University of Manchester, England invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Manchester, England.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Debris-Flow Dynamics
Applications are invited for an outstanding Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funded project on “Debris-flow dynamics: Understanding phase separation and wave formation”. The post is part of an international team of researchers studying the spontaneous formation of waves in debris flows. Waves vastly concentrate the energy within a debris flow, and strongly enhance their destructive potential, yet very little is known about how they form and coarsen. The project is led by Professor Nico Gray and Dr Chris Johnson at The University of Manchester and involves collaboration with scientists in Switzerland who collect field data from the Ill graben debris-flow observation station. This interdisciplinary project will use a combination of small-scale experiments, field data, mathematical theory and numerical computations to understand how debris-flow waves form. The successful applicant will have a strong background in mathematics, physics, engineering or quantitative Earth sciences, and preferably some experience in performing experiments and/or analysing field data. She/he must have a PhD in a relevant discipline e.g. physics/geophysics or applied mathematics/mechanics, and a proven ability to publish research findings.
Deadline :31/08/2023
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Research Associate in Structural and Computational Biology
We are seeking an individual with a strong background in computational and/or membrane protein structural biology. You should have a PhD (or be close to completion) in Biological Sciences or Computational Sciences (with a focus on Biology), Biophysics, Biochemistry or a closely allied discipline and have previous experience in molecular dynamics simulations. Experience in membrane protein expression and purification would be desirable, but not essential to this project. The full-time position is available from 01 September 2023 for a fix-term for 12 months, with a possibility of extension upon satisfactory progress
Deadline : 25/08/2023
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Physiological Adaptive Radiotherapy
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate to study physiological adaptive radiotherapy as part of the CRUK RadNet Allied Health Professionals Doctoral Academy, in the team of Dr. Cynthia Eccles, based at the Manchester Cancer Research Centre and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. The successful candidate will introduce optimised functional MR imaging to measure tumour and normal tissue response focusing on tumour hypoxia and inflammation in the surrounding normal tissues. Imaging biomarkers will be correlated to tissue and/or blood biomarkers from normal tissue and tumours. The project will involve close collaboration with the Translational Radiobiology team of the Radiotherapy Related Research group, and medical physics at The Christie.
Deadline : 01/08/2023
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Autonomous Robotic Software Engineering
The CRADLE Prosperity Partnership is a significant joint activity between Jacobs Engineering [], the Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI [], and the UKRI []. The successful candidate will assist in shaping and conducting a research programme around software architectures, software engineering and software verification, with a particular focus on autonomous systems, robots and practical problems. The successful candidate will also be expected to collaborate with, and develop new directions for, research with Jacobs Engineering. The candidate should have a background of excellent research across one or more of: Autonomous Systems; Robotic Software Architectures; Agent-Based Systems; Software Design Patterns; Resilience; Software Verification; and Transparency. In addition to working within CRADLE, the candidate will contribute to the Autonomy and Verification network[ ]
Deadline : 01/09/2023
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Autonomous Robotic Software Engineering
The CRADLE Prosperity Partnership is a significant joint activity between Jacobs Engineering [], the Manchester Centre for Robotics and AI [], and the UKRI []. The successful candidate will assist in shaping and conducting a research programme around software architectures, software engineering and software verification, with a particular focus on autonomous systems, robots and practical problems. The successful candidate will also be expected to collaborate with, and develop new directions for, research with Jacobs Engineering. The candidate should have a background of excellent research across one or more of: Autonomous Systems; Robotic Software Architectures; Agent-Based Systems; Software Design Patterns; Resilience; Software Verification; and Transparency. In addition to working within CRADLE, the candidate will contribute to the Autonomy and Verification network[ ]
Deadline : 01/09/2023
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate/Fellow in Image Sensors and Mixed-Signal Chip Design
Applications are invited for a Research Associate/Fellow position in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Manchester. The purpose of the job is to develop high-speed imaging devices for the next generation of atmospheric monitoring systems. This is a 2.5-year fixed term position, with possible extension subject to funding. We are looking for an analog or mixed-signal chip designer, with excellent knowledge of relevant EDA tools and proven IC tape-out experience. Knowledge of CMOS image sensors, SPAD technology and/or high-speed interfaces would be advantageous. The post is suitable for candidates with a PhD in Electronics, or a related discipline. Candidates with equivalent industrial experience are welcome to apply. Candidates with significant experience will be considered for appointment at Research Fellow grade. Please use the link below for full job description and further particulars.
Deadline : 28/07/2023
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Cyber Security for Active and Flexible Energy Networks
A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position (PDRA) is available from 1st May 2023 for 24 months to carry out research for a fully jointly funded cyber-security for UK future sustainable energy network by Scottish Power Energy Network (SPEN) and National Grid (NG). The aims of Cyber-SAFEN project is to investigate suitable methods of essential cyber safe and resilient functions and develop an integrated cyber Intrusion Response Defence System (IRDS) for UK electricity networks Protection Automation Control (PAC) systems, Wide Area Monitoring (WAM) PAC systems and SCADA systems against advanced cyber-attacks, and to accelerate the UK confidently moving to low carbon economy.
Deadline :11/08/2023
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Bioprocess Machine Learning and Hybrid Modelling
We are seeking to recruit a Research Associate (RA) to work under the supervision of Dr. Dongda Zhang at the Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Manchester. This project aims to develop state-of-the-art digital technologies for the UK Anaerobic Digestion (AD) industry to effectively improve process performance and achieve the ambitious net-zero target. The project combines the use of advanced techniques from machine learning, data-driven modelling, and process system engineering. This project is in collaboration with multidisciplinary research teams at the University of Surrey, the University of Southampton and the University of Nottingham. The main purpose of the role is to develop AI-enabled digital twin for AD process real-time predictive modelling and optimisation. Candidates should already hold or be nearing completion of a PhD in chemical/biochemical engineering or process systems engineering, with focus on dynamic modelling/optimisation or machine learning/data-driven modelling. The candidate is expected to present results periodically to the other group members, and project partners, attend progress meetings and actively engage with other team’s members. Previous experiences on bioprocess dynamic modelling, chemical/biochemical reaction kinetic modelling, multi-objective optimisation, data-driven and hybrid modelling are desirable and particularly welcome.
Deadline :31/07/2023
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Health Economics
The key purpose of this post is to deliver the health economic components for a programme of work funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) called R4-RA-Econ which focusses on the economics of interventions for rheumatoid arthritis. Informed by a systematic review of relevant published models, we will construct a new economic model that will form the basis for understanding the costs, health consequences and barriers to using a new test to determine which people with rheumatoid arthritis will respond to rituximab. The new test is a tissue biopsy with RNA molecular profiling. The successful candidate is expected to work with a large research team including health economists, clinicians, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, implementation scientists, service users and commissioners.
Deadline :31/07/2023
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Experimental Particle Physics
The particle physics group at the University of Manchester has a vacancy for a PostDoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) in Experimental Particle Physics who can lead the installation and commissioning of the Mu2e Stopping Target Monitor (STM), particularly its data acquisition (DAQ) system and who can lead the analysis of the first data from the Mu2e experiment that will extend the search for charged lepton flavour violating (CLFV) interactions ultimately by a factor of 104. The Manchester muon group consists of four academic members of staff, engineering and technical staff and PhD/MSc students. The post is funded by an STFC consolidated grant. The appointment will be from 1st October 2023 (or as soon as possible thereafter) for a period of 2 years with a possible extension should funding be available. The post will require travel to Fermilab and subject to mutual agreement may involve long term secondments at Fermilab.
Deadline : 28/07/2023
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate – Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (KA)
We are seeking to appoint a researcher who is familiar with the operation and deployments of instruments for the detection of atmospheric trace gasses, preferably CIMS or other similar mass spectrometer, to support the characterisation and development of this new CIMS instrument, in the laboratory and subsequently in aircraft deployments. They will be expected to be able to operate the CIMS independently and to have experience of calibrating the instrument response for a range of atmospherically important compounds to determine ambient concentrations. Once characterised, the applicant will then work to support the deployment for the fast switching CIMS’ first airborne campaign, Constraining the role of the marine sulfur cycle in the Earth System (CARES). The CARES project will quantify the atmospheric fate of emissions of natural marine sulfur and re-examine our understanding of the role of marine sulfur in the Earth system by performing a series of aircraft field measurements with a suite of instrumentation. The successful applicant will be responsible for the analysis and interpretation of the CIMS data from this project, with a view to delivering novel scientific outputs.
Deadline :02/08/2023
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Sensor Systems and Machine Learning for Delivering Next Generation Crops & Sustainable Food
The University welcomes applications for applied electronics research engineers within the School of Engineering. The post has become available due to recent extension of the precision agriculture activities in the Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering over three interrelated topic areas covering intelligent sensor systems research for delivering next generation crops and arable farming technologies. More than one appointment may be possible.
Deadline : 20/08/2023
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate Studying Signalling in Stem Cells
A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available to work on a project studying how signalling filopodia collect and transduce the BMP signal in Drosophila ovarian germline stem cells. This project will build on our recent progress in this area (Wilcockson and Ashe, Dev Cell 2019) by using cutting-edge live imaging to explore the behaviour and functionality of these signalling filopodia.
Deadline :03/08/2023
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate Bioinformatician
This position will support a £5m programme funded through the Alliance exploring how the adaptive immune system can be exploited for cancer early detection. Samples taken for this programme will undergo whole genome sequencing with the goal of understanding how genetic changes in cancer a triggering an immune response. The applicant will work closely with Professors Robert Bristow and David Wedge, and Dr Emma Woodward and be responsible for conducting the bioinformatic analysis of whole genomes and transcriptomes of early lesions and cancers from individuals with hereditary cancer predisposition arising from deficient DDR. The post will be hosted at the Oglesby Cancer Research Building within the laboratory of Professor Robert Bristow and the successful applicant will interact with Professors Bristow and Wedge, and Dr Woodward.
Deadline : 07/08/2023
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Microbial Experimental Evolution
We are seeking a highly motivated and skilled Research Associate in experimental evolution/genomics to investigate genomic factors influencing antibiotic resistance evolution and evolvability in bacteria. The BBSRC-funded post is 1 FTE fixed term position until 29/06/2026, with a start date as soon as possible (to be negotiated with candidates). A PhD in Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology (with an evolution focus) or a related field is required. The ideal candidate also has a record of publications, conference presentations, and effective communication. Essential skills include extensive practical experience in microbial experimental evolution and proficiency in general microbiology and molecular biology techniques. Strong experience in experimental design, statistical analysis, and managing large datasets is required. Experience with bioinformatics tools is vital. Desirable skills include experience in antibiotic or antimicrobial resistance research, Pseudomonas biology, and bacterial genomics. Experience with genome engineering techniques (i.e. CRISPR-Cas) is also advantageous.
Deadline : 07/08/2023
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate
This is an excellent opportunity for an individual with experience in the analysis of ‘omics’ datasets (including transcriptomics and epigenomics), to perform cutting-edge, clinically relevant, kidney research. The limited treatment options, increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, and poor outcomes for DKD patients highlights the need to identify novel therapeutic targets, which requires a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms. You will work with Dr Abigail Lay (project supervisor and PI), to identify novel, modifiable mechanistic pathways underlying DKD. The initial focus will be on identifying kidney-specific epigenetic modifications (specifically DNA methylation) which play causal roles in disease. The successful candidate will join a thriving research division and be based in a modern laboratory in the AV Hill Building at the University of Manchester. You will have access to state-of-the-art core facilities, mentoring and career development opportunities.
Deadline : 31/07/2023
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in The Division Of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences
We seek a talented individual to work on projects within the Cancer Prevention and Early Detection research theme in the NIHR Manchester BRC. The successful applicant will be based in the University of Manchester’s internationally competitive Centre for Imaging Sciences but will be expected to spend a significant proportion of their time working at the Nightingale Breast Screening and Genesis Prevention Centre at Manchester University NHS Foundation NHS Trust, Wythenshawe and at the Oglesby Building on the Christie NHS Foundation Trust site. The applicant will be expected to contribute to projects in a number of different ways including supporting applications for ethical approval, accessing and managing research data, design and implementation of projects, statistical analysis and publication. You will have experience in statistics and will relish the opportunity for cross-disciplinary collaboration and the challenge involved in creating robust solutions to real-world problems. Excellent communication skills are essential.
Deadline : 31/07/2023
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Development of a Programme to Reduce Burden and Distress in Parents and Carers of Children with OCD)
We are looking to recruit a Research Associate for a new research project, ‘Development of a Programme to Reduce Burden and Distress in Parents and Carers of Children with OCD’. This post will involve working with a wide variety of stakeholders, including parents/carers of children with OCD, NHS health professionals and third sector representatives. The successful candidate will conduct co-production activities and support the project’s Patient and Public Involvement leads to coordinate a Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP) of parents. Additionally, the post involves a substantial amount of qualitative data analysis and academic writing. This position is offered as a 0.8 FTE post for 18 months. The successful candidate will be appointed to the Division of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work, based in Jean McFarlane building at the University of Manchester. There is opportunity for a hybrid model of office and home-based working.
Deadline : 14/08/2023
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in Artificial Intelligence Powered Framework for OnLine Production Scheduling
You will be responsible for the evaluation of energy consumption for industrial data reconciliation and preparation of process scheduling models, quantification of different types of uncertainty and the development of data-driven autonomous techniques for online scheduling. You will collaborate seamless with academics from UCL for such development. You will also work closely with industrial partners to test the new online scheduling framework in a practical context and demonstrate the benefit. You will have, or be about to obtain, a relevant PhD (or equivalent) in process systems engineering, computer science, operations research, industrial engineering, or closely related field together with an excellent track record of international publications. Examples of field interests include advanced planning and scheduling, metaheuristics, machine learning, mathematical modelling, and optimisation. Research experience in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and optimisation are particularly preferred.
Deadline : 04/08/2023
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-doctoral Qualitative Researcher
We have an exciting opportunity to appoint a talented and ambitious qualitative researcher with a keen interest in digital health and data privacy to work on the Remote Monitoring in Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) research programme. REMORA is an NIHR-funded programme that aims to evaluate and implement remote monitoring technology to enable people with rheumatoid arthritis to daily track their symptoms and share these with their rheumatology team. REMORA is hosted by the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis (University of Manchester), which delivers a world-leading portfolio of innovative musculoskeletal and digital epidemiology research across Greater Manchester and beyond. The post-holder will play a key role in the development of a governance framework and digital prototype to obtain self-administered e-consent for smartphone-based collection of digital patient-generated health data for use in both clinical care and population health research. You will be required to have experience of designing, conducting and writing up qualitative research and experience of working effectively with a range of stakeholders.
Deadline : 14/08/2023
About The University of Manchester, England- Official Website
The University of Manchester is a public research university in Manchester, England, formed in 2004 by the merger of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology and the Victoria University of Manchester. The University of Manchester is a red brick university, a product of the civic university movement of the late 19th century.
The main campus is south of Manchester city centre on Oxford Road. The university owns and operates major cultural assets such as the Manchester Museum, Whitworth Art Gallery, John Rylands Library and Jodrell Bank Observatory—a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In 2019/20, the university had 40,485 students and 10,400 staff, making it the 3rd largest university in the UK (out of 169 including the Open University), and the largest single-site university. The university had a consolidated income of £1.1 billion in 2019–20, of which £264.7 million was from research grants and contracts (6th place nationally behind Oxford, UCL, Cambridge, Imperial and Edinburgh). It has the fifth-largest endowment of any university in the UK, after the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Edinburgh and King’s College London. It is a member of the worldwide Universities Research Association, the Russell Group of British research universities and the N8 Group.
The University of Manchester has 25 Nobel laureates among its past and present students and staff, the fourth-highest number of any single university in the United Kingdom.
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