University of Stavanger, Norway invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Stavanger, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellowship in Carbon Capture and Gas Separation Technology
The PhD Fellow will be affiliated with the following project: “New Porous Liquids for Gas Separation and Carbon Capture”. It is a cross-disciplinary project between physics, organic chemistry, material science and chemical engineering where we will develop new materials based on pillararenes for use in CO2-capture and other gas separation applications In the research project, we will synthesize, model, characterize and optimize pillararene materials for carbon capture and gas separation applications. The PhD fellow will study pillararenes based systems for their performance in static and dynamic adsorption/absorption systems, providing data on capacity, kinetics, and specificity in competition with other gases, e.g. nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, etc. This will provide a realistic view of the impact that these materials could have on carbon capture applications.
Deadline : 6th September 2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Fellow in Artistic Research: Jazz and Improvised Music
As an applicant, you must prepare a preliminary project proposal that involves innovative practices in improvisation or artistic projects in combination with improvisation in one form or another. The proposal must contain the main goals of the artistic work in addition to a plan for activities and artistic projects will be appropriate for the stipulated goals.
Deadline : 4th September 2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D Fellow in Artistic Research: Contemporary Dance
We are looking for a dancer who wants to explore innovative practices through his/her own artistic work. It is up to the candidate to design a project description related to innovative practices in dance, or, alternatively artistic projects which include dance practices in one way or another. The project description must contain the main goals of the artistic work, in addition to a plan for activities and artistic projects that will be appropriate for the stipulated goals.
Deadline : 4th September 2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NCS2030 – PhD Fellowship in Robust reservoir management for safe and efficient CO2/H2 utilization and storage
This PhD project addresses several important topics. The energy transition requires that fossil fuel CO2 emissions are captured and safely stored. Hydrogen is an environmentally friendly energy carrier but requires large storage space which can be enabled in the subsurface. Both storage processes depend on the geological structure, integrity and flow properties and the interaction between the injectant and reservoir rock and fluids which may be uncertain. Accounting for the available information and its uncertainty allows making better decisions. Optimization can reveal the best long term strategies for safe injection and storage. Data assimilation (updating the models as information becomes available) allows us to revise these strategies. Some challenges this project may address are the computational expensive optimization, which can be assisted by machine learning. Further, having access to a knowledge cloud with structured data from the relevant and analog fields can improve our (initial) decision making and our ability to detect abnormal events such as leakage and alterations of the porous medium.
Deadline : 31st August 2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NCS2030 – PhD Fellowship in Reservoir Engineering/Physical Chemistry
NCS2030 ( is a national research centre funded by the National Research Council of Norway, industry and research partners. The main goal of the centre is to facilitate an energy-efficient, multi-purpose utilization of the Norwegian Continental Shelf subsurface in the transition to a “Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain”. An important part of this is to educate tomorrow’s energy experts. The energy sector requires geoscientists who understand the importance of transitioning to a sustainable energy mix. NCS2030 will contribute with leading edge research for both cost and energy-efficient Net Zero Emission oil and gas production, and utilization of reservoirs for renewable energy production and storage of CO2.
Deadline : 31st August 2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NCS2030 – PhD Fellowship in Debiasing of Probabilistic Forecasts
The PhD Fellow will be affiliated with the following NCS2030 project: Theme: Digitalization. Topic: Digital Subsurface for Improved Decisions. Project: Multi-fidelity models, scenario evaluation and probabilistic forecasts for the digital subsurface. The PhD Fellow will be working in a large team on the topic of digitalization. Digitalization is necessary to build a Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain and make more informed decisions to integrate the knowledge and competence building in the transition to a sustainable energy mix. The PhD project will contribute to methodological advancement in the decision part of a larger digital workflow, and, testing of the developments via a subsurface data platform made available in the project. Methodological developments are expected by developing and extending methods for debiasing probabilistic forecasts, primarily through the use of reference class forecasting.
Deadline : 31st August 2022
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NCS2030 – PhD Fellowship in Reservoir Engineering/Physical Chemistry
The PhD Fellow will be affiliated with the following NCS2030 project: “Net-zero emission production – Tight reservoir solutions”. Substantial hydrocarbon reserves are located in tight reservoirs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). These reservoirs are challenging to produce primarily due to pore heterogeneity, low permeability, and deep locations. Stimulation of the near well region can increase the productivity/injectivity in such reservoirs. Several stimulation methods can be employed but their suitability to NCS need to be evaluated. Waterflooding is used for pressure maintenance, and spontaneous imbibition of water into the oil-containing matrix is important for successful oil mobilization and recovery optimization. Can optimized injection water also be used for improved stimulation? Tight reservoirs include naturally fractured reservoirs (carbonates and sandstones) with low matrix permeability, reservoirs with zones of low permeability in otherwise good reservoirs and low permeability reservoirs. Improved fundamental understanding of tight reservoir properties, phases and their interactions will determine if water-based EOR (enhanced oil recovery)-methods can be used for waterflooding purposes in lower permeability reservoirs, or if it can serve as a stimulation fluid.
Deadline : 31st August 2022
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NCS2030 – PhD Fellowship in Subsurface Geosciences
The PhD Fellow will be affiliated with the research project “Salt characterization and modelling for the future energy mix”. Evaporitic successions play an important role in the energy transition. Their impermeable properties make them excellent locations for underground storage caverns, and their high thermal conductivity and associated thermal gradient are ideal for geothermal energy. However, evaporites are not just salt (halite), but they are layered evaporitic sequences (LES) consisting of sedimentary rocks such as claystones, sandstones, carbonates, volcanic rocks, and other evaporite minerals. The proportion of these varied components control the sealing and thermal properties of the LES, and the geometry and deformation of salt caverns.
Deadline : 31st August 2022
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: NCS2030 – PhD Fellowship in Applied Data Science
The main goal of the NCS2030 centre is to facilitate an energy-efficient, multi-purpose utilization of the Norwegian Continental Shelf subsurface in the transition to a “Sustainable Subsurface Value Chain”. An important part of this is to educate tomorrow’s energy experts. The energy sector requires geoscientists who understand the importance of transitioning to a sustainable energy mix. NCS2030 will contribute with leading edge research for both cost and energy-efficient Net Zero Emission oil and gas production, and utilization of reservoirs for renewable energy production and storage of CO2.
Deadline : 28th August 2022
About University of Stavanger, Norway –Official Website
The University of Stavanger is a university located in Stavanger, Norway. UiS was established in 2005 when the former Høgskolen i Stavanger received university status. It had about 11,000 students and 1,370 administrative, faculty and service staff in 2017.
It is organised in six faculties: Educational Sciences and Humanities, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Performing Arts, Health Sciences and the Norwegian School of Management at UiS. There are also two national centres of expertise and the Museum of Archaeology. The university campus is located in the neighborhood of Ullandhaug.
The University of Stavanger is currently the third highest ranked in Norway in terms of research publications per member of scientific staff. The university became a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) in October 2012.
The university offers doctorates in: Literacy; Risk Management and Societal Safety; Educational Sciences; Health and Medicine; Management, Economics and Tourism; Sociology, Social Work and Culture & Society; Chemistry and Biological Science; Offshore Technology; Petroleum Technology; Risk Management and Societal Safety- Technical/Scientific Approach; and Information Technology, Mathematics, and Physics.
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