Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Carbon Forecasting Research Project
The role will be based between the departments of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics department and the Edinburgh Business School. The Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics is a vibrant and welcoming place. It is internationally renowned in actuarial science, with several high-quality degree programmes in actuarial science and actuarial management. It is within the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, along with the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Computer Science. The School is a partner in the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences which brings together research activities at Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.
Deadline : 01/23/2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Research Fellow/ Senior Research Fellow in Robotics and Machine Learning
The Project Vision is to develop a coherent framework that enables humans and machines to work as a team by establishing and maintaining a single shared view of the world and each other’s intents through transparent interaction, robust to a highly dynamic and unpredictable maritime environment. We aim at removing workers from harsh and extreme environments to replaced them with teams of smart robots able to do the ‘dirty and dangerous jobs’, collaborating seamlessly as a team with each other and with human operators and experts on-shore. In this new world, remote data collection, fusion and interpretation become critical, together with the ability to generate actionable decisions from this data, sending remote robots to perform actions autonomously.
Deadline : 01/09/2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate/Research Assistant in technical assessment of carbon dioxide removal
We are seeking motivated and enthusiastic people to work with us to assess the technical potential of several carbon dioxide removal technologies. Carbon dioxide removal is recognised as an important part of meeting climate targets, but the merits and drawbacks of many approaches remain poorly understood. Upon completion of these ambitious projects, the research team will have completed ground-breaking research on the performance assessment of several CDR approaches and provided the field with a framework for best practice that will form the standard for the field.
Deadline : 01/23/2023,
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Computational imaging
The projects are led by Prof. Wiaux and supported by a unique team of international partners: Prof. Pesquet from the Digital Vision Centre at Université Paris-Saclay (CentraleSupelec), Prof. Thiran from the EPFL Signal Processing Laboratories, Mr Jackson at the UoE Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC), Prof. Smirnov from the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), Dr Bouman and Prof. Hallinan from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Prof. Laing from the International Square Kilometre Array Organisation (SKAO), and Dr Neji from Siemens Healthineers UK.
Deadline :02/23/2023,
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Fellow – The School of Engineering & Physical Sciences
We are seeking to appoint multiple Research Fellows with a passion for computational modelling and aspirations of an academic career. The positions will be aligned with advancing research in the McCabe and Cummings’ research groups at Heriot-Watt University and developing highly competitive candidates through the fellowship for academic careers. This will be done through focused professional and leadership development. Research in the McCabe group focuses on modelling self-assembly in biological systems and molecular theory to develop equations of state for a wide range of industry-inspired applications. In the Cummings group, the primary focus is on modelling capacitive energy storage devices. Jointly McCabe and Cummings conduct research on using machine learning methods to develop new materials for various applications and on software development for molecular modelling (i.e., the MoSDeF open-source software environment for automating molecular simulations: http://www.mosdef.org).
Deadline : 01/09/2023,
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Associate in Marine Evidence Synthesis
This project will address these knowledge gaps by undertaking a systematic review (SR) and meta-analysis to synthesize current empirical scientific evidence on the impacts of trawling on benthic carbon stores, sediment resuspension, bioturbation and physico- and chemical parameters that regulate carbon remineralization and storage across the ocean floor. The influence of factors such as gear penetration depth, disturbance frequency, ground type (biogenic, cohesive and permeable sediment), time of the year and natural disturbance will be examined on these relationships. These estimates and relationships will be used to inform ocean models of fishing impacts on carbon stores.
Deadline : 01/20/2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Pore-scale Shale Gas Modelling
Applications are invited for a Research Associate position for a period of up to 8 months, at the first instance from Jan 2023, or as soon as possible by mutual agreement, with a possibility for an extension. This position will be based in the Institute of Geoenergy Engineering, the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, and funded by a UK Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) grant (http://gotw.nerc.ac.uk/list_full.asp?pcode=NE%2FR018022%2F1) as part of Challenge 2 of NERC UK Unconventional Programme (http://www.ukuh.org/).
Deadline : 01/05/2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Pore-network Modelling of Multiphase Flow in Carbonates
This research associate position is part of a large multidisciplinary research project on maximising CO2 storage in complex carbonate rocks. The candidate will benefit from interactions with other team members with expertise in X-ray imaging, 3D image processing, in situ multiphase flow experiments at subsurface pressure and temperature conditions, pore-network modelling, direct numerical simulations and machine learning.
Deadline : 01/16/2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Computational Imaging Methods for Quantum Enhanced Imaging
The Institute of Signals, Sensors and Systems (ISSS) is one of five Research Institutes forming the research infrastructure of the School of Engineering & Physical Sciences (EPS). With 30 academic members of staff spanning 10 nationalities and 4 fields of expertise, ISSS aims to offer the full portfolio of expertise in the fields of signal and image processing, novel manufacturing technologies, microsystems, microwave engineering, mobile communications systems and autonomous systems. Of particular interest to ISSS is the design, modelling, simulation, processing of information from and system integration of sensors. The Signal and Image Processing Laboratory (SIPLab) at Heriot-Watt specializes in the design of advanced data science techniques with applications ranging from robotics to imaging and communication, in a large variety of fields including defence, astronomy, art investigation, or medicine. Our research activities range from signal and image processing theory to application, and impact different areas of society. SIPLab is active in both traditional and emerging areas, and currently covers the following topics:
Deadline : 01/09/2023,
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Numerical Modelling for sorbent-based carbon capture applications
We are seeking a creative and motivated post-doctoral researcher to work as part of our international and multidisciplinary USorb-DAC (“Unlocking the scalable potential of sorbent-based DAC technologies”) team and with expertise to support our research activities in the project. The project’s aim is to discover adsorbents that can drastically reduce DAC’s energy intensity and cost so that DAC can scale rapidly and contribute to fighting climate change. By coupling basic science with engineering and environmental aspects, the team will develop an in-depth understanding of materials structure-property-performance relationships across different time scales and under relevant and realistic DAC operation conditions.
Deadline : 01/04/2023,
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in digital signal processing for intelligent systems and communications (SPCOM)
The digital signal processing for intelligent systems and communications (SPCOM) group is involved in a range of research projects at the leading edge of advanced signal processing algorithms, information-theoretic studies, and real-world effects with key applications in communications systems, remote sensing, IoT hearing aid designs and Radar. Broader application areas are also addressed through the team’s involvement in the University Defence Research Centre. This group also strongly linked with University of Edinburgh IDCOM. Industrial collaborators include Bell-Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Defence Science and Technology Lab (DSTL), and QinetiQ. The group is presently funded by EPSRC (EP/M014126/1) Large Scale Antenna Systems Made Practical: Advanced Signal Processing for Compact Deployments [LSAS-SP] and (EP/I037156/1) Physical Layer Network Coding for Wireless Networks (PLAN), Defence Science Technology Lab (DSTL) for Cognitive Radar and ad-hoc mobile networks, UKIERI (British Council) for implementation of cognitive radio and European Union Frame Work 7 project Advanced Dynamic Spectrum 5G Mobile Networks Employing Licences Shared Access (ADEL) .
Deadline : 01/04/2023,
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Human-Robot Interaction
Successful applicants for this Research Associate role will join the multidisciplinary, award-winning project TAS Node in Trust (https://trust.tas.ac.uk/). The role holder will make a significant contribution to the human-robot interaction research conducted on the project, including all elements of experimental work (e.g., data collection, analysis, paper writing), public engagement, and dissemination through publication. The post holder also will become a member of the School of Social Science’s Centre for Applied Behavioural Sciences (https://cabs.site.hw.ac.uk/).
Deadline : 01/04/2023,
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate- Digital Circular Electrochemical Economy
The successful applicant will either hold a good first degree and a PhD (or near completion) in Business Management; Finance; Economics; Business Analytics; Energy or similar discipline, or will come with extensive and relevant industrial experience. In the latter case, we will offer a fee waiver for those who is willing to undertake a PhD research degree. Under both routes, the candidate should have capacity to work independently and conduct high quality research, familiar with tools and techniques for analysing complex systems, qualitative (interviews, surveys) and quantitative data analysis, with excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills, and the ability to work in a diverse team of academic and industrial partners.
Deadline : 01/23/2023,
About Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom – Official Website
Heriot-Watt University (Scottish Gaelic: Oilthigh Heriot-Watt) is a public research university based in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was established in 1821 as the School of Arts of Edinburgh, the world’s first mechanics’ institute, and subsequently granted university status by royal charter in 1966. It is the eighth oldest higher education institute in UK. The name Heriot-Watt was taken from Scottish inventor James Watt and Scottish philanthropist and goldsmith George Heriot.
Known for its focus on science and engineering, it is one of the 39 old universities in the UK comprising the second cluster of elite universities after Oxbridge.
Heriot-Watt was established as the School of Arts of Edinburgh by Scottish businessman Leonard Horner on 16 October 1821. Having been inspired by Anderson’s College in Glasgow, Horner established the School to provide practical knowledge of science and technology to Edinburgh’s working men. The institution was initially of modest size, giving lectures two nights a week in rented rooms and boasting a small library of around 500 technical works. It was also oversubscribed, with admissions soon closing despite the cost of 15 shillings for a year’s access to lectures and the library.
The School was managed by a board of eighteen directors and primarily funded by sponsors from the middle and upper classes including Robert Stevenson and Walter Scott. It first became associated with the inventor and engineer James Watt in 1824, as a means of raising funds to secure permanent accommodation. Justifying the association, School Director Lord Cockburn said:
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