Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Tissue-mimicking biopolymer networks based on recombinant structural proteins
Biomaterials are widely used as scaffolds for cell culture in regenerative medicine, organ-on-chip human disease models, and cell-based meat production. However, they are currently mostly based on structural proteins sourced from animal tissues. Animal-derived products are unsustainable and raise ethical, cultural and safety concerns. Moreover, natural proteins are difficult to customize. The goal of this project is to develop protein-based biomaterials that are based on recombinant structural proteins produced by yeast cells. We thus aim to achieve sustainable production of customizable structural proteins to be used as building blocks for advanced biomaterials capable of guiding cell functions by emulating the extracellular matrix of tissues. To reach this goal, we have formed a unique multidisciplinary team. The Daran lab at TU Delft will establish a dedicated microbial cell factory to produce collagen and elastin, the main structural proteins in tissues, at high yield, while the Koenderink lab at TU Delft will use those proteins to design composite biopolymer networks with tissue-mimicking biomechanical properties. In close collaboration with the companies DSM, Meatable and VIVOLTA, we will explore applications of these materials for soft tissue repair and cell-based meat. Your role in this project will be to develop tissue-mimicking biopolymer networks using the recombinant proteins as building blocks. Connective tissues such as skin and arteries are fascinating materials because they combine a superior mechanical strength with the ability to adapt and self-mend. One of our long-term goals is to understand the molecular basis of this paradoxical combination of strength and dynamics. Connective tissues are mechanically supported by an extracellular matrix made up of different protein polymers with complementary properties. You will focus on the two main biopolymers: collagen, which forms stiff fibres that provide tissues with tensile strength, and elastin, which confers extensibility. Together, collagen and elastin tailor the mechanical performance of each tissue in accordance with its function. Your goal will be to develop composite collagen-elastin materials with synergistic biomechanical properties. You will first develop a method for high-throughput screening of the structure and rheology of the recombinant proteins based on light scattering and optical microrheology. You will then use an integrative materials testing approach to characterize the structure and mechanics of the new materials across all scales, from molecule-to-material. This will involve the use of atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy, confocal imaging, and macroscopic mechanical testing. For collagen we will focus on the role of its post-translational modifications, while for elastin we will focus on the role of amino acid sequence on gelation temperature and final stiffness. Finally you will map the phase space of accessible mechanical behaviors that can be achieved in composites, varying the protein composition and molecular design. Your findings will provide fundamental insights in tissue biophysics and a strong basis for rational design of biomaterials for applications in soft tissue repair and cell-based meat.
Deadline : Open until filled
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Quantum Networks
The vision of a Quantum Internet is to provide fundamentally new internet technology by enabling quantum communication between any two points on earth. Such a Quantum Internet will – in synergy with the ‘classical’ Internet that we have today – connect quantum processors in order to achieve unparalleled capabilities that are provably impossible using only classical communication.
Deadline : Open until filled
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Complex Flow of Concentrated Food Emulsions
Dense emulsions are gaining interest for food applications e.g. for fat replacement and delivery systems for bioactive components. The microstructure of the emulsion consists of compressed droplets, ranging from slightly deformed to highly deformed polyhedral droplets. Due to the close packing of the droplets, the concentrated emulsions have high viscosities which makes them suitable candidates for e.g. 3D printing of novel food structures. However, their flow during downstream processing is complex due to droplet rearrangements and droplet deformations. The flow behaviour of the jammed emulsion droplets can only be described if the droplet deformability and inter-droplet interactions are understood. Carefully controlled experiments on various length scales (interface characterisation up to macroscopic characterisations) will be performed as well as mathematical modelling of the involved forces. In this PhD project, you will investigate the macroscopic properties of concentrated emulsions including droplet rearrangements under flow dependent on the droplets interfacial properties. Correlations will be established between interfacial phenomena, bulk rheology, and emulsion stability to gain deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms. Ultimately, you will use your insights as input for mathematical models describing the flow of concentrated emulsions and their macroscopic rheological properties
Deadline : 1 October 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Aerothermodynamics of Innovative Solutions for Grazing Flow Heat Exchangers
Integrating new powertrain solutions in sustainable aircraft designs comes with significant technological challenges: thermal management is one such a challenge, particularly when hydrogen / fuel-cell driven powertrains are considered. Innovative solutions for transporting vast amounts of waste heat, e.g., form the fuel cell-stacks, will rely on a firm understanding of all fluid and heat transfer physics involved. The external skin of the aircraft and the flow around it offer a great potential to achieve high heat transfer rates, thus allowing for a development of aerodynamically efficient heat exchange-innovations. To do so, fundamental research to further understand and enhance the heat transfer from a cooling fluid to the surface structure, and from the surface structures to the grazing aerodynamic flow is required. This project aims at investigating the two-way coupling of the grazing aerodynamic flow (overhead an aircraft surface) to the heat transfer physics taking place within the surface heat exchanger-panel itself (in the aircraft sub-surface). There is scope for two PhD positions, each of these focusing on one aspect of the project, but working in a collaborative manner, given the cross-exchange of knowledge between the two topics. An overview of the two PhD topics is as follows:
Deadline : 1 October 2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Wake of Dynamic Yawing Wind Turbines
The energy transition necessitates a substantial expansion of wind energy, requiring a six-fold increase in the current installed wind energy capacity. Many wind turbines cluster to form a wind farm to utilize wind energy more efficiently. The downstream region of a wind turbine, referred to as wake, experiences reduced velocity and increased turbulence intensity. The wake directly decreases the power production and accumulates fatigue damage to wind turbines operating downstream of others in a wind farm. Wind turbine wake causes annual revenue losses of an industry-standard wind farm ranging from 10% to 23%. Wind farm control using wake steering is proposed to minimize the wake effect by maximizing the overall power production and reducing individual wind turbine loads. Implementation of wake steering across existing Dutch offshore wind farms by 2023 is projected to yield potential gains of up to €151 million. The NWO project “DIAMOND- DynamIc yAw Models fOr wiND turbine/farm design” aims to pave the way for the industrial application of wake-steering-based wind farm control. The project focuses on the spatial and temporal inflow and wake of dynamic yawing wind turbines/farms. It develops new engineering dynamic-inflow and dynamic-wake models that proceeded from a better understanding of the wake dynamics of a dynamic yaw rotor using high-fidelity modelling and wind tunnel tests.
Deadline : 1 October 2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Inflow of Dynamic Yawing Wind Turbines
The energy transition necessitates a substantial expansion of wind energy, requiring a six-fold increase in the current installed wind energy capacity. Many wind turbines cluster to form a wind farm to utilize wind energy more efficiently. The downstream region of a wind turbine, referred to as wake, experiences reduced velocity and increased turbulence intensity. The wake directly decreases the power production and accumulates fatigue damage to wind turbines operating downstream of others in a wind farm. Wind turbine wake causes annual revenue losses of an industry-standard wind farm ranging from 10% to 23%. Wind farm control using wake steering is proposed to minimize the wake effect by maximizing the overall power production and reducing individual wind turbine loads. Implementation of wake steering across existing Dutch offshore wind farms by 2023 is projected to yield potential gains of up to €151 million. The NWO project “DIAMOND- DynamIc yAw Models fOr wiND turbine/farm design” aims to pave the way for the industrial application of wake-steering-based wind farm control. The project focuses on the spatial and temporal inflow and wake of dynamic yawing wind turbines/farms. It develops new engineering dynamic-inflow and dynamic-wake models that proceeded from a better understanding of the wake dynamics of a dynamic yaw rotor using high-fidelity modelling and wind tunnel tests.
Deadline : 1 October 2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Numerical Boundary-Condition Modeling for Computational Aeroacoustics
Aeroacoustics is the study of sound produced by aerodynamics. Accurate numerical boundary conditions are essential to correctly model aeroacoustics using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. While sound waves are perfectly reflected on ideal walls, many practical surfaces absorb part of the acoustic energy. This particularly holds for acoustic liners, which are surfaces that are specifically developed to damp noise, and which are commonly applied in aircraft engines. The characteristics of liners are generally expressed by the acoustic impedance, which is a frequency-dependent property. This frequency-dependent representation hampers the application of impedance boundary conditions the time domain, for example to predict the noise of turbofan engines. In this project we will translate frequency-domain acoustic impedance characteristics to time-domain boundary conditions and investigate the application of these in Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations for aeroacoustic purposes.
Deadline : 1 October 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: XAI for Airspace Capacity and Flow Management
Pressing economic, capacity, and environmental concerns are forcing a fundamental redesign of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system that currently relies heavily on an expert and skilled human workforce. Given that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to transform every aspect of modern society, the ATM community is also considering the introduction of AI-based systems to cope with more stringent safety, environmental and economic constraints. Here, AI is expected to have most impact on long-term, strategic flight planning by providing solutions to both existing (e.g., using historical data) and new (e.g., using reinforcement learning) problems. However, given that AI also needs to satisfy requirements related to reliability, output predictability and ethics, human involvement and supervision remain of paramount important for decades to come. Human supervision first and foremost requires people to be able to understand how the AI system arrived at its results and how to perhaps steer the outputs in other, more acceptable directions. The central question within the ATM community (and beyond) is therefore: How to best design and employ AI methods in ATM operations such that they provide optimal results in terms of operational safety and efficiency, while being consistent, predictable and understandable? In this PhD research, you will answer the above-mentioned question by comparing heuristic/structured optimization methods with (Deep) Reinforcement Learning methods. Besides quantifying and comparing these approaches in terms of safety and efficiency, you will also specifically focus on their explainability and interpretability potential, as these play important roles in human understanding. The (Python-based) BlueSky open-source ATM simulator will play a central role in both implementing and assessing the considered AI methods, while assessing explainability and interpretability may require interface design and human evaluations using other software platforms.
Deadline : 1 October 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Digital Pathology in 3D
The PhD position is part of an NWO funded Project “Digital Pathology in 3D” of prof. Sjoerd Stallinga, in which we aim to maximize optical quality and data efficiency of 3D whole slide scanning systems. These are automated microscopy systems capable of scanning tissue slices at multiple depths inside the sample. These instruments are the primary enabler for digital pathology, and require means to safeguard the highest optical quality, as well as methods to optimize the information content of the scanned data for subsequent use in computational image analyses. We strive for advances in optical design and optical testing, and in computational imaging approaches to realize these aims. The research is carried out in collaboration with Philips Digital and Computational Pathology. The project builds on the lab’s track-record in the field of computational imaging techniques for whole slide scanning and for super-resolution microscopy.
Deadline : 1st of October 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positie Medical robotics system design and development
De Mechanical engineering promovendus zal zich binnen het Advanced Laparoscopy (AdLap) duurzame robot project voor minder bedeelde gebieden bezig houden het verbeteren van de hardware van de robot master (besturing unit), robot slave (statief met 2 robot armen en scopehouder naast de patiënt) en de locaal actieve scopehouder met daarin een slimme en elegante video en lichtbron systeem gebaseerd op de laatste rasbarry en LED technology. Daarbij zal de focus aan het einde van het eerste jaar langzaam verschuiven naar de verdere ontwikkeling van de slimme Misli drive, een volledig modulaire tanwielkast waarin laparoscopische instrumentschachten en bekjes snel gewisseld kunnen worden. Deze tandwielkast zal dmv slimme inwendige sensor systemen de status van alle onderdelen herkennen om zo te bepalen of onderhoud mogelijk is. Daarnaast zullen elegante en robuste kracht opnemers ontwikkeld en geintegreerd moeten worden om te bepalen of weefsels veilig gemanipuleerd worden gedurende de procedure. Het project wordt uitgevoerd in een team van 2 promovendi in Delft en 1 in Amsterdam die nauw samenwerken met ondersteuning van gespecialiseerde (robotica en medical device bedrijven) als Asensus, Technalia, Demcon en Van starten Medical. Daarnaast zal 1 ervaren afgestudeerde ingeneur het project coordineren. Het project wordt uitgevoerd binnen de afdelingen COR en BME (sectie BITE+MI).
Deadline : 30 september 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positie System and Control medical robotics
Je zal binnen het Advanced Laparoscopy (AdLap) project werken, op het gebied van duurzame medical robotics: zoveel mogelijk herbruikbaar, modulair, goedkoop, en draagbaar. Specifiek zal je je bezig houden met het realiseren van een nieuw duurzaam tele-operatie systeem voor minimaal invasieve chirurgie dat aan deze ontwerpeisen voldoet, inclusief de meest duurzame mechatronica en bijbehorende regeling. Je zal de de aansturing en hardware voor zowel de robot master (besturing unit) en robot slave (statief met 2 robot armen en scopehouder naast de patiënt) verder verbeteren, in verschillende iteraties inclusief de juiste veilige regeling (geen hoge krachten, wilde bewegingen etc). Omdat het systeem op veel verschillende manieren kan worden geconfigureerd, zal speciale aandacht worden besteed aan het slim koppelen en detecteren van systeemcomponenten met geautomatiseerde aanpassing van de regelsystemen. Het project wordt uitgevoerd in een team van 2 promovendi in Delft en 1 in Amsterdam die nauw samenwerken met ondersteuning van gespecialiseerde bedrijven in robotica en medical devices, zoals Asensus, Technalia, Demcon en Van starten Medical. Het project wordt uitgevoerd met begeleiders binnen de afdelingen Cognitive Robotics en BioMechanical Engineering.
Deadline :30 september 2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position – Biomolecules as antennas
Transduction is happening everywhere around us. In biology, cells transduce signals from one cell to another, from the outside environment to the inside, and across different cellular compartments. An example of transduction in engineering is the use of microphones, which convert sound waves into electrical signals via intermediate mechanical oscillations. However, there is currently a lack of technology to emit and detect in the THz range of the electromagnetic spectrum; a problem also known as the ’THz gap’. To achieve broad band quantum transduction, particularly in the THz range, one solution is to use biomolecules. Biomolecules are known to absorb in that range, and they have the potential of being modified and tuned, therefore making them ideal THz bioantennas. This PhD project will explore and develop THz biomolecular antennas, possibly with making use of lipid bilayers, and then interface such bioantennas with quantum materials.
Deadline : 1 October 2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position 3D-IC for Quantum Computer
We have an open Ph.D. position at TU Delft in the exciting new area of 3D integrated circuits for a quantum computer. 3D stacking of cryo-CMOS chip and photonic integrated chip with color-centers in diamond will enable control and readout of a large-scale integrated qubit with many interconnects with a small pitch, improving the performance and realizing a compact overall system. Specifically, the candidate is expected to focus on the development of an active interposer with superconducting through-silicon-via and micro-bumps between those chips. This will allow 1) the use of heterogeneous CMOS technology nodes, 2) the large temperature gradient between the two chips inside a cryostat, and 3) the interconnection of dies of side-by-side: the chiplet integration. Challenges in the active interposer are superconducting TSVs and microbumps with low-thermal conductivity, redistribution layers (RDL) of electronic and photonic interconnects with small crosstalk and loss, thermal management, and reliability in cryogenic temperature.
Deadline : September 30st 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Developing integrated Photonics for Continuous Biosensing
The possibility of continuously monitoring biomarkers in fluids is getting increasingly important nowadays. This is amongst others due to the ever-increasing demands on product quality in the food processing industry. Within this project, you will design and build a continuous biosensing system and test it on industrially relevant samples. The project is a close collaboration with Wageningen University & Research, who will develop the required surface functionalization, and imec/OnePlanet who is interested in developing the technique for future industrial applications.
Deadline :1 October 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in experimental research on semiconductor quantum computing
We are looking for a passionate candidate to join as a PhD researcher the Veldhorst group, who are pioneers in quantum computing and simulation in germanium. The Veldhorst group demonstrated the first single-hole qubit, enabled two-qubit logic in germanium, and executed quantum algorithms on a four-qubit quantum processor. As a PhD researcher, you will explore opportunities with semiconductor quantum technology and aim to push the boundaries in quantum control of semiconductor qubits. The Veldhorst group is a dynamic group studying timely topics. Near-term projects include: multi-qubit operation, entanglement generation between qubit registers, and multi-quantum well for higher dimensional quantum systems. We are a diverse group coming from different backgrounds and cultures and work in strong teams to advance the field of semiconductor quantum technology.
Deadline : 1st of October 2023.
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Railway Traffic Management and Automatic Train Operation
Digitalisation and automation provide huge potential to increase performance and reduce costs of railway transport, and thus enhance its strengths in future sustainable mobility. In particular, Automatic Train Operation (ATO) is applied in many metro systems around the world to achieve high frequencies. Also for mainline railway networks it is expected that ATO will contribute to increased capacity, punctuality and energy savings. However, its performance depends on the quality of the timetable and the connection to a traffic management system (TMS) that may adjust the timetable considering disturbances. Hence, a TMS should interact seamlessly with ATO, which are complementary systems. The TMS adjusts the timetable in case of disturbances and delays focusing on optimal track capacity allocation of the railway traffic on the network level. On the other hand, ATO regulates the trains by computing feasible and energy-efficient speed trajectories over the assigned routes within the margins contained in the real-time timetable. These margins must be distributed to the various trains in so-called train path envelopes, which may contain both target times and time windows at successive timing points to offer sufficient flexibility while guaranteeing conflict-free and punctual train operation. The interaction should lead to a balanced usage of ATO train-centric optimisation, complying with the network optimisation of the TMS.
Deadline : 30 September 2023
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in semiconductor qubit modelling
We have open PhD positions at Qutech/TU Delft in the exciting field of Semiconductor Qubit Modelling, aiming to address the challenges faced by quantum computing in practical implementation. We offer opportunities in the following areas: Semiconductor spin properties: This involves the microscopic modelling of state-of-the-art spin qubit systems using analytical methods and numerical simulations. Understanding the variability of semiconductor qubits due to the host material is crucial for designing architectures. Students will collaborate closely with Qutech experimentalists and material developers on campus. Multi-qubit optimization: This involves the design and implementation of protocols for crosstalk and noise characterization and mitigation using analytical methods and numerical simulations. Developing scalable characterization protocols is essential for enhancing performance. Students will work closely with Qutech experimentalists actively involved in hardware development on campus.
Deadline : Open until filled
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Medical robotics system design and development
Within the Advanced Laparoscopy (AdLap) sustainable robot project for Low and Middle Income Counties, the Mechanical engineering PhD candidate will focus on improving the hardware of the robot master (control unit), robot slave (tripod with 2 robot arms and scope holder next to the patient) and the locally active scope holder containing a smart and elegant video and light source system based on the latest rasbarry and LED technology. At the end of the first year, the focus will slowly shift to the further development of the smart Misli drive, a fully modular gearbox (between instrument and robotic arm) in which laparoscopic instrument shafts and jaws can be quickly changed. This gearbox will recognize the status of all parts by means of smart internal sensor systems in order to determine whether maintenance is needed. In addition, elegant and robust force transducers will need to be developed and integrated in the gearboxes to determine whether tissues are safely manipulated during the surgical procedure. The project is being carried out in a team of 2 PhD students in Delft and 1 in Amsterdam who work closely together with the support of specialized (robotics and medical device companies) such as Asensus, Technalia, Demcon and Van Start Medical. In addition, 1 experienced graduate engineer will coordinate the project. The project is being carried out within the COR and BME departments (section BITE+MI).
Deadline : 30 September 2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position physics-based and data-driven cardiovascular system dynamics modeling
Heart failure remains one of the most common, costly, disabling, and deadly medical conditions worldwide. Developing effective treatments for patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) or mildly reduced ejection fraction (HFmrEF) remains a challenging endeavor in cardiology. The goal of this PhD project is to investigate complex cardiovascular system dynamics in both healthy and heterogeneous HFpEF and HFmrEF populations through mathematical models of the human heart and circulation. The identification and characterization of subject-specific hemodynamic profiles, and its mechanistic response to hemodynamic shunting interventions will help us develop and personalize novel treatment strategies directed towards improved quality of life for these patients and a potential long-term regression of disease state. This project will run in close collaboration with both an industrial and clinical partner who will provide access to clinical hemodynamic and imaging data required to calibrate and validate the computational models to be developed within this project. As the successful candidate for this position, you will be directly involved in mathematical modeling and software development, processing and analyzing data, reviewing scientific literature, you will actively participate in (bi)weekly lab meetings, write scientific articles and give presentations at national and international conferences. Besides fundamental and translational research you will also take part in teaching and supervision activities within the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Delft University of Technology.
Deadline : September 30th 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Quantum Nanoscience
After use only a small amount of electric and electronic equipment often containing toxic compounds for the environment is being recycled; the remainder leads to a large e-waste problem that is going to be an even larger problem in the years to come. One solution to this problem is the use of non-toxic, biodegradable electronics. Make a difference by joining a world-leading research group working on the cutting-edge transport studies using biological nanowires. In a recent breakthrough experiment, we discovered that certain bacteria (cable bacteria) can conduct electricity over centimetre distances at conductivity levels surpassing that of many doped, man-made organic semiconductors. As a PhD student in Quantum Nanoscience, you’ll be fabricating electronic circuits with bio-nanowires, measure their electronic properties and explore quantum transport phenomena in them. You will conduct research on how biological nanowires conduct electricity and how this can be exploited for functional device components on the nanoscale. Depending on your interests in quantum transport phenomena, your research may be dedicated to the study of bio-transport in the mesoscopic regime. You will be responsible for the fabrication of devices in the state-of-the-art cleanroom at our famous Kavli Nanolaboratory. In addition, you will measure the transport properties at varying temperatures, gate and magnetic fields. A crucial aspect lies in the interpretation/modelling of the results. In this role, you will get to work with a variety of devices structures, with an emphasis on quantifying the transport mechanism. You’ll also be looking for signatures of quantum effects, especially at low temperatures where transport may involve phase coherent phenomena and quantum nuclear tunnelling.
Deadline :30 September 2023.
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position SuperGPS-2: Accurate Positioning and Time-transfer Using Virtual Ultra-wideband Radio Signals
This research project aims to develop a robust and efficient terrestrial system for accurate positioning and time-transfer, using virtual ultra-wideband radio signals, which can serve as a backup and complement to GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) in environments with reduced GNSS availability. The virtual ultra-wideband approach allows for a limited demand for expensive radio frequency spectrum and time resources by using multiband signals, and through flexible signal design, straightforward implementation and integration with current and new generation telecommunications standards, such as 5G, are expected. The topics that will be addressed by two PhD-students active in the project are multiband radio channel modelling, signal design for multiband ranging, estimation of the channel impulse response from a multiband signal, and multiband carrier-phase based ranging and positioning. Furthermore, a proof-of-principle hardware prototype test-bed will be developed for carrying out measurements and demonstrating the concept. For this project, a small research team will be set-up, consisting of two PhD-students for the full project duration of 4 years, accompanied by a PostDoc, after the first year. The team of this interfaculty project will be embedded in the Department of Microelectronics, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), and the Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, both of Delft University of Technology. The daily supervisors and promotors will, together, provide guidance and supervision, and work with the team in close collaboration
Deadline : September 30, 2023
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position System and Control medical robotics
You will work within the Advanced Laparoscopy (AdLap) project, in the field of sustainable medical robotics to make the next generation of Surgical Robots as reusable, modular, affordable and portable as possibly can. Specifically, you will focus on the realization of a new sustainable tele-surgery system for minimally invasive surgery that meets these design requirements, including sustainable mechatronics and associated controls. You will design and realize the hardware and controlls for both the robot master (control unit) and robot slave (motorized tripod with 2 robot arms and scope holder next to the patient), taking relvant safety measures into accound (no high forces, wild movements, etc.). As the system can be configurated in many different ways, special focus will be on the smart coupling and detection of system components with automated adaption of the controll systems. The project is being carried out in a team of 2 PhD students in Delft and 1 in Amsterdam who work closely together with the support of specialized companies in robotics and medical devices, such as Asensus, Technalia, Demcon and Van Start Medical. The project is carried out with supervisors from the Cognitive Robotics and BioMechanical Engineering departments.
Deadline : 30 September 2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions Energy-efficient Computation-In-Memory applications
For edge-AI applications like personalized healthcare, computing systems with unprecedented energy efficiency are essential. Novel computing paradigms, such as computation-in-memory (CIM) using conventional SRAM and memristive devices offer significant energy efficiency potential. However, CIM requires significant research and development efforts in different aspects related to the full stack of computing systems design, e.g., circuits, micro-architectures, system architectures, compilers, and algorithms, along with design tools and methodologies. The Computer Engineering (CE) section of the Department of Quantum & Computer Engineering (QCE) is looking for motivated candidates inspired to work on novel neuromorphic algorithms, system architecture and circuit design for CIM. The role is also to demonstrate CIM adaptability towards changes in neuromorphic models and training methods as well as its suitability for edge applications. As a result, the CE group have the following open PhD positions:
Deadline : September 30, 2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Signal Analysis for Biomedical Imaging
We offer an exciting PhD position at TU Delft in the field of biomedical image analysis and data processing. Apply now and contribute to a better reconstruction of complex fiber networks, e.g. nerve fibers in the brain. The position is in the group of Dr. Miriam Menzel, at the Department of Imaging Physics. The group has developed an imaging technique that exploits the scattering of visible light to visualize complex fiber structures in biological tissues. Your main focus will be to analyze the measurement data (light scattering patterns), and develop enhanced image processing and signal analysis tools to improve the reconstruction of fiber structures and to extract additional information from the measured scattering signals, such as tissue composition or fiber sizes. Prior knowledge about the imaging technique and/or biological tissues is not required. You will have access to a large database of measured scattering signals from known fiber structures which you can use to train your algorithm, and to learn how to better interpret the data, recognize patterns, and distinguish between different fiber structures – in the brain as well as in other biological tissues. Computational Scattered Light Imaging (ComSLI) is a highly promising new imaging technique that resolves fiber pathways and their crossings with micrometer resolution. While other scattering techniques raster-scan the tissue with a light beam and measure the distribution of scattered light behind the sample, ComSLI uses a reverse setup: The whole tissue section is illuminated from many different angles and the normally transmitted light is measured, thus enabling much higher resolutions and requiring only standard optical components (LED light source and camera).
Deadline : 30th of September 2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Synthetic cell division
Living cells are highly complex systems made of countless lifeless molecular components. We do not understand how these interact to form a living cell that sustains itself, grows and divides. The BaSyC initiative is a collaborative 10-year research program that aims to understand ‘how life works’ by building an autonomous self-reproducing synthetic cell from the bottom up. As a container, we use giant unilamellar vesicles, which are cell-sized, lipid bilayer-enclosed reaction compartments that can be visualized by real-time microscopy and directly manipulated using biophysical tools. The Koenderink and Dekker labs study the process of cell division, which requires constriction of the cell into a dumbbell-shape, followed by neck abscission to split the cell into two daughter cells. Since the mechanism of abscission is still poorly understood, it remains a big challenge in the synthetic cell field to achieve robust cell division. This experimental biophysics project aims to achieve robust synthetic cell abscission based on a thorough understanding of the required membrane remodeling process. You will reconstitute a minimal protein-based machinery for abscission, based on proteins such as the bacterial dynamin A and the ESCRT-like bacterial PspA. We anticipate that robust abscission requires these protein machineries to work in conjunction with lipid-based mechanisms that generate high spontaneous curvature at the neck. Asymmetries in head group size between the outer and inner leaflets triggered enzymatically or by photoactive lipids can for instance introduce high local curvature. Using quantitative confocal microscopy you will study how membrane binding and the abscission activity of the dynamins depend on lipid composition, whether dynamins have any intrinsic ability to generate curvature themselves, and what is the optimal neck diameter to achieve abscission. To create narrow necks, you will use optical-tweezers available in the Koenderink lab and DNA-nanotechnology tools from the Dekker lab. You will closely collaborate with other groups within the BaSyC consortium to ensure that the abscission pathway is compatible with other functionalities of the synthetic cell. The project will furthermore be carried out in close interaction with the groups of Siewert-Jan Marrink (Groningen) and Timon Idema (Delft), who will investigate abscission with simulations and analytical calculations.
Deadline : 30-09-2023.
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Recommender Systems for Youngsters
Recommender systems play a critical role: helping users make decisions by reducing information overload and offering information, products, or services that are likely to be of interest or relevant to their needs. These systems are seamlessly integrated into digital platforms that offer personalized content across various domains, including e-commerce, travel, education, and social networks. However, technological advancements in the recommender systems area have mainly catered to “traditional” users, mainly English-speaking adults, rather than a diverse user base. Your Ph.D. work will advance how recommender systems can better support “non-traditional” users– specifically, youngsters, which include children, teenagers, and young adults. Youngsters have particular cognitive, social, physical, and emotional needs that make the information they seek, their experiences, sense-making, and skills different from those of adults. This offers a wide range of open research directions. Undertaking such a Ph.D. project often entails (a) identifying the challenges and potential harms youngsters encounter when interacting with recommender systems that offer items for learning or leisure, such as books, videos, and TikToks, and (b) designing and developing the technological advances needed to address them. Along the way, you will study how youngsters interact with recommender systems using various perspectives. You will also investigate how to leverage the dynamic human traits unique to youngsters to model users and how such modeling can impact technology design. Moreover, you will explore how to evaluate new solutions, particularly in the absence of benchmarks or when existing restrictions, such as federal regulations or inclusion/accessibility objectives, need to be considered.
Deadline : 29 September 2023
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Lab Testing and Benchmarking of Train-Track-Embankment-Subsoil Interaction for Numerical Modelling
TU Delft has a scaled test rig (called V-Track) equipped with a train simulator, which will be extended and improved with new facilities, to replicate the entire broad frequencies range and loading conditions expected in the field on a scaled geometry. This lab physical model will be instrumented for scaled train-track-embankment-subsoil interaction testing. It will enable developing, validating and benchmarking advanced models for the assessment of relevant scenarios. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with the other PhDs and postdoc projects and with all partners in RESET. The PhD candidate will: (a) Develop a test method in the V-Track test rig to reproduce the typical dynamic loading that railway embankments sustain, including ballast and subsoil layers; (b) Perform tests on V-Track to verify and improve models for the infrastructure, including the railway line and subgrade under realistic train loading, over the expected broad frequencies spectrum; (c) Contribute to the development, calibration and validation of the 3D FE train-track-embankment-subsoil interaction model; (d) Contribute to the test of new measurement and monitoring methods on V-Track, including train-borne, e.g., LDV-based and GPR.
Deadline :24 September 2023
(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Adaptive/Collaborative Weather Radar Networking
We seek a motivated PhD student to work on a 4-year NWO funded project called SMARTER (Strategic Monitoring of Atmospheric Threats using Enhanced Radar). The goal of this project is to develop a new adaptive and collaborative weather radar network for the Netherlands in which individual radars can adapt their behavior and react (in real-time) to what the other sensors in the network are seeing or doing. This is an open challenge in the current literature, that can be applied also to other scenarios of radar-based surveillance of manmade objects and not only to atmospheric phenomena. Compared to traditional radar networks in which each radar follows a fixed, predefined measurement plan, adaptive networks offer substantial advantages for high-resolution monitoring of rapidly developing localized phenomena, such as heavy rain and hail. At TU Delft we have unique research facilities with many different types of radars including polarimetric S-band, X-band and C-band precipitation radars, vertically profiling micro-rain radars and cloud radars. But what is missing at the moment is the ‘brain’ that can control them, and adapt their operations and processing as a function of scientific needs and user requirements. The development of the tools and algorithms that can turn several independent radars into a truly cooperating, cognitive radar network is the focus of this PhD.
Deadline : 24 September 2023
(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in AI-based Generative Modelling for Air Transport Operations
The aviation sector is committed to combating climate change, and is investing in novel technologies, infrastructures, and autonomous systems. Data are key to predict, secure and optimise their operational performance. Yet when it comes to new concepts, such as electric or hydrogen-powered aircraft, the necessary volumes of reliable data are not available. As a PhD student at TU Delft, you will leverage AI and machine learning for generating realistic synthetic datasets related to airline and airport operations. Would you like to contribute to driving down turnaround times and flight delays, and help optimise the sector’s performance? Initially, your research will be part of the EU SESAR funded SynthAIR project. You’ll be developing and training models to generate synthetic data from original data, for which you may use techniques based on diffusion models and generative adversarial networks. The synthetic data will be used to predict airline and airport performance, such as turnaround times and flight diversion, and manage passenger flows at new airports. As part of your role, you will write papers, attend conferences and contribute to the reports that are the project deliverables. Upon completion of this two-year project, you will be involved in other projects, which will build on the models and tools developed in SynthAIR. You may, for instance, explore the direction of explainable AI or hybrid AI, combining data-driven and symbolic approaches to enhance prediction. You’ll be working closely with European partners, including Trondheim-based SINTEF and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Deep Blue in Italy and EUROCONTROL.
Deadline : 24 September 2023
(30) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Electromagnetic Characterisation of Steel Surfaces for Through Process Emissivity Control
In the automotive and transport industries, there is a continuous drive to construct light-weight vehicles to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions to meet European sustainability targets. The steel community has responded by the development of advanced high strength steels (AHSS) and their introduction into today’s cars has made them considerably safer and lighter. AHSS owe their higher strength to their largely refined and complex microstructures, containing multiple metallurgical phases. The microstructure of AHSS is strongly influenced by the exact temperature-time path with which it is processed, which in turn depends critically on the emissivity of the steel surface. Emissivity variations may occur during manufacturing due to variations in surface chemistry, surface topography, and oxidation layer composition and thickness. Additionally, the temperature itself influences the emissivity. As the temperature, surface chemistry (due to diffusion) and oxidation layer (depending on the local furnace atmosphere) vary during strip heating, it is highly complex to master the evolution of the emissivity. The proposed research and development on emissivity modelling will help Tata Steel to predict the emissivity and emissivity variations of the incoming product and possibly anticipate on them by adjustment of the process settings, with the aim to minimize the microstructural variations. A second important objective of the project is to develop a measurement technique to assess the emissivity of the steel surface. This measurement will provide capabilities for model validation as well as feedback to enhance the emissivity control and feedforward information to improve the strip temperature control. In the perspective of Industry 4.0, an inline emissivity measurement allows to tune the digital twin describing the evolution of the surface condition over the production route. At TU Delft, the project team involves two PhD researchers and a multidisciplinary supervisory team from the Departments of Aerospace Structures and Materials and Materials Science and Engineering.
Deadline : 24 September 2024
(31) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Postion in Automation of Airport Ground Operations
The aviation sector is investing in new infrastructures and technology to combat climate change. Electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft and ground vehicles are key enablers of the drive towards sustainable operations. Your unique challenge as a PhD student at TU Delft is to develop models and tools to enable the automation of airport ground operations, embracing the interaction with – not replacement of – ground controllers and other operators. Would you like to help airlines and airports optimise turnaround times and capacity management? During the first two years, you will be involved in the EU SESAR funded ASTAIR project, which builds on the results of the Advanced Engine Off Navigation research project. During this first stage you will focus on engine-off aircraft taxiing. But your scope will widen to other airport ground operations, such as baggage handling. You will develop mathematical and computational models for autonomous management of all those systems and their movements. In your research your will also embrace the interaction with the people involved, like air traffic and ground controllers or baggage handlers, and incorporate their requirements. In addition, you will contribute to the reports that are the project deliverables. You will be working closely with international partners, like ENAC and Groupe ADP in France, Trondheim-based SINTEF, and Deep Blue in Italy.
Deadline : 24 September 2023
(32) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Developing a Digital Twin for Evaluating Emission Reduction Strategies for Inland Shipping
The PhD research is a part of the NWO’s project “PAving THe way towards Zero-Emission and RObust inland shipping (PATH2ZERO)” that is aiming to achieve breakthrough by developing actions perspectives and sustainable business models for all parties in the inland shipping chain, thus contributing to the transition to emission-free inland shipping. The evaluation of zero-emission strategies, effectiveness of policies, technologies and assessment of the consequences of their implementation on the inland shipping system is the main objective of the project. One aim of the PATH2ZERO project is to translate research outcomes to the practice, so that end users can make better informed decisions. For this purpose, PATH2ZERO aims to develop a digital twin. The main goal of this data-driven virtual representation of the inland waterway transport system for assessing the efficiency of proposed solutions for emissions reduction for inland waterway transport. Three main aspects are regarded to be vital components of the digital twin: the individual vessels, the logistic chains, and the infrastructure. As these research topics span various scales, a meso-scale agent-based approach has been selected as a suitable basis for the digital twin. Consequently, potential interventions will be considered ranging from the application of new technologies to individual vessels to policy measures that are implemented for an entire shipping corridor, or various bunker infrastructure strategies in the network. Additionally, the impact of the implemented interventions will be evaluated at various scales, ranging from the individual ship level and its emissions to the network level and the aggregated emissions in an entire area, or the impact on the logistic chain.
Deadline : 21 September 2023
(33) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Multi-material additive manufacturing for microfluidic medical devices
The application of additive manufacturing (3D printing) in healthcare is continuously expanding, with the aim of offering innovative solutions to improve patient care and give a technological boost to medical research. The new frontier for additive manufacturing is the development of the next generation of multi-functional medical micro-devices, such as new diagnostic tools, organ-on-chip platforms, and implantable devices. To achieve this goal, it is required to integrate multiple functionalities (for instance sensing and actuation) by 3D printing multiple materials (with specific mechanical, electrical, thermal, or biological properties) and to fabricate high-resolution (micro-scale) features. This project aims to tackle this challenge by developing innovative strategies for high-resolution multi-material additive manufacturing. This will require developing a laboratory demonstrator or prototype of a new 3D printer, optimizing the printing process, and understanding material properties. Testing will be performed by fabricating micro-scale fluidic devices, where dissimilar materials will be locally combined in a seamless multi-process machine setup. We aim to realize complex microfluidic networks with active fluid manipulation and sensing functionality, for instance to mimic the human vascular system.
Deadline : 20 September 2023
(34) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Characterization of the Origin of Vibration Nuisance at Train-Track Discontinuities
Railway trains can induce ground vibration that is annoying to residents nearby the tracks. The urgency to eradicate such nuisance grows by the day with the increasing urbanization and importance of railway transport. As a PhD candidate, you will develop methods to identify, characterize and detect the main origins of the vibration. Both numerical simulation and physical testing (both in the lab and in the field) will be employed to investigate the dynamic train-track interactions. You will work with a team of junior and senior researchers, including PhD candidates and professors, as well as engineers who will help with the practical aspects of the nuisance. The results will be implemented in software that will be used for track structure maintenance and design, as well as in train-borne measurement systems that can monitor railway networks for vibration nuisance prevention.
Deadline : 18 September 2023
(35) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Molecular Fluid Transport in Porous Electrodes for CO2 Electrolysis
Electrochemical CO2 conversion into useful chemicals holds great promise to mitigate climate change. This electrochemical process requires the catalyst to be in contact with water, but the water at the same time hinders rapid transport of CO2 to the catalyst surface, due to the low CO2 solubility and diffusivity in water. So-called gas diffusion electrodes largely overcome this issue by supplying CO2 gas directly to the vicinity of the catalyst particles through a dedicated gas transport medium. However, the pores in this medium tend to flood with water, once again hindering gas transport. Designing gas diffusion electrodes and the operating conditions of the conversion process in such a way that avoids flooding, requires detailed insight into the distribution of liquid and gas components within the porous structure, and how this distribution affects fluid transport in the pores. Such local insight within a porous electrode is experimentally inaccessible, whereas it can be obtained through simulations. The focus of this PhD project lies on gaining molecular-level insight into the surface wetting and the distribution of components near the catalytic material within a porous electrode. You will use cutting-edge molecular dynamics simulations, supported with experiments, to investigate especially the electric double layer at the electrode-electrolyte interface.
Deadline : 18 September 2023
(36) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Decision Support for Power System Restoration and SCADA Recovery
The eFORT project, funded under Horizon Europe, is recruiting a talented, enthusiastic, and ambitious candidate to perform excellent research and achieve breakthroughs in the field of power system resilience. The main objective of eFORT is to make interconnected power grids more resilient and reliable to failures, cyber attacks, physical disturbances, and data privacy issues. To this end, a set of technological innovations will be developed for the detection, prevention and mitigation of risks and vulnerabilities with positive impacts on power system operation and stability. The eFORT solutions will be demonstrated at TSO, DSO, digital substation, and microgrid levels in 4 real demonstration environments. Within the eFORT project, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is hiring a doctoral candidate on the subject: “Decision support for power system restoration and SCADA recovery.” You will conduct research to develop a decision support methodology for restoration of both SCADA and physical power grid infrastructures. A digital twin will be used to help system operators evaluate in real-time the feasibility of restorative actions based on the system condition. The decision support methodology will use computational and artificial intelligence to (i) assess the SCADA condition and generate courses of action for an efficient recovery and (ii) support the operator decision making for restoration of interconnected power grids using black-start resources and tie lines (interconnectors).
Deadline : 17 September 2023
(37) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Electrical Mismatch and Optical Degradation for Photovoltaic Module and Systems
We are seeking a highly motivated and talented PhD researcher to work on an exciting project focused on:
(1) Design and realization of module-level monitoring solutions for photovoltaic systems, and
(2) Investigation of optical and thermal fingerprints of photovoltaic modules.
The successful candidate will be part of a dynamic team of researchers within the Photovoltaic Materials and Devices (PVMD) group of the Electrical Sustainable Energy department of the TU Delft and will be closely collaborating with the Energy Transition Campus of Shell BV, located in Amsterdam.
Deadline : 17 September 2023
(38) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Multi-fuel Combustion
The PhD candidate would be working withing the chair of Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft, which is one of the best institutes in the world for Aerospace Engineering. The PhD will work within the HOPE project co-sponsored by the European Commission. The HOPE project aims to deliver an integrated aircraft propulsion system comprising two multi-fuel ultra-high bypass ratio (UHBR) turbofan engines, a fuel cell based auxiliary propulsion and power unit (FC-APPU) driving an aft boundary layer ingestion (BLI) propulsor based on tube-wing aircraft configuration. HOPE emission goals consist of LTO NOx: -50%, CO: -50%, soot: -80%, perceived noise: -20% (~3 dB per operation), and climate impact: -30%, compared to state-of-the-art technology in 2020 (A320neo). The PhD candidate will carry out experimental investigations on the multi-fuel combustor using state-of-the-art diagnostics like Laser Induced Flurescence, Laser Induced Thermal Grating Spectroscopy, Sterioscopic PIV, etc. to undersatand the interactions between the two fuels and to optmize their injection within the combustor. The PhD candidate will then be able to test this combustor in an actual Turbojet test-rig. The PhD candidate will get to work in a dynamic project and will be able to interact with other researchers from Europe.
Deadline :17 September 2023
(39 PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Subsurface Simulation under Uncertainty for Sustainable Energy Supply
The acceleration of the energy transition poses new challenges for subsurface planning and opens up the possibility for subsurface activities to interfere with each other. Subsurface space is limited and decisions on how to use it need to consider several aspects: technical, environmental, economic and social. Subsurface basins are a finite resource that host multiple activities; these subsurface activities can be quantified by reservoir simulation models that can establish the influence radius of each individual activity and identity the interference potential between activities in an agile way. Your PhD research will focus on the development of a reservoir simulation framework for a variety of subsurface activities, consider an increased timeframe than standard including reversibility and recovery time, and an increased spatial scope at the basin level. Uncertainties and uncertainty quantification will be a key aspect. Your work will help to create knowledge about sustainability indicators for geological resource use and the integration of these criteria in a inter-disciplinary, multi-criteria decision analysis. Your research will identify the most significant factors controlling the long-term behaviour and capacity of subsurface resources under uncertainty. Staged development will be taken into consideration following decisions based on technical, environmental, economic and social input.
Deadline : 17 September 2023
(40) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Positions Digital Twins for Power System Cyber Resilience
TwinEU project, funded under Horizon Europe, is recruiting talented, enthusiastic, and ambitious PhD candidates to perform excellent research and achieve breakthroughs in the field of digital twins for power systems. The strategic goal of TwinEU is to leverage a unique set of competences from grid and market operators, technology providers and research centres to create a concept of Pan-European digital twin based on the federation of local digital twins and enable a reliable, resilient, and safe operation of the infrastructure while facilitating new business models that will accelerate the deployment of renewable energy sources in Europe. The vision of TwinEU is to enable new technologies to foster an advanced concept of digital twining while determining the conditions for interoperability, data and model exchanges through standard interfaces and open APIs to external actors. The envisioned digital twin will build the capability to observe, test and activate a pan-European digital replica of the European energy infrastructure. Demonstrators will encompass key players at every level from transmission to distribution and market operators, while also testing the coordinated cross-area data exchange.
Deadline : 17 September 2023
(41) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Inclusive Research and Innovation in STEM
You will help to identify STEM research and innovation systematically addressing the diversity of human beings in the broad sense, i.e. gender, age, socio-economic background, sexual orientation etc. as well as intersectionality. In particular, you will use an interdisciplinary approach bridging STEM and Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to investigate how the research questions, methodologies, reporting and innovation activities as well as collaboration between scholars and relevant stakeholders have to change like to accommodate IRI in STEM. You can build on an already existing network and first results regarding IRI in STEM in the field Robots at Work. While you will start to qualitatively investigate IRI in STEM in this field to build a theoretical framework combining economics, ethics and gender studies, depending on your background and interest, you will move towards other STEM application areas and possibly build a quantitative approach as well.
Deadline :16 September 2023
(42) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD AI-based algorithms for Flexible Energy Systems | Vienna, Austria
The rapid transformation of energy systems presents grid operators with serious challenges. To secure the transition to a renewable and stable grid, reliability is crucial. This is why Delft AI Energy Lab and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) have joined forces in the ‘AI research in energy system planning and operations’ programme. As a PhD student, you will get the unique opportunity to conduct research and develop novel AI-based algorithms geared to enhance energy system tools at Austria’s leading research organisation. Would you like to propose your own research line in the programme? Would you like to combine academic and industrial research? In your research, you will implement your research within the interaction of the actors in the energy system which may vary largely, grid stability measured in seconds, and the integration of renewables. You will research and gain in-depth understanding of the latest machine learning techniques and modify them to tackle -integration-related challenges, helping drive smarter grid operation and planning. You will also build verification test beds. In this role, you will have the opportunity to develop your own research line and work with major grid operators as well as leading energy producers. Twice a year, you will join us in Delft for courses and training, as well as interaction with your fellow-researchers at Delft AI Energy Lab.
Deadline : 15 September 2023
(43) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position AI for Managing Large Fleets of Electrical Vehicles, Vienna, Austria
The rapid transformation to electric driving presents grid operators with serious challenges. To secure the transition to e-mobility, grid stability and reliability are crucial. This is why Delft AI Energy Lab and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) have joined forces in the ‘AI research in energy system planning and operations’ programme. As a PhD student, you will get the unique opportunity to conduct research and develop novel AI-based algorithms geared to EV charging schedules for energy systems at Austria’s leading research organisation. Would you like to combine academic and industrial research? In your research, you will focus on the interaction of user behaviour, which may vary largely, grid stability measured in seconds, and charging management. You will research and gain in-depth understanding of the latest machine learning techniques and modify them to tackle charging-related challenges, helping drive smarter grid operation. You will also build verification test beds. In this role, you will have the opportunity to work with major grid operators as well as leading fleet operators. Twice a year, you will join us in Delft for courses and training, as well as interaction with your fellow-researchers at Delft AI Energy Lab.
Deadline :15 September 2023.
(44) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Design of a nuclear micro high-temperature gas-cooled reactor
Nuclear energy is gaining momentum worldwide as it can contribute to CO2 free electricity and heat production. Almost all reactors under construction world-wide are large Pressurized Water-cooled Reactors (PWRs) of generation III. However, within nuclear energy R&D, the focus shifts to Small Modular Reactors or even Micro Reactors (few tens of Megawatt of power) with enhanced safety characteristics and improved flexibility, both in construction and operation. TU Delft worked on micro reactors in the past in the framework of the graphite-moderated and helium-cooled U-battery project and has started a new HTR research line two years ago. Within this Doctoral thesis project we want to improve our HTGR (High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor) micro-reactor design by:
Deadline : 15-09-2023
(45) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Large Language Models for (Bio)Molecular Reaction Data
Large language models have recently not only revolutionised tasks such as language translation, text editing, or information search, they have also started to massively impact the field of chem- and bioinformatics. Chemical molecules and reactions, as well as biocatalysts can be represented by natural language and trained through language models for a variety of tasks: e.g., designing novel molecules or predicting most likely reaction outcomes. Biocatalytic reactions can transform substrates to useful chemical products, e.g. towards plastics, biofuel, or other chemical compounds and therewith contribute to the transition to a circular bioeconomy. In your PhD project, you will conduct research involving large language models in the context of biocatalytic reaction data. You will investigate and develop transformer-based self-supervised language models based on language representation of biochemical molecules and reactions. In particular, the project is interested in the intersection of transformers and graph machine learning in the molecular field. We are interested both in theoretical model development as well as in applied research that contributes to answering concrete questions for the development of the bioeconomy.
Deadline : 15 September 2023
(46) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Modelling of Regional Criminal Vulnerability and Supply Chains
Ports are critical components of our globalised world, acting as hubs for the transportation of goods and materials that are essential to everyday life. However, they are also vulnerable to organised crime that threatens the safety and security of the port and its surrounding communities. This is one of the bigger societal challenges we face today. As a PhD in the Modelling of Regional Criminal Vulnerability and Supply Chains at TU Delft, a leading university in network science, you will be part of FORT-PORT, a project that aims to develop scientific methods to tackle this problem head-on. The project brings together experts from a range of universities and disciplines, including criminology, mathematics and computer science. One of the core goals is to create a predictive model of where and when crime is likely to occur, and how it’s organised, as well as a useable interface for that model.
Deadline :15 September 2023
(47) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Planning of On-Demand, Rail-Based, Combined Passenger/Freight Mobility Systems
At the heart of our mission is the goal to increase the market share of rail freight while ensuring the provision of sustainable freight transport services. To achieve this, we are seeking a highly motivated and talented individual to join our team. As a PhD candidate, you will play a pivotal role in designing a new, demand-oriented, and energy-efficient rail-based transport system for freight. This could transform the way railway infrastructure is utilized in delivering rail-based mobility services. Imagine a future for freight transport, where small automated rail-cars (pods) seamlessly transport both passengers and freight. These pods can operate independently or couple into trains, providing the much-needed flexibility for rail freight to deliver high-quality services. This is the starting point of our study, and we want you to be a driving force in its development.
Deadline :15 September 2023
(48) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Testing for Configuration as Code
Developing high-quality software is a complex task, and software engineering techniques play a crucial role in improving software quality. With the rising popularity of microservices, serverless architectures, and containerized applications, the complexity of creating and maintaining applications increased due to the heterogeneousity characteristic of the ecosystem. In such environment to achieve a well-functioning system, it is essential to ensure the resilience and reliability of individual components. Unfortunately, current software engineering practices often overlook the containerization aspect of application development. One significant gap lies in the absence of tests specifically designed for container behavior. While application behavior is thoroughly tested, container behavior remains unaddressed. This becomes increasingly critical as applications evolve and configuration files or Dockerfiles are not consistently maintained alongside the projects. Consequently, there is an urgent need to develop an automated mechanism for ensuring container behavior. This Ph.D. opportunity aims to bridge this significant gap in software development by focusing on Docker, a widely adopted technology for deploying software applications. The research will develop a testing framework to enhance container quality and simplifies testing practices within the Docker ecosystem. This proposal offers an enticing opportunity to contribute to the advancement of computer science research and make a tangible impact in the field.
Deadline : 15 September 2023
(49) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Unravelling the Physics Controlling the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) transports vast amounts of heat to high latitudes, and is largely responsible for Western Europe’s relatively mild climate. Climate models project the AMOC will weaken substantially over the 21st century, which impacts weather, climate, sea level and the oceanic carbon cycle. However, ground-breaking new observations have revealed the limited skills of these climate models in representing key AMOC features, and the underlying lack of in-depth understanding of its physical controls. Theory and idealized model studies indicate that three processes in concert shape the AMOC in density space: dense water formation in the interior of marginal seas and its subsequent export, dense water formation within the boundary current system of the subpolar gyre, and the exchange of waters with the (sub-)Arctic via overflows. However, their relative importance is unknown and expected to vary by region and over time. The scarce observations available only register the net effect of these three processes, and hence careful analysis of ocean models is imperative to address this knowledge gap. You will quantify the contributions of the three processes controlling the AMOC in sub regions of the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean from a realistic, state-of-the art model simulation. In addition, you will develop an idealized model suited to systematically explore the AMOC’s sensitivity to oceanic and atmospheric conditions. Guided by the outcomes, you will analyse and interpret AMOC variations seen in the realistic simulation. In all, the project is expected to provide a robust framework to evaluate the skills of models in simulating the AMOC, and to aid the interpretation of observed AMOC variations.
Deadline : 11 September 2023
(50) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Artificial Intelligence for Onboard Spacecraft Payload Data Processing
The PhD position will be hosted in the Section of Space Systems Engineering (SSE). SSE is dedicated to research, development and education on the broad range of end-to-end spacecraft engineering, with focuses on miniaturized space systems and multi-satellite systems. Through the Department of Space Engineering and the TU Delft Space Institute, SSE is also in close cooperation with universities, research institutes, space agencies, and space companies worldwide, for rapid in-orbit demonstrations based upon the development of highly miniaturised satellites.
Deadline : 8 September 2023
(51) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Ethics of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design
Chemical pollution is an ever increasing persistent problem, the implications of which are becoming ever more manifest. Recently, the EU introduced the concept of Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) and part of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The goal of these is to stimulate the transition of EU’s industry to produce safe and sustainable products and replace existing hazardous compounds, such as PFAS. A holistic approach for finding safe and sustainable alternatives to chemical compounds and products is however still lacking. Such an approach requires technical measures and design choices but also specific societal conditions, such as mutual learning about uncertainties and ways to mitigate these uncertainties as well as a fair, complete and effective allocation of responsibilities along the entire value chain of products and materials. TU Delft offers a PhD position focused on the societal and ethical aspects of SSbD in the chemical industry and in the product industry. This position is situated in the Philosophy group at TU Delft, supervised by promotors dr. Lotte Asveld (TU Delft – Philosophy group) and Prof.dr. Laurens Hessels (Leiden University – Center for Science and Technology Studies) and co-promotor Britte Bouchaut (TU Delft – Safety and Security Science group). The position focusses on the question of distribution of responsibilities within innovation ecosystems, with specific attention to the development of PFAS alternatives. Researchers developing chemical compounds typically operate within their own sphere of influence. They can only exercise choices that are within their reach and have little influence on decisions that were made upstream and/or at earlier points in time. This situation hints at the limits of what can be achieved via technical design choices and indicates the need for transdisciplinary collaboration and networked responsibility. Specifically the responsibility for identifying uncertainties may be challenging, as it may clash with other responsibilities such as the responsibility to offer innovative solutions for pressing, current challenges. The main question guiding this project is: how to allocate responsibilities for SSbD measures fairly and effectively within the chemical innovation ecosystem? This project is part of the TOSS research consortium which concerns the replacement of Persistent, Mobile and Toxic Chemicals, a collaboration with several universities, RIVM and VNCI. The candidate will conduct a literature review, case studies, and interviews, and will collaborate with other researchers from this consortium. Based on the acquired insights, the candidate will also design and validate interventions to improve SSbD practices.
Deadline : 7 September 2023
(52) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Coherent Quantum Spin Dynamics
Quantum mechanics has revolutionised our society in many ways – from basic chemistry and materials science to semiconductors and the internet. Imagine being able to take apart the smallest building blocks in nature – the atoms – and put them back together again in different ways as if you were building with LEGO. Simply put, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing at TU Delft, a renowned pioneer in the field of quantum nanoscience. As a PhD in Coherent Spin Dynamics, you will help us explore a key new frontier of science: tracing the coherent quantum dynamics of coupled spins on the atomic scale. Your exploratory work will contribute to the discovery of new materials that, in turn, could create disruptive new technologies that go way beyond quantum computing. Based in Delft, a major hub in quantum science, you will investigate how magnetic materials behave and how we can optimise them. Specifically, you will work on a dedicated research project related to coherent spin dynamics and ESR-STM (electron spin resonance scanning tunnelling microscopy), expanding on our latest results. STM allows for the study of magnetism on the smallest scale: the scale of individual atoms. In recent years, ESR-STM has dramatically expanded possibilities by enabling quantum coherent spin manipulation in such atoms. Building on this framework, our group has developed a unique methodology to trace the free-time evolution of coupled spins using a combination of ESR-STM and very fast DC pulses. This methodology forms the basis for future research, such as 2D spin lattices and atomic-scale quantum information devices. We are also expanding our activities in the area of hyperfine interactions (i.e. nuclear spin manipulation and readout) and non-contact atomic force microscopy (AFM).
Deadline : 4 September 2023
(53) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positie Hersendynamica van het Migraine Brein
Om beter te leren begrijpen hoe de hersenen werken moeten we weten hoe elk deel van de hersenen samenwerkt met andere delen, en hoe informatie van binnen of buiten het lichaam verwerkt wordt. Wanneer er binnen deze processen iets fout gaat kan dit leiden tot neurologische aandoeningen, zoals migraine. Migraine is een veelvoorkomende aanvalsgewijze hersenziekte. Een migraineaanval kan zich op ieder moment voordoen en heeft daarmee vaak een enorme impact. De vatbaarheid voor een aanval verschilt per persoon en per aanval en wordt bepaalde door de zogenaamde ‘migrainedrempel’. Hoe hoger iemands ´migrainedrempel’, hoe kleiner de kans op een aanval. Er bestaan echter nog geen betrouwbare manier om deze migrainedrempel te bepalen. Kennis van de migrainedrempel kan in de toekomst helpen bij het voorspellen van een aankomende migraine aanval en daarme behandeling verbeteren. Binnen het Migraine@Home project gaan we op zoek naar methoden om de migrainedrempel nauwkeurig te kunnen meten door gebruik te maken van metingen van hersenactiviteit (EEG) in combinatie met geavanceerde system identificatie technieken.
Deadline : 4 september 2023
(54) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Self-Healing Structural Battery Composites for Aerospace Applications
The emerging field of Structural Batteries Composites (SBC) aims at developing multifunctional composites structures that can support mechanical forces during operation and simultaneously act as electrochemical energy storage. This new class of materials exploits the dual mechanical and electrochemical properties of carbon fibers (CF) used in aerospace composites, together with a solid-state electrolyte that acts as a binding matrix. The aim is to eventually extend the range of battery-powered airborne vehicles (e.g., drones) and provide alternative means to store electrical energy in an airplane. You will team up with a postdoc to work on experimental and modeling aspects of a new class of SBC that utilizes self-healing solid electrolytes. This technology will allow controlled damage management during operation and therefore lifetime extention. The position involves working on various aspects of the structural battery development, including the design, synthesis and evaluation of self-healing solid state polymer electrolytes and separators, integration in SBC and testing at component and intergated SBS level. Spectroscopic, mechanical, optical and electrochemical testing will be used to quantify the effect of the self-healing technology on the lifetime extension of the system. The PhD position is part of a EU-funded project of self-healing batteries (HEALING BAT) involving various university and industrial partners across Europe. Internships at partner groups will be part of the program. At TU Delft, the project team involves a postdoc and a multidisciplinary supervisory team from the Department of Aerospace Structures and Materials with longstanding experience on self-healing materials and composites.
Deadline : 1 September 2023
(55) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Thermochemical Recycling of Waste Plastic: A promising Solution for Waste Management and Production of High Value Chemicals
The global production of plastics has increased twenty-fold from 2019, becoming one of the biggest problems nowadays for society due to the low recycling rates. Even in the most developed countries, plastic cannot be recycled entirely due to the limited infrastructure. Thus, significant amounts of plastic waste end up in low and middle-income countries being incinerated, landfilled or in rivers, resulting in high environmental impact. In this context, chemical recycling has the potential to break the link between fossil fuel extraction and the production of new plastic. This is achieved by converting plastic waste back into its building blocks so it can be turned into plastics again. Compared to competing technologies, chemical recycling aims to reduce pre-treatment steps that are costly and limit the number of times these materials can be recycled. Hydrothermal processing (HTP), uses hot compressed solvents to breakdown plastic waste into lower molecular weight products such as high value chemicals and monomers. One of the main benefits of HTP is that in can handle unsorted, mixed and contaminated waste plastic making it the most promising option for certain types of waste plastic.
Deadline : 1 September 2023
(56) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Optimal Control of Multi-function Radar Tasks
Radar is still an unrivaled sensor in air traffic control, navigation, military applications, and environmental monitoring, like weather and sea surface. Modern phased array radar systems have the ability to adapt the direction and shape of their beams, and change their waveforms almost instantaneously within a wide range of possibilities.This has lead to the rise of multi-function radar (MFR) which can execute a large range of sensing tasks seemingly in parallel. To a large degree the control of these tasks, such that the radar performance fully satisfies the user, is still an open problem. We are looking for a PhD-student that will be able to apply optimal detection/estimation, control and information theory to develop new solutions for this problem. Important aspects are relatively easy interpretation of the optimal solution by non-experts and notion of guarantees for the performance.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(57) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Atomistic Model for Oxidation of Alloyed Steels during Annealing
Oxidation modeling is normally performed at macroscopic scales based on diffusion theories. Predictive models have been developed in the recent past to investigate the kinetics of wüstite layer formation on pure iron for a wide range of oxygen partial pressures and to probe the effect of gas composition on the kinetics of oxidation. Experimental tools (e.g., X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, etc) can be employed to study the oxidation behavior on materials e.g., Fe and Ni-based alloys. However, most of the experimental techniques are primarily restricted to macroscopic scale and hence lack atomistic insights into interaction between oxygen atoms and alloy elements and the interfacial oxidation reaction process. To this end, Molecular dynamics (MD) can be used as a tool to study oxidation at atomistic level. MD method has been used in the existing work to explore the growth, atomic diffusion and charge state of oxidation from an atomistic perspective. However, the major limitation of the state-of-the-art MD studies is that they are primarily restricted to study oxidation process in binary alloys. This is because of the lack of reliable interatomic potentials for multi-component systems (beyond binary alloys) to be employed within MD simulations. The main aim of the project is to develop a theoretical framework for the atomistic modeling of the oxidation process on alloyed steels under annealing conditions. The atomistic model developed within this project will thus be capable of studying the effects of the steel composition and oxygen partial pressure on the growth of the oxide layer on the steel surface. Hence, the atomistic insights obtained within this project will complement the findings of the OxiTool model developed by Tata Steel together with TU Delft in an earlier project.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(58) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Development of Metasurface Components for Snapshot Spectro-polarimetry
Snapshot spectro-polarimetry aims to extract the spectral and polarization information of a scene in a single measurement. This promising technique is particularly suited for the observation of dynamic phenomena such as polar aurora for example. It is also an excellent candidate for the observation of changing scenes like the ones recorded by a satellite observing the earth atmosphere for the detection of aerosols and trace gases related to climate change. Metasurface technology is an exciting and growing field of optics with a large amount of applications. Those metasurface components are made of nanostructured material made such as anisotropic nanorods. With the appropriate design, a precise control and definition of the phase and polarization of a transmitted beam are achieved, improving the performances of various applications. For space instrumentation a metasurface component could be used to achieve both spectral and polarization separation leading to a more compact and robust instrument design. The subject of the PhD research is the development and application of cutting edge metasurface components for imaging snapshot spectro-polarimetry at the Aerospace faculty of TU Delft.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(59) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Digital Twin for Green Shipping
The Digital Twin for Green Shipping (DT4GS) is a Horizon Europe project with over 20 industry and university partners aimed at delivering an “Open Digital Twin Framework” for shipping companies and waterborne industry actors to tap into new opportunities made available through the use of Digital Twins (DTs). DT4GS will enable shipping stakeholders to embrace DT innovations to support smart green shipping in the upgrade of existing ships and new vessels. DT4GS will cover the full ship lifecycle. Applications will focus on shipping companies but will also provide decarbonisation decision-support system for shipyards, equipment manufacturers, port authorities and operators, river commissions, classification societies, energy companies and transport/corridor infrastructure companies. DT4GS’s objectives are to:
Deadline :31 August 2023
(60) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Energy-based control for Brain Interface Devices
This PhD project aims at developing a novel mathematical framework, inspired by the energy-based control theory, for nonlinear and uncertain brain network models. Our goal are: (1) contributing to mechanistic understanding of neuronal networks of brain memory, (2) designing novel closed-loop control algorithms for brain interface devices, in particular in applications involving memory systems, such as sleep. The four-year PhD position is hosted at the RecalLab, Delft Center for Systems and Control, in close collaboration with the Donders Institute, and it is part of the DBI2 consortium funded by The Dutch Research council. The DBI2 comprises a consortium driven by 6 top researchers from leading Dutch research institutes (Radboud University, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Delft University of Technology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Erasmus Medical Center), complemented by experts in the fields of neuroscience, neuroengineering, and computational sciences. The highly interdisciplinary nature of the program will enable you to actively collaborate with all partners within the consortium and learn from the best neuroscientists, neuroengineers and computational engineers in the Netherlands.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(61) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position How Sediment and Vegetation Build Coastal Dune Landscapes
The candidate will study coastal processes that govern the medium to long term development (5-50 years) of the coastal dune landscape in view of combined climate drivers and anthropogenic influences. The study will include the governing characteristics of landscape development such as sediment mobility and the development of vegetation in combination with short term environmental conditions such as winds, waves, rainfall and droughts. How can the knowledge gap between these short term driving processes and longer term response of the coastal landscape morphology and vegetation be bridged in view of developing Building with Nature strategies? The PhD candidate will use the living lab that is provided by the Zandmotor along the Delfland coast for fieldwork and monitoring (incl. developing new monitoring approaches). The Zandmotor location provides a unique building with nature approach to coastal dune landscapes and understanding its development can contribute to the scalability of Building with Nature engineering concepts. Fieldwork will be complemented by dedicated modelling studies to predict the behaviour of coastal landscapes (foreshore, beach, dunes) and understand the scalability of these concepts. The candidate will work in a collaborative research community around Building with Nature for Hydraulic engineering. This community consists of students from all levels from Delft University but also extents towards universities abroad in a collaborative program that includes frequent exchanges of activities and people. The community is led by dr. Sierd de Vries, dr. Martine Rutten and Prof. Stefan Aarninkhof at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Delft University of Technology. The community receives funding from the ZABAWAS foundation.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(62) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Cutting-Edge Control Systems
Are you ready to take control engineering to unprecedented heights? Join the cutting-edge research consortium IMAGINE! (Innovative Microscopy And Guidance of cells In their Native Environment) and become a key player in reshaping the world of control systems.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(63) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Monitoring and Safety Verification for the Dutch Railways
We consider human feedback to be essential for achieving reliability of automation in the real world. We believe in the hidden synergies between formal and machine learning. You will conduct both theoretical and empirical research on real-time monitoring and safety verification of automated plans under the real-world uncertainties. We envision the project to have both significant scientific and practical impact for the Dutch Railways. You will be part of the Algorithmics Group in the Department of Software Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. As a PhD researcher, you will reinforce and extend the group’s expertise in the interdisciplinary field combining formal methods and machine learning. You will work in a dynamic and diverse environment of other PhD and postdoc researchers excited about making theoretical and algorithmic contributions in intelligent decision making. In addition, you will collaborate with experts at the Dutch Railways and ProRail and four PhD students addressing other aspects of railway automation.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(64) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Shaping the Geometry of Uncertainty for Data-driven Control
Real-world systems are challenged by constantly increasing complexity and uncertainty. This uncertainty is often unknown and dynamically varying and may need to be described locally with sufficient detail. For instance, a hospital robot may seek to deliver blood samples while avoiding potential collisions with humans in the corridors by tuning its velocity in the safest possible way. In traditional approaches, such decisions are taken using a probability distribution of the uncertainty. This has the drawback of working with the single distribution that is assumed, which may even need to be chosen in an arbitrary way. The goal of this PhD project is to build ambiguity sets of probability distributions that hedge against plausible variations of stochastic uncertainty models. It will optimize the geometry of these ambiguity sets to prevent their potential conservativeness and track their time evolution in dynamic scenarios. Particular emphasis will be devoted to data-driven formulations and on how to infer the unknown uncertainty models across sub-regions of interest while retaining formal statistical guarantees. Thereafter, the developed methods will be exploited to design efficient control algorithms for the safe deployment of autonomous systems in uncertain environments.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(65) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Signal Processing for Low-resolution Digital Millimeter Wave Radars
The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) is offering a PhD position under the newly funded ‘Signal Processing for Environment-Aware Radar’ (SPEAR) project. The project will be carried out in the research group of Dr. N.J. Myers, in collaboration with researchers at the faculty of 3mE and the faculty of EEMCS. In this project you will work on industry-relevant scientific challenges in collaboration with industry experts from NXP. Dr. Myers’s group at TU Delft develops and analyzes novel signal processing techniques for communications and sensing with wireless systems. We focus on both applied and theoretical aspects of challenging problems in connected automotive and radars. Currently, fully digital automotive radars face limitations in resolution due to the use of a limited number of antennas and low bandwidth settings, which are aimed at minimizing power consumption. A promising low-power alternative is one that uses low-resolution radar components which operate at high bandwidths. Radar signal processing with such a hardware, however, is extremely challenging due to the stringent constraints imposed by coarse quantization. Furthermore, these hardwares generate massive amount of information that is difficult to process using conventional techniques. To address both these challenges, we seek a talented individual to develop low-complexity radar signal processing techniques capable of effectively operating under coarse quantization effects at the receiver.
Deadline : 31 August 2023,
(66) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Super-Resolution Visualisation and Control of Cellular Dynamics
As a PhD student in the Smith lab you will develop a novel optical instrument for event-driven super-resolution visualization and high-precision control that enables real-time manipulation of key aspects of cell and developmental biology (smart microscopy). Ultimately, the goal is to establish microscopy-guided automated real-time control of
biological processes. This will enable the automatic identification of certain cellular states or events (e.g. a cell in mitosis, a cell moving out of a niche) within a tissue followed by the automatic and iterative light-driven perturbations that can alter the cellular state or event (e.g. altering the orientation of the mitotic spindle, directing cells to specific locations). You will apply the framework that you develop here to our biological aims, for example, to perform super-resolution microscopy of cell division or other cellular reorganizations that occur in developing organoids or tumor initiation in
organoids. In this exciting project, you will collaborate with different research groups within the IMAGINE! project. For the biological systems, you will work closely with the Kapitein, and Rios labs and for the optical hardware, information processing, and control algorithms with the Stallinga, Carroll, and Smal labs.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(67) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Trustworthy Machine Learning with Knowledge Utilization
Thinking fast and automatic vs. slow and deliberate (respectively System I and II) is a popular analogy when comparing data-driven learning to the good old-fashion symbolic reasoning approaches. Underlying this analogy lies the distinct capabilities of these systems, as well as their limitations. While data-driven learning (System I) has striking performance advantages over symbolic reasoning (System II), it lacks abilities such as abstraction, deliberation, comprehensibility, and contextual awareness. Symbolic reasoning, on the other hand, addresses those limitations but often falls behind data-driven learning when it comes to speedy, efficient, and automated decision-making. In light of these challenges by both systems, an emerging question arises as to “How to draw out the best of both systems and unify data-driven approaches with rule-based, symbolic, logical, and commonsense reasoning?”
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(68) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions Smart Nanoscopy of Biological Tissues
Are you ready to be part of an exciting journey in a cutting-edge super-resolution lab? If you’re passionate about exploring the fascinating intersection of physics, engineering, and biology to tackle real-life challenges and create groundbreaking technological systems for researchers worldwide, then look no further!
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(69) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Cutting-Edge Optical Instrumentation and Control
Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey that will redefine the boundaries of cell biology? Look no further! Join the innovative research consortium IMAGINE! (Innovative Microscopy And Guidance of cells In their Native Environment) and become part of a dream team that is pushing the frontiers of scientific exploration.
Deadline : 31 August 2023
(70) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Heat Management in CO2 Electrolysis
How to supply fuels and carbon-based materials without fossil sources? At e-Refinery, we’re working on accelerating the energy transition by developing technology for converting CO2 and water into sustainable fuels and feedstock, using renewable electricity. To this end we can convert CO2 to carbon-based products, such as carbon monoxide (which can be used as precursor for making fuels and chemicals, such as methanol or plastics), in CO2 electrolysis. This process of electrochemical CO2 conversion has been proven in the lab, and is at the stage op upscaling towards practical application. However, this process also produces heat, which is becoming particularly important when scaling the electrolyzer design. If we imagine that we need many electrolyzers at MW-scale, and roughly half of the energy in these devices is ending up as heat, then heat management is a crucial step for upscaling. The impact of this heat on the electrochemical CO2 conversion, and the strategies to manage the heat, are largely unknown. In this PhD project, you will study the temperature distribution and heat fluxes in a state-of-the-art CO2 electrolyzer at several scales. Your work will be mainly experimental, using our optical and conducting sensors for in situ temperature mapping, in combination with our electrochemical techniques for analysing the cell performance and measuring product formation. You will design and investigate strategies, and engineer designs, to control the temperature within electrolyzers to boost the utility of the technology.
Deadline : 30 August 2023
(71) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Engineering Cast Glass: a Novel Casting Method that can Accommodate, Control and Predict Contamination in Recycled Cast Glass Components
The PhD position is part of the NWO Open Technology UPCAST GLASS project, which aims to unlock the recycling potential of glass by providing a new recycling route, back to glass, for the significant majority of glass that is currently down-cycled or landfilled. Recent research at TU Delft has shown that this difficult-to-recycle glass can be successfully cast into volumetric glass components that can accommodate higher levels of defects and compositional differences. However, knowledge gaps in the casting process must be addressed and new characterisation methods need to be developed before recycled cast glass can become viable, engineered products. UPCAST GLASS addresses this by: exploring a novel casting process for recycled glass that accommodates recipe variations and contaminants from a broad range of waste glass streams; developing new methods for assessing the influence of defects in the engineered recycled glass components; and providing a database of material properties and design guidelines for recycling waste glass into high-value products.
Deadline : 28 August 2023
(72) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Rethinking Glass Testing: Development of Novel Characterization Methods for Volumetric Cast Components Made of Recycled Glass
Delft University of Technology is hiring a doctoral candidate on the “Rethinking glass testing: development of novel characterization methods for volumetric cast components made of recycled glass”. The PhD position is part of the NWO Open Technology UPCAST GLASS project, which aims to unlock the recycling potential of glass by providing a new recycling route, back to glass, for the significant majority of glass that is currently down-cycled or landfilled. Recent research at TU Delft has shown that this difficult-to-recycle glass can be successfully cast into volumetric glass components that can accommodate higher levels of defects and compositional differences. Yet, knowledge gaps in the casting process must be addressed and new characterisation methods need to be developed before recycled cast glass can become viable, engineered products. UPCAST GLASS addresses this by: exploring a novel casting process for recycled glass that accommodates recipe variations and contaminants from a broad range of waste glass streams; developing new methods for assessing the influence of defects in the engineered recycled glass components; and providing a database of material properties and design guidelines for recycling waste glass into high-value products. More information can be found in:
Deadline : 28 August 2023
About Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands –Official Website
Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university. Located in Delft, Netherlands, it is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in the Netherlands, and as of 2020 it is ranked by QS World University Rankings among the top 15 engineering and technology universities in the world.
With eight faculties and numerous research institutes, it has more than 26,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and 6,000 employees (teaching, research, support and management staff).
The university was established on 8 January 1842 by William II of the Netherlands as a Royal Academy, with the primary purpose of training civil servants for work in the Dutch East Indies. The school expanded its research and education curriculum over time, becoming a polytechnic school in 1864 and an institute of technology (making it a full-fledged university) in 1905. It changed its name to Delft University of Technology in 1986.
Dutch Nobel laureates Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Simon van der Meer have been associated with TU Delft. TU Delft is a member of several university federations, including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH International and 4TU.
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