Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in quantum enhanced sensing with trapped ions (QUESTIONs project)
In this project you will develop a scalable trapped-ion quantum sensor based on Ba+ for quantum enhanced sensing and metrology. You will built-up lasers that enable cooling and spectroscopy of a scalable number of ions. You will design and develop optical systems that enable individual addressing of single ions and realise versatile quantum gates. You will implement advanced experimental methods to generate entangled states that enable long coherence times and explore quantum enhanced precision spectroscopy. You will apply the developed techniques to precise magnetic field sensing and frequency metrology.
Deadline : 31-5-2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in AMO Physics – Laser cooling the Helium dimer
We are looking for a motivated and interested PhD-student, with a degree in physics or chemistry and with experience in laser physics, spectroscopy, and/or optical technology, who wishes to work with us in the international and stimulating environment of the joint Quantum Metrology group at LaserLaB Amsterdam.
This project aims to create the first ultracold gas of a directly laser-cooled homonuclear molecule, the helium dimer He_2. Starting from a supersonic beam, novel laser slowing and cooling techniques will be employed to create a trapped dense gas of ultracold molecules. Choosing the He_2 molecule constitutes a paradigm change in the field of ultracold molecules, as it will constitute the lightest and simplest molecule ever laser-cooled. This provides a controllable, simple 4-electron system at record low temperature, allowing quantum sensing and precision measurements to test QED and to study the quantum nature of collisions with unprecedented accuracy – while being accessible to highly accurate ab initio computational methods.
Deadline : 30-4-2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD: Statistical physics of chromosomes
Our theory group is a worldwide leader in studying the statistical physics of living systems, ranging from chromosomes to migrating cells and multicellular tissues. We aim to understand the emergent functional dynamics and organization of living systems in close collaboration with various experimental labs. We currently have an opening for an ERC funded 4-year PhD position.
We are looking for highly motivated applicants for a PhD student to strengthen our research team in an interactive and
collaborative environment.
Deadline : 30-6-2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Global Flood Hydrology
It is projected that climate change will amplify flooding on a global scale, yet underlying causes that drive flood change remain in many cases unresolved. Understanding the factors driving flood trends and variability is crucial, given that floods result in billion-dollar damages annually, and these costs are steadily rising. Despite groundwater contributing significantly to river flow, its impact on flooding remains poorly quantified. This Ph.D. project seeks to elucidate the role of groundwater in global flooding through the use of global datasets, innovative data analysis, and model experiments. You will have the opportunity to collaborate with international scientific partners, enriching your Ph.D. experience.
Deadline : 3-4-2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Computational Optical Techniques for Imaging the Retina
Are you seeking an exciting PhD position in a cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research field? Do you possess a keen interest in optics, numerical techniques, and biomedicine? If so, we invite you to join our international research group at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Our focus lies in computational imaging with applications to biomedicine. Through the integration of advanced numerical methods with tailored optical imaging systems, we can achieve superior and more cost-effective imaging, along with innovative contrast mechanisms. One remarkable example of this is holographic optical coherence tomography (OCT), which harnesses computational adaptive optics and phase-sensitive contrast to visualize the function of individual photoreceptors, as well as the collective signals of neuronal layers within the living human eye.
As part of this project, we aim to enhance an experimental state-of-the-art holographic optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging system, enabling us to visualize individual neuronal cells within the retina. This work holds immense potential for unlocking new possibilities in ophthalmology and neurology. To be a part of this research, submit your application to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam today. We offer you the opportunity to work in an inspiring academic environment and to contribute to the frontier of computational imaging in biomedicine.
We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to play a key role in the advancement of our imaging system. This role will involve advancing our hardware and processing algorithms to take the system from technical samples to in vivo human data. The research will take place at the VU in Amsterdam.
Deadline : 31-3-2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Climate sciences
To date, the characterization of centennial climate variability as well as our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is very limited, and efforts towards improving the representation of centennial variability in climate models are sparse. Both geological reconstructions and model simulations indicate that the large-scale ocean circulation, and more specifically the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), likely plays an important role in centennial variability. We currently lack a spatio-temporal description of centennial AMOC variability and lack a mechanistic understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms of this variability. Such an understanding is key to interpret the observed climate variations over the last centuries, to better interpret recent and ongoing changes, and to improve climate model projections by including an evidence-based representation of internal variability on all relevant time scales.
The overall aim of this NWO funded project “Mechanisms of Centennial Climate Variability“ is to develop a framework for the mechanisms of centennial AMOC variability. This will be done based on geological data, a combination of efficient and comprehensive climate models, and by using a number of advanced data analysis methods. In this project, the PhD student at the Vrije Universiteit will closely collaborate with a fellow PhD in the same project based in Utrecht University, with the supervisors at both universities (Pepijn Bakker at the VU and Henk Dijkstra at Utrecht University) and international collaborators.
Deadline : 1-4-2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Molecular Spectroscopy – Precision measurements of trapped H2+
We are looking for a motivated and interested PhD-student, with a degree in physics or physical chemistry and with experience in atomic/molecular/optical physics and/or molecular spectroscopy, who wishes to work with us in the international and stimulating environment of the joint Quantum Metrology group at LaserLaB Amsterdam.
This project aims to measure the level structure of weakly-bound molecular states of H2+ with unprecedented accuracy using novel quantum technologies. These transitions in the microwave and THz range are particularly sensitive to the proton-to-electron mass ratio (mp/me) and exotic spin-dependent interactions. For this, you will be involved in developing a novel ion trap for quantum-logic spectroscopy using H2+ (spectroscopy) and Be+ (logic) ions. You will develop a continuous-wave laser system at 313nm (using fiber lasers, periodically poled crystals, and optical cavities for second-harmonic generation) to laser cool Be+ ions, which are then used for sympathetic cooling of the molecular ions. The molecular ions are selectively prepared by field-ionizing the optically excited molecular Rydberg states of H2 (we use extreme-UV, UV and visible laser light). To guide the experimental developments and understand the measured spectra, you will dive into the details of the molecular Hamiltonian, advanced angular momentum theory, optical Bloch equations, laser cooling simulations, and many other topics.
Deadline : 30-4-2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are substances that alter the function of the endocrine system and negatively affect human and animal health. Working within the Horizon Europe project, MERLON (Merging scientific Evidence with Regulatory practices and Leveraging identification of endocrine disruptors using New approach methodologies), we are looking for a PhD candidate to develop New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) focusing on the effects of EDCs and how they impact neuro- and sexual development.
In this PhD project, you will work with zebrafish embryos and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to study how exposure to EDCs during early-life stages will lead to adverse health effects. You will also investigate endpoints and health outcomes that are currently not properly addressed in internationally accepted test guidelines. Multi-generational inherited effects will be assessed using C. elegans, and transcriptomic analysis will support cross-species prediction of EDC-mediated effects. This data will feed into the development of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs), including quantitative AOP (qAOP) development, allowing assessment of thresholds needed to cause an adverse effect.
Deadline : 2-4-2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in automatic code generation for exascale finite-element solvers
We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate to strengthen our team at the computer science department of VU Amsterdam under the supervision of Tiziano De Matteis and Francesc Verdugo.
Deadline : 7-4-2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD: Climate Adaptation and Climate Justice for vulnerable coastal households
Those who contribute the least to climate change are the first to suffer from its impacts. This is especially true for vulnerable and marginalised groups in coastal areas, who live in hazardous locations prone to flooding, salt intrusion or coastal erosion. Meanwhile, adaptation measures are often aimed at areas with high economic value, neglecting the most vulnerable and further increasing inequality. With your PhD thesis, you will improve our empirical understanding of the drivers, conditions, and dependencies of household (in)equality in coastal climate risk, in relation to government adaptation decisions.
The PhD project contributes to a larger project on pathways towards equitable coastal climate adaptation. As part of your PhD, you will develop, implement and statistically analyse household surveys to investigate (1) whether and how households are included in the governmental adaptation decision processes, (2) how different households adapt to coastal climate risk themselves, and (3) how government or household adaptation measures influence the distribution of risk for households with different socio-economic characteristics. You will implement the household surveys on climate justice and coastal climate risk during fieldwork in Africa and Asia.
Deadline :7-4-2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: BeyondTheEdge PhD Position in Network Dynamical Systems
The Department of Mathematics of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam welcomes applications for a fully-funded, 4-year PhD position that is part of the EU-funded BeyondTheEdge Doctoral Network. The PhD research will focus on coupled oscillator networks that give rise to higher-order phase interactions. We will consider the structure and properties of such derived higher-order interaction networks and how these relate to collective phenomena—synchronization and beyond—of the oscillator network. The position includes prospective research secondments at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (USP). We are an inclusive, interdisciplinary group, and diversity and internationalism is at the heart of our research principles, as well as our teaching practice.
Deadline : 1-4-2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: BeyondTheEdge PhD Position in higher-order statistics for neuroscience
The Department of Mathematics of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam welcomes applications for a fully-funded, 4-year PhD position that is part of the EU-funded BeyondTheEdge Doctoral Network. The PhD research will focus on the development, evaluation, and application of statistical methods for assessing higher-order brain interactions in functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) data. The position includes prospective research secondments at the VU University Medical Center (AMC) and Kadir Has Universitesi (KHAS), Fatih, Turkey. We are an inclusive, interdisciplinary group, and diversity and internationalism is at the heart of our research principles, as well as our teaching practice.
Deadline :1-4-2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Causality and Heterogeneity in Panel Data Models
The Econometrics and Data Science department at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam invites applications for a PhD position with a research interest in econometric methods. We are looking for a PhD candidate to join our project on developing methods to analyse causality and heterogeneity in panel data models.
This PhD project aims to develop novel econometric methods for detecting and solving endogeneity, establishing causality, and performing estimation and inference in heterogeneous panel data models. The research will potentially address unexplored types of heterogeneities, propose new diagnostic tests for endogeneity and advanced estimation strategies. Intended research will contribute to the rigor of panel data analysis and open new avenues for empirical research across various fields, particularly including climate econometrics.
The PhD project will be supervised by Assoc. Prof. Hande Karabiyik. You will also collaborate with other researchers who will join this project. The PhD position is a full-time position for a period of four years, during which the candidate will design and conduct research about developing econometric methods in the aforementioned areas and apply these methods in relevant empirical studies. During these four years, the PhD candidate will also follow PhD-level coursework and will be expected to teach.
Deadline : 31-3-2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Holocene palaeoflood research
A 4-yr PhD position is offered at the VU Earth Science Department to combine the information from dendrochronological and sedimentary palaeoflood data in NW-Europe to gain a better insight into the spatial and temporal variability of the Holocene hydroclimate – specifically that of extreme events. With your research, you make an important contribution to addressing today’s societal challenges including climate change and natural hazards. A fundamentally enhanced understanding of drivers for hydroclimatic change and natural flood variability will lead to better understanding of the unfolding effects of a rapidly warming climate.
The project main aims are to establishing if (i) dendrochronological and sedimentary data are signalling the same hydrological events and trends in riverine environments, and if these can be deployed together to improve our abilities to reconstruct the magnitudes and specific timing of extreme flood events, and (ii) whether largest floods did have a supra-regional impact, and if such events align with known periods of hydroclimatic instability or relatively warm/cold climate conditions that have been recorded in NW-Europe. The project involves fieldwork to collect novel sedimentary palaeoflood data and to investigate changes in fluvial geomorphology associated with flood regime changes of the Meuse, Rhine and Overijsselse Vecht rivers.
This project is funded by a governmental grant to stimulate independent research, and the Dutch Cultural Heritage Agency. Results will be presented at (international) conferences and peer-reviewed publications will form the basis of a PhD dissertation. The candidate will be involvement in teaching activities, such as the supervision of BSc and MSc thesis projects. We seek a candidate that is strongly motivated, has the ability to work across disciplines, and is eager to participate in dedicated research communities such as the NCR (Netherlands Centre for River Studies) and the GLOCOPH (Global Continental Palaeohydrology) working group.
Deadline : 14-4-2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Water Quality Modeling Under a Changing Climate
We are looking for someone with a strong computational background and an education in microbiology, environmental science, or similar. You will further develop an existing geospatial water quality model to the specifics of four diarrheal disease pathogens and adapt it to allow for changing hydrological and climate conditions. You will apply your model to two case study areas in Romania and Ghana, under past, current, and future climate conditions. Come join our team and make a meaningful impact on global health!
Deadline : 9-4-2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD 50%/ Lecturer 50% (Legal imaginaries of climate neutrality)
Are you passionate about becoming an academic with critical legal research skills and excellent teaching abilities in the field of transnational climate law and sustainability? In this position, you will combine teaching (50%) and PhD research (50%) over and eight-year period. In this role, you will dedicate equal time to both research and teaching. The position is part of a research project that addresses fundamental legal questions of climate law, coupled with a teaching development pathway. You will be involved in courses in the fields of Public International Law (in Dutch) and International & EU (Climate) Law, potentially including our innovative Climate Change & Sustainability Law Clinic. This opportunity will allow you to develop as an academic and engage in initiatives that have a significant impact on society.
Deadline : 8-4-2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions in Earth’s Surface Dynamics
Mountain topography holds clues about the interaction between tectonic uplift, climate and erosion. Understanding these clues and unlocking the recent tectonic and erosional history that is carved into mountains is a fascinating and rapidly evolving endeavor in the field of Earth Sciences. However, some key aspects of the way in which landscapes respond to tectonics are still not well understood, and not incorporated in current models. At the process level, the role of sediment dynamics and the way they mediate incision and transport processes is not well understood in long timescales (104-106 yr). At the landscape scale, the role of inherited relief, present before the recent uplift stages, is often poorly constrained.
The overall aim of the RELICT project is to test how sediment supply and inherited relief influence the extent & timescales of transient fluvial incision and associated landscape response. Within this project, we are seeking two highly motivated PhD candidates: one PhD project will focus on the regional scale, and the other PhD on the sediment dynamics scale. The two projects are tightly linked, so both PhDs are expected to work in close collaboration. The two PhD projects combine analytical techniques (cosmogenic nuclides, thermochronology) with numerical modeling, and both include fieldwork in the stunning mountains of Calabria, in Southern Italy. The main PhD supervisors will be Dr. Duna Roda-Boluda (VU Amsterdam) and Dr. Benjamin Campforts (VU Amsterdam), with one candidate co-supervised by Prof. Taylor Schildgen (GFZ-Potsdam) and the other by Dr. Loraine Gourbet (GFZ-Potsdam).The PhD students will spend their 1st year at VU Amsterdam, their 2nd year at the GFZ Potsdam, and their 3rd and 4th years back at VU Amsterdam. The PhD degree will be issued by VU Amsterdam
Deadline : 31-5-2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in stress research
You will first be stationed for 1.5 years at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam to develop a set of tools to assess listening value in real-life occupational settings through self-report using EMA and end-of-day interviewing/online surveys. To add a physiological stress component, you will also select an optimal set of existing ambulatory tools for the physiological assessment of listening costs related to physiological stress in real-life occupational settings. These activities will allow you to compile an ambulatory toolbox (EMA, physiological wearables) to comprehensively assess the costs and benefits of listening effort. You will share this toolbox with all EASYLI PhDs and help them along in its use.
In the ensuing 1.5 years you will be stationed at the Eriksholm Research Centre part of Oticon, Snekkersten, Denmark to validate hearing aids as a passive sensor tool to assess speech versus non-speech as one of the most relevant factors affecting auditory demand and listening effort in real-life listening scenarios. Next, you will demonstrate the validity of the ambulatory toolbox (including own-voice detection) by comparing the measured costs and benefits of listening effort in low vs. high effortful occupational settings (defined by acoustic analysis as well as self-report) and test the clinical utility of the toolbox for testing interventions using hearing devices.
Deadline : 1-4-2024
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Ultrafast Phototransient Imaging and Spectroscopy
We are looking for an experimental lead to develop and apply a novel ultrafast phototransient infrared microscope as part of our ERC StG funded PIRO team at the VU Amsterdam (matzlab.com). Your project combines concepts from nonlinear optics, holographic imaging, femtosecond spectroscopy with biological and biomedical samples to address outstanding challenges in biophotonics and biomolecular imaging.
You will join a team of 2 PhD students and the PI (Matz Liebel) who have already addressed some of the major milestones on our way towards implementing the phototransient microscope. Your task will be to take the crucial next steps towards realising the projects vision: to unlock currently unavailable imaging capabilities in the form of high-throughput, spectrally resolved, vibrational imaging with sub-diffraction limited spatial resolution. We will then use our technological advantage over the state-of-the art to address unmet challenges in biophotonics: from heat-transport in biological matter to diagnostic imaging and antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
Deadline : 25-3-2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: The Geopolitics of Europe-China Tech-decoupling
This PhD position is part of the Vidi project “Globalization Unravelling? The Geopolitical Drivers of Europe-China Tech decoupling” (funded by NWO, the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek). In this project, we analyse and explain the geopolitical drivers behind emergent decoupling between Europe and China in the realm of technology. In the project we place contemporary geopolitical competition over technology in a wider historical context by analysing ‘three waves of techno-nationalism’ going back to the Cold War as well as the competition with Japan in the 1980s. Against this background in your dissertation you will analyse how political and geopolitical drivers are shaping policies, practices and contestation around contemporary technological decoupling between Europe and China and explain (variation in) technological decoupling practices and responses in Europe and across different tech domains. You will also contribute to the project’s theory development around techno-nationalism and decoupling in a globalized world. You will collect and analyse data from (policy)documents, reports and media, and you will conduct extensive fieldwork (e.g. elite interviews, participant observation) as well as historical comparative analysis.
Deadline : 22-4-2024
About The Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands –Official Website
The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is a public research university in Amsterdam, Netherlands, founded in 1880, and consistently ranks among the top 150 universities in the world by major ranking tables. The VU is one of two large, publicly funded research universities in the city, the other being the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The literal translation of the Dutch name Vrije Universiteit is “Free University”. “Free” refers to independence of the university from both the State and the Dutch Reformed Church. Both within and outside the university, the institution is commonly referred to as “the VU”. Although founded as a private institution, the VU has received government funding on a parity basis with public universities since 1970. The university is located on a compact urban campus in the southern Buitenveldert neighbourhood of Amsterdam and adjacent to the modern Zuidas business district.
In 2014, the VU had 23,656 registered students, most of whom were full-time students. That year, the university had 2,263 faculty members and researchers, and 1,410 administrative, clerical and technical employees, based on FTE units. The university’s annual endowment for 2014 was circa €480 million. About three quarters of this endowment is government funding; the remainder is made up of tuition fees, research grants, and private funding.
The official university seal is entitled The Virgin in the Garden. Personally chosen by Abraham Kuyper, the Reformed-Protestant leader and founder of the university, it depicts a virgin living in freedom in a garden while pointing towards God, referring to the Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th century. In 1990, the university adopted the mythical griffin as its common emblem.
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