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08 Postdoctoral Fellowship at NTNU, Norway

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NTNU, Norway invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at NTNU, Norway.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title:  Postdoctoral fellow in Zero Emission Silicon and Manganese production through electrowinning, ZeSiM

The PD for this particular position will by using several electrochemical methods study the deposition of liquid manganese and/or an liquid manganese-iron alloy in a molten oxide based on SiO2 and CaO with elements of MgO and Al2O3, all natural constituents of the Mn ore. The effects of electrolyte composition, operating temperature, current density, and electrode material on the Mn/FeMn electrodeposition kinetics, current efficiency, as well as the composition and purity of the deposited metal. Also, the the kinetics and electrode processes of an inert oxygen evolving anode in addition to the effects of the corresponding oxidizing atmosphere on the current efficiency, will be studied.

The PD will plan and conduct experiments and analyse results according to the project objectives with support from the supervisors and the larger project team. Information about the Electrochemistry group at DMSE can be found here. The results of the project are expected to be published in scientific journals and at national/international conferences as well as presented to research partners in the ZeSiM project.

Deadline : 8th April 2024

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow position for smart algorithms for railway track

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellow position for smart algorithms for railway track health monitoring, issue warning and optimize maintenance routine using measured data from a train in regular traffic and train-track dynamic modelling tool.

NTNU is collaborating with the Norwegian Railway Directorate on challenging engineering projects for our future railway systems. This collaboration involves continuous monitoring and evaluation of railway infrastructures’ status. Utilizing measuring system on the train, data from passenger trains in regular service will be recorded and analysed for multiple purposes. The focus of this position is to explore the recorded train data and employ train-track dynamic modelling (using Multibody Simulation Software) to develop smart algorithms. These algorithms will provide information about the condition of the railway infrastructure and establish smart routines to warn of and maintain it effectively.

Currently, railway track conditions are monitored either manually or through dedicated measurement cars. However, these methods have a significant drawback: track conditions are assessed infrequently, leaving the track vulnerable to issues that may arise between measurements. This project aims to address this challenge by leveraging data collected from regular trains in traffic.

Deadline : 5th April 2024

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdocs / PhDs

The Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience is part of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at NTNU. It was established as a Centre of Excellence in 2002, again in 2012 and again in 2023 which has never happened before in Norway. It was designated as a Kavli Foundation Institute in 2007. Work in the Moser group was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2014. The scientific goal of the Institute and the two research groups is to understand neural circuits and systems in the cortex and to identify neural-population mechanisms underlying high-level cognitive functions (

The focus of the Moser group is on mechanisms for space, time and memory coding in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex in the adult and developing brain. With the introduction of new technologies for high-resolution neural population recording (Neuropixels and two-photon miniscope imaging), the group has shifted its interests towards large-scale neural network computation in interacting neural circuits. Experimental studies are guided by computational models of neural network function, and investigators work closely with theoretical partners. The group has an extensive world-wide network of collaborators to reach its objectives.

Dr. Zong established his group at the Kavli Institute in 2023, focusing on developing cutting-edge optical tools to monitor and manipulate neural activity in naturally-behaving animals to understand the neuronal computation rulesets in cortical microcircuits. Dr. Zong’s recent achievement includes the development of a miniature portable 2-photon miniscope (MINI2P) for high-resolution multiplane imaging of thousands of neurons in the cortical tissue of freely-moving mice (W. Zong et al., Cell, 2022).

Deadline : 1st April 2024

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Statistical Ecology

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

The post will be part of a Horizon EU project (, to integrate Observation, Mapping, Monitoring and Prediction processes for coastal biodiversity. The post-doc will develop the statistical models to integrate different data streams to model and predict coastal biodiversity. These models will be used in collaboration with other members of the project to produce maps and predictions in our different case study regions (including the North, Mediterranean, and Black Seas).

The approach we have developed to carry this out is based on hierarchical statistical models (, but we will look at how we can integrate this with AI/ML methods.

Deadline :31st March 2024

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Transformation

We have a vacancy for a postdoc position of 2 years, or 3 years including teaching duties.

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions.

The position is part of the Digital Enterprise research area at the faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Relevant research fields in the Digital Enterprise area are Information Systems, Informatics, Computer Science, Computer- Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer-Interaction, Digital Economy, and related fields.

The Digital Enterprise is a cross-disciplinary research and teaching area focused on developing top-class knowledge on the characteristics and challenges of digitalization in public and private organizations. It is grounded on a sociotechnical and holistic perspective on the use of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. Our current projects and collaborations have an Artificial Intelligence and/or Regulation emphasis.

Deadline : 31st March 2024

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in political science/international relations: LEGACIES project

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. The postdoctoral fellow is expected to contribute to the overall objectives of the LEGACIES project by producing research work in this area, actively contributing to the analysis and management of data, and contributing to the production and publication of research work associated with the LEGACIES project. Candidates with a strong substantive background in comparative politics, peace and conflict studies, and/or international relations and a strong background and training in quantitative research methods and data management, potentially including the analysis of spatial data, will be considered advantageous.  

Deadline : 18th March 2024

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow position in Secure AI Agent for Homecare Services Management

The Postdoctoral Researcher is expected to investigate into the real-life challenges for patients to manage healthcare services they receive, typically under a comorbid situation, and construct a large-language-model based AI agent that are efficient, safe / trustworthy, secure, and privacy-preserving in day-to-day management of healthcare services in a home environment, in connection and coordination with other parties (hospital, municipality, paramedics, etc.). This research will focus on the AI agent’s trustworthiness, security, and privacy aspects, including investigation and demonstration of  

(1) the safety and trustworthiness of the AI agent and its connected system in a homecare scenario; 
(2) health information protection and patient privacy protection; and 
(3) the reliability of security and privacy policy management assisted by such an AI agent. 

Deadline : 15th March 2024

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoktor Digi-FrailCare

Med en økende andel eldre i befolkningen, er det et stort behov for bærekraftige helsetjenester for eldre med risiko for skrøpelighet eller som er skrøpelige. Skrøpelighet en kompleks tilstand preget av en kumulativ nedgang på tvers av flere fysiologiske kroppssystemer, med økt sårbarhet for uønskede helseutfall og død. Prosjektet har som mål å bruke digitaliserte helsedata for å forbedre helsetjenester til målgruppen og samt å bedre samhandlingen mellom helsepersonell. 

Prosjektet er finansiert av NTNU Helse og gjennomføres som et samarbeid mellom tre ulike fakulteter ved NTNU og Trondheim kommune. Tre PhD-stipendiater og en postdoktor vil jobbe sammen i en tverrfaglig prosjektgruppe og veilederteam for å nå målene for prosjektet.

Dette vil bli gjort på et medisinsk, et teknisk og et samfunnsvitenskapelig ekspertisenivå fra de tre respektive doktorgradene og deres fakultetstilknytning, med en tverrfaglig fokusert postdoktor for å integrere funnene på tvers av disipliner. Prosjektet vil påvirke fremtidige tverrfaglige arbeidsmodeller for skrøpelighet for å forbedre helse og funksjon hos eldre mennesker, som et ledd i å utvikle fremtidige bærekraftige helsetjenester.

Deadline : 13. mars 2024

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About NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway- Official Website

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology  is a public research university in Norway with the main campus in Trondheim and smaller campuses in Gjøvik and Ålesund. The largest university in Norway, NTNU has over 8,000 employees and over 40,000 students. NTNU in its current form was established by the King-in-Council in 1996 by the merger of the former University of Trondheim and other university-level institutions, with roots dating back to 1760, and has later also incorporated some former university colleges. NTNU is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually in the 101–500 range depending on ranking.

NTNU has the main national responsibility for education and research in engineering and technology, and is the successor of Norway’s preeminent engineering university, the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), established by Parliament in 1910 as Norway’s national engineering university. In addition to engineering and natural sciences, the university offers higher education in other academic disciplines ranging from medicine, psychology, social sciences, the arts, teacher education, architecture and fine art. NTNU is well known for its close collaboration with industry, and particularly with its R&D partner SINTEF, which provided it with the biggest industrial link among all the technical universities in the world. The university’s academics include three Nobel laureates in medicine, Edvard Moser, May-Britt Moser and John O’Keefe.


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