KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in tribology of wave energy convertors
The goal of this project is to enhance the development and implementation of wave energy convertor technology by integrating tribological principles into the wave energy convertor design work. The project includes activities related to the systematic collection, organisation and presentation of existing knowledge as well as fundamental research to address critical knowledge gaps with a particular focus on bearing design, selection and operation in wave energy convertor systems. The research work is in close collaboration with industry and international researchers.
Deadline : 30.Nov.2022
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc at WWSC in biorefinery pulping & electrochem. hydrogen production
In WWSC a Post doctoral position is initiated the deals with biorefinery based on chemical pulping. The main idea of the concept is that it should be possible to apply with simpler equipment, since it can be used at atmospheric pressure. The products form the process is pulp that can be used for material applications, and black liquer that will be tested for electrochemical hydrogen manufacture, abut also for preparation och chemicals. The work will be experimental focused and using the advanced equipment at the university. Results will be published in international journals.
The Post doctoral work includes conducting research in accordance with the project’s objectives and publishing and presenting data obtained in the project. You must also participate in the care of the department’s equipment.
Deadline : 18.Nov.2022
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Algebraic Geometry
The department of mathematics is inviting applications for two postdoctoral positions in the field of Algebraic Geometry. The positions are for two years, and the starting date is Sep 1, 2023, or according to agreement. The positions are financed by a grant from the Göran Gustafsson Foundation and will be with David Rydh as mentor. The main duty is research within algebraic geometry or a closely related subject. The following research areas are of particular interest: algebraic stacks, moduli spaces, geometric invariant theory, logarithmic geometry, singularities, derived algebraic geometry, motives and arithmetic geometry. A limited amount of teaching and some administration may be part of the duties.
Deadline : 16.Dec.2022
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs in Grid-Interactive Power Electronics Systems
The division of Electrical Power and Energy Systems is now looking to hire two postdoc’s in grid-interactive power electronics systems, for employment at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Power electronics has become a foundational technology for decarbonizing the global energy systems. The past years have witnessed massive integration of power electronic converters in electric power grids. Grid-interactive power electronic systems are commonly found in renewable-energy power generations, DC transmission systems, energy-efficient motor drives, electric-vehicle charging stations, power-to-x conversions, and other emerging grid infrastructure. This mega trend poses unprecedented challenges to the stability, security, and power quality of modern power and energy systems.
Deadline : 28.Nov.2022
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in simulation of urban freight distribution
We are looking for a person to drive the work within the research theme Data-driven insights through simulation in the HITS2 project, which is a collaboration with Scania, the City of Stockholm and more than ten other partners. The project’s vision is to understand and create the conditions for a sustainable transport system in the city. The tasks consist of simulating and analyzing scenarios with different network solutions and placements of hubs, with a focus on a number of research questions: How can simulation demonstrate efficiency gains in consolidation and different distribution scenarios for logistics flows? What is an appropriate approach to simulate the above under various operational scenarios? Can the simulation tools support charging infrastructure decisions, and which aspects of the charging infrastructure are most relevant?
Deadline : 18.Nov.2022
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Algebraic Geometry
The department of mathematics is inviting applications for two postdoctoral positions in the field of Algebraic Geometry. The positions are for two years, and the starting date is Sep 1, 2023, or according to agreement. The positions are financed by a grant from the Göran Gustafsson Foundation and will be with David Rydh as mentor. The main duty is research within algebraic geometry or a closely related subject. The following research areas are of particular interest: algebraic stacks, moduli spaces, geometric invariant theory, logarithmic geometry, singularities, derived algebraic geometry, motives and arithmetic geometry. A limited amount of teaching and some administration may be part of the duties.
Deadline : 16.Dec.2022
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Topological Data Analysis
The Department of Mathematics at KTH offers an attractive two-year post-doctoral position supervised by M. Scolamiero within the Topological Data Analysis group. The Topological Data Analysis group at KTH is a vibrant research environment with broad interests ranging from fundamental mathematical research, connections to machine learning, concrete applications and novel ways of teaching topology based data analysis courses both on master and PhD level. The department of mathematics at KTH offers many opportunities for collaboration and advancement, for example through the Brummer & Partners MathDataLab, Digital Futures and the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). Financing for this position comes from WASP. Involvement in undergraduate teaching can be arranged for up to 20% of the employment.
Deadline : 14.Dec.2022
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in heat pumping technology
The Department of Energy Technology has strong research competence in heat pumping and refrigeration technologies with up-to-date laboratory infrastructure. The main objective in this project is to experimentally investigate and evaluate features to maximize the energy efficiency of CO2 vapor compression systems. The project will provide very much needed scientifically verified answers to the refrigeration and heat pump industry. The key system features that will be investigated are:
Deadline : 16.Dec.2022
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in modelling of large-scale energy systems
Deadline : 30.Nov.2022
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in aircraft emissions and noise modelling
The goal of this project is to develop models for prediction of aircraft emissions and noise. The model for aircraft emissions computation used within our research group is the Boeing fuel flow method 2 which should be adapted to also consider sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) at different blending ratios. A model for particulate matter should also be developed. In addition, a model for aircraft noise will be implemented based on the aircraft noise numerical code SAFT which covers several methods for aircraft noise mapping, from an ECAC Doc 29 implementation to more advanced simulation methods. Both environmental models should be suitable to compute noise and emissions (for fossil fuels and SAFs) along a given aircraft trajectory and for a given aircraft model. The researcher will also have to interact with other related projects dealing with aircraft trajectory optimization, climate impact and air quality which will be based on the mentioned environmental tool. Furthermore, he/she will have the opportunity to be involved in the KTH Centre for Sustainable Aviation (CSA).
Deadline :30.Nov.2022
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in analysis, probability and mathematical physics
One postdoctoral position is offered within the KTH mathematics department. The projects will take place under the supervision of Prof. Fredrik Viklund and will involve the study of one or more of the following areas: 2D random conformal geometry (SLE theory, lattice models, gaussian fields, etc), conformal field theory, gauge theories, the Loewner energy, or other topics consistent with the research interests of the supervisor. There are no teaching duties (but if the applicant wants teaching experience, teaching can be arranged).
Deadline : 11.Nov.2022
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Engineer in innovation management
The work focuses on research in how organizations focus on sustainability and which management and control mechanisms can be used for industrial transformation. The work includes both qualitative and quantitative methods and methods for several different levels, such as individual, organization and industry. The focus is on both established organizations and new start-ups.
Deadline : 11.Nov.2022
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in digital twin for human-robot collaboration
The successful candidate will focus on digital twin for human-robot collaborative assembly, including modelling and prediction for active collision avoidance, robot control, and software-hardware integration. The aim is to implement a safe and shared environment for human-robot collaboration at IPU Robotic Lab. Efforts will also be devoted to develop a digital twin platform for monitoring and control of robots.
Deadline : 21.Nov.2022
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs in robotics
We look for up to two postdocs to join the WASP NEST project PerCorSo: Perceiving and Communicating Correct-by-design Socially Acceptable Autonomous Systems. The job will entail:
- research, development and evaluation of autonomous motion strategies to advance real-world social robots;
- collaboration with researchers, who focus on perception, multi-modal interaction, and robot integration towards meeting the goals of PerCorSo.
You will be encouraged, but not required to teach master-level and PhD-level classes in the areas of safe autonomy and/or social robotics as well as to supervise master students.
Deadline : 09.Dec.2022
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Four Postdocs in Applied Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics and Statistics
The positions focus on research in (applied) algebraic geometry, discrete geometry, algebraic statistics, and/or causality. Of particular interest are questions related to homological invariants of algebraic data sets, algebraic and geometric properties of statistical models (including graphical models and neural networks), combinatorial and metric properties of polytopes related to statistical models, algebraic and geometric methods for computer vision, statistical learning and causality.
Deadline : 12.Dec.2022
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher in sustainable industrialization and production management
As a researcher, you will participate in the development and implementation of projects in the area of production management for sustainability, at the Department of Production Engineering, at KTH Södertälje. More specifically, work is included in projects with a special focus on industrialization and upscaling of new products, as well as in development and operation of circular and sustainable production systems. The production management perspective is important, both operative and strategic. You will participate in projects such as the new research project “Green design”, participate in collaborative projects with industrial partners and other research groups, and disseminate research through research publications, conferences, seminars, digital media, industrial workshops, etc. You will also participate in gathering and communicating research results and new knowledge for industrial application. Generally, you will also contribute to the development of the department and the research group within Production Management, contribute to KTH’s Industrial Transformation platform and be active in teaching on bachelor level, advanced level and to some extent within production-related courses for industry representatives
Deadline : 18.Nov.2022
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoktor inom fotoniska mikrosystem
Avdelningen för mikro- och nanosystems vid KTHs skola för elektroteknik och datavetenskap söker en postdoktor inom fotoniska mikrosystem. Postdoktorn kommer arbeta med design, tillverkning och utvärdering av mikromekaniska fotoniska komponenter i kiselfotonik.
Deadline : 2022-11-11
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Network Security
We invite applications for post-doctoral research positions with the Networked Systems Security (NSS) group at EECS/SCS. We are looking for a highly motivated individual with a very strong background and interest in networked systems security and privacy. The successful candidate will contribute to one of our research areas. The work will be supervised by Prof. Panos Papadimitratos.
Deadline : 30.Nov.2022
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Engineers in iOS app design, machine learning, human movement
We seek research engineers and/or computer scientists to join us at the KTH MoveAbility Lab, to work with a Digital Futures collaborative project with the Region Stockholm hospitals. The aim is to measure human movement with deep cameras, trained with machine learning. Specific tasks with this position are:
- Create an IOS app for the project that measures human movement with the inbuilt LiDAR sensors, uploads data in a relevant format to cloud storage, and enables video communication between clinician and patient.
- Create a machine learning algorithm that improves validity of human movement measured from iOS devices with LiDAR cameras and Apple’s ARKit by training it on more precisely measured 3D movement data measured in our lab. The algorithm should correct systematic errors in ARKit’s human body model and compute anatomical joint positions and angles.
- Validate whether body positions and angles computed with ARKit + machine learning can be accurate enough to be useful in measuring movement in persons with pathological movements due to motor disorders
- Assist with validation experiments in the lab and elsewhere
Deadline : 14.Nov.2022
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoktor
Vi söker en postdoktor för att ta fram och analysera genexpressionsinformation från vävnader inom ramen Human Developmental Cell Atlas (HDCA). HDCA syftar till att beskriva och kartlägga genuttryck i olika mänskliga organ under utveckling. I denna tjänst kommer fokus vara på hjärta under embryoutveckling där vi har både spatiell och singel cell RNAseq data. Vi önskar med den utlysta tjänsten är att säkerställa att vi kan translatera molekylära fynd till nya biologiska hypoteser utifrån material som inkommer från andra forskare.
Deadline : 2022-11-14
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in observational high-energy astrophysics
A two-year postdoc position in observational high-energy astrophysics is available at the Department of Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The astrophysics research at KTH focuses on analysis and interpretation of observational data of cosmic explosions and compact objects, as well as the development of instrumentation for X-ray astronomy. These activities are a part of the Oskar Klein Centre (http://www.okc.albanova.se), which provides a stimulating research environment with a large community of scientists working on different types of astronomical transients.
Deadline : 16.Jan.2023
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Geometric Analysis and Differential Geometry
The postdoctoral fellow is expected to conduct research in the subject of geometric analysis and differential geometry and participate in the division’s ongoing projects. The research includes, but is not limited to the following areas: geometric flows (such as Ricci flow and mean curvature flow), elliptic PDE (e.g. Einstein manifolds and minimal surfaces), mathematical general relativity, spectral theory, Schrödinger operators and their heat semigroups and microlocal analysis.
Deadline : 09.Dec.2022
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in CFD simulations of multiphase flows
In line with KTH’s goal of a future sustainable society, this effort is aimed at the sustainable goals of Clean and Affordable Energy and Climate Action, especially by enabling negative emissions through the capture of biogenic CO2. It is an important milestone towards a climate-neutral society. The technology used for BeCCS is established and available. Nevertheless, it is costly and innovations are expected to accelerate the implementation of new BeCCS features. In this project, we will increase the understanding of the relevant mechanisms and simulate turbulent heat and mass transport relevant to CO2 capture by droplets. This project mainly focuses on simulations with DNS.
Deadline : 23.Nov.2022
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in mathematics
The focus group in Random matrix theory, stochastic models and analysis at the Department of Mathematics is offering 1 or 2 post-doctoral positions. The positions are financed by the ERC consolidator grant PiRaT. The main duty is research within the field of the group or related areas. A limited amount of teaching and some administration may be part of the duties. The positions will be with Maurice Duits as a mentor.
Deadline : 10.Jan.2023
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in digitalization and climate impacts
The project aims for increased knowledge about climate and other environmental impacts that increased digitalization may lead to. It also aims for a better understanding on how digitalization can support a sustainable development and reduced climate impact. KTH has leading research both regarding Digitalization (for example within the centre KTH Digital Futures) and climate and sustainability (for example within the KTH Climate Action Centre). KTH has also a growing research program on the connections between digitalization and sustainable development.
Deadline : 14.Nov.2022
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in cellulose modification for printed paper electronics
The research will be conducted in division Biocomposites at the Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology. The Biocomposites group works in a multidisciplinary framework, with competences ranging from cellulose and polymer chemistry to mechanics and processing of composites and molecular dynamics modeling. The scientific interest is new material concepts, where structural and functional properties are combined. Material components include nanocellulose, plant fibers, wood, biopolymers, and are used in nanomaterial systems such as aerogels, foams, biocomposites, polymer matrix nanocomposites, inorganic hybrids etc. The post doctor will work directly with Asst. Prof. Yuanyuan Li.
Deadline : 30.Nov.2022
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs in Combinatorics
The combinatorics group at KTH invites applications to three postdoctoral positions. The positions are in-line with the interests of the combinatorics group at KTH, focusing on algebraic, geometric, enumerative, and/or probabilistic combinatorics. Of special interest are questions related to polytopes, Ehrhart theory, Matroids, Hodge theory in combinatorics, Geometry of polynomials, Lorentzian polynomials, the real zeros of polynomials, inequalities among the coefficients of polynomials, dynamical algebraic combinatorics, probabilistic methods and connections to algebraic geometry, applied algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics.
There are three positions available, each of which is a time-limited two-year full-time position with the possibility for extension to a third year. The starting date for each position will be September 1, 2023 or an agreed upon date (either earlier or later). The postdocs will be members of the combinatorics group at KTH, which is a large group with several faculty, researchers, and PhD students working within the field. The positions are full-time with 25% teaching responsibilities. They are funded by The Swedish Research Council, the Göran Gustafsson Foundation and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Deadline :15.Dec.2022
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Computational Science
This is a two year postdoc position at the [Division of Computational Science and Technology] in the research group of [Professor Johan Hoffman]. The research project concerns the mathematical development and software implementation of a finite element method for high performance computing simulations of piezoelectric material, as part of the new [GENEX EU project] which aims to develop a unique multi-disciplinary digital twin enabling data management across the entire aircraft lifecycle for the next generation of aircraft composite structures. Lighter composite aircraft structures and the adoption of new, highly efficient, flexible, and sustainable manufacturing procedures are major priorities to achieve the EU environmental goals by 2050. The position combines numerical analysis with scientific programming in a collaborative environment, which requires both independence and collaborative abilities, as well as strong communication skills. Apart from the GENEX project, the research group develops software in the [FEniCS] open source ecosystem and leads projects in the fields of computational fluid dynamics and biomedicine.
Deadline : 21.Nov.2022
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in resilient learning for edge computing
The Division of Network and Systems Engineering at the Department of Computer Science in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, is looking for a postdoctoral researcher in the area of resilient learning and edge computing. With a focus on multi-agent learning in the context of edge computing, we are particularly interested in addressing fundamental problems related to resource management, learning equilibria in games, and equilibrium performance potentially under adversarial behavior. Of interest are also approaches leveraging state-of-the-art neural architectures, including graphical models and federated learning. We will use the developed models for the design of topologies and learning algorithms that are resilient to noise and to adversarial behavior and allow to reach good system performance. The methodological results will be applied in a variety of critical infrastructures, from smart grids through building automation to railways.
Deadline : 14.Nov.2022
(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Astrophysics
A post doc position is available in the subject of high-energy astrophysics, with focus on the study of gamma-ray bursts. The successful applicant is expected to contribute to the group’s ongoing work to understand the emission during the prompt phase from various perspectives. This includes data analysis as well as theoretical interpretation.
Deadline : 16.Jan.2023
(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in sustainable development with a specialization in systems analysis
The post-doc will work in the research program Mistra Sustainable Consumption and more specifically in a project on macro-economic impacts of policies for sustainable consumption, and vice versa, sustainability impacts of macro-economic policies. The project is planned as an international collaboration.
Deadline : 14.Nov.2022
(32) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Numerical models of interfacial fluxes in fluid flows
As part of the multidisciplinary research environment INTERFACE, the department of Engineering Mechanics announces a postdoc position within the thematic area Advanced Computing and Machine Learning and Advanced Material and Structures, Energy on the topic of “Numerical models of interfacial fluxes”. The purpose of the project is to attain unprecedented accuracy and efficiency in modelling heat and mass transfer in fluid flows, including interactions with solid walls and porous matrices. We will do it by devising algorithms to simulate contact line motion, wetting and phase change within one or more of the different interface tracking methods already available within the group. The objective is also to be able to efficiently run on thousands of cores and use modern accelerated architectures as GPUs.
Deadline :10.Nov.2022
(33) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Computational Chemistry with Specialization in Electrocatalysis
There is an immediate opening for a postdoc position in modeling electrocatalysis by density functional theory (DFT). The research project is aimed at developing catalysts for electrochemical reactions that are of interest in relation to renewable energy and sustainable development. Catalytic systems that will be considered include crystalline materials, 2D-materials, nanoparticles and single atom catalysts. Characterization of catalysts will involve mechanistic studies as well as the use of DFT based local surface descriptors that are currently being developed in the group. Data from DFT calculations and experimental data will also be analyzed using machine learning (MI) to develop predictive models for catalyst design.
Deadline : 21.Nov.2022
(34) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Extracting Signal Content using Spline Filtering Techniques
The numerical analysis unit within the department of Mathematics is offering a two-year postdoc position. The research project will be focused on the development of filtering techniques for extracting specific signal content from simulation data, especially near boundaries, as well spline filtering. This entails aspects from approximation theory, wavelets, error estimation of simulation data, and contribution to the SIAC Magic ToolBox. Proposed Applications are visualization and turbulence modelling. The project will span theory, algorithms, software and applications.
Deadline :02.Dec.2022
(35) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in synthetic biology for enhancing CO2 uptake in bacteria.
Postdoc position in enhancing the bacterial Calvin cycle for synthesis of chemicals such as sugars and small acids. The project is envisioned to use mutagenesis of enzymes and regulators within or surrounding the Calvin cycle, as well as high-throughput screening of mutant libraries using droplet microfluidics platform. Mutant strains will be analyzed using proteomics and metabolomics infrastructure in house. The postdoc(s) is expected to work closely with, and advise, graduate students and undergraduates. We anticipate applying such workflows to both cyanobacteria and litho-autotrophic bacteria such as Cupriavidus necator, and are interested in comparing results from these two models.
Deadline : 05.Dec.2022
(36) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in WWSC: Colloidal interactions between cellulose nanofibrils
Nanomaterials from cellulose in the form of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) or cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), are today used to manufacture self-assembling materials with fantastic optical and mechanical properties. To optimize and control the properties of these materials, it is necessary to understand and control the colloidal interaction between these nanomaterials. Experimentally, there is today a large amount of results available concerning the self-organization of nanocelluloses, but no reliable theoretical models to describe this. It is therefore necessary to develop a more realistic theoretical model to describe the colloidal stability of dispersions of CNFs. To accomplish this, it is necessary to combine high-resolution experimental techniques with a theoretical model building. In the project, you will work independently using different types of CNFs (chemically/physically modified) and with characterizing their colloidal properties with new and established methods to clarify how the properties will change with changes in the chemical and/or physical environment. In order to link the experimental and theoretical work, you are expected to form a contact network where different basic skills can be used. This can of course be carried out through digital meetings but you are also expected to visit potential partners to explain the complexity of the subject and to explain why this is theoretically and practically interesting.
Deadline :18.Nov.2022
(37) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Theoretical Particle Physics
One postdoctoral position is announced in the Department of Physics within the subject area of theoretical particle physics/theoretical astroparticle physics. The research of the group is focused on physics beyond the Standard Model and includes neutrino physics, dark matter physics, model building, extra-dimensional physics, and LHC phenomenology. The group members are part of the ESSnuSB, Hyper-Kamiokande and INO collaborations and work on the physics reach of these experiments. The department is situated at the AlbaNova University Center on the Albano Hill close to Roslagstull in Stockholm together with the departments of physics and astronomy at Stockholm University, and NORDITA.
Deadline : 18.Nov.2022
(38) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc at WWSC in biorefinery pulping & electrochem. hydrogen production
Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) is a research center striving for scientific excellence, with a focus on new materials from trees. The center creates knowledge and builds competence for an innovative and sustainable future value creation from forest raw materials. WWSC is a multidisciplinary collaboration between KTH, Chalmers, and Linköping University. The base is a donation from Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, and the forest industry is supporting WWSC via the national platform Treesearch. In WWSC a Post doctoral position is initiated the deals with biorefinery based on chemical pulping. The main idea of the concept is that it should be possible to apply with simpler equipment, since it can be used at atmospheric pressure. The products form the process is pulp that can be used for material applications, and black liquer that will be tested for electrochemical hydrogen manufacture, abut also for preparation och chemicals. The work will be experimental focused and using the advanced equipment at the university. Results will be published in international journals.
Deadline : 18.Nov.2022
About KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden – Official Website
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, abbreviated KTH, is a public research university in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH conducts research and education within engineering and technology, and is Sweden’s largest technical university. Currently, KTH consists of five schools with four campuses in and around Stockholm.
KTH was established in 1827 as Teknologiska Institutet (Institute of Technology), and had its roots in Mekaniska skolan (School of Mechanics) that was established in 1798 in Stockholm. But the origin of KTH dates back to the predecessor to Mekaniska skolan, the Laboratorium Mechanicum, which was established in 1697 by Swedish scientist and innovator Christopher Polhem. Laboratorium Mechanicum combined education technology, a laboratory and an exhibition space for innovations. In 1877 KTH received its current name, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology). The King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf is the High Protector of KTH.
KTH is the highest ranked technical university in Sweden. It is ranked top 100 in the world among all universities in the 2020 QS World University Rankings.
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