by which these process conditions act to improve this efficiency. The candidate will have the possibility to collaborate with researchers within the Ugelstad Laboratory as well as project partners in industry.

Deadline :20th June 2023

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(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Digital Twin based Production-Maintenance Planning and Control for Hydrogen-based Industry

This PhD position is funded by the European project H2GLASS on “advancing Hydrogen (H2) technologies and smart production systems TO decarbonise the GLass and Aluminium SectorS” and will involve internationally renowned research institutes and industries. You will work in collaboration with SINTEF Energy. The Production Management research group at NTNU’s Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering is internationally leading in research within production and logistics management and engineering, and the purpose of this PhD position is to expand its scope to the Hydrogen-based Industry. The research will be closely integrated with the group’s research in other sectors, and it will be linked to the Logistics 4.0 Lab, Norway’s first logistics laboratory that merges digital technologies with traditional production and logistics systems, enabling researchers, practitioners, engineers, pioneers, students, and other enthusiasts to come together and collaborate on common ground.

Deadline :18th June 2023

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(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in antimicrobial resistance and plastic-associated biofilms in the marine environment

A three-year PhD position (with the possibility of an one year extension due to teaching duties) related to the project «Plastics as a potential vector for spread of antimicrobial resistance and pathogens from wastewater discharge in the marine environment (PlastiSpread)» is available at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway and is hosted by NTNU and will be conducted in collaboration with national and international research partners. For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree.The project aims to investigate the role of urban wastewater effluents and bacterial biofilms on the plastisphere in the spreading of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the marine environment. Microbial biofilms and the potential role of marine plastics as a vector for transmission of resistant bacteria or their genes will be studied in lab- and field scale model systems in the Trondheim Fjord, where bivalve mollusks also will be used as indicators for effects on marine organisms present at the same site.

Deadline :18th June 2023

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(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate – Circular Economy and Climate Change Mitigation

The Industrial Ecology Program (IndEcol), Department of Energy and Process Engineering (EPT) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has an opening for a PhD position on Circular Economy and Climate Change Mitigation. The position will be working on the Horizon Europe project CircEUlar, a Horizon Europe Project led by IIASA in collaboration with leading European institutions. The circular economy has been recognized at the EU and global levels as an important mechanism to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). Both the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the UN International Resource Panel (IRP) has pointed to potential synergies between reducing material footprints and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, a better and more detailed understanding of these synergies (and potential trade-offs) are desired across the economy. To enable such analysis, the project will be linking different modeling frameworks such as Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), Material Flow Analysis (MFA), and Multi-Regional Input-output models (MRIO) with sectoral models of Transport, Building, etc. and apply these for analysis across selected focus areas.

Deadline :18th June 2023

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(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Resilient Localization and Navigation

Although Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have a global coverage, there are many so-called GNSS-denied environments where GNSS is not available, is degraded, or unreliable. There is a clear need for alternative technologies that can replace or complement GNSS in such cases. Many applications of autonomous systems, service robotics, and localization and tracking of assets are currently limited by this technology gap and concerns related to the security and vulnerability of GNSS. For safety critical systems it is important the localization system has high availability, resilience, and integrity in addition to the localization performance. To achieve these goals, the student will develop signal processing algorithms for the Bluetooth-based phased array signal and use phased arrays in a multi-sensor fusion context. The focus is on improving the quality of phased array measurements and providing quality metrics to high-level processing and sensor. Methods for mitigating multipath propagation and hardware effects, as well as dealing with measurement delays will be of interest.

Deadline : 16th June 2023

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(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in bioinformatics and multi-omics analyses for cancer signaling

We have a vacancy for one PhD candidate in bioinformatics at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine within the field of computational precision medicine, and with a focus on multi-omics data integration for cancer signalling modelling. The PhD candidate will be supervised by associate professor Åsmund Flobak at the DrugLogics group, and associate professor Morten Rye at the Group of Bioinformatics. You will be part of, and bridge, two established research groups tackling various aspects of cancer diagnostics and therapy. The two groups have affiliated researchers at all stages of their careers, meaning other phd candidates, postdocs, researchers and PIs. In addition, both groups have large academic networks throughout Europe, and are in close collaboration with leading bioinformatics groups at major cancer centres.

Deadline :15th June 2023

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About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology  is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.

NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.



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