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13 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland

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EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD position in Balloon-borne MIR laser spectroscopy for water vapor isotopes in the upper atmosphere

The Laser Spectroscopy group is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to work in the field of laser based sensor development within an SNF granted project. You will develop a lightweight laser spectrometer to be flown on balloons and perform in-situ water vapor isotope measurements in the upper atmosphere and leverage on our expertise in quantum cascade laser driving, circular multipass cell design, and FPGA-based DAQ systems. We offer a highly stimulating research environment with excellent infrastructure and broad interdisciplinary surrounding. The PhD-student will be registered at ETH Zurich, in the Department of Environmental Systems Science.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD position on the “combinatorial development of multi-functional ceramic thin films”

The development of many next-generation technologies requires thin films and coatings, which exhibit more than one functionality. In this research project, we are targeting the development of novel ceramic thin film materials that are capable of this feat. Such materials may combine favorable mechanical properties, such as high hardness or scratch-resistance, with other functionalities. These can range from high transparency and electrical conductivity to their chemical stability or even their piezoelectric response. Applications of such coatings range from simple optical components such as lenses to more complex devices such as MEMS or displays. The materials of interest for this study mainly include ternary and quaternary nitrides and oxynitrides. Simultaneously optimizing multiple functional properties in these materials is a complex challenge with many variables. To accelerate this process you will employ high-throughput combinatorial materials science techniques. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD Position in the field of thermoplastic elastomer-based sensors with ceramic fillers

You have a master in materials science, mechanical engineering, robotics or a similar field. Previous experience with one or more of the following topics is required: 3D printing of elastomer materials, basics in polymer science, programming of electronic devices (e.g. Arduino) or soft sensor characterization. The experimental nature of the work requires a very high level of experimental skills, an analytical mindset for interpreting results and the ability to design innovative experiments. You are a team player and your strengths include taking personal responsibility, excellence and flexibility to work and deliver results. Knowledge of German is beneficial but not mandatory. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    Doctoral student in transmission electron microscopy studies of ferroelectric multilayers

The aim of this project is to investigate engineered polarization discontinuities in ferroelectric heterostructures by probing them at atomic resolution. For this purpose advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques (e.g. aberration-corrected STEM, STEM-DPC, 4D-STEM, EELS and EDX) will be used. A substantial part of this position involves the development and/or implementation of new image analysis methods. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with the Laboratory for Multifunctional Ferroic Materials at ETH Zürich, Prof. Dr. Morgan Trassin. The PhD student will be enrolled at ETH Zürich in the Department of Materials.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD position in Extreme Ultraviolet Laser for Spectroscopy

The laboratory is looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to carry out research in the field of plasma-laser spectroscopy within an SNF project. You will utilize a compact laser in the XUV to operate as a tabletop alternative to synchrotron and advance our expertise in spectroscopy. We offer a worldwide unique research topic with excellent infrastructure and broad interdisciplinary surrounding. The PhD-student will be registered at University of Zurich. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD position on urban climate and CO2 modelling

The doctoral project is part of the interdisciplinary research project UrbaNature, funded by MeteoSwiss within the framework of Switzerland’s Global Climate Observing System and Global Atmosphere Watch programmes (GAW-CH, GCOS-CH). UrbaNature targets to create new knowledge and develop new methodologies on observing and simulating the role of vegetation in carbon, energy, and water cycles in the urban environment. Within this project, four doctoral students will collaborate closely, co-supervised by leading scientist from the University of Basel, Empa, ETH Zurich, and University of Zurich. UrbaNature builds on the comprehensive measurement and modeling infrastructure that has been developed in the EU project ICOS-Cities.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    a PhD student modeling flows of plastics and associated chemicals (Project CIRPLUS)

CIRPLUS belongs to the Strategic Japanese-Swiss Science and Technology Programme, with the aim to develop an integrated framework, including methods, tools and data, for capturing the flows of chemical additives contained in plastics to inform the design of future circular plastic flows. The overall goal of the work performed at Empa is to develop novel integrated material flow analysis models of plastic flows and chemicals therein. The project implementation will be achieved in close collaboration with the project partner, the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) in Japan.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD position on the development of new biomass-based thermal insulation materials

We are looking for a PhD student to study, develop and upscale new biomass-based thermal insulation materials with a very low CO2-footprint and a competitive thermal insulation performance. For this, the PhD student shall study and characterise suitable raw materials, their processing as well as the produced insulation materials. Furthermore, the PhD student will take into account application aspects, i.e. the use in buildings in different systems, and some economic factors. Towards the end of the project, the devel-oped solution shall be up-scaled and installed in a demonstrator, e.g. NEST at Empa. The results of the project, ideally, shall serve as the foundation for a subsequent industrialisation of the developed material in order to have a tangible impact on the Swiss built environment. At the same time, the scientific knowledge gains shall be published in peer-reviewed journals as part of the PhD to create visibility for low-impact building materials. 

Deadline : Open until filled

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD student position on redox flow batteries

Our labs are fully equipped for battery fabrication and characterization. State-of-the-art facilities include synthesis labs with fume hoods, gloveboxes, various synthesis reactors and furnaces, sputtering and evaporation facilities, X-ray diffractometers, UV-Vis, Raman and FTIR spectrometers, surface area and particle size analyzer, electrochemical characterization including impedance spectroscopy, mass spectrometers, gas and liquid chromatographers, thermogravimetric analyzer, various equipment for the physicochemical characterization of electrolytes, etc. Access to advanced electron microscopy and X-ray facilities is also available.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    PhD position in the field of metamaterials for vibration and sound reduction

This PhD is part of the Horizon Europe MSCA doctoral network METAVISION (METAmaterials for VIbration and Sound reductION – Grant number 101072415). METAVISION is an international consortium of high-profile universities, research institutions and companies located in 7 European countries. METAVISION will train 11 doctoral candidates through intersectoral, multidisciplinary and international joint research and aims to reconcile two conflicting trends. On the one hand, people become increasingly aware of the negative health impact of excessive noise and vibration exposure. On the other hand, every kilogram of mass removed from the logistics chain has a direct economic and ecological benefit. Current noise and vibration solutions at low frequencies require too much mass or volume to be practically feasible. There is a strong need for low mass, compact solutions with excellent noise and vibration characteristics, for which recently emerged so-called metamaterials have shown immense potential. METAVISION aims to develop novel design and analysis methods, revolutionize the manufacturing of metamaterials towards large-scale and versatile solutions, and advance academically proven metamaterial concepts towards industrially relevant applications.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD Student position in the field of thin-film solar cells

We are looking for a student motivated to contribute to the development of thin-film CIGS photovoltaic devices. The researcher in this position is responsible for the fabrication and characterization of solar cells and layers based on the CIGS material system. The researcher goals are to understand and overcome limitations of devices based on new alloyed CIGS absorbers with high bandgap, explore the absorber processing limits and develop electrical contacts, in view of new applications such as bifacial and semi-transparent solar cells for tandem applications.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:    Doctoral student in 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy and advanced data processing (a)

This project aims at implementing and exploring 4D-STEM imaging approaches using aberration-corrected electron microscopy and fast, direct electron detection. You will be responsible for innovative experimental studies for phase and/or strain mapping, differential phase contrast imaging and electron ptychography. Besides employing new experimental approaches, you will also develop innovative ways of analyzing the large data sets collected by 4D-STEM. In addition, simulations can be carried out to complement the experimental part of the project. Thus, data handling and programming are important aspects of the project. Furthermore, you will also coordinate collaborations with internal and external research groups.

Deadline : Open until filled

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  Several PhD Positions on All-perovskite Multi-junction Solar Cells and Mini-module on Flexible Substrates
We are looking for several highly motivated PhD students with a strong experimental background in materials, chemistry, and physics to develop high-efficiency and stable all-perovskite multi-junction solar cells and mini-modules on flexible substrates. You will have the opportunity to be embedded in a collaborative Horizon Europe research project. This will enable you to interact and collaborate with leading European academic and industrial partners.

Deadline : Open until filled

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About Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA), Zurich, Switzerland – Official Website

The Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology is an interdisciplinary Swiss research institute for applied materials sciences and technology. As part of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain, it is an institution of the Swiss federation. For most of the period since its foundation in 1880, it concentrated on classical materials testing. Since the late 1980s it has developed into a modern research and development institute.



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