43 Postdoctoral Position at Harvard University, USA
Harvard University, USA invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Position in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc positions available at Harvard University, USA.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow Plant Genomics and Speciation in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology.
A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Robin Hopkins, in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. The Hopkins lab conducts research on plant speciation and processes of local adaptation. Major areas of research include determining the genetic basis of reproductive isolating mechanisms, understanding the role of natural selection in speciation, investigating the role of pollinators in plant speciation and adaption, and using population genetics to untangling the forces of gene flow and selection during local adaptation.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(02) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Materials Science
The Lewis Lab is seeking a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in one or more of the following areas: nanoparticle synthesis, colloidal science, rheology, or granular media. The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary team of researchers supported under a new ARO MURI award. The goal of this project is to develop a fundamental understanding of the transient yielding and printing behavior of highly heterogeneous particle systems.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: June 25, 2021
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(03) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Fellow
Kota Laboratory at Harvard School of Dental Medicine is seeking a motivated postdoctoral candidate to study gene expression and epigenetic regulation of skeletal diseases. Projects will be focused on understanding the regulatory mechanisms and players in ES cells, MSCs and mouse models of skeletal diseases.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(04) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Scientist Position available to study microbial-animal symbiosis in sulfidic environments.
We are seeking applicants with experience in marine animal-microbial symbioses, especially those in chemically-reducing environments. Candidates must be self-motivated and organized, with excellent writing and communication skills. Candidates must also be capable of working as part of a team, as well as independently. Candidates must also have experience in one or more of the following areas and skills: transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, flux balance analyses, high-resolution mass spectrometric imaging, high-resolution optical and electron microscopy, microelectrode profiling and/or electrophysiology. The candidate will be funded by a Moore Foundation Investigator grant to Prof. Peter Girguis, and will be expected to participate in lab-based studies of lucinid clam chemosynthetic symbioses, as well as seagoing expeditions to study and collect deep-sea hydrothermal vent symbioses. The candidate will also have opportunities to collaborate with colleagues at the University of Rhode Island, Boston University, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and Temple University. We are committed to offering other growth opportunities that are in line with the successful candidate’s chosen career path.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: July 31st, 2021
(05) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medical Instrumentation
Harvard University’s Assistive Technology Initiative has an immediate opening for an entrepreneurial research fellow to coordinate and lead a project at the intersection of wearable sensing, controls, neurophysiology, movement science, and clinical rehabilitation. The position will involve work underway at the Harvard Biodesign Lab (https://biodesign.seas.harvard.edu), Harvard Biorobotics Lab (http://biorobotics.harvard.edu/), and major Boston-area hospitals with a focus on human sensation quantification (electrical stimulation, haptics) used to assess recovery from neurological impairments and disease progression. The research fellow will work as part of a highly multidisciplinary team with backgrounds in engineering, biomechanics, rehabilitation science, neurology, and clinical practice. The successful candidate will contribute to the development of new technology, evaluate the technology with human participants in state-of-the-art biomechanics facilities, and play a key role in setting the vision for commercial application.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
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(06) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Mathematics
The Soft Math Lab (https://softmath.seas.harvard.edu/) is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to start in the summer/fall of 2021 with interests and expertise in the areas of (i) the physics of morphogenesis, (ii) collective behavior of organisms across scales and (iii) soft matter physics, who has familiarity with data analysis geometric signal processing and computational science, along with a deep commitment to working with, and alongside, experimentalists.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(07) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship
Professor Marcia Castro is seeking a highly-motivated and capable postdoctoral researcher with an interest in inter-disciplinary quantitative research. The successful candidate will work on malaria-related research, employing a mixture of theory & mathematical/statistical/spatial analysis of large datasets. The work will focus on understanding the dynamics of malaria transmission and proposing stratification approaches considering climate, environmental change, and a wide range of socioeconomic, demographic, ecological, and policy factors. The selected candidate will have opportunities to be involved also in additional projects on arboviruses and other infectious diseases. Results of the work will inform control strategies.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(08) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Scientist, Harvard Chan Research Center on Causes and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
The Department of Molecular Metabolism and the Harvard Chan Research Center on Causes and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease (CAP–CVD) at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health invite applications for the position of Research Scientist. We seek outstanding candidates with experience in using physiological, cell biological, and biochemical approaches to address questions in lipid metabolism as they relate to cardiovascular physiology and disease.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
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(09) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantitative Social Science at the Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard (LISH)
The Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard University (LISH) is accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships in quantitative social science (economics, management, psychology and sociology) to facilitate research analyzing the diffusion, criticality, and economic impact of free and open source software (FOSS). LISH, in partnership with the Linux Foundation, works with companies, organizations, and communities involved in the open source ecosystem to determine how to better understand the current state of FOSS in order to foster greater security and sustainability. Candidates with a background in statistical analysis – particularly working with ‘messy’ data – as well as survey design and execution would be well-suited for this position. Prior experience working with or contributing to open source projects would be desirable, but is not required.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: May 30, 2021
(10) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Writing Fellows – STEM, Social Sciences, Humanities
or the academic year 2021-2022, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) at Harvard University seeks postdoctoral fellows in STEM, Social Sciences, and Humanities to serve as Writing Specialists in GSAS’s newly merged office for writing and fellowships: the Fellowships & Writing Center. Discipline-specific writing specialists will assist students with all genres of academic writing, including fellowship proposals.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: June 4, 2021.
(11) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Applied Physics
A research associate is sought to design, simulate, fabricate and test large area flat optics, up to 10 cm diameter, for multiple applications, using a variety of state-of-the art fabrication, modeling and characterization techniques. The position, within the group of Professor Federico Capasso, presents an opportunity to develop robust nanophotonic technologies from device-level to system-level. This would include imaging and sensing, such as new cameras, night vision systems and spectrometers, operating in the visible, near IR and mid-IR.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(12) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Physics
Prof. Donhee Ham’s group (https://www.donheehamlab.org) at Harvard University has openings for several post-doctor positions for our ARPA-E funded project on CMOS and GaN-based spin resonance technology for applications in subsurface exploration, chemical sensing, biological sensing, and magnetic resonance imaging. For questions, please contact Dr. Yi-Qiao Song ([email protected]) and Prof. Donhee Ham ([email protected]).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(13) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Applied Physics
Donhee Ham group (https://www.donheehamlab.org) at Harvard University has openings for several post-doctor positions for high-throughput DNA memory synthesis on CMOS microelectrode arrays. This is an I-ARPA funded project in collaboration with Broad Institute (https://www.broadinstitute.org), Cambridge, MA and DNA Script (https://dnascript.com), Paris, France. Contact Prof. Donhee Ham ([email protected]) for questions.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computer Vision at Harvard University
The Visual Computing Group (https://vcg.seas.harvard.edu/) in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) at Harvard University seeks motivated postdoctoral fellows with a Ph.D. in computer science/engineering or a related field to work on applied research projects in computer vision and deep learning. We are working on a wide range of exciting research areas, including image enhancement, video understanding, visual question answering, and biomedical image analysis. In addition to working closely with graduate students and collaborators on research projects, the candidate is expected to actively participate in writing grant proposals.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(15) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow
The Fishman lab in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University, in collaboration with the Engert Lab in MCB of Harvard, is launching a program to define in zebrafish the function of heart-brain neural connectivity. The goal is a full definition of: what sensory nerves measure within the heart and vasculature; how they connect to central nervous system centers; and how such information is integrated and used to control cardiovascular function. The technical approaches includes single cell transcriptomics, electrophysiology and optogenetics, and electron microscopy.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(16) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Scholar in Applied Physics
Metasurfaces – subwavelength arrays of phase shifting elements – have emerged as a new tool for polarization optics. In particular, metasurface gratings can be used to simplify the optical architectures of polarimeters for a variety of scientific remote sensing applications. A postdoctoral scholar is sought to investigate the application and feasibility of metasurfaces to polarimetric imaging in support of two NASA-funded programs. The candidate will join a team of other postdoctoral scholars to mature this new polarimetric capability in collaboration with industry and NASA partners. The position presents an opportunity to study an early-stage nanophotonic technology from device-level physics to system-level optical design considerations and, ultimately, the scientific areas served.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(17) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow for Statistical Methods in Population Health Disparities
The Department of Biostatistics at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship focused on the development of statistical methods for population health disparities. The postdoctoral fellow will work with Dr. Briana Stephenson and collaborate with a multidisciplinary research team to develop innovative statistical and machine learning methods to address and identify bias and inequities in population health. Areas of interest include: identifying bias in healthcare access and delivery, statistical methods for high-dimensional exposures in minority populations, model-based clustering techniques for understudied populations, and survey sampling methodology for diverse population cohorts. Research applications will utilize data from cancer registries, national survey studies, and large prospective cohort studies. The postdoctoral fellow will develop their research and training agendas through formal mentorship, seminars, conferences, and an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to explore and identify the fellow’s professional needs and career objectives.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(18) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Geospatial Data Analysis Platform Development
This project is to conduct research on the design and development of an online platform for geospatial data management, analysis and visualization. The platform is the core infrastructure for case-based study and training. Since 2019, the project (and the resulting platform) has evolved from China Data Lab to Spatial Data Lab, a joint initiative between Harvard University’s Center for Geographic Analysis, China Data Institute and Future Data Lab. The project’s objective is to enable researchers to share their spatial data with others online, conduct spatial data analysis with GIS and statistics tools on the cloud, and develop workflow-based data driven study cases. The platform also supports training programs on spatiotemporal data analysis for economic, social, public health, urban planning and other research subjects.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(19) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow – Genomics and Imaging Data Visualization Tools for Nucleome Studies
We are hiring multiple postdoctoral fellows to develop novel visualization methods and tools for data generated by the NIH 4D Nucleome Consortium. This project is highly interdisciplinary and being conducted in close cooperation with computational and experimental domain experts, providing an excellent opportunity for collaborative research. Key collaborators are Peter Park at Harvard Medical School, Leonid Mirny at MIT, and Job Dekker at HHMI/UMASS Medical School. Successful applicants will be contributing to the NIH 4D Nucleome Consortium, which recently launched its 2nd phase (2020 – 2025).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(20) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – Immunometabolism and Antibody Therapeutics
This novel position will develop and manage a research program focusing on the area of immunometabolism, glucose and lipid metabolism, hormone action, and its interface with antibody therapeutics against metabolic disease. Key activities include, but are not limited to, working with other scientists in the group to identify, develop and implement sophisticated research methods to pursue the following questions:
• Biochemical and biophysical studies for target protein characterization and physiological and pathophysiological roles in disease states
• Supervise, coordinate and/or directly engage in mechanistic studies to characterize target action
• Development of cellular assays and facilitate their HTP implementation in partner labs, coordinate CRO activities
• Activities for functional validation of antibodies generated by partners, coordinate CRO activities, and efforts on identification of biomarkers, and patient stratification, Mendelian stratification, etc., for clinical transition.
• Exploration of a large animal model in addition to mice to produce a scalable supply of endogenous protein and other studies.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(21) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Clinical Biomechanics and Wearable Robotics
The Harvard Biodesign Lab invites applications for an immediate opening on a research project focused on biomechanical, physiological, and clinical evaluations of wearable robotic devices developed to assist individuals with neurological disorders (e.g., stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and cerebral palsy). These soft wearable robots are lightweight and pliable and apply appropriately timed joint torques to the wearer. The successful candidate will work as part of a larger team of engineers, apparel designers, movement scientists, and clinicians to conduct human subjects studies that will be used to advance the development of multiple wearable robot platforms and evaluate their ability to enhance neurorehabilitation. They will have access to state of the art equipment (Qualysis cameras, Bertec force plates in an over-ground walkway, a Bertec instrumented treadmill, Delsys Trigno surface electromyography system, and Cosmed K4b2 metabolic test system). The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the writing and running of IRB-approved studies on healthy and patient populations.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(22) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate – Bioinformatics Trainer and Analyst
The Harvard Chan Bioinformatics Core is excited to expand our bioinformatics training program as part of a new collaboration with the Dana-Farber / Harvard Cancer Center (DF/HCC). We are looking for a bioinformatician to join our efforts to provide education and analytical support to the Harvard community.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(23) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow
We are seeking a candidate with expertise in computational and systems biology to work as part of a multidisciplinary team developing methods relevant to the study of genetics, gene regulatory networks, and the use of quantitative imaging data as biomarkers. Our goal is to use these methods to better understand the development, progression, and response to therapy. The successful applicant will work directly with Dr. John Quackenbush, but will be part of a community of researchers consisting of Dr. Quackenbush, Dr. Kimberly Glass, Dr. John Platig, and Dr. Camila Lopes-Ramos, and members of their research teams.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(24) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow
The Neafsey Lab at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) is seeking an early stage or senior Postdoctoral Fellow to contribute to our research program in the evolutionary genomics of malaria (https://sites.sph.harvard.edu/neafsey-lab/). Our lab generates and analyzes large genomic datasets from malaria parasites and vector mosquitoes to understand transmission patterns, demographic history, drug resistance, immune evasion, and host/vector/pathogen interactions. In our wet lab, we generate new genetic assays for parasites and vectors, such as multiplexed Illumina amplicon sequencing panels, and we apply assays to cross sectional as well as longitudinal sample collections, driving a need for innovative approaches to data analysis. The successful candidate will work collaboratively with other group members to develop innovative bioinformatic approaches for exploring malaria parasite and Anopheles mosquito genomic datasets. We have experimental capacity at HSPH, where we are part of a close-knit community of molecular parasitologists and vector biologists. Our lab also extends to the Broad Institute, where we belong to the Broad Institute Genomic Center for Infectious Disease and benefit from a community of expert microbial genomicists and computational biologists.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(25) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Scientist in Health and Elderly Care Policy and Systems in China
China already has a larger number of people aged 65+ than any other country and presents an enormously rich environment for researching and improving its elderly care system. In order to meet the changing needs and demands of the aging population and their families, China is embarking on major reforms to transform its health care system and to build an elderly care system. With the rapidly aging population as well as environmental challenges, technological advancement, urbanization, and mass migration, China’s health system requires foundational changes to meet the evolving needs of its people and to be truly people-centered, as reflected in the government’s strategic goal of achieving “Comprehensive Health.” Rigorous research and training are needed to inform policy formulations.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(26) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in the Department of Epidemiology
Dr. Michael Mina, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics in the Department of Epidemiology and the Department of Immunology and Infectious Disease, at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health invites applications for a laboratory-based research associate, within his lab.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(27) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Positions in (i) Network Science and (ii) Biomedical Smartphone Research
The Onnela Lab in the Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is seeking candidates with a Ph.D. in biostatistics, applied mathematics, statistical physics, computer science, or a related quantitative field for two-year Postdoctoral Research Fellow positions. These positions involve developing statistical methods, data analytic tools, and mathematical models for analyzing two different types of systems. In the first area, statistical network science, we develop methods that are at the intersection of statistical learning and network science with applications in social and biological networks. In the second area, smartphone-based digital phenotyping, we develop tools and methods for analyzing data collected by our smartphone platform. Our ongoing applied studies in this area involve diverse patient populations from neurology to psychiatry and oncology. The candidates can focus on one of these areas only or may work across both, depending on interests and expertise.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(28) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Climate Epidemiology
The Department of Biostatistics at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health invites applications for a postdoctoral fellow position focused on the development of statistical methods for climate epidemiology. Working with an interdisciplinary team of statisticians, epidemiologists, environmental scientists, and clinicians, the fellow will develop practical statistical methods and apply them to real data with the goals of (1) quantifying the health impacts of historic extreme climate events such as tropical cyclones, flooding, and heat waves; (2) identifying key social, economic, environmental, and health modifiers of these effects; and (3) predicting the health burden of future extreme climate events. This research will improve our understanding of climate epidemiology, inform strategic preparedness efforts to minimize the adverse health impacts of future extreme climate events, and will generate novel and broadly applicable statistical and computational tools.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(29) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position in Biophysics
Physics Department at Harvard University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the field of biophysics, biochemistry and biology. The successful applicant will work in Prof. Mara Prentiss’ group at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, performing experimental studies of RecA family protein mediated homologous recombination in collaboration with groups in the Biology Department at Northeastern University and the IBPC in Paris.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(30) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology
The HaSET (“happiness” in Amharic”) Maternal and Child Health Research Program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Boston Children’s Hospital is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest in reproductive, perinatal, and pediatric epidemiology and maternal and child health.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(31) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate in Maternal and Child Health Research Implementation
The HaSET (“happiness” in Amharic”) Maternal and Child Health Research Program at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Boston Children’s Hospital invites applications for a Research Associate. Our program works closely with partners in Ethiopia and Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Health to generate evidence to improve maternal and child health programs and policies. We provide technical capacity building in program implementation, data analysis, and use of evidence through direct collaborative work and workshops. HaSET is also a member of the Bill & Melinda Gates-funded Antenatal Care/Postnatal Care Research Collective (ARC). ARC is a multi-country collaborative seeking to build a high-dimensional longitudinal clinical dataset and develop and test 1) models to predict risk and understand mechanisms of causality, 2) interventions to improve health outcomes, and 3) approaches to addressing intractable challenges across the maternal and newborn health continuum of care.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(32) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
A Research Associate (RA) position is available in the laboratory of Professor Paola Arlotta (Principal Investigator) in the Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University. The candidate will be part of a leading research laboratory in the fields of developmental neurobiology, and stem cell and brain organoid biology.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(33) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Position in Computational Biology and Environmental Health
The Haber Lab in the Department of Environmental Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has an opening for a highly motivated Postdoc. Projects involve developing and applying computational and statistical approaches to investigate the effect of environmental exposures on the lungs and effects on the pathogenesis and exacerbation of asthma. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team spanning several institutions, including the Chan School at Harvard, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(34) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics
Harvard University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in terrestrial ecosystem dynamics in the laboratory of Professor Paul Moorcroft http://www.oeb.harvard.edu/faculty/moorcroft/. The successful candidate will be involved in a research project examining regional variation in forest carbon uptake and storage via assimilation of lidar-derived measurements of forest structure into a process-based terrestrial biosphere model. The lidar-constrained model will be used to quantify the contributions of different forest ecosystems to mitigating atmospheric CO2 levels over the coming decades under different climate scenarios.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(35) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Scholar in Machine Learning and Computational Imaging
Harvard is seeking applicants for a postdoctoral position in Machine Learning and Computational Microscopy.
This is a one-year appointment, with the expectation that it will be extended up to two years after review.
A postdoctoral position is currently available at the Center for Advanced Imaging at Harvard with Dr. Dushan Wadduwage to develop novel computational imaging technologies for microscopy. We seek life and physical scientists with a background in machine learning, computational imaging, or both.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(36) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
We are seeking a postdoc to join a new epidemiologic modeling project begun in the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The ideal candidate will have either experience or interest in simulation or agent-based modeling of infectious disease. The project aims to investigate the role of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on reducing new infections of HIV in the United States. The postdoc will be given the opportunity to lead analyses based on the study aims as well as their own interests. Ideally, the postdoc will be interested in leading analyses on modeling methods, effectiveness of population-based PrEP strategies, network analyses, related evidence-based HIV prevention strategies, or broader epidemiologic methods and substantive HIV/STI research.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(37) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate (ACTG)
The Department of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has an immediate opening in CBAR for a Ph.D.-level Research Associate statistician to work in the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) with a particular focus of tuberculosis research. The ACTG is a very large NIH-funded collaborative clinical trials network with an international research agenda focused on the treatment and cure of HIV infection and associated co-morbidities, particularly tuberculosis. Successful applicant will join over 100 statisticians, epidemiologists and research staff collaborating on the design, monitoring, analysis and reporting of Phase I through Phase IV clinical trials, diagnostic studies and observational studies.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(38) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Research Associate
The Neafsey Lab at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is seeking a Research Associate to contribute to our research program in the evolutionary genomics of malaria (https://sites.sph.harvard.edu/neafsey-lab/). The successful candidate will develop a personal research program as well as manage experimental laboratory processes, including high throughput DNA extraction and multiplexed PCR assays to perform targeted Illumina sequencing. Our lab generates and analyzes large genomic datasets from malaria parasites and vector mosquitoes to understand mechanisms of disease evolution, transmission, population dynamics, drug resistance, immune evasion, and host/vector/pathogen interactions.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(39) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellow who will work on statistical methods development for multivariate spatial data and high-dimensional multivariate microbiome sequencing data. Under the joint supervision of Drs. Kyu Ha Lee (Nutrition, HSPH), Jacqueline Starr (Forsyth Institute), and Brent Coull (Biostatistics, HSPH). The initial appointment is for one year, with a possible extension for a second year. The position is available immediately, with negotiable start date.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(40) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Machine Learning and Design of Biological Systems
A postdoctoral position is currently available in the laboratory of Dr. Mor Nitzan at Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences to study spatial and temporal aspects of interaction patterns in biological systems. We are looking for exceptional candidates with background in machine learning and/or computational biology.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(41) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow – LInc-The Learning Incubator
The Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) seeks applicants for full-time Postdoctoral Fellows with the SEAS Learning Incubator. The mission of the SEAS Learning Incubator is innovation of educational pedagogy in engineering and/or science.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(42) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Position in Statistical Genetics and Genomics
Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in statistical genetics and genomics is available at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. This position involves developing and applying statistical and computational methods for analysis of high-throughput genetic and genomic data, including Whole Genome Sequencing association studies, integrative analysis of genetic and genomic data high-dimensional phenotype analysis, and genome-wide epigenetic association studies. We seek an individual with strong statistical, computing and genetic backgrounds and who has expertise in statistical and computational methods for big data, statistical genetics and genomics. The work will involve both methodological research with department faculty and collaboration with subject matter researchers.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
(43) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Department if Genetics and Complex Disease(GCD) at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) seeks candidate for the position of Postdoctoral Fellowship. The Farese and Walther Laboratory studies the biochemistry of cellular lipid metabolism and homeostasis. We are particularly interested in neutral lipid synthesis and Lipid Droplet biogenesis.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: Open until Filled
About Harvard University, USA – Official Website
Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Established in 1636 and named for its first benefactor, clergyman John Harvard, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and among the most prestigious in the world.
The Massachusetts colonial legislature, the General Court, authorized Harvard’s founding. In its early years, Harvard College primarily trained Congregational and Unitarian clergy, although it has never been formally affiliated with any denomination. Its curriculum and student body were gradually secularized during the 18th century, and by the 19th century, Harvard had emerged as the central cultural establishment among the Boston elite. Following the American Civil War, President Charles William Eliot’s long tenure (1869–1909) transformed the college and affiliated professional schools into a modern research university; Harvard became a founding member of the Association of American Universities in 1900. James B. Conant led the university through the Great Depression and World War II; he liberalized admissions after the war.
The university is composed of ten academic faculties plus the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Arts and Sciences offers study in a wide range of academic disciplines for undergraduates and for graduates, while the other faculties offer only graduate degrees, mostly professional. Harvard has three main campuses: the 209-acre (85 ha) Cambridge campus centered on Harvard Yard; an adjoining campus immediately across the Charles River in the Allston neighborhood of Boston; and the medical campus in Boston’s Longwood Medical Area. Harvard’s endowment is valued at $41.9 billion, making it the largest of any academic institution. Endowment income helps enable the undergraduate college to admit students regardless of financial need and provide generous financial aid with no loans.[ The Harvard Library is the world’s largest academic library system, comprising 79 individual libraries holding about 20.4 million items.
Harvard has more alumni, faculty, and researchers who have won Nobel Prizes (161) and Fields Medals (18) than any other university in the world and more alumni who have been members of the U.S. Congress, MacArthur Fellows, Rhodes Scholars (375), and Marshall Scholars (255) than any other university in the United States. Its alumni also include eight U.S. presidents and 188 living billionaires, the most of any university. Fourteen Turing Award laureates have been Harvard affiliates. Students and alumni have also won 10 Academy Awards, 48 Pulitzer Prizes, and 108 Olympic medals (46 gold), and they have founded many notable companies.
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