University of Freiburg, Germany invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Freiburg, Germany.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position – Project TriboMech – Programmable Triboelectric Energy Harvesting through Mechanical Design
This project will investigate the role of the aforementioned parameters through simulation, design and experimentation, and seek ways to optimize them to achieve, in the end, a high-performance TriboGen. Ideas are special contact formation-release structures, e.g. micro suction cups or bistable mechanisms for rapidly forming and breaking a contact in an adiabatic process and virtually “freeze” the separated charge. Micro-nanostructured surface topologies may create higher local surface pressure at the interface. Finally, the design of the TriboGen, its material and operation parameters will be optimized. Within this project a second doctoral student will work on adiabatic contact formation and separation on a purely theoretical/simulation basis. Close cooperation is expected and will be of mutual benefit. Also, another livMatS project is working on chemical surface effects in a TriboGen, with additional cooperation opportunities.
Deadline : 30.09.2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position
We aim at developing integrated solar-charging energy storage devices (photosupercapacitors and photobatteries) with high energy and power density as self-sufficient energy and power sources enabling energy autonomy in materials systems. Thus far, we successfully developed several types of photosupercapacitors via monolithic integration of electrochemical double layer supercapacitors with organic solar cells (OSC). Although highly efficient, these devices are still limited by output voltages below 1V, thereby strongly reducing storage capacitances and hence energy and power densities. We also developed flexible organic solar modules with unprecedented performance under indoor illumination, a typical environment for the fully integrated solar-charging energy storage devices.
Deadline : 23.09.2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD postion: “GALLISENSE: Innovative sensor development“
In this project you will focus on developing an innovative passive sensing method, which uses the conductive properties of the gallium droplets to monitor the metal segments inside microfluidic channels, hence the state of the material and the presence of external stimuli continuously. To do this you will design resonators made of gallium droplets, in which the position change of the liquid metal segments will cause a variation either of the capacitance or of the inductance of the resonator. The liquid metal segments will work as an antenna so that the position changes can be interrogated similar to a configurable RFID tag and thus allow state querying from the outside without the need of additional electronics on the material side.
Deadline : 21.10.2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on the topic “Development of an airborne sensor for the detection of chlorophyll fluorescence”.
The research and development goals of the professorship “Monitoring of Large Structures” at the Institute for Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) are divided into three major areas: Inspection, data analysis and interpretation and the implementation of complete system chains.
Deadline : 15.09.2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in the field of perovskite tandem solar cells
The aim of this research project is to simulate, analyse and optimize the device properties of perovskite solar cells including optical properties (e.g. current-matching of the sub cells) and electrical properties (e.g. carrier transport at interfaces). In this way, various solar cell structures can be optimized, and their potential evaluated without much experimental effort. The position allows to actively participate in the development of new solar cell types in collaboration with technologists and other simulation experts. For these tasks, we can build on the expertise developed over many years in our group.
Deadline : 15.09.2022
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Position (m/f/d): Antibiofouling and antisoiling sensor coatings
You will develop coatings and coating techniques based on a chemistry established in our group and adjust them to the needs of ECOSENSE. Two general strategies will be followed: The removal of inorganic contaminants can be achieved by applying a low-surface energy coating. The low adhesion of particles to these coatings allows a simple removal by rain. For the prevention of bio-fouling the concept of “entropic shielding” will be pursued in which surface-attached hydrogel coatings prevent the adhesion of biomolecules and cells. Your coatings will fulfill a broad spectrum of requirements: They will work both under very dry conditions and in the pouring rain, endure strong temperature changes as well as strong UV loads from the sun.
Deadline : 04.09.2022
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position for the project Autonomous Actuators for Adaptive Architecture and Soft Robotics
This project aims to generate materials systems based on multistimulus responsive actuators. As such, you will develop actuators that respond – depending on the details of the system – to changes in humidity, temperature or magnetic fields. The developed systems will be heavily inspired by nature, especially plants, which respond for example to humidity (pine cone), water drops (silver thistle), or light (sunflower). The actuators will be generated using CHic chemistry previously developed by our group. The actuators will be written using 2Photon Crosslinking (2PC), a maskless technique also based on CHic chemistries.
Deadline : 15.09.2022
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position for the project Generation of Materials with Adaptive Mechanical Properties – Stimulus-induced Lignification and Softening
This project focuses on generating polymeric materials with adaptive mechanical properties based on changes in the crosslink density. The project will start from elastomeric compounds. You will develop chemistries to introduce additional crosslinks. This will be done electrochemically or through redox processes to generate either covalent bonds and/or ionic/coordinative bonds between the chains. This way the material stiffens considerably, similar to the lignification process. We draw inspiration for such lignification processes from nature and as such, you will collaborate with groups from the Botanical Garden at the University of Freiburg.
Deadline : 15.09.2022
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral position (m/f/d): Energy autonomous remote sensing in forests (ECOSENSE C1.1)
You will develop electronic power management systems for maximizing the energy harvested from solar and thermal ambient energy, using thermoelectric generators and photovoltaics in conjunction with rechargeable batteries. You will further develop a microcontroller system with operation software, as basic system for sensors and wireless communication systems to be attached. In a later project phase, you will develop intelligent algorithms to make these sensor nodes aware of their current and forecasted energy budget, so that they can schedule functions accordingly. Hardware and software must exhibit ultra-low po-wer consumption, to ensure operation over long periods of time, also with fluctuating/ low energy income.
Deadline : 06.09.2022
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Position (m/f/d): Multifunctional and energy-autonomous soil probe systems (MEA-SPS)
In the context of the Collaborative Research Centre ECOSENSE you will be working on the development of soil probes for measuring CO2 concentration and temperature which will be energy-autonomous through thermo-electric and solar energy harvesting. The goal of the project is to be able to install these probes over a large area grid in a “deploy-and forget” strategy to collect data over long periods of time. This project is embedded in a larger effort to get a deeper understanding of the influence of H2O, CO2 and other components distribution over time by using sensor networks in all parts of a forest – from the soil to the canopy.
Deadline : 04.09.2022
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting with Responsive Metamaterial Surfaces – ThermoMetaS
The Cluster of Excellence „Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems” (livMatS) develops life-like materials systems inspired by nature. The systems will adapt autonomously to their environment, harvest clean energy from it, and be insensitive to damage or recover from it.. The intention of these purely technical – yet in a behavioral sense quasi-living – materials systems is to meet the demands of humans with regard to pioneering environmental and energy technologies. The societal relevance of autonomous systems and their sustainability will thus play an important role in their development. The research program of livMatS is characterized by highly interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers from a broad range of fields including engineering, chemistry, physics, biology, psychology, the humanities, and sustainability sciences.
Deadline : 11.09.2022
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position for the project ThermoMetas: Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting with Responsive Metamaterial Surfaces
The ability to harvest energy from its surrounding is one of the most important capability of a smart material. Energy is the fundamental prerequisite for a responsive and smart material. Interestingly, there are many sources of (non-conventional) energy which can be harvested. Thermal energy is among the most amply available sources of energy – however, it is also one of the most difficult to harvest in miniaturized systems. This project aims at the development of complex metamaterial systems made from functional materials which can undergo shape changes upon changes in ambient temperature. These thermally-induced shape changes can be used to harvest energy. The materials to be used are based on phase-change materials which can be 3D printed. These materials will be processed using top-of-the-line Additive Manufacturing (AM) infrastructure available in the cluster. The aim is to substantially enrich the material landscape in smart materials with the aim of developing self-sustained systems with the ability to harvest thermal energy for distributed systems, e.g., in smart health, ambient assisted living, IoT or distributed sensing systems.
Deadline : 28.10.2022
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position for the project Chemistry of Triboelectric Materials and Fluorinated Polymers
The triboelectric effect can be used to power a functional materials system by harvesting mechanical energy from its surroundings. This project aims to develop a unique material pair for use in a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) for use in smart materials, rechargeable wearables and decentralized energy generation. The material pair in question are porous highly-fluorinated materials which are based on the unique Fluoropor Technology developed within the cluster. The second material investigated will be room-temperature liquid metals based on Gallium alloys. By harnessing the state-of-the-art 3D Printing capabilities of the clusters, small, integrated TENGs will be developed and assessed with the aim of providing this novel material design concept for integration of energy harvesting into a living materials system. The thesis will be part of an interdisciplinary research team which provides a holistic view on this emerging field in energy generation.
Deadline : 28.10.2022
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position for the project Gallisense – Giving Materials the Ability to Sense
If a material shall be aware of its surrounding, it must be able to query information about its physicomechanical state. Upon sensing an external load, a material can then respond by changing its physical or chemical structure in order to enforce or adjust its properties. This adaptation requires the capability to sense in the first place. The aim of this project is to provide a robust and scalable approach to empower material self-sensing, i.e., state reporting and state switching by making use of a hydraulic readout system based on Gallium liquid metal microfluidics, an emerging topic in the field of Advanced Microfluidics. This concept will allow the material to “remember” the stimulus, i.e., the applied load. The stimulus has changed something in the material which causes a permanent change to material’s memory. This effectively turns the material into, what is in computer science terms referred as a, a state machine. This project will provide an energy-autonomous, generally-applicable, fully-closed material sensory awareness concept based on a material system state machine thus providing a significant step towards fully-adaptive and autonomous materials.
Deadline : 28.10.2022
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD Research positions for the project Resilient hierarchical microfluidic networks for fuel transport and information processing
Living materials systems require energy and communication transport. Fluidic transport networks are part of nature’s solution to both, but their potential has not yet been fully explored for modern material systems. In particular, the projected use of H2O2 as a chemical “fuel” requires such fluidic distribution methods. We here study fluidic transport networks that are embedded in a soft elastic medium. We particularly explore the role of the medium for transport properties, which are threefold. First, flow leads to pressure gradients which elastically deform the surrounding medium. Second, swelling of the elastic medium can be used to implement reactions to chemical stimuli. Third, diffusion through the medium allows for secondary transport on time scales different from streaming fluid transport. The goal of this project is to use the interplay of these mechanisms for flow control and adaption. We will additionally study the reliability of the implemented function on potentially large deformations of the network.
Deadline : 30.09.2022
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d)
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in the field of remote sensing, environmental sciences, engineering, physics, biology, forest sciences or related areas, who is keen to join an interdisciplinary team of researchers and to work towards a novel tree stress and vitality assessment. In addition to excellent team skills, you should bring good communication skills, fluency in English, a hands-on mentality for conducting and enjoying both field experiments with drones and (in cooperation with the project partners) measurements in the laboratory. Programming skills (especially in Python or Matlab) are an advantage and would round up the profile. Experience with LiDAR and UAV techniques, proficiency in ArcGIS or QGIS and/or background in forestry would be beneficial but are not necessarily required. The candidate should hold a valid driver’s license.
Deadline : 15.09.2022
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research position (m/f/d)
In this new project, we now propose to extend this concept into three dimensions, enabling the realization of bulk actuators which can modulate between multiple pre-determined shapes, with complete flexibility in defining the actuation direction in the bulk of the “crystal”. With high-resolution definition of the mechanical response of the bulk, we expect to be able to realize wide-ranging adaptive mechanical behavior in materials, all of which can be defined in the material design.
Deadline : 04.09.2022
About The University of Freiburg, Germany –Official Website
The University of Freiburg , officially the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg is a public research university located in Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The university was founded in 1457 by the Habsburg dynasty as the second university in Austrian-Habsburg territory after the University of Vienna. Today, Freiburg is the fifth-oldest university in Germany, with a long tradition of teaching the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and technology and enjoys a high academic reputation both nationally and internationally. The university is made up of 11 faculties and attracts students from across Germany as well as from over 120 other countries. Foreign students constitute about 18.2% of total student numbers.
The University of Freiburg has been associated with figures such as Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Rudolf Carnap, David Daube, Johann Eck, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Friedrich Hayek, Edmund Husserl, Edith Stein, Friedrich Meinecke, Max Weber, Paul Uhlenhuth and Ernst Zermelo. As of October 2020, 22 Nobel laureates are affiliated with the University of Freiburg as alumni, faculty or researchers, and 15 academics have been honored with the highest German research prize, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, while working at the university.
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