13 Postdoctoral Position at Chalmers University of Technology,
(01) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: The King group is now recruiting a postdoc/researcher to help develop and run “Genesis”, where we will employ the yeast S. cerevisiae and the unique experimental tools available with this organism, to demonstrate how systems biology research can be moved to a new level. The successful candidate will play a key role in running and maintaining the existing Robot Scientist “Eve” and in building, running and maintaining “Genesis”.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 4 April 2021
(02) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Postdoc in Extraction and modification of arabinoxylan to achieve thermoplasticity
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 30 March, 2021
(03) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: This postdoc position is part of a large ongoing project in the group, funded by an ERC consolidator grant, where we study interactions between DNA and proteins. We are particularly interested in understanding how proteins interact with DNA ends, which is crucial in repair of DNA double strand breaks for instance. We are also very interested in exploring new areas, where our novel single-molecule nanofluidics method could potentially provide important insights into biological systems. As the project combines both fundamental research on biomolecular interactions and development of nanofluidics as a novel single-molecule tool for such studies, candidates with a versatile competence profile are highly desirable. We combine traditional biophysics and biochemistry techniques, such as SPR and EMSA, with single molecule analysis, trying to better understand the intriguing and unknown details of DNA repair. We are experts in studying DNA-protein interactions on the single-molecule level in nanofluidic channels and are looking for a strong addition to the group, who will bring broad knowledge and expertise in DNA-protein biophysics.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 1 April 2021
(04) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: The postdoctoral position’s field of research falls within the fields of Innovation Studies, and Innovation & Sustainability Transitions, with a focus on actors and policies inducing the large-scale diffusion of solar PV technology. More specifically, it is part of a research project focusing on municipal energy and climate advisors and their roles in facilitating the adoption of solar PV in Sweden, as well as in accelerating the transition to a sustainable energy system as a whole.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 1 April, 2021
(05) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: Development of novel quantum computing techniques for the investigation of chemical processes that show unfavorable scaling on classical computers such as the electronic structure problems of strongly correlated species, and chemical reactivity. Development of electronic structure analysis tools for chemistry studied on quantum computers.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 31 March, 2021
(06) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: As a Postdoc at the Division of Energy Technology you are an important part of the conduction of the experimental research in combustion and gasification processes, with the general aim to optimize and reduce environmental impact of industrial processes for thermochemical conversion. You are expected to lead and coordinate the experimental research as well as reporting the results in scientific journals and on conferences. The experimental research is conducted in our three labs, located in our facilities on the Chalmers Campus. You will be part of the combustion and gasification team working in the Chalmers Power Plant, which including one industrial scale CFB unit, one multi fuel boiler (under construction), two pilot scale combustion units and several small scale apparatus.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 25 March, 2021
(07) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: As a post-doc in this project you will work on the development and application of x-ray based imaging and scattering techniques towards hierarchical and heterogeneous materials. In particular the project targets materials derived from wood for a wide range of applications, from energy to health. The project will be coupled to the Wallenberg Wood Science Centre and to the MAX IV facility, specifically the ForMAX beamline. The work will involve development and application of primarily SAXS based scattering and imaging techniques, but also development of analysis tools and sample environments aiming towards in-situ studies.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 25th March, 2021
(08) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: The position is with the Automatic Control group in the Division of Systems and Control. The candidate will work under the supervision of senior researchers with background in robotics, machine learning, automatic control and optimization within the Division of Systems and Control. The group is involved in many research projects carried out in collaboration with other research groups, institutes and industry. In this project, we will study how intelligent behavior can be achieved through the interaction of an embodied AI agent with its environment and based on its sensorimotor experience. We will focus on building robust systems that can accomplish complex grasping and manipulation tasks in human-inhabited environments, such as mobile manipulation, bi-manual manipulation and collaborative assembly. The position is for two years (initially one-year contract that can be extended up to two years).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 15 March, 2021
(09) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: The postdoc work forms a part of an EU H2020 project addressing aircraft noise reduction with particular focus on airframe noise mitigation by means of innovative designs and noise-control technologies. Dedicated effort is required to achieve noise reduction based on CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) and CAA (Computational Aero-acoustics).
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 31 March, 2021
(10) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: All engineered quantum circuits suffer from parameter drift/fluctuations and the associated decoherence. These detrimental effects are known to stem from coupling to environmental two-level fluctuators (TLF), associated with spurious material defects, and present a major impediment to the construction of a large-scale superconducting quantum computer. Although great progress was made in the last decade towards understanding the decoherence mechanisms [Burnett2019], the material nature of environmental fluctuators still remains unknown. Existing TLF theory is essentially phenomenological, and as such, it could not serve as a guide to an informed noise reduction strategy. The ultimate goal of this project is to advance from a phenomenological model for glassy TLF media to a full microscopic description by direct measurements of the key TLF parameters: switching energy, TLF—TLF interaction energy, and dipole momentum.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 22 March, 2021
(11) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: As a PostDoc with us at GARD you will be involved in development projects aiming to achieve ultra-wideband RF and IF performance components for next generation receivers for APEX, ALMA, and EHT.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 21 March, 2021
(12) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: This project will investigate an emerging technology called microresonator frequency comb (or microcomb). A microcomb has the astonishing property of generating hundreds of optical frequencies in a microphotonic chip when illuminated with a single-frequency laser and is a strong contender for wavelength division multiplexing. This project envisions entering a new era in optical communications, where the phase coherence of microcombs is fully capitalized for realizing multidimensional signal processing architectures in the field of fiber-optic communications. The project is partly financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 31 March, 2021
(13) Postdoctoral Position
Postdoctoral position summary/title: The research in the group of Wittung-Stafshede focuses on questions regarding amyloid formation and its modulation, as well as mechanisms for how metal ions are delivered to metal-dependent enzymes by specific metal-transport proteins. In most studies, recombinant proteins are probed by biophysical methods such as circular dichroism, linear dichroism, fluorescence, stopped-flow mixing, Biacore, microscopy and calorimetry in combination with biochemical experiments and activity assays. Most of our target proteins are prepared by E coli over-expression, but some current work also involves in-cell work, such as in cancer and neuronal cells.
Deadline of Postdoc Position: 15 March 2021
About University
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company.
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