12 Fully Funded PhD Position in Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes,
NIPU, Europe
NIPU, Europe invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Position at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Position available at NIPU, Europe.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Design and synthesis of novel (poly)amines derived from fatty acid derivatives and polyols.
Development of renewable (poly)amines as coupling agents towards the NIPU synthetic pathways using efficient and up-scalable processes by (i) converting aliphatic bio-based polyols into (pluri)amines through the nitrile route and (ii) bio-based polyenes into (pluri)amines via Wacker oxidation and subsequent reductive amination. (iii) Investigation of their polymerization behaviour in NIPU synthesis.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Synthesis of activated carbonate monomers.
o design more reactive carbonated monomers for implementation towards sustainable NIPU processes by synthesizing (i) activated bio-based C5 carbonates having electron withdrawing substituents, in which glycerol carbonate and glycerol monoether will be notably used as intermediates, (ii) 6-membered ring (C6) carbonates by reaction of 1,3-diols with CO2 or dimethyl carbonate, in which larger carbonate rings known to be highly reactive towards aminolysis will be prepared, (iii) 5-membered bis-dithiocarbonates.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Design of NIPUs through transfer reactions and complementary reactions.
To synthesize high molecular weight NIPU (i) by trans-urethanisation of a biobased biscarbamate with renewable diols using organocatalysts such as carbenes or superbases; (ii) by one pot process via an in-situ urethanization of bio-based diamines; (iii) catalytic Lossen rearrangements followed by the transurethanization. Both systems will investigate CO2 and ionic liquids as reaction systems. In an alternative way, building NIPU-based materials via compatible coupling reactions (i.e. acyclic diene metathesis polymerization and others) based on monomers with preformed carbamate moieties (derived via Lossen rearrangement) will be investigated. A mechanical and rheological mapping will be carried out.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Synthesis of functional NIPU oligomers and applications for water- or solvent-free based coatings/adhesives.
To synthesize amino- and cyclic carbonate-bearing NIPU oligomers that are able to react and cure at low temperature when mixed. NIPU oligomers will be prepared by polyaddition of various 5-membered CO2-sourced cyclic carbonates and novel bio-sourced diamines, or by transurethanization. These NIPUs will be exploited for preparing adhesives and coatings from solvent-free and water-based formulations. The adhesion performance of the products on various substrates and structure/properties relationships will be established.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: New strategy to produce NIPU foams from reactive formulations.
To develop strategies to self-blowing NIPUs by the in-situ generation of CO2 as blowing agent from an organic precursor prepared by fixation of CO2 to suitable compounds. The reaction conditions & the formulations will be optimized to produce low density microcellular foams with ideally closed cell morphology for thermal insulating applications. Self-blowing NIPU foams will be investigated under solvent-free conditions in molds at ULiege. This process will then be adapted at UBx for reactive extrusion. We will then evaluate the mechanical properties of the foams, as well as their thermal insulating performances & their fire resistance and compare the properties of the foams produced by the two different techniques.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: NIPUs recycling and upcycling.
To develop innovative routes for recycling the new NIPUs families by depolymerizing them into small building blocks, followed by their transformation into novel functional polymers (what is called “polymer upcycling”) by sustainable processes. The main challenge in this upcycling step is to establish reaction conditions that will be as sustainable as possible, i.e. in the bulk or in sustainable non-toxic solvents under mild operating conditions. We will then study the thermal and mechanical properties of these new polymers.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Synthesis and foaming of novel NIPUs by continuous reactive extrusion.
To exploit the enhanced reactivity of novel cyclic carbonates including (thio)carbonates towards aminolysis to design NIPUs by challenging reactive extrusion. ESR 7 will set up experimental conditions that answer the kinetics and thermal requirements for NIPUs synthesis by REX (appropriate choice of the monomers, fast molar mass building up, etc.). If required, catalysts compatible with the REX constraints will be searched for boosting the polymerization. Continuous foaming process will be then performed via supercritical CO2 methods. Molecular, thermomechanical, insulating assessments will be envisioned.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Development of biocomposites on basis of NIPU.
To prepare novel biocomposites between cellulose (nano)fillers (nanofibers and nanocrystals) and NIPU thanks to their propensity to set up hydrogen bonding and interfacial covalent cross-linking with them. A special emphasis will be made on nanocelluloses of different shape and surface chemistry in order to efficiently incorporate into NIPU derived from poly(hydroxyl-urethane)s. Surface-chemistry using Fisher pathways will be privileged. Melt-compounding processes will be privileged in this work in order to establish morphological/thermomechanical mapping of resulting (bio)composites.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Functionalized nanocellulose for waterborne NIPU.
To design biocomposites from novel waterborne or solvent-free functional NIPU polymers, where interface aspects and dispersion considerations are emphasized in order to achieve desired properties and processing characteristics. A special emphasis will be placed on waterborne formulations that can be aqueous stable and cured at room temperature from novel activated monomer/amine formulations and/or dual cure systems. Pickering emulsion in the presence of cellulose nanocrystals functionalized via grafting methods will be developed at UBx. The modification is to tailor the interface and control nanocellulose dispersion and biocomposites properties. The purpose of the modification is to tailor the interface and control nanocellulose dispersion in waterborne NIPU.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Room temperature UV curable NIPUs for 3-D manufacturing using photobase generators.
To define the best approach to exploit new activated CO2-sourced cyclic carbonates but also 6-membered ones for 3D printing applications by using photobases. ESR 10 will study the preparation of NIPUs oligomers of low viscosity that will be able to crosslink at room temperature under UV-vis light in short time. For that purpose, ESR10 will synthesize customized highly stable and efficient photobase generators able to promote the NIPU curing in seconds in order to implement these catalysts in 3-D manufacturing process of NIPUs.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Design of structural NIPU-based materials.
To design NIPU matrix derived from polyhydroxyurethanes as materials for structural composites. A special emphasis will be on reactive impregnation towards mats made from natural fibers. Crosslinking investigations will be carried out upon the temperature, the nature of catalyst, the catalyst loading and the degree of functionality about cyclic carbonate and (poly)amines. In a subsequent step, reactive impregnation will be carried out on fiber mats using RTM techniques and the mechanical performances of these structural NIPU-based materials will be investigated.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Design of isocyanate-free polyhydoxyurethane vitrimers for recycling applications.
To design & synthesize NIPU vitrimers able to undergo through transurethanization reactions in the presence of catalytic. A special emphasis will be made on metal-free catalysts to explore the processing/recycling properties of PHU-based composites. To tune their viscoelastic, thermomechanical & reprocessable properties of PHUs, carbon and glass fibers will be incorporated into these vitrimers.
Deadline of PhD Position: Open Until Filled
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About NIPU-EJD –Official Website
NIPU-EJD is an European Joint Doctorate in “Synthesis, Characterization, Structure and Properties of Novel Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes”. NIPU-EJD is formed by a consortium of 15 international research-performing institutions, from both the academic and non-academic sectors.
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