16 Fully Funded PhD Position at Umea University, Sweden
Umea University, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Position at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Position available at Umea University, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D position in Political Science, focusing on Environment and natural resource politics.
We are happy to see applicants with a research plan that is linked to the research and teaching conducted within this research profile. For information about the profile and the department’s other research profiles, see https://www.umu.se/en/department-of-political-science/research/and teaching assignments https://www.umu.se/en/department-of-political-science/education/
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-08-13
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D in Political Science, focusing on Municipalities, Regions & Public Sector
A position as a doctoral student in the doctoral program amounts to four years of full-time studies (240 higher education credits). A Ph.D. student can also participate in teaching or other departmental activities up to 20% of the time. In such cases, the employment is extended corresponding to this time, at most by a year.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-08-13
(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance
The doctoral student will work within Business Administration at Umeå School of Business, Economics, and Statistics (USBE). As a Ph.D. student, you should take doctoral courses and do an independent research project within finance. The course part of the doctoral education amounts to 90 ECTS, while the research (thesis) to 150 ECTS. As a doctoral student you are expected to contribute to the research environment through active participation in seminars, conferences and other research activities that support your research as well as the research environment. The doctoral education equals four years of full-time studies (240 ECTS). From the second year, the student may teach and carry out other school tasks which correspond to 20% of the working hours. Thus, the employment is thereby equally prolonged.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-08-01
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(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Experimental Physics
We are now looking for candidates interested in research on graphene-related materials for energy storage applications. The research is part of a project is aimed on development of new graphene-related materials, dispersions based on these materials, deposition of electrodes and evaluation of supercapacitor’s energy storage parameters.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-06-15
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student i Psychology in a project on intrinsic motivation for cognition.
We seek a responsible and creative person with a high motivation for doctoral studies. The candidate should be open to many perspectives on cognition including emotional, evolutionary and clinical aspects, to guide research questions and experimental protocols. The candidate should be interested in converting ideas into testable experiments, enjoy programming, quantitative modelling and analysis. The candidate should appreciate the challenge of finding technical solutions to problems to the problems raised by the addressing the research questions. Prior knowledge and skills in experimental methods, brain imaging, programming and mathematical statistics are merits. If considered eligible, the relevant skills meritorious and the previous relevant academic achievements will primarily be evaluated. Attention will also be given to the applicant’s ability to work in a group as well as independently, and ability to communicate in English.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-06-11
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD-position in Medicinal Chemistry at Umeå University.
The objective of the research project is to develop biologically active organic molecules that can be used as chemical tools aimed at meeting the fast-growing demands of basic research in the area of metacaspases (MCs). These enzymes are present in all kingdoms of life, except for animals, and highly selective and specific probes with MC-modulating activity will generate new knowledge regarding the proteases’ structure and function. The results of this project will not only have a transformative impact on the field of MC research but will as well impel large and multidisciplinary community of scientists studying animal caspases. That fact that MCs are found in protozoa but not in humans makes it an attractive target for development of anti-parasitic drugs. Finding inhibitors or activators specific for protozoa MC will not only give valuable insights into the inter-species differences of MC function, but may also be a means of modulating virulence of parasitic protozoa, like Trypanosoma and Leishmania, in mammals thereby reducing their pathogenicity. The PhD candidate will design and synthesize molecules that inhibit or enhance the function of metacaspases by targeting active or allosteric sites. This project will be carried out within a research group that uses multidisciplinary approaches to address medicinal chemistry research questions.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-06-04
(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral student in marine environmental chemistry.
The employment as a doctoral student aims at a doctoral degree where the main task is to devote oneself to one’s own doctoral education, including participation in research projects as well as doctoral education courses. You will be part of an international research group focused on marine environmental chemistry. The aim of the project is to study processes that affect the transport and fate of anthropogenic and naturally formed substances in the marine coastal zone, including their uptake into and effects on marine organisms. You will conduct studies both in the laboratory and in the field. Furthermore, you perform chemical analyzes with linked chromatographic and mass spectrometric instruments. As a doctoral student, you will also participate in research conferences, present your data to an international audience and write scientific publications based on your research results.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-06-04
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Boreal Forest Ecology-patterns and drivers of carbon allocation and cycling in boreal forests.
Boreal forests play a critical role in the global climate as stores of around a third of global terrestrial carbon. As climate change is particularly rapid across higher latitudes, the effects of climate change on this stored carbon has understandably become a topic of intense societal interest. Despite this, boreal forests have been largely ignored in global policy efforts to mitigate climate change and promote sustainable land management.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-31
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(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student Position in Computer Science with focus on Digital Companions.
Umeå University, the Department of Computing Science, is seeking outstanding candidates for a PhD student position in Computer Science with focus on digital companions as social actors.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-30
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Space Physics.
In the project we will investigate properties of magnetosheath jets upstream Earth and their effects on the magnetosphere. In our investigations will use data from several spacecraft missions and ground-based observatories. The PhD project will be conducted in close collaboration with scientists from the University Centre in Svalbard, Charles University in Prague, and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-29
(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in human geography, specializing in economic geography.
The Department of Geography is to appoint a doctoral student in economic geography contributing to an ongoing research project about the conditions for work and welfare provision outside the largest urban areas in Sweden. The Department of Geography has around 40 employees and conducts extensive research within the field of human geography. Our main research and teaching evolve around topics like spatial planning, economic geography, tourism, resource management and sustainability.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-17
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in chemistry.
We are seeking a PhD student in chemistry that will be part of a research team focused on understanding structural dynamics in proteins involved in antibiotic resistance. We use experimental techniques such as time-resolved X-ray scattering, cryo-electron microscopy and biochemical assays, as well as computer simulation
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-17
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position in Political Science focusing on Peace- and Conflict studies.
A position as a doctoral student in the doctoral program amounts to four years of full-time studies (240 higher education credits). A Ph.D. student can also participate in teaching or other departmental activities up to 20% of the time. In such cases, the employment is extended corresponding to this time, at most by a year.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-14
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position in Political Science focusing on Representative Democracy.
The Department of Political Science wants to strengthen the research group with a doctoral student in political science with a focus on Representative Democracy – institutions and political parties in Sweden, Europe and the EU
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-14
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in energy technology with focus on big-data analysis and machine learning for energy efficiency.
We are recruiting up to two PhD students in sustainable built environment. The successful applicants will participate in research activities in the research group “Energy Efficiency” at Umeå University. The start date of successful candidates is up for negotiation, but we expect the new PhD students could join the group between August and November, 2021
Deadline of PhD Position: 14 May 2021.
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(16) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in biogeochemistry.
Improving our understanding of the contributions of mineral surfaces to overall organic C input, fertility and stabilization – at the molecular scale – is needed since climate change, water shortage, soil degradation and food insecurity are critical environmental challenges for present and future generations on this planet. This project therefor aims to improve our understanding of biogeochemical processes between different organic molecules and sheet silicate mineral surfaces – on the molecular scale.
Deadline of PhD Position: 2021-05-14
About Umea University, Sweden –Official Website
Umea University is a university in Umeå in the mid-northern region of Sweden. The university was founded in 1965 and is the fifth oldest within Sweden’s present borders.
As of 2015, Umeå University has nearly 31,000 registered students (approximately 16,000 full-time students), including those at the postgraduate and doctoral level. It has more than 4,000 employees, half of which are teachers/researchers, including 368 professors.
Internationally, the university is known for research relating to the genome of the poplar tree and the Norway Spruce, and its highly ranked Institute of (industrial) Design.
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