Indiana University (IU), Bloomington, United States invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at Indiana University (IU), Bloomington, United States.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Sociology, Indiana University
Deadline : Open until Filled
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine – Nephrology
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Lecturer – Russian Studies Workshop
Applications from social science disciplines (including History) are welcome. Applicants should have active research projects on Russian society; comparative focus is welcome. We seek applications from colleagues whose research foci align with one or more of the following thematic concentrations: Russian Regional Studies (including Siberian Studies), and/or Human Rights and Civil Society (including Disability Studies). Applicants should describe how they would initiate research collaborations with faculty from IU and beyond to continue developing one or both of the RSW’s two major research clusters (Russian Regional Studies, and/or Human Rights and Civil Society.) Fellowships are open to scholars who have received the PhD or equivalent in the relevant discipline during the last five years. The successful applicant must have PhD or equivalent terminal degree in hand by August 1, 2022.
Deadline : 02/15/2022
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine – Hematology/Oncology
Deadline : Open until Filled
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow – Plastic Surgery
The laboratory of Dr. Erin Weber, within the Division of Plastic Surgery and the Department of Surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine is seeking a highly motivated and independent post-doctoral fellow to study peripheral nerve regeneration. The project focuses on the identification of signaling pathways which determine the specificity of human motor versus sensory peripheral nerve regeneration towards individual distal targets following injury. Molecular, cell, and animal-based methodologies will be utilized. As the laboratory is associated with the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering (ICRME), collaboration with other research teams is highly encouraged. This project is supported by internal grant funding.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Scientist in Terrestrial Biosphere Modeling of Dryland Ecosystems
A postdoctoral scientist position is available in Dr. Natasha MacBean’s group in the Department of Geography at Indiana University (IU) Bloomington on terrestrial biosphere model (TBM) development for dryland ecosystems. This postdoc is funded by a NASA Carbon Cycle Program grant. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for utilizing the wide range of field and remote sensing data and outputs of the project to test, optimize and develop the ORCHIDEE TBM to better represent dryland ecosystem functioning. Multiple opportunities exist for collaborations with other project members and collaborators at NASA Goddard, the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, the University of Arizona, and at IU Bloomington. Applicants are required to have strong prior experience working with terrestrial biosphere models/land surface models/dynamic vegetation models as well as HPC systems. Further qualifications are listed below. Remote work within the US is possible (please enquire for more details). This position is offered for 3 years from spring 2022.
Deadline : 02/15/2022
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Particle/Nuclear Physics at Indiana University
The Physics Department at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for a postdoctoral position with its experimental particle/nuclear physics group. The research activities of the group focus on hadron spectroscopy with an emphasis on the search for and study of nonconventional mesons. The group plays a leading role in the study of nonconventional charmonium mesons at the BESIII experiment at the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, China, and is one of the founding members of the GlueX experiment at Jefferson National Laboratory (JLab) in Newport News, USA. Both experiments are collecting cutting-edge data sets for hadron spectroscopy. The successful candidate will play a leading role in data analysis and software development.
Deadline : 03/01/2022
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow – Hematology/Oncology
A postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Walker is available to work in translational research studies in multiple myeloma. Dr. Walker has an international reputation in the area of genomics and epigenetics of multiple myeloma and seeks a highly motivated individual with a PhD in the area of cell and molecular biology, genomics, epigenetics, cancer biology or related fields to apply. This position will play a key role in determining the function of common mutations in multiple myeloma. The successful candidate will use genomic, epigenetic, and cellular studies to determine the mechanisms leading to aberrant RNA processing in multiple myeloma.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Hematology/Oncology
A postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Walker is available to work in translational research studies in multiple myeloma. Highly motivated individuals with a PhD in the area of cell and molecular biology, genomics, epigenetics, cancer biology or related fields are encouraged to apply. This position is to perform comprehensive genomics on patient samples, cell lines, and patient derived xenografts to identify mechanisms leading to high-risk disease. The successful candidate will use genomic, epigenetic, and cellular studies to determine how genome organization leads to dysregulated epigenetic and expression signatures leading to high-risk disease, progression and relapse.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Infectious Diseases
The Tran Malaria Laboratory within the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Indiana University School of Medicine is recruiting a post-doctoral research fellow with a background in malaria and cellular biology. Our lab has an NIH-funded study which aims to identify host pathways amenable to therapeutic intervention that would either reduce malaria disease severity and/or prevent liver-stage infection by Plasmodium parasites. We are using both in vitro studies with human blood samples from malaria-exposed individuals and mouse models to determine the mechanisms that drive the activation of p53 and associated pathways in innate immune cells of malaria-exposed children. We will also investigate the systemic effects of p53 activation in not only immune cells but also host tissue, namely the liver and vascular endothelium, as it relates to Plasmodium infection and malaria pathogenesis. We hypothesize that chronic inflammation induced by repeated malaria episodes, which frequently occurs in sub-Saharan African children, or chronic parasitemia activates p53 and its downstream pathways systemically to modulate the host response to both the current and subsequent Plasmodium infections.
Deadline : Open until Filled
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Host-Microbe Interaction
Successful host-associated microbes sculpt host cell biology in ways that are useful to them. Often, these changes in host biology alter the ability of other microbes to colonize, protecting the host niche for the first microbe. For example, colonization of insects with Wolbachia endosymbionts can preclude infection by viruses. This fact has led to the deployment of Wolbachia-infected mosquitos across the globe to limit the transmission of vectored diseases. We have identified RNA modifications induced by Wolbachia that directly alter Drosophila cell biology and affect the ability of viruses to colonize. Wolbachia upregulates a host methyltransferase to limit virus replication and our preliminary data suggest that the virus genome itself is modified in a Wolbachia infected cell, altering mRNA stability. These data lead us to ask “How does a microbial symbiont alter the epitranscriptomic landscape of host cells?”
Deadline : Open until Filled
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in microbial eco-evolutionary metagenomics, Indiana University
The Lennon lab ( seeks a postdoc to work on an NSF-funded project that is part of the CNH2: Dynamics of Integrated Socio-Environmental Systems. Postdoc will work with shotgun metagenomic data coming from comparative field studies and manipulative experiments to test predictions about how microorganisms confer tolerance to environmental conditions (i.e., drought). A PhD is required by the start of appointment and qualified candidates will have experience with the annotation, assembly, and querying of shotgun metagenomic data to address ecological and evolutionary questions. The postdoc will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with biologists from Indiana University (Dr. Jennifer Lau) and Michigan State University (Dr. Sara Evans) as well as investigators from social sciences to better understand the adoption and outcomes of management decisions on midwestern farms. The position is available for 12 months with expected renewal in subsequent years based on satisfactory performance. Anticipated start date is June 1, 2022 but negotiable. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Full benefits are included.
Deadline : Open until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Fellow in Cardiology
The Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center (KCVRC) has, as its charge, the interdisciplinary advancement in understanding, preventing, and treating cardiovascular diseases, translating basic discoveries to favorably impact the cardiovascular health of the people of Indiana and beyond. The Center aims to advance the capabilities of high impact programmatic teams and a pipeline of talent to establish around strong pillars and cross-cutting themes in cardiovascular science.
Deadline : Open until Filled
About Indiana University (IU), Bloomington, United States – Official Website
Indiana University (IU) is a major multi-campus public research institution, grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, and a world leader in professional, medical, and technological education. Indiana University’s mission is to provide broad access to undergraduate and graduate education for students throughout Indiana, the United States, and the world, as well as outstanding academic and cultural programs and student services.
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