38 Postdoctoral Position at The University of Manchester, England
The University of Manchester, England invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Position in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc positions available at The University of Manchester, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Gene Expression Dynamics
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(02) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Stem Cell Biology and Cardiac Development
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 19/05/2021
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(03) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in UAV Inspections of Offshore HVDC Substations
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(04) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associates in Condensed Matter Theory and Modelling of Quantum 2D Materials x 3 posts.
This is an opportunity for talented researchers in condensed matter theory to study physical properties (electronic band structure, electronic transport, optical and thermoelectric) of two-dimensional materials, their heterostructures, and devices based on such materials.
We seek theorists with experience (proven by publications record) in physics of two-dimensional materials, quantum transport studies, or in strongly correlated quantum systems. Skills in field-theory methods in condensed matter theory or ab initio modelling using density functional theory will be equally welcome.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 07/06/2021
(05) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Assistant in Psychology.
We are looking for a Research Assistant to work on the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) funded Parents and Children Together (PACT) Project. PACT-3 is a Randomised Controlled Trial of a parent-delivered language teaching programme for pre-school children at risk of language delays.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 27/05/2021
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(06) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate/Fellow (3+ posts)
Applications are invited for positions of Research Assistant/Associate/Fellow to work within the SpiNNaker Project: a neuromorphic computing platform comprising 1 million mobile phone processors and a unique multicast routing fabric. The SpiNNaker architecture is optimised to support the simulation of simple (point-like) neurons and their synaptic connections.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18/05/2021
(07) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – Mobile Robot Software Developer
Applications are invited for this exciting opportunity to join The University of Manchester’s Robotics for Extreme Environments Lab (REEL). REEL is a state-of-the-art robotics lab located on the edge of the Lake District National Park, in West Cumbria. The lab is at the forefront of nuclear field robotics and has deployed many robots into nuclear facilities in the UK and internationally.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 18/05/2021
(08) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – NIHR: Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit
This is an exciting opportunity to join the new National Institute of Health Research funded Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit (PRU), led by the University of Manchester in collaboration with Newcastle University and the London School of Economics.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 07/06/2021
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(09) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – Parents and Children Together (PACT) Project.
We are looking for an ambitious and motivated Research Associate to work on the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) funded Parents and Children Together (PACT) Project. PACT-3 is a Randomised Controlled Trial of a parent-delivered language teaching programme for pre-school children at risk of language delays.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 27/05/2021
(10) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (chromatin architecture proteins)
The University of Manchester is looking for an experienced candidate in epigenetics for the post of Research Associate in the laboratory of Dr. Sankari Nagarajan, studying the transcriptional mechanisms of endocrine resistance in breast and prostate cancers. The candidate is expected to identify or streamline interesting targets and validate/elucidate their role in drug resistance using functional next generation sequencing technologies like ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, ATAC-seq and chromatin conformation studies on CRISPR-Cas9 based knockout models and mice xenografts.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 27/05/2021
(11) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (chromatin architecture proteins)
The University of Manchester is looking for an experienced candidate in epigenetics for the post of Research Associate in the laboratory of Dr. Sankari Nagarajan, studying the transcriptional mechanisms of endocrine resistance in breast and prostate cancers. The candidate is expected to identify or streamline interesting targets and validate/elucidate their role in drug resistance using functional next generation sequencing technologies like ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, ATAC-seq and chromatin conformation studies on CRISPR-Cas9 based knockout models and mice xenografts.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 27/05/2021
(12) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Trust.
Applications are invited for a Research Associate which is fixed term for 8 to 10 months (depending on the level at which the appointment is made). The position is available from June 2021, or at another mutually agreed date. The position is full-time, but applications from individuals seeking part time, job share or flexible working arrangements are also welcome.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 03/06/2021
(13) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Computational Chemistry (CO)
A Leverhulme Trust funded Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available immediately to undertake research in the field of water oxidation. The research will use combined electron paramagnetic resonance and computational chemistry studies to discover the mechanism of O-O bond formation in Nature’s water oxidising complex of photosystem 2. The successful candidate will join the water oxidation modelling group led by Dr O’Malley at The University of Manchester in the UK,
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(14) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Computational Chemistry
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position funded by The University of Manchester is available to undertake research in the field of molecular magnetism in the multidisciplinary Chilton group in the Department of Chemistry. The project concerns theoretical determination of exchange coupling in single-molecule magnets based on f-elements, and calculation of magnetic relaxation rates from ab initio calculations.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(15) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Data Science
we are seeking a ‘hands-on’ data scientist with a background and knowledge of machine learning, applied maths, and data analysis along with strong research software engineering skills. The ideal candidate is someone whose primary focus is developing machine learning-based algorithms, and implementing them in software with relevant data analysis components, and who is keen to apply their skills to further the science performed at the Harwell facilities.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 07/06/2021
(16) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Driving zero-carbon transitions and productivity growth.
The research for the 2-year post aims to investigate the effects of zero-carbon transitions on UK productivity in the near and longer term, and how policies and institutional frameworks can maximise the benefits and minimise the risks. The productivity effects of zero-carbon transitions are not fixed and pre-determined, but endogenous and dependent on interactions between actor choices and techno-economic developments
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 27/05/2021
(17) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Early Phase Trials.
Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to support Radiotherapy Related Research (RRR) in the Division of Cancer Sciences. In particular, the post holder will play a key role in supporting Dr Gerben Borst within the Biomarker and Early Phase Trial Hub of the RadNet programme of radiotherapy research. We are seeking an enthusiastic and well-motivated individual to undertake research and experiments, utilising a broad range of techniques to facilitate the translational aspect of preclinical research and early phase clinical trials in the field of neuro-oncology. The post holder will be expected to liaise with clinicians, academic and industry partners, supporting and driving national and international collaborations. A background in oncology research methodology, preferably in the field of neuro-oncology and radiobiology, is essential.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 25/05/2021
(18) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Ecosystem Ecology
We are seeking to appoint three highly motivated and enthusiastic post-doctoral researchers to join a team at Manchester to explore the diversity, stability and functioning of the soil microbiome (SoilResist). The positions are associated with a five-year ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Richard Bardgett, which seeks to: (i) develop a mechanistic understanding of the factors that underpin the resistance and resilience of complex soil microbial communities and their functioning to anthropogenic perturbations; and (ii) identity critical thresholds for abrupt transitions of microbial communities to alternative states and consequences for soil functioning. The project focuses on global grasslands and will examine microbial responses to drought and how they are modified by sustained nitrogen enrichment and extrinsic factors such as vegetation and soil abiotic properties.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 04/06/2021
(19) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in High Voltage Engineering
SF6 has a very high global warming potential and its applications in the energy sector is not yet prohibited. A key factor that is delaying SF6 replacement is the unknown on the long-term stability of new alternatives, which would require the development of appropriate PD condition monitoring system. This is an opportunity for a postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) to work on a project jointly funded through the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAA) and HVPD Ltd. Electric utilities are actively looking to replace SF6 with a more environmentally friendly alternative and contribute positively to the Net Zero target. However, we need to develop condition monitoring system tailored for new SF6 alternatives that can validate the long-term gas stability of these candidates. UoM will work closely with HVPD to develop new commercial applications and services tailored for SF6-free technology.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(20) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Hydrodynamics and Mooring Analysis for Offshore WECs
A postdoctoral Research Associate position is available for an outstanding and ambitious individual to undertake wave, multi-body, mooring interaction modelling and experimental investigation for wave energy converters. This will involve linear and second-order hydrodynamics, nonlinear wave modelling, multi-body and mooring dynamics. This will use the open-source code OceanWave3D, available in-house codes and commercial codes Orcaflex and Proteus. Wave basin experiments will be undertaken in the COAST laboratory, Plymouth, and FloWave, Edinburgh. Project MoorWEC is in collaboration with the Universities of Exeter, Strathclyde and the City University of London. Exeter will undertake integrated mooring analysis for snap loads and fatigue and design optimisation, making use of Orcaflex. Strathclyde and City will input different forms of computational fluid dynamics.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 21/06/2021
(21) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Increasing Manufacturability of Gene Therapies
This is an exciting opportunity for an ambitious PhD-level graduate with the ability and confidence to manage a collaborative partnership with The University of Manchester and Pharmaron.
Through this EPSRC IAA secondment scheme, The University of Manchester and Pharmaron are looking to recruit a Research Associate to undertake this 18 month project which has an overall aim of increasing the capacity to manufacture viral vectors for use in gene therapy applications.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(22) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Learning-Based Distributed Control of Multi-Energy Systems.
The Power and Energy Division of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK is looking for a Research Associate to work on two research projects: 1) the EPSRC-funded Supergen Energy Networks Hub (https://www.ncl.ac.uk/supergenenhub/) and 2) the UK-China Multi-energy Control of Cyber-Physical Urban Energy Systems (MC2), https://www.mc2project.org/, which is funded under NSFC-EPSRC Collaborative Research Initiative in Sustainable Power Supply.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 20/05/2021
(23) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate In Materials Physics And Mechanics (ks).
A research associate (PDRA) position, fully funded for 24 months, is available for an outstanding, highly motivated and ambitious physicist to undertake experimental research on high strain rate dynamic loading of metallic materials and subsequent advanced mathematical analysis.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 25/05/2021
(24) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Mathematical Modelling of Nano-Reinforced Syntactic Foams.
The advertised post is for a Research Associate to work with Prof William J. Parnell within the Mathematics of Waves and Materials Research Group in the Department of Mathematics at Manchester. You will develop new theoretical models to predict the constitutive behaviour of complex nonlinear composite materials. Although the appointed candidate will work primarily on theoretical modelling techniques, they will interact with a broader team involving experimentalists. New syntactic foams will be developed as a result of the model predictions.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 02/06/2021
(25) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Microfluidics
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position focused on experimental microfluidics and haemodynamics of the human placenta. The position is supported by the EPSRC grant “Novel Models for Haemodynamics and Transport in Complex Media: Towards Precision Healthcare for Placental Disorders”.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 09/06/2021
(26) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Natural Flood Risk Management.
The Department of Geography at the University of Manchester is seeking an ambitious and talented Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) to play a key role in delivering an ongoing project on the Natural Flood-risk Management (NFM) benefits of peatland restoration. This is an exciting opportunity to join a large research project that is working with a wide range of external partners to deliver research findings which will impact peatland restoration and NFM practice in the UK.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 27/05/2021
(27) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Novel Resonant Microstructures for Elastodynamic Metamaterials.
Applications are welcomed for a Research Associate to work with Prof William J. Parnell within the Mathematics of Waves and Materials Research Group in the Department of Mathematics at The University of Manchester. You will develop theoretical models to understand resonances associated with elastic inclusions that have the potential to be employed in elastodynamic metamaterials in order to control and manipulate elastic waves.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 02/06/2021
(28) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Preparation and characterization of 2D inks for biomedical applications.
The appointment will be in the Department of Chemistry in Prof Casiraghi Group. The project will mainly focus on the preparation and characterization of inks based on 2D materials that can be used for biomedical applications. The project is funded by the EPSRC in the framework of the project 2D-Health (http://2d-health.com/). The project includes collaborations with other groups in Manchester and companies. Prof Casiraghi Group invites applications for one postdoctoral research position to work on a project, whiting the 2D Health framework, dedicated to the exploitation of inks made of 2D-materials for biomedical applications.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 28/05/2021
(29) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Process Data Analytics
Applications are invited for a Researcher position available to work on The Centre in Advanced Fluid Engineering for Digital Manufacturing (CAFE4DM) Prosperity Partnership based in the Dept of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Sciences.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 02/06/2021
(30) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Soil Biogeochemistry.
We are seeking to appoint three highly motivated and enthusiastic post-doctoral researchers to join a team at Manchester to explore the diversity, stability and functioning of the soil microbiome (SoilResist). The positions are associated with a five-year ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Richard Bardgett, which seeks to: (i) develop a mechanistic understanding of the factors that underpin the resistance and resilience of complex soil microbial communities and their functioning to anthropogenic perturbations; and (ii) identity critical thresholds for abrupt transitions of microbial communities to alternative states and consequences for soil functioning. The project focuses on global grasslands and will examine microbial responses to drought and how they are modified by sustained nitrogen enrichment and extrinsic factors such as vegetation and soil abiotic properties.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 04/06/2021
(31) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Soil Microbial Ecology.
We are seeking to appoint three highly motivated and enthusiastic post-doctoral researchers to join a team at Manchester to explore the diversity, stability and functioning of the soil microbiome (SoilResist). The positions are associated with a five-year ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Richard Bardgett, which seeks to: (i) develop a mechanistic understanding of the factors that underpin the resistance and resilience of complex soil microbial communities and their functioning to anthropogenic perturbations; and (ii) identity critical thresholds for abrupt transitions of microbial communities to alternative states and consequences for soil functioning.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 04/06/2021
(32) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Thermal properties of 2D Materials.
This multi-disciplinary EU-funded research project is aimed at the development and feasibility assessment of laminated 2D materials for thermal management and flexible electronic devices. The broad scope of the project will require your diverse proficiency in Material Science, Condensed Matter Physics and Electrical Engineering. This research activity will be carried out using the state-of-the-art facilities and laboratory space of the National Graphene Institute (NGI), which is an integral part of The University of Manchester. Working on the project, you will have an opportunity to collaborate with the world-leading researches in the field of 2D materials.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 21/05/2021
(33) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate.
he proposed program is to be delivered in collaboration with partnerships established during our recently completed suicide prevention project called CMAP (MR/N006062/1). Further strengthened by on-going project called Y-CMAP (MR/R022461/1).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 28/05/2021
(34) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate/Research Fellow in Health Economics (3 Positions Available)
The successful candidates are expected to work with large and diverse research teams including, for example, health economists, clinicians, imaging scientists, molecular scientists, biostatisticians, informaticians, implementation scientists, service users, SMEs and commissioners.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 26/05/2021
(35) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Consultant (mKTP Associate).
This is an exciting opportunity for an ambitious and self-driven graduate to manage a Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership (mKTP) project.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 31/05/2021
(36) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Fellow – HYBRIDA
A Research Fellow is required to work on the EU-funded SwafS project HYBRIDA directed at the University of Manchester by Professor Soren Holm in the Department of Law.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 24/05/2021
(37) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Fellow (Intangible Capital & Productivity Growth)
The position of PDRA on Intangible Capital and Productivity is supporting the Institute’s research programme. Whilst based at the Institute’s headquarters at the Alliance Manchester Business School, and formally reports into the Institute’s Principal Investigator, Professor Bart van Ark, the postdoc will work closely with the Institute lead researcher on intangibles, Prof. Jonathan Haskel (Imperial College, London) and the theme leaders Prof. Diane Coyle (University of Cambridge) who oversees Knowledge Capital research theme and Prof. Rebecca Riley (King’s College London) who leads the Measurement & Methods research theme. The PDRA will also be integrated with the Institute’s Productivity Laboratory, which will be launched in September 2021 to coordinate data related activities across the Institute.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 25/05/2021
(38) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Senior Research Fellow in Health Economics.
The successful candidate is expected to develop a strategic research agenda in the design and use of health economics in health technology assessment working at the interface between The University of Manchester, the NHS and SMEs in the Greater Manchester conurbation. The position will initially focus on working closely with: The Christabel Pankhurst Institute for Health Technology; The University of Manchester Innovation Factory; Health Innovation Manchester (HInM). You will be primarily based in the Manchester Centre for Health Economics. You will be line-managed by Katherine Payne, Professor of Health Economics.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 26/05/2021
About The University of Manchester, England- Official Website
The University of Manchester is a public research university in Manchester, England, formed in 2004 by the merger of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology and the Victoria University of Manchester. The University of Manchester is a red brick university, a product of the civic university movement of the late 19th century.
The main campus is south of Manchester city centre on Oxford Road. The university owns and operates major cultural assets such as the Manchester Museum, Whitworth Art Gallery, John Rylands Library and Jodrell Bank Observatory—a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2019/20, the university had 40,485 students and 10,400 staff, making it the 3rd largest university in the UK (out of 169 including the Open University), and the largest single-site university. The university had a consolidated income of £1.1 billion in 2019–20, of which £264.7 million was from research grants and contracts (6th place nationally behind Oxford, UCL, Cambridge, Imperial and Edinburgh). It has the fifth-largest endowment of any university in the UK, after the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh and King’s College London. It is a member of the worldwide Universities Research Association, the Russell Group of British research universities and the N8 Group.
The University of Manchester has 25 Nobel laureates among its past and present students and staff, the fourth-highest number of any single university in the United Kingdom.
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