University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in the field of Digital History
The C2DH is offering a Postdoc position in the field of Digital History. Candidates should propose a research project that speaks to one the research priorities of the C2DH in the domain of digital history (digital hermeneutics, transmedia storytelling, datafication in history, digital public history). The candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fickers and be a member of the research department of Digital History and Historiography. She/he will contribute to teaching and outreach activities of the centre and participate as a senior member in the new Doctoral Training Unit on “Deep Data Science of Digital History” (
Deadline : Open until Filled
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Control of Satellite Formations and Space Systems
The successful candidate will contribute to new control solutions for satellites and space systems with a main focus on a national research project in collaboration with LuxSpace Sàrl (, a member of the network of OHB companies. This project aims at the development of novel sensing and control approaches to enable a higher degree of autonomy for microsatellites in constellations and for the distributed control of autonomous formation flight of microsatellites. Together with LuxSpace, the research results will be implemented in a development tool and tested using suitable multi-satellite test scenarios. In addition, the candidate will also be involved in other research projects related to the control of spacecraft and space robots.
Deadline : 31/08/2022
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Social Sciences
The successful candidate will become a member of the Luxembourg team of the “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children – HBSC” network ( The HBSC network is an international cooperation of researchers that collaborate on the cross-national survey of school-aged children ( HBSC collects survey data every four years on adolescents’ health and well-being, social environments and health behaviours. The aim of the project is to understand young people’s health in their social context. The data collected is analysed both at the national level and at the international level.
Deadline : 5 August 2022
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in the domain of accounting and/or finance, specifically carbon and water risk disclosure
The Department of Economics and Management of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg is looking for a Postdoctoral researcher to conduct quantitative research in the domain of accounting and/or finance, specifically carbon and water risk disclosure.
Deadline : 31 August 2022.
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position: Quantum mechanical descriptors for improved prediction of ADMET molecular properties
A postdoctoral position is available in the Chair for Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP), led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg ( This research project is embedded within a strong collaboration between the TCP group and an internationally-leading pharmaceutical company. We are looking for motivated, independent, and skilled scientists to join our group. As part of the TCP group, researchers will have ample opportunity to exchange ideas, transfer knowledge, and to pick up new expertise. Our publications ( provide a perspective on our research directions.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Spaceborne Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry
GNSS Reflectometry (GNSS-R) is an innovative remote sensing method exploiting signals of GNSS after reflection from the Earth’s surface. The postdoctoral project investigates spaceborne GNSS-R for soil moisture, sea ice classification and altimetry. In this context, the successful candidate will improve and develop new retrievals of Essential Climate Variables (ECV) and other valuable remotely sensed products from a constellation of Earth-observing nanosatellites. The successful candidate will develop algorithms that will allow us to better understand present day soil moisture variability for more accurately modelling the water cycle. In this project, the effects of variable soil moisture on theoretical ground reflections in both perfect conditions as well as under realistic noise will be simulated. The multi-constellation space-borne GNSS-R data will be used then to understand the sensitivity of the hydrological measurements to surface roughness, vegetation, and other parameters such as incidence angle. Additionally, reflected signals at grazing angle will be investigated for sea ice detection and classification. The post-doc researcher will be a member of the Geophysics Laboratory working on the development and implementation of innovative deep learning techniques for the space-borne GNSS-R studies. In summary, the successful candidate is expected to perform the following tasks:
Deadline : Open until Filled
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Psychology / Education / Learning Analytics
The CBA Research Group forms part of the Institute of Cognitive Science and Assessment (COSA) and the Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Science. As a Research Group, we seek to explore students’ cognitive skills, personality, and environments with the use of educational technology to enable students to develop their full potential, increase the scientific understanding of a host of different target variables, and to foster lifelong learning across age levels. We do research on the theoretical understanding of these topics, conduct empirical investigations in diverse student (and other) populations, and ultimately, we ask how to foster important antecedents of later success in life.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher position in Cancer Microbiome
The Postdoctoral project investigates important aspects of colorectal cancer research: the microbiome, their secreted oncometabolites and the tumor ecosystem including its biophysics properties, with an overarching goal to understand how microbes influence cancer phenotype, shape its microenvironment and vice versa. The project will be funded by the prestigious Audacity Grant, awarded recently by the Institute of Advanced Studies, U. Luxembourg. The selected scientist will conduct her/his research in the Molecular Disease Mechanisms (MDM) Group headed by Dr. Elisabeth Letellier at the Department of Life Sciences and Medicine in close collaboration with Prof. Anupam Sengupta, head of the Physics of Living Matter Group (DPHYMS). Beyond research, the candidate will enjoy ample training opportunities in technical and transferable skills, support for career development, and opportunities to teach a highly diverse international student community of the University.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Digital History
The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) is looking to hire a postdoctoral researcher to work on Tropy (, a grant-funded research project sponsored by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Operating since 2015, Tropy is a multi-year research project which has developed a widely used free and open-source software application for archival research. In order to promote the use of Tropy and improve Tropy’s support of varying types of users, we seek to hire a postdoctoral researcher to join our small outreach and development team who will work under the supervision of the project’s principal investigator.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Energy Sector Coupling
The Department of Engineering performs applied research in energy technology. Research projects are typically carried out with industrial, governmental and international cooperation partners. Due to strongly fluctuating renewable PV or wind electricity production and also variable energy needs (day-night and summer-winter) sector coupling is becoming a key-topic. It begins with Smart Grids, i.e. the intelligent prediction of electricity and its intelligent load shift of use with economic incentives, i.e. variable price. Then it includes short term electricity storage in batteries and power to heat. When it comes to long term storage, hydrogen and all derived chemicals (methane, methanol, ammonia,..) are actually discussed including the re-conversation into electricity. As energetic and economic efficiency are strongly dependent on predicted electric production and use, the application of artificial intelligence will be part of the solutions.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow position in the field of RAS drug development
Ideal position to initiate your independent research career as an academic researcher in the Cancer Cell Biology group under the supervision of Prof. Daniel Abankwa. The Cancer Cell Biology group aims at understanding how the notorious oncogene RAS drives cancer cell stemness and how to drug target it ( You will employ and have experience with a broad spectrum of techniques, to develop and characterize novel types of Ras inhibitors, including fluorescence polarization, luciferase complementation, cellular BRET and FRET, SPR, signaling, protein-biochemistry and 2D/3D cell growth data.
Deadline : 30 September 2022
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Smart Traverse for Mobile Robotics
The successful candidate will join the young, strong and motivated SpaceR research group focused on increasing the autonomy of aerial, planetary and orbital robotics for on-earth applications, space exploration, on-orbit servicing and manufacturing, and space resource utilization. This innovative research group is led by Prof. Miguel Olivares-Mendez. We offer two different career paths for scientific staff, depending on their focus on an academic or industry career. In our academic track, candidates focus on publications, research grants, teaching experience, and community engagement, while maintaining a positive relationship to industry to get access to first-hand research data. In our industry track, candidates will prepare themselves for a career in industry or in a start-up while utilitzing their previous theoretical knowledge. They will build relationships with our industry partners while having freedom to pursue their own ideas in an innovative and dynamic environment.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researchers in AI for Medical Data Science
The Interventional Neuroscience Group and the Systems Control Group offer four Postdoc positions in collaborative projects in biomedical signal analysis and medical image computing. The projects cover medical image analysis and data science for improved deep brain stimulation, signal analysis for prediction models of heart diseases and translational work towards more robust AI models for medical image computing, in particular by domain adaptation and similar techniques in particular being applied to data from neurodegenerative diseases and brain tumours.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications
The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada. CVI2 offers the opportunity to work on multiple projects (projects with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, POST, ARTEC 3D and DataThings and/or national and international academic projects). All projects require conducting full scale experiments, including real-time implementation, data acquisition, training and validation at the SnT Computer Vision Lab. CVI2 is a group composed of highly motivated and active members.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) on Applied Artificial Intelligence
Successful candidates will join a young, strong and motivated FINATRAX Research Group. The research group conducts research on digital technologies like Blockchain, Digital Identities, AI, and IoT. FINATRAX has two career paths: academic and industrial. Candidates will decide whether they want to pursue the academic track where they focus on publications and work on grant projects or the industry track, where they focus on cooperation with our industrial partners and project management.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) on Distributed Ledger Technologies
Successful candidates will join a young, strong and motivated FINATRAX Research Group. The research group conducts research on digital technologies like Blockchain, Digital Identities, AI, and IoT. FINATRAX has two career paths: academic and industrial. Candidates will decide whether they want to pursue the academic track where they focus on publications and work on grant projects or the industry track, where they focus on cooperation with our industrial partners and project management.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher in Criminal Proceeding and the use of AI
The Department of Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg is looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to conduct research in the context of the interdisciplinary research project on” Criminal Proceedings and the Use of AI: Challenges for Common Criminal Procedure Principles and the Principles of the Rule of Law”. The research project is funded by the Fonds National de la Recherche. It gathers highly qualified experts in criminal law, IT law, data protection law, as well as in AI and machine learning, cybernetics, ethics and representatives of the private sector developing AI to examine critical questions about using AI in criminal proceedings.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Decentral Software Architectures
Successful candidates will join the young, vibrant, and interdisciplinary FINATRAX Research Group, which builds bridges between business research and information systems engineering. The group conducts research on the application and the impact of digital technologies like DLT/Blockchain, Digital Identities, Machine Learning/AI, and IoT/5G on organisations from both the private and public sectors. The group consists of doctoral and post-doctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds (e.g., policy, business, technology), united in pursuit of sustainable technologies that positively impact society.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Quantum Satellite Communication Systems
The University of Luxembourg is seeking to hire a highly motivated and outstanding researcher in the area of quantum communications for its Interdisciplinary Centre of Security and Trust (SnT), within the Signal Processing and Communications (SIGCOM) research group, led by Prof. Björn Ottersten and Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas. We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
Deadline : Open until Filled
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in AI-accelerated Signal Processing for Satellite Communications
The SigCom research group carries out research activities in the areas of signal processing for wireless communication systems including satellite communications and radar systems, and is currently expanding its research activities in exploring several emerging use cases of next generation wireless communications systems. For details, you may refer to the following: We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
Deadline : Open until Filled
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (PostDoc) in Software Engineering On Software Testing and Automated Debugging
In this project, the candidate will build practical techniques for automated debugging and software testing, i.e., tools applicable in software development environments. Among many tasks, the candidate will conduct experiments examining the performance of testing and debugging techniques in real-world settings. The project will also investigate human factors in testing and debugging, i.e., how developers test and debug (via surveys/interviews, and human studies).
Deadline : Open until Filled
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Neuroimmunology
In this particular project, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who has a strong background in vivo imaging using multi-photon laser microscopy. We are looking for a candidate, who can work independently but also enjoys to collaborate closely with other members of the lab (neuroscientists, clinician neuroscientists, neurobiologists, etc.) as well as national and international collaborators. A particular focus of the project will be the combined analysis of neuronal network activities and behavioral performance (e.g. different learning and memory tasks) in murine models of Alzheimer’s disease under modulation of innate immune pathways. Experience with in vivo imaging techniques and state of the art imaging analysis or biochemical assessment of neuropathology (e.g, beta-amyloid/tau pathology) would be an asset. For further background please see Venegas et al. 2017, Nature, and Ising et al. 2019, Nature.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in Neuroimmunology
In this particular project, we are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who has a strong background on cellular and molecular biology, including the use of CrisprCas technologies to modulate gene expression. We are looking for a candidate, who can work independently but also enjoys to collaborate closely with other members of the lab ( neuroscientists, clinician neuroscientists etc.) as well as national and international collaborators. A particular focus of the project will be the analysis of intercellular communication between different cell types including but not restricted to neurons and microglia through tunneling nanotubes. Experience with live cell imaging techniques and state of the art imaging analysis would be an asset. For further background please see Scheiblich et al. 2021, Cell.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Information Systems / Behavioral Economics / Environmental Psychology
Successful candidates will join a young, strong, and motivated FINATRAX Research Group of the SnT. We are an interdisciplinary research group with backgrounds in many fields, including information systems, engineering, economics, computer science, psychology, and political science. Currently, we work on multiple projects in the energy sector, involving research on industrial flexibility, smart electric vehicle charging, and electricity market forecasting (more info at
Deadline : Open until Filled
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Applied Cryptography
University of Luxembourg, Computer Science department and Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) invite applications from Ph.D. holders in the general area of Applied Cryptography. SnT is carrying out interdisciplinary research in secure, reliable and trustworthy ICT. CryptoLux/SnT team is currently doing research in cryptography, distributed ledgers and privacy. We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
Deadline : Open until Filled
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in computer vision
We offer an attractive Research Associate (Postdoc) position in close cooperation with our partners. The successful candidate will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI²) research group headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada to conduct exciting research and development in the field of Computer Vision. For more details, please check: We’re looking for people driven by excellence, excited about innovation, and looking to make a difference. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place!
Deadline : Open until Filled
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) Positions in Software Engineering
The SVV research group is headed by Prof. Lionel Briand. The team focuses on the development and design of reliable, safe, and secure software systems, carrying out both upstream activities such as requirements quality assurance and architecture analysis, as well as downstream verification & validation activities, primarily software testing and analysis.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Scientist in Communication Systems & Networking
The successful candidate will join the Signal Processing & Satellite Communications research group (SIGCOM), headed by Prof. Symeon Chatzinotas. The candidate is expected to assume a leading role in defining, acquiring, managing, and scientifically contributing to projects in the area of telecommunication systems. The candidate will carry a leading role in this area and support PhD candidates in their thesis research. The group works across the entire spectrum of blue-sky research and applied research to conceive and demonstrate future communication paradigms. Researchers with an interest in terrestrial and non-terrestrial communication systems, will find a large and vibrant team of over 70 members fostering a collaborative atmosphere. SIGCOM’s state-of-the art facilities include 4 physical laboratories: the Software-Defined Networking Lab, the Communications Lab and the 5G Space Communication Lab – dedicated environments for researchers to test their results on advanced equipment, in addition to the SATCOM Lab of the Interdisciplinary Space Master. The group is also the recipient of numerous awards, such as the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) Group Technical Achievement Award, the IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Contributions to Satellite Communications Award, as well as 4 European Research Council grants.
Deadline : 30/09/2022.
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Scientist in Computer Vision
The successful candidate will assume a leading role in the Computer Vision, Imaging and Machine Intelligence (CVI2) Research Group, working closely with Prof. Djamila Aouada and the members of CVI2. The candidate will work on defining, acquiring, managing, and scientifically contributing to projects in the areas of expertise of CVI2. The group is engaged in a number of industrial, national and European projects. It manages two well-equipped laboratories, and multiple international challenges with unique datasets at top-tier conferences (CVPR, ECCV, ICIP).
Deadline : 30/09/2022
(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Scientist in Design, Optimization and Implementation of Modern MIMO Radar Systems
The successful candidate will join the recently established Signal Processing Applications in Radar and Communications research group (SPARC), led by Prof. Bhavani Shankar M R. The SPARC group conducts research on topics such as the design and optimization of networked MIMO radar systems, integrated sensing and communications, automotive radars, opportunistic sensing using satellite systems, indoor sensing, as well as evolving and emerging applications of radar signal processing in fields such as biomedicine and environmental sensing. The group conducts research in collaboration with long term partner IEE (
Deadline : 31/08/2022.
(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Computational Mechanics
The successful applicant is expected to perform original research in the area of advanced computational solid/structural mechanics with applications in civil and/or mechanical engineering and to contribute to associated teaching activities in the department’s master and doctoral programmes. You will be working in the research team led by Prof. Andreas Zilian (Department of Engineering / Computational Engineering and Sciences). Potential areas of research include – but are not limited to – ageing and degradation of concrete structures, novel techniques for finite strain elasto-plasticity of continua, advanced models and discretisation strategies for shell structures.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(32) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Scientist in Ethics and Digitalization
The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society. The FHSE offers four Bachelor and 15 Master degrees and a doctoral school providing students with the necessary knowledge and high-qualified skills to succeed in their future career. The University of Luxembourg is seeking a Research Scientist to work at the intersection of philosophy/ethics and computer sciences at the newly established Centre of Digital Ethics. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the development of the new Centre both conceptually and organizationally. A particular emphasis lies on the interdisciplinary collaboration between colleagues from the different Faculties and Centres of the University of Luxembourg.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(33) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Resilient Computing
Successful candidates have a unique opportunity of participating in the shaping of a challenging and innovative research themes, as well as contributing to the ambitious research agenda of the CritiX lab, supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund, FNR, the European Commission and several other projects and industry partnerships, including with Intel Labs and Huawei ( Candidates will be given excellent conditions for the development of their research skills, in terms of working conditions, mentoring and laboratory facilities.
Deadline :31 July 2022
(34) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral researcher in International Economics and Culture
The postdoctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Skerdilajda ZANAJ. In particular, the Postdoctoral Researcher will be in charge of:
- Working full time on a research project in International Economics and Culture
- Publication of articles in scientific reviews and contributions to conferences
- Assisting with teaching activities and contribute to tutoring students
Deadline : July 30th 2022
(35) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research associate (Post-doctoral) position in Quantitative Sociology and inequality
The post doc researcher will develop competitive research in the domain of quantitative social sciences and inequality. The profile of the position requires a strong command on statistical tools (Stata, R, etc.) with an advanced level (f.ex. advanced modelling, programming, etc.). The post doc researcher will be a member of the Institute for Research on Socio-Economic Inequality (IRSEI) within the Department of Social Sciences (Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences at the University of Luxembourg), in close cooperation with the Luxembourg research actors, including the LIS (Luxembourg Income Study), a world-known datacenter and hub of inequality research.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(36) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Scientist in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Management Group within the Department of Economics and Management is looking for a Research Scientist in Innovation and Entrepreneurship who will conduct impactful research leading to publication in leading business and management journals, deliver strong teaching and student experience in business education and contribute to program development, and finally acquire external research funding through active engagement with Industry and funding agencies. An intermediate position between a postdoctoral fellowship and an assistant professorship, the Research Scientist offers more academic independence than a traditional postdoctoral position, while assuming some greater responsibilities.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(37) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Scientists in Finance
The goal of the Research Scientist is to contribute to our teaching offerings and to build up/maintain a bridge between academic excellence and industry relevance. You will engage in the teaching activities of the department, both in Bachelor/Master programs and in life-long learning activities. You are expected to teach a broad range of finance topics with a specific focus on Asset Management, Financial institutions, or Data science. You will also contribute to the development of new programs that cater to the needs of the students and the financial industry in Luxembourg
Deadline : Open until Filled
(38) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Post-doc) on Automated Machine Learning (ML) in Industry 4.0 Factories
Manufacturing companies in the Industry 4.0 era are increasingly looking for implementing Predictive Maintenance (PdM) to predict failures, classify faults, and optimize maintenance tasks. Artificial Intelligence (AI), and particularly Machine Learning (ML) techniques are applied to build such prediction, classification and optimization models. Although these models yield high performance in static scenarios, their performance becomes questionable during operational use due to possible model drifts(a.k.a, concept and data drifts), which occur when changes happen within the statistical properties of the target class labels or within the independent features (e.g., due to perturbations resulting from a change in hardware, a defective sensor, a network malfunction, wireless interferences, etc.). Overall, it is not an easy task to deploy and maintain ML algorithms in real-life environments; some studies having evidenced that putting a model from a research environment into production – where it eventually starts adding business value – takes from 8 to 90 days on average, and what is worse, up to 75% of ML projects never go beyond the experimental phase. To avoid this, reduce deployment and maintenance efforts, and facilitate collaboration between data science teams and IT professionals, an increasing interest for automated ML pipelines (aka AutoML pipeline) is observed. The objective of this Post-doc is to help the Cebi company, which is a worldwide manufacturer of electromechanical components for the automotive industry, household appliances and industrial applications, to design and set up such an AutoML pipeline. Within this context, the candidate must commit to support the industrial partnership on a daily/weekly basis, which implies supporting the PhD students who are working under this partnership with Cebi: the first PhD student focusing on the prediction of failures/faults using GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks)-like approaches; the second student focusing on developing innovative maintenance scheduling policies using Reinforcement Learning. Your role will be to contribute in the supervision of these two PhD students, which will lay the groundwork towards the design of the AutoML pipeline. Overall, you will have freedom to develop your own research agenda based on the company’s needs, while having a daily role in the management of the industrial partnership with the two PhD students.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(39) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associates in Computer Vision
The successful candidates will join the Computer Vision, Machine Intelligence and Imaging (CVI2) headed by Prof. Djamila Aouada in order to carry out research in the general area of Computer Vision. Multiple positions are open. CVI2 offers the opportunity to work on multiple projects (projects with industrial partners such as Lift-Me Off, ARTEC 3D and DataThings and/or national and international academic projects). All projects require conducting full scale experiments, including real-time implementation, data acquisition, training and validation at the SnT Computer Vision Lab. CVI2 is a young group composed of highly motivated and active members. Their work focuses on innovative research topics such as 3D shape modelling, 6DOF object pose estimation, human behavior understating, and deep learning and is disseminated in top-tiers venues.
Deadline : Open until Filled
About University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg –Official Website
The University of Luxembourg is a public research university in Luxembourg.
The University of Luxembourg was founded in 2003, by combining four existing education and research institutes.
The university offers fourteen bachelor’s degrees, forty-two master’s degrees, and doctorates. Students at the university getting a bachelor’s degree are required to spend one semester abroad. The university also offers sixteen vocational training and lifelong learning training courses.
The university is multilingual. Courses are generally taught in two languages, being French and English or French and German. Some courses are taught in three languages and some courses are taught entirely in English.
The university has three faculties, the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Medicine; the Faculty of Law, Economics, and Finance; and the Faculty of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences, and three interdisciplinary centers, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust; the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine; and the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History. All the faculties offer baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and vocational programs.
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