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17 Postdoctoral Fellowship at NTNU, Norway

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NTNU, Norway invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in peace and conflict research

We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow in political science for a period of two years, three years if teaching obligations is included for the position. The position is connected to the Department’s research on peace and conflict, and is designed to strengthen the research group in the area of understanding the onset, dynamics, and outcomes of violent and/or nonviolent forms of conflict.

Deadline : 31st August 2022

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Learning-Based Model Predictive Control

The position will be in collaboration with a group of very active PhD students, already incorporating another postdoc. You will have the occasion to work on exciting theoretical work in the context of Model Predictive Control and Data-based Learning, and to approach exciting applications such as mobile robotics, smart buildings, and energy storage. Collaborations within the department, with other departments and abroad will be encouraged. 

Deadline : 31st August 2022

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellowship in occupational and organizational psychology

H-WORK investigates multi-level interventions to promote good mental health among employees in small and medium-sized enterprises and public organisations in Europe. The project is funded by the EU and is an international collaborative project with 14 partners from 9 different countries. Through H-WORK, both qualitative and quantitative data have been collected related to the evaluation of multilevel interventions for mental challenges in Europe. In addition, data related to challenges related to COVID-19 have been collected directly, but also through conducting extensive organizational intervention during the pandemic. The PhD candidate will be part of an international research environment, with researchers in the forefront in Europe on occupational health and intervention research.

Deadline : 30th August 2022

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory

We are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellow to join the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory (CNL) at NTNU. CNL is headed by associate professor Alexander Olsen and focuses on investigating the consequences of brain injury and disease as well as the effects of treatment and neurorehabilitation by combining advanced neuroimaging techniques with wearable sensor technologies, neurocognitive assessments, and clinical measures.

Deadline : 30th August 2022

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher within reactor technology

In this project the candidate will use an existing experimental facility to perform investigations on single drop and single bubble breakage by use of the image analysis technique. To understand the different breakage mechanisms, fluid particles with different properties (e.g., viscosity, density, size, etc) and system properties like interface tension will be analyzed. At least 3-4 different oils with different properties should be evaluated and a comparison with bubble breakage mechanisms should be performed. These data will be used for improved understanding of the phenomena and for model development.  Software for the image analysis has been developed in previous work. Development of improved and faster analysis by use of Machine Learning might be an option.  

Deadline : 15th August 2022

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoktor i nordisk litteraturvitenskap

Ved Institutt for språk og litteratur (ISL) er det ledig stilling som postdoktor i nordisk litteraturvitenskap tilknyttet forskningsprosjektet ImagiNation 1814–1905 Den utlyste stillingen er tilknyttet seksjon for nordisk ved Institutt for språk og litteratur. Stillingen er 2-årig og tilknyttet forskningsprosjektet ImagiNation 1814–1905. Prosjektet startet i januar 2022.

Deadline : 15. august 2022

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Software Engineering/Software Development Competencies in IT Education

We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow in software engineering/software development competencies in IT education at the Department of Computer Science. The position is linked to the Excited Centre for Excellent IT Education (Excited). The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. 

Deadline : 15th August 2022

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc within Computer Vision methods for real-time classification of microfluidic droplets

( at Department of Chemical Engineering ( has a vacant 32 months Postdoctoral position within development of Computer Vision methods for real-time detection and classification of microfluidic generated droplets, bubbles and solids. The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.  

Deadline : 15th August 2022

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Political Science “Citizen Responses to European Union Communication”

At the Department of Sociology and Political Science (ISS), NTNU Trondheim there is a vacant temporary position as Postdoctoral Fellow in political science for a period of three years, with 67% research and 33% teaching obligation. The position is connected to the research group Elections, Values, and Political Communication The position is intended to engage in a research project on “Citizen Responses to European Union Communication”. European Union (EU) institutions are acutely aware that their legitimacy is precarious. Many citizens are skeptical toward the EU and oppose membership. EU institutions therefore invest a lot of resources into communication. Through communicative authority exercise, they try to bolster the EU’s legitimacy in the eyes of its citizens. The EU sends out daily press releases, reports to specific sectoral stake holders, its officials travel to all member states to engage with citizens, and every major EU institution and official has their own social media accounts, to reach out to citizens directly.

Deadline : 10th August 2022

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Distributed Data Processing and Inference in Emerging IoT and Wireless Systems

The position is linked to the project Resource-aware IoT with Enhanced Intelligence and Security, funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project deals with big data, the internet of things (IoT), and artificial intelligence as critical enablers of digital transformation. In particular, big data analytics allow us to discover hidden connections between seemingly unrelated things. However, running machine-learning-based analytics on a single central processor is often impractical due to the sheer scale of big data. In addition, in the emerging paradigm of the internet of things (IoT), large volumes of data are constantly gathered by numerous sensors and devices, which are often geographically dispersed or mobile to make matters even more challenging. This makes concentrating the data at a central processing hub unfeasible due to constraints on the energy budgets of the sensors, integrity of data holders, and the capacity of the communication channels. Thus, robust data processing over networks of machines/agents is essential for performing big-data analytics in future IoT-based applications. Consequently, the project’s main objectives are developing and analyzing robust resource-efficient machine learning algorithms for inference and decision-making in emerging wireless systems.

Deadline : 7th August 2022

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in music and arts, community and wellbeing

At the Department for Teacher Education, NTNU We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow in Music and arts, community and wellbeing related to the project ‘Universitetskulturskole’ – UniKuP.  The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.  The position is related to work package 3 (No: helsekulturpedagogen) in the UniKuP-project, which is situated within the cross disciplinary fields between music, arts, community and wellbeing. The postdoctoral work could potentially diversify how the music and arts relationship with community and health can be viewed and understood, and provide various approaches to research and practices in this area.

Deadline : 5th August 2022

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher within drop and particle transport using microfluidic methods

The Department of Chemical Engineering has a vacancy for a one year Researcher position for investigations of co-flowing particles and droplets in porous media using microfluidic and advanced image analysis methods.

Deadline : 1st August 2022

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowin risk-based approaches for sustainability development and cost reduction of hydrogen fuelling stations

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.   Hydrogen can be fully clean when it is produced by other green energies. It is used to store energy from these renewables, like solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind, whose availability is not always well matched with demand. To be sustainable, hydrogen must be safe and stably accessible, both technologically and financially. Public awareness and cost are other critical issues affected by uncertainties. This Postdoctoral Fellowship is part of the SUSHy project on “sustainability development and cost-reduction of hybrid renewable energies powered hydrogen stations by risk-based multidisciplinary approaches”, involving internationally renowned institutions across Europe and Japan. The project is expected to develop risk-based approaches to reduce overconservative expensive design, while ensuring safety, sustainability, and efficiency of hydrogen fuelling stations.

Deadline : 1st August 2022

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position within Food Safety in Hydroponic production of Lettuce

We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral position within Food Safety at the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, one of eight departments at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The position is a part of the project “Hydroponic Plant Cultivation on a Lunar Base Using Nutrient Sources from Human Waste”. The project is financed by The Norwegian Research Council as a researcher project for scientific renewal No 325249 – FORSKER21 where Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space (CIRiS), a department of NTNU Social Research is the project owner. For more information on CIRIS, or

Deadline : 1st August 2022

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow within process optimization, conceptual design, process modelling

We have a vacancy for 2 years at The Department of Chemical Engineering. The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

Deadline : 31st July 2022

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow position in Energy Systems Modelling

There is a temporary position available at the Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management (IØT) as Postdoctoral Fellow for a period of 3 years. The position is resident at NTNU’s campus in Trondheim, Norway. The position is connected to the Managerial Economics, Finance and Operations Research group at the Department of Industrial Economics, and Technology Management and the Faculty of Economics and Management will be your employer.

Deadline : 31st July 2022

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Resilient Robotic Autonomy

The position is with the Autonomous Robots Lab of NTNU and focuses on fundamental and applied research in the domain of resilient robotic perception and spatial intelligence in fully or partially GPS/GNSS-denied and possibly visually-degraded environments. Topics of priority include – but are not limited to – research in a) Simultaneous Localization And Mapping in cluttered and obscurants-filled environments with challenging light conditions b) environment representations that can facilitate agile and safe motion and path planning for Micro Aerial Vehicles, as well as c) data-driven policy learning for safe navigation.

Deadline : 29th July 2022

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About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology  is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.

NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.





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