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24 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

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University of Amsterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Machine Learning with NLP and Computer Vision

Are you passionate about machine learning, natural language processing, or computer vision? We are seeking a Ph.D. candidate to join the research group led by Ivan Titov (, part of the natural language processing group at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC).

Deadline : 1 May 2023

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in computational chemistry

This project is focusing on several issues for atomistic simulations with acrylate: establishing more realistic conditions, inferring kinetic information (complementary to experiments) and prediction of thermo-mechanical properties. In atomic simulations, the positions of all molecules and atoms are known, which essentially permits computation of any microscopically defined quantity, providing understanding at the atomic level. Atomic simulations will reveal gaps in property predictions by Random Graph modeling and means to improve upon Random Graphs. You will develop and apply computational models as practical aid for predicting, controlling, and improving visual appearance and mechanical properties of thin (10 μm) acrylate films used in large-scale industrial printing.

Deadline : 31.07.2023

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Seven PhD positions in AI for Fintech

Project 1: Knowledge-Driven Learning for XAI in Fraud Detection In this project we aim to develop a novel neuro-symbolic framework that mainly combines the strengths of both the data-driven approaches (which comes with adaptability, autonomy, and good qualitative performance) and the knowledge-driven approaches (which comes with interpretability, maintainability, and well-understood computational characteristics) to provide explanations for experts in terms of relevant features and the structures in-between.
Supervisors: Erman Acar (IvI/ILLC), Ilker Birbil (ABS)
External partners: Mollie, ING

Project 2: AIDA: Artificial Intelligence for Due-diligence Analysis In this project, we aim to develop information retrieval and natural language processing technology for e-discovery and due diligence analysis on legal and financial textual documents, and to support legal professionals searching for very specific information in huge sets of disclosed documents.
Supervisors: Marc Francke (ABS), Jaap Kamps (ILLC)
External partners: Imprima, Zuva AI

Project 3: Learning High Dimensional Contagion Processes in Finance and Insurance Multivariate contagion processes, e.g., those of the Hawkes type, have found widespread applications in finance and insurance, most noticeably for the modeling of systemic risk build-up. Whereas much progress has been made in exploring the underlying probabilistic properties, aspects of learning are still in their infancy. This project focuses on statistical learning for multivariate contagion processes, with a special focus on the practically highly relevant setting of many interacting components and high-dimensional processes.
Supervisors: Roger Laeven (ASE), Michel Mandjes (KdVI)
External partner: Association of Insurers

Project 4: Robust fraud detection through causality-inspired ML Payment platforms like Adyen use technology to efficiently detect fraud. Fraud detection is challenging, since both the genuine and fraudulent customer behavior changes over time and across markets. Machine learning is crucial for this task, but current methods are susceptible to learning spurious correlations. The goal of this project is to leverage causality-inspired machine learning methods to improve the robustness of fraud detection methods to distribution shifts.
Supervisors: Sara Magliacane (IvI), Ana Mickovic (ABS)
External partner: Adyen

Project 5: Systems for AI Data Quality in Finance The impact of data errors on the output of AI models is difficult to anticipate and measure, and these errors can negatively impact regulatory compliance. Therefore, this project aims to enable non-technical users to validate and increase the quality of their data. For that, these users should be able to express data quality rules in natural language. We will design a data driven approach to leverage such rules to assist a domain expert to finetune data quality rules and “stress test” downstream AI models. This project favors a strong data engineering background combined with an interest to engage with European regulation applicable to financial data.
Supervisors: Sebastian Schelter (IvI), Kristina Irion (IViR)
External partner: ABN-AMRO

Project 6: Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) regulation impact on financial stability In this project, we will analyze the driving factors behind ESG ratings via ML and XAI which will lead to a clearer understanding of how companies will be affected by ESG regulation. The insights gained from this analysis will allow us to study the effects on financial stability in a simulation study using agent-based models under realistic settings derived from empirical analysis.
Supervisors: Simon Trimborn (ASE), Debraj Roy (IvI)
External partner: ING

Project 7: HyperMining: Explainable Anti-Money Laundering using Process Mining on Hypergraphs In this project we aim to develop an innovative Anti-Money Laundering methodology using advanced AI methods using hypergraph representations and process mining which can give an integral view of the transactions involved, deal with the inherent complexity of the data, and still be understandable for the experts analyzing the data so they can substantiate their decisions.
Supervisors: Marcel Worring (IvI), Michael Werner (ABS)    
External partner: Transaction Monitoring Netherlands

Deadline : 21 mei 2023

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Cell-water Structure and Dynamics

Water in living cells contains a high concentration of biomolecules, that can significantly alter its properties (see There are even cells (bacterial spores, for instance) in which all chemistry is put to a standstill: these cells can survive for years in a dried-out, chemically ‘frozen’ state, from which they can recover completely and continue living as if nothing happened. The physical and chemical mechanisms underlying this suspended metabolism are still a mystery. In this PhD project, you will help to solve this mystery by using state-of-the-art experimental methods to investigate the structure and dynamics of water and proteins in living cells capable of surviving extreme circumstances, such as drought and thermal shock. Knowledge of how some cells manage to survive complete desiccation for such long periods of time can help to develop strategies for the dry, room-temperature storage of blood and vaccines (important for third-world countries), but potentially even for the dry storage of entire organisms. The project will be carried out at the University of Amsterdam, in cooperation with the Max-Planck Institute in Mainz.

Deadline : 30-06-2023

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in AI Tools for Analyzing Multimodal Data in Law Enforcement

Do you want to develop cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence tools to support police investigators in analysing large amounts of multimodal data (text, images, videos), making their work more efficient and effective, and thus contribute with your work to justice and a safer society? Then this project will be ideal for you. The research challenges to address include the complexity of the data, the highly skewed data distributions, and the need for unbiased and transparent decision making. The foreseen path to the solution is (hyper-) graph based deep-learning, connected to contextual domain knowledge, and interactive visualizations.

Deadline : 4 June 2023

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Project: How Firms in Contested Industries Pursue Purpose-driven Renewal

Corporations are increasingly being challenged to reflect on their purpose. Indeed, the relentless pursuit of profit as the raison d’être for corporations has had detrimental implications for our planet, society, and even shareholders – calling corporations to identify with a purpose that enables sustainable development. Accordingly, an ever-louder chorus of industry leaders have been questioning the shareholder-centric approach to business conduct. For example, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, called on firms to serve a broader societal purpose and shared value creation, and leading business consultants are increasingly advising firms to pursue a purpose that helps to cultivate a deeper connection with employees, customers, and communities. Earlier research has shown that firms are responsive to this development as they are rolling out new purpose-driven strategies and implementing changes within their organizations. However, firms that are particularly challenged by this development are those operating in contested industries including, for example, energy, aviation, and fast food. For these firms, pursuing a purpose requires fundamentally rethinking their core business activities, revenue models, and strategy.

Deadline : 15 June 2023

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Physics of Biological and Complex Systems

We are looking for a highly motivated and creative PhD student to join our team effort to explore the physics of biological systems far-from-equilibrium. In this PhD project, you will work on various aspects of hydrodynamics, optical diagnosis, and statistical physics to study the fundamental aspects of phase transition and glassy dynamics in complex biological and polymeric materials. You will design and build non-standard experimental tools based on methods like Optical Tweezing, Optical Coherence Tomography, Confocal Microscopy, Holographic Microscopy, etc., to study rheology, fluid mechanics and phase transition in biological and polymeric materials. You will also closely collaborate with the other biophysicists in the team and the biologists and theoretical physicists from other groups and universities.

Deadline : 31-05-2023

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Low-Resource NLP

Do you get excited by the prospect of scientific exploration? Are you seeking a PhD position at the crossroads of Language Technology and Machine Learning? If you imagine yourself conducting cutting-edge research in AI, in an interdisciplinary and international environment, then you should apply for this position. We are looking for a PhD candidate who has strong affinity with Natural Language Processing (NLP) and an adequate background in Machine Learning techniques, to join us at the Faculty of Science (FNWI), University of Amsterdam. This PhD position is part of an ongoing collaboration between the NLP group at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) and the Language Technology group at the Informatics Institute (IvI), as well as the Municipality of Amsterdam.

Deadline : 15 mei 2023

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position (4 years) in Stochastic Analysis in Riemannian Manifolds

The Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics  is offering a PhD position (4 years full-time) in stochastic analysis in the Applied Probability Research group, on the NWO VIDI project “Numerical analysis for stochastic differential equations in Riemannian manifolds”. The goal of this project is to develop and analyse numerical schemes for SDEs in Riemannian manifolds. Simulations of SDEs in Riemannian manifolds are used in statistics for analysing geometrically contrained data. Simulations are also used in cell biology, data visualisation, and image recognition. This project however is of a more theoretical nature: our goal is to develop suitable approximation schemes and analyse their convergence rates.

Deadline : 5-5-2023

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions in Experimental Quantum Physics

Project 1: Continuous atom laser

In this project you will build the first continuous atom laser. An atom laser is a beam of atoms that is described by a coherent matter wave. So far only short atom laser pulses have been created by outcoupling a beam of atoms from a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). The laser stops working when all atoms of the BEC have been outcoupled, requiring the creation of a new BEC for the next atom laser pulse. BEC creation is usually a lengthy process, requiring several cooling stages to be executed one after the other in time. We have built a machine that can execute these stages one after the other in space, enabling us to Bose-Einstein condense continuously [1]. This allows us to create a BEC that lasts as long as we want. It’s the atomic equivalent of an optical laser with perfectly reflective cavity mirrors. Your goal will be to take the next step and outcouple the first continuous atom laser beam from the BEC. Such a beam would be an ideal source for continuous atom interferometry [2]. A second goal of the project is to create interesting driven-dissipative quantum systems and study their properties.


Project 2: Sr optical clocks

In this project you will build an optical clock based on continuous readout of the Sr clock transition. The clock will exploit our continuous ultracold Sr source technology [1] to prepare large samples of ultracold atoms without losing track of time while preparing those samples. This will enable to reach high clock precision after short averaging times, which is important to improve clock stability and for many clock applications. We are pursuing two approaches to achieve this goal: superradiant lasing and zero-deadtime clocks and you could join either one of these research efforts. You will be involved in every aspect of building your clock, from electronics, over lasers, optics, frequency combs, ultrastable resonators to vacuum chambers. Once the clock is operational you will use it to collaborate with other research teams, comparing zero-deadtime and superradiant clocks, enabling precise qubit operations in our quantum computer (project 3), or studying fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy (with our colleagues at the Free University). For the latter you will participate in setting up a frequency link through telecom fibres to the Free University in Amsterdam and to the Eindhoven University of Technology. This project is part of the Quantum Delta NL Ultracold Quantum Sensing Testbed, which will give you many opportunities to work with industry, in particular to design photonic circuits for optical clocks.


Project 3: Quantum simulation and computing with Rydberg coupled single Sr atoms

Quantum computers and simulators can solve problems that are utterly out of reach for traditional computers. We are building two quantum computers/simulators based on arrays of strontium atoms held in optical tweezers [4], one in our lab and one at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Quantum bits are encoded in the internal states of these atoms and quantum calculations are carried out by shining laser beams onto the atoms in a well-orchestrated way. Quantum computers based on neutral atoms profit from the fact that the atoms are naturally identical and that it is quite easy to scale the computer to hundreds of quantum bits. Our quantum computer is based on strontium atoms, an alkaline-earth element that is also commonly used to build some of the best clocks in the world. Exploiting the clock built in project 2 and supported by QuantumDelta NL and the Quantum Software Consortium we are building quantum computers that can demonstrate algorithms developed by QuSoft or solve quantum chemistry problems. In Amsterdam we can currently trap strontium atoms in an array of 49 tweezers [5]. You will extend this machine with the lasers necessary to implement one- and two-qubit gates and perform quantum simulations and computations with it.

Deadline : 31 May 2023

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Promoting Sustainable Consumption

In this project, we look at the impact of marketing and, in particular, brand activism, on polarization. Brand activism refers to companies taking a stand on political or social issues in order to align with their values and engage with consumers. While brand activism has the potential to raise awareness and spark positive change, it also runs the risk of contributing to the trend of polarization in society by alienating customers with differing opinions and reinforce existing divides. We are particularly interested to investigate how marketing can help to bridge polarization, rather than amplify it. The goal of bridging is to increase mutual understanding and trust across divides, creating space for productive conflict, deliberation, or cooperation.

Deadline :  1 June 2023

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD Positions in Cognitive Neuroscience: “The Neural Basis of Consciousness”

Project 1: What makes us experience the world around us consciously? We do not become conscious of all inputs that reach our senses at every point in time: much processing goes on “under the radar”. The aim of this project is to elucidate the neurochemical basis of conscious experience and to dissociate it from unconscious processes. Conscious experience will be manipulated in several ways (e.g., masking, rivalry) and different pharmaceutical agents are given to healthy human participants (on different days) while they are performing experimental tasks in which consciousness is manipulated. Pharmacological manipulations target GABAergic and Glutamatergic functioning to impede inhibitory and excitatory neural processes that are hypothesized to be important for conscious experience. EEG and fMRI will be used to measure the effects of these pharmacological interventions on neural processes indicative of feedforward, horizontal and feedback processing in the human brain. 

Project 2: While studying consciousness, it is increasingly recognized that the goal to control as many “confounding factors” in lab experiments comes at a price. That is, in real life, conscious experience is not created in a controlled vacuum, but it is determined by internal spontaneous fluctuations in arousal and (responses to) external changes in environmental context. In this project we address how fluctuations in arousal and physical activity of the body (also referred to as “brain state”) may shape sensory build-up of stimulus representations and hence conscious experience. Arousal fluctuations are measured when they fluctuate spontaneously using pupil size. However, arousal will also be manipulated by changes in physical activity of the body (e.g., by inducing drowsiness or active states in participants) and pharmacological intervention (up- and down regulating arousal). EEG and fMRI will be used to measure the neural effects of these manipulations and their impact on conscious experience.

Deadline : 20 May 2023

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Emergent Transitions in Non-equilibrium Dynamical Systems

Are you a highly motivated student with a strong interest in understanding the nature of emergent transitions in non-equilibrium dynamical systems? We are seeking an excellent and ambitious PhD candidate to carry out theoretical interdisciplinary research to understand emergent transitions in a broad class of non-equilibrium systems, especially active and externally driven systems.

Deadline : 21 May 2023

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Two PhD Candidates Project ‘Health-AI’

As a PhD candidate specialized in human collaboration with computer systems in the realm of public health, you will empirically investigate this topic through long-term fieldwork (8 months per each country) in two country case studies. As such, you contribute to an international research on the future of public health. You will work closely with the PI and other team members, to finetune theory on human decision-making works, in hospitals where humans make decisions in collaboration with computer systems.

Deadline : 18 May 2023

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Full Page Personalization in Recommender Systems

The position is aimed at personalizing a full page of video content, containing both short and long videos. Therefore, the main scientific challenge for this work package is how to best generate a personalized, unique, and broad mix of content which also maintains diversity. In this position you will develop new algorithms and novel metrics, both for engagement and diversity, which are suitable for mixed categories of content (e.g., combination of short and long form of videos). Research for this opening will be conducted within the IRLab under supervision of Prof. Maarten de Rijke.

Deadline : 15 May 2023

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Effects of Algorithmic Gatekeeping

We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project Participation in an Algorithmic Society: The Effects of Algorithmic Gatekeeping (ADS). New forms of ADS gatekeeping such as algorithmic moderation, recommender systems, and virtual assistants impact not only how individuals inform themselves or engage with the news, but also how individuals participate in society. Their potential to enable disinformation, attitude extremity, polarization, and extreme forms of selective exposure may create dynamics that reinforce biases and the emergence of insulated knowledge communities. This project investigates the effects of a media environment increasingly dominated by digital platforms and algorithmic feedback loops, focusing on how the over-time dynamics between users, news, and algorithms influence crucial democratic outcomes such as (civic) engagement, trust, and social cohesion. The project centers on the central question of how new forms of ADS gatekeeping influence crucial democratic outcomes such as engagement, trust, and social cohesion?

Deadline : 18 May 2023

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Management and Information Systems in Healthcare

The project aims to contribute to what may be the most pressing problem that the healthcare system faces, namely, the staff shortage. Recent decades have seen a fall in productivity in care delivery, which means that less care is delivered per fte. The project will explore the use of new technologies, such as predictive analytics and AI, and established technologies from operations management and management information systems that have the potential to improve productivity. The objective is to understand what it takes to successfully integrate such technologies in the complex environment of a healthcare system and how they can be used to deliver more care with fewer staff.

Deadline : 25 May 2023

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Truthful Generative Methods for News Content

The position is aimed at developing controllable generative methods for news content, with a focus on quality, trustworthiness, and flexibility. Therefore, the main scientific challenges for this work package within the REM Lab are to develop trustworthy language and ranking generation methods for news content as well as suitable evaluation methodologies. In this position you will also develop new algorithms and novel metrics for controllable generative methods for personalized news content. Research for this opening will be conducted within the IRLab under supervision of Prof. Maarten de Rijke.

Deadline : 15 May 2023

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Researcher in International and European Law

The thought of doing PhD research makes you enthusiastic. You understand that pursuing a PhD asks for dedication and efficient self-management. At the same time, you are open in your communication with your supervisors so that the project gets all the support available. As far as your research interests, theoretical approaches and methodology go, the present position is principally open. We do appreciate a willingness to engage or proven experience with contextual approaches to law and the combination of legal-doctrinal study with methods from, for example, history, philosophy, political economy, or political sciences.

Deadline : 15 mei 2023

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Development of Workflow to Select Functional, Safe and Sustainable Chemical Alternatives

Are you interested in how to develop safer chemicals, in order to reduce environmental pollution? Are you looking for a PhD position where you can develop your academic career, while also working closely with public and private stakeholders? Then join our interactive and interdisciplinary team of researchers on environmental chemistry and toxicology, embedded in the broader context of the Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics for a four-year PhD position.

Deadline : 7 May 2023

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Optimal Intergenerational Risk Sharing with Reference-Dependent Preferences

The University of Amsterdam invites applications for a PhD position at the Department of Quantitative Economics of the Faculty of Economics & Business. The PhD position is in the Research Centre for Longevity Risk (RCLR) and jointly funded by RCLR and Netspar, the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement.

Deadline : 29 May 2023

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Emergent Mechanics of Entangled Active Polymer-like Matter

This project will be carried out in a collaborative setting under joint supervision of Dr. Sara Jabbari-Farouji and Dr. Antoine Deblais at the Institute of Physics (IoP), comprised of an exciting team of researchers with a strong emphasis on a feedback loop between experiment and theory.  Building on computational and experimental expertise in our groups, you will combine coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations with rheology of worms to uncover the effect of activity on the mechanical properties of entangled active polymer-like matter.

Deadline : 15 May 2023

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD in Network Statistics and Machine Learning

The main topic of research is network analysis and modelling using statistical and machine learning tools. Network data are ubiquitous in finance, social media, the economy, and business. Social networks play an increasingly important role in society. For example, the Reddit community WallStreetBets hyped the stock of GameStop (GME), causing a short squeeze and extremely volatile stock prices in early 2021. Similarly, statements made on social networks such as Twitter have been shown to impact public and voter opinions. Exemplifying how social networks directly affect the economy, this project focusses on studying network data with a specific interest in modelling and understanding how networks change over time. Change detection in an online fashion is a challenging task in networks of large size, a common property of social networks.

Deadline : 1 May 2023

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position on the study of double-weak decays

The XENONnT experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory has the primary goal to detect interactions between xenon nuclei and Dark Matter (DM) particles. However, its exquisite sensitivity also makes it sensitive to rare Standard Model, and potentially beyond-the-Standard Model, processes. XENONnT is routinely measuring double-beta decay of 136Xe and in addition a first observation of double-beta capture on 124Xe has been made. The latter process established the longest ever observed lifetime of 10^22 years, indicating the rarity of these processes. Better understanding of these processes, will be crucial to a discovery of the even more rare double-weak processes without the neutrinos.

Deadline : 01 April 2023

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About University of Amsterdam, Netherlands  –Official Website

The University of Amsterdam is a public research university located in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The UvA is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). Established in 1632 by municipal authorities and later renamed for the city of Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam is the third-oldest university in the Netherlands. It is one of the largest research universities in Europe with 31,186 students, 4,794 staff, 1,340 PhD students and an annual budget of €600 million. It is the largest university in the Netherlands by enrollment. The main campus is located in central Amsterdam, with a few faculties located in adjacent boroughs. The university is organised into seven faculties: Humanities, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Economics and Business, Science, Law, Medicine, Dentistry.

The University of Amsterdam has produced six Nobel Laureates and five prime ministers of the Netherlands. The University of Amsterdam has been placed in the top 100 universities in the world by five major ranking tables. By the QS World University Rankings it was ranked 61st in the world, 14th in Europe, and 2nd in the Netherlands in 2021. The university was placed in the top 50 worldwide in seven fields in the 2011 QS World University Rankings in the fields of linguistics, sociology, philosophy, geography, science, Economics and econometrics, and accountancy and finance. In 2018 and 2019 the two departments of Media and Communication were commonly ranked 1st in the world by subject by QS Ranking.




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