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15 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Utrecht University, Netherlands

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Utrecht University, Netherlands invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Utrecht University, Netherlands.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Reproductive Politics in the City

After decades of increasing sexual and reproductive rights, the controversy surrounding abortion has been reignited by the rise of right-wing conservatism across Europe. In this tense climate, powerful political actors and different social groups are increasingly competing for their right to claim city space as the arena from which to inform and control the public opinion. On the one hand, pro- and anti-choice demonstrations reveal how the debate around abortion has shifted from the political to the public sphere, making city space a vital terrain for gender and reproductive politics. On the other, the proliferation of local policy tools to safeguard access to abortion in the face of state conservatism points to cities’ role in enacting a new moral frontier in the fight for reproductive rights.

To unravel the scalar entanglement of gender, (city) space, and morality in the abortion debates, this PhD project zooms in on the micro-geographies of abortion clinic buffer zones in the Netherlands. Following the recent resurgence of a militant anti-abortion movement whose activists increasingly line up outside abortion clinics, pro-choice groups have been advocating for the adoption of a national buffer zone law to keep protesters away from patients and protecting the privacy and wellbeing of those seeking to terminate a pregnancy. While, to date, the Dutch parliament has failed to find an agreement on this matter, a series of medium-sized and large municipalities – including The Hague, Rotterdam, and Arnhem – have been able to pass their own local policies to regulate disruptive clinic protests.

Deadline : 4 February 2024

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Inclusive Mobile Ageing

We are looking for a PhD candidate who will critically examine older adults’ perspectives on and experiences with new digital mobility technologies. More specifically: How do older adults experience mobility technology across different transport modes, and what does it mean for their social inclusion and well-being? And, in what ways are mobility technologies adopted, used or non-used amongst older adults, and which processes lead towards adoption or non-adoption?

Deadline : 15 February 2024

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on Exploring Other-than-Human Homes in the Urban South – Subproject Semarang

By focusing on the everyday life inside and around homes in low-income neighborhoods of Semarang (Indonesia), San Andrés (Colombia), and Maputo (Mozambique), HOMESCAPES studies the interconnected infrastructural histories and arrangements, ecological changes, and social power relations that constitute homescapes. The concept of homescape is originally proposed to denote a produced place in which interdependent social, material and ecological processes unfold in and around the domestic, but are not independent of broader socio-economic power relations and ecological dynamics. HOMESCAPES casts a spotlight on the domestic scale as a critical, yet overlooked, vantage point for understanding urban socio-ecological relations in a context of inequality and climate change.

The research is carried out by a project team consisting of forty-two researchers: 2 PhD candidates, 3 Master’s students, 36 Community Research Assistants and the Principal Investigator (PI), Dr Acevedo Guerrero. The team will work together to gather and analyse the data, participate in conferences, and (co-)author publications.

Deadline : 9 February 2024

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on Children’s Independent and Risky Play in Neighbourhood Public Spaces

In this PhD research you will investigate how children experience their neighbourhood, you will question what they learn from these experiences, and you will explore in what ways they engage in risky play and how the social and physical characteristics of the neighbourhood influence children’s opportunities for independent and risky play. You will collaborate closely with children themselves to gain their insights into where and how they play, and you will explore ways to promote independent and risky play. The research approach will combine quantitative surveys with qualitative participatory methods involving children, including play-along interviews and co-creation sessions. At the heart of this study is the recognition of children as credible participants possessing valuable insights and experiences regarding their immediate environment, challenging conventional adult perspectives on play and public spaces.

Deadline : 1 February 2024

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on ‘Planning HER City: Co-Creating Urban Spaces for More Inclusive Cities’

We are looking for a PhD candidate for a project examining how gender-sensitive urban planning can be put in practice. The research engages with the following questions: how do gender differences manifest themselves in Dutch urban planning practice and with what effect? Through which planning techniques could the participation of young women be facilitated, and which spatial interventions can help to reclaim their right to the city?

Deadline : 4 February 2024

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on a Geographical Perspective on 3D Printing Adoption and Impact

Additive manufacturing or 3D printing (3DP) is a set of technologies to manufacture goods by adding raw material, layer by layer, based on a digital model. These characteristics make 3DP deeply connected to geography for two reasons. Firstly, geography shapes the ability of firms to embrace 3DP, as spatial factors like knowledge centers (e.g. universities) and proximity to consumers play an important role in 3DP adoption. Secondly, 3DP fosters decentralised manufacturing and lower reliance on global value chain, as seen during the COVID crisis. By decentralising the geography of production, 3DP can have direct implications on economic and innovation dynamics at local level.

Deadline : 1 February 2024

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on Assessing Environmental Impact of Floating Structures

The Floating Future research project 

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 aims at answering the question: ‘How can we keep our densely populated country liveable?’.

We will investigate possibilities of flood resilient, multifunctional, and inclusive living space on the water enabled by large floating structures. However, so far the ecological effects and water quality effects of large-scale floating constructions remain largely unknown.

Your task as part of our team will be to gain understanding how large-scale floating structures can be designed so that they minimise negative ecological impacts, maximise opportunities for restoring ecosystems and their services and include aquaculture. The environmental effects depend on the scale of the floating structure relative to the dimensions of the lake or sea, as well on how the edges of the floating structures are shaped for nature and aquaculture targets.

Deadline : 21 February 2024

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on Exploring Other-than-Human Homes in the Urban South – Subproject Maputo

The research is carried out by a project team consisting of forty-two researchers: 2 PhD candidates, 3 Master’s students, 36 Community Research Assistants and the Principal Investigator (PI), Dr Acevedo Guerrero. The team will work together to gather and analyse the data, participate in conferences, and (co-)author publications.

You will be based at Utrecht University and conduct twelve months of in-depth ethnographic fieldwork in low-income neighborhoods in Maputo. You will work collaboratively with community research assistants and a grassroots association. The focus of your research will be on how low-income residents make homescapes in Maputo, through an intermittent water supply. During the first phase, you will carry out preparatory archival/literature reviews to analyse the historical processes and political transformations that have shaped water service configurations and power relations at the city level. During the second phase, you will coordinate multi-modal ethnographic work in the city. You will investigate urban life in the Global South from the perspective of the home as a place of social and ecological processes.

Deadline : 9 February 2024

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD: The Role of Social Innovations in Enabling Nature-Based Solutions in Cities

Nature-based solutions are climate adaptation solutions for dealing with climate pressures, biodiversity loss, and regenerating people-nature connections, which are an increasingly important part of how cities respond to climate change. Recently, there has been much research about the drivers and barriers of planning and governing nature-based solutions and the importance of engaging with a multitude of actors to ensure just processes and outcomes. This project focuses on key research frontiers: how social innovation initiatives and networks enable the implementation and mainstreaming of nature-based solutions in such a way that they contribute to more just and sustainable cities and regions.

As PhD candidate, you will deepen these themes empirically and theoretically, generating actionable knowledge for inclusive governance of nature-based solutions in cities and regions while building strongly from action research in a plentitude of real-life case studies in the Mediterranean region. Alongside research, you are expected to contribute to the European project “CARDIMED: Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated In the Mediterranean region” (see below) through an effort to develop and host a trans-local network of nature-based solutions initiatives. Join us in this exciting research opportunity to help shape the future of urban and regional resilience.

Deadline : 20 February 2024

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on the Role of Knowledge in Planning & Governance of Nature-Based Solutions

We are seeking a PhD researcher to investigate the role of knowledge in the inclusive planning and governance of nature-based solutions in cities and regions in the Mediterranean region. Nature-based solutions are leading climate adaptation solutions for dealing with climate pressures, biodiversity loss, and regenerating people-nature connections.

Deadline : 20 February 2024

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in AI for Mass-Spectrometry and Protein Biology

In this PhD project, you will develop AI-driven methodologies for analysing a variety of mass spectrometry data, including metabolites, peptides, and intact proteins. This involves predicting different biochemical properties of molecules and interpreting the trained models. Additionally, you will apply protein structure prediction methods to assess how different post-translational modifications impact protein structure, and consequently, protein-protein interactions. Collaboration with the Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics groups at the Pharmaceutical Sciences department will be an integral part of your work, providing you with hands-on experience in planning, executing, and validating biological hypotheses.

Deadline : 12 February 2024

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Statistics – Getting the Best Predictions from Complex Data Sets

This PhD position is part of the project “Getting the best predictions from complex data sets: Balancing scalability and interpretability.” In this data-driven era, high-dimensional data sets hold a wealth of untapped insights. The main challenge is to optimise predictive models from these complex data sets while preserving interpretability, a crucial aspect for subsequent application in fields such as behavioural prediction and medical diagnostics. This project aims to bridge the gap between the scalability of predictive modeling techniques and their interpretability by combining rigorous statistical methods with innovative machine learning approaches.

In this project, we will optimise Bayesian penalised regression methods to provide optimal predictions in high-dimensional data sets. In addition to these more traditional statistical methods, we will explore the use of learning techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Adversarial Random Forests (ARFs) in complex real-world data sets. To enhance both predictive accuracy and interpretability, we will investigate how prior knowledge can best be incorporated in these methods. Finally, the developed methods will be extensively evaluated and compared, they will be applied to real-world complex data sets from the social and medical sciences, and they will be implemented in a user-friendly R-package.

Deadline : 29 February 2024

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on Video-Based Perimetry of Attention and Vision Disorders

Visual and visuo-attentional impairments following brain damage have severe consequences for the daily lives of affected patients. Current diagnostics are plagued by unreliability, especially so in young and elderly, who are not always able to fully cooperate. This problem disproportionally reduces treatment effectiveness, well-being, daily functioning. We introduce an innovative, entertaining, and accessible test that will allow much more reliable assessment of vision and attention without even requiring overt responses from the participant. This assessment provides new insights in the core design of the human visual system and helps to diagnose visuo(spatial) impairments as diverse as low visual acuity, scotoma, and neglect. The proposed project focuses on which and how visual and attentional deficits may develop after brain damage. We accomplish this by implementing a novel, objective, physiological form of diagnostic assessment as an alternative to current subjective, report-based assessments.

Deadline : 30 January 2024

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Linking Early Brain Predictors to Later Language Outcomes

In this project, we want to understand whether and how early brain development links to children’s later language outcomes. Not every child develops comparable language skills. The first 1,001 days from conception onwards prove critical for language skills and brain development alike, but it remains unknown whether these two developmental processes are related. We have access to data from the YOUth cohort study, which followed >2,000 children’s brain development starting in pregnancy. In the current project, we will add their full language profiles when the same children are 3‐6 years old. We will then link these language skills to children’s prenatal brain development, while also taking into account their child and parental characteristics.

You will become a part of our BRAVECHILD lab in which you will work closely with a postdoc and 3 research assistants. You will carry out activities like scheduling and testing children, analysing data, writing scientific papers for publication in international journals, and presenting results at national and international conferences. You will participate in the education programme of the Helmholtz research school.

Deadline : 30 January 2024

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Explainable AI for Multimodal Life Science Data

In this PhD project, you will develop novel explainable AI methodologies tailored for multimodal data within the Life Sciences. The main focus revolves around understanding the interplay between imaging and omics information. As we intend to move towards precision medicine, it is imperative to understand what genetic information is embedded in radiology and pathology images. In the most recent years, radiology images have been used to predict tumour progression and treatment response, offering the unique advantage of characterising tumour heterogeneity through non-invasive procedures. The apparent success of these image-based methods stems from the relationship between genetic information and observable image phenotypes. Despite this progress, prevalent studies often limit their evaluation to classification performances, leading to an incomplete assessment with repercussions on trust and scientific understanding. This project aims to address this limitation by developing inherently interpretable AI models that explain the relationship between the different modalities and are robust against domain shifts. The emphasis on explainability and robustness is paramount for the integration of AI systems into clinical settings. In summary, this project aims to develop novel AI methodologies, contributing to the improvement of cancer research and cancer care.

Deadline : 19 February 2024

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About Utrecht University, Netherlands – Official Website

Utrecht University is a public research university in Utrecht, Netherlands. Established 26 March 1636 (385 years ago), it is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. In 2018, it had an enrolment of 31,801 students, and employed 7,191 faculty and staff. In 2018, 525 PhD degrees were awarded and 6,948 scientific articles were published. The 2018 budget of the university was €857 million.

Utrecht University counts a number of distinguished scholars among its alumni and faculty, including 12 Nobel Prize laureates and 13 Spinoza Prize laureates. Utrecht University has been placed consistently in the top 100 universities in the world by prominent international ranking tables. The university is ranked the best university in the Netherlands by the Shanghai Ranking of World Universities 2019, ranking 13th in Europe and 49th in the world.

The university’s motto is “Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos,” which means “May the Sun of Righteousness Enlighten Us”. This motto was gleaned from a literal Latin Bible translation of Malachi 4:2. Rutgers University, having historical connections with Utrecht University, uses a modified version of this motto.

Utrecht University is led by the University Board, consisting of prof. dr. Henk Kummeling (Rector Magnificus), prof. dr. Anton Pijpers (Chair) and prof. mr. Annetje Ottow (Vice Chair).

Close ties are harboured with other institutions internationally through its membership in the League of European Research Universities (LERU), the Utrecht Network and the European University Association (EUA).


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