Loughborough University, Leicestershire, England invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Loughborough University, Leicestershire, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3D printed reactors for online reaction monitoring
Online monitoring of chemical reactions is essential for understanding how reactions work, and for optimising them. The use of 3D printing allows much more freedom in how reactors are designed and used. It also provides a way to embed monitoring into the reactor itself. We have shown that 3D printing can produce standard parts that can be assembled into bespoke reactors; in addition we can use the design freedom of printed reactors to incorporate monitoring equipment such as thermocouples, IR, UV, NMR etc. This project will look at specific reactions, with a view to finding ways to optimise them via design of the reactor, online monitoring of the reaction, and feedback of these elements to produce an optimised reaction and reactor. The project will be of interest if you have skills in synthetic chemistry, but also a curiosity in reactor design, reaction monitoring and optimisation protocols.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Accounting and Finance academic group: PhD studentship
The AF group leverages innovations in AI, big data, blockchain and other emerging technologies to transform accounting and finance models to advance sustainability goals. Our research explores how these fields can optimize resource allocation, improve financial inclusion, address climate change challenges and drive more equitable business practices.
Through rigorous scholarship, industry and policymaker partnerships, our group aims to improve corporate transparency and accountability on issues like modern slavery, diversity reporting and the circular economy. Our research informs policies, regulations and business frameworks to reduce inequality and build a more sustainable future.
Deadline : 16 February 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Analysis of a children’s rights-based approach to the prevention of violence against girls in football
Despite the fact that violence against women and girls (VAWG) is recognised as a human rights violation, academic research on the VAMG in sport that uses human rights and offers rights perspectives is limited. This project aims to address this gap.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Application of laser patterning for functionalisation of vascular stents
Currently, the design and manufacturing of stents prioritise making them smaller and thinner to minimise disturbance to blood flow without compromising their mechanical performance under loading. This approach would facilitate stent deployment and reduce the occurrence of post-intervention complications.
Surface patterning and functionalisation of materials used in vascular stents have been investigated to improve their blood compatibility and promote the repair of the inner walls of blood vessels following intervention procedures. Modification of surface topography can be achieved at micrometre and/or nanometre scales using techniques, such as sandblasting and chemical etching. However, these conventional techniques lack precision control and require additional processing after production, leading to increased manufacturing costs and corresponding environmental consequences.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Artificial intelligence for greenhouse gas emission monitoring and analysis from satellite and scientific data
It is an exciting interdisciplinary research opportunity to develop innovative AI and machine learning approaches aimed at addressing global warming and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. By leveraging multimodal big data from satellites, remote sensing, and ground-based scientific measurements, this project will explore AI-enhanced solutions to improve GHG emission monitoring and analysis. It will also investigate the association between land use (e.g., agriculture, industry) and biodiversity concerning climate change and GHG emissions. The project will contribute to the UKRI/EPSRC £2.5M project on AI for sustainable land management (https://www.lboro.ac.uk/media-centre/press-releases/2023/june/ai-twin-big-data-show-way-to-net-zero).
Deadline : 29th February 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Automatically building better algorithms
This project looks at taking existing algorithms and improving them in some regard. This could be improving the algorithm in terms of its accuracy, runtime, memory usage, bandwidth, power consumption. This is achieved by using techniques such as machine learning and optimization and applying them to the source code.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Behavioural interventions to improve sleep quality in patients in secure mental health care
Lifestyle intervention to improve health outcomes is a major focus of our research in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (SSEHS). In this PhD programme, you would be working to produce research evidence on effective behavioural intervention to improve sleep quality in patients with a severe mental illness who are in secure care.
Deadline : 15 January 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: BEST N2: Managing the Nitrogen Cycle and Tackling Fixed Nitrogen Pollution Using BEST ANAMMOX for Enhanced N2 Production
The nitrogen (N) cycle is one of the most important and intricate biogeochemical cycles that control key nutrient supplies for all life forms on Earth. Anthropogenic activities have impacted the N-cycle to such an extent that its proper management has been described as one of the grand engineering challenges of the 21st century by the US National Academy of Engineering.
Deadline : 10 January 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Bond performance between self-healing overlays and UHPC substrate
This project will investigate the bond performance between thin layers of self-healing ECC and a substrate of ultra-high-performance concrete (under different conditions, including different deposition methods (casting, spraying and 3D printing) and deposition times to consider potential cold joints. The research entails practical empirical engineering work in the School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering laboratory at Loughborough University Loughborough Campus (East Midlands) and potentially in the partner’s facilities (West Midlands).
Deadline : 17 December 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: CFD development of a multiscale approach for turbulent flows
This project offers an opportunity to use a novel immersed boundaries based numerical approach developed at Loughborough University to perform challenging direct simulations reflecting the fine-scale processes. There is also a possibility to employ Artificial Intelligence techniques to speed up computations further by identifying preferred directions of flow in the porous media networks – mimicking phenomena occurring in nature. Accurate simulations of fully multiscale flows especially through complex geometries are seldom attempted and the project is likely to provide the first-ever computations of its kind. The numerical approach will employ a massively parallel, high-resolution scheme, with available DNS, LES, ILES, and DES turbulence treatments. Noteworthy are particularly Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (ILES) providing a high degree of novelty in this context.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Complexity-driven neuromorphic photonics in ultrafast nonlinear systems
We invite applications for a PhD project centred on integrating complex nonlinear photonics systems as a new-generation hardware platform for neuro-inspired computing. Our approach relies on the principles of nonlinear wave interaction in multimode optical elements, such as multimode optical fibres or integrated lasers. The primary objective is to devise strategies to control multi-mode interactions to emulate the response of a large-scale artificial neural network operating in the optical domain. At the same time, your research will provide new insights into the theoretical and technological requirements for an optical system to be able to “learn” new functionalities. Within the project, you will also be able to participate in our research on quantum reservoir computing, a new and exciting field combining quantum computing and machine learning.
Deadline :29th February 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Computational design of molecules with tuned optical absorption and emission properties
Molecules able to absorb and emit light play an important role in many modern technologies, such as light sources, displays, and sensors. A tremendous experimental effort is on its way in terms of synthesising and characterising new molecules for these tasks. This effort can be crucially supported by computation, not only by predicting the properties of individual molecules, but more importantly by developing general guiding principles for designing new molecules.
It is the goal of this project to study the interactions of molecules with light and, specifically, how we can tune band shapes and absorption / emission intensities. To do so, we will perform quantum chemistry computations to simulate spectra to high accuracy, supported by some pen-and-paper work aimed at improving our qualitative understanding. We will investigate which factors affect transition dipole moments and, therefore, the optical intensities. We will study how vibronic coupling affects band shapes and how to modulate this effectively.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Computational modelling and testing of inverse Compton scattering sources for medical applications
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD position in the Applied Radiation and Medical Physics Group in the School of Science (Physics Department) at Loughborough University. The successful candidate will work in a collaborative and supportive environment, and will interact with an international network of research centres to apply their physics knowledge and coding experience to cutting edge research in radiotherapy.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Continuous manufacturing of nano-assemblies for mRNA based therapies and vaccines
Lipid-based nano-assemblies (LNC) are the key component of the recently developed Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. LNC have addressed key issues for mRNA transfection into target cells by improving the protection of mRNA from degradation in the extracellular compartments, as well as by facilitating cellular uptake and delivery to an appropriate intracellular compartment.
Deadline : 12 February 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Creating hybrid nanodevices for fast and versatile light-controlled spintronic applications
Breakthroughs in information technology over the last 50 years have relied heavily on knowledge of electronic processes, utilisation of magnetic states (such as giant magnetoresistance read heads for magnetic hard drives) and usage of lasers (e.g., CDs and fibre optics). Nowadays, research efforts are increasingly aimed at reducing the power consumption of computation devices, e.g., by harnessing heat differentials to manipulate and move magnetic information. However, most current methods to create complex temperature distributions are either slow, prone to damage, or produce only small temperature differences only.
Within our project, you will combine concepts of the fields of magnetism and thermoplasmonics to produce novel and versatile functional metamaterials that allow for fast and optically reconfigurable remote control of devices for energy harvesting, the motion and control of magnetic bits, and unconventional magnetic computing.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Creative Technologies
Convergent Screen Technologies And performance in Realtime (CoSTAR) is a new national research and development infrastructure to drive innovation in emerging technologies across screen and performance. Supported by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) through the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the CoSTAR network is formed of five labs (National, Live, Screen, Realtime, Foresight) based across the UK and bringing together a diverse range of partners across academia and the creative industries. Together, the labs will enhance access to advanced creative technologies for the UK Creative Industries, to reinforce the global impact of the UK’s screen and performance sectors.
Deadline : 8 March 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Design of novel reconfigurable antennas and metasurfaces
The aim is to exploit new opportunities enabled by advanced RF materials. These will include transparent materials, 3D printed materials, and inkjet printing on curved surfaces. We will integrate reconfigurable devices to change the frequency or scan the beam. The target frequency will be between 1 to 50 GHz.
Deadline : 17 January 2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Develop novel biomimetic antibiofilm surfaces for medical devices
It is estimated that biofilm infections cost about $94 billion p.a. in the United States healthcare system. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), in hospitals, are estimated to cause additional health-care costs of £1-2.5 billion in the UK alone. One of the major issues for biomedical devices is bacteria-induced infections arising from bacterial adhesion and subsequent biofilm formation on their surfaces.
Deadline : 2 February 2024
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Economics academic group: PhD studentship
Within the Economics academic group we are keen to receive PhD research proposals in the following areas:
- Macroeconomics: Monetary Policy, Economic Development
- Financial Economics and Financial Technology
- Microeconomics: Industrial Economics, Productivity Analysis, Energy and Environmental, Behavioural Economics
- International Economics: International Money and Finance, Exchange Rates, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, Globalisation.
Deadline : 16 February 2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on manifolds with boundary
One very useful way to measure concentration of eigenfunctions is via their L^p norms. However, for manifolds with boundary, optimal bounds are only known in the case where the boundary is strictly concave or when the dimension is two (in the general case). Moreover, there is a growing interest in estimates for many (orthonormal) functions as opposed to a single function. The questions and the techniques are motivated from mathematical physics and have applications to PDEs such as the Hartree equation. In these applications, it is crucial that the bound depends in an optimal way on the number of functions. The aim of the project is to investigate these types of problems. A starting point might be to study the example of the Dirichlet Laplacian on the unit disc.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Exploring personalised movement-based prescriptions for patients living with long-term conditions
Physical activity is recommended to people living with long-term health conditions to improve health outcomes and to decrease the likelihood of developing disease complications.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Exploring valid approaches to breath VOC analysis for diagnostic research
Breath analysis is a promising field of research that offers a non-invasive, rapid, and low-cost method for clinical diagnosis and monitoring. This project will look at developing a new valid approaches to the collection, analysis and the everyday life events that impact on exhaled Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in human breath. The successful candidate will join a diverse team and work alongside researchers in examining dynamic resilience in humans across a range of age groups.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: School of Social Sciences and Humanities Funded Studentship
Applications are invited from outstanding scholars working within and across any of the school’s main research themes:
- Challenges to Democracy and the Public Sphere
- Dimensions of Inequality
- Hidden Voices, Contested Pasts
- Successful transitions under environmental change
Deadline : 16th February 2024
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Going underground: Above-below ground interactions for nature recovery in coastal sand dune wetlands
This project offers an exciting opportunity to contribute to existing long-term experiments allowing access to roughly 50 years of data. In addition, unique experiments can be developed. The aim is to investigate how management impacts on above-belowground interactions in dune slack habitats. The objectives are flexible to reflect the students interests but may include:
Deadline : 10th January 2024
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Human frailty biomarker development
As part of the project “A volatilome-based signature for age-related recovery and resilience” funded by the Wellcome LEAP Dynamic Resilience Program the group aims to establish a volatilome signature of ageing in humans
The human breath volatilome is the collection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are present in the exhaled breath of humans. The human breath volatilome is a promising field of research that offers a non-invasive, rapid, and low-cost method for clinical diagnosis and monitoring.
Deadline : 14 January 2024
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Improved reasoning about strings through combinatorics on words and formal languages
This project will study a selection of some of the challenging mathematical problems encountered by string-solvers and related tools through the lens(es) of combinatorics on words and formal language theory. It aims to obtain an improved understanding of these problems at an abstract level which may lead to substantial improvements in practical performance and a wider range of potential use cases.
The project will consist largely of formal mathematics, producing novel definitions, theorems and proofs. The exact choice of problems and techniques can be tailored to suit the strengths and interests of the candidate, and there is scope for including some practical (i.e. programming) elements if desired.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Information Management academic group: PhD studentship
The Information Management Group undertakes world-leading research on the effective management of information and knowledge assets, investigating artificial intelligence, big data, social networks, social media, issues of trust and social justice in digital environments, new web architectures, InsureTech, FinTech, knowledge management and much more.
Deadline : 16 February 2024
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: International Business, Strategy and Innovation academic group: PhD studentship
This group comprises teachers and researchers whose work draws on multiple disciplines, including information systems, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology and political science. The group is committed to advancing world-class management scholarship and developing ideas to help managers better understand some of the most complex problems of International Business, Strategy and Innovation.
Deadline : 16 February 2024
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Landscape Recovery following Extreme Events: Morphodynamic timescales in the face of a changing climate
Rapid earth surface evolution is discrete in nature, with short-duration extreme events having a widespread impact on landscapes. These impacts can be profound and long-lasting despite these events occurring relatively infrequently. The immediate impact of an extreme event on a landscape (e.g., a flood) is usually pretty clear, but the legacy of the event can be visible in the landscape for decades to centuries following the perturbation (e.g., dynamic channel adjustment in response to the high sediment load).
Deadline : 10th January 2024
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Lifelong machine learning for medical data and personalised medicine
The use of Artificial Intelligence in medicine is growing fast with diffusion of advanced machine learning technologies and available medical data. However, several limitations affect the effective use of AI. One limitation is the inability of current systems to learn progressively during a lifetime, exchange knowledge with similar systems, and build expertise over long periods, as do human medical doctors.
This project aims to advance lifelong machine learning in medical data and personalised medicine applications. In particular, we will investigate the use of bio-inspired and statistical approaches to enhance state-of-the-art deep neural networks to cope with continuous and personalised stream of data. Further information can be found on this Nature Machine Intelligence article: https://bit.ly/47xEJ6X
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Lifestyle interventions to support physical health of patients living in secure mental health care
With a reduced life expectancy of up to 20 years, individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) have much to gain from a healthier lifestyle. Physical activity and better diet may work to decrease the negative symptoms associated with SMI, as well as reduce susceptibility to a wide range of physical co-morbidities (e.g. obesity [exacerbated by many of the drugs used in treatment], hyperglycemia and metabolic syndrome).
Deadline : 8 January 2024
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Management Science and Operations academic group: PhD studentship
This group is multidisciplinary, bringing together expertise in management sciences and operational research, business analytics, operations management and decision making. The group is committed to improving management practice by designing and implementing analytic approaches that help tackle routine, strategic and policy problems. These approaches are typically supported by models that can often be represented mathematically or visually and built using specialist software.
Deadline : 16 February 2024
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Marketing academic group: PhD studentship
This group is extremely successful in advancing knowledge in marketing through high quality academic and applied research with an international perspective.
Key areas of expertise include: consumer behaviour (consumer culture and identity, cross-cultural consumer research, digital consumer research), transformative services (services management, service innovation and adoption) and marketing strategy (eg international marketing strategy, innovation, sustainability etc)
Deadline : 16 February 2024
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Miniaturized optical atomic clocks: pioneering quantum technology for ultra-precise timing with microcombs
This PhD project, blending theoretical and experimental approaches, aims to revolutionize quantum technologies by developing ultra-precise timing counters. Central to this endeavor is the advancement of optical frequency combs, which are the cornerstone of modern optical atomic clocks. These combs, recognized with a Nobel Prize in 2005, consist of ultraprecise, equally spaced laser lines. Our project, conducted at the forefront of integrated photonics, nonlinear physics, and smart optical computation, will push the boundaries of miniaturization for these sources. The focus is on a groundbreaking nonlinear optical wave, known as the temporal laser cavity soliton, a recent discovery at Loughborough’s Emergent Photonics Lab, for creating ultra-efficient and resilient microcombs. You will be part of Prof Alessia Pasquazi’s dynamic team, contributing to novel science and producing leading-author publications in peer-reviewed journals. Presentations at selected international conferences will also be a key aspect of your role.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Mobilisation of plant images and data to address the taxonomic impediment of the Syzygium, the world’s largest tree genus
This project would aim to revise a section of the world’s largest tree genus, Syzygium, through classical taxonomy, molecular systematics, testing deep learning algorithms for rapid auto-identification of herbarium specimens. Syzygium is a highly appropriate model group for such a study as it is considerably species rich, but hugely understudied and in need of thorough revisionary work. The greatest gap in Syzygium systematics is in Syzygium subgenus Syzygium, this subgenus has recently been divided into informal ‘sections’ including the lineage including the type of the genus, Syzygium sect. Syzygium.
Deadline : 10th January 2024
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Paradigm shift in photonics: nonlinear dynamics and topological protection in terahertz nano- and nicro-structured systems
This is a blue-sky PhD project that seeks to define a novel landscape of photonics by investigating the interplay between nonlinear dynamics and topological protection in nano- and micro-structured systems, particularly at terahertz (THz) frequencies. By exploiting materials that enable nonlinear mechanisms, especially in reduced dimensionality systems like quasi-2D materials, the research will delve into the conceptualisation, fabrication and study of topologically insulated waveguide devices, with cross-pollination with other research areas such as quantum technology, complex systems and condensed matter physics.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(37) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Personalised intervention approaches to improve and maintain physical activity following cardiac rehabilitation
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are still a leading cause of death globally. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an evidence-based intervention which is delivered after a cardiac event and aims to improve and restore health post cardiac event, and decrease the risk of future events.
The benefits of exercise-based rehabilitation mean physical activity is a core component of CR and patients are encouraged to engage in physical activity on a regular basis. However, adherence to physical activity can be problematic within this population, and maintenance of physical activity in the months’ following discharge from CR has been shown to decline.
Deadline : 31 January 2024
(38) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: School of Social Sciences and Humanities Positive Action studentship to support racialised minority groups
The School is committed to undertaking initiatives which support under-represented groups to pursue educational and research opportunities across our disciplines. Analysis has shown that only small numbers of UK racialised minority students are undertaking postgraduate research degrees within the School. To take steps to address this structural inequality, a School-funded studentship has been ring-fenced for UK applicants who identify as being from a Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic background* as part of our wider work to support underrepresented groups within our disciplines.
Deadline : 16th February 2024
(39) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Predictive solutions for electrical erosion wear in rolling element bearings for advanced electric machines
This PhD will integrate within an ongoing programme of research, creating new research in this area to understand and prevent electrical erosion in bearings by creating and experimentally validating tribological and electrical contact models. Supported by an experienced and dedicated supervisory team, this PhD research activity will use a combined experimental and modelling approach, investigating the coupled electrical and tribological behaviour and exploring palliative solutions for next-generation systems.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
(40) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Quantum reservoir computing for artificial intelligence
The rapid development of Quantum Technologies 2.0 over the last two decades – especially in quantum communication, simulation and computation – has pushed this field into the mainstream of technological innovation, with the expectation of major economic impacts. While universal quantum computing is the stated Holy Grail of Quantum Technologies 2.0, its implementation on a scale necessary to practically solve high impact problems remains elusive for current, or feasible in the near-term, technologies.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(41) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Reconstruction of the cell pseudo space with CPMM to understand the advent of pressure ulcer
This research will hypothesize that layer damage is caused by excessive shear stress rather than normal contact pressure and validated with experimental data. The application of this first-layer novel and innovative CPMM can potentially exhibit a broad prospect in the discovery, design and development of advanced medical interventions necessary for reducing the problems of shear-related tissue damage observed in dermatology, cardiovascular and Orthopaedic fields of medicine.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
(42) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Representations of p-local finite groups
The theory of p-local finite groups is analogous to that of finite groups, and provides a unifying approach to classification problems in algebra and topology. One family of “atoms” of p-local symmetry – the p-local finite groups of Lie type – are a natural family of objects for which one can formulate and prove local-global conjectures generalising analogous statements in the modular representation theory of finite groups. This suggests a structured approach to these conjectures exists, but an incomplete understanding of the nature of a “representation” of a p-local finite group of Lie-type is currently holding back progress in the area.
Our project proposes vector bundles over these spaces as the correct alternatives to representations. As a useful test case, we will construct irreducible vector bundles for the smallest class of objects in this family – the Sullivan spheres – and show that their degrees match those predicted by the associated cyclotomic Hecke algebras, thus unifying apparently disparate objects in algebra and topology
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(43) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Resilient autonomous navigation and semantic mapping for agriculture robots
This PhD project aims to develop fundamental methods and practical solutions for agriculture robots to navigate through a variety of agricultural environments, including crop fields, orchards and polytunnels, and operate safely and reliably across different growing seasons. Developing a resilient Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM), which can deal with semi-structured and partially varying environments, would be the key to this project.
Deadline : 12 February 2024
(44) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Revolutionizing sports monitoring and rehabilitation with smart textiles and wearable electronics
The Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical, and Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University is one of the largest engineering schools in the UK. Our vision is to provide world-leading engineering solutions to today’s global challenges.
We are Top 100 in the world for Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering (QS 2023) and ranked 1st in the world for sports-related subjects (QS, 2017-2023).
Deadline : 4 January 2024
(45) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ripping yarns: Environmental histories of fashion in lake sediment archives from the industrial revolution to the present day
Microplastic fibres (MFs) are the most abundant microplastic shape in the environment, but natural fibres (NFs) of cellulosic (e.g. cotton) and animal (e.g. wool) origin are increasingly being found to dominate environmental samples. MF are associated with physical and chemical harm to organisms that ingest them and can act as both a source and vector for chemical pollution. However, early research suggests that NFs pose comparable, if not greater, impacts on the environment than MFs, and that they may not readily biodegrade.
Deadline : 10th January 2024
(46) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles
As battery electric vehicles are becoming more common, charging them poses both a risk and an opportunity for our electricity grid. The risk is that if many charge at the same time, this could significantly increase the peak load of our electricity grid. The opportunity is load shifting or demand side response: moving the charging to periods when the grid is less busy and excess electricity is available. This can enable the integration of further volatile renewable generation (solar, wind, tidal etc) into our grid without causing excessive wastage through overgeneration, contributing to our move towards net zero. It can also help by using local generation via a home microgrid.
Deadline : 12 February 2024
(47) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD studentships in the Department of Mathematics Education / Centre for Early Mathematics Learning
CEML studies issues relevant to mathematics teaching and learning in the early years and primary school. For example, we work on topics such as how to measure early mathematical skills, early predictors of mathematical skills, influences of parental engagement, developing resources for training early mathematical skills, and how to communicate research findings to educational practitioners. Further details of CEML academics and their research interests can be found as follows: Our people – CEML. Details of research areas where we would particularly welcome applications can be found here: Research – CEML. Applicants must make contact with a potential supervisor and gain their agreement before applying.
Deadline : 10 December 2023
(48) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Supercritical CO2 turbulence and heat transfer – using DNS and Machine Learning assisted RANS model
Supercritical CO2 (sCO2) is a non-ideal compressible fluid and will be a critical working fluid for future power generation systems such as nuclear energy, concentrated solar power, geothermal power, and waste heat recovery.
The project aims to investigate supercritical CO2 (sCO2) turbulence and heat transfer characteristics by using DNS. Furthermore, based on the DNS dataset, machine learning will be applied to assist RANS models which will be used for sCO2 turbomachinery and heat exchanger designs.
Deadline : 12 February 2024
(49) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Surfaces for high pressure hydrogen injectors
Hydrogen as a replacement for fossil fuels is seen as a mainstay of UK and European decarbonisation planning.
It can be expected that on many industrial scales, domestic and off-road applications (above small passenger car size) will be dominated by hydrogen combustion (rather than fuel cells), which will emerge as the most appealing technological solution.
A key advantage of (lean) hydrogen combustion is the primary emissions are water vapour and a small amount of NOx. Compared to conventional fuels, hydrogen has a much lower ignition temperature and as result light-back, preignition and/or autoignition can be common problems for manifold induction and low-pressure ignition systems.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
(50) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: The Aquatic eDetective: Intelligent source term estimation of water pollution using autonomous surface vehicles
The successful PhD applicant will work with experts in robotics, autonomous systems, and fluid mechanics at Loughborough University, and with applied environmental scientists at the Environment Agency. They will develop USVs equipped with water quality sensors to autonomously survey the aquatic environment; model pollution dispersion for fast Bayesian inference with real-world field testing and application; and develop physics-informed Bayesian inference algorithms to rapidly quantify the information gain of a possible sampling location.
Deadline : 10 January 2024
(51) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Theoretical studies of elasto-superconductivity
Applications are invited for a PhD studentship funded by the School of Science, Loughborough University to start in October 2024. The project will be based in the Physics Department and will be supervised by Prof. Joseph Betouras and Dr Ioannis Rousochatzakis.
The research field of the PhD is Condensed Matter theory and the work will focus on theoretical studies of superconductivity under applied pressure. The work will be done at Loughborough University, a leading research institute in condensed matter theory and novel materials. The successful applicant will collaborate with the supervisors, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students in the group on a weekly basis and interact with international and national leading partners and academic visitors.
Deadline : 29th February 2024
(52) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Topics in Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry
The general goal of this project is to deepen our understanding of invariant sets and measures arising from iterated function systems. This goal can be approached from various angles. Specific problems include understanding the cardinality and complexity of the set of codings for a point in the invariant set or understanding the number theoretic properties of a typical point belonging to the invariant set. This project lies at the intersection of Ergodic Theory and Fractal Geometry.
Deadline : 31st January 2024
(53) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Tribology of hydrogen fuelled engines
The project aims to address these concerns by conducting a detailed analysis of the tribological aspects in engine contact conjunctions. By unravelling the unique combustion characteristics of hydrogen, it becomes possible to seek solutions that help to minimise energy losses and durability concerns associated with in-cylinder components, ensuring the development of robust and durable engines for a cleaner future.
This project allows you to explore the synergy of hydrogen, combustion, and tribology and embark on a transformative research journey where your passion for clean energy meets real-world impact. This project delves into the intricate details of internal combustion engines, from studying nanoscale physical phenomena to macroscale manifestation of those and, as a result, offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of the next generation of eco-friendly engines through a robust scientific research program.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
(54) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Wireless connectivity for zero-energy devices leveraging ambient mobile backscatter
This project aims to develop and test new designs of a zero-energy device that can communicate with mobile networks using the ambient backscatter of nearby mobile devices without requiring active RF transmission and only operating with harvested radiofrequency energy.
The focus of this project is on tackling the challenges by developing new signal processing, optimization, and machine learning techniques to achieve reliable connectivity for ambient backscatter devices with zero energy as well as demonstrating the performance by testing new designs.
We invite applications for a 3-year PhD studentship in the Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University to study ambient backscatter communications to empower zero-energy devices to communicate with mobile networks. The successful applicant will join the Signal Processing and Networks Research Group, under the supervision of Dr Mahsa Derakhshani.
Deadline : 19 January 2024
(55) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Work and Organisation academic group: PhD studentship
The Work and Organisation academic group brings together an interdisciplinary group of academics interested in a broad range of ‘people management’ issues. The group conducts research in the areas of work psychology, HRM and organisation studies. As a PhD student you will become part of an active community, enjoy the inspiring research culture of our group and develop novel, cutting-edge research together with world-leading experts. Please check out our staff members’ online profiles to see who would be best suited for your supervision and to develop a project with us.
Deadline : 16 February 2024
About Loughborough University, Leicestershire, England –Official Website
Loughborough University (abbreviated as Lough or Lboro for post-nominals) is a public research university in the market town of Loughborough, Leicestershire, England. It has been a university since 1966, but it dates back to 1909, when Loughborough Technical Institute began with a focus on skills directly applicable in the wider world. In March 2013, the university announced it had bought the former broadcast centre at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park as a second campus. The annual income of the institution for 2022–23 was £369.1 million, of which £48.3 million was from research grants and contracts, with an expenditure of £339.1 million.
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