Maastricht University, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Maastricht University, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate synthesis & evaluation of biobased, responsive and self-dispersible waterborne resins.
This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint.
Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values.
The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and stimuli-responsive latex resins thereof via emulsion polymerization, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. The resins are designed to be crosslinkable via reversible bonds and the recyclability of the thermosets will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned.
The PhD student will be appointed at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials of Maastricht University, which is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. You will work in the Sustainable Polymer Synthesis group of Associate Professor Katrien Bernaerts, which focusses on the synthesis and design of polymer materials with tunable properties and recyclability exploiting the functionality of biobased building blocks. You will operate from the Brightlands-Chemelot Campus in Geleen (Nl), where the labs are located.
Deadline : 30.12.2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate: synthesis and evaluation of biobased covalent adaptable networks (project SusInkCoat)
This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint.
Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values.
The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and recyclable thermosets thereof, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. Recyclability of the thermosets will be obtained by the introduction of dynamic bonds and their dynamic behavior will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned.
The PhD student will be appointed at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials of Maastricht University, which is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. You will work in the Sustainable Polymer Synthesis group of Associate Professor Katrien Bernaerts, which focusses on the synthesis and design of polymer materials with tunable properties and recyclability exploiting the functionality of biobased building blocks. You will operate from the Brightlands-Chemelot Campus in Geleen (Nl), where the labs are located.
Deadline : 30.12.2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate | Department of Circular Chemical Engineering | Circular Plastics team
Join our cutting-edge project focused on advancing the future of flame retardant (FR) plastics! We are seeking a motivated PhD candidate to explore the degradation, processing, and recycling of polypropylene (PP) combined with innovative phosphorus-sulfur flame retardants. Despite their promising performance at low concentrations, P-S FRs are not yet commercially viable due to unknown decomposition mechanisms that hinder recyclability. This interdisciplinary research aims to unravel these mechanisms and establish a scientific foundation for developing new PP/FR materials with improved recyclability, ultimately contributing to sustainable practices in electronics and transportation industries.
In the SuFiP-S project, we have built a focused consortium composed of academia and industry to tackle these challenges. The PhD will thus be working in close collaboration with leading experts in the field to create state-of-the-art insights with immediate technological impact.
Deadline : 31.03.2025
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate: top-down covalent adaptable and circular epoxy networks
The European Green Deal is driving a shift towards a circular economy by 2050, challenging polymer science to revolutionize thermoset recycling. This project pioneers a completely new approach to make widely available epoxy-amine networks (e.g. wind mill blades) recyclable, while they are normally not recyclable. The key is a transformation of a bond present in the network to another bond with so-called reversible behavior upon a trigger (e.g. temperature), what makes recycling possible. This breakthrough in epoxy-amine recycling will be validated on coatings and composites.
The PhD student will be appointed at the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials of Maastricht University, which is part of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The part on model studies will be supervised by dr. Jordy Saya and Prof. Romano Orru from the Biobased Organic Chemistry group. For the polymer part of the project, you will work in the Sustainable Polymer Synthesis group of Associate Professor Katrien Bernaerts, which focusses on the synthesis and design of polymer materials with tunable properties and recyclability exploiting the functionality of biobased building blocks. You will operate from the Brightlands-Chemelot Campus in Geleen (Nl), where the labs are located.
Deadline : 31.12.2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position: Investigating Effects of Lifestyle Interventions on Carbohydrate Metabolism
Lifestyle interventions are important not only in the prevention of metabolic diseases but also for improving health outcomes in patients with conditions such as cancer. In this PhD project advanced metabolic imaging techniques, such as deuterium metabolic imaging, will be developed at a 7T MRI scanner and applied to explore the impact of nutritional strategies and exercise interventions on carbohydrate metabolism across multiple organs, as well as in tumor tissue. By contributing to this project, the candidate will help generate new insights into how these interventions can be optimized for health improvements, both in disease prevention and patient care. This research has the potential to influence public health strategies by offering evidence-based insights into tailored interventions, potentially shaping future nutritional and exercise guidelines in clinical settings.
Deadline : 15.01.2025
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Digitale innovatie opleiding bedrijfsarts (DIOBA)
Als promovendus ontwikkel je onderzoeksvaardigheden en expertise die een uitstekende basis vormen voor een carrière in de wetenschap, het onderwijs of bedrijfsleven. Aan de hand van minimaal vier wetenschappelijk studies werk je aan nieuwe inzichten die gepubliceerd worden in internationale tijdschriften. Het project Digitale innovatie opleiding bedrijfsarts (DIOBA) heeft als doel de opleiding tot bedrijfsarts te vernieuwen door digitale technologie en nieuwe leervormen te introduceren die de last voor de instituuts- en praktijkopleiders verminderen. Er is namelijk een groeiend tekort aan bedrijfsartsen. Dit probleem belemmert niet alleen de levering van bedrijfsgezondheidszorg aan werkgevers en werknemers, maar ook de opleiding van nieuwe bedrijfsartsen. Er is namelijk ook een tekort aan instituuts- en praktijkopleiders. In het door ZonMw gefinancierde DIOBA project wordt de opleiding tot bedrijfsarts op een systematische manier herontworpen in een iteratief proces in combinatie met design-based research. Op deze manier moet de opleidingscapaciteit toenemen en de inzet van instituuts- en praktijkopleiders afnemen. Door digitale technologie en nieuwe leervormen te introduceren kan behalve in de praktijk, ook geleerd en geoefend worden in virtuele (XR) simulaties. Naast het real-life onderwijs kunnen elearnings en video’s (nog) vaker en beter benut worden bij het vaardighedenonderwijs en onderwijsonderdelen waarin kennisoverdracht centraal staat. In dit promotieonderzoek wordt design-based research verricht naar de vernieuwing van twee onderdelen van de opleiding die in opeenvolgende ontwikkelcycli worden herontworpen. Onderzoeksvragen die centraal staan zijn:
Deadline : 05.01.2025
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on precision nutrition
Insulin resistance is a key factor in the development of obesity‐related cardiometabolic diseases. Dietary interventions have proven effective in preventing chronic cardiometabolic diseases. Nutritional advice is often still given via general nutritional guidelines (one‐size‐fits‐all approach). We recently demonstrated that the success of dietary intervention may increase when advice is targeted to personal characteristics like metabolic phenotype (precision nutrition).
To this end, our project involves the definition of metabolic phenotypes related to blood glucose pattern over time (glucotypes) and subsequently test whether targeting diet according to these glucotypes may improve intervention outcomes for cardiometabolic health.
Our project is part of a project within the European Innovation Council and involves collaboration between different countries (GLUCOTYPES). Within this project we are looking for a PhD candidate (as well as a Post-Doc).
Deadline : 15.01.2025
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-positie in kwantumoptimalisatie voor militaire missieautonomie
Sinds de invasie in Oekraïne ziet de wereld een nieuwe geopolitieke realiteit en wordt deze steeds onvoorspelbaarder. Onze samenleving, politiek, krijgsmacht en kennisinstellingen moeten snel handelen. Als kennisinstituut speelt TNO een cruciale rol bij het werken aan innovaties om actief bij te dragen aan een veiligere wereld, zowel op nationaal als op Europees niveau.
Onbemande systemen worden meer en meer gebruikt in militaire operaties. Dit creëert een behoefte om kennis te vergaren over schaalbare optimalisatie van genetwerkte autonome systemen-van-systemen.
Wij bieden een PhD-positie kwantumoptimalisatie voor militaire missieautonomie, aangeboden door de Universiteit Maastricht in samenwerking met TNO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek). Je gaat multi-objectieve planningsproblemen voor real-world defensietoepassingen verkennen.
De positie wordt voor vier jaar volledig gefinancierd, volgens de arbeidsovereenkomst van Nederlandse universiteiten. De beoogde startdatum is 1 april 2025. Ja gaat nauw samenwerken met de TNO-units Defense, Safety and Security en ICT & Policy. De voornaamste werklocatie is bij TNO in Den Haag.
Deadline : 05.01.2025
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions at the Department of Finance
The Department of Finance at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics is looking to fill several PhD positions. Candidates are expected to start before the end of 2025, most likely September 1 (but earlier is negotiable). We offer 4-year positions. We have a large and culturally diverse PhD community in our department, and welcome enthusiastic, talented new PhD students. PhD positions are paid for, with minimal teaching obligations.
The department has been very successful in placing PhD students after graduation. Recent placements include top universities outside the Netherlands (MIT, Duke University, London School of Economics, Oxford University) as well as within the country (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Free University Amsterdam).
Deadline : 17.01.2025
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate Risk-based prevention for melanoma skin cancer in the Netherlands
We are looking for a PhD candidate interested in developing and applying new methodologic strategies in melanoma skin cancer prevention research. During the PhD project, you will collect your own data and use existing databases to study causal factors and predictors for melanoma skin cancer development and prognosis. You will work within interdisciplinary teams, closely collaborating with the departments of Health Promotion, Methodology and Statistics, and Dermatology at the Maastricht UMC+.
Deadline :08.01.2025
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate at the Department of Macro, International and Labour Economics (MILE)
We are looking for a candidate who has interest in working on a European research project that focuses on the analysis of student’s transitions within education and from education to the labour market, and in particular the role of non-cognitive skills therein. Given the high number of dropouts and the growing inequalities, it appears that European education systems still fail to provide inclusive education and equal opportunities for effective educational transitions. The COVID-19 crisis has heightened the complexities of transitions between education and the job market, particularly for marginalized youth. There is a risk of exacerbating inequalities, and without targeted measures in education and training policies and investments, these disparities may persist. To support the development of effective policies, a thorough understanding is needed of the multifaceted nature of unsuccessful transitions from education to the labour market. The project will focus on the analysis of role of non-cognitive skills and competencies such as motivation, school attitude, personality characteristics (e.g., perseverance, conscientiousness), sense of belonging, or critical and creative thinking skills. The main focus is on transitions to upper secondary and tertiary education as well as to the labour market, yet data will be used as of primary education to get insights in early predictors of (un)successful transitions. To this end, unique large-scale data sets from the Netherlands are used (e.g., national and regional cohort data).
Deadline : 15 .12.2024
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About Maastricht University, Netherlands –Official Website
Maastricht University is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands. Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities.
In 2019, 19,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 54% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees. About half of the bachelor’s programmes are fully offered in English, while the other half is taught wholly or partly in Dutch. Most of the master’s and doctoral programmes are in English. Besides traditional programmes, Maastricht University also has an honours liberal arts college: University College Maastricht and a Maastricht Science Programme in the same liberal arts tradition. The satellite University College Venlo opened in 2015.
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