University of Southern Denmark, Denmark invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Moulds Manufacturing and Circular Economy
The research is a part-project in the MADE research platform. The vision is to design an architecture for a data-driven approach to map the end-of-life opportunities for moulds manufacturing. A such data-driven support tool aims to enable operators to inspect how the factory is performing on circularity perspectives, such as science-based targets (scope 3) to support a manufacturer in reducing their material CO2 footprint – including reuse, recycling and design for disassembly.
Deadline : 02.01.2024.
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Computational Design and Large-scale 3D Printing
SDU CREATE specialises in experimental investigations of cutting-edge computational techniques and fabrication technology for designing and constructing a sustainable built environment. The successful applicant for this position will primarily engage in the PhD project “3D printed artificial reefs for climate neutrality” which aims to develop solutions and expertise in designing and 3D printing artificial reefs to enhance marine biodiversity and combat climate change. The selected candidate will work across the following research areas within SDU CREATE include:
- Bio-Inspired computational design
- Performance-based design through simulation
- Experimental fabrication with robotic large-scale Additive Manufacturing
Deadline : 01/03/2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in New Generation of Vertical Power GaN Devices to address current challenges
We are looking for a motivated candidate for a Ph.D. in “New Generation of Vertical Power GaN Devices to address current challenges”. This project is a research-industrial project which in the candidate will pursue vertical device technologies to tackle challenges for power electronic applications (Renewable energies, electric vehicles, and industrial). For designing this vertical GaN transistor, industry requirements and goals should be the priority. The position aims to design, develop, and characterize vertical GaN devices for our industry partnership.
Deadline : 03/01/2024,
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Computer Science (Data Mining and Machine Learning)
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Campus Odense, invites applications for one PhD candidate position in Computer Science, fully funded by a major research project from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF). The successful applicants would become part of the Data Science & Statistics section at the department.
The successful candidate will be based in Odense, under the primary supervision of Prof. Ricardo J. G. B. Campello, but they will be expected to also work closely with collaborators both from SDU (including postdocs to be hired on the project) as well as abroad. In particular, the project involves a formal collaboration with the Institute for Computational Genomics at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Research visits to our research partner in Aachen are expected to take place for specialized training.
Deadline : 02/02/2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions in Quantum Mathematics
We are seeking highly motivated students interested in various areas of pure mathematics or theoretical physics, e.g. algebra, algebraic geometry, differential geometry, algebraic topology, complex geometry, quantum topology, geometric analysis, operator algebra, number theory, quantum field theory, string theory or mathematical physics, but also within the field of applications of pure mathematics in the study of biology, in particular macro-molecular folding, in big data analysis and in quantum computing.
Deadline : 1 March 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Socio-Technical Transition for a Circular Diaper System
Around 500 million single-use diapers are used every year in Denmark, corresponding to 50-100.000 tons of diaper waste, of which 10-15.000 tons is plastic waste (including plastic fibers). Diaper consumption is responsible for around 100,000 tons CO2eq. emissions from production and disposal.
Despite the existence of technical solutions, such as hybrid diapers (which include a reusable chassis and single-use inserts), their use in both public/private care institution and households remains insignificant. Furthermore, their sustainability related advantages to single-use is largely unsubstantiated, and demonstration of viable circular systems, including supporting logistics and treatment, is mostly missing.
Taking a multidisciplinary and cross-sector approach, Blesystem2030 pairs technical innovation and circular system demonstration with a deep understanding of care practice, as well as socio-cultural barriers to adoption. The project will validate systemic environmental and socio-economic sustainability and develop and communicate the socio-technical framework for wider societal adoption.
Deadline : 25.12.2023.
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: A PhD Position in Law Working with Mis- and Disinformation of Children
The responsibilities of the PhD fellow at the Department of Law for this call include the following tasks:
- Writing a PhD thesis on Human Rights law, specifically regarding children’s right to democratic agency as described below.
- Being a part of an interdisciplinary research team, actively contributing to discussions and communicating the legal research to other fields of academia.
- Undertaking some teaching within the context of the fellowship.
- Supervising bachelor and master’s students for their theses.
- Taking part in various knowledge exchange activities both inside and outside the university.
- Building relations to and cooperate with external stakeholders.
- Undertaking administrative tasks related to research and teaching.
Deadline : 01/03/2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.d.-stilling: En økologisk-kognitiv tilgang til børn og unges læse- og læringsprocesser
Ph.d.-projektet skal undersøge 9-14-åriges (DRs Ultra-målgruppe) læse- og læringsprocesser i forskellige kontekster, inklusive hjemmet, skolerne og skolerelaterede aktiviteter i andre kontekster, fx på biblioteker. Ved hjælp af en etnografisk og kvalitativ tilgang vil den ph.d.-studerende følge børnene i læserummene og under læseaktiviteterne. Projektet skal udføre økologisk-kognitive analyser af læsning i hjemmet og andre sammenhænge, hvor DRs produkter, figurer, koncepter og universer spiller en rolle. Projektet har et dobbelt formål. På den ene side skal analyserne bidrage til en dybere forståelse af læring og læsning på tværs af kontekster. På den anden side de hjælpe med at kvalificere DRs forståelse af børn og unges læseprocesser, og som en konsekvens tilpasse deres produktportefølje og programmer i forhold til den forskningsbaserede viden. Resultaterne fra projektet vil have relevans for både forskningen og praksis og kan potentielt bidrage til at øge børns læselyst, da læremidler kan udvikles på baggrund af de empiriske resultater.
Deadline : 09.01.2024
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About University of Southern Denmark, Denmark –Official Website
The University of Southern Denmark is a university in Denmark that has campuses located in Southern Denmark and on Zealand.
The university offers a number of joint programmes in co-operation with the University of Flensburg and the University of Kiel. Contacts with regional industries and the international scientific community are strong.
With its 29,674 enrolled students (as of 2016), the university is both the third-largest and, given its roots in Odense University, the third-oldest Danish university (fourth if one includes the Technical University of Denmark). Since the introduction of the ranking systems in 2012, the University of Southern Denmark has consistently been ranked as one of the top 50 young universities in the world by both the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of the Top 100 Universities Under 50 and the QS World University Rankings of the Top 50 Universities Under 50.
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