University of Groningen, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Nanoparticles for Intestinal Diseases (1.0 FTE) (V24.0129)
The vacancy is within the groups of Prof. Dr. Klaas Poelstra and Prof. Dr. Peter Olinga at the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen and Prof. dr. Klaas Nico Faber, University Medical Center Groningen. The research project aims at developing innovative cell-selective delivery strategies for nanoparticles to fibroblasts and macrophages for the imaging and treatment of intestinal fibrosis associated with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
The University of Groningen (founded in 1614) has a long tradition of academic excellence, being one of the oldest research universities in Europe. The University is currently in or around the top 100 on several influential ranking lists. Currently approximately 30,000 students are enrolled and about 1,500 PhD students work on their theses. The city of Groningen is a historic town and among the ten biggest cities in The Netherlands. It is a vibrant student town with a direct train connection to Schiphol Airport near Amsterdam.
The project is awarded by The Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster (HTRIC). HTRIC is rethinking the future of healthcare. We bring academic research, health technology, and clinical practice together to tackle the challenges faced by today’s healthcare system. Our aspiration? More healthy years of life for the people around us!
Deadline : 2 May 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in ‘Public Economics of Housing’ (1.0 FTE) (V24.0124)
The Department of Economic Geography is in the Faculty of Spatial Sciences and offers an inspiring study and working environment for students and employees. International accreditation enables the Faculty to assess performance against the highest international standards. It also creates an exciting environment of continuous improvement.
The aim of our PhD programme is to deliver highly qualified researchers. For this purpose, we offer PhD positions to excellent candidates who recently graduated. The PhD programme covers four years and leads to a PhD degree. These four years are primarily spent on writing research papers for the PhD thesis and on participation in international conferences, workshops, and seminars. PhD candidates contribute up to 20% of their time to teaching, including Research (Stata) Lab tutorials and Theses Supervision. All PhD candidates are supervised by at least two supervisors who are a fellow of the research institute.
Deadline : 2 May 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in Molecular Microbiology (2.0 FTE) (V24.0121)
We are looking for two highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD candidates with a strong background in microbiology, bioengineering, bioinformatics or closely related fields to join the Systems Biology of Predatory Bacteria group of Dr Renske van Raaphorst.
The bacterial predator Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus has an unusual life cycle. When the fast-swimming predator encounters a prey bacterium, it attaches to the prey and enters the periplasm. There, B. bacteriovorus grows into a large filament while digesting the prey content, finally dividing into a variable number of daughter cells, leaving only prey debris behind.
B. bacteriovorus can kill a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas spp., making it especially interesting to find out how it recognizes, invades, kills & digests its prey. In the last years, technical advances have been made by different research groups, making it possible to genetically modify this bacterium and track its growth cycle using time-lapse microscopy. However, though several genes important for prey invasion were identified, most of the B. bacteriovorus predatory cycle remains elusive.
Deadline : 16 April 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on the development of an early detection test for pre-eclampsia (1.0 FTE) (V24.0119)
Applications are invited for one 4-year PhD study, in the research group of Dr F. Bianchi part of the Molecular Immunology group (Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute – The PhD study entails a close collaboration with Dr J.R. Prins part of the reproductive immunology group at the University Medical Centre Groningen. The successful applicant will work on a multidisciplinary project aimed at developing a prognostic test for Preeclampsia.
During pregnancy, the maternal immune system adapts to tolerate the fetus. Insufficient tolerance is linked to preeclampsia, an inflammatory condition affecting 5-10% of pregnancies, leading to maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Preeclampsia is often diagnosed late, usually resorting to early delivery with frequently detrimental consequences for the fetus.
Early prediction of preeclampsia is hard due to the absence of clear symptoms and lack of reliable early biomarkers for disbalances in the T-cell populations. To address this, this project aims to create a robust prognostic test. This test will quantitatively measure the maternal inflammatory response to paternal Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules early in pregnancy due to T-cell disbalances, which together with the T cell fitness is a predictor for complicated pregnancy such as preeclampsia.
Deadline : 16 April 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Biocatalysis (1.0 FTE) (V24.0161)
We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student with strong backgrounds in chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology or closely related fields to join the research group of Dr Sandy Schmidt, ( at the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Biology ( within the Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP). The position is funded for four years by the recently awarded ERC Starting grant ‘ReCNNSTRCT’.
Biocatalysis uses enzymes to replace traditional catalysts. This technology has already established sustainable enzymatic approaches across various industrial sectors and led to economic and environmental benefits. Despite the growing impact of biocatalysis in industrial chemistry, the full potential of this technology is yet to be unlocked. Important current limitations are the following: i) only a limited set of chemical reactions is amenable to biocatalysis; and ii) the unique enzymology encoded in the genome of organisms is yet only minimally explored.
In this context, we are interested in decoding novel reaction chemistries from the underexploited family of N-N bond-forming enzymes (NNZYMES), while tackling reactions that are difficult to realize by traditional chemical approaches and currently not feasible by enzyme catalysis. With this, we intend to build important molecules such as precursors for pharmaceuticals. A particular focus thereby lies on enzymes from natural product biosynthetic gene clusters that catalyze unique chemical reactions, but are tremendously underexplored as sustainable biocatalysts in the chemical industry. Although their native reactions have recently been investigated, the lack of knowledge on how these enzymes perform challenging reactions hinders a systematical exploration of their reactivity toward non-natural substrates and transformations.
Deadline : 15 April 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Critical material sustainability and energy transition (V24.0036)
We seek a PhD candidate who is passionate about energy and sustainability scientific problems with a focus on the critical material perspective. Successful candidate will be under supervision of Prof. Xin Sun, working with colleagues at the Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society group (IREES –, within Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen (ESRIG).
Although the clean energy technologies (e.g., solar & wind power, electric vehicles) are preferable from a decarbonization perspective, their deployment causes a surging demand of critical materials, with increasing concern of their high supply concentration, negative environmental and social impacts, by-product issues, geopolitical instability, and other unsustainable factors. There is a pressing need to tackle the challenge of coordinating the economic, environmental, and social impacts of energy-climate-material nexus.
In this context, the proposed PhD project focuses on the demand management solutions to mitigate the critical material impacts of the energy transition. Potential topics include (1) modeling dynamic demand for critical materials in multiple energy decarbonization and transportation electrification scenarios; (2) identifying the primary technological and societal factors that drive changes in demand patterns for critical materials; and (3) developing integrated approaches that simultaneously satisfy energy and mobility requirements while minimizing the need for critical materials and their environmental footprints. This project would involve with methodologies of dynamic material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, integrated assessment model, system dynamics, big data analysis, and design of new approaches for specific themes.
Deadline : 15 April 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Digital Inclusion and Migration (1.0 FTE) (V24.0147)
We are offering a 48-month PhD position (full time, 1.0 FTE) within the project “Migrant generations in the digital society: a multi-level study of socio-cultural factors influencing digital inclusion”. The DigiMig project is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) with a five-year Vidi grant (Principal Investigator: Dr Çigdem Bozdag, University of Groningen). The appointed candidate will develop an expertise in digital inclusion and digital migration research.
The project aims to analyze the socio-cultural factors that influence patterns of digital inclusion in culturally diverse societies. DigiMig consists of three empirical sub-projects (SP) that will provide detailed answers focusing on users’ adoption of digital technologies (SP1), the development of public policies and initiatives (SP2), and educational practices (SP3).
In addition to the Principal Investigator and the PhD position advertised in this vacancy, the DigiMig team will also feature a postdoc researcher (30 months, 2025-2027). The appointed PhD candidate will be responsible for DigiMig’s sub-project on the adoption of digital technologies (SP1). SP1 will analyse how a migration background influences digital inclusion, focusing on Dutch-Turkish and Dutch-Moroccan families with a migration history. By adopting qualitative methods from ethnographic research, SP1 will examine different levels of digital media use including access, motivation, skills, engagement and outcomes, and explore how these are influenced by individual and socio-cultural factors. SP1 will also analyse the two-way influence in technology use between parents and children by interviewing a parent and child from each family. The fieldwork will take place in Rotterdam and Groningen.
Deadline : 11 April 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD “Auditors at the Crossroads: Navigating the Opportunities and Challenges” (V24.0140)
The increasing public awareness of companies’ sustainability issues has led to a shift in recent years, prompting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks to a growing concern of auditors. As a result, auditors broaden the scope of their analyses beyond financial information to include ESG-related matters. ESG information is an opportunity for auditors, as it enables them to make more informed judgments and risk assessments. However, it may also represent a challenge, given the significant costs that auditors face when incorporating information available on ESG risks, which are mostly subjective, fragmented, complex to verify, and require specific expertise.
This challenge will be even more evident in a multinational group audit setting, which requires coordination and communication among multiple auditors operating in geographically dispersed locations. In this PhD project, we aim to examine the opportunities and challenges that auditors face when integrating ESG risks into client risk assessments, and the inherent impact of ESG risk integration on audit quality, both in standalone and multinational group audits.
You will work within the Department of Accounting and Auditing at University of Groningen. The PhD position is part of the project funded by the Foundation of Auditing Research (FAR), which will be directed by Yasemin Zengin-Karaibrahimoglu (University of Groningen) together with Vlad-Andrei Porumb and Paolo Quattrone (both from University of Manchester).
Deadline : April 2 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on Introduction of Artificial Intelligence in the Auditing Profession (V24.0139)
The aim of the PhD project is to identify how the introduction of AI affects auditors’ professional identity and skepticism, and how these effects can be managed. Exemplary research questions that will be addressed are: (1) How do auditors experience the normalization of AI in the audit practice? (2) How do the auditors’ trait skepticism, AI-related communication in the audit firm, and the auditors’ relational closeness to the AI project relate to the auditors’ professional identity? (3) How does the audit cycle and the tasks which are supported by AI affect the auditors’ alertness and professional skepticism?
The aim of the project will be achieved with a mixed-method approach incorporating (1) a longitudinal interview study, (2) a cross-sectional survey study combined with proprietary archival data, and (3) an experimental study using devices to measure the skin conductance response.
The PhD student will work within the Department of Accounting and Auditing. This PhD position is sponsored by the Foundation for Auditing Research (FAR) in The Netherlands and co-sponsored by the Faculty of Economics & Business of the University of Groningen. FAR will make it possible for the PhD candidate to work closely with Dutch auditing firms and also provides access to unique data to achieve the aims of the project. The PhD student will work in intensive exchange with Dr Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber, Dr Sebastian Firk, Dr Martijn van der Steen, and Dr Ann Tank (all from the University of Groningen). Moreover, there will be a regular exchange with Prof. Jennifer Joe (from Virginia Tech, USA).
Deadline : 2 April 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in RNA Structure Ensembles & Dynamics (2.0 FTE) (V24.0031)
We are looking for two talented and enthusiastic candidates for a fully funded 4-year PhD position. The PhD candidates for this project will be working at the RNA Structure Ensembles & Dynamics group led by Dr Danny Incarnato, which is embedded in the Molecular Genetics department of the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB –
PhD candidates will receive excellent training through cutting-edge research projects, advanced courses and training opportunities, complemented by workshops on generic research, transferable skills and teaching. As a PhD candidate, you are committed to conduct independent and original scientific research, to report on this research in international publications and presentations, and to present the results of the research in a PhD dissertation, to be completed within 4 years. PhD candidates are expected to contribute 10% of their overall workload to teaching.
Deadline : 1 April 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Multi-Scale Geological Reservoir Characterisation and Modelling (V24.0114)
Geological reservoirs used for producing or storing energy are heterogeneous. Characterising and quantifying geological heterogeneities is challenging because sampling scales (e.g., thin sections, plugs, cores) are different from the scales where petrophysical properties need to be defined (i.e., the scale of a grid block in a reservoir model). This gives rise to major uncertainties, especially in heterogeneous formations such as the Rotliegend of The Netherlands, because reservoir models are used to investigate how geological heterogeneities impact production rates and production risks. A fundamental challenge is that current reservoir modelling workflows almost always underestimate geological heterogeneity and hence provide unrealistic uncertainty bounds. The unique database of the Groningen Rotliegend reservoir in the Netherlands provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to develop an efficient and scientifically-based methodology that allows us to represent the key geological heterogeneities in reservoir models through geologically-informed upscaling and better constrain uncertainties in model predictions. Such advanced geoscience research will enable us to execute future geoenergy projects safely and sustainably, and is needed to earn trust among different stakeholders and societal actors. The CrossScale project, which is part of the DeepNL programme funded by the Dutch Research Council, hence aims to bridge across scales and disciplines to develop a new upscaling methodology for better reservoir models and provide a new deliberation approach that improves the communication between scientists and societal stakeholders.
Deadline : 29 March 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Security and Privacy of/with Neuromorphic Computing Devices (1,0 FTE) (V24.0062)
Inspired from how the human-brain works, neuromorphic computing has the promise that many of the AI tasks can be performed in orders of magnitude more efficiently in terms of energy consumption and computational requirements than the current AI solutions. At the same time, side channel attacks, exploitation of any other information (e.g., power consumption, electromagnetic/acoustic emissions, timing of computation) than the design/algorithm flaw of the system itself, are on the rise as it has been seen with Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities in 2017.
In this cross-disciplinary CogniGron project, we aim to investigate the security of neuromorphic chips against side channel attacks and their suitability for implementing security-critical functionality. Starting the investigation at the level of circuits, our particular focus will be on memristor-based designs (and the commonly used materials in their construction), their security relevant properties (e.g., stochasticity and indistinguishability) and some of the high level choices during their design/usage. After identifying/selecting the most relevant side channel attacks based on the available emissions, we will first study whether the selected (memristor-based) neuromorphic circuits are vulnerable against them. We will then focus on a use case in which memristors constructed with different materials are used to implement Physically Uncloneable Functions (PUF), which are expected to proliferate due to the increased number of IoT deployments. Depending on the availability of the time, we also plan to evaluate our findings at a higher level where memristors are used to implement more sophisticated AI functionality, i.e., spiking neural networks.
Deadline : 27 March 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Cognitive Architecture for Touch-based applications (1.0 FTE) (V24.0117)
Cognitive Architectures have been used extensively to study the nature and structure of human intelligence. They are also a source of inspiration to build novel AI systems. In this project, we aim to build a cognitive architecture that is rooted in spiking neural networks that can be implemented in neuromorphic hardware. One of the challenges is to find the right transition between the continuous processes at the neural level, and discrete symbol manipulations at higher levels of abstraction. If we meet this challenge, we can combine the advantages of neural networks (learning, robustness) with the advantages of symbolic computing (versatility, control).
In addition to this fundamental challenge, this position is part of a larger consortium project on neuromorphic computing, NL-ECO, in which we aim to implement cognitive architectures in brain-like hardware. In the subproject that this position is part of, you will work with physicists and engineers to build a demonstration of a touch-based application. You will also be part of the Cognigron center for Cognitive Systems and Materials, and multidisciplinary center that includes material science, mathematics, computer science and artificial intelligence.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Docentprofessionalisering inzet AR/VR in het STEM-onderwijs (2x 0,8 fte) (V24.0106)
Augmented reality (AR) en virtual reality (VR) hebben enorme potentie om leeruitkomsten, attitudes en carrière-aspiraties van leerlingen voor Science, Technology, Engineering en Mathematics (STEM) te verbeteren. Vooral wanneer deze technologieën gebruikt worden om innovatief en effectief STEM-onderwijs te realiseren. In het project onderzoeken we hoe docentprofessionalisering vorm moet krijgen, zodat docenten op doelgerichte en geïntegreerde wijze een AR/VR-laag kunnen toevoegen aan hun STEM-onderwijs. Daarbij onderzoeken we de effecten hiervan op de leeruitkomsten, attitude en carrière-aspiraties van leerlingen. We werken daarbij samen met leerkrachten in de bovenbouw van het basisonderwijs en docenten in de onderbouw van het voortgezet onderwijs.
De beoogde promovendi (PhD-studenten) dragen bij aan de ontwikkeling en het systematisch verbeteren van professionaliseringstrajecten voor docenten. Daarbij voeren ze een grootschalige interventiestudie uit waarbij een breed scala aan instrumenten wordt ingezet om het effect van de docentprofessionaliseringsactiviteiten op zowel docentcompetenties als op leerlinguitkomsten te evalueren. Hierbij wordt onderscheid gemaakt tussen professionaliseringsactiviteiten voor leerkrachten in het basisonderwijs en docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs. Het ene promotietraject zal dan ook gericht worden op het basisonderwijs en het andere promotietraject op het voortgezet onderwijs.
Deadline : 18 March 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhDs legal aspects of the development of HVDC – Doctoral Network ‘Inter-oPEn’ (V24.0018)
Europe wants to build around 450 GW of offshore wind by 2050. In the future, the cables to connect offshore wind farms will not only transmit electricity directly to the shore of the coastal states, but also to other states or different ‘hubs’ of wind farms. Large, cross-border high voltage direct current (HVDC) electricity systems are needed for this. These systems must be interoperable and mutually compatible. The future interoperability of different network elements has an important societal impact in creating a cost-effective connection of the vast amount of offshore wind, and integration of the European electricity networks. This project has interoperability in HVDC networks as its core objective. For a simple explanation about HVDC grids and interoperability, watch this video (, made by another project in which the University of Groningen also participates, which is working on resolving several short term issues in this field.
From a legal perspective, interoperability in HVDC systems has two components, namely an energy law and governance component, and a technology law component. They form two separate PhD trajectories. The specific projects are elaborated further below.
Deadline : 18 March 2024
About The University of Groningen, Netherlands –Official Website
The University of Groningen is a public research university in the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The university was founded in 1614 and is the second-oldest university in the Netherlands. In 2014, the university celebrated its 400th anniversary. Currently, RUG is placed in the top 100 universities worldwide according to three international ranking tables.
The university was ranked 65th in the world, according to Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in 2019. In April 2013, according to the results of the International Student Barometer, the University of Groningen, for the third time in a row, was voted the best university of the Netherlands.
The University of Groningen has eleven faculties, nine graduate schools, 27 research centres and institutes, and more than 175-degree programmes. The university’s alumni and faculty include Johann Bernoulli, Aletta Jacobs, four Nobel Prize winners, nine Spinoza Prize winners, one Stevin Prize winner, royalty, multiple mayors, the first president of the European Central Bank, and a secretary general of NATO.
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