Stockholm University, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Stockholm University, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Biochemistry (MSCA COFOUND project PRISMAS)
If we could mimic nature’s use of metals for harvesting sunlight, energy conversion, and chemical synthesis it would eliminate the need for fossil fuels and greatly increase the possibilities of green chemistry. These reactions are based on challenging redox reactions by high-valent metal clusters in proteins. To understand and mimic this chemistry it is of central importance to know the geometric and electronic structures of the metal core as well as the protein ligand environment for these reactive intermediates. In this project we combine serial X-ray crystallography with X-ray spectroscopy (XAS/XES) on proteins in-solution and in-crystal to determine electronic and atomic structures of key intermediates in enzymes utilizing dinuclear metal sites for chemically very challenging reactions. The results will be of interest for both basic and applied science in health and biomimetic catalysis.
Deadline : 2 May 2023.
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student in Experimental Characterization of CO2 Reduction Mechanism by Non-linear and X-ray Spectroscopies (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
We have a Ph.D. position opening for an outstanding individual to work with Dr. Sergey Koroidov to study the mechanism of CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) under actual experimental conditions using vibrational sum frequency generation and X-ray spectroscopies. The successful candidate will combine operando tools with transient techniques to observe intermediates and identify redox changes in catalyst composition and species formed on its surface in response to an external stimulus in the lab at SU and the MAXIV synchrotron facility. This project aims to deliver knowledge that leads to a sustainable CO2RR to obtain higher hydrocarbons and alcohols as an unrivaled energy resource in energy density, storage, and distribution.
Deadline : 2 May 2023.
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Chemical Physics: Experimental X-ray Science of Electrolyte Solutions (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
The position is placed at the Department of Physics (Albanova) and the PhD student will work as part of the group Structural dynamics of aqueous solutions as well as part-time at the Swedish synchrotron MAX IV. The group activity is related to understanding role of water in chemical and biophysical processes from a fundamental statistical physics perceptive. The current project is aims to electrolyte solutions dynamics utilizing X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS) at MAX IV. The PhD student will contribute to developing new tools sensitive to nanoscale ion mobility in electrolyte solutions, which can provide new insights to design clean energy storage and conversion systems.
Deadline : 2 May 2023.
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in the History of religions specialization in Islamic studies
The advertised PhD position is part of the new national Graduate School in Islamic Studies, and is co-funded by the Swedish Research Council. The Graduate School will include a total of 12 PhD students in Islamic Studies who will be based at seven different universities across Sweden: apart from Stockholm University, further PhD positions are advertised at University of Gothenburg, Linnaeus University, Södertörn University, Umeå University and Uppsala University. The Graduate School in Islamic Studies will organize joint activities for all 12 PhD students such as courses, workshops, conferences and seminars. For further information on the national Graduate School in Islamic Studies, see or contact its coordinator Jonas Svensson ([email protected]).
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in archaeology, Scientific Archaeology (2)
The two announced positions are based in the unit of the Archaeological Research Laboratory which deals with archaeology where natural scientific methods together with relevant theories are applied to important archaeological questions.
Deadline : 2023-04-15.
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Mathematics (2)
We especially seek to recruit PhD students for the following two projects: Spectral geometry and zeta-functions: analysis on graphs and fractals (supervised by Pavel Kurasov) Critical points of eigenfunctions for elliptic differential operators (supervised by Jonathan Rohleder) It is also possible to apply for projects with other supervisors. Information about available PhD supervisors and possible PhD thesis projects in mathematics, including more information about the above projects, can be found here: possible PhD thesis projects. We recommend that you contact a potential supervisor before submitting the application.
Deadline : 24 April 2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD students in History (2)
The Department of History has a collaboration with the Department of History at Uppsala University named the Stockholm-Uppsala Graduate School in History. PhD positions are announced separately at each university. An applicant who wants to be considered for a position at both universities must submit applications to both universities. The admission procedure itself is coordinated between the universities.
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Phonetics
The position is linked to the research profile phonetics. This implies that the research plan attached to the application must have an experimental phonetics topic linked to research on acoustic and/or physiological (e.g. breathing, phonation, articulation) aspects of speech and conversation conducted at the Department of Linguistics.
Deadline : 15 april 2023.
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Sign language
The Department of Linguistics conducts research and offers education in a number of areas such as child language development, computational linguistics, general linguistics, multilingualism in the deaf and hard of hearing, phonetics and sign language. The department hosts three infrastructures, Språkstudion Language Learning Resource Centre, the Phonetics Laboratory and SUBIC Stockholm University Brain Imaging Center.
Deadline : 15 april 2023.
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Finnish
Finnish is one of the sections at the Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies, Finnish, Dutch and German, which is part of the Faculty of Humanities. The department has about 50 employees and approximately 1200 students each academic year.
Teaching in the Finnish section focuses on the study of the Finnish language in Finland and Sweden, Finnish and Finland-Swedish literature and culture, as well as didactic perspectives within these fields. Key research areas in the section are Finnish as minority language, Sweden Finnish as a language and Sweden Finnish culture, Finnish as part of multilingualism in literature and educational contexts, didactics of language and literature teaching, sociolinguistics, the political discourse of Finland, and corpus linguistics.
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Materials Chemistry (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
As a PRISMAS PhD student, you will have the chance to conduct cutting-edge research in your field, taking advantage of state of the art tools that will bring to attractive future job opportunities in academia or industry. Moreover, you are part of designing the future of synchrotron technology and instrumentation and using these to tackle some of the most significant global challenges the world faces today while acquiring interdisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge. Being part of the PRISMAS programme gives you the one-of-a-kind experience in form of a secondment at the world´s first 4th generation synchrotron, MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. Complemented with a tailored training programme, including courses to build scientific and technical competence as well as strengthen transferrable skills, PRISMAS provides you with the skills, knowledge and competence needed to successfully achieve your doctoral degree.
Deadline : 2 May 2023.
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Romance Languages
As a PhD student you have the opportunity to participate in The Faculty’s Doctoral School, which offers courses of interdisciplinarity and cooperation across subject borders. The Doctoral School can improve the quality of your education thanks to the interchange with PhD students from other subjects and departments.
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Romance Linguistics
The doctoral dissertation will be conducted within the Romance languages for which we offer education, namely French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. It is also possible to choose Romance languages general orientation.
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Materials Chemistry (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
The Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK) is, with about 160 employees, one of the largest departments at the Faculty of Science at Stockholm University. A significant part of the teaching activities is at the undergraduate level with courses in General, Physical, Inorganic, and Analytical Chemistry. The teaching at the graduate level focuses on the master programs in Sustainable Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Research activities of MMK focus primarily on materials, and include different classes such as ceramics, glasses, self-assembled, porous materials, and soft matter. The projects within the unit of Materials Chemistry often encompass synthesis, and multifaceted characterization and computer modelling of materials with a potential for various applications.
Deadline : 2 May 2023.
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Computer and Systems Sciences, with focus on Data Science
Machine learning techniques have been recently employed in psychology research for identifying generalizable predictors for diagnosis, treatment, and decision support. Moreover, evidence shows that the effectiveness of existing prevention and early intervention approaches is greater when delivered early. Hence, there is an evident need for effective and interpretable machine learning models for the early prediction and prevention of mental disorders. The aims of this project are to use explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) and time-series analytics to
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Computer and Systems Sciences, with focus on AI and Digital Twin
Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly growing research area that leverages technologies such as machine learning, statistics, and business processes. More specifically, machine learning methods have been recently evolving towards deep learning and reinforcement learning, resulting in high-performant models and tools. At the same time, the notion of digital twin has been extensively used across the whole system development lifecycle from designing and planning to maintaining products and services. A data-driven digital twin is a digital representation of a physical object or set of services functioning on the basis of live data streams for the purpose of monitoring them for prediction and decision making.
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Religious education with a specialization in Islamic studies
The advertised PhD position is part of the new national Graduate School in Islamic Studies, and is co-funded by the Swedish Research Council. The Graduate School will include a total of 12 PhD students in Islamic Studies who will be based at seven different universities across Sweden: apart from Stockholm University, further PhD positions are advertised at the University of Gothenburg, Linnaeus University, Södertörn University, Umeå University and Uppsala University. The Graduate School in Islamic Studies will organize joint activities such as courses, workshops, conferences and seminars for all 12 PhD students For further information on the national Graduate School in Islamic Studies, see , or contact its coordinator Jonas Svensson ([email protected]).
Deadline : 17 April 2023.
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 3-4 PhD students in Teaching and learning with Specialisation in Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Education
In the research field of teaching and learning the content, conditions, processes and results of teaching, learning and education in relation to subject-specific content. In a broad sense, our research interests concern what the subjects are in relation to what these subjects can or could be in school, society, higher education and professional education. Among the core issues that are studied in the field are the relationships between theory and practice, teaching and learning, as well as various critical perspectives in teaching and education. In our research in arts, humanities and social science education we use various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches; we also contribute to the development of theory, research method and instructional approaches within the various subject-specific specializations.
Deadline :17 April 2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Computational Mathematics
Information about available PhD projects in computational mathematics can be found here: project in computational mathematics. A PhD student is expected to present a licentiate thesis after two years of full-time studies.
Deadline : 24 April 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD students in language education (3-4)
The research area of language education comprises foreign languages (English and other modern languages such as French, German, Italian and Spanish), Swedish, and Swedish as a second language. Our research addresses questions concerning language teaching and language learning, as well as language and literacy development in relation to language users of all ages in schools and other settings and contexts. For instance, we investigate issues concerning the content, conditions and forms of language teaching, as well as teachers’ and learners’ thinking in relation to learning and teaching languages. Our research includes several perspectives, for instance, multilingual aspects and learning of and in a second language, literary education perspectives on teaching and learning languages, subject-specific literacy and multimodal perspectives on interaction, language and learning.
Deadline : 17 April 2023.
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Scientific Archaeology
The position will be based in the Centre for Paleogenetics (CPG) and will be a part of the First Contact research program funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation focusing on the impact of human dispersals on faunal diversity. To further understand the relation between ancient people and domestic animals, and by extension their impact on local fauna, the proposed PhD project will focus on ancient DNA (aDNA) analyses from regional human and animal skeletal remains and will aim to identify temporal changes in population structure of all species in parallel.
Deadline : 15 April 2023.
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in mathematical statistics
We are looking to hire a student for a project on random spatial processes supervised by Daniel Ahlberg. More information about the project can be found on information page for the PhD program (scroll down). Note that only the projects in mathematical statistics are available for this position – mathematics and computational mathematics are separate PhD programs.
Deadline : 24 April 2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Materials Chemistry (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
The main respionsibilities of the student will be to develop nanocellulose based materials for water treatment and understand the structual and chemical changes during processing and use uisng syncrotron based studies. The candidate will work in collaboration with material chemists at SU and collborate with experts from Max IV, RISE. Industry collaboration with Alfalaval is planned with an aim to develop anitifouling membrane for water treatment.
Deadline : 2 May 2023.
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Environmental Science focusing on Microbiome of aquatic organisms in ecotoxicological context
Microorganisms are ubiquitous and present in animal microbiomes. From an ecotoxicological perspective, they are a metabolically active biological compartment that responds to environmental stressors, with downstream effects on host metabolism and development. The microbiota can both alleviate toxicity for the host via, for example, biotransformation, and reinforce the adverse effects via, for example, disrupted microbiome-host interactions and enhancing uptake of hazardous substances. Acknowledging these interactions is essential for a mechanistic understanding of host responses and developing ecologically relevant effect-based methods for environmental status assessment.
Deadline : 24 April 2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Environmental Science focusing on modelling plastic in the environment
In this PHD project, the successful applicant will contribute to the development of an evolving suite of process-based models of plastic pollution based on mass balance principles. Plastic pollution in the environment is composed of materials with a wide range of properties, composition, size, and shape. And, plastic in the environment generates a “chemical halo” of leached additives and polymer degradation products, and attracts a “biological halo” of microorganisms and algae. Understanding the potential environmental impacts of plastic requires knowledge of environmental exposure to the complex physical, chemical and biological footprint of pollution it causes. Process-based models confront this challenge by describing the complex pollution footprint produced by plastic, and by providing a platform for synthesizing scientific understanding about sources, environmental processes, transport pathways, and concentrations of different forms of plastic pollution.
Deadline : 24 April 2023
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student i Statistics
The Department of Statistics has 1–2 open doctoral studentships in Statistics beginning 1 September 2023. The Department is one of the largest statistical departments in Sweden. We conduct research and education in Bayesian Statistics, Computational Statistics, Design of Experiments, Linear Models, Official statistics, Sampling Theory, Survival Analysis and Time Series Analysis.
Deadline : 25 April 2023
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD students in the History of ideas with a specialization in political thought (2)
As part of a new doctoral school in the history of political thought, the Department of Culture and Aesthetics invites applications for two PhD student positions in History of Ideas. The position is fully financed and offers a 4-year full-time employment. The doctoral school is a collaboration between Stockholm University, Uppsala University, Södertörn University and Gothenburg University, partly funded by the Swedish national research council for the doctoral cycle 2023–2027. The doctoral school will train a new generation of doctoral students in historical analysis of the political.
Deadline : 10 May 2023
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Environmental Science focusing on atmospheric aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions
The interplay between atmospheric liquid or solid aerosol particles and clouds is a key theme in climate research. Aerosol particles originating from various natural and anthropogenic sources act as cloud condensation nuclei or ice nuclei for cloud droplets and ice crystals to form on. Consequently, the human influence on atmospheric aerosol loadings are likely to result in perturbations in the extent and properties of clouds. This effect is still poorly understood. Despite large effort during past decades, the processes controlling aerosol-cloud interactions and explaining observed changes are not yet fully understood. The microphysical properties and chemical composition of aerosol particles, and their interaction with water vapour and meteorology represent a complex system with multiple simultaneous interactions. It is one of the major challenges of atmospheric science to understand this complex system and use it to improve predictions of future climate.
Deadline : 30 April 2023
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in International Relations with orientation towards Environmental Politics
The aim of the doctoral programme is to give the student specialised knowledge within the field of International Relations, a thorough training in research methods, and a good understanding of the problems occurring in research and in the practical application of results. The programme familiarises the student with different structures of society and ideas, and gives a broad orientation of the research development within the subject, with the purpose of making the student a critical and independent researcher with the ability to plan and develop scientific projects. There are two main blocks in the programme: course work (75 credits) and work in connection with the Ph.D. dissertation (165 credits). For further information about the structure of the programme, see the department’s website.
Deadline : June 10th, 2023.
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in International Relations
The aim of the doctoral programme is to give the student specialised knowledge within the field of International Relations, a thorough training in research methods, and a good understanding of the problems occurring in research and in the practical application of results. The programme familiarises the student with different structures of society and ideas, and gives a broad orientation of the research development within the subject, with the purpose of making the student a critical and independent researcher with the ability to plan and develop scientific projects. There are two main blocks in the programme: course work (75 credits) and work in connection with the Ph.D. dissertation (165 credits). For further information about the structure of the programme, see the department’s website.
Deadline : June 10th, 2023.
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Environmental Science focusing on nontarget mass spectrometry (2)
These two doctoral projects involve optimization and application of analytical methods and data processing workflows based on nontarget mass spectrometry of air samples collected globally (funded by FORMAS) or in human biofluids (funded by VR and SciLifeLab). Research will include optimization of sample preparation steps, and the development of data processing strategies using open science tools for identification of unknown molecules in complex samples, with emphasis on quality control at all stages. The projects can make use of GC- and LC-Orbitrap technology available at ScilifeLab in the Exposomics group. The research positions are funded for 4 years and you will work as part of a bigger team involving international research scientists to understand the sources of environmental chemical exposures.
Deadline : 7 May 2023
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Ecology
The Department of Zoology invites applications for a four-year PhD position about dispersal patterns, gene flow and connectivity in the Scandinavian arctic fox. The purpose of this project is to investigate the Arctic fox dispersal behavior and habitat use in relation to ecological and landscape variation. Further, the project will assess the extent of gene flow and population structure across the Scandinavian distribution range. The questions will be adressed using GPS collars and genetic analyses. We search for a candidate with good knowledge in ecology, conservation biology and population genetics. Experience of fieldwork, genetic analyses and processing telemetry data are considered important qualifications.
Deadline : 23 April 2023
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Biochemistry
Your studies in Biochemistry will be in the project: Structural, biochemical and biophysical studies of enzymes within nucleotide metabolism and DNA repair We use X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, biochmical and biophysical methods to study enzymes within nucleotide metabolism pathways and DNA repair. Structural, biophysical and biochemical studies are essential for our understanding of these enzymes natural functions and the development of inhibitors.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Biochemistry
Targeted spatial omics is a new technology field that allows cellular resolved mapping of gene and protein expression profiling in the preserved morphological context of tissue specimens from organs or whole organisms. These methods are very powerful, but they are complex, low in throughput and expensive. In order to scale targeted spatial omics methods to allow large studies of clinical cohorts, or for diagnostic applications, new approaches are needed. The aim of this project is to work on such approaches, and apply them for analysis of tissue specimens from mainly human tumors.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Bioinformatics
Targeted spatial omics is a new technology field that allows cellular resolved mapping of gene and protein expression profiling in the preserved morphological context of tissue specimens from organs or whole organisms. These methods are very powerful, but they have to a large extent still not been applied for the studies of tumors and their microenvironments. In order to scale targeted spatial omics methods to allow large studies of clinical cohorts, or for diagnostic applications, we need to refine the gene panels used, and the data analysis approaches. The aim of this project is to work on such approaches, and apply them for analysis of tissue specimens from mainly human tumors.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Bioinformatics
SciLifeLab (SciLifeLab) is a national center for molecular biosciences with a focus on health and environmental research. The center combines frontline technical expertise with advanced knowledge of translational medicine and molecular bioscience. SciLifeLab is a national resource hosted by Karolinska Institutet, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University and Uppsala University. The center also collaborates with several other universities.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(37) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Biochemistry (1-2)
We search for a PhD candidate for biophysical studies of proteins catalyzing biological energy conversion, in particular enzymes of respiratory chains. The project is focused on how membrane-bound enzymes systems capture and store chemical energy and transduce this into other energy forms. The project will address the structure, function, and dynamics of these fascinating proteins, by combining methodology from computational, biochemical, biophysical, machine learning, and structural techniques. The PhD candidate will work closely with other PhD students, postdocs and senior scientists of the lab in an interdisciplinary team. Several projects related bioenergetics and protein function are possible depending on the background and interests of the applicant.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(38) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Biophysics (1-2)
We search for a PhD candidate for biophysical studies of proteins catalyzing biological energy conversion, in particular enzymes of respiratory chains. The project is focused on how membrane-bound enzymes systems capture and store chemical energy and transduce this into other energy forms. The project will address the structure, function, and dynamics of these fascinating proteins, by combining methodology from computational, biochemical, biophysical, machine learning, and structural techniques. The PhD candidate will work closely with other PhD students, postdocs and senior scientists of the lab in an interdisciplinary team. Several projects related bioenergetics and protein function are possible depending on the background and interests of the applicant.
Deadline : 23 April 2023
(39) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography, focus satellite data
This is one of five PhD student positions announced by the Department of Meteorology with closing date 23 April 2023. The doctoral student position is connected to the Swedish MATS satellite mission (Mesospheric Airglow/Aerosol Tomography and Spectroscopy). The MATS satellite was launched in November 2022 to investigate atmospheric gravity waves with a focus on the Earth’s mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The remote sensing performed by MATS is based on optical imaging of atmospheric emissions and tomographic/spectroscopic analysis of the resulting data.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(40) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography, focus ocean circulation
The present availability of over 30 years of satellite data opens up for climate research that until recently only have been possible using climate model data. In this project, a combination of satellite observations, climate models and proposed theories will be used to study how the ocean overturning circulation redistributes water, heat and salt around the planet and affects the climate and its variability. With this, we expect to improve our understanding of the climate and its change as well as to clarify the shortcomings and limitations of the climate models. The doctoral student will develop expertise in tracking the circulation of the world’s ocean currents from satellite observations and climate models.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(41) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography, focus Atmospheric Boundary Layer
In this project, we have a vision of further developing the so called Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique for the atmospheric boundary layer, in particular for computationally complex problems, such as simulating the full diurnal cycle with both the night time and daytime turbulence well resolved. The focus for the PhD student will be on transport and mixing of scalars in the turbulent boundary layer, exchange at the surface as well as with the free atmosphere. We intend to examine all numerical aspects, and especially the lower boundary condition, with the aim of making the code efficient for exascale computing. The long-term goal is that the LES, besides the turbulence and transport of scalars, will be able to simulate clouds.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(42) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in in Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanography, focus Tipping Points
The Amazon rain forest is under severe pressure and has already lost about 20 percent of its extent to human exploitation since the 1970s. Worries have been raised that the forest is approaching a tipping-point, caused by global warming, beyond which an irreversible cascade converts the unique rain forest biome to savannah and open canopy forests.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(43) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Atmospheric sciences and oceanography, focus climate modelling
Precipitation extremes, or precipitation that much exceeds the normal level, are weather events that significantly influence people and society. With global warming, precipitation extremes are expected to increase. Today’s climate models, however, typically have too coarse resolution to explicitly resolve the storms and frontal systems that bring the precipitation. The sensitivity of extreme precipitaiton to increasing temperature is therefore still an open question. The ongoing development of global scale cloud resolving climate models offer unique opportunities to understand future changes in precipitation extremes. This project will combine data analysis with model development to better understand and simulate precipitation under changing climate conditions.
Deadline : 23 April 2023.
(44) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Molecular Biosciences
This PhD student position is available in the laboratory headed by Professor Tore Bengtsson. The project focuses on molecular and physiological mechanisms associated with adrenoceptors and how they affect glucose metabolism in vitro and in vivo. An important area of study is how beta-adrenoceptors bind and are stimulated by different ligands, and how adrenoceptors are coupled to different signaling pathways, including signal transduction proteins and atypical signaling pathways involved in glucose uptake. Our focus is on finding a cure for the metabolic syndrome including obesity and diabetes using a completely novel strategy. Our experimental strategies range from the molecular level ranging from cells to animal models and humans, using a comprehensive approach with many of the most advanced methods available at Stockholm University.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(45) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Organic Chemistry
A PhD position is offered in the group of Prof. B. Martín-Matute at Stockholm University. The candidate will work on the creation of new homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic systems that enable the synthesis of organic compounds via stereoselective proton shifts. This project is at the intersection of catalysis, materials synthesis, mechanistic investigations, and application to late-stage functionalizations. The PhD will carry out primarily experimental work but will also collaborate with computational experts at Stockholm University and elsewhere.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(46) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Experimental Quantum communication: Generation of high dimensional entangled states.
We seek for a highly motivated, skilled, and independent graduate student who wishes who wish to enhance their scientific career in a stimulating environment. This doctoral degree project will be carried out in the quantum photonics group led by Ana Predojevic ( The successful candidate should have interest in quantum technologies, specifically quantum information and communication.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(47) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Ecology and Evolution
The Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences invites applications for a four-year PhD position part of the project “Carbon metabolism and biodiversity of cyanobacteria and their heterotrophic partners in aquatic ecosystems”. The biogeochemical cycling of carbon is central to the modulation of Earth’s global temperature and climate by controlling the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Global estimates indicate that photosynthetic microorganisms in aquatic environments are responsible for approximately half of the carbon dioxide fixed on Earth. A large part of this primary production is due to the activity of aquatic cyanobacteria that are globally ubiquitous and essentially the most abundant photosynthetic organisms on Earth.
Deadline : 24 April 2023
(48) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD students in Astronomy (3)
Supernovae: One position is available to work with Dr. Ragnhild Lunnan on observations of supernovae, focusing on rare and unusual events including but not limited to superluminous supernovae. The underlying goal is to understand the underlying explosion physics and progenitor star populations of these extreme explosions, as well as constraining the final fates of the most massive stars. We are currently partners in the Zwicky Transient Facility project, and are actively preparing for the upcoming Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, for which we have full data rights. There will be opportunities to work on a number of different aspects of supernova science, ranging from improving search algorithms for rare objects in large data streams; statistical studies of supernova populations; analysing individual interesting supernovae; and host galaxy properties.
Solar Physics: One position is available to work with dr. Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez on state-of-the-art inversion methods to reconstruct 3D models of the solar atmosphere from observational data. The selected candidate will participate in the development of our inversion code and will use to study the challenging chromospheric heating problem and flares. This position is funded by an ERC grant and it includes a generous yearly travel allocation to attend conferences, schools and observational campaigns at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma (Spain).
Deadline : 24 April 2023
(49) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD students in Sustainability Science (2) (A)
The overall objective of the project is to understand how severe and widespread loss of water resilience in the Anthropocene impacts distant countries through biophysical and socioeconomic flows (e.g., water, carbon, trade). The two PhD candidates will explore two subtopics within the project: (1) water’s role for Earth resilience and (2) teleconnections of water resilience. The candidates may choose to focus on one of the subtopics or address both. With regard to topic (1), research tasks could include the quantification of: resilience loss in terrestrial ecosystems and production systems following hydroclimatic change; impacts of ecosystem restoration and other land-based climate change mitigation measures on the water and carbon cycle; and cascading and amplifying impacts of land and water interventions. With regard to topic (2), research tasks could include exploring the resilience loss through socio-economic (international trade) and biophysical connectivity (land-rainfall feedbacks such as through moisture recycling) and the role of network structures and connectivity for the propagation of water resilience risks under climate change.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(50) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Sustainability Science (B)
The overall objective is to explore telecoupled risks for water resilience and the necessary governance arrangements to both prevent or navigate those risks as they emerge. Connections between distant countries (teleconnections) can be biophysical (e.g., through atmsophere processes) and socioeconomic (e.g., through trade with water dependent commodities). Such connectivity often remains difficult to track in real-time but has impacts on sustainability, equity, and social justice. The project will rely on qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse historical cases of telecoupled water challenges (e.g. acid rain, drought) to understand place-based responses and the interdependencies across distant places. The case study results can be used as basis for projecting a range of possible governance responses to future teleconnected risks across the multiple scales. The research can study governance at different levels, e.g., international law, regional or global cooperation mechanisms, trade and trade initiatives (e.g., and other innovative governance initiatives that support sustainability and social justice.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(51) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Sustainability Science (C)
The main purpose of this project is detecting where on Earth regime shifts are likely to occur. Doing so requires identifying possible regime shifts and estimating resilience of ecosystems. Regime shifts occur when resilience – the ability to absorb disturbance without losing function and structure – is eroded and the system easily crosses thresholds that marks the onset of new ecological configurations. This project will attempt to develop an early warning system of tipping points for global ecosystems. The project involves harmonizing data streams of biophysical and socio-economic data globally, applying known early warning methods (e.g. critical slowing down), and improving them with machine learning. The project aims to develop new methods for under studied areas of the world and quantify tipping points through dose-response curves.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(52) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Circular Lignin Chemistry
The position will be within an ERC-StG project titled “Circular lignin materials from well-defined functional building blocks” (CIRCULIG). The project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The PhD student will develop analytical and preparatory methodologies for colloidal assembly of lignin towards circular supramolecular materials. In addition to reversible preparation the project involves time-resolved studies and functionalization of the materials via scalable routes.
The ideal applicant is proactive and equipped with a problem-solving mindset. The ambition to conduct interdisciplinary frontier research at the broad breadth of materials chemistry is an asset. Candidates with a solid foundation in materials chemistry, chemical engineering, polymer chemistry and/or colloid science specialisation are encouraged to
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(53) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Thermal Lignin Materials
Project title: Lignin materials for thermal management applications.
Supervisors: Mika Sipponen (main supervisor); Lennart Bergström (co-supervisor).
The position is part of the SSF-FFL8 project SUSLIG that constitute research on lignin-based materials for a sustainable future. The doctoral student will develop new lignin-based photothermal materials for thermal management, and thermal energy storage and conversion. The principles of green chemistry are central concepts in the synthesis, while a range of advanced characterization techniques will be used to gain insight into structure-properties-performance relationship of the new materials.
Deadline :24 April 2023.
(54) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Sustainable Fibers and Composites
Project title: Design of sustainable fibers and biocomposites for automotive applications.
Main Supervisor: Prof. Aji P Mathew, Co supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mika Sipponen.
The position is part of a EU funded Horizon CBE JU project Bio_LUSH. The doctoral student will develop biobased replacement for ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) and ABS-PMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate) which are the main plastic components for the thermoformed interior and exterior parts in automotive industry. The development of compatabilisers and impact modifiersto tune the composite interphase is yet another scientific challenge. Applying recycled or biodegradable polymer or a new thermoplastic material that is as light and strong as ABS but not based on petroleum stock is the challenge with respect to the sustainable development.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(55) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Lignin Materials for Wellbeing.
Project title: Lignin materials for wellbeing.
Supervisors: Mika Sipponen (main supervisor); Aji Mathew (co-supervisor).
The position is part of an international consortium within the Bioeconomy in the North project “From Forest to Functional Particles for Life Sciences” (FORFUN). The doctoral student will develop colloidal lignin particles and their modification methods towards life science applications such as personal care product formulations. The work involves fundmantal studies on emulsions, colloidal dispersions, and their stability and properties from different viewpoints. The foundation of the work constitutes on the recent work in the group:
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(56) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Physical Geography: Monitoring and risk assessment of Swedish water resources
Inland still waters provide key ecosystem services to humans, whether natural, such as lakes and wetlands, or anthropogenic such as reservoirs. Since freshwater supply, storage, and water power for electricity are the most relevant services for humans, the waters providing these services are the most monitored. However, most inland waters remain unmonitored. For instance, less than 1% of all lakes is being monitored in Sweden. Unmonitored inland still waters are already facing threats from accelerated Earth system change, driven by direct human activities and climate change. Worryingly, the effects of Earth system change on unmonitored water resources remain unknown. Water levels in still waters may be already changing beyond their thresholds for ecosystem service provision. Although future plans exist to monitor still inland waters, there is an increasing need to observe and quantify the latest and ongoing hydrological changes in still inland waters. Such monitoring is the only way to determine climate-related risks to water supply and resources.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(57) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Materials Chemistry
Project title: Porous polymers for direct air capture.
Supervisors: Prof. Jiayin Yuan (main supervisor); Dr. Miao Zhang (co-supervisor).
CO2 capture, storage and utilization is needed to mitigate the rapid rise in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. A key challenge is the gigantic mass of CO2 emitted, which asks for efficient and economically viable approaches that are currently missing and limited by the lack of suitable materials. To break through this barrier, this project aims to develop porous polymers to extract CO2 directly from air, the so-called direct air capture (DAC). This project will advance scientific knowledge and prepare the materials base to this negative emission technology.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(58) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Analytical Chemistry
Project title: Toxicity guided inverse design of materials for environmental remediation.
Supervisors: Anneli Kruve (main supervisor); Aji Mathew and Isak Samsten (co-supervisors).
The project is at the forefront of material design, machine learning, toxicology, and analytical chemistry. The PhD training will incorporate aspects from all four fields and via collaborations with experts in these fields, will allow the PhD candidate to build a wide but strong background for further contribution to a sustainable economy. The focus of the project is the environmental remediation of water and soil as well as the clean-up of waste streams. Here we will be employing high-resolution mass spectrometry for the detection of a broad spectrum of hazardous chemicals as well as evaluate the toxicity and concentration of detected chemicals with machine learning. This knowledge will be further used to drive the design of material design for environmental remediation.
Deadline : 24 April 2023.
(59) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Materials Chemistry
Project title: Design, synthesis and structure characterization of novel porous materials advanced by AI and high-throughput electron diffraction.
Supervision: Prof. Xiaodong Zou (main supervisor), Dr. Taimin Yang (assistant supervisor).
Nanoporous materials such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have well-defined pore structures and can act as molecular sieves based on their size and shape. They have wide applications in for example selective adsorption, separation and catalysis. Knowning the structure of porous materials is crucial for understanding their properties and identifying their potential applications. Electron diffraction (ED) has unique advantages in studying nano- and micron-sized crystals too small for X-ray diffraction. Recent developments of 3D ED/MicroED have revolutionalized crystallography, and can provide unique opportunities for the discovery of new materials. Prof. Zou’s group has been working on developing new 3D ED and SerialED/SerialRED methods in order to make phase analysis and structure determination fully automated with high-throughput, high-resolution, and high-accuracy.
Deadline : 26 April 2023.
(60) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doktorand i molekylär biovetenskap
Denna doktorandanställning är tillgänglig i laboratoriet ledd av professor Tore Bengtsson. Projektet fokuserar på molekylära och fysiologiska mekanismer kopplade till adrenoreceptorer och hur de påverkar glukosmetabolismen in vitro och in vivo. Ett viktigt område är hur beta-adrenoreceptorer binder och stimuleras av olika ligander och hur adrenoreceptorer kopplas till olika signalvägar, inklusive signaltransduktionsproteiner och atypiska signalvägar som är involverade i glukosupptag. Vi fokuserar på att hitta en bot för det metabola syndromet inkluderat fetma och diabetes med en helt ny strategi. Våra experimentella strategier sträcker sig från molekylär nivå inklusive celler till djurmodeller och människor, genom omfattande tillvägagångssätt med många av de mest avancerade metoderna som finns tillgängliga vid Stockholms universitet.
Deadline : 2023-04-24.
About Stockholm University, Sweden – Official Website
Stockholm University is a public university in Stockholm, Sweden, founded as a college in 1878, with university status since 1960. With over 33,000 students at four different faculties: law, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, it is one of the largest universities in Scandinavia. The institution is regarded as one of the top 100 universities in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).
Stockholm University was granted university status in 1960, making it the fourth oldest Swedish university. As with other public universities in Sweden, Stockholm University’s mission includes teaching and research anchored in society at large.
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