Karolinska Institute, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Neurobiology
Your project will involve studying the mechanisms of neurodegeneration neuroinflammation and central nervous system injury. These aspects will be examined by studying human neurodegeneration as well as comparative biology of central nervous system injury response across mammalian species. The research plan will involve a balance of wet-lab and computational experiments. The research project will be complemented with an array of mandatory as well as specialized education courses.
Deadline : 31.Jan.2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in developing advanced 3D imaging techniques for biomedical studies of intact tissues
The PhD candidate joining our team will, under expert supervision, develop innovative 3D imaging techniques to be employed in basic research to enhance our biological and medical understanding of the central nervous system and cancer development and treatment. The research aims include:
- Development of rapid 3D imaging methods capable of staining RNAs and proteins in intact tissue samples.
- Identification of novel molecular mechanisms involved in biological and medical processes by using 3D imaging.
- Establishment of effective approaches for omics analysis of cell populations identified by 3D imaging.
The project often entails close collaboration with other academic research labs, hospitals, and companies, and the student is expected to engage in these cooperative efforts actively. The successful candidate will participate in various academic and research-related activities, including group meetings, departmental seminars, relevant international conferences, and supervision of other students and researchers when necessary. Additionally, the student will contribute to standard laboratory routines.
Deadline : 31.Jan.2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral position in Brain Imaging and Dementia
The complexity and heterogeneity of Alzheimer disease (AD) are not fully understood. One missing link is that the contribution of comorbid pathologies (e.g., vascular pathology) in addition to core AD pathology is not well characterized. Considering the upcoming new disease-modifying treatments for AD, it is crucial to account for comorbid pathologies to accurately identify the trial population, maximizing and optimizing the potential benefits from such treatments. Thus, the main aim of this doctoral project is to disentangle the interplay between core and comorbid pathologies driving the heterogeneity in AD. Planned studies will elucidate various brain mechanisms through which comorbid pathologies contribute to brain degeneration in AD. The PhD student will learn to use advanced brain imaging techniques and statistical models to investigate brain pathologies, biomarkers, and clinical symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Within the framework of doctoral education, data from both Karolinska University Hospital and from international cohorts will be used. The PhD student will work both independently in his project and in close collaboration with main supervisor, the co-supervisors and with the rest of the research group. Course participation, attend seminars and conferences as well as presenting their scientific results orally and in writing are included in the education.
Deadline : 31.Jan.2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Liver Metastases Encapsulation: Cellular Players and Molecular Mechanisms
This PhD project aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of the encapsulation process to develop novel therapies that could induce encapsulation.
The main questions are:
- What are the cellular players and signaling mechanisms of liver reparation after the removal of a metastatic injury stimulus?
- Why does metastatic invasion fail and succeed focally?
- What is the role of the immune system during encapsulation, and can specific immune cell subtypes be linked to the development of the capsule?
- Can a beneficial reparative liver reaction be induced therapeutically?
Deadline : 22.Jan.2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in social epidemiology (social networks and health behaviors)
The increasing use of social media and alternative nicotine products, i.e., e-cigarettes and Swedish snus, poses new threats to stall the progress of tobacco control. Vast research shows how smoking spreads in social networks, but it remains unclear how alternative nicotine products and online interactions affect this spread. The doctoral student will write a comprehensive PhD dissertation on how novel health behaviors spread in social networks in schools and the whole population and analyze the potential impacts of a network-based intervention. The student will use data from our new data collection and Swedish register data. The project will be conducted using social network analysis methods and causal inference methods. The tasks of the PhD student will involve helping with data collection, literature review, study design, data analysis, scientific writing, and presenting results at international conferences.
Deadline : 17.Jan.2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) position: Exploring the role of cell size on aging of human hematopoietic stem cells
The failure to regenerate tissue with age is a major health issue. A contributor to this decline is the loss of stem cell function. Despite the essential role of stem cells, it is still unclear how they fail to maintain their functions during aging and disease. We discovered a new aspect of stem cell aging in vivo: cellular enlargement. With age and damage, stem cells increase in size causing their functional decline. However, we are only beginning to understand how size impacts stem cell fitness and the physiological importance of this process remains unsolved.
We are seeking a highly motivated and ambitious individual from universities around the world to join the research team of Assistant Professor Dr. Jette Lengefeld as a PhD Researcher to mechanistically understand novel mechanisms of human stem cells that drive aging and disease. The Lengefeld research group uses hematopoietic stem cells from mice and human bone marrow donations to discover how deregulation of cellular size is connected to aging and cancer.
Deadline : 15.Jan.2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 1-2 doctoral (PhD) students in genetic epidemiology and precision prevention for prostate cancer
Prostate cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer death and there is an urgent need for new prevention strategies. Testing of inherited genetic variation has emerged as a powerful tool for predicting risk of prostate cancer, in particular when multiple genetic risk variants are combined into a polygenic risk score. Men with a high polygenic risk score have a lifetime risk of prostate cancer of 50% and are at increased risk of dying from the disease. We hypothesize that a more personalized prevention approach that takes genetic predisposition into account may be the way forward since it may allow for early diagnosis and targeted treatment of potentially fatal cancers. An additional strategy could involve a stronger promotion of healthy lifestyle behaviors, which have emerged as potentially relevant in reducing the risk of prostate cancer death, or a pharmacological intervention.
Deadline : 14.Jan.2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral studies in in the Molecular Basis of Mitochondrial Gene Expression
We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic PhD student who is interested in studying the structural biochemistry and cell biology of mitochondrial RNA processing and genome separation. The project is part of an interdisciplinary collaboration funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Deadline : 12.Jan.2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (licentiate) student position in insurance medicine and psychiatric epidemiology
The aim of this doctoral (licentiate) project is to investigate the prognosis and importance of family-related factors regarding labour market marginalization among individuals with mental disorders caused by substance abuse. The studies are based on nationwide register data and the doctoral student (licentiate) will learn to use advanced statistical methods and epidemiological design. The doctoral student (licentiate) will primarily produce analysis data files, run analyses, and write manuscripts. In this process, the doctoral student (licentiate) will be supervised by Pia Svedberg (main supervisor, associate professor of epidemiology), Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz (co-supervisor, professor of insurance medicine) and Heidi Taipale (co-supervisor, associate professor).
Deadline : 11.Jan.2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doktorandplats inom integrativ fysiologi
Projektet kommer framför allt att genomföras i en klinisk miljö, där uppgifterna är att applicera och tolka EKG, applicera och läsa av CGM, och med hjälp av biopsitagning erhålla muskel och fettvävnad från personer med eller utan typ 2 diabetes. Projektet kommer att fokusera på identifiering av molekyler i skelettmuskulaturen som bidrar till förändrad metabolism hos personer med typ 2-diabetes. Projektet kommer att undersöka effekterna av träning vid olika tidpunkter på dagen, med målet att identifiera viktiga biomarkörer som reglerar metabolisk anpassning/missanpassning. Effekten av kandidatmolekyler kommer att ytterligare studeras i cellodling och modellorganismer.
Deadline : 2024-01-11
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Molecular Epidemiology of Aging
Currently there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD), and existing treatments are limited to symptom management. Therefore, there is a huge need for the development of new approaches for both prevention and treatment of ADRD. This doctoral student project aims to investigate ADRD with a prediction, prevention and prognosis perspective. The novelty of the project is looking at the risk factor biological age along with pharmaco-epidemiological methods for drug repurposing, using register data and biomarker data. The selected candidate should have an interest in using problem solving for epidemiological and aging research. The first study will center around identifying groups at risk for developing ADRD, as well as which groups will benefit the most from preventative treatments. The second study will continue this theme by looking at accelerated biological age, frailty and genetic risk profile. The third study will utilize multi-omics (proteomics, metabolomics, microbiota and genetics) to look at the relationship between risk and diet. The final study will investigate the prognosis of ADRD (survival and time spent at the hospital) by drug use in patients from geriatric clinics.
Deadline : 10.Jan.2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in mechanistic studies of cancer and inflammatory proteins through simulations and experiments
The doctoral project will focus on the computational study of rare cancer mutations in known cancer drivers as well as inflammatory proteins with poorly defined roles in human tumors. The candidate will learn computational techniques to study and model protein dynamics, its evolutionary conservation and how it is coupled to biological function and human disease. The candidate is expected to take an independent role developing and integrating algorithms in collaboration with other team members, and ideally, identifying and investigating the molecular mechanisms of novel mutations and their potential impact on the cell. The candidate is expected to participate writing manuscripts for international scientific journals, as well as contribute to undergraduate and post-graduate educational and dissemination activities.
Deadline : 09.Jan.2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in cardiovascular research
The aim of this project is to characterize the function of red blood cell-derived factors in the development of vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes and study the role of hypoxia in the communication of the red blood cell and vascular dysfunction. Studies are designed using a combination of clinically-based and molecular/biochemical methods. Samples from well-characterized patients with type 2 diabetes, rodent diabetic models, gene-modified mouse models and cell models are used. Research projects involve in vitro (including isolation of red blood cells, extracellular vesicles and animal tissues, cell culture, immunohistochemistry, Western blot and qPCR), ex vivo (vessel reactivity assessment with Wire myograph) and in vivo experimental methods (including rat and mouse work). This project has the potential to identify altered red blood cell-derived factors as new mechanisms underlying endothelial injury in type 2 diabetes and open up new potential therapeutic possibilities in patients with type 2 diabetes for the treatment of diabetes-induced vascular complications by specifically targeting red blood cell-derived factors and vascular signalling pathways.
Deadline : 09.Jan.2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in Immunology of Multiple Sclerosis
We hypothezise that Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) host-pathogen interactions drive pathogenic immune responses in MS. The successful doctoral candidate will perform clinical and experimental research to decipher the B cell repertoire associated with MS and the effects of both anti-EBV treatment and B cell depletion with anti-CD20 drugs in MS, with the goal to develop novel cellular biomarkers of treatment efficacy.
The methods involve immunological, molecular and cell biology methods, such as cell culture, multiparametric flow cytometry, microscopy imaging as well as handling of animals. The candidate will perform data analyses using specific softwares and bioinformatic tools. We expect that the successful candidate will lead the project under supervision and will gradually acquire independence in planning, executing, analyzing and presenting data. The successful candidate will take part in research-related activities such as group meetings, departmental seminars, relevant international meetings, interaction with clinical staff, and, when necessary, help with methodological supervision of other students and researchers. It is also required to contribute to certain common lab routine tasks, divided among the research groups.
Deadline : 08.Jan.2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) Student Position in Oral Biology and Medicine
The PhD student will work on studies focused on the clinical and pathological diagnostics of oral lesions, specifically within GVHD. The student will investigate the clinical presentation and pathology of mucosal and salivary GVHD and examine underlying disease mechanisms. The studies will include clinical evaluation of patients and the study of patient material. Methods will include clinical assessments and grading criteria along with cellular and molecular immunological techniques.
Deadline : 07.Jan.2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral candidate (PhD) position: Hormones and oesophago-gastric cancer
The strong and unexplained male predominance in the incidence of oesophago-gastric cancer may be due to the differences in sex hormonal levels in women and men. This PhD project will examine if medication with oestrogenic drugs (menopausal hormone therapy) in women and anti-androgenic drugs (5-alpha-reductase inhibitors against prostate hyperplasia) in men influence the risk of developing oesophago-gastric cancer and influence the survival in patients with such tumours. The project is based on a Nordic database with linked registry data from Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland. The project will include large case-control studies and cohort studies.
The PhD candidate will mainly conduct research. This includes reading and evaluating relevant literature, drafting and revising study protocols, collecting and reviewing research data, performing data management and statistical analysis of large data quantities, and writing of scientific articles and a PhD thesis. Except for research, other mandatory parts of the PhD education are PhD courses, Research Seminars/Journal Clubs and international scientific conferences. The PhD candidate is also supposed to attend the supervisor meetings, write monthly reports to the supervisors and take part in activities, i.e. research group meetings, work place meetings, end-of-term activities and planning days.
Deadline : 07.Jan.2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral (PhD) student position in inflammation neuroscience
The proposed project focuses on neural reflex regulation of liver function in inflammation. The student will use established methods including animal microsurgery and electrophysiology, neural tracing, immuno- and metabolic phenotyping, and single-cell analysis to decipher mechanisms of neural reflex regulation of inflammation in liver and vasculature.
The student will initially work together with other lab members to optimize experiments and discuss progress at weekly lab meetings. With time, the candidate is expected to become sufficiently independent to take responsibility for designing, conducting, and analyzing experiments, and present their observations at scientific meetings and in manuscripts.
A creative and inspiring environment full of expertise and curiosity. Karolinska Institutet is one of the world’s leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote a better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct successful medical research and hold the largest range of medical education in Sweden. As a doctoral student you are offered an individual research project, a well-educated supervisor, a vast range of elective courses and the opportunity to work in a leading research group. Karolinska Institutet collaborates with prominent universities from all around the world, which ensures opportunities for international exchanges. You will be employed on a doctoral studentship which means that you receive a contractual salary. Employees also have access to our modern gym for free and receive reimbursements for medical care.
Deadline : 07.Jan.2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Computational radiation neurobiology
Our research group has been involved in seminal works describing the effects of ionising radiation in the juvenile brain and using lithium (among other drugs and therapeutics strategies) to minimise these effects. Regarding lithium, we have shown that it protects the brain from acute radiation injuries without protecting or promoting the growth of the malignant cells (Cancer Research, 2006; Oncotarget, 2017), even when administered long after cranial irradiation (Molecular Psychiatry, 2021). Moreover, lithium prevents radiation-induced cognitive deficits (Molecular Psychiatry, 2021; Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 2012) and increases the hippocampal proliferation of the neural stem and progenitor cells (Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2013; Oncotarget, 2015; Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 2018). However, despite the collected evidence supporting the efficacy of lithium in preventing radiation-induced late cognitive impairment, its mechanisms of action of remain elusive, as does the pathophysiology of radiation-induced brain damage. The candidate will use a combination of single-cell/spatial transcriptomics technologies, electrophysiology data, behaviour analysis and cell metabolism techniques to simultaneously assess the effects of radiation on the juvenile brain, the mechanism of action of lithium and the ability of lithium to become the first pharmacological treatment for cranial radiotherapy-induced cognitive impairment.
Deadline :07.Jan.2024
About The Karolinska Institute, Sweden – Official Website
The Karolinska Institute sometimes known as the (Royal) Caroline Institute in English is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The assembly consists of fifty professors from various medical disciplines at the university. The current rector of Karolinska Institute is Ole Petter Ottersen, who took office in August 2017.
The Karolinska Institute was founded in 1810 on the island of Kungsholmen on the west side of Stockholm; the main campus was relocated decades later to Solna, just outside Stockholm. A second campus was established more recently in Flemingsberg, Huddinge, south of Stockholm.
The Karolinska Institute is Sweden’s third oldest medical school, after Uppsala University (founded in 1477) and Lund University (founded in 1666). It is one of Sweden’s largest centres for training and research, accounting for 30% of the medical training and more than 40% of all academic medical and life science research conducted in Sweden.
The Karolinska University Hospital, located in Solna and Huddinge, is associated with the university as a research and teaching hospital. Together they form an academic health science centre. While most of the medical programs are taught in Swedish, the bulk of the PhD projects are conducted in English. The institute’s name is a reference to the Caroleans.
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