University of Cambridge, United Kingdom invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Senior Research Fellow – – Nitride Semiconductors (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Senior Research Fellow in Nitride Semiconductors. The post is intended to support research related to the work of the Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride, and is available as a consequence of the Director of the Centre, Professor Rachel Oliver, being awarded a Chair in Emerging Technologies by the Royal Academy of Engineering. The Cambridge Centre for Gallium Nitride is part of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy at the University of Cambridge and also leads the nitride activity within the EPSRC National Epitaxy Facility.
Deadline : 20 August 2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Senior Research Associate (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for the position of Senior Research Associate in the Laser Analytics group, led by Professor Clemens Kaminski and based at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. The successful candidate will take on a significant role in managing a large research group while Prof. Kaminski serves as Head of Department. The host group is specialised in the development and application of advanced fluorescent microscopy techniques for the study of molecular mechanisms of disease and is strongly connected with researchers in medicine, and in the biological and physical sciences. More information on the research group is available at
Deadline : 31 August 2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate: Engineering water flows in the Fens (Fixed Term)
We seek an experienced water engineer or hydrologist with an understanding of hydrological modelling and highly-developed interpersonal skills to join a multi-disciplinary team in the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Landscape Regeneration (CLR). The CLR seeks to understand the functioning of the whole fenland water landscape by the integration of information from its many parts, to provide a basis for a radically different water management programme to address greenhouse gas emission and biodiversity loss, while maintaining so far as possible food production in the face of climate change. This new post is being created in response to the report of DEFRA’s Lowland Peat Taskforce, 2023. We are looking for a specialist engineer/hydrologist to advance knowledge of how water currently moves through the drained fen landscape and evaluate the viability of innovative alternative systems for capturing and storing water to allow for higher water tables and secure reliable water supplies for agriculture and biodiversity.
Deadline : 3 September 2023
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate x 2 (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for two experimental researcher posts available from October 2023, one senior and one early-stage, each for initially 2 years within a new £9M UK-funded centre in Ubiquitous Optical Healthcare Technologies (ubOHT). The researchers will be part of the NanoPhotonics group, which looks at translating advances in nanoscale assembly and nanophotonics interactions for societal impact. They will be part of a broad team of >20 researchers across the UK, and provide leadership opportunities and developing bridges to industry. The candidates will join a dynamic and diverse team that values collaboration. The role holders will develop different novel sensors using surface-enhanced Raman scattering and mid-IR absorption, using robust low-cost self-assembled plasmonic nanocavities. For recent work see
Deadline : 25 August 2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy in plasmonic nanocavities
Applications are invited for an experimental researcher post available from October 2023 for initially 2 years within an EU-funded Advanced grant from the European Research Council (ERC) on extreme light confinement, ‘PICOFORCE’. The researcher will be part of the NanoPhotonics group, which looks at nanoscale assembly and nanophotonics interactions. The candidate will join a dynamic and diverse team that values collaboration. The role holder will develop novel ultrafast NIR and MIR spectroscopy on self-assembled plasmonic nanocavities to study vibrational interactions and the optomechanics of single/few molecules for quantum technologies. For recent work see
Deadline : 25 August 2023
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Solution Processed Graphene and Related Materials and Composites (Fixed Term)
We wish to appoint a Research Associate in the Cambridge Graphene Centre, to work on solution processed Graphene and Related Materials and Composites. The mission of the Cambridge Graphene Centre (CGC) is to investigate the science and technology of graphene and related materials. This engineering innovation centre allows our partners to meet, and effectively establish joint industrial-academic activities to promote innovative and adventurous research with an emphasis on applications. The aim is to develop a new class of composites able to exploit the mechanical, thermal, optical and electrical properties of graphene and related materials. The post holder will undertake the optimization of inks, dispersions and composites based on graphene and exfoliated layered materials for a wide range of printing and coating techniques. The role holder will be responsible for testing the materials in transparent and conductive composites for photovoltaics, smart windows, touch screens, and flexible electronics devices in general. The role holder will develop stable, jettable inks based on such materials suitable for printing on a broad range of substrates including flexible, paper and textiles. The post holder will develop composites by combining two or more inks of different materials to fine-tune their properties.
Deadline :28 August 2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Photophysics of Molecular Semiconductors
Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position to work on a project to explore the electronic and optical properties of radical (spin 1/2)-based organic semiconductors, supported by the European Research Council. The successful candidate will join the Department of Physics, working under the supervision of Prof. Sir Richard Friend, working closely with Dr Akshay Rao in the Department of Physics and Dr Hugo Bronstein in the Department of Chemistry. One of the leading academic groups in the field of organic and hybrid electronics, our research programme is built on a broad scientific approach aiming to understand the electronic properties of novel semiconductors, but also aiming to understand in-depth the physical processes that govern the performance of organic, nanocrystal and hybrid organic-nanocrystal electronic devices, such as light emitting diodes and photovoltaics. We have recently reported efficient light-emitting diodes using radical (spin 1/2)-based organic semiconductor for emission. These materials operate entirely within the spin-doublet manifold, avoiding non-emissive spin configurations based on spin-triplets that compromise the operation of conventional organic LEDs and solar cells. This opens a new domain for the operation and design of organic semiconductors materials and devices, one that is radically different from what has been possible till now. This project will explore and develop the fundamental electronic and optical properties of this new class of radical-based organic semiconductor materials (ROSCs) and, specifically, to explore novel high spin photoexcited states that we have recently observed.
Deadline : 20 August 2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Integrated Photonics of Graphene and Related Materials (Fixed Term)
A position exists for a Research Associate In integrated photonics of Graphene and related Materials. The aim is to develop a new class of integrated photonic and optoelectronic devices based graphene and related materials (GRMs), combining the versatile properties of GRMs with conventional three-dimensional semiconductors. Such devices will then be used in a wide range of applications such as on-chip optical routing, flexible optoelectronics, light emission, optical sensing and quantum communications. This is an ambitious research program, with a strong interdisciplinary nature, across photonics, plasmonics, device physics, electrical engineering and nanotechnology, and it will require the realization of novel devices for wide range of applications such as photodetectors, optical modulators, optical amplifiers, lasers, biosensors etc. based on integrated GRMs The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Applied Physics, Material Science, Nanotechnology or Electrical Engineering with a proven track record in photonics, optoelectronics in graphene and related materials, physics of low dimensional systems, plasmonics, near-field optics, CMOS technology and nanofabrication including, e-beam lithography and laser writing, on-chip optical and electrical characterizations, pump-probe and fast electro-optical measurements. Preference will be given to candidates with proven track record in silicon photonics, fabrication and optoelectronic characterization of graphene, related layered materials or other nanoscale photonic devices, as demonstrated by publications in major journals. A solid understanding of device physics, the physics of graphene and related materials is required.
Deadline :28 August 2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in High Energy Physics x 2
The Department of Physics, the Cavendish Laboratory, invites applications for two Research Associate positions in Experimental High Energy Physics, to commence on 1 October 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. The experimental High Energy Physics research group of the Cavendish Laboratory, has major involvements in the ATLAS and LHCb experiments at CERN, in the MicroBooNE and DUNE experiments at Fermilab, and in the AION Project and MAGIS experiments.
Deadline : 21 August 2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Health Economics and Policy (Fixed Term)
The Department of Psychiatry is looking for a committed and enthusiastic post-doctoral Research Associate in Health Economics to join the team. The applicant will undertake the statistical analysis of clinical trial data combining clinical mental health, HRQoL and costing across participating sites in Europe. This trial will be testing a new intervention dealing with problematic internet use and social media in children and adolescents. We also plan to map the policy landscape across Europe in relation to digital policies aimed at safeguarding children and adolescents from problematic internet use and social media. Improved understanding these factors will facilitate a targeted approach to early intervention and prevention of mental health problems as well as supporting children and young people to cope better in school and in their life. We are particularly interested in someone with experience complex statistical analyses for health economic methods or working with HRQoL databases or and trial datasets. Experience of policy analysis is also essential for the role. The role of the successful applicants will be to undertake these analyses under the supervision of Dr Andres Roman-Urrestarazu, (Cambridge). The Mental Health, Policy and Economics team is expanding rapidly with an emphasis on applied mental health research, health economics, health policy and epidemiology, as well as intervention development and evaluation. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to play an active part in shaping this research programme and supporting more junior staff. We are particularly interested in someone with experience of health economics research or practical work in mental health and with a research interest in developing health policy and implementing cross country guidance in this field.
Deadline :3 September 2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Environmental Policy and AI Evidence Communication
A position exists for a Research Associate in the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics to work with Professor J Aston, the Harding Professor of Statistics in Public Life. The post will be associated with an EPSRC AI for Net Zero award: Real-time digital optimisation and decision making for energy and transport systems. This exciting project looks at the role of AI in transforming energy and transport systems, and this Research Associate position has particular focus on evidence communication of the AI concepts developed and underlying psychology. The successful applicant will also work with Dr Claudia Schneider, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Duties include evaluating and developing statistical evidence communication in contexts associated with government and public policy concerning AI and environmental policy; conducting a systematic review of environmental evidence communication; understanding wider contexts of use of data science within policy and government; running empirical studies to investigate environmental policy and AI evidence communication; being an integral member of the team working on the EPSRC award, including researchers at Imperial, Edinburgh and Oxford.
Deadline : 17 August 2023
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research associate in developmental and stem cell biology
We are looking for a talented and motivated postdoctoral scientist to join the lab of Dr Emma Rawlins. The Rawlins lab studies lung development and lung stem cells with a particular focus on using human models to study cellular and molecular mechanisms controlling development and repair. We have recently developed a series of innovative human lung organoid models and accompanying CRISPR tools which will further enable the study of human lung development and disease. This position is part of a Wellcome-funded highly collaborative UK-based project: the Human Developmental Biology Initiative ( The HDBI aims to develop enabling technology for the study of human development with a focus on lineage-analysis. The HDBI benefits from the UK’s well-established system for collecting and distributing human foetal tissue for research, the MRC/Wellcome Human Developmental Biology Resource ( The specific project will focus on cell lineage analysis in the context of morphogenesis in the developing human lung and relies on a physiologically-mimetic culture system recently developed by the lab. There will be excellent scope for innovation and direction-setting, focusing on the overall aim of understanding lung morphogenesis. We would be particularly interested in hearing from applicants with expertise in live-imaging, image-analysis, quantitative analysis, or physical/mechanobiology.
Deadline : 4 September 2023
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Computational Biology / Bioinformatics
We are seeking a talented and motivated Research Associate in Computational Biology/Bioinformarics to investigate genomic regulatory mechanisms that underlie cellular state and decision making through application of single cell multiomics, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and chromatin interaction analyses. You will join the Ahringer laboratory at the Gurdon Institute in the University of Cambridge. Our research programmes use the C. elegans model in which we apply powerful lineage resolved assays to decipher how eukaryotic gene expression is regulated across developmental trajectories ( You will investigate genomic regulatory mechanisms in close collaboration with experimental colleagues, using existing cutting-edge software or devising new methods to analyse a diverse range of genomic and transcriptomic data. You will lead computational projects and contribute to the supervision of students, providing an ideal opportunity to develop an independent scientific career.
Deadline :10 September 2023
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (Fixed Term)
A post-doctoral Research Associate position in Cognitive Computational Neuroscience is available to work with Professor Zoe Kourtzi at the Adaptive Brain Lab, Univ of Cambridge, UK ( The position will focus on cognitive computational neuroimaging studies of learning and brain plasticity. Our studies combine ultra-high field brain imaging (7T fMRI, MR Spectroscopy), electrophysiology (EEG), interventional (TMS, tDCS) and neurocomputational (machine learning, reinforcement learning) approaches to understand the network dynamics that support learning and brain plasticity. The research activity is at the core of a Wellcome Trust funded Collaborative award that brings together a cross-disciplinary team of international experts to investigate the role of brain network dynamics for adaptive behaviour. Our research programme bridges work across scales (local circuits, global networks) and species (humans, mice) to uncover the neurocomputations that support learning and brain plasticity. Our work capitalises on cutting-edge methodological developments in our team: a) ultra high-field MR Spectroscopy and functional brain imaging (Emir lab, Purdue; Kourtzi lab, Cambridge), b) optogenetics, electrophysiology neuropharmacology (Paulsen, Dalley, Poort labs, Cambridge; Rusakov lab: UCL), c) computational and AI-inspired modelling (Ahmadian lab, Cambridge).This international collaborative network provides unique opportunities for cross-disciplinary training in innovative methodologies at the interface of neuroscience and computational science.
Deadline : 24 August 2023
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Classical Simulation Methods of Quantum Computation
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) invites applications for the position of Post-Doctoral Research Associate funded by the Royal Society to work on tensor network formalism and its applications to classically simulating fermionic systems. You will work with Dr Sergii Strelchuk who is a Royal Society University Research Fellow, DAMTP at the University of Cambridge. The project will investigate weakly non-Gaussian fermionic tensor networks and the related questions of fermion-to-boson mappings in higher dimensional tensor networks. Duties include developing and conducting individual and collaborative research objectives, proposals and projects. The role holder will be expected to plan and manage their own research and administration, with guidance if required, and to assist in the preparation of proposals and applications to external bodies. You must be able to communicate material of a technical nature and be able to build internal and external contacts. You may be asked to assist in the supervision of student projects, the development of student research skills, provide instruction or plan/deliver seminars relating to the research area.
Deadline : 16 August 2023
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in cell competition
We are thrilled to announce an exceptional opportunity for a highly motivated and talented Postdoctoral Researcher to join Dr David Fernandez-Antoran’s team at The Gurdon Institute – University of Cambridge. This exciting two-year position is focused on investigating the role of environmental factors in the mutational burden of epithelial tissues and developing innovative interventions to shape cell competition outcomes.
Deadline :28 August 2023
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate [Temporary Cover]
Temporary cover: This post is fixed-term for 1 year or the return of the post holder, whichever is the earlier. Applications are invited for this postdoctoral position, funded by BBSRC, on a project aiming to i) obtain a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying survival of Campylobacter jejuni in the food chain, and ii) explore interventions that limit the survival of C. jejuni in the food chain. The focus of the research at the University of Cambridge, led by Dr Andrew Grant, is to carry out detailed genomic and functional genomic studies to identify the mechanisms required by C. jejuni to survive and grow in different environments and the food-chain. The project supports the Institutional Strategic Programme for the Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich. We will use our comprehensive transposon mutant libraries in different C. jejuni strains to perform TraDIS, combined with RNAseq to investigate the genes required to survive different stresses and combinations of stresses and to survive in mixed-species biofilms exposed to different food chain stresses. We will complement the studies by investigating individual genes through the generation of defined deletion mutants and complemented mutants. In addition, we will use TraDIS and imaging to investigate Campylobacter survival and morphology changes when the bacteria are exposed to different biocides and antibacterial agents.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Protein and antibody engineering, directed evolution, optogenetics and synthetic biology (Fixed Term)
This role is to work in the laboratory of Dr Mateo Sanchez, located in the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. We are a growing chemical-biology research group that leverages synthetic biology approaches to develop new molecular tools for optogenetics, cell biology or neuroscience. The research will concentrate on both the development of different platforms for the directed evolution of target enzymes, which will be later implemented into different molecular tools, and the engineering and maturation of antibodies using phage or yeast surface display. The successful candidate is expected to develop new ideas and concepts in the areas outlined above in collaboration with the PI, by combining their expertise with the core capabilities of the lab. The role holder is expected to work on projects as part of a team, and be able to communicate their results clearly. If you are interested in learning more about our philosophy and expectations, please visit (
Deadline : 29 August 2023
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (x3) (Fixed Term)
We seek three postdoctoral researchers to join the Population Health Interventions research programme to work on projects evaluating food system interventions. The posts represent excellent opportunities to work in an internationally renowned centre for population health intervention research, and offer an outstanding opportunities for career development Applicants will be have an excellent track record and ideally have a research interest in food systems or food policy, with understanding of systems thinking, evidence synthesis, qualitative or evaluative research. The posts will be based in the MRC Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge. However, the research is likely to involve evaluation of interventions delivered nationally or in other specific parts of the UK, and post holders may be required to travel elsewhere in the UK regularly to undertake fieldwork and participate in research and other meetings.
Deadline : 14 September 2023
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (x2) (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for two postdoctoral Research Associate positions to help direct and conduct research in the 4D Lab under the leadership of Prof Duncan Astle, alongside a wide team of collaborators across the University of Cambridge. The research work will support a Templeton World Charity Foundation funded research programme aimed at understanding how brain networks develop during early adverse experiences. This position will use a range of methods, and a strong quantitative background is highly desirable for the role. Research conducted in the lab sits at the intersection between developmental systems neuroscience, neuroinformatics and computational modelling. Anyone with experience in those areas is encouraged to apply. A hallmark of their work is the application of novel methodological approaches to large scale datasets, so experience with this would be a real advantage. You should hold a PhD relevant field or be close to submitting your thesis. Experience of prior work anywhere at the intersection of neuroscience, neuroimaging, computational modelling and development is highly desirable for this role.
Deadline : 27 August 2023
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Ubiquitous Quantum Emitters)
Applications are invited for an experimental researcher post available from October 2023 for initially 2 years within an EU-funded Advanced grant from the European Research Council (ERC) on extreme light confinement, ‘PICOFORCE’. The researcher will be part of the NanoPhotonics group, which looks at nanoscale assembly and nanophotonics interactions. You will join a dynamic and diverse team that values collaboration. The role holder will develop novel self-assembled plasmonic nanocavities to study the electrical-driving and light emission of single and few interacting emitters for quantum technologies. For recent work see
Deadline :25 August 2023
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Stem Cell Biology-Bioengineering) (Boroviak lab) (Fixed Term)
The Boroviak lab is recruiting a highly enthusiastic individual to carry out ground-breaking research on bioprinting human embryo models. We will tackle the origin of human body axis formation, which occurs during the second week of gestation. Deeply embedded within extraembryonic tissues, gastrulation transforms the embryonic disc into three germ layers and organizes the future body plan. All of these events are essential for healthy embryo development, but in human they have been notoriously hard to study for ethical and technical reasons. Building on our insights from spatial profiling of primate gastrulation in utero (Bergmann et al., Nature 2022), the postholder will pioneer next-generation human embryo models to functionally dissect germ layer formation. The research associate will be responsible for driving various bioprinting approaches to emulate embryogenesis in vitro. Validation includes single-cell transcriptomics and spatial-identity-mapping to our existing embryo datasets. Ultimately, the goal is to interrogate the molecular cross-talk between embryonic and extraembryonic lineages with human and marmoset reporter and knock-out pluripotent stem cell lines in bioprinted embryo models.
Deadline : 17 September 2023
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Philpott lab) – Oncogenic Transcriptional Regulation in the Paediatric Cancer Neuroblastoma
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral scientist to join our collaborative research team to probe the molecular regulation of transcriptional networks that control proliferation versus differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. Ongoing projects are interrogating the transcriptional mechanism of action of inhibitors and drugs that can drive neuroblastoma tumour differentiation, with the aim of developing new therapeutic approaches for this terrible disease. The role may include genome-wide analysis of transcription factor binding and activation using ChIPseq, RNAseq and ATACseq techniques, CRISPR screening in neuroblastoma cell lines, as well as other molecular and cellular analyses to dissect neuroblastoma cell behaviour. The role holder will collaborate with Dr Jason Carroll (CRUK Cambridge Institute) who has extensive experience in genome wide analyses and CRISPR screening, and we will provide excellent infrastructure and bioinformatics support. The role holder may also take an active part in our collaboration with Dr Louis Chesler (The Institute of Cancer Research, London) and Prof Suzanne Turner (Pathology Dept, Cambridge) who use mouse models of neuroblastoma to test drugs to drive neuroblastoma differentiation.
Deadline : 30 August 2023
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Philpott lab) – Lineage Fidelity during Development and Reprogramming (Fixed Term)
A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is currently available for a highly talented and motivated individual to work in the laboratory of Prof. Anna Philpott within the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute ( The Philpott lab has broad interests in understanding the fundamental mechanisms that determine cell fate choice and differentiation during embryonic development and in cancers, as well as how these processes are coordinated with cell cycle progression. We are looking for a post-doctoral scientist to join our collaborative research team investigating transcriptional regulation of lineage fidelity during fate specification and differentiation. Within the laboratory, we use several experimental systems including embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis, as well as mammalian embryonic stem and cancer cell culture. Ongoing projects use Xenopus embryos as a highly versatile model system to uncover epigenetic and co-factor-dependent mechanisms underlying the cellular response to transcription factor reprogramming. We use many techniques including genome-wide analysis of gene expression in single and multiple cells, chromatin binding and accessibility studies, CRISPR genome editing as well as classical embryology and biochemistry. The role holder may take part in our collaboration with Prof. Allon Klein (Harvard Medical School).
Deadline : 4 September 2023
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Laurenti Lab) (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate to join the group of Dr Elisa Laurenti within The Wellcome Trust Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and Department of Haematology on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. This project will be run jointly by Dr Laurenti and Prof Göttgens, with funding provided by the Aging Biology Foundation. It will characterise how blood ages, by generating a functionally annotated single cell map of the ageing blood stem and progenitor compartment in humans. This will be achieved studying primary human samples in depth by combining many single cell technologies (scRNA-seq/scATACseq, CITE-Seq, WGS and functional assay of blood production coupled with barcoding technologies). A key biological question we aim to address is why the population of blood stem and progenitor cells functionally declines as we age. This will involve defining the cellular and molecular heterogeneity of blood stem and progenitor cells, linking this to functional changes in the production of mature blood cells, and understanding how somatic mutations inevitably acquired with age contribute to the processes above.
Deadline : 14 September 2023
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
This is an exciting opportunity for an ambitious post-doctoral research associate to join the MRC Biostatistics Unit to carry out methodological research relating to Bayesian inference. The post-holder will focus on developing novel Bayesian statistical methodology to improve the analysis and understanding of biomedical data, particularly relating to population health and/or patients in hospitals. Depending on their skills and interests, there are several potential directions that the postholder could pursue. These include (1) computational and/or methodological developments in Bayesian methods for model integration/data integration, such as building on ideas of Markov melding ( and and chained Markov melding (; (2) improving methodology relating to prior specification (e.g. building on ideas in; or (3) developing and implementing improved Bayesian methodology for handling large-scale multi-stream patient-level data extracted from modern hospital Electronic Health Record systems. The postholder will have the opportunity to take a central role in identifying and developing potential methodological developments, critically assessing and refining ideas for their ability to enable substantive biomedical questions to be answered more accurately or efficiently; and implementing and applying the proposed methodological developments to compare performance compared to existing approaches.
Deadline : 20 August 2023
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The University of Cambridge, Judge Business School leverages the power of academia for real world impact to transform individuals, organisations and society. Since 1990, Cambridge Judge has forged a reputation as a centre of rigorous thinking and high-impact transformative education, situated within one of the world’s most prestigious research universities, and in the heart of the Cambridge Cluster, the most successful technology entrepreneurship cluster in Europe. The Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies, within the Cambridge Judge Business School (CJBS), is seeking to employ a Research Associate to join our team of risk researchers. Educated to PhD level, your combined degree training and professional experience should include substantial training in social science or environmental science which is supported by significant expertise in quantitative techniques.
Deadline : 3 September 2023
(28) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
This is an exciting opportunity to join a rapidly growing research programme concerning children and young people’s mental health; the ChARM group. The post-holder will work with Tamsin Ford to support the Green Paper Evaluation project and other CHARM projects as required. The work is funded by the Health and Social Care Delivery Research theme of the NIHR and will be collaborating with researchers at London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the University of Birmingham. In 2017, the Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Green Paper (Department of Health and Department for Education, 2017) set out proposals for improving the services and support available to children and young people (CYP) with mental health problems, with a particular focus on enhancing provision for those with low-moderate needs. The proposals and implementation Programme launched in 2018 comprise three key pillars: incentivising education settings to identify a senior mental health lead; Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) to provide extra capacity for early intervention and testing a four-week waiting time for access to specialist NHS CYP mental health services. A new professional role has been created for MHSTs: education mental health practitioner (EMHP). This study will explore Programme sustainability; equity and access; and draw out recommendations for future development.
Deadline : 27 August 2023
(29) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The University of Cambridge, is offering a postdoctoral position to work on a CRUK-funded interdisciplinary project, developing and integrating advanced microscopy and electrophysiology techniques to study the function of calcium-permeable ion channels in the invasive growth of neuroendocrine cancers. Neuroendocrine (NE) cancer cells are electrically excitable, secretory and NE cancers include highly invasive and metastatic cancers such as small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). Calcium-permeable ion channels have recently been implicated in progression of several cancers (see e.g. ,, and This project will study how electrical and calcium signalling govern the invasive motility of neuroendocrine cancer cells, at the nanodomain level in structures such as filopodia, by applying a novel technique for 3D super-resolution microscopy, Single Molecule Light Field (SMLF) microscopy ( in conjunction with patch-clamp and fluorescence calcium imaging.
Deadline : 9 September 2023
(30) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
We are looking for an individual to work on discovering the circuit basis of inter-individual differences in learning ability in Drosophila larva. The project will involve training individual larvae, repeatedly over may days, imaging activity in specific neurons after training, and imaging the brains of fast- and slow-learner animals using electron microscopy. We are looking for a post doc with extensive experience in training Drosophila larvae, particularly with the Y-maze system, as well with excellent engineering skills to build high-throughput training set ups for multiple animals, and programming skills for data analysis. A BA degree in engineering and a PhD degree in neuroscience or computer science is required.
Deadline : 25 August 2023
(31) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
A position exists for a Research Associate in the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Research Group. The aim of the role is to undertake the development and delivery of a wide range of experiments to measure the constitutive properties of time-dependant materials and describe the results within the framework of Group Interaction Modelling. Candidates close to (or in the process of) submitting their PhD thesis or awaiting degree conferral, will also be considered. In this case, appointment will be at the level of Research Assistant, Grade 5. On receipt of PhD award, the appointee will move to Grade 7, Research Associate. The candidates PhD thesis should be in Physics or a closely related discipline with a proven track record in Group Interaction Modelling (GIM).
Deadline : 24 August 2023
(32) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The role will involve statistical analysis of data from the POPStar project, with additional elements of data management and linkage. The POPStar project is a data linkage project investigating how conditions in the womb can predict the future health of mothers and their children. We have a remarkable opportunity to study the health of ~4,000 mother-child pairs who participated in the Pregnancy Outcome Prediction Study (POPS). POPS recruited pregnant women at the Rosie between 2008 and 2012 and collected very detailed information on pregnancy outcomes, growth, and development in the womb. The information collected during pregnancy, from interviews, blood samples and extra scans, is unique and has been used to draw important conclusions about the immediate health of mothers and babies. The ideal candidate will have a PhD or equivalent research experience within a relevant field, as well as being able to display advanced data analysis skills.
Deadline : 17 August 2023
(33) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The Guinean forests of West Africa are a critical ecosystem in global biodiversity conservation efforts. The region is also a global hotspot for cocoa cultivation, home to more than 7 million hectares of cocoa production that continues to expand into the remaining forest ecosystems. Deforestation is tied to cocoa yields and food demands in existing cocoa areas. As yields and soil fertility decline in existing farms, farmers seek out new forests to produce food in the near term and expand their cocoa plots over longer periods. Without interventions to enhance the sustainability and productivity of cocoa farms, deforestation will continue. Agroforestry has been identified as a potentially powerful nature-based solution to climate mitigation, adaptation, biodiversity, and rural livelihood challenges. Due to this potential, numerous interventions have recently launched in West Africa to scale up agroforestry adoption. In this project we analyse the causal impacts of these interventions in a unique quasi-experimental setting. This will involve the collection and analysis of both socio-economic and biophysical data, with several project partners able to support in the design of these activities. The goal of this research is to provide major advancements in our understanding of the conditions under which forest-focused supply chain policies can lead to improved conservation and livelihoods in the tropics.
Deadline : 3 September 2023
(34) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, is seeking a Post-doctoral research associate (PDRA) in igneous petrology. The position is focused on providing powerful new constraints on Earth’s mantle volatile budget. The project will employ microanalytical and experimental techniques and apply these to a range of key natural samples. As part of the project you will work closely with collaborators from the University of Manchester and University of St Andrews, in addition to international partners. Ideally, the position would be taken up in Autumn 2023. Applications are invited from candidates with relevant expertise in igneous petrology and geochemistry, preferably with a strong background in microanalysis and/or experimental petrology. Expertise in programming, in particular of petrological modelling and statistical analysis of data is essential. You will work as a part of a diverse and multi-disciplinary team that will shed new light on volatiles in the mantle, where they are stored, what their origins are, and how they are cycled through the Earth system.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
(35) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) partnering with The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s research have awarded 21 international grants to understand causes and progression of Parkinson’s disease, with the aim of finding new approaches to treatment. One of this grants awarded to Professor John Hardy (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) and colleagues at Oxford University, Prof Maria Grazia Spillantini at Cambridge University and the Royal Veterinary College as well as co-investigators Dr Zane Jaunmuktane (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) and Dr Ryten, will be seeking to understand why Parkinson’s progresses and spreads through the brain at a variable rate.
Deadline : 16 August 2023
(36) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
We seek a highly motivated individual with a strong passion for research to join our team as a postdoctoral research scientist. The appointment will be full-time for three years in the first instance, but we have the funding in place to extend the post to five years. If you find our work interesting and enjoy curiosity-driven research, do not hesitate to contact us. The position provides an outstanding opportunity for academic and professional growth. The role holder will join a lively multidisciplinary team with three other postdocs (with the same start and duration) spanning three research groups at the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London funded by a Wellcome collaborative award bringing together molecular and cell biologists, mathematicians and clinicians to study the impact of mitochondrial DNA mutations which accumulate in brain cells during life.
Deadline : 27 August 2023
(37) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
The Maori lab, based in the Department of Biochemistry of Cambridge University, is inviting applications for a Research Associate. The position holder will join our research programme, which centres around a new paradigm in RNA biology: secreted extra-organismal RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Secreted extra-organismal RBPs have been recently discovered in honeybees and Listeria monocytogenes. In both instances, the RBP stabilises RNA outside the organism it originated from to interact with- and affect another organism. Given their recent discovery, it is unknown how widespread and diverse the roles of extra-organismal RBPs are. Our recent studies identified an extra-organismal RBP in the honeybee jelly secretion, which is somewhat analogous to mammalian milk (Maori et al., Mol Cell, 2019; Maori et al., Cell Reports, 2019). Prompt by this observation, we explored the presence of such RBPs in breast milk. We isolated two secreted milk proteins with robust yet unknown RNA-binding capacity, playing essential metabolic roles. Both factors are conserved across mammals, active in the intestine, and interact with multiple receptors and components of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, our key goals are to define how and why these novel secreted RBPs bind RNA in human milk and the gastrointestinal tract. To achieve these goals, the successful candidate will employ cutting-edge protein and RNA biochemistry techniques, imaging and high-throughput sequencing to assess the impact of RNA binding on protein/RNA stability and function. They will also test whether these secreted RBPs are endocytosed in their ribonucleoprotein forms and deliver their maternal RNA partners into cells.
Deadline : 1 October 2023
(38) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
A position is available in Hélène Ruffieux’s team at the MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge University for a talented statistician to work on the development of methodology related to Bayesian inference in the context of biomedical research. The post holder will develop hierarchical modelling and scalable inference approaches to uncover dependence structures and temporal dynamics from complex clinical and molecular data (e.g., genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) in order to advance our understanding of disease risk and progression. They will contribute to the team’s research, which focuses on exploiting shared information across related traits, conditions or timepoints, using Bayesian joint modelling (based on functional principal component analysis, Gaussian graphical modelling, variable selection or sparse regression) and tailored approximate inference algorithms (based on variational Bayes or other fast posterior inference procedures). The developed methodology will be used in ongoing collaborations with biologists and clinicians in the UK and abroad.
Deadline : 27 August 2023
(39) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Fixed Term)
An MRC-funded postdoctoral Research Associate position in Human Organoid-based Disease Modelling in Neurodegeneration is available for 3 years in the laboratory of Dr András Lakatos at the University of Cambridge. The research group focuses on developing and using 3D human organoid models for mechanistic discoveries in neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative diseases at single-cell resolution, with a view to translation toward therapeutics. This exciting wet lab-based project aims to elucidate how risks modify molecular pathology and glia-neuron-synapse interactions to inform treatment strategies in Motor Neuron Disease (MND)/Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The successful applicant will generate MND/ALS human organoid and other stem cell-based models developed in the laboratory and use genomic and protein perturbations combined with high-resolution imaging and functional assays in mechanistic studies. The post is a unique opportunity for an enthusiastic cell or molecular biologist with an aptitude for semi-independent work, which is well supported by a dynamic team. The Research Associate will also be supported by experts in computational biology in the lab and be expected to interact with collaborating groups at Harvard University, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the MRC-WT Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. Fellowship applications will be encouraged towards the end of the post.
Deadline : 10 September 2023
(40) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Research Associate (Fixed Term)
We are looking to appoint a core-funded Research Assistant or postdoctoral Research Associate to generate single-cell transcriptomic data at the level of the individual T or B lymphocyte clone from mouse samples. The post will be ideal for someone seeking experience in mouse immunology and keen to develop skills and experience in single-cell RNA sequencing. However, motivated candidates with a strong background in transcriptome library generation, mathematics/statistics, species ecology, or other relevant background, who are keen to extend their skills are encouraged to apply. The Thaventhiran group contrasts the adaptive immune response of infection with sterile inflammatory challenges such as cancer and toxic injury. Our investigation of rare patients with monogenic causes of immune dysregulation has identified a number of genes that are immune checkpoints, since their loss-of function leads to adaptive immune cell activation (Spencer et al., J. Exp. Med., 2019; Thaventhiran et al., Nature, 2020). This has generated hypotheses regarding how the consequences of antigen-receptor signalling are modified by immune checkpoints. We have studied lymphocytes clonally responding to specific challenges, using single-cell RNA sequencing, in both mouse and human samples. Our interests have expanded to include the anti-COVID-19 antigen-specific cellular immune response (Buckland et al., Nature Comms., 2020, van der Klaauw et al., Nature Med. 2023, Yam-Puc et al., Nature Comms., 2023) and currently the lab is leading the SCORPIO study. ( Of particular relevance to this post is our preprint describing the AgRSR mouse (Takahshi et al., 2023). Interested candidates are strongly advised to get in contact with the PI Dr. James Thaventhiran ([email protected]) or Munetomo Takahashi ([email protected]).
Deadline : 22 August 2023
(41) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in High Speed Fan Stability in Distortion (Fixed Term)
A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, to work on High Speed Fan Stability in Distortion You would develop key technologies to help the next generation of high-speed axial fans operate in the highly distorted flow conditions seen in embedded engine designs or experienced during manoeuvres. Our collaboration with Rolls-Royce has recently identified that the use of casing treatments over just part of the annulus can have a non-linear benefit on fan stability. You would explore this using the Whittle Laboratory’s capability to experimentally test single fan and compressor stages at real engine Mach numbers with imposed distortions rapidly and cheaply.
Deadline : 30 August 2023
(42) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Heritage Science (Fixed Term)
The McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research invites applications for a fixed-term Research Associate in Heritage Science. The post holder will work as part of the AHRC-funded project: “Small performances”: investigating the typographic punches of John Baskerville (1707-75) through heritage science and practice-based research, led by Marcos Martinón-Torres jointly with Co-Investigators Caroline Archer (Birmingham City University), Anne-Marie Carey (Birmingham City University) and Maciej Pawlikowski (Cambridge University Library). This is a unique opportunity to join a leading team of archaeological and heritage scientists around the newly-refurbished Cambridge Heritage Science Hub (CHERISH). We seek a rigorous, creative and collaborative researcher who is keen to both benefit from, and contribute to, our critical mass. The post holder is expected to work primarily at the McDonald Institute and the University Library in Cambridge but also including brief trips to Birmingham and other locations. Key responsibilities will include the advanced imaging, chemical, micromorphological and microscopic analysis of steel typographic punches in the Baskerville collection, in addition to contributions to engagement with craftspeople, typeface designers, and the broader public.
Deadline : 15 September 2023
(43) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Construction Support Fluids (Fixed Term)
A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, to investigate the flow of polymer support fluids in sand. The post holder will be located in West Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, UK. The successful candidate will contribute to a major collaborative research project between the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, University of Oxford and industry partners for applications including (but not limited to) piling, diaphragm walling, tunnelling and deep shafts. The post holder will prepare and conduct experimental work in the Cambridge laboratory using new and existing equipment. They will need to liaise with the Department’s technicians, process data acquired from the experimental tests and process and develop an interpretation of the test results.
Deadline : 24 August 2023
(44) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate in Compiler-Directed Parallelism (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Research Associate (PostDoc) to work on compilation for extracting program parallelism for novel computer architectures. Our research group has developed a number of approaches for increasing the performance of applications through parallelisation. Building on the success of the HELIX automatic parallelising compiler, and the more recent Janus binary parallelisation framework, we seek to develop compiler analyses and transformations within the LLVM toolset to extract parallelism for future microprocessors. We wish to identify opportunities for task-level parallelism during compilation, extracting parallelism for the most beneficial parts of the code, and dealing with cross-task data dependences via speculation or synchronisation. The successful candidate will develop new analyses and transformations that can realise this system, working closely with a team of PostDocs and PhD students, as well as project partner, Arm.
Deadline : 27 August 2023
(45) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate Effector-tuned plants (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a Post-doctoral Research Associate/Assistant position in the group of Dr Sebastian Schornack (, twitter: @dromius) at the Sainsbury Laboratory (SLCU), Cambridge University, to study plant cell and developmental processes using microbial effectors. Our lab studies how plant cell & development processes shape interactions with beneficial and detrimental intracellular filamentous microbes and how microbes modulate such processes. For this advertised project position, we are looking for a plant cell & developmental biologist. The aim of the project is to engineer effectors to achieve changes in plant development or plant interactions with the environment. The plant immune system or microbiological work with the microbe are not central to this study. This research will build upon and expand on our recent discovery that effectors modulate Arabidopsis and Nicotiana development. As successful candidate you will study previously identified effectors and find new ones to interrogate cell processes impacting plant development. You will also investigate changes in gene expression in effector-expressing and wild type plants using RNA-seq approaches and identify effector target processes using protein-protein interactions. You will establish tissue and developmental context specific expression of effectors and modulation of their corresponding plant target proteins to study the phenotypic consequences for plant development and interactions with the environment. You will also use structure prediction approaches to guide effector engineering.
Deadline : 18 August 2023
(46) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate – Natural Language Processing (Fixed Term)
The Department of Computer Science and Technology is an academic department that encompasses computer science along with many aspects of engineering, technology and mathematics. We have a word wide reputation for academic research with consistent top research ratings. The Department has an open and collaborative culture, supporting revolutionary fundamental computer science research, strong cross-cutting collaborations internally and externally, and ideas which transform computing outside the University. Please follow the link at: to find out more about our Department We are looking for a Research Assistant/Associate to work on the project Automated Verification of Textual Claims (AVeriTeC), an ERC project led by Prof. Andreas Vlachos at the University of Cambridge starting in January 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will be based in the Natural Language and Information Processing group ( at the Department of Computer Science and Technology. The project will focus on developing approaches enabling the verification of highly complex claims, which require multiple pieces of evidence. Special focus will be paid to accompanying the verdicts with suitable justifications.
Deadline :15 September 2023
(47) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant/Associate (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for an experimental Research Assistant/Associate post from January 2023, for initially 2 years, within an EU-funded grant from the European Research Council (ERC) on extreme light confinement in ferroelectrics memories, ‘PlasmoFED’. The researcher will join the Di Martino Lab, which develops new ways to confine light in active devices to the nanometre scale, allowing opportunities for new types of in-operando optical characterization of thin film materials (see The successful candidate will be developing ultrafast spectroscopy and nano-optics studies of nanostructures to explore and control nonlinear interactions within ferroelectric materials for non-volatile memory technologies and neuromorphic computing.
Deadline : 24 September 2023
(48) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Circuit/Systems Neuroscience – Investigating Neural Circuits for Spatial Orientation in the Rodent Brain (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position in the lab of Dr. Sepiedeh Keshavarzi at the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (, University of Cambridge. The position involves investigating the neural circuits underlying spatial orientation and is funded by the Wellcome Trust. The project provides the opportunity to combine behaviour, electrophysiology, calcium imaging, and circuit manipulation across the thalamic and cortical networks involved in navigation, using the mouse as an animal model. Further information about our research questions and approaches can be found on our lab website at
Deadline : 25 August 2023
(49) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate Centre for Pathogen Evolution (Fixed term)
We invite applications for a postdoctoral Research Associate position to join the Centre for Pathogen Evolution in the Department of Zoology, located in central Cambridge. The appointment will be for a period of two years with a possibility of extension subject to project status and funding, starting as soon as possible. The research focus is to design and develop analytical, computational, and mathematical methods to understand the fundamental processes that govern the evolution of influenza viruses. The aim is to translate this understanding into the prediction of possible future antigenic variants to guide trials of next generation influenza vaccines. Our research is highly interdisciplinary and involves substantial global collaboration with experimental virologists, immunologists and clinicians to quantify the selection pressures on influenza viruses to better understand their evolutionary dynamics, and to inform control strategies. This position is funded by the US National Institutes of Health with a preferred start date of 18 September 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(50) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate / Research Assistant (Fixed Term)
The University of Cambridge is a world leader in biological research. It provides an unsurpassed environment for both young and established researchers. Scientists are drawn to Cambridge from all over the world, creating a lively international community to exchange ideas to discover and innovate. You will join a pioneering research programme to investigate the underlying principles of immune cell-mediated steroid biosynthesis in regulating cancer inflammation and immunity. The research area offers an excellent opportunity to create a new dimension in cancer immunology, allowing you to develop your unique research niche and academic independence. You will thrive in a highly collaborative and supportive research environment. You should have a PhD, or due to obtaining within the probationary period, in any area of biology (e.g., immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, computational biology and bioinformatics). If you have a background in immunology (particularly in vivo working experience with mice models), or immunogenomics (experience with transcriptomics data analysis), or steroid biochemistry and signalling (particularly experience with steroid detection), then you are an appropriate candidate. We will offer the opportunity to learn new skills for personal and professional development as required.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
(51) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate – Virology & Immunology
We seek a highly motivated research scientist with a PhD in the biological, biochemical or biomedical sciences, and relevant research experience in protein biochemistry and in macromolecular structure determination by cryoEM image reconstruction. Candidates must have one or more first-author research article(s) published in a peer-reviewed journal or under review with a preprint available. Experience in eukaryotic expression systems, cell-based assays, immunofluorescence microscopy and bioinformatics is desirable. Candidates in the process of submitting their PhD thesis or awaiting degree conferral will be considered. In this case, appointment would be at the level of Research Assistant, Grade 5. On receipt of PhD award, the appointee would move to Grade 7, Research Associate.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(52) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate (Gottgens Lab) (Fixed Term)
Applications are invited for the position of Postdoctoral Research Associate to join the group of Professor Bertie Gottgens within the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and Department of Haematology on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The successful candidate will join a highly productive and collaborative research team, with an average output of 20 publications per year ( The group has over 10 years’ experience with single cell genomics, and now aims to build, explore and exploit new quantitative tissue models, which incorporate quantitative measures for individual haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), including their regenerative capacity, self-renewal ability and differentiation potential, and how these vital parameters change with age. The successful candidate will join a collaborative research team, being part of a research programme aiming to identify the molecular and epigenetic changes that occur within an ageing haematopoietic system. This project will take advantage of state-of-the-art single-cell molecular techniques, lineage tracing and somatic mutation analysis. The successful candidate will perform the computational analysis incorporating epigenetics, gene expression and genetics to identify the molecular heterogeneity of the aging hematopoietic compartment as well as linking these signatures to the somatic mutations.
Deadline : 4 September 2023
(53) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral Scientist (Fixed Term)
The University of Cambridge wishes to appoint a post-doctoral scientist to join the research group of Professor Heike Laman in the Department of Pathology. We are searching for a highly motivated scientist to investigate ubiquitin biology and its role in sperm morphogenesis with the ultimate aim of understanding and treating male infertility. Infertility is a common and complex medical issue affecting an estimated 1 in 7 couples worldwide, with male infertility contributing to about half of these cases. In 10-15% of infertile males, there is a complete absence of sperm production, and a high proportion of these cases are due to genetic abnormalities causing a maturation arrest in germ cell development. For these patients, prognosis is poor. We identified a mouse with a maturation arrest, in which males deficient for the Fbxo7 ubiquitin ligase, show a complete loss of developing germ cells during cellular remodelling. This unprecedented sterility phenotype in mice provides us a unique opportunity to study a precise stage where there is profound a morphological transformation, from a round cell to a mature sperm with a compacted head and a flagellum. Key project goals are to create mouse models with cell type-specific deletions of Fbxo7 to assess their phenotypes and to use proteomics approaches to investigate their ubiquitin profiles, proteasome functions and advanced imaging technologies, like volumetric EM, to understand the cause of this failure to transform morphology.
Deadline : 21 August 2023
(54) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral Research Associate
Applications are invited for an enthusiastic post-doctoral scientist to join the NeuralNet Programme at The Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR). CIMR is a collaborative institute at the interface between fundamental research and the clinic, with a mission to determine the molecular mechanisms of disease in order to advance human health. NeuralNet aims to carry out functional analysis of genomic variants identified in children with rare genetic neurological disorders, using a variety of approaches including CRISPR/Cas genome editing in an established inducible neuronal stem cell system. The goal is to provide new biological insights (e.g. identification of new disease genes, or establishing the functional significance of variants of unknown significance in known disease genes), but also establish proof of principle for a pipeline using cell biological analysis of variants to provide actionable data of benefit to patients. The successful applicant will work flexibly on a small number of pilot projects all related to this overarching theme. While the position will be line managed by Professor Evan Reid, who is a cell biologist with an active clinical practice on rare genetic diseases, the projects will involve collaboration with multiple principal investigators within CIMR who are world experts in specific cellular pathways. It would ideally suit someone who is keen to develop a broad range of skills in cell biology, biochemistry and possibly structural biology and who is willing to work flexibly between two or three sub-projects. They should be a natural and enthusiastic collaborator, with excellent written and verbal communications skills, and outstanding organisation skills in order to meet deadlines across different work streams.
Deadline : 7 September 2023
(55) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral Research Associate (Lee Lab) (Fixed Term)
The successful candidates will benefit from multi-disciplinary collaborations and highly innovative experimental model systems (e.g. in vivo novel lineage tracing mouse models, ex vivo mouse and patient-derived human lung organoids, single cell multi-omics, high-resolution imaging platforms, biophysical clonal modelling, etc.) enabling functional interrogation of cell fates and states during regeneration and disease initiation (Lee Lab Publications: Lee et al. Cell 2017; Ombrato et al. Nature 2019; Choi et al. Cell Stem Cell 2020; Youk et al. Cell Stem Cell 2020; Yum et al. Nature 2021; Choi et al. Nature Cell Biol. 2021; Jeon et al. EMBO J. 2022). Candidates should be enthusiastic about collaborative and interdisciplinary research, the use of innovative technologies, productive, and highly motivated to develop as independent scientists. A strong background in development and stem cell biology, as well as expertise in animal models (preferably genetic mouse models) and multi-omics computational analysis, are required for this post. Experience in primary cell cultures, flow cytometry, and CRISPR genome editing would be advantageous. Candidates will work closely with lab members and collaborators to ensure the quality of our work.
Deadline : 27 August 2023
(56) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post Doctoral Research Associate (Fixed Term)
We are looking for an enthusiastic Post-Doctoral Research Associate to join Dr Courtney Hanna’s group, a developmental epigenetics lab based in the Centre for Trophoblast Research and Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience. The Hanna lab researches the role of epigenetic programming in placental development and healthy pregnancy. The successful candidate will lead a Wellcome Trust/Royal Society-funded project investigating the mechanisms of enhancer regulation in trophoblast cells. Using mouse models and cutting-edge sequencing techniques, the candidate will assess the importance of and crosstalk between epigenetic marks and transcription factors in enhancer activation. This position will include formal training in bioinformatics and the opportunity to attend international conferences. We are an inclusive and welcoming group, committed to supporting the career development of all members.
Deadline : 30 August 2023
(57) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Keynes Fund Research Assistant/Associate (Fixed Term)
The Keynes Fund for Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University has a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship available for candidates with expertise in programming languages, knowledge of existing software for experiments in economics and social sciences, familiarity with network visualization tools and libraries and knowledge of network sciences and UX design. Eligible candidates include those who have recently been awarded a doctoral degree or expect to receive their degree by September 2023.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(58) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Clinical Senior Research Associate or Assistant Professor of Autism Research (Consultant Clinical Child Psychiatrist or Community Paediatrician)
Applications are invited for this new clinical post to be held within the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at the University of Cambridge, within the Department of Psychiatry. Appointment can be at either Assistant Professor level or Clinical Senior Research Associate, depending on the suitability of the successful candidate. The ARC’s mission is to understand the causes of autism and to establish which interventions are helpful and for whom. This is an integrated appointment between the University and North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT). The activities will involve 3 days per week undertaking research in the ARC and 2 days per week working in the Child and Adolescent Autism Clinical Pathway at NELFT. The successful applicants will be expected to take the lead on writing grant applications to funders such as NIHR to fund the projects costs of their research and to extend their own salary beyond the first 5 years. It would be an advantage if candidates have an outstanding research record in autism research, reflected in the quality of their publications and their success in grant applications. They will be expected to build on the 26-year history of the ARC in Cambridge as an internationally leading autism research group and to contribute to the future vision, development and management of the ARC. The successful applicant is expected to take up appointment as soon as possible after the interview.
Deadline : 23 August 2023
(59) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Clinical Senior Research Associate (Consultant Clinical Child Psychologist) or Assistant Professor of Autism Research (Consultant Clinical Child Psychologist)
Applications are invited for this new clinical post to be held within the Autism Research Centre (ARC) at the University of Cambridge, within the Department of Psychiatry. Appointment can be at either Assistant Professor level or Clinical Senior Research Associate, depending on the suitability of the successful candidate. The ARC’s mission is to understand the causes of autism and to establish which interventions are helpful and for whom. This is an integrated appointment between the University and North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT). The activities will involve 3 days per week undertaking research in the ARC and 2 days per week working in the Child and Adolescent Autism Clinical Pathway at NELFT. The successful applicants will be expected to take the lead on writing grant applications to funders such as NIHR to fund the projects costs of their research and to extend their own salary beyond the first 5 years.
Deadline : 23 August 2023
(60) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Clinical Research Associate (Fixed Term)
We are looking to appoint a Clinical Research Associate for 3 years to undertake a project investigating rates of cerebral protein synthesis in dementia. The post is funded by a gift from Altos labs inc. You will be based at the Windsor research unit at Fulbourn hospital, a multi award winning team dedicated to delivering experimental medicine and clinical trials studies. The study involves the recruitment of patients with Alzheimer’s disease to undergo a novel PET imaging technique to measure cerebral protein synthesis in real time. The appointee will be responsible for developing the protocol and undertaking all aspects of the study including patient recruitment, assessment and follow-up. There are opportunities to use other imaging cohorts to investigate the development of brain changes and symptomatology from mid-life to diagnosis. The post holder will be required to work as part of a research team and contribute to the design, preparation and conducting of experiments and subsequent data analysis as well as some administrative and supervisory duties. The project would suit candidates with a background in old age psychiatry, neurology or medicine and would ideally be done after a period of post-Foundation clinical training.
Deadline : 20 August 2023
About The University of Cambridge, United Kingdom – Official Website
The University of Cambridge is a collegiate research university in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Founded in 1209 and granted a royal charter by Henry III in 1231, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world and the world’s fourth-oldest surviving university. The university grew out of an association of scholars who left the University of Oxford after a dispute with the townspeople. The two English ancient universities share many common features and are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge.
Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31 semi-autonomous constituent colleges and over 150 academic departments, faculties and other institutions organised into six schools. All the colleges are self-governing institutions within the university, each controlling its own membership and with its own internal structure and activities. All students are members of a college. Cambridge does not have a main campus, and its colleges and central facilities are scattered throughout the city. Undergraduate teaching at Cambridge is organised around weekly small-group supervisions in the colleges – a feature unique to the Oxbridge system. These are complemented by classes, lectures, seminars, laboratory work and occasionally further supervisions provided by the central university faculties and departments. Postgraduate teaching is provided predominantly centrally.
Cambridge University Press, a department of the university, is the oldest university press in the world and currently the second largest university press in the world. Cambridge Assessment, also a department of the university, is one of the world’s leading examining bodies and provides assessment to over eight million learners globally every year. The university also operates eight cultural and scientific museums, including the Fitzwilliam Museum, as well as a botanic garden. Cambridge’s libraries, of which there are 116, hold a total of around 16 million books, around nine million of which are in Cambridge University Library, a legal deposit library. The university is home to, but independent of, the Cambridge Union – the world’s oldest debating society. The university is closely linked to the development of the high-tech business cluster known as ‘Silicon Fen’. It is the central member of Cambridge University Health Partners, an academic health science centre based around the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
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