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29 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Lund University, Scania, Sweden

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Lund University, Scania, Sweden invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Lund University, Scania, Sweden.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. student in Medical Radiation Physics with a focus on MR-Physics

Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures microscopic properties in the tissue by studying random motion of water molecules. In dense tissue, diffusion is slow, while it appears to be faster in looser tissue. Diffusion MRI can therefore detect cancers that cause the tissue to be abnormally dense. Unfortunately, current dMRI methods have a poor clinical performance. This shortcoming can be remedied by performing a wider range of diffusion encoding, and thereby learning more about the tissue microstructure. For example, we aim to distinguish properties like cell density, cell shape, cell size, blood volume, and cell membrane permeability. Once estimated, these parameters can serve as biomarkers to improve the diagnostics and monitoring of disease.

Deadline : 25.Jun.2024

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of development of biosensors based on nanostructured surfaces

The PhD position is placed at the Division of Solid State Physics at the Department of Physics, where extensive research is carried out centred on various aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to bio- and quantum physics to various applications. The Division is a central part of NanoLund, Lund University’s large interdisciplinary research centre on nanoscience and nanotechnology. The Division includes Lund Nano Lab, a central and shared facility for the production of materials and components at the nanoscale. The Division has a strong commitment to undergraduate education, not least in the Master’s programme “Engineering Nanoscience” at LTH.

Deadline : 21.Aug.2024

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of development of nano- and micro- sensors for harsh environments (within the Sentio Competence Center).

The PhD position is placed at the Division of Solid State Physics at the Department of Physics, where extensive research is carried out centred on various aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to bio- and quantum physics to various applications. The division is a central part of Nanolund, Lund University´s large interdisciplinary research centre on nanoscience and nanotechnology. The division includes Lund Nano Lab, a central and shared facility for the production of materials and components at the nanoscale. The divison has a strong commitment to undergraduate education, not least in the Master of Science in Engineering Nanoscience programme at LTH.

Sentio – Integrated Sensors and Adaptive Technology for Sustainable Products and Manufacturing – is a newly inaugurated Vinnova competence centre coordinated by Lund University in close collaboration with companies from Swedish industry, RISE, Region Skåne and trade associations. The goal is to create a world leading highly interdisciplinary research centre that brings together the wide range of diverse competences from industry and academia that are needed to develop integrated sensor technology with the capacity to significantly improve sustainability, reduce the use of resources, and increase competitiveness across industrial sectors of Sweden. 

Deadline : 19.Aug.2024

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Transformative innovation – with focus on digitalisation for sustianable development

The doctoral position is located the dept. of Design Sciences, Faculty of engineering, Lund University. Design Sciences is an interdisciplinary department that integrates design, technology and people in its research and education. The advertised position is within the Sparbanken Skåne’s Center for Sustainable Enterprising (SSCEN) and financed by the Management and IT research school (MIT) and the Kamprad Family Foundation. You will be part of the centre’s interdisciplinary research environment consisting of five PhD students together with postdocs and senior researchers from the School of Economics and the Faculty of Engineering. You will also be part of the national research school MIT and expected to participate in their activities. You are also expected to actively contribute to the research within the interdisciplinary centre, both in collaboration with others and individually.

Deadline : 18.Aug.2024

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in computer science focused on AI-assisted development

The position offers a unique setup in the Software Engineering Research Group (SERG), benefiting from the co-supervision of the Software Development and Environments Research Group (SDE). SERG is renowned for its impactful and methodical empirical research focused on large-scale software engineering. Concurrently, SDE specializes in pioneering technical research, innovative tools, languages, and methods designed to enhance software development practice. Both SERG and SDE belong to the Dept. of Computer Science, a vibrant international setting for education and research. Beyond software engineering, distinguished topics include artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and theoretical computer science.

Deadline : 16.Aug.2024

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Computer Science with a focus on GPU programming

This project aims to develop novel algorithms for the generation of Artificial Neural Networks on GPUs. By optimizing code generation using GPU architecture, we will create more efficient ANNs on GPUs achieving higher inference and training performance. These faster networks will be use in applications such as Neural Rendering and Robotics. 

The project is part of the Software track of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems, and Software Program (WASP), and the PhD student will be enrolled in the WASP graduate school offering advanced courses and extensive networking opportunities.

Deadline : 16.Aug.2024

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of the development of next-generation ultra-wide bandgap semiconductor materials

The PhD position is placed at the Division of Solid State Physics at the Department of Physics, where extensive research is carried out centred on various aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to bio- and quantum physics to various applications. The division is a central part of Nanolund, Lund University´s large interdisciplinary research centre on nanoscience and nanotechnology. The division includes Lund Nano Lab, a central and shared facility for the production of materials and components at the nanoscale. The divison has a strong commitment to undergraduate education, not least in the Master of Science in Engineering Nanoscience programme at LTH.

The project will involve close collaboration with the Division of Synchrotron Radiation Research at the Department of Physics, where scientists use and develop a wide range of X-ray based techniques for studying electronic, structural, and chemical properties of materials, especially nanostructures. Part of the work will be performed at the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, the world’s first 4th generation synchrotron.

Deadline : 15.Aug.2024

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Biology with a focus on AI & Microbial Forensics

Biology is the broad subject of all living things. It encompasses everything from processes at the molecular and cellular levels to global processes at the ecosystem level. The subject is divided into a range of sub-disciplines and specializations. The PhD program at the Department of Biology includes many of these specializations, from molecular biology to applied ecology, from viruses and individual cells to evolutionary biology and global biodiversity. Taking on research studies at the Department of Biology generally means focusing on a delimited part of the research area of biology and may include field studies, experiments, theoretical studies, or a combination of these.

Deadline : 12.Aug.2024

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in sustainable value chains for battery industries

The aim of this PhD project is to explore opportunities and challenges in the future European and global battery economy for the purpose of understanding and anticipating risks, new battery technologies and their up-scaling needs, lock-ins, and how the innovation system evolves. The results will help policy makers and industry make better informed decisions when maneuvering this rapid and most likely bumpy transition.

Deadline : 09.Aug.2024

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD student in diabetes and epigenetics within the DDLS program

At the research group for epigenetics and diabetes, research is conducted with the aim of understanding the importance of epigenetic changes in the development of type 2 diabetes. The group is led by Professor Charlotte Ling – You can find more information about the research here. The researcher group is located at the unit for epigenetics and diabetes at Lund University Diabetes Centre (LUDC) in Malmö.

Deadline : 04.Aug.2024

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Energy Sciences – COMPEL focusing on grid integration of batteries

Batteries can be integrated at different levels of the electricity grid, such as generation, transmission, distribution, or end-use. Depending on the level and location of integration, batteries can have different impacts and benefits for the electricity system and the stakeholders involved. For example, batteries at the generation level can help renewable energy producers to increase their revenues and reduce their curtailment, while batteries at the end-use level can help consumers (as well as prosumers) to reduce their electricity bills and increase their resilience.

Some of the uses for integrating batteries in electricity grids include:

  • Balancing grid supply and demand
  • Peak shaving and price arbitrage opportunities
  • Storing and smoothing renewable generation
  • Deferring large infrastructure investments:
  • Reducing end-use consumer demand charges
  • Back-up power

Deadline : 28.Jul.2024

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Energy Sciences – COMPEL with focus on CFD and Data-Driven Modelling of Batteries

COMPEL, “COMPetence for the ELectrification of the transport system”, is a strategic initiative by the Swedish government, aimed at strengthening research and educational environments within battery technology and electrification. Within COMPEL, the three institutions – Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, and Uppsala University – in consultation with Swedish industry, deepen their collaboration with the aim of strengthening Sweden’s position in battery technology contributing to the electrification of the transport sector, and related areas. The three institutions aim to enhance research and education in the battery sector to ensure strong research in battery technology supporting that electrification of the transport sector is maintained and further developed in Sweden. Research within COMPEL spans the entire battery value chain: materials research, research on new cell concepts and cell manufacturing, battery systems and system integration, recycling, and safety.

At Lund University with the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), COMPEL is a strategic initiative aimed at enhancing research environments in battery technology and electrification, in a manner that complements relevant research at other institutions and builds on our strengths. COMPEL at Lund University initially includes researchers from ten departments, and three areas of research have been identified for strategic development: materials research, integration of batteries with power electronics, and safe energy storage. On the educational side, the number of students in several of the Master programs is being increased, and the course offerings related to battery technology and electrification are being strengthened.

Deadline : 28.Jul.2024

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physical Chemistry

The main aim of this project is to identify synthetic counterparts for bio-materials and investigate how we can implement their properties to achieve, e.g., synthetic platelets and synthetic red blood cells (RBCs). These colloids will be used to generate a prototype of synthetic blood. Furthermore, the general understanding of the role of particle deformation on the flow properties of concentrated solutions, will help the understanding of blood diseases connected to the deformation of RBCs and the changes in the blood rheology (sickle cell disease), or to the changes in the blood viscosity due to an excess of RBCs (polycythemia). In general, we will develop protocols able to identify the basic properties on a nanoscopic-scale that synthetic colloids must have to achieve the aimed flow behavior at macroscopic length-scales.

Deadline : 12.Jul.2024 

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Biology with the focus on Soil Microbial Ecology

Biology is the broad subject about all living things. It encompasses everything from processes at the molecular and cellular level to global processes at ecosystem level. The subject is divided into a range of sub-disciplines and specialisations. The PhD programme at the Department of Biology includes many of these specialisations, from molecular biology to applied ecology, from viruses and individual cells to evolutionary biology and global biodiversity. Taking on research studies at the Department of Biology generally means focusing on a delimited part of the research area of biology and may include field studies, experiments, theoretical studies, or a combination of these.

Deadline : 03.Jul.2024

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of development of nanowire solar cells for space applications

The PhD position is placed at the Division of Solid State Physics at the Department of Physics, where extensive research is carried out centred on various aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to bio- and quantum physics to various applications. The division is a central part of Nanolund, Lund University´s large interdisciplinary research centre on nanoscience and nanotechnology. The division includes Lund Nano Lab, a central and shared facility for the production of materials and components at the nanoscale. The divison has a strong commitment to undergraduate education, not least in the Master of Science in Engineering Nanoscience programme at LTH.

For over ten years, our research into one-dimensional semiconductor structures, called nanowires, has been at the international frontline. So far, our emphasis in this research has been in three areas: preparation of nanowires by epitaxy, fundamental physical properties studied with transport physics and optical physics, and applications in electronics, opto-electronics, and energy systems. Nanowires with properties for solar cells have been studied and recently a breakthrough has been made by demonstrating tandem functionality in single photovoltaic nanowires for the first time. The nanowire solar cells have been identified as promising candidates for energy harvesting in space. In the project, which is part of a project with several European partners, the ambition is to develop the nanowires with respect to space applications.  

Deadline : 01.Jul.2024

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on wide bandgap semiconductor devices for power electronics

The topic of this project is to realize vertical semiconductor power electronics devices based on novel ultra wide bandgap materials such as AlGaN and Ga2O3. Such devices can reach substantially better performance as compared to traditional power electronic devices based on Si and SiC.

You will fabricate and analyze novel devices based on these materials (transistors and diodes) and perform electrical characterization together with material scientists. The aim is to demonstrate high performance devices operating at high breakdown voltages (>1200V) with state-of-the-art values of the device resistances.

To achieve this, you will work with device design and fabrication within clean room facilities, as well as with electrical characterization and some device modeling. The research work will be conducted in close collaboration with other doctoral students working with power electronic devices at the department, but also with experienced researchers within materials growth and materials characterization, at the departments of solid state physics and synchrotron radiation.

Deadline : 01.Jul.2024 

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within studies of Li-ion batteries in thermal runaway

The Division of Combustion Physics is part of the Department of Physics at Lund University. The research is internationally established and includes both fundamental and applied studies. The research conducted is primarily focused on the development and application of non-intrusive measurement methods for studies of reacting flows. In terms of equipment, the research division is among the best in the world within this discipline. Research on thermal runaway in Li-ion batteries is conducted in close cooperation with research groups at the Department of Energy Sciences, particularly the Division of Fluid Dynamics, which aims to model the thermal runaway using advanced computational methods. There is also cooperation with the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at the Department of Building and Environmental Technology. Overall, the research is conducted in close collaboration with industrial partners and other academic institutions.

Deadline : 30.Jun.2024

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering with focus on Integrated Analog Circuit Design

Research at the Integrated Electronic Systems (IES) Division at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology (EIT) balances the system perspective with the circuit perspective. We design integrated circuits (ICs) in advanced nanometer silicon (foremost CMOS) technologies, e.g. radiofrequency and millimeter-wave radio frontends, data converters, digital signal processors, and larger systems containing both analog and digital functions. Our team includes professors, associate professors, researchers, and administrative staff, fostering a rich intellectual environment conducive of rewarding collaborations. We offer a supportive work environment, promoting an optimal professional growth via an adequate balance between work effort and personal time. New employees have the opportunity to engage in truly relevant research projects, educational initiatives, and industry collaborations, contributing to our overall mission of advancing the state-of-the-art in IC design. IES has recently been enhanced by the establishment of the Research Center for Semiconductor System Design (classIC), funded by Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and co-hosted by IES.

Deadline : 28.Jun.2024

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. student in Medical Radiation Physics with a focus on MR-Physics

Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measures microscopic properties in the tissue by studying random motion of water molecules. In dense tissue, diffusion is slow, while it appears to be faster in looser tissue. Diffusion MRI can therefore detect cancers that cause the tissue to be abnormally dense. Unfortunately, current dMRI methods have a poor clinical performance. This shortcoming can be remedied by performing a wider range of diffusion encoding, and thereby learning more about the tissue microstructure. For example, we aim to distinguish properties like cell density, cell shape, cell size, blood volume, and cell membrane permeability. Once estimated, these parameters can serve as biomarkers to improve the diagnostics and monitoring of disease.

Deadline : 25.Jun.2024

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in microbiology in the medical field

The successful candidate will join the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University, working within the Department of Experimental Medical Science. You will become a member of a collaborative and supportive working environment, with colleagues from various disciplines. Most research will be carried out at the Biomedical Centre (BMC) in central Lund, offering a vibrant scientific community. We embrace collaborations and you will be involved in collaborative projects with the University of Gothenburg and Copenhagen University and other international institutions.

At BMC you will become a member of a small but dynamic research team, focusing on the role of phage-related injection machines found in Bacteroides in the human microbiome. Our group employs microbiology, structural biology, genomics, and bioinformatics, and is equipped with access to state-of-the-art facilities including cryo-EM, CRISPR-Cas gene editing technology, and advanced biophysical methods.

Deadline : 25.Jun.2024

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Electrical Engineering focusing on analog electronics and modeling for 6G

This position requires undertaking modeling, design, and implementation of RF front-end for large intelligent surfaces (LISs), a form of extreme-scale distributed MIMO (D-MIMO), intended for the forthcoming 6G wireless connectivity. Our project aims to develop design guidelines for these LISs and construct the next-generation LuMaMi testbed, called LuLIS (Lund University Large Intelligent Surface testbed), using cutting-edge digital platforms, with a concurrent effort to develop and implement a custom RF transceiver chip to achieve the utmost integration and energy efficiency. An important task is to model non-idealities of the RF front-end and identify trade-offs on the system level design of extreme-scale D-MIMO systems targeting a good balance between performance and energy efficiency. 

Deadline : 25.Jun.2024

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Chemical Physics (Understanding fundamental photophysical properties of DNA- templated silver nanoclusters)

DNA-templated silver nanoclusters have come into prominence, because of their fascinating properties, including strong absorption and intense emission. These and other properties can be readily tuned by changing DNA sequence. The combination of desirable properties and tunability makes them suitable for a wide range of applications from biosensing to nanophotonics. Surprisingly, the photophysical properties of these complexes are still very poorly understood, and we aspire to remedy this deficiency. We will use advanced time-resolved spectroscopy (and potentially microscopy) techniques to systematically study these complexes with the aim to understand their fundamental properties. The gained knowledge, besides unraveling fundamental photophysics describing electronic structure and dynamics of this class of systems, should also enable us to guide the synthesis of future AgN-DNAs for targeted applications. The synthesis of these complexes will be done by our collaborators at the University of Copenhagen and spectroscopic studies will be aided by quantum chemistry calculations by theory collaborators.

Deadline :24.Jun.2024

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics with focus on atomic-scale surface characterization and functionalization of semiconductor nanostructures

The aim of this project is to study surfaces of technologically relevant semiconductor nanostructures at the atomic scale, even during surface modification or during device operation. We will focus on III-V semiconductors and semiconductor nanowires including heterostructures of different material, doping, or crystal phase. Such materials are applied for novel electronic or optoelectronic devices and within energy harvesting. Surface functionalization of these materials may lead to novel properties, and you will study effects like quantum confinement or formation of topological insulators. 

The main characterization techniques in this project will be scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) at the Department of Physics as well as synchrotron-based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in various setups, including approaches specialized on angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) for evaluation of band dispersion, nm-scale spatial resolution (PEEM), or ambient pressure (AP-XPS). Complementary characterization techniques, including atomic force microscopy (AFM), are also available.

Deadline : 23.Jun.2024

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in protein machine learning

The project aims to better understand how conformational changes are encoded in protein sequences, and to develop new methodology to predict conformational diversity and changes using machine learning. With the help of deep-learning approaches methods to predict flexibility, conformational changes, and structural ensembles will be developed. The project may also involve application of the methodology in the computational design of proteins with the ability to sample conformational states. The methodology can involve the utilization of generative models to sample protein structures, extension of deep-learning frameworks for protein structure prediction, language models and algorithms for morphing and clustering. The recruited candidate will be enrolled in a graduate school in machine learning through WASP.

Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP) is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in applied microbiology with specialisation in metabolic engineering of yeast

You will focus on research work with yeast metabolic engineering for recombinant production of natural products. You will use state-of-the art molecular biology methods to design, construct and analyse yeast strains harbouring biosynthetic pathways to target products. Gene editing tools based on CRISPR/cas9 will be used to perform gene edits, knockouts, or over-expressions, and to introduce heterologous genes from different sources. In addition to strain engineering work the project includes a significant amount of quantiative physiological microbial analysis using different cultivation equipment, ranging from ml to liter scale. Flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy will be used within the project. Chemical analysis of metabolites, and target products will be made with different techniques, including HPLC, and Mass spectrometry. You will collaborate with researchers both within and outside of the department at LU and universities and research institutes.

Deadline : 17.Jun.2024

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(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Mathematical Statistics- Sentio Competence Center focusing on Robust Time-Frequency Analysis of Sensor Array Data

The workplace is the division of Mathematical Statistics with approximately 25 teachers, researchers and doctoral students. Research areas within mathematical statistics are probability theory and statistical theory. The main task of probability theory is to develop mathematical models for the description and analysis of random processes, and to study the mathematical properties of such models. Within the statistical theory, principles and methods are studied in order to build and test the models with the help of empirical facts and data. Applications are found in all areas of society with an emphasis on science, technology, medicine and economics.

The project is carried out within Sentio – Integrated Sensors and Adaptive Technology for Sustainable Products and Manufacturing – which is a newly inaugurated competence centre coordinated by Lund University in close collaboration with companies from Swedish industry, RISE, Region Skåne and trade associations. The goal is to create a world leading highly interdisciplinary research centre that brings together the wide range of diverse competences from industry and academia that are needed to develop integrated sensor technology with the capacity to significantly improve sustainability, reduce the use of resources, and increase competitiveness across industrial sectors of Sweden.  In this first recruitment Sentio will hire 7 doctoral students within different areas of expertise who will all work together with the research within Sentio. Sentio is financed by Vinnova – Sweden’s innovation agency.

Deadline : 17.Jun.2024

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(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in computational biology of infection

We are looking for a full-time bioinformatics PhD student to work in the Data-driven life science (DDLS) area “Data driven epidemiology and biology of infection.” In the lab of Gemma Atkinson in Lund University, Department of Experimental Medical Science. The project’s co-investigator is Andrea Fossati, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. Specifically, the project will be on finding the prophages of Escherichia coli genomes and annotating the function of their genes using high-throughput AlphaFold.

Deadline : 16.Jun.2024 

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(28) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics with focus on development of nano- and microscale sensor systems for hard-to-reach environments (within the Sentio Competence Centre)

The overall aim is to integrate nano-/microscale sensor systems inside industrial products and equipment that can measure relevant parameters such as temperature, pressure, or flow without affecting the process. The successful applicant will develop and explore nano-/microstructure creation and performance on non-flat surfaces with a focus on stainless steel, but also other elemental compositions in the substrate. The project will also include developing circuitry and concepts to enable weak and noisy signals to be retrieved from the interior of complex machines and products.

The robustness and electrical/optical performance will be evaluated with the aim to have structures that can function over long time and distances and should be so small that they do not disturb liquid flow or product formation in industrial and product relevant environments, with good performance at elevated temperature and pressure. Several different sensor/transmitter materials and combinations will be explored, including some that are also compatible with e.g. foods

Deadline : 16.Jun.2024

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(29) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of experimental nanothermodynamics

The research at the division of Solid State Physics within the Physics Department is focused around different aspects of nanophysics, ranging from materials science to quantum physics, to different applications. The division plays a central role in NanoLund, the major interdisciplinary research environment within nanoscience and nanotechnology at Lund University, and it hosts Lund Nano Lab, a central key facility for fabrication of material and devices on the nanoscale. The division is also heavily involved in the undergraduate education, especially within the “Engineering Nanoscience” program.

NanoLund stands at the forefront of research in semiconductor quantum devices and nanoscale heat engines – recently demonstrating quantum dot-based heat engines with thermoelectric energy conversion efficiencies approaching the fundamental limit while producing power. These novel devices serve as an interesting platform both for fundamental nanothermodynamics studies as well as applications for harnessing waste heat in quantum technologies.

This specific position focuses on conducting experimental investigations of heat fluctuations in nanoscale heat engines as a means toward demonstrating an energetic advantage of quantum systems over their classical counterparts, and further providing proof-of-concept groundwork for heat-management schemes in quantum technologies where waste heat generated during quantum operations could be converted into useful electrical energy.

Deadline : 14.Jun.2024

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About Lund University, Scania, Sweden – Official Website

Lund University  is a prestigious university in Sweden and one of northern Europe’s oldest universities. The university is located in the city of Lund in the province of Scania, Sweden. It traces its roots back to 1425, when a Franciscan studium generale was founded in Lund. After Sweden won Scania from Denmark in the 1658 Treaty of Roskilde, the university was officially founded in 1666 on the location of the old studium generale next to Lund Cathedral.

Lund University has nine faculties, with additional campuses in the cities of Malmö and Helsingborg, with 40,000 students in 270 different programmes and 1,300 freestanding courses. The university has some 600 partner universities in nearly 70 countries and it belongs to the League of European Research Universities as well as the global Universitas 21 network. Lund University is consistently ranked among the world’s top 100 universities.

Two major facilities for materials research are in Lund University: MAX IV, a synchrotron radiation laboratory – inaugurated in June 2016, and European Spallation Source (ESS), a new European facility that will provide up to 100 times brighter neutron beams than existing facilities today, to be opened in 2023.

The university centers on the Lundagård park adjacent to the Lund Cathedral, with various departments spread in different locations in town, but mostly concentrated in a belt stretching north from the park connecting to the university hospital area and continuing out to the northeastern periphery of the town, where one finds the large campus of the Faculty of Engineering.



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