NTNU, Norway invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at NTNU, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in for calculating the biodiversity impacts of global, non-food biomass trade
The PhD project is a part of the BAMBOO project with partners in the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Peru and Tanzania. The project aims to improve the tools to assess the impacts of international trade of non-food biomass on biodiversity, to help policymakers, retailers and other stakeholders to assess and mitigate their impacts. We plan to develop models to quantify biodiversity impacts using four indicators: species richness, mean species abundance, functional diversity and ecosystem services and we will use a combination of existing models and newly developed ones. To improve the representation of trade, we will create a new, hybrid multiregional input-output (MRIO) model based on the monetary MRIO EXIOBASE and the biomass-specific FABIO models linked to the impact assessment databases LC-IMPACT and GLOBIO.
Deadline :24.03.2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate within AI for automatic quantification of heart function by ultrasound
Cardiovascular diseases constitute one of the greatest medical challenges of our generation, being the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. In our interdisciplinary team of clinical and technical experts, we aim to develop, evaluate, and implement world-leading technologies based on ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography) and artificial intelligence (AI) for fully automated assessment of the heart’s function and structures. We are now seeking a highly motivated individual with a technical background and an interest for medical image analysis, automation and clinical research related to heart function.
Deadline : 15.03.2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate for optimization models for identifying solutions for emission reductions
The Project will be implemented in cooperation with research partners Institute of Transport Economics and Universities of South-Eastern Norway and Turku, Finland, alongside key stakeholders from the public sector (including Directorate of Fisheries, Norwegian Environment Agency and Norwegian Maritime Authority) and the industry (including Kystrederiene, Fiskarlaget and Fiskebåt). It is a Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project funded by the Research Council of Norway.
Deadline : 10.03.2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in experimental physics- 3D in-situ X-ray imaging for CCS applications
We are searching for a creative, skilled and ambitious candidate for our activities on 3-dimensional in-situ X-ray imaging, funded under the FRINATEK program of the Norwegian Research Council. The PhD student will be supervised by NTNU and SINTEF and will work in an international team of several principal investigators, PhD students, postdocs and master students. External collaboration with other academic research groups and industry actors is an important part of the position.
Deadline : 01.03.23
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Digital Twin based Production-Maintenance Planning and Control for Hydrogen-based Industry
Hydrogen-based industry is facing an important development and first pilots are being implemented in many sectors, among them Glass and Aluminium sectors. Insufficient knowledge about how to plan and control production systems and their maintenance represents one of the major bottlenecks for the industry, and digital twins can be used to have a better control of the systems and a better planning of production and maintenance activities in order to improve the performance of the whole system.
Deadline : 28.02.2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Solar Energy Modelling and Forecasting
The candidate will be a member of a well-established and dynamic research team with mix between young and more experienced scientists working on solar energy in Nordic built environments. The research team is designed in collaboration with National and International partners and other faculties at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). NTNU represents academic eminence in engineering, technology, and the natural sciences in Norway as well as in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, teacher education, architecture to fine art. Cross-disciplinary cooperation results in innovative breakthroughs and creative solutions with far-reaching social and economic impact.
Deadline : 28.02.2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3 PhD Candidates in Molecular Inflammation
3 PhD positions are available in the research groups of prof. Trude Helen Flo and prof. Terje Espevik at the Centre of Excellence in Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. The Flo group seeks to understand how early cellular responses to pathogens are initiated and regulated in space and time, and how this shape infection outcome. We have a particular interest in the cellular host responses to bacterial- and viral pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and we are setting up human stem-cell-based model systems to study how cellular crosstalk regulates inflammation, cell death and the infection outcome. The Espevik group is focusing on functions of the complement system, inflammasomes and Toll-like receptors in relation to intracellular signals induced by microbes and cholesterol crystals. The aim is to find new targets and strategies for regulating immune responses that may result in new therapeutics for treating pathological inflammation.
Deadline : 28th February 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidates within the topic autonomous navigation of marine surface vessels
The vision of the autonomous self-sailing ship has gained a lot of attention and may be considered to be one of the hottest topics within the maritime technology domain. It is a major challenge involving handling and coordinating on-board systems, performing safe and robust navigation and motion control, providing redundant energy and propulsion with a minimum of human interaction. Solving these issues in a practical and pragmatic way that caters for industrialization has an enormous potential. This unique research opportunity focuses on both autonomous navigation and control to enable a ship to perceive it surroundings through cameras, radar, and maps to plan and maintain a safe and collision free trajectory to go from port to port in an energy efficient manner while handling environmental forces and unforeseen events.
Deadline : 26th February 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Hydrogen-Based Zero-Carbon Marine Power Systems
The PhD position is dedicated to the development of zero-carbon marine power systems based on hydrogen and including both onboard power systems and port infrastructure. The position is connected to the Centre for environment-friendly energy research – FME HYDROGENi as a cross-disciplinary effort between research areas “Transport and storage” and “Maritime end-use”. Hence, the research will be performed in collaboration with the project partners and other researchers in the centre. Given the emerging research field, the PhD scope may cover flexible research questions including marine power system modeling and design, energy management and optimization, port sustainable energy system, and smart hydrogen integration.
Deadline : 26th February 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in neuroecology of insect navigation
We are seeking for a highly motivated PhD candidate in the Department of Biology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) to join the group of Basil el Jundi (www.insectnavigation.com). The candidate should have a solid background in sensory ecology, neuroethology, and/or neuroscience. A strong interest in insect navigation, an excellent track record and experience with performing behavioral experiments or electrophysiological recordings and programming would be desirable. The group aims to create an international work environment and therefore encourages international applicants to apply.
Deadline : 15th February 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in prostate cancer – linking MRI and molecular features for improved characterization
We are looking for a motivated person who is interested in joining our team as a PhD student at The Cancer Imaging and Multi-Omics Research Group (CIMORe – former MR Cancer Group) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.We at CIMORe focus on the use of medical imaging and molecular analyses to diagnose cancer and to understand its underlying functional and metabolic characteristics. Our overall aim is to contribute to improved and patient-tailored management of the disease. Our translational approach to cancer research benefits from the close integration between NTNU and St. Olavs University Hospital.
Deadline : 15th February 2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in design of oceangoing trawlers
The project aims to contribute to value creation and adaptation within the marine and maritime industries in Møre og Romsdal through cross-sectorial collaboration, knowledge development and capacity building. The Norwegian fishing fleet is facing both national and international demands and expectations for sustainable future growth and development in line with the industrial green shift. To achieve this, new knowledge and technology are required for developing new automated systems for handling large volumes of raw material whilst also enhancing quality.
Deadline : 9th February 2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in development of lifetime prediction models for composite materials and structures
The candidate will collaborate with researchers working on accelerated aging and material characterization and will use owned datasets. Through this position, you will find an exceptional portfolio of industrial and academic partners from Norway and Europe, across a variety of sectors. The successful candidate will join the Group for Sustainable Composites and will be part of ASEMlab team (Laboratory of Advanced & Sustainable Engineering Materials), led by Prof. Sotirios Grammatikos. ASEMlab is in possession of brand-new facilities for polymer composites research, covering manufacturing, testing & characterization, non-destructive evaluation, recycling as well as advanced software for design and analysis.
Deadline : 5th February 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position at Center for Quantum Spintronics (QuSpin)
A PhD position is available at the Center of Quantum Spintronics, which is part of the Department of Physics, NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. The candidates will join and become part of an international research environment in quantum condensed matter theory and experiments.The PhD position has a duration of three years with the possibility of up to one-year extension with 25% teaching duties in agreement with the department.
Deadline : 05 February 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD within Simulation and analysis of drop-turbulence interactions
The understanding of droplet dynamics in turbulent flow is important for a variety of industrial processes. In this project we are interested in the detailed analyses of drop-turbulence interactions. We are particularly interested in understanding the drop-turbulence interactions in the cases where such interactions result in breakup of droplets. Numerical simulations of turbulent flow (resolved scales) with dispersed droplets (described by the phase field method) can provide the necessary flow fields needed to analyse the drop-turbulence interactions. Canonical flows such as the channel will be adopted for the multiphase flow simulations.
Deadline : 10th February 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. candidate in Didactics of Statistics
At universities world-wide there has been a shift from teacher centred to student centred learning. Blended learning and flipped classroom methods have been implemented in many courses in statistics and mathematics at NTNU, and during the pandemic we have seen a further increase in the development and use of digital resources in higher education. Today’s students must therefore navigate and make use of various digital and on-campus learning resources in their education.
Deadline : 14th February 2023
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in MRI and AI for prostate cancer diagnosis
The candidate will be a part of the interdisciplinary team in PROPERMED (Prostate cancer – Personalized medicine powered by MRI and AI), a research project funded by NTNU Health. The aim of the project is to bring decision support tools based on AI for personalized medicine in prostate cancer closer to clinical implementation. Despite an immense potential, only a minority AI based solutions are manifested in clinical use. PROPERMED targets this through a holistic approach, with clear synergies between 1) technical AI development, 2) prospective clinical testing, 3) and evaluation of its societal impact. The project funds 4 PhD positions, which will work in close collaboration together with strong research groups at Dept. of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Dept. of Computer Science, Dept. of Education and Lifelong Learning, and Dept. of Public Health and Nursing at NTNU.
Deadline :15th February 2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Fish Ecophysiology
The theme of the PhD position is the physiological, behavioural, and evolutionary responses of fishes to temperature. The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim Norway is seeking a new graduate student (PhD studentship) to research thermal biology in fish. The position starts in first half of 2023.Common responses of fishes to climate warming include migration, acclimatization, and adaptation. This project will investigate both the acclimatisation and adaptation potential of fishes to changes in water temperature. The PhD project aims to fill major knowledge gaps in the field of thermal biology. The main questions that will be addressed are:
Deadline :15th February 2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate within the area of floating structures for the next generation of ocean industries
The focus of the PhD project is floating membrane structures for the support of solar panels or aquaculture closed cage systems. The membranes are made of flexible polymeric materials that will deform statically when exposed to current loads and dynamically when subjected to waves. The connections to buoyancy elements and stiff solar panels must be carefully designed as stress concentrations will be introduced, potentially violating the lifetime performance of such structures.
Deadline : 20th February 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in floating structures for the next generation of ocean industries
The focus of the PhD project is on the design and dynamic analysis of multi-modular floating structures. Floating structures composed of interconnected modules are proposed as economical solutions for floating solar power plants, floating islands, floating hubs, and other applications. Experience with such structures is limited, however, and there are limited design guidelines and simplified tools for early design. For design optimization, rapid screening of concepts is desirable, but the screening needs to capture trends in important performance criteria with an acceptable level of accuracy. Dominant physical effects must be included in the analysis. This includes possibly nonlinear structural responses in connections and nonlinear wave and current loads.
Deadline : 26th February 2023
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Interaction Design and Learning Technologies.
Nowadays, the advances in learning technologies have introduced a new era that builds and extends their impact in learning, teaching and assessment in new and unanticipated ways. In the 21rst century digital world, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and especially Computer Science (CS) education appears to be more important than ever before, particularly in educating K-12 students and young people. Studying the design, evaluation and implementation of learning systems (combine the use of Learning Analytics, Augmented Reality, 3D printing, and Virtual Robotics solutions among others), dealing with the interaction in real educational settings, is demanding and challenging process. In order to explore the future of learning technologies researchers need to examine the complex interactions and invisible cognitive learning processes as they occur in learning situations using methods and data that will help us to monitor the overall learning experience in more holistic and accurate ways (e.g., multimodal data, AI/ML, other).
Deadline : 28th February 2023
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate within Artificial Intelligence for Anomaly Detection
Wireless embedded sensor nodes can perform increasingly complex inference tasks directly on the device. This makes such devices suitable for instrumenting a large number of machines, equipment or other items with the goal to detect anomalies in their operation. The problem remains to learn what constitutes anomalies that should be reported and distinguish them from normal changes in operation or variations between devices. Together with partners in the NorwAI SFI, the candidate will work on methods and prototypes to detect and classify anomalies, study transfer learning between devices, and explore how expert knowledge can be considered in the specific setting of distributed and streaming sensor data.
Deadline : 28th February 2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in designing hydrogen resistant metallic materials by additive manufacturing
Hydrogen is considered as a clean energy carrier for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. However, the application of hydrogen energy can be decelerated due to the inevitable embrittling effect when hydrogen interacts with metal. Additive manufacturing (AM) has shown its uniqueness in producing complex multifunctional components for existing applications. It has also been proposed as a promising approach to develop metallic materials that can tolerate hydrogen damage, not only in the hydrogen value chain, but also for subsea service in the oil and gas sector. Nevertheless, little is known about hydrogen embrittlement resistance of AM materials. In this project, you are expected to employ the state-of-the-art testing techniques developed at MTP, to study both the AM and conventional metallic materials, for instance high-strength steels and nickel alloys, on:
Deadline : 1st March 2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Candidates in Statistical Machine Learning and Signal Processing
One position is linked to the project AUTOSHIP and one position is linked to the project PREFERENCE. Both projects are partially funded by the Research Council of Norway and are in collaboration with other Norwegian partners. Big data, Internet of Things (IoT), digital twins and artificial intelligence (AI) represent key enablers of the digital transformation impacting several domains. The main objectives of the projects include the development and the integration of signal processing and machine learning methodologies aiming at decision support and system design. Use cases for the project AUTOSHIP are related to autonomous navigation, while use cases for the project PREFERENCE are related to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
Deadline :31st March 2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in for analyzing climate mitigation and biodiversity protection with life cycle assesment
The focus of this PhD is the harmonization and implementation of existing and newly developed impact categories into an update of the LC-IMPACT methodology and to them to link these life cycle impact assessment models to REMES – a regional equilibrium model for Norway. Green strategies for climate mitigation and biodiversity protection shall be analyzed for the case of aquaculture in the Trøndelag region (Norway) and transport and mobility in Piedmont (Italy). Further, impacts of biodiversity loss through food trade (out of and into Norway) and transformative scenarios to halt this loss shall be investigated.
Deadline :24th March 2023
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence for Understanding Health Risks in Elderly
The DigiFrailCare project targets digitalization and the use of digitised health data to improve health services for older people at risk of or with frailty. Frailty refers to age-related physical debility; a complex condition characterised by a cumulative decline across multiple physiological systems and increasing vulnerability to adverse health outcomes and death. Sustainable health services for frail older people are highly needed. Three PhDs and one postdoc will work together with an interdisciplinary supervision project team from three faculties and departments to tackle the grand challenges of frailty. This will be done on a medical, a technical, and a societal (STS) expertise level from the three respective PhDs and their faculty affiliation, with an interdisciplinary focused postdoc to integrate the findings across disciplines. The project will impact future multidisciplinary work models for frailty to improve health and function in older people, for the sake of improved and sustainable future health care services.
Deadline : 14th March 2023
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 9 PhD positions and 1 Postdoc position in the HYDROGENi team
The city of Trondheim is a modern European city with a rich cultural scene. Trondheim is the innovation capital of Norway with a population of 200,000. The Norwegian welfare state, including healthcare, schools, kindergartens and overall equality, is probably the best of its kind in the world. Professional subsidized day-care for children is easily available. Furthermore, Trondheim offers great opportunities for education (including international schools) and possibilities to enjoy nature, culture and family life and has low crime rates and clean air quality.
Deadline : Open until filled
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Sustainable Energy Conversion Systems
The research will require the use of eco-technoeconomic analysis (eTEA) methodologies to evaluate candidate energy production, conversion, storage, and transportation processes and systems to quantify their potential economic, environmental, or sociopolitical value of various technologies in comparison to alternative solutions. Key research elements will include the conceptual design, synthesis, and simulation of candidate commercial scale production and/or storage processes currently at technology readiness level 6 or lower; bottom-up economic analyses to estimate costs as a function of geography and markets; dynamic life cycle assessment (LCA) of commercial supply chain implementation; optimal design under uncertainty techniques, and big-picture assessments made within the context of the triple bottom line of sustainability. The development and application of applicable standards, especially concerning comparative eTEAs, will also play an important role.
Deadline : 1st March 2023
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in «Use of Underwater Hyperspectral Imagery (UHI) for phytoplankton bloom dynamics»
The observational pyramid consists of combining multiple observational platforms (hyperspectral satellite, aerial drones, autonomous surface vehicles and traditional water sampling) for a holistic monitoring and understanding of the marine ecosystem. The candidate will use USV (unmanned surface vehicle) and ROV (remotely operated vehicle) as instrument carriers for UHI and other imaging and environmental sensors to identify, map and monitor phytoplankton and ice algae. Fieldwork will take place at different geographical sites such as mid-Norway, Arctic and other relevant areas with large phytoplankton blooms. The data in this project will be focused on in-situ UHI and and cost-effective imaging systems (PlanktoScope) for phytoplankton species identification, biomass, biodiversity and health state.
Deadline : 28th February 2023
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in synaptic neuroscience at Kavli Institute of Systems Neuroscience
The position is based in the Quattrocolo group, a recently established research group part of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience. Recently, the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience has been awarded the Centre for Algorithms in the Cortex, a new centre of excellence which will be funded from 2023 for 10 years by the Research Council of Norway. We offer an international and multidisciplinary environment in which creativity and scientific discourse is valued and stimulated. See http://www.ntnu.edu/kavli for detailed information.
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Ore forming processes of igneous and/or hydrothermal systems – SO IV- 20/23
The project is part of an ongoing research collaboration between the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) and NTNU on the mineral potential in Finnmark. The candidate will utilize the Goldsmith (NGU-UIO) and MiMaC (NTNU-NGU) national infrastructure laboratories. The MiMaC laboratory has a broad range of state-of-the-art equipment for in situ chemical, crystallographical and isotopic mineral analyses including an electron microprobe (EPMA), a ZEISS scanning electron microscope (SEM) that is equipped with the automated mineralogy software ZEISS Mineralogic, laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometer (LA-MC/QqQ-ICP-MS) for in-situ trace-element analysis and U-Pb dating, Raman microscope, Fluid inclusion microthermometry and a Hittachi FEG-SEM with an EBSD system.
Deadline : 26th February 2023
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate within traversability analysis and path planning in dynamic environments
Digital Maritime research group at the Department of Marine Technology, NTNU in Trondheim is currently working on several projects: marine operations, marine systems design, autonomy, digital infrastructure, Arctic. We have a vacant PhD position in traversability analysis and path planning in dynamic environments.The PhD candidate will work on challenging research problems related to ice navigation and mapping. As a new group member, the successful candidate will have an opportunity to shape research tasks according to their interests and talents within the first months of employment.
Deadline : 15th February 2023
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidates in the Field of Unconventional Computing in Nanomagnet Substrates
In our research group, we are seeking radical breakthroughs for unconventional computing exploring spin-based device technologies (Artificial Spin Ice (ASI)). One of our research visions is to use artificial spin systems as a platform for efficient and powerful data analysis at all scales, ranging from low power computation in the simplest sensor node to accelerated data processing in the most complex supercomputer. We are currently looking for PhD candidates to explore the computational possibilities in 2D artificial spin systems and explore the case for such systems to be harnessed for data processing.
Deadline : 13th February 2023
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Neuroscience
A 3-year, full time (100%) PhD position is open for an outstanding applicant to work on the project: Repurposing drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer´s disease (PROMISE). The aim of the PhD candidate position is to complete the doctoral education and obtain a PhD in Medicine and Health Sciences, awarded by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU. The project and relevant PhD thesis represent cutting-edge neuroscience research in the field of Alzheimer´s disease (AD), with a clear translational potential.
Deadline : 10th February 2023
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in «Use of robots as instrument-carrier for Underwater Hyperspectral Imagery (UHI)”
The position is financed by the NTNU recruitment positions to pursue a development of a centre in “intelligent autonomous operations and sensing in marine ecosystem research”. The project will focus on the use of USV (unmanned surface vehicle) and ROV (remotely operated vehicle) as instrument carrier for UHI and other environmental sensors providing information to identify, map and monitor bio-geo-chemical objects of interest (OOI). The data in this project, focusing underwater seafloor mapping and monitoring in complex underwater habitats, will be part of a larger interdisciplinary group working (Observational Pyramid) doing research on environmental variables (eg. light, temperature) and its effect on living organisms such as photosynthesis, light regime measurements (photobiology – light as a cue of life) and remote sensing of ocean colour at sea surface, water column and seafloor.
Deadline : 08 february 2023
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Geotechnical Engineering
The plan for this PhD project is to develop a 1:20 experimental model of a monopile in a 4m x 4m x 3m test tank filled with dry sand. The pile will be monotonically loaded to failure with multi-directional loading applied to assess the influence on the stiffness and strength properties. The accumulation of deformation under one-way and multi-directional load cycling will also be tested for a range of load eccentricities. The project will additionally focus on load-interaction effects for a range of emerging monopile geometries (decreasing L/D ratios).
Deadline : 6th February 2023
(37) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in recycling of composite materials used in different sectors
The proposed 3-year PhD position at the Department of Manufacturing and Civil Engineering in Gjøvik, is linked to three European funded projects of ASEMlab (www.asemlab.no), dedicated to the recycling, circularity, and waste management of fiber-reinforced polymer composites.The successful candidate will focus on the development of a strategy to efficiently disassemble and recycle multilayer composite structures, as well as to develop a digital waste management system of composite waste. Through this position, you will find an exceptional portfolio of industrial and academic partners from Norway and Europe, across a variety of sectors.
Deadline :5th February 2023
(38) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate within Hydrogen Electric Propulsion
The proposed PhD position at the Department of Marine Technology, is connected to the newly established Centre for environment-friendly energy research – FME HYDROGENi, which is dedicated to research and innovation within hydrogen and ammonia for a zero-carbon future. In HYDROGENi, you will find an exceptional portfolio of industrial and academic partners, centered around NTNU and SINTEF and including broad industries covering the hydrogen value chain from production to energy conversion and end-use. The PhD project will focus on the development of hybrid power systems for zero-emission propulsion incorporating fuel cells and energy storages. Given the new and emerging research area, the proposed PhD topic may cover flexible research questions from marine power system modeling and architecture, control design, energy management and optimization. The detailed research plan will be shaped based on the interest of the successful candidate. The research work will be performed in collaboration with industrial partners including Kongsberg Maritime.
Deadline : 3rd February 2023
About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website
The Norwegian University of Science and Technology is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.
NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.
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