Aalto University, Finland invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Aalto University, Finland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student in Neuroscience (Ala-Laurila Lab, Finland)
Dr Ala-Laurila has two laboratories (http://ala-laurila.biosci.helsinki.fi/): one at Aalto University and one at University of Helsinki. Both labs work in integrated collaboration and have state-of-the art approaches to study retinal circuits and visually-guided behavior. They combine cutting-edge electrophysiological recording techniques with precise manipulations of retinal circuit function, mathematical modelling and quantitative behavioral measurements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZniIYFSIcT8
Deadline :31.12.2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Student in Optics and Photonics
We are looking for an outstanding postgraduate student to join the Optics and Photonics group for theoretical and experimental research on nanophotonics. The research will be focused on the development of surface nanostructures and nanomaterials that can control optical fields with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy, allowing one to increase the multifunctionality and simultaneously significantly decrease the dimensions of optical components and devices. Potential applications of the nanostructures to be developed range from novel optical sources and detectors to advanced imaging systems and on-chip optical processors. The appointment is for 4 years with a flexible start in autumn 2022. The research is funded by the Academy of Finland and involves collaboration with researchers from University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University, as well as several international research teams from Germany and USA.
Deadline : 15.9.2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidate position in multiscale modeling of sea ice
Novel numerical models for sea ice behavior and failure form a central part of the research by the Ice Mechanics Group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Aalto University. We are looking for a motivated doctoral student to work on multiscale numerical modeling of sea ice. Ice motion and deformation will increase on future ice-covered seas due to climate change-induced weather patterns. The processes related to mechanical sea ice deformation, such as ice break-ups and ridge building, will become more frequent and stronger.
Deadline : 9.9.2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate and Postdoc to join the Chemical Engineering research group
Chemical Engineering research group at Aalto University, department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering (https://www.aalto.fi/en/department-of-chemical-and-metallurgical-engineering) has funding available for three new doctoral student and one post-doctoral researcher positions. The projects are related to separation process and multiphase flow modeling and experimental thermodynamics connected to separation processes. The projects are starting in August-October 2022. Upon agreement, doctoral student projects could be started as a MSc thesis, but with a strong commitment to continue towards a PhD degree. Doctoral theses are expected to be finalized within four years, and the post-doc position is for three years maximum.
Deadline :August 21st, 2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral researcher positions in ICT
The Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in Information and Communications Technology (HICT) is a joint initiative by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, the two leading universities within this area in Finland. The network involves at present over 80 professors and over 200 doctoral researchers, and the participating units graduate altogether more than 40 new doctors each year.
Deadline : 28.8.2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: DOCTORAL RESEARCHER in Digital Twinning of Multi-Energy System of Building Complex for Adaptive Virtual Power Plant
The main objective of the research is to develop a digital twin for a multi-purpose building combined with a ground thermal storage and district heat and to investigate how the digital twin can be utilized in training an artificial intelligence (AI) agent in the context of a virtual power plant (VPP) with an aim to optimize the physical system’s energy performance and flexibility, particularly in the conditions of sudden and unpredictable disturbances. The digital twin is developed using the whole-building simulation tool IDA-ICE, a historical database containing a large set of long-term measurements, and model calibration based on optimization. The work also includes training an AI-agent based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and co-simulation over a data interface.
Deadline : August 21, 2022.
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher in measurement, characterization and modeling of acoustic materials
We are looking for a Doctoral Researcher (PhD candidate) to study biomaterial and especially biowaste-based porous materials. The main emphasis in the PhD work would be on polysaccharide extraction, fabrication of hierarchically porous materials, and their characterisation in the context of thermal and acoustic insulation in close collaboration with the researchers in acoustic engineering.
Deadline : 15 August 2022,
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate (PhD Student) Position in the field of Computational Materials Science
Your main tasks will involve performing and analysing multiscale simulations of radiation effects in various materials, using the supercomputing resources available to the group. The main computational tool will be molecular dynamics, implemented with a range of extensions useful for modelling non-equilibrium processes. You will work independently, but with the close support and supervision of the group leader Prof. Andrea Sand. This position will allow you to deepen your knowledge of materials science and nuclear applications, to further develop skills in computing and programming, as well as in scientific writing and presenting, and to grow into an independent researcher. As a member of the group, you will partake in group meetings, presenting your research progress there, and co-supervise Bachelors and Masters students. In addition, PhD students are expected to participate in teaching activities at the Department as course assistants.
Deadline : 5th of August, 2022
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate position in Software Analytics and Testability
We are searching for a full-time Doctoral Candidate working on engineering analytics for complex software systems. The target software system is Nokia software for mobile networks products and the research focus will be on analytics tools and techniques for software understanding, optimization and testability. This position will be funded in the context of a research project with Nokia for 4 years (based on an initial 2 years contract + 2 years extension). The key idea is to analyze software code, docs, tests, logs etc. to (i) detect problematic code dependencies/patterns, (ii) manage change adaptation given the evolution of underlying dependent software and hardware, and (iii) optimize large scale testing workflows. Big data, dependency analytics, machine learning and testing methods will be employed for the research and development whereas strong skills in large-scale software systems are important. The Doctoral Candidate will have a close collaboration with the Nokia software team.
Deadline : 31.7.2022
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidates in Quantum Technology and Science
Full-time funded doctoral-candidate positions are open for applications in the Nokia Industrial Doctoral School in Quantum Technology (Nokia Industrial Doctoral School in Quantum Technology | Aalto University), the seed funding for which was earlier received from Nokia. It is preferred that the supervising professor is at Aalto University and a thesis advisor at Nokia Bell Labs or the Nokia Corporation. See the list of contact persons at Nokia Industrial Doctoral School in Quantum Technology | Aalto University for potential supervisors and advisors. The applicants are encouraged to include secondments at Nokia, planned with the potential supervisor and advisor. Positions are available for both experimental and theoretical research in quantum technology. In this call, we expect all research topics to fall under the overall theme of solving problems in building or applying useful quantum computers especially based on superconducting qubits. Under this overall theme, we have also pinpointed the following focus areas:
Deadline : 31st of July 2022
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Candidate position in Systems and Analytics in Edge-Cloud-HPC Continuum
We are looking for a Doctoral Candidate for IoT, Edge, and Cloud services engineering research, especially systems and analytics for ML/big data across IoT, Edge, Cloud and HPC continuum (monitoring, analysis, observability, experiments, explainability) to achieve robustness, reliability, resilience and elasticity for ML/big data systems. This research direction spans across networked systems and services, serving engineering and machine learning.
Deadline :31.7.2022
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Physics of Ultrasonic Gene Transfection
The specific research topic has a high level of novelty and we foresee a high potential of the research results to be applied into practice with successful conduction of the project. Your main research activities would include acoustic modelling, development of experimental arrangements, acoustic characterization, gene transfection and applying methods (e.g. microscopy) to assess gene delivery, followed by scientific reporting. There may be occasional supervisory or teaching duties.
Deadline : 31.7.2022
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About Aalto University, Finland –Official Website
Aalto University is a university located in Espoo, Finland. It was established in 2010 as a merger of three major Finnish universities: the Helsinki University of Technology (established 1849), the Helsinki School of Economics (established 1904), and the University of Art and Design Helsinki (established 1871). The close collaboration between the scientific, business and arts communities is intended to foster multi-disciplinary education and research. The Finnish government, in 2010, set out to create a university that fosters innovation, merging the three institutions into one.
The university is composed of six schools with close to 17,500 students and 4,000 staff members, making it Finland’s second largest university. The main campus of Aalto University is located in Otaniemi, Espoo. Aalto University Executive Education operates in the district of Töölö, Helsinki. In addition to the Greater Helsinki area, the university also operates its Bachelor’s Programme in International Business in Mikkeli and the Metsähovi Radio Observatory in Kirkkonummi.
Aalto University’s operations showcase Finland’s experiment in higher education. The Aalto Design Factory, Aalto Ventures Program and Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes), among others, drive the university’s mission for a radical shift towards multidisciplinary learning and have contributed substantially to the emergence of Helsinki as a hotbed for startups.Aaltoes is Europe’s largest and most active student run entrepreneurship community that has founded major concepts such as the Startup Sauna accelerator program and the Slush startup event.
The university is named in honour of Alvar Aalto, a prominent Finnish architect, designer and alumnus of the former Helsinki University of Technology, who was also instrumental in designing a large part of the university’s main campus in Otaniemi.
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