University of Southampton, England invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Southampton, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Building a new window into coral and foraminiferal biomineralisation
All organisms that calcify in the ocean grow their biominerals within a “privileged space” filled with a calcifying fluid. Here we will develop new ways, and test old methods, of measuring the chemical composition of this space to provide a unique window into the way environment influences skeleton and shell construction in two key marine calcifiers (corals and foraminifera).
Deadline : 31 Jan 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Pregnancy vitamin D supplementation and offspring musculoskeletal health: Deepening the understanding of how to deliver personalised medicine
The MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Centre (University of Southampton) is a world-leading research centre for musculoskeletal lifecourse epidemiology and early life programming. Using the internationally unique MAVIDOS randomised controlled trial, we have demonstrated that pregnancy vitamin D supplementation increases offspring bone mass at age 4 years. Detailed assessment of the children at 6-7 years including dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) and high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT; virtual bone biopsy) has been undertaken. In the UK, it is currently recommended that all women take vitamin D during pregnancy, but routine use of supplementation is low. Personalised approaches to medicine include both establishing characteristics which may direct the need for dose stratification and understanding current barriers to the use of supplementation.
Deadline : 12 Feb 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Micro-AUVs for biogeochemical measurements
Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) are becoming increasingly widespread in ocean science as sensor platforms to obtain data with minimal human input and maximum efficiency (and hence reduce carbon footprint). They also offer capability to explore environments that are inaccessible to humans for practical or safety reasons (e.g. around and under sea ice and marine-terminating glaciers).
Deadline : 29 Feb 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Physics informed machine learning approach for integration of geotechnical and geophysical data to define centimetre-scale design parameters across kilometre-scale offshore wind farms
The objective is to develop a physics-informed machine-learning approach to correlate geophysical and geotechnical parameters at centimetric scale across kilometre-scale offshore wind farms. Such a method will both inform requirements of geophysical surveys and enable extraction of geotechnical parameters for engineering design from geophysical data. Ultimately the method will reduce the amount of geotechnical investigation required, and enable flexibility of windfarm layout post survey, in both cases reducing costs, increasing reliability and accelerating offshore wind deployment.
Deadline : 1 Apr 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Investigating human T cell development in lymph nodes
This project is investigating how T cells develop. These cells are important for fighting infection, and for storing the memory of previous infections. However, if they switch on too strongly, or in response to the wrong trigger, they can themselves cause disease. Badly-controlled T cell responses drive many autoimmune diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease and Multiple Sclerosis. It is important that we understand how these T cells are switched on, and how they develop into the disease-causing rather than the protective type.
Deadline : 30 Jan 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Vulnerability of low-lying transportation networks to increasing extremes in coastal flooding under climate change
Road and railway networks are fundamental to societal functioning, but are systemically vulnerable to disruption by natural hazards, including floods. To explore how targeted climate adaptation of transportation infrastructure may reduce systemic vulnerability, this studentship will measure and model connectivity of UK transportation networks under increasing extremes in coastal flooding
Deadline : 24 Jan 2027
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Gravity separation of emulsions. Collisions of droplets
The aim of this project is to develop and verify, against available experimental data, a mathematical model capable of predicting the typical behaviour and time scales of separating water and oil emulsions.
The separation of colloidal systems under the influence of gravity is a physical phenomenon encountered in numerous industrial processes throughout food, chemical, petroleum, and hydrometallurgical industries.
Gravity settlers are widely used as they are a cost-effective and energy-efficient method for the separation process. Their designs often rely on empirical and semi-empirical models based on the Stokes’ Law. This often results in oversized equipment and a lack of information on the internal effects on separation efficiencies.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Computational modelling to understand the key drivers of placental evolution
This project will use computational modelling in combination with 3D multiscale multimodal imaging to improve our understanding of placental evolution, in close collaboration between engineering and medicine.
While the mammalian placenta only evolved once, it is remarkable just how many different types of placentas there are in different animals. The variety of placental structures is much more pronounced than for any other organ. This is particularly striking, given that the placenta essentially fulfils the same function of providing oxygen and nutrients to support the growth and development of the fetus in the womb until their time of birth. This provides a fascinating opportunity to study how different structural adaptations can maintain a core function while also responding to species specific requirements.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Interferometry applied to experimental fluid mechanics
This PhD project will explore various configurations and applications of interferometry in the context of experimental fluid mechanics.
Accurate sampling of fluid temperature is extremely important in many areas of industry and research. While many techniques to do so are available, each comes with its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, resistance temperature detector (RTD) sensors are reliable and accurate, but are intrusive and have slow response times.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Pushing the scale boundaries for degradation simulations of industrially relevant materials
As a researcher on this PhD project is to develop and demonstrate capabilities to explore hydrogen diffusion mechanisms and paths in industrially relevant materials. The accurate computation of diffusion at the DFT level will provide major new insights into the processes that happen during degradation. This will involve also collaboration with an industrial partner who will provide guidance on the most relevant materials.
Deadline : 1 Aug 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Wearable multimodal sensors at loaded body interfaces to assist remote healthcare
This project aims to design and develop novel wearable multimodal sensors arrays and systems with a view to aiding healthcare monitoring at home or out of hospital settings.
Millions of people globally suffer from various physiological disorders and require long term, sometimes lifelong, rehabilitation and care. These chronic conditions could have resulted from different health conditions including stroke, amputation, neurological or spinal cord injuries or musculoskeletal disorders in the elderly. All greatly impact quality of life.
Internet of medical things (IOMT) technologies, facilitated by smart wearable sensors and user interfaces, are playing a key role in advancing new digital health approaches. Digital Health care solutions are rapidly developing and facilitating future remote healthcare. This could enable patients’ critical health conditions to be effectively monitored in their daily living environment. This ensures that critical data can be communicated with clinicians or careers at the exact time when physical intervention is required. Self-managed solutions could also be introduced to facilitate personalised care. This currently requires advanced research in wearable sensors and associated platform for data analysis communication and processing.
Deadline : 24 Jun 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Control of membrane fouling by vibrations
Membrane filtration is an essential component of industrial processes that involve separation or purification of substances. This project will assess the possibility for using vibrations for an active control of the fluid flow in a filtration cell.
A major barrier for a more widespread adaptation of membrane technology is fouling. This is reversible or irreversible blocking of membrane pores and membrane surfaces with molecules or particles that are being filtered.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ocean Diagnostics: Development of a detection system for ocean biology monitoring using integrated silicon nitride fluorescence spectroscopy
This project aims to exploit an integrated silicon nitride platform to measure fluorescence enabling biological sensing in the ocean.
You will develop a robust, deployable, and fully submersible photonics detector for ocean biology and ecosystems. The in-situ detection and quantification of bio-reporter constructs will enable state-of-the-art bio-analytical assays at the point of sampling.
The novel sensor will provide high-performance fluorescence detection to support the detection of DNA, RNA and eDNA. This will enable the study of several key biological essential ocean variables (EOVs). These include ecosystem structure and function, and the identification of harmful and invasive species.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Innovations in waste energy minimisation from maritime engineering power and propulsion systems
This PhD project, in association with BAE Systems, seeks to reveal and investigate novel solutions to deliver significant improvements in overall energy efficiency in maritime transport.
Maritime transport is one of the most energy efficient, however the cumulative carbon footprint from global shipping is equivalent to a large, industrialised nation, approximately 3% of global total. Imaginative solutions, delivered at pace are required to meet the ambition of fully decarbonising shipping by 2050, as agreed at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
This challenge is at the forefront of cutting-edge innovation because ships’ power and propulsion systems are highly complex energy networks. They integrate thermal, mechanical, fluid and electrical energy components for propulsion, preservation of life in comfort, cargo and numerous mission-critical systems.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Multilevel multiport power electronic converters integrating energy storage and renewable generation into ultra-fast EV charging stations
This project will focus on developing new, grid independent, 100% renewable energy supplied electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
Rapid electrification of the transport sector is being driven by the recognition that this sector is now the largest single source of carbon emissions in the UK. The purchase and use of new battery and plug-in hybrid EVs is increasing however, the publicly available re-charging infrastructure is lagging.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Artificial intelligence in flood inundation modelling
As a researcher on this project you will work at the forefront of Artificial intelligence (AI) methods to develop and test a purely AI-driven model used to simulate the propagation of flood inundation at high-performance.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Efficient experimental methods for vessel performance
Despite an increase in the use of CFD for predicting the forces acting on a vessel, or maritime structure, experiments still play an essential role in improving our predictions and assessing complex hydrodynamic phenomena.
Experiments are often needed to validate numerical simulations and can provide the only viable method for including all of the necessary flow physics for some fluid dynamic problems.
The recently commissioned Boldrewood towing tank provides a unique opportunity to develop efficient experimental methods for assessing the performance of vessels, improving our understanding of the hydrodynamics involved and increasing the fidelity of measurements taken.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Investigation of the lifetime limiting effects within electrospray thruster spacecraft propulsion
Investigate the lifetime limiting effects occurring in electrospray thrusters, how they occur, and methods to alleviate them. This project will build upon the successful electrospray thruster development completed at the University of Southampton, developing one of the highest thrust electrospray thrusters in the world.
Deadline : 31 Jul 2024
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3D sound for multiple listeners
This project focuses on the cutting edge of sound reproduction technology. It is relevant to broadcasting, music production and human computer interaction.
Technology for recording and reproducing sound is changing at an unprecedented pace. Classical stereophony has long been used to give the illusion in a single listener of sound appearing to come from positions between a pair of loudspeakers.
Digital processing of recorded acoustic signals has enabled this illusion to be dramatically extended. It is now possible, using a compact array of loudspeakers, to give the impression in a single listener that sound comes from almost arbitrary positions in space.
Deadline : 31 Jan 2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Investigation of the potential of using magnetic reconnection as the method of acceleration within spacecraft propulsion
This PhD project will aim to investigate the potential of using magnetic reconnection within a plasma propulsion thruster for spacecraft, and exciting and novel topic within the field.
Some of the most energetic ejection of plasma observed in the universe draw their energy from magnetic fields. Solar flares, coronal mass ejections and galactic jets all acquire their energy from magnetic reconnection. Magnetic reconnection is a mechanism by which opposing magnetic field lines may break and reconnect converting their stored energy into acceleration of the plasma.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3D printed porous metamaterials for protective packaging of high-value objects
This project will develop the capability to design and 3D print packaging from so-called metamaterials that derive their mechanical properties in-part from the intricate geometry of their porous architecture.
Delicate objects must be packaged to mitigate against damage due to shock and vibration exposure during transit. Many standard solutions are available for high-volume, comparatively low-value goods. However, some transported objects – such as museum artefacts, instrumentation, or medical goods – are unique, particularly fragile and/or irreplaceable, warranting bespoke packaging solutions.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Convective heat-transfer in turbulent boundary layers
The electrification of aircraft as an enabler for achieving our Net-Zero ambitions has been increasingly studied in recent years. The addition of new electrical components as part of the power train in electric (hybrid) aircraft increases the overall propulsion efficiency, but the heat generated by these additional systems must be removed. In fact, designing an efficient thermal management system poses one of the major challenges for (hybrid)electric aircraft.
One possible avenue to remove excess heat is through the turbulent boundary layers that are flowing over the wings or the fuselage of the airframe. In fact, convective heat transfer in turbulent boundary layers is a critically important area for a variety of applications ranging from cooling of high-power electronics to turbomachinery.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Experimental measurements of pressure gradient history effects on turbulent boundary layers
Explore the effects of pressure gradient histories on turbulent boundary layer flow at high Reynolds numbers. We have developed a new optical diagnostic that enables us to capture 3D data over large volumes. The goal is to deploy this technique in wind tunnel experiments and capture the 3D flow information over the entire length of pressure-gradient history.
Turbulent boundary layers subjected to pressure gradients are found in a wide range of engineering applications and environmental flows. The pressure gradient imposed on the boundary layer can be by design (such as wings or turbine blades) or due to operating conditions (e.g. urban flows or fuselage flow distorted by installation effects).
Deadline :31 Aug 2024
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic effects of rotational, oscillating wing structures
You’ll develop a test rig that can drive an oscillating rotating aerodynamic structure. This will reveal the periodic, transient aerodynamic and aeroacoustic characteristics. The outcome of this project can help improve the understanding to the three-dimensional and unsteady effects on an aerodynamic structure and develop high-performance, low-noise aerodynamic design in real applications.
Deadline : 31 Jan 2024
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Regenerating freshwater ecosystems: chalk stream restoration in the UK
This collaborative project led by the University of Southampton in partnership with The Piscatorial Society, Southern Water, and Wessex Rivers Trust will adopt an innovative approach to monitor a unique river and wetland restoration and regeneration project on the River Anton, Hampshire.
Chalk streams have been modified by humans for millennia for agriculture, navigation, flood risk mitigation, and hydropower. Compared to other river systems, they have received relatively limited attention.
Today, efforts to restore rivers to a more natural condition are widespread for the purpose of enhancing ecological condition, fisheries, and to reduce flood risk through natural flood management strategies. Nevertheless, there is often a lack of sufficient monitoring to quantify the effectiveness of such approaches, and where there has, results are often variable.
Deadline : 31 Mar 2024
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Development of a detection system for ocean hydrocarbons based on hollow core optical fibres (HCFs)
The aim of this innovative project is to develop a sensing system for dissolved hydrocarbons (mainly methane, ethane, and butane), using a specialty optical fibre, known as hollow core optical fibre, as both the fluidic channel and sensing medium. Selective gas extraction techniques to separate the dissolved hydrocarbons from water will also be investigated. Integration of the sensor with miniaturised subsea electronics within an autonomous sea vehicle will be carried out to enable field tests towards the end of the project, with opportunities to carry out a sea-based sensor deployment trial in the North Sea.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Intelligent electromechanical systems for biomedical devices
Are you passionate about advancing healthcare technology through exploring innovative materials and cutting-edge devices? Does your enthusiasm extend to wearables, point-of-care testing, soft robotics, and their healthcare applications? If so, we wholeheartedly welcome you to embark on an exhilarating research voyage with us.
Deadline : 31 Jan 2024
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Experimental measurements of turbulent flow over porous liners
Aircraft engines are the primary source of noise during take-off and landing. To mitigate this noise, modern engines are built with porous liners that consist of a honeycomb core sandwiched between a solid plate at the bottom and a perforated sheet at the top that is exposed to the flow.
The sound attenuation depends on the porosity, which is controlled by changing the perforations at the top and its alignment and orientation with the honeycomb structure under it. Although the sound attenuation mechanism is well examined, the aerodynamic penalty of using different types of liners is largely unknown. In fact, previous works suggest that the liners behave similarly to surface roughness and aerodynamic drag increases between 2% and 500% depending on the type of liner.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Efficient manoeuvres for vortex-foil interactions
In this exciting experimental project, we aim to explore the feasibility of model-based prediction and control of coordinated swimming of multiple flapping foils in a water facility. We aim to use simple predictive models coupled with sensors to provide robust predictions of the performance envelope for downstream foils. Then, these predictions should be integrated into the flapping foil setup where the goal is to optimise the performance of the flapping foils under extreme variations of the oncoming flow.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(39) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Deepfake detection with continual learning
As AI-generated deepfakes pose significant threats to truth and authenticity, this PhD project stands at the forefront of technological innovation and ethical responsibility. Focusing specifically on detecting deepfakes crafted using advanced methods like DALL-E3, this project’s objective is to address the pressing need to safeguard digital integrity.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(40) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Generative modelling in computer vision
This PhD project aims to level up the current generative modelling techniques in computer vision. You’ll address challenges related to language-vision integration and the transition from specialized task-oriented approaches to adaptable generalist models. Our research is aimed at unlocking the potential of generative models that combine expertise and versatility through language-vision integration.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(41) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: An integrated predictive tool for short-distance dispersion and uncertainty quantification
This project will build on work conducted in the Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics (AFM) Group to develop the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods to short-distance dispersion problems. This has demonstrated how to set up city-scale dispersion simulations and that results can be generated in real-time based on UK LIDAR Composite Digital Surface Model (DSM) data and the open-source PALM-4U code.
Deadline : 30 Jan 2024
(42) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Active noise control on controllable flexible surfaces
Active noise control (ANC) has been developed over many years to mitigate unwanted noise in various environments. It finds applications in areas such as noise-cancelling headphones, car cabins, aircraft interiors, and even in windows for creating quieter spaces. However, the performance of an ANC system remains limited by its acoustic design, which necessitates customising the placement of electroacoustic components for each specific ANC application.
This project aims to revolutionise ANC by introducing new degrees of freedom, enabling the system to autonomously adapt the placement of electroacoustic components to on-site conditions. One feasible way is to integrate a control source and an array of sensors into an ANC unit that can communicate with other ANC units and can be moved automatically.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(43) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Co-development of a primary care intervention to support patients prepare for pregnancy
People who are healthy before pregnancy are more likely to have a successful pregnancy and healthy baby. In this project, you’ll work with people of childbearing age, primary care professionals, and other stakeholders to co-develop an intervention to support patients prepare for pregnancy and parenthood through primary care settings.
About half of people in the UK who become pregnant (or whose partner becomes pregnant) do not plan their pregnancy, and nine in 10 enter pregnancy with at least one behavioural or medical risk factors, such as smoking or diabetes, for pregnancy complications such as stillbirth or pre-term birth.
Deadline : 31 Jan 2024
(44) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Greenhouse gas detection using silicon photonics platform
This project aims to to develop a new class of marine sensors based on cutting-edge MID-IR silicon photonics research.
The ocean acts as an environmental buffer by absorbing heat and carbon dioxide (CO2). This includes human activites such as burning fossil fuels and changing land use, for example, deforestation.
Ocean heat is at record levels and there have been widespread marine heatwaves. The past decade has been exceptional in terms of global heat, retreating ice and record sea levels driven by greenhouse gases from human activities. Sea water is 26% more acidic than at the start of the industrial era, this poses an extreme hazard.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(45) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle data analysis: is it the key to the many:1 ratio, or are we missing a step?
Within the context of ground military operations, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are commonly deployed for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions. The decision-making that ensues based on UAV data can range from collecting further intelligence, to more extreme courses of action such as air strikes and weapon deployment.
Deadline : 31 Aug 2024
(46) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Multimodal large language models for audio-aware argument extraction
For any democratic society, access to news and engaging in online debate are critical for the public to shape opinions and make informed decisions. Modern consumption has moved away from traditional broadcaster mediated content and towards unmoderated social media.
In these unmoderated environments, accurate and balanced arguments are directly challenged by the proliferation of misinformation, toxicity, and polarised viewpoints. Use of multimodal Natural Language Processing (NLP) can scale up our ability to extract arguments from online content, both to see key issues and evidence and helping online moderators facilitate healthier online discourse.
Deadline : 31 Jan 2024
(47) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Help hearing impaired listeners to understand speech better by audio-visual integration in wearable devices
This project will address the research questions how can audio-visual fusion be used to improve the performance of wearable devices for people with hearing loss?
Wearable assistive hearing devices have improved our daily lives over the past two decades. Personal sound amplifiers (like the Apple Airpod Pro) are now able to increase speech intelligibility for people with hearing loss in noisy situations. Combining sound amplifiers with visual devices promises future breakthroughs for the next generation of wearable assistive devices
Deadline :31 Aug 2024
(48) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Development of RF MEMS for 6G communication
This Industrial PhD studentship is a collaboration between Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton and Analog Devices Inc. in Limerick, Ireland. The research will be in the Sustainable Electronic Technologies Group and you will use fabrication and design tools at the University of Southampton and Analog Devices.
Deadline : 29 Apr 2024
(49) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: High performance flexible piezoelectric transducers for non-invasive ultrasonic health monitoring
With their outstandingly large penetration depth, ultrasonic waves allow safe and non-invasive detection and imaging in deep tissue of human body with acoustic contrast. Light-induced ultrasonic waves can also identify various biomolecules and biofunctions in and beneath the skin without the need for acoustic contrast. Continuous and non-invasive detection and imaging for various vascular and cardiac functions and conditions would enable more effective monitoring of human health. This demands for next generation ultrasonic technology.
In this project, nano-structured piezoelectric materials and high-performance flexible ultrasonic transducers will be designed, fabricated, and evaluated, with the aim of applying these to continuous biomedical monitoring. Electromechanical response of the piezoelectric materials will be improved through high order polarization alignment achieved by nano-confined crystallization.
Deadline : 30 Jun 2024
About University of Southampton, England – Official Website
The University of Southampton (abbreviated as Soton in post-nominal letters) is a public research university in Southampton, England. Southampton is a founding member of the Russell Group of research-intensive universities in the United Kingdom, and ranked in the top 100 universities in the world.
The university has seven campuses. The main campus is located in the Highfield area of Southampton and is supplemented by four other campuses within the city: Avenue Campus housing the School of Humanities, the National Oceanography Centre housing courses in Ocean and Earth Sciences, Southampton General Hospital offering courses in Medicine and Health Sciences, and Boldrewood Campus housing an engineering and maritime technology campus and Lloyd’s Register. In addition, the university operates a School of Art based in nearby Winchester and an international branch in Malaysia offering courses in Engineering. Each campus is equipped with its own library facilities. The annual income of the institution for 2021–22 was £666.8 million of which £114 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £733.7 million.
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