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22 Postdoctoral Fellowship at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

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Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoc in Modelling Hydrogen Liquefaction using Magnetocalorics – DTU Energy

As part of a large EU-funded project, we will develop a cryogenic cooler based on the magnetocaloric effect to liquefy hydrogen for transportation purposes. The consortium of 14 partners from 9 countries will develop magnetocaloric materials and apply them to a new prototype capable of liquifying hydrogen starting from liquid nitrogen temperature. 

You will focus on modelling the magnetocaloric liquefaction device using an existing 1D numerical model which has been used for over a decade for modelling magnetocaloric devices at DTU. The model considers fluid flow, heat transfer dynamics and magnetism and solves the partial differential equations governing the system as function of time. In the project, you will use the model to e.g. screen the influence of material properties on the cooling performance, but also potentially to develop a more detailed and computationally efficient model for heat transfer and to assess design concepts for the prototype magnetocaloric system. The results that you achieve from the modelling will be crucial for the project partners, who will realize a liquefaction prototype, and you will get to collaborate with these partners.

Deadline : 6 March 2025

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc to lead activities on Energy Data Spaces, and Trustworthy AI for Power Systems – DTU Wind

Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a Postdoc willing to be part of a world leading research environment and contribute to the development for the next generation scientific machine learning tools for power systems. One Postdoc will be the scientific lead of a small DTU team, coordinating our scientific activities on two European projects: SYNERGIES and ODEON. The goal of the two projects is to establish a Digital Twin infrastructure at DTU, connecting power system simulations with energy data spaces, and develop state-of-the-art methods that will use the digital twins to enhance power system flexibility and resilience. The second Postdoc will focus on establishing a solid foundation for trustworthy machine learning tools and physics-informed neural networks for power system applications.

Deadline : 15 March 2025

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc i naturforbedrende løsninger – DTU Aqua

Marin naturgenopretning anses i stigende grad som et nødvendigt skridt for at kunne beskytte den marine biodiversitet på lang sigt både i Danmark og i EU. DTU Aqua deltager i Center for Marin Naturgenopretning og DTU Aqua skal her varetage en række opgaver i relation til udarbejdelse af vejledninger og udføre rådgivning om naturgenopretning. Der er udover den egentlige naturgenopretning også en række andre naturforbedrende tiltag som naturbaserede løsninger og naturinkluderende design, hvor DTU Aqua deltager i udvikling af det faglige grundlag. Anvendelsen af naturbaserede løsninger på forskellige samfundsudfordringer er et af de redskaber, som i disse år undersøges i stort omfang for at afdække nøjagtigt hvordan dette gøres effektfuldt og med respekt for den oprindelige natur. 

Deadline : 17. februar 2025

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs (2) in Recycling of Stainless Steel – DTU Construct

Postdoc One: You have a background in metal forming processes to explore direct recycling of stainless steel. The role involves testing formability, production uniformity, and geometric precision in production-like tests at DTU. The goal is to identify key production challenges in recycling and provide concrete recommendations for companies using these materials.

Postdoc Two: You have expertise in casting processes or metallurgy to study how the chemistry and properties of recycled stainless steel change during melting. You will conduct experiments using industrial scrap at DTU to assess how scrap quality variations affect the quality of cast items. The role includes performing laboratory experiments and analysing materials using optical and electron microscopy, CT scanning, thermal analysis, and mechanical testing in combination with process and thermodynamic modelling.

Deadline : 28 February 2025

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Electronic Structure Methods and Machine Learning – DTU Physics

The section for Computational Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is seeking an outstanding and highly motivated post doc within the broad area of electronic structure calculations and machine learning. The project is supervised by Prof. Kristian Thygesen and Prof. Karsten W. Jacobsen and is part of the VILLUM Investigator project “Data-driven design of functionalized 2D materials”.

As a postdoc at CAMD within the VILLUM Investigator project, you will develop new methods to describe the structure and dynamics of bulk and low-dimensional materials and integrate them in automated workflows to enable their application in high-throughput screening projects. Depending on your background and interests the project could focus on either probabilistic approach to global atomistic structure optimization or machine-learned exchange-correlation functionals. You will work in an international and stimulating environment of other PhD students and postdocs, employing state of the art computational methods and codes developed within the group. The developed methods will be implemented in the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) and/or the GPAW electronic structure code.

Deadline : 28 February 2025 

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Renewable Energy – DTU Wind

If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Wind and Energy Systems, you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible using computer vision technology for wind energy applications.

At DTU Wind Energy and Systems, we have a few projects related to our novel method, AQUADA, which uses thermography and computer vision to detect damage in wind turbines and PV panels. We are looking for a new colleague to further develop the method by solving real-world challenges in the renewable energy sector.

Deadline :  2 March 2025

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Environmental Economics and Sustainable Finance – DTU Management

The Climate and Energy Policy Division of DTU Management, Department of Technology, Management and Economics, invites applications for a postdoctoral position in environmental economics. The position is initially offered for two years, starting in 2025.

In recent years, the Climate and Energy Policy Division has rapidly expanded to become a leading research-oriented unit in Denmark, achieving international recognition in the fields of environmental, climate, and energy economics. We are committed to producing outstanding research with the highest academic and social impact and to offering excellent research conditions.

Deadline : 17 February 2025

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lightning Physics and Atmospheric Electricity – DTU Space

We seek a motivated and talented Postdoctoral Researcher to work on our Neuro-Lightning Project funded by Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF) Sapere Aude Grant. The Neuro-Lightning Project aims to understand the inner plasma physics of lightning using the new neuromorphic imaging technique.

Deadline : 1 April 2025

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Modeling of High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells – DTU Energy

Are you passionate about advancing fuel cell technologies and contributing to innovative solutions for energy resilience under harsh conditions? Do you thrive in international collaborative settings and wish to play a key role in an EU-funded project with researchers from multiple countries? If so, this postdoc position could be a good opportunity for you.

This project, focuses on developing and demonstrating a modular, containerized fuel cell system capable of dual-fuel operation with either hydrogen or methanol. The system aims to provide electrical power to critical infrastructure during emergencies and is based on high-temperature PEM (HT-PEM) technology. The HT-PEM systems operate at approximately 160 °C, offering simplified designs and operational advantages, including improved water management, facile heat rejection, and the ability to use reformates directly.

At DTU Energy, we have been carrying out R&D in sustainable energy conversion technologies and especially fuel cells and electrolysis cells for many years, and we are among the world’s leaders in research and development in this area. We have excellent facilities and competences for fabrication, modeling, testing and characterization of such devices. 

Deadline : 18 February 2025

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Biocatalytic carbon capture and -utilization – DTU Bioengineering

Unlock your passion for sustainability, creativity and science by joining the CORC project at DTU. CORC is an interdisciplinary research center funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (see for details). The center develops knowledge and technology that can be used to capture and utilize carbon dioxide and uses both chemical and biological approaches. CORC is organized with a main hub at Aarhus University and satellites at different universities in Denmark and abroad. The satellite at DTU focuses on the application of biocatalysis for the capture and conversion of CO2, and covers activities within discovery, engineering and characterization of different enzyme classes. The CORC group at DTU collaborates closely with other groups in the CORC center, and is also engaged in other research projects with a related scope such as the BIG collaboration ( 

Deadline : 12 February 2025

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in diet, intestinal microbiology and cardiometabolic diseases – DTU Food

We are looking for an ambitious molecular microbiologist with interest in the diet, intestinal microbiome and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs), for a 3 years postdoc position. 

You will be part of our internationally renowned Research group for Gut, Microbes, and Health at DTU National Food institute. We offer a dynamic and sociable research environment with lots of exiting challenges and opportunities. The postdoctoral project is part of the newly established research center Microbiome Health Initiative (MHI), supported by the Novo Nordic Foundation. The overall objectives in MHI are to determine the causal role(s) of the gut microbiome for CMDs and to

Deadline : 18 February 2025

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Two Postdoc positions in N2 (CO2) activation using Thermal or Electrochemical approaches at SurfCat – DTU Physics

At Surfcat, we have a successful record of activating molecular nitrogen both through thermal and electrochemically. Thermally, we have discovered new classes of promotion based on spin quenching on Cobalt and Nickel through surface science experiments. Now, we aim to realize high-area materials by capitalizing on this insight (see SCIENCE 383 (2024) 1357).  

Electrochemically, we have focused on the Li mediated process. Nevertheless, due to the high potential requirement of using Li, we are exploring alternative metals and processes for activating molecular Nitrogen (see Nature 629 (2024) 91).

In both positions, you will focus on synthesis, testing, and characterization. You will be part of a team known for its extensive use of surface science methods, and which includes the most advanced microscopy techniques through our collaboration with VISION. Our most promising catalysts may also have the opportunity to visit large-scale facilities such as synchrotrons for EXAFS and high-pressure XPS measurements.

Deadline : 2 March 2025

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Luminescence Geochronology and Geochemistry – DTU Physics

We seek an innovative candidate to investigate the role of atmospheric dust in rapid past climate change using NW European dust (loess) records. The candidate will undertake research into luminescence dating by developing the most suitable quartz and feldspar dating protocols with the ultimate aim of developing detailed age-depth models. The candidate will independently carry out fieldwork and be responsible for implementing all sediment provenance techniques used in the project. The candidate should have a strong publication record, and good communication and writing skills in English. 

Deadline : 28 February 2025

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in CO2 storage research – DTU Chemistry

The Centre for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE) at DTU Chemistry is seeking a talented postdoctoral researcher to contribute to our CO2 storage project “CO2plus: Phase behavior of CO2+X in CO2 storage.”

CO2plus focuses on understanding the phase behavior of CO2 with different impurities or fluids at storage sites. We aim to acquire systematic knowledge and develop modeling approaches to analyze the complex phase behavior during CO2 injection and storage. The project involves experimental measurement, phase behavior modeling, and integration of the developed models into simulation analysis of injection risks and storage issues. The project is under the Innovation Fund Denmark’s Grand Solutions program. The recruited postdoc will work mainly on modeling and simulation analysis in collaboration with other researchers in the project.

The CERE group at DTU Chemistry possesses extensive expertise in both experimental measurement and modelling of high-pressure phase equilibrium and thermophysical properties. Furthermore, the group excels in development of efficient phase equilibrium calculation algorithms for compositional simulations. The project is supported by a robust consortium of industrial and academic partners, ensuring that the high-level research remains relevant and applicable in real-world contexts. 

Deadline : 31 March 2025

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in DNA Nanotechnology and Device Fabrication – DTU Physics

If you are passionate and excellent within device integration and nanotechnology, this 2-year postdoctoral position is your opportunity to join our team and drive groundbreaking advancements within an exciting, emerging topic. The position will focus on integrating biomolecular (DAN) nanostructures with microelectronic devices for applications in single-molecule biosensing and conductance analysis. This work will be part of the Novo Nordisk funded project BioNWire, a collaborative effort between Aarhus University, DTU, and Harvard University.

You will focus on device fabrication and integration, including lithographic surface preparation, electrode patterning, and assembling DNA-based nanostructures with conductive elements. Long-term goals include exploring device measurements, potentially involving the setup of a semi-automated probe-station for conductance analysis. Collaborating closely with leading experts in DNA nanotechnology and nanoelectronics, you will contribute to realizing cutting-edge single-molecule sensors.

Deadline : 1 April 2025 

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Computational Enzyme Modelling and Protein Engineering – DTU Bioengineering

Within the larger research project, you will be responsible for performing computational modelling of a larger number of enzyme candidates and setting up an automatized pipeline to evaluate these candidates via molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. Further, you should utilize the data to aid selection of candidates for expression as well as suggest protein design variants to be expressed and assessed experimentally. You will work in a research team at DTU Bioengineering, who has expertise in enzyme expression, protein engineering, biochemical characterization of carbohydrate-active enzymes, and carbohydrate analysis, while being co-supervised by Associate Professor Xevi Biarnés at IQS in Barcelona, who is an expert on application and development of computational biology methods for protein engineering and enzyme design. A stay with the research group in Barcelona for 2-3 months is to be expected. You are also expected to engage in smaller computational tasks in other projects within the group.

Deadline : 11 February 2025

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in AI Controlled Engine – Combustion Mode Changes – DTU Construct

We need to reduce climate impact by replacing fossil fuel. In this project you can help with the green transition by enabling widespread use of alternative fuels. As biofuels and e-fuels will be more expensive, at least initially, it is of paramount importance to use them with the highest possible efficiency. Traditional Spark Ignition and Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines, ICE, have been optimized for fossil fuels for more than 140 years but the new fuels have properties that can enable a more efficient operation. Advanced combustion processes like HCCI, SACI and PPC will be used in this project. The overall goal of the project is to use AI to optimize combustion in real time and select which combustion mode is the best at each instance. 

The AI controlled engine will rely on closed loop combustion control. The exact realms of the combustion modes will change with engine conditions but also with the fuel. As an example, ethanol can easily be used with CI and PPC at high load where knock will severely limit SI operation. However, at low load CI combustion cannot be used but SI works well.  By combining SI and CI, as well as the more advanced concepts of HCCI, PPC and SACI, in the same engine, we can use the best features of them. 

Done right, the AI controlled engine can even be totally fuel agnostic, being capable of using any sustainable fuel without hardware modification. The AI will learn and adapt the realms of the combustion modes and fine tune the performance for each while the engine is operated. Self-tuning, adaptive, control algorithms will be used. 

Deadline : 15 February 2025

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Integrated Direct Air Capture and CO2 Utilization – DTU Energy

This postdoctoral position offers an exciting opportunity for those looking to enhance their career in scientific research within the realm of carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and utilization. By joining our team at DTU Energy, you will be at the forefront of innovative research, contributing to transformative sustainable technologies. This role will allow you to make impactful contributions to environmental solutions while further developing your expertise and advancing your professional trajectory.

In response to growing environmental concerns and the urgent need for decarbonization across all sectors of the economy, the demand for CO2 capture has surged over the past decade. Direct Air Capture (DAC) has emerged as a crucial carbon-negative technology capable of removing CO2 directly from the atmosphere, thereby helping to reduce its concentration. Our goal is to couple a DAC system with electrochemical conversion to directly convert the captured CO2 from air to value-added materials. This integrated approach aims to pioneer a CO2 capture and electrolysis process that reduces overall energy consumption.

In this position, the postdoctoral researcher will be tasked with the conceptual design and optimization of a process that converts CO2 captured directly from the atmosphere into methanol and ethanol. This project will integrate operations by combining DAC with hydrogen production and partial CO2 reduction, employing advanced photochemical and electrochemical technologies. This innovative green approach aims to address several fundamental knowledge gaps while also providing a platform to evaluate its technical performance, economic feasibility, environmental impact, and scalability in real-world applications. By optimizing these interconnected processes, the research will contribute to the development of sustainable solutions for carbon-neutral fuel production and support the transition to a circular economy.

Deadline : 16 February 2025

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Sustainability Indicators and Feasibility of Wind Energy Systems – DTU Wind

Would you like to become part of the solution towards green energy transition, by helping develop the tools and methods for lifecycle sustainability and economic performance modelling? The Society, Markets and Policy section at DTU Wind and Energy Systems is inviting candidates to apply for a Post doc in sustainability indicators and lifecycle cost modelling of next-generation wind turbines, both onshore and offshore.   

We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility. We develop talent by offering a career mentor, state-of-the-art research infrastructure, and postgraduate teacher training.

Deadline : 15 February 2025 

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Wafer-Scale Functional Oxide Thin Films for High-Efficiency Piezoelectric Applications – DTU Energy

The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is offering a postdoctoral research fellowship focused on engineering and characterizing functional oxide thin films for the next generation of high efficiency piezoelectric materials. 

The position is part of the recently funded national Villum project, “Defect-Induced Symmetry Breaking in Centrosymmetric Oxides for High-Efficiency Energy Conversion (SYMTEC).” This project focuses on discovering new piezoelectric oxide thin-film materials compatible with existing silicon technology.

The SYMTEC project aims to provide new directions for developing new piezoelectric materials, which are lead-free and compatible with Si-based CMOS technology. This will be achieved by engineering functional defects in centrosymmetric oxide thin-film materials (e.g., doped ceria), expanding the range of available piezoelectric materials and opening new areas of research.

Deadline : 16 February 2025 

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral research position in Polar satellite altimetry – DTU Space

Are you passionate about satellite altimetry in the polar regions and want to make the observations even better at the same time as you develop your career as a scientist? Do you want to be at the forefront of the upcoming CRISTAL mission by contributing to the development of the in-flight validation plan over sea ice and land ice? 

We are looking for a motivated Postdoc to join our Cryosphere research group within the Geodesy and Earth Observation (GEO) division. You will be working with reference observations from multiple techniques including other altimetry missions (e.g., Sentinel-6, Sentinel-3, CryoSat-2, SWOT), airborne and in situ observations. You will work closely together with a team of international experts and be at the forefront leading efforts in developing and refining validation strategies that will directly contribute to the success of the Copernicus Expansion Mission (CEM) – CRISTAL – and seek synergies with other upcoming polar CEMs, such as CIMR and ROSE-L. You will further play an essential role in advancing research on multi-frequency altimetry focused on targeting key areas both on sea and land, e.g., fjords, marginal ice zones icebergs, floating and grounded ice sheet margins.

The position will be anchored in the Cryosphere research group within the Geodesy and Earth observation division at DTU Space, where we intensely focus on cryosphere changes, from Earth Observations, airborne and in-situ campaigns. We are currently active in several national and international projects where we work on developing, implementing, and validating methods for using satellite data to map the recent and current changes in the Earth’s cryosphere. Here, we can mention Sentinel-3 Misson performance Cluster, CRISTAL IN-PROVA, and further Sentinel-3 topography mission Assessment through reference techniques Follow-on (St3TART-FO), CRISTAL airborne demonstrator (CRISTALair) and CryoSat Validation Experiment (CryoVEx) airborne campaigns in which we contribute with expertise in satellite altimetry validation in polar regions and is at the forefront in defining the framework of Fiducial Reference Measurements. Furthermore, we have extensive experience conducting field campaigns in the polar regions. As a young, dynamic group, we pride ourselves on fostering a supportive environment that values collaboration, personal growth, and work-life balance, ensuring that everyone can thrive both personally and professionally.

Deadline : 12 February 2025

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(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in AI Driven Medical Image Analysis of Atherosclerosis – DTU Compute

We are seeking a highly motivated and innovative postdoctoral researcher with a strong background in computer science and a keen interest in the application of AI in medical imaging, specifically cardiac CT analysis. As a postdoctoral researcher, you will have the opportunity to work with a collaborative team of experts in both computer science and cardiology, contributing to cutting-edge developments in the application of AI in cardiac imaging.

The research group includes researchers from DTU Compute and at the Heart Centre at Rigshospitalet. From the computational side, our main research interests are 3D data representations (meshes, implicit descriptions and other descriptors), latent space manipulations (deep metric learning etc), geometric deep learning, multi-modal learning and deep reinforcement learning. From the clinical side, we aim at discovering new or unexplored image biomarkers that can add to the existing patient stratification for major cardiovascular diseases. In addition to our offices at DTU Compute, we have an office and access to GPU computers at the hospital where we can work on the large databases of CT scans they have there.

Deadline : 14 February 2025

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About Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark – Official Website

The Technical University of Denmark, often simply referred to as DTU, is a university in the town Kongens Lyngby, 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) north of central Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded in 1829 at the initiative of Hans Christian Ørsted as Denmark’s first polytechnic, and it is today ranked among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.

Along with École Polytechnique in Paris, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Eindhoven University of Technology, Technical University of Munich and Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, DTU is a member of EuroTech Universities Alliance.


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