Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Computational Hydrology
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
The Computational Hydrology and Atmospheric Science Group (CHAS) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking a qualified postdoctoral candidate in the fields of Hydrological and Earth System Modeling and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a strong background in computational sciences, statistics, hydrological modeling, and Earth system modeling. ORNL’s CHAS group conducts world-class research and development in hydrological and Earth system modeling, large scale data analytics and machine learning (ML), and model-data integration at the US Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Leadership Class Computing Facilities (LCFs).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Metabolomics for Plant Systems Biology & Biodesign
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy science and energy laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security. We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will support the Plant Systems Biology Group in the Biosciences Division, Biological and Environmental System Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The Post doctoral Associate will collaborate with a group of scientists to conduct plant and microbial metabolomics analyses. You will join a team of scientific and technical staff actively working to characterize the metabolite composition of plant and microbial samples. You will conduct broad spectrum metabolomic analyses using an Agilent 5975C standard quadrupole gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), and elucidation of unknowns using a high resolution (accurate mass) ThermoFisher Q Exactive Orbitrap GC-MS/MS.
The analyses are conducted independently across a suite of studies. Your research activities include sample preparation (grinding samples in liquid nitrogen, incorporation of internal standards for quantification, metabolite extraction, sample derivatization), data extraction and spreadsheet summarization, data visualization, interpretation, and metabolite database development. The metabolomic analyses will be conducted on plant samples generated within the Center for Bioenergy Innovation (https://cbi.ornl.gov/) that will include characterizing the metabolome of a large collection of Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) genotypes as part of a genome-wide association study (GWAS), including identifying unknowns, to identify metabolite-SNP associations. The results will be used to establish the basis of drought tolerance in P. deltoides, biosynthetic pathways for bioproduct synthesis, and manipulation of biomass composition. Included in the research will be construction of the metabolite database for the Q Exactive Orbitrap GC-MS/MS
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Computational Hydrology
We seek a Postdoctoral Research Associate to support research in the Watershed Systems Modeling Group in the Environmental Sciences Division (ESD), Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate (BESSD) at ORNL. We are interested in qualified candidates with experience in computational hydrology and/or hydrodynamics to run and develop models of flooding in urban and semi-urban regions using process-rich models and high-performance computing. The candidate will work with a multi-disciplinary team of scientists as a part of the Southeast Texas Urban Integrated Field Laboratory (https://setx-uifl.org/), a project focused on identifying climate impact mitigation strategies in partnership with Southeast Texas community members and technical experts.
ESD is an interdisciplinary research and development organization with more than 60 years of achievement in local, regional, national, and international environmental research. Our vision is to expand scientific knowledge and develop innovative strategies and technologies that will strengthen the nation’s leadership in creating solutions to help sustain the Earth’s natural resources. Our scientists conduct research, develop technology, and perform analyses to understand and assess responses of environmental systems at the environment-human interface and the consequences of alternative energy and environmental strategies.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate -Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis (MEERA) Group, housed within the Manufacturing Science Division (MSD), Energy Science and Technology Directorate (ESTD) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is currently seeking to fill a position for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. This role entails engaging in research within the domains of renewable energy and the implementation of clean energy technologies on-site, along with their associated supportive technologies (such as solar photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, wind power, renewable fuels, geothermal solutions, battery storage, thermal storage, and industrial heat pumps). The role also involves research and analysis of technologies and practices for increasing the energy efficiency of the industrial sectors. The primary objective is the direct reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the industrial sector.
The MEERA Group actively contributes to the efforts of the Department of Energy’s Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office (IEDO) in providing technical assistance. The focus of this assistance revolves around identifying and facilitating the deployment of on-site clean energy solutions. These solutions aim to generate energy that is both flexible and dependable, thereby contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Furthermore, these efforts align with the overarching goal of promoting corporate sustainability within the industrial sector.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – S2S Predictability
We are seeking Postdoctoral Research Associates who will support the Computational Earth Sciences (CES) Group in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division (CSED), Computing and Computational Sciences (CCSD) Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
The postdoctoral researcher will conduct research on sub-seasonal to seasonal scale (S2S) predictability and translate the information into useful products for stakeholders to enable decision-support services. The ideal candidate should have a strong understanding of approaches to establishing a predictive understanding of climate variability and change, particularly in global monsoon regions. The candidate should also have experience using global seasonal forecasting systems and developing models for predicting S2S climate through conventional and artificial intelligence approaches. An understanding of the requirements to establish stakeholder-relevant S2S products is also desirable.
The CES group is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of scientists carrying out research to
improve process understanding of the global Earth system by developing and applying models, machine learning, and computational tools at scale; integrating observational data; and quantifying Earth system predictability and uncertainty associated with interactions between water, energy, biogeochemical cycles, and aerosols.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Theory of Strongly Correlated Topological Quantum Materials
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on the development and/or application of quantum monte carlo (QMC) as well as other correlated electronics structure methods such as, GW and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), as well as density functional theory, for strongly correlated topological quantum materials at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The applicant will work closely with scientists both at ORNL and institutions primarily associated with the Center for Predictive Simulation of Functional Materials (CPSFM, https://cpsfm.ornl.gov), which aims to develop and apply scalable quantum monte carlo (QMC) methods to problems in condensed matter theory using their flagship open-source QMCPACK code (www.qmcpack.org) and QMC methods. This position resides in the Nanomaterials Theory Institute Group with Dr. P. Ganesh in the Theory & Computation Section, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS), Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at ORNL.
The research you will conduct will focus on advancing our understanding of emergent properties in strongly correlated materials, specifically those with topologically protected quantum states, with the goal of revealing the complex interplay of spin, orbit, lattice symmetries and electron-electron correlations. These methods will, for example, enable us to predict with high accuracy properties of new quantum materials with potential applications in dissipationless nano-transport and topological quantum computation. We are also interested in developing databases of material properties using accurate electronic structure methods using automated workflows as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence-based approaches that can inform and improve lower-fidelity methods based on these datasets. Independent and motivated candidates capable of generating novel ideas, planning and executing appropriate theoretical calculations, and extracting meaningful results through innovative analysis methods, working closely with experimental groups pursuing thin-film synthesis and nanoscale characterization, are encouraged to apply. A successful candidate should have a strong demonstrated background in both electronic structure methods and condensed matter theory/material science/physics/chemistry.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Radiochemistry
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a seeking passionate Postdoctoral Fellow to contribute to groundbreaking research at the intersection of radiochemistry, chemistry, nuclear medicine, and biomedical engineering. This position will support a collaboration with the University of Tennessee (UT) Oak Ridge Innovation Institute (ORII) Convergent Research Initiative as we pioneer the future of radiopharmaceutical therapies. This initiative aims to revolutionize the development and translation of radiopharmaceutical therapies for clinical applications through interdisciplinary collaboration and cutting-edge innovation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Research Associate – Machine Learning/NLP for PEM Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Materials Develop
The Energy Storage and Conversion Manufacturing Group within the Electrification Section of the Energy Science and Technology Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. This position focuses on the integration of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) techniques in the development of materials for low-temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) and advanced alkaline water electrolysis (AWE) fuel cells and electrolyzers. The successful candidate will collaborate closely with a multidisciplinary team to innovate in electrocatalyst development, electrode design, and manufacturing processes. This role is based in the Department of Energy (DOE) Battery Manufacturing R&D Facility (BMF) at ORNL in Knoxville, TN, USA.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Precipitation and Chemomechanics
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on efforts to establish the processes by which chemical reactivity results in fracture and grain boundary opening and closing. This position resides in the Geochemistry and Interfacial Sciences Group in the Chemical Transformations Section, Chemical Sciences Division (CSD), Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD), at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
As part of our team, you will work with a team of scientists in the Geochemistry and Interfacial Sciences Group to perform experiments to understand the effects of chemomechanical feedback mechanisms including crystallization pressure and localized stress/strain that result in fracture and grain boundary opening and closing. Experiments are expected to involve high pressure/temperature systems, mineral synthesis, and analyses using a variety of neutron and X-ray scattering techniques, coupled with other approaches as needed.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. With a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people, ORNL’s decadal vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Quantum Computing
The Quantum Computational Science Group (https://www.ornl.gov/group/quantum-comp-science) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) seeks candidates for a postdoctoral research assistant in quantum computing theory and applications. This position resides in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division of the Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate.
The mission of the Quantum Computational Science Group is to develop quantum computing capabilities for important problems in basic and applied science. As part of our research team you will help analyze, develop, and benchmark quantum computational methods using a variety of state-of-the-art quantum processors and high-performance digital computing facilities. You will perform original analysis and research in one or more of the following areas: quantum algorithms, quantum programming and compilation, fault tolerance, modeling and simulation, resource estimation, and scalable characterization and verification. Application areas include many-body physics and chemistry, machine learning, and optimization.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are essential for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Synthetic Organic and Polymer Chemist
We are seeking two Postdoctoral Research Associates who will focus on the synthesis of various polymer building blocks including oligoamides, acrylate and methacrylate monomers, and cycloalkenes and their polymerization to form polyamides, polymerized ionic liquids, and new intrinsically recyclable polymeric materials. This position resides in the Soft Materials and Membranes Group in the Chemical Sciences Division (CSD), Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security.
The research will support collaborative efforts on enzyme engineering, which aims to polymerize and depolymerize commodity plastics such as Nylons and aliphatic polyesters, the study of photo-responsive polymerized ionic liquids for energy storage applications, and the development of novel intrinsically recyclable polymer systems. These Laboratory Directed Research and Development and Office of Science projects will involve organic synthesis and the development of novel synthetic pathways, step-growth, radical, and ring-opening polymerization of the synthesized building blocks, and thermomechanical characterization of the resulting polymeric materials. In this position, the postdoc will work as part of three different interdisciplinary teams focusing on disparate aspects of polymers in energy applications. The postdoc is expected to lead the synthesis efforts on these projects while integrating with technical support staff and expert collaborators in biochemistry, machine learning, computational chemistry, and analytical chemistry. They will also design and execute laboratory experiments, analyze quantitative data, write, and communicate results to the scientific community.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Integrated Photonics
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will support the Quantum Sensing and Computing Group in the Computational Science and Engineering Division (CSED), Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate (CCSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Electrical Machines and Drives
The Electrical Drives Research Group in Buildings and Transportation Science Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking applicants for a post-doctoral R&D Associate position to conduct research on Artificial Intelligence and machine learning (AI&ML) applications to EV drivetrain diagnostics and prognosis.
The successful candidate will be capable of developing ML models, performing modeling, simulating, designing and optimizing algorithms for successful implementation of preventive diagnostics and prognosis of EV drivetrains. The primary focus will be on predicting the motor, and converters and inverter faults.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Magnetic Excitations in Quantum Magnets
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to lead scientific projects aimed at advancing our understanding of quantum materials, with a primarily focus on utilizing neutron scattering techniques. This position resides in the Direct Geometry Group in the Spectroscopy Section, Neutron Scattering Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
As a postdoctoral fellow, you will join a team whose research interests include quantum spin liquid materials, frustrated magnetism, phase transitions and the interplay among degrees of freedom in strongly correlated materials. Your primary research will involve conducting elastic, inelastic and polarized neutron measurements on powder and single crystal materials using the world leading neutron scattering instruments at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at ORNL. This position represents an excellent opportunity to study quantum matter in a stimulating multidisciplinary environment at ORNL.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Irradiation Materials Analysis
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on material property testing, analysis, and modeling of reactor isotope production target materials. This involves the development of experimental plans to examine material properties such as thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and thermal expansion – material properties critical to understanding target behavior during irradiation in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). This could also involve development, validation, and deployment of new physical and analytical testing methods towards improving our understanding of unique target materials. You will be working with scientists, engineers, technicians, and safety and quality assurance staff to support material testing and fabrication efforts that advance HFIR isotope production targets. We are seeking a person who can be a team player with excellent attention to detail, critical thinking ability, and strong communication skills.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Nuclear Fuel Ellipsometry Analysis
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy (DOE) science and energy laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security. We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will primarily support the Particle Fuel Forms (PFF) Group in the Nuclear Fuel Development (NFD) Section within the Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division.
The PFF Group is a global leader in coated particle fuel research for advanced reactors (e.g., tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated particle fuel) and emerging nuclear technologies (e.g., space nuclear propulsion). The PFF group supports activities related to both fabrication and post-irradiation examination of coated particle fuel and fuel forms. This position would support anisotropy and microstructural characterization of nuclear fuel materials to establish a link between nuclear fuel materials properties and performance. A focus will be on the use of novel ellipsometry techniques to characterize pyrocarbon and graphite-based materials. Analysis will be used to support larger irradiation efforts and interpretation of new fuel development. The successful candidate will strongly collaborate with staff within the PFF and the Nuclear Fuel Development section.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Materials and Composites Processing Group
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will support the Materials and Composites Processing Group in the Materials Science and Technology Division, Physical Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Research Associate – Industrial Decarbonization Workforce Development and Technical Support
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis (MEERA) Group at ORNL is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to engage in research and technical support for industrial decarbonization workforce development. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in mechanical engineering, industrial energy systems, renewable energy, decarbonization, or other related fields. They should also possess experience in industrial workforce development and technical training.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Quantum Networking
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will support the Quantum Communications and Networking Group with the Computational Science and Engineering Division (CSED), Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate (CCSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Grid Modeling
The Power System Resilience (PSR) Group in the Electrification and Energy Infrastructure Division (EEID) within the Energy Science and Technology Directorate (ESTD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking a Post Doctoral Research Associate to perform R&D in the areas of EMT simulation and software development as well as dynamic and transient inverter modeling. Selection will be based on qualifications, relevant experience, skills, and education. The successful candidate should be highly self-motivated and independent in conducting research under general guidance, and is expected to prepare manuscripts for scientific publication and present the work to sponsors and at conferences.
The PSR Group supports the research on energy security and resilience of the power grid at the Energy Department (DOE) through advancement of modeling, simulation, and real-time monitoring of the power grid, including research supporting the Office of Electricity (OE), Grid Deployment Office (GDO), Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security and Emergency Response (CESER), and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) on the integration of new technologies, identifying and validating new ways of using existing and emerging grid assets to ensure grid reliability, grid resilience, environmental stewardship, and affordability of energy supplies. The PSR group focuses on resilience, data analytics, protection, and EMT simulation research.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis (MEERA) Group, housed within the Manufacturing Science Division (MSD), Energy Science and Technology Directorate (ESTD) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is currently seeking to fill a position for a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The role entails contributing to MEERA group’s mission of disseminating knowledge on energy, carbon, water, and material efficiency in the manufacturing sector and develop, deploy, and promote impactful practices, tools, and technologies. The ideal candidate should have a strong background in mechanical engineering, industrial energy systems, renewable energy, decarbonization, or other related fields. The candidate will play a crucial role in the planning, execution, and optimization of our technical assistance program for energy intensive industries (iron & steel, food, pulp & paper, chemicals, nonferrous metals, and nonmetallic minerals). The primary objective of the energy intensive industries (EIIs) program is to engage with manufacturers from energy-intensive industrial sectors to better understand their specific needs and issues in implementing energy efficiency and decarbonization activities. The candidate will work closely with program allies, subject matter experts and technical trade associations to ensure successful delivery of technical assistance to energy intensive manufacturing participants.
The MEERA Group actively contributes to the efforts of the Department of Energy’s Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office (IEDO) by providing technical assistance. This role supports the IEDO’s vision of driving energy savings and decarbonization that can have broader impact across the energy intensive industries, which leads to cost savings, greater resilience, a strengthened workforce, and increased global competitiveness.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Theory, Modeling and Simulation of Quantum Materials
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy science and energy laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on the development and/or application of density functional theory (DFT) as well as correlated electronics structure methods such as quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), GW/BSE, dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), among others, for strongly correlated topological quantum materials. The position resides in the Nanomaterials Theory Institute (NTI) at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences Division (CNMS), Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and will be associated with the Heterogeneities in Quantum Materials (HQM) theme science research at the CNMS.
As a Postdoctoral Research Associate, you will contribute to research by bridging state-of-the-art atomistic simulation methods with nanoscale experiments and domain-informed AI/ML algorithms. In addition to fundamental science discovery, the research will pursue the development of automated computational workflows for multi-fidelity modeling and simulation as well as development of ML-approaches that allow efficient integration of different theory and simulation tools with automated experimental platforms. You will work closely with a team of scientists at CNMS who are experts in developing/applying different theoretical approaches as well as developing novel ML-approaches for automation of nanoscale experimental probes, such as scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)..
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Photonic Quantum Sensing and Computing
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will support the Quantum Sensing and Computing Group in the Computational Science and Engineering Division (CSED), Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate (CCSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Human-Centered Design
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a Human-Centered Design Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on quantifying and improving human interaction with manufacturing systems and digital aids for manufacturing processes. This position resides in the Manufacturing Systems Design Group in the Manufacturing Sciences Division of the Energy Science and Technology Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
As part of our research team, you will quantify the current complexity of interactions and information flow, to inform the design of next generation interfacing between human, manufacturing systems, and digital tools. It is critical to understand the sensing and metrics needed to enable better CAM workflows, operator strategies and redesign efforts for the newest convergent manufacturing systems. This work will ultimately result in exploration of Human-AI interactions for both operators and designers in manufacturing contexts.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Scientific Machine Learning
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate with expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for multiscale physical systems. This position resides in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division (CSED) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). CSED focuses on transdisciplinary computational science and analytics at scale to enable scientific discovery across the physical sciences, engineered systems, and biomedicine and health. It provides foundations and advances in quantum information sciences to enable quantum computers, devices, and networked systems. It develops community applications, data assets, and technologies and provides assurance to build knowledge and impact in novel, crosscut-science outcomes.
The selected candidate will join the Multiscale Materials (MsM) group within the Advanced Computing Methods for Physical Sciences Section in CSED. The MsM group is dedicated to delivering multiscale, multi-fidelity computational models, systems, and AI/ML tools using algorithms and analytics for materials and related physical sciences for a broad range of energy, transportation, and advanced manufacturing applications. In this role, the postdoctoral researcher will focus on developing trustworthy foundation models for fluid dynamics and turbulent flows. This will involve designing efficient and trustworthy ML algorithms for physical systems, scalable data loading and training methods for exascale computing platforms, and model verification and validation. The position offers an excellent opportunity to collaborate with multi-disciplinary domain scientists and advance large-scale scientific AI/ML models.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Synthetic Polymer Chemist
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate, who will focus on polymer electrolyte synthesis and characterization for two projects including ORNL FaCT EFRC https://fact-efrc.ornl.gov/ and the development of novel high temperature proton exchange membranes and ionomers. This position resides in the Soft Materials and Membranes group in the Separation and Polymer Chemistry section, Chemical Sciences Division, Physical Sciences Directorate, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
As part of our team, the postdoc will synthesize novel proton, Li/Na conducting polymer electrolytes and conduct their characterization. The project is highly collaborative, and the postdoc will work with other polymer scientists, physicists, electrochemists, computational scientists, as well as neutron scattering experts. In FaCT EFRC, the postdoc will conduct synthesis of novel polymer electrolytes especially for Li and Na transport. For high temperature fuel cell project, the postdoc will conduct synthesis of novel proton exchange membranes and ionomers, their processing and electrochemical characterization.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. With a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people, ORNL’s decadal vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Energy Efficiency Engineer
The Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis (MEERA) Group in the Manufacturing Science Division (MSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral research associate position in energy efficiency and decarbonization for the industry sector. This position augments ORNL’s industrial energy efficiency and decarbonization team, which operates in support of DOE’s Better Plants and Better Climate Challenge programs. The mission of the MEERA group is to research, analyze, and disseminate knowledge on energy, carbon, water, and material efficiency in the manufacturing sector and to develop, deploy, and promote impactful practices, tools, and technologies. The MEERA group is a part of ORNL’s Manufacturing Science Division in the Energy Science and Technology Directorate.
Through its energy efficiency & decarbonization technical assistance programs, the MEERA group develops a diverse portfolio of industrial energy efficiency tools and resources delivered to the manufacturing sector through various technical assistance and training events worldwide. The MEERA group actively supports industry partners in improving manufacturing plant energy efficiency and decarbonization through roles in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Plants and Better Climate Challenge programs.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Urban System Visualization, Integration & Optimization
The Grid Interactive Controls (GIC) Group in the Electrification and Energy Infrastructure Division (EEID) within the Energy Science and Technology Directorate (ESTD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate. The Grid Interactive Controls group specializes in pioneering innovations at the edge of today’s power grid, concentrating on fortifying grid security, enhancing reliability, bolstering resilience and advancing decarbonization. Our primary focus lies in the comprehensive ‘Everything-to-Grid’ (X2G) strategies, developing cutting-edge solutions in grid-edge integration and control. Our commitment revolves around seamlessly incorporating emerging distributed energy resources, including demand response emerging at the grid edge, providing essential services crucial to its reliable operation. Employing a diverse range of disciplines such as urban modeling, control theory, optimization, economics, game theory, data analytics, and machine learning, the GIC Group delves deeply into understanding intricate grid-edge interactions and operations. Researchers are dedicated to laying the groundwork for optimal X2G integration and utilization. Group initiatives encompass advanced urban system modeling, analysis & visualization, low-cost wireless sensing technologies, and interoperable & scalable control mechanisms tailored for the grid edge. Research promotes grid-interactive efficient buildings as a pivotal component in advancing building-to-grid integration, amplifying their role in electrification of heating and ultimately shaping the future decarbonized grid.
Specifically, the urban energy modeling team within the GIC Group has created and simulated a model of every U.S. building. This involves urban-scale building energy modeling at the resolution of individual buildings and at the scale of nations to analyze building codes, energy efficiency, demand response, and climate change impacts toward a sustainable and resilient built environment. These activities involve multi-disciplinary collaboration across ORNL, collaborative partnerships and NDAs with over 20 well-known companies, and significant awards on world-class computational resources. This team achieved world-first simulation of 125.7 million U.S. buildings, public release of 122.9 million building energy models (bit.ly/ModelAmerica), and has scaled EnergyPlus to over 1 million simulations per hour on supercomputers. In partnership with major organizations, the team is actively improving the data and algorithms of the Automatic Building Energy Modeling (AutoBEM, bit.ly/AutoBEM) software suite which involves big data processing, data analytics, machine learning, high-performance computing resources, computer vision, and building science to create, model, simulate, validate, and analyze building performance to create software prototypes (e.g. dashboards, bit.ly/virtual_epb) for actionable use of building data, models, or analysis by specific stakeholders. Over 50 million core-hours have been awarded to release a Model America v2.0 dataset in 2022.
Selection will be based on qualifications, relevant experience, skills, and education. The successful candidate should be highly self-motivated and independent in conducting research under general guidance, and is expected to prepare manuscripts for scientific publication and present the work to sponsors and at conferences. This position requires development of innovative software techniques, knowledge of building energy modeling, multi-sector grid edge technology integration, frequent and consistent review of related literatur. It also requires frequent interactions and collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from universities, national laboratories, and private industry for the development of technical capabilities, demonstrations, proposals, oral presentations, and publications.
As part of the urban energy modeling team, the candidate will assist in the development and implementation of data organization and software development for scalable use and analysis of business-sensitive data by supporting senior R&D staff in 1) the invention or improvement of innovative algorithms for detection or estimation of building characteristics, 2) validation against known data sources, 3) scalable generation/simulation of buildings using OpenStudio and EnergyPlus, and/or 4) use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to quantify and improve city-to-nation scales of individual building energy models. As part of the R&D, the candidate will be required to apply the computational skills to manage big data, create and extend existing software capabilities, and develop user-centered web interfaces; and utilize the system engineering knowledge to ensure seamless integration of data, algorithms, and knowledge into comprehensive solutions.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Reactive Transport and Nucleation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy science and energy laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security.
The Chemical Sciences Division (CSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) invites outstanding applications for a postdoctoral research associate to conduct research on simulating precipitation, dissolution, and phase transformation of minerals in porous and fractured media. As a postdoc, you will work with a team of scientists in the CSD to model experimental tomography and porosity distribution data to improve our capabilities to predict how porosity and permeability evolve in geochemical systems in response to mineral reactions, particularly nucleation and growth. The position supports research on understanding and analyzing chemical reactions at solid-fluid interfaces and resides in the Geochemistry and Interfacial Sciences Group in the Chemical Sciences Division, Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – AI for Diffraction
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on ground breaking research focused on AI techniques for on-the-fly analysis of neutron diffraction data. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is the largest US Department of Energy science and energy laboratory, conducting basic and applied research to deliver transformative solutions to compelling problems in energy and security. The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the High-Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) are world-leading facilities and the scientific center of a diverse, international and inclusive neutron scattering community. As a Postdoctoral Research Associate your work will directly benefit from these facilities. In this position, you will be part of a multi-disciplinary and multi-institution team developing integrated systems to automate the acquisition and interpretation of neutron scattering data. In particular, you will contribute to the development of AI models to detect phase transitions in neutron diffraction data as it is streamed from SNS and HFIR instruments. Your work will require close collaboration with members of both the Neutron Scattering Division and the Computer Science and Mathematics Division, as well as project members from other DOE national laboratories.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher for Quantum Sensing and Light-Emission
Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) Division is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join an exciting and dynamic research environment. This position sits at the intersection of spin-based quantum sensing, optical imaging, solid-state single-photon sources, and fundamental materials science. At CNMS, we leverage the unique properties of quantum systems, such as color centers in diamonds, to develop innovative sensing techniques with applications in magnetic imaging. Our spin-based quantum sensing capabilities are undergoing significant expansion, with the installation of an ambient scanning nitrogen vacancy (NV) microscope, the imminent addition of a cryogenic scanning NV microscope, and the construction of a new cryogenic widefield/confocal spin-based sensing platform. These cutting-edge platforms will enable the successful candidate to pioneer new imaging and sensing modalities, explore novel solid-state spin sensors, and investigate nanoscale magnetic order and spin fluctuations.
In addition to NV centers in diamond, emerging solid-state single-photon sources such as color centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) offer exciting potential for photonic quantum information technologies. As a postdoctoral scholar, you will have the opportunity to investigate these novel quantum emitters, particularly hBN-based systems, fabricate photonic interfaces, and characterize photon and spin properties using a cryostat integrated with microwave sources and superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. You will have the ability to focus on quantum sensing, quantum emitters, or both, allowing for flexibility based on your research interests and expertise. This position resides in the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Group, Nanomaterials Characterization Section, CNMS Division, Physical Sciences Directorate (PSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(32) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Machine Learning and Surrogate Models
The Multiscale Methods and Dynamics (MMD) Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on the development and application of machine learning algorithms in areas such as surrogate modeling for physical systems, data assimilation, and scientific data reduction. The position comes with a travel allowance and access to advanced computing resources. This position resides in the Multiscale Methods and Dynamics (MMD) Group in the Mathematics in Computation (MiC), Computer Science and Mathematics (CSM) Division, Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
The MMD group is responsible for the design and development of numerical algorithms and analysis necessary for simulating and understanding complex, multi-scale systems. The group is part of the Mathematics in Computation (MiC) Section of the Computer Science and Mathematics (CSM) Division. CSM delivers fundamental and applied research capabilities in a wide range of areas, including applied mathematics and computer science, experimental computing systems, scalable algorithms and systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data management, workflow systems, analysis and visualization technologies, programming systems and environments, and system science and engineering.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people. Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(33) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations
The Multiscale Methods and Dynamics (MMD) Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking several qualified applicants for postdoctoral positions related to numerical methods for kinetic equations. Mathematical topics of interest include high-dimensional approximation, closure models, hybrid methods, structure preserving methods, and iterative solvers. Successful applications will work in applications related to gas dynamics, plasma physics, and radiation transport. The position comes with a travel allowance and access to advanced computing resources.
The MMD group is responsible for the design and development of numerical algorithms and analysis necessary for simulating and understanding complex, multi-scale systems. The group is part of the Mathematics in Computation (MiC) Section of the Computer Science and Mathematics (CSM) Division. CSM delivers fundamental and applied research capabilities in a wide range of areas, including applied mathematics and computer science, experimental computing systems, scalable algorithms and systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data management, workflow systems, analysis and visualization technologies, programming systems and environments, and system science and engineering.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people. Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(34) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Multifunctional Equipment Integration (Carbon Capture)
The Multifunctional Equipment Integration Group in the Building and Transportation Science Division (BTSD) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking qualified candidates to fill a Post-Doctoral researcher position. The work in this group supports the U.S. DOE Building Technology Office and other DOE/EERE offices by developing state-of-the-art equipment for energy efficiency, decarbonization, renewable energy, and sustainability.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(35) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Engine System Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will support the Fuel Science and Engine Technologies Research Group in the Buildings and Transportation Science Division, Energy Science and Technology Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The mission of the Fuel Science and Engine Technologies Research Group is to develop decarbonization technology solutions that enable the use of low-life-cycle carbon fuels within mobile and stationary energy systems through experiments and modeling of advanced engine technologies with a focus on off-road applications. The successful candidate(s) will be capable of performing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of internal combustion engines, other energy systems and multi-dimensional reacting flows using a variety of combustion and turbulence models and codes. The selected applicant will be involved in both applied and fundamental combustion research and flammable working fluid projects, targeting off-road transportation technologies and stationary energy conversion device applications.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(36) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – AI/ML for Health and Biostatistics
We are seeking a Post Doctoral Research Associate who will focus on AI/ML for Health and Biostatistics. This position resides in the Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics Group in the Advanced Computing for Health Sciences, Computational Sciences and Engineering Division, Computing and Computational Science, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
You will have a unique opportunity to work in a collaborative research and development environment focusing on biostatistics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). We are specifically seeking a candidate with solid experience with handling multimodal healthcare data. We are looking for someone with innovative thinking to design and implement statistical, AI and ML algorithmic solutions to real world problems in healthcare and biomedical research. You will have the opportunity to conduct computational research and collaborate with scientists within the group as well as with external partners which may include other national laboratories, academia, or medical centers. You will also perform groundbreaking research on a wide range of significant problems with the fastest computing platforms in the world. This position requires novel thinking, teamwork, and discovery in finding new approaches for analyzing massive and complex data, collaborating with worldwide experts, and publishing groundbreaking results.
As a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science national laboratory, ORNL has an extraordinary 80-year history of solving the nation’s biggest problems. We have a dedicated and creative staff of over 6,000 people! Our vision for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) is to cultivate an environment and practices that foster diversity in ideas and in the people across the organization, as well as to ensure ORNL is recognized as a workplace of choice. These elements are critical for enabling the execution of ORNL’s broader mission to accelerate scientific discoveries and their translation into energy, environment, and security solutions for the nation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
About Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States – Official Website
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a U.S. multiprogram science and technology national laboratory sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and administered, managed, and operated by UT–Battelle as a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) under a contract with the DOE, located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Established in 1943, ORNL is the largest science and energy national laboratory in the Department of Energy system (by size) and third largest by annual budget. It is located in the Roane County section of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Its scientific programs focus on materials, nuclear science, neutron science, energy, high-performance computing, systems biology and national security, sometimes in partnership with the state of Tennessee, universities and other industries.
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