University of Copenhagen, Denmark invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in in Planet Formation at the Globe Institute
The successful candidate will work on a PhD project on understanding the formation and composition of Earth and other rocky planets. The methodology can involve either hydrodynamical simulations of planets embedded within a protoplanetary disc or modelling the partitioning of elements between the core, mantle and atmosphere of a growing planet. The results will be compared to data from telescopes, satellite missions and meteorites.
Deadline : 01-12-2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD stipends in Mathematics
We are looking for strong candidates within the field(s) of Mathematics or nearby fields. The department has about 50 permanent scientific staff members; around 50 PhD students and 35 postdocs. It has strong research groups in many areas of mathematics, and active PhD, postdoc, and visitor’s programs. Our building is located in central Copenhagen next to the central park Fælledparken. Our website provides more information about the department and the research conducted at the department We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in dynamic and international research environment.
Deadline : 15-11-2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD stipends in Statistics, and the mathematics of Insurance and Economics
The department has about 50 permanent scientific staff members; around 50 PhD students and 35 postdocs. It has strong research groups in many areas of mathematics, and active PhD, postdoc, and visitor’s programs. Our building is located in central Copenhagen next to the central park Fælledparken. Our website provides more information about the department and the research conducted at the department We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in dynamic and international research environment.
Deadline : 15-11-2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship as part of the research project ‘Danish-German Cultures (1773-1864): Conflict and Cohesion’, funded by The Independent Research Fund Denmark
“Danish-German Cultures (1773-1864). Conflict and Cohesion” is a cultural history project which investigates the hybrid culture of Danish-German coexistence in the Danish composite state from 1773-1864. The aim of the project is to write a new transcultural history of art, literature, language and human practices. We will explore how authors, artists, intellectuals and academics, as well as civil servants and politicians, lived and worked in a zone with two nationalities and the two languages Danish and German in the cosmopolitan state. This will challenge the dominant narrative of ideological battles, mutual exclusions and war, and instead examine the dual conditions of conflict and cohesion before the formation of the Danish nation state in 1864. This period of pluralistic and bilingual identity formation will be examined in case studies from four disciplines of the humanities: comparative literature, art history, history and linguistics by, a) analyzing the interplay between the micro level of individual practices and the macro level of state, politics, and institutions respectively and b) offering a longitudinal perspective of the period divided into two phases from 1773-1814 and 1814-1864 and c) taking into consideration the spatial relations between Copenhagen-Kiel, the Danish Kingdom-the German Duchies, and the Conglomerate State-Europe.
Deadline :01-11-2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Astronomy
We are looking for candidates with an interest in galaxies, galactic dynamics, stellar streams, dark matter, extragalactic astrophysics, and/or simulations are particularly encouraged to apply. PhD students are encouraged to develop ownership of their projects and will receive support to travel to international conferences and visit collaborators.
Deadline :01-11-2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Physics/Biocomplexity
We are looking for a talented, highly motivated and creative scientist who is interested in exploring fundamental questions at the interface between physics and quantitative biological systems. The position will deal with theoretical studies on a biological system. Interplay with constructive numerical modelling of complex phenomena and theoretical analysis is postulated, to unveil and test hypothesis and laws in biological systems. The successful candidates must have excellent English skills, both written and oral. The successful candidate must be imaginative and hold a Masters degree in physics, biophysics or related disciplines. If you are (or are eligible to be) enrolled at one of the faculty’s master programs in physics, it is also an option to be enrolled in the integrated MSc and PhD program (See below).
Deadline : 31-10-2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Chemical Biology at the Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
IDPro is an exceptional network of nine beneficiaries (eight academic and one industrial) and five partner organizations (four industrial and three academic) from seven different countries, with excellent track records in protein research and supervision. Together, we will train eleven doctoral candidates, with distinct competencies of relevance for the field of intrinsically disordered proteins, to secure future scientific breakthroughs in a rapidly developing field. We will investigate how disordered proteins interact, how interaction is affected by disease-related mutations, and assess how disordered proteins cause aberrant cellular signaling in relevant human disease models. Furthermore, we will design ligands that can be further developed into molecular probes, which could represent lead structures for the development of drugs. The goal of IDPro is to strengthen an emerging field in biology and medicine with implications for both academia and industry in the European union.
Deadline : 29-10-2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship in Atom Optics and Nanophotonics
The project will focus on experimental development of a new platform for optical quantum memories and new tools to combine cold atoms and nano-scale dielectric structures. As this project is highly multidisciplinary, we expect that the PhD student will contribute to research on single-atom imaging and control, nanofabrication, and characterization of nanophotonic structures. An important goal will be to demonstrate strong atom-atom interactions mediated by light propagating in carefully engineered nano-scale dielectric waveguides.
Deadline : 22-10-2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in optimization of antimicrobial treatment of enteric infections in pigs
The project aims to optimize oral neomycin, spectinomycin and sulfonamide/trimethoprim treatment of pigs suffering from PWD. This will be done through pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) studies in collaboration with the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE). The project also comprises a metagenomics component where the impact of these antibiotics on the gut microbiome and resistome will be analysed. Finally, a retrospective study will be performed to assess the relationship between MICs and clinical outcome in farm settings. Together with data from the PK/PD analyses, information from the retrospective analysis will be used to propose the first ever clinical breakpoints for oral treatment of porcine diarrhoea.
Deadline : 20-10-2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in social science of health promotion, exercise and sport
The PhD project will consist of a nation-wide quantitative survey and a follow-up qualitative study with individual interviews and focus groups. The participants in the survey will be Danish women in the age of 45-59 years. The aim of the survey will be to investigate relations between menopausal status, symptoms, physical activity, well-being and socioeconomical factors among others. The qualitative study will based on the quantitative results to deepen the understanding of particularly relevant relations through a micro sociological lens. Thus, the PhD project is based on a mixed method approach to adequately examine the complexities of menopausal transitions in Denmark.
Deadline : 15-10-2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship in experimental condensed matter physics and quantum devices
The project focuses on the experimental development and operation of solid-state quantum devices for applications in quantum simulation. A key platform is systems of multiple electronic quantum dots coupled to superconducting microwave resonators. The student will develop experiments for a new dilution cryostat equipped with high frequency measurement equipment. The project combines materials characterization, e.g. by electron microscopy, nanofabrication, low-temperature physics using cryofree dilution refrigerators, low-noise and high-frequency electrical measurement techniques, data analysis, interaction with theoretical physicists and materials scientists, and scientific writing in English. The PhD student will work closely with other researchers at the department developing superconducting microwave resonators and semiconducting materials, e.g. nanowires for quantum dots that will be implemented in these experiments. The project is part of the SolidQ research program on solid-state quantum simulators sponsored through a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Collaboration with our various partner institutes in Europe will be promoted and encouraged.
Deadline :15-10-2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies
DALOSS is dedicated to interdisciplinary and collaborative research into data loss as a constituent part of digitization and datafication, that is also steeped in political and ethical considerations. The project is infused by an interdisciplinary ambition to mobilize distinct, but integrated approaches, to challenge and complement existing research paradigms of data loss through empirical examples and theoretical frameworks across different disciplines, sectors, and societal levels.
Deadline : 15-10-2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Fine-grained Analysis in Brain Imaging, Pioneer Centre for AI
We are seeking a candidate with a strong passion for applied mathematics, machine learning, deep learning, and medical image analysis. The project is centered around the identification and characterization of brain lesions such as white matter hyperintensities within MRI scans. Our goal is to devise robust machine-learning techniques, yielding nuanced insights from clinical data collected in uncontrolled scenarios to help with brain disease diagnosis. Our emphasis lies in establishing the robustness of these methods across various challenges including variations in scanner vendors, field strengths, software, quality, and protocols, while working with heterogeneous data encompassing natural variations in comorbidities and demographics. This study will not only delve into well-established deep learning principles but will also explore innovative avenues based on information theory, active learning, and transfer learning, among other things.
Deadline : 15-10-2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies (3 years)
PhD students at PRIVACY are required to be present at the centre for the duration of their employment. They will participate in weekly meetings, field trips and workshops and be required to contribute to joint publications where appropriate. Both PhD students will be enrolled at the PhD-school of the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen.
Deadline : 15-10-2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Experimental Quantum Optics, Niels Bohr Institute
We are looking for candidates within the field of quantum physics or related areas. Applicants can have any background within quantum physics but it is a particular advantage to have experience in quantum optics, quantum information and/or optomechanics.
Deadline : 15-10-2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Sensory and Consumer Science
We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of food science, experimental psychology, behavioural sciences, cognitive neuroscience, marketing, or similar. It is an advantage to have previous work or research experience with human subjects in behavioural experiments. Experience with Virtual Reality or biometric methods (e.g., eyetracking, facial expression analysis, EEG) is also an advantage. The candidate should have a curious and creative mind-set with a strong interest to learn new disciplines and technologies. It is also necessary to possess excellent data analysis, communication, presentation, and academic writing skills in English.
Deadline : 15-10-2023
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Protein science
We are looking for a driven and ambitious person, with an ability to work independently and in collaboration with other groups. The candidate should have a strong interest in pursuing a PhD degree in the field of protein science with a focus on IDPS and IDRs. The position is one of eleven PhD positions in the Horizon Europe-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network IDPro, Intrinsically disordered proteins in health and disease: mechanisms, molecular context and opportunities for drug discovery. IDPro is an exceptional network of nine beneficiaries (eight academic and one industrial) and five partner organizations (four industrial and three academic) from seven different countries, with excellent track records in protein research and supervision. Together, we will train eleven doctoral candidates, with distinct competencies of relevance for the field of intrinsically disordered proteins, to secure future scientific breakthroughs in a rapidly developing field. We will investigate how disordered proteins interact, how interaction is affected by disease-related mutations, and assess how disordered proteins cause aberrant cellular signaling in relevant human disease models. Furthermore, we will design ligands that can be further developed into molecular probes, which could represent lead structures for the development of drugs. The goal of IDPro is to strengthen an emerging field in biology and medicine with implications for both academia and industry in the European union.
Deadline : 09-10-2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in companion animal clinical neurology
Meningoencephalitis of unknown origin (MUO) in dogs is a life-threatening inflammatory brain condition caused by autoimmune mechanisms. MUO is common in young small-breed dogs, where it causes very severe neurological signs and pain. 45% die within the first year despite immunomodulatory treatment, the primary cause being disease relapse. Unfortunately, prognostic indicators and non-invasive tests for monitoring of disease are lacking. The aim of the present project is to investigate serum metabolites by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as a novel tool to diagnose and monitor dogs with MUO and hereby decrease fatality rates, improve outcome and quality of life for these severely ill dogs. We hypothesize that serum metabolic profiles in MUO may differentiate relevant subtypes of MUO thereby enabling prediction of clinical course, optimizing of treatment and survival. We will investigate serial metabolomic profiles by NMR on serum samples in a cohort study of dogs with MUO. The dog cohort will be included from the Neurology clinic at the University Hospital for Companion Animals, University of Copenhagen. Nuclear magnetic resonance investigations will be carried out at Oxford University with the participation of the PhD student.
Deadline : 08-10-2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in computational biology at the Globe institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen
In the Korneliussen group we develop statistical methods to facilitate analysis of high throughput sequencing data. Past projects have been state-of-the-art methods within population genetics, such as demographic inference, population structure, and signatures of selection, but also methods within medical genetics with a special emphasis on the direct application of these to low-coverage data and ancient DNA. The candidate will have opportunities to shape their projects in consultation with the advisor, and the project can range from theoretical methods development to empirical data analysis. The applicant will be solidly embedded within the core group of the Lundbeck GeoGenetics Centre and the Centre for Ancient Environmental Genomics (caeg) and will have access to the data generated from the high throughput sequencing center as part of the GeoGenetics Centre.
Deadline : 08-10-2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship; Radical Pietism in Northern Europe: Social Protest on the Verge of Modernity, 1690-1750
Applications must include a detailed project description covering the research problem, overall objectives, methodology, design and timetable (max. five pages/12,000 characters, incl. spaces, excl. bibliography). Applicants who anticipate incurring extraordinary expenses (related to fieldwork, extended stay(s) abroad, equipment, etc.) must include brief comments about this in their project description. Guidelines and good advice on project descriptions are available here.
Deadline : 08-10-2023
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Interactions between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Microbiomes in Pigs
The project will investigate the role of fungal and protozoan microeukaryotes as modulators of the intestinal bacterial community structure in pigs. Our hypothesis is that these microorganisms play a key, yet largely neglected role in the assembly and resilience of the bacterial microbiome. The project will benefit from the large amount and diversity of samples and data collected during longitudinal cohort studies conducted on pig farms in the two funding projects. The approach is to combine shotgun metagenomics with amplification and sequencing of the ITS2 region and the 18S rRNA gene, as these methods provide higher sensitivity for studying fungi and protozoa, respectively. Positive associations with pig health will be further validated under controlled experimental conditions by assessing the effects of administering selected fungal or protozoan species. This research will elucidate how inter-kingdom interactions are influenced by diet and antimicrobial therapy, as well as their possible role in the pathogenesis of post-weaning diarrhoea in piglets. Knowledge generated by the project can help develop new strategies for prevention of diarrhoea by manipulating the microeukaryotic fraction of the intestinal microbiota.
Deadline : 08-10-2023
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Chemical Biology at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology
Our laboratory has recently developed technology for identifying the chemical messenger molecules responsible for quorum sensing and crosstalk between staphylococci within the microbiome. These messenger molecules are called autoinducing peptides (AIPs). In this interdisciplinary and highly collaborative project, we will perform a substantial structure–activity relationship (SAR) study, building on our novel discoveries. Your tasks will thus include synthesis, assay development, and biological compound evaluation, including work performed in the laboratories of our collaborators at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UCPH) and at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
Deadline : 06-10-2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Physics
We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of soft and active matter physics with the knowledge on active topological defects and active turbulence. Applicants can have a background from theoretical and computational modeling of active materials.
Deadline : 05-10-2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Mucosal Immunology at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join the Mucosal Immunology Group headed by Professor William Agace at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Copenhagen University. The successful candidate will join a superb team of international researchers within the newly established NovoNordisk Foundation challenge grant-funded ‘Center for Intestinal Immune Regulation (CIIR)’. CIIR comprises of 4 collaborating teams (Agace, CU; K. McCoy, Calgary (Canada); F. Bendtsen, Hvidovre hospital; L. Rønn-Larsen, DTU) whose combined expertise in mucosal immunology, gastroenterology, microbiota-host interactions, bioinformatics and state-of-the-art animal models aims to identify intestinal immune-stromal interactions important in intestinal homeostasis and in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In joining you will be part of a highly vibrant and cross-disciplinary team of researchers at the international forefront of mucosal immunology research.
Deadline : 03-10-2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Mammalian Developmental Epigenetics at the Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM)
Mammalian development is not merely defined by the information encoded in our DNA, but also by how this information is interpreted. This is achieved by chemical modifications (epigenetic modifications), allowing, or restricting access to the genetic information without altering the DNA code itself. Defects in this epigenome can be equally damaging to health and development as mutations to the DNA itself. For successful reproduction, the genome of the newly formed embryo must be stripped of most epigenetic information. Yet, an unknown portion of the parental epigenome is transmitted with the genetic material at fertilization and fulfils important roles in the embryonic development and homeostasis of the progeny. Revealing this heritable epigenetic information, its functional relevance and the machineries involved in the transmission in humans and mice is the essence of our research in the laboratory. The epigenetic regulator TRIM28, targeted to DNA by KRAB-Zinc finger proteins, is central to this process. We have shown that loss of maternal TRIM28 causes profound epigenetic defects and to date identified several instances of disrupted epigenetic inheritance in this model (see our published work). Our findings suggest the TRIM28-complex plays a central role in epigenetic inheritance and targets and functions go far beyond our current understanding. The successful candidate will build on this foundation and work to enhance our understanding of TRIM28-mediated inheritance, expand beyond it and most centrally, address germline-to-soma inheritance.
Deadline :01-10-2023
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student in Animal Health Economics
We are looking for a motivated candidate for a 3-year research position as a PhD Student with responsibility to estimate the economic and societal burden of selected priority diseases and health conditions. The position is to be filled by 1 January 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter, and is financed through the European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare. You will be part of the Research Subgroup “Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Animal Health Economics (TIPTON)”, in the section: Animal Welfare and Disease Control, at the University of Copenhagen.
Deadline : 01-10-2023
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Plant Glycobiology
Starch is a fundamental component of the human diet. An especially beneficial type of starch is called resistant starch (RS). RS resists degradation in the upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and as a result serves as a substrate for colonic microbes, leading to health-promoting effects. However, existing RS is only partly efficient, and it remains unknown whether the difference in resistance between RS types stems from slow hydrolysis, weak enzyme binding at the RS surface or combinations thereof. By applying a new amylolytic, biomimetic approach, the project will provide the fundamental understanding on the causes of degradation resistance and use this knowledge to produce RS with enhanced performance during digestion. Commercial human recombinant salivary and pancreatic amylases (AMs) will be used to engineer starch to increase its hydrolytic resistance. The structural dynamics and nutritional functionality of the generated resistant material will enable rational formation of widely different RS types optimised for a diversity of applications. We hypothesise that such “Enhanced RS” (eRS) will withstand human digestive AMs, while being susceptible to gut microbial amylases hence supporting the activity of beneficial gut microbes. Importantly, since eRS is more efficient, considerably less eRS than classical RS is needed in food, increasing palatability at similar fibre content.
Deadline : 01-10-2023
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) as part of the Origins of Descriptive Representation (ODER) Project
Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Political Science. Supported by the Carlsberg Foundation, the chosen candidate will work in the Origins of Descriptive Representation (ODER) project alongside a postdoc, a research assistant, and Associate Professor Frederik Hjorth (PI) as well as international collaborators. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. As part of the ODER project, the chosen candidate will cooperate with the other project team members in using machine learning to digitize historical Danish general election data at the candidate level. The ODER project then uses these data to study how the election of underrepresented candidates—specifically, women and working-class candidates—affects the behavior of voters, competing parties, and other elected officials.
Deadline :01-10-2023
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Four PhD Fellowships at the Faculty of Theology
To be considered, applicants must have a Master’s degree in Theology (120 ECTS or equivalent) or any other relevant Master’s degree including African Studies or similar qualifications. Besides attention to the scientific quality and the feasibility of the proposed PhD project, the assessment will put emphasis on the talent for independent research demonstrated by the applicant usually through a Master’s thesis or similar. The qualifications of applicants with non-Danish Master’s degrees will be assessed to ascertain whether they correspond to the Danish level. For further information, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Education and Research:
Deadline : 01-10-2023
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Biophysics
The inner membrane of mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, is highly folded, exhibiting intricate dynamical structures called cristae that are integral to a multitude of cellular processes, in particular bioenergetic demand. Abnormal cristae architectures are associated with many diseases, such as liver dysfunction. However, it remains obscure how exactly the crista shapes emerge and are connected to molecular activities. The goal of this project is to use multiscale computer simulation to understand how the activities and cooperativity of key molecular players shape crista membranes. A PhD candidate should have a background in physics, chemistry, biology, bioinformatics, or related fields. It is considered a strength to have knowledge of molecular dynamics simulations, and computer programming.
Deadline : 01-10-2023
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. scholarship in Biofilm-Bacteriophage Dynamics
This PhD scholarship is associated with the project “How multispecies biofilms cope with phage infections – COPE” founded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The overall aim of the project is to uncover fundamental principles of bacteria-bacteriophage (phage) interactions in complex multispecies biofilm settings. A collection of bacteria and associated phages will be studied at high resolution by specific fluorescent labelling, advanced microscopy, cell sorting and genome sequencing. Specifically, effects of the biofilm matrix, spatial organization, and presence of other species on phage susceptibility of biofilm bacteria will be identified. Also, long-term evolutionary responses to phage and/or antibiotic exposure will be evaluated using experimental evolution and genome mutation mapping. The main tasks of this PhD project are 1) to establish a multispecies biofilm and analyze if non-susceptible species protect sensitive ones from phage infection, and how this relates to species diversity, spatial organization ect., and 2) genetically modify the model strains for application in in vitro models and microscopy analysis. Engineered strains will then be introduced to experimental designs in various in vitro model systems followed by structural and functional characterization of the community, specifically focusing on phage tolerance.
Deadline : 30-09-2023
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship in Experimental Aspects of Non-Local Condensed Matter Physics
The Center for Quantum Devices has played a pivotal role in the field of epitaxial superconductor-semiconductor devices, both in material growth, device development, and underlying theory. This fellowship project ushers in the next generation of experiments that probe the non-local nature and coherence properties associated with hybrid quantum devices through cutting-edge experiments using advanced gate geometries, high-frequency techniques, and low-temperature operations in high-bandwidth cryostats. The project is sponsored through an ERC Synergy grant. It combines nanofabrication, low-temperature physics using cryofree dilution refrigerators, low-noise and high-frequency electrical measurement techniques, data analysis, interaction with theoretical physicists, and scientific writing in English. Applicants should hold a master’s degree or a US undergrate degree in Physics or Applied Physics with relevant experimental experience, ideally including published research.
Deadline : 30-09-2023
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD fellowship in Physical Geography
We are looking for candidates within the field(s) of remote sensing within the cryosphere, and with specific experience with processing Sentinel1 and ICESat2 on large spatial and temporal scales. Applicants can have a background from physical geography or other related fields.
Deadline : 28-09-2023
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Protein Signaling Program at The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research
Within the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), University of Copenhagen is offering one PhD position for a Doctoral Candidate (DC), commencing in 2023 or as soon as possible hereafter. The position is for 36 months and is funded by Horizon Europe. RepliFate is a MSCA Doctoral Network. The candidate will be part of the Duxin laboratory and primarily focus on identifying and characterizing novel mechanisms of DNA-protein crosslink repair. To this end, the candidate will employ proteome approaches that will be combined with the power of the Xenopus system. These include utilizing and developing many different methods of molecular biology, biochemistry and computational analysis. The candidate will also have access to all the state-of-the art facilities present at CPR including the Mass Spectrometry, Protein Imaging, Big Data Management and Protein Production platforms.
Deadline : 26-09-2023
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Department of Communication, Philosophy of Perception
Perception seems to give us direct access to the reality we live in. Researchers often articulate this point in terms of a special ‘presence’ characteristic of perception. In everyday life, presence is what allows us to distinguish our genuine perceptions from imagery or daydreaming. In clinical settings, disturbances of presence seem a crucial factor in a host of mental disorders, including schizophrenia, delirium, and PTSD. Commercially, efforts to create perceptual presence artificially range from the entertainment industry (e.g., movies, gaming) through education (e.g., simulation tools) to computer-mediated communication (e.g., video conference platforms). Surprisingly, however, researchers rarely address presence explicitly, let alone analyse it in detail. Moreover, when they do explicitly address it, it is often unclear exactly what ‘presence’ is supposed to denote. The aim of the research project Mapping Perceptual Presence is to answer the following overarching research question: What is perceptual presence, and how does it manifest or fail to manifest in a variety of pathological as well as non-pathological experiences? The PhD project in philosophy of perception should address the nature and structure of presence. Key questions include these: Is presence a feature of perceptual content, or do we need to invoke brute acquaintance relations to account for presence?
Deadline : 25-09-2023
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD scholarship at the Department of Communication, Philosophy of Psychiatry
Perception seems to give us direct access to the reality we live in. Researchers often articulate this point in terms of a special ‘presence’ characteristic of perception. In everyday life, presence is what allows us to distinguish our genuine perceptions from imagery or daydreaming. In clinical settings, disturbances of presence seem a crucial factor in a host of mental disorders, including schizophrenia, delirium, and PTSD. Commercially, efforts to create perceptual presence artificially range from the entertainment industry (e.g., movies, gaming) through education (e.g., simulation tools) to computer-mediated communication (e.g., video conference platforms). Surprisingly, however, researchers rarely address presence explicitly, let alone analyse it in detail. Moreover, when they do explicitly address it, it is often unclear exactly what ‘presence’ is supposed to denote. The aim of the research project Mapping Perceptual Presence is to answer the following overarching research question: What is perceptual presence, and how does it manifest or fail to manifest in a variety of pathological as well as non-pathological experiences?
Deadline : 25-09-2023
About The University of Copenhagen, Denmark – Official Website
The University of Copenhagen is a public research university in Copenhagen, Denmark. Founded in 1479, the University of Copenhagen is the second-oldest university in Scandinavia, and ranks as one of the top universities in the Nordic countries and Europe.
Its establishment sanctioned by Pope Sixtus IV, the University of Copenhagen was founded by Christian I of Denmark as a Catholic teaching institution with a predominantly theological focus. In 1537, it was re-established by King Christian III as part of the Lutheran Reformation. Up until the 18th century, the university was primarily concerned with educating clergymen. Through various reforms in the 18th and 19th century, the University of Copenhagen was transformed into a modern, secular university, with science and the humanities replacing theology as the main subjects studied and taught.
The University of Copenhagen consists of six different faculties, with teaching taking place in its four distinct campuses, all situated in Copenhagen. The university operates 36 different departments and 122 separate research centres in Copenhagen, as well as a number of museums and botanical gardens in and outside the Danish capital. The University of Copenhagen also owns and operates multiple research stations around Denmark, with two additional ones located in Greenland. Additionally, The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences and the public hospitals of the Capital and Zealand Region of Denmark constitute the conglomerate Copenhagen University Hospital.
A number of prominent scientific theories and schools of thought are namesakes of the University of Copenhagen. The famous Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics was conceived at the Niels Bohr Institute, which is part of the university. The Department of Political Science birthed the Copenhagen School of Security Studies, which is also named after the university. Others include the Copenhagen School of Theology and the Copenhagen School of Linguistics.
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