Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Valuing and co-creating green adaptation measures for climate extremes
Severe floods and droughts are becoming increasingly common in Europe, with detrimental consequences for society and our ecosystems. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are crucial to ensure that our society and nature remain safe from water problems, and that we can adapt to the changing climate. However, there is still uncertainty about the effectiveness, costs, and trade-offs of NbS under extreme climate conditions.
At the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), we are searching for a postdoctoral researcher with an environmental economics and governance background to join our team and work on a new project called “Green adaptation pathways for a resilient future for river basins under increasing extreme floods and droughts”. The project focuses on three tributaries (Dora Baltea, Geul, Erft) that are subject to floods and droughts. The aim of the project is to work with stakeholders in these rivers to devise new ways to deal with floods and drought. Through a participatory approach, investigation of current and future risks, and evaluation of NbS, the postdoctoral researcher will contribute to achieve effective policy and management of risks and adaptation to these climate extremes.
Deadline : 16-2-2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc in Gene-Environment Interplay in Children’s Educational Development
We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled researcher to join our team on the TwinWise project.
You will work closely with the project leader, Dr Elsje van Bergen, as well as with Dr Bruno Sauce (both Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Dr Abe Hofman (Psychological Methods, University of Amsterdam, and the company Prowise Learn), and other team members. This research line, including this currently offered position, is funded by an ERC, a VIDI, and a Norwegian grant.
Deadline : 9-2-2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in the Governance of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technologies
Deadline : 18-2-2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post doc position on inclusion of norms and values in economic modelling
In mainstream economic models, consumers maximize utility subject to a monetary budget constraint. However, as is well-known, people are affected by much more than monetary constraints. Hence, this research aims to broaden the scope of welfare economic models to include non-monetary and non-material “circumstances”, which may be constraints or opportunities. This will allow to represent interactions between people based on norms and values in addition to those based on anonymous market transactions. The framework could then be used to balance policies aimed at empowering vulnerable groups with preserving social fabric. The aim is to show that standard welfare economic models are a special case of the general framework. Expected scientific output include a literature review on norms and values in economics, and extended welfare model paper (submitted to peer reviewed journal), a second theoretical paper, extending framework to dynamic setting (submitted to peer reviewed journal). Cooperation with a PhD student and another Post Doc researcher focusing on empirical applications may lead to additional output.
Deadline : 16-2-2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral fellow in Stress Research
You will be part of the Data Infrastructure Support Core, where besides project-management, your task is to create an inventory of the existing data collected during daily life settings within various large national cohorts (e.g. arising from the Rotterdam Study, Generation R, LifeLines, NESDA and Netherlands Twin Register studies) and to annotate these data for future re-use in the consortium. Stress-in-Action core applicants performed ambulatory assessment studies that collected relevant data on stress exposures, stress responses (emotional, cognitive, physiological and behavioural), disease outcomes, and potential confounders/moderators in these cohorts (at current count, N > 8000). A further task is take the lead in harmonization of (EMA and actigraphy) of these data , exploiting the substantial overlap in primary sensors and smartphone-based self-report items used. This will involve consultation and collaboration with various consortium members.
Deadline : 2-2-2024
Click here for “Postdoc Application Cover Letter Template”
Click here to know “How to write a Postdoc Job Application or Email”
About The Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website
The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a public research university in Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded in 1880, and consistently ranks among the top 150 universities in the world by major ranking tables. The VU is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The literal translation of the Dutch name Vrije Universiteit is “Free University”. “Free” refers to independence of the university from both the State and the Dutch Reformed Church. Both within and outside the university, the institution is commonly referred to as “the VU”. Although founded as a private institution, the VU has received government funding on a parity basis with public universities since 1970. The university is located on a compact urban campus in the southern Buitenveldert neighbourhood of Amsterdam and adjacent to the modern Zuidas business district.
In 2014, the VU had 23,656 registered students, most of whom were full-time students. That year, the university had 2,263 faculty members and researchers, and 1,410 administrative, clerical and technical employees, based on FTE units. The university’s annual endowment for 2014 was circa €480 million. About three quarters of this endowment is government funding; the remainder is made up of tuition fees, research grants, and private funding.
The official university seal is entitled The Virgin in the Garden. Personally chosen by Abraham Kuyper, the Reformed-Protestant leader and founder of the university, it depicts a virgin living in freedom in a garden while pointing towards God, referring to the Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th century. In 1990, the university adopted the mythical griffin as its common emblem.
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