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22 Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Hamburg, Germany

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University of Hamburg, Germany invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Hamburg, Germany.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Novel imaging methods for macromolecular structure and dynamics” § 28 subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties include academic services in the project named above. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Deadline : 06.09.2022

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(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe” on Theoretical Multi-Messenger Astrophysics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The successful doctoral research associate will conduct research on the timely topic of “Theoretical Multi-Messenger Astrophysics”. The particular focus will be on the theoretical/numerical modeling of the electromagnetic and neutrino signals of major gravitational wave sources. Knowledge on general relativity, hydrodynamics, nuclear equations of state, neutrino physics, nuclear reactions and/or radiative transfer are particularly welcome but are no strict requirement.

Deadline : 31.08.2022

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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 3 Research Associates on Theoretical Multi-Messenger Astrophysics § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The successful research associates will conduct research on the timely topic of “Theoretical Multi-Messenger Astrophysics”. The particular focus will be on the theoretical/numerical modeling of the electromagnetic and neutrino signals of major gravitational wave sources. Demonstrated expertise in the relevant areas of theoretical astrophysics (general relativity, hydrodynamics, nuclear equations of state, neutrino physics/transport, nuclear reactions and/or radiative transfer) and of computational physics/supercomputing are of particular interest.

Deadline : 31.08.2022

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(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate in “Computational Natural sciences” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

COMPUTATIONAL CORE UNIT: We are looking for a scientist in the field of scientific computer science, in particular “Scientific Software Engineering with a focus on e.g. Data Science or Machine Learning”. Your tasks include the implementation and consultation of research projects in the above-mentioned thematic focuses, in particular the methodological conception, selection of suitable hardware and software systems, the sustainable implementation, validation and deployment incl. the writing of scientific publications, the representation of projects at conferences through oral and poster contributions and the publication of contributions via social media channels. Your contributions to the team focus on the informatics aspects of scientific data science projects, especially in the areas of data engineering and analytics, machine learning, signal and image processing, algorithms and optimisation, and software engineering. In addition, your tasks include active participation in the acquisition of third-party funding projects.

Deadline : 15.08.2022

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(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) Ethics in Information Technologies § 28 Subsection 2 HmbHG

In the working group “Ethics in Information Technology” we deal with epistemological, ethical, political, and social preconditions and implications of digital technologies, with a special focus on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. We cooperate intensively with colleagues from computer science, participate in the development of new technologies, and contribute to the public and political discourse around digitization. Your tasks will consist of basic research in the above-mentioned topic area, but also participation in interdisciplinary research with colleagues from the Department of Informatics. Another component of your tasks is teaching at the interface between philosophy and computer science (4 LVS). We also expect a lively participation in the professional and public discourse on philosophical issues in the context of digital technologies.

Deadline : 14.08.2022

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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Two-particle self-consistency in diagrammatic theories for strongly correlated electron systems” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The main goal of the project is the development and numerical Implementation of quantum field theoretical methods for the theoretical description of strongly correlated many-body systems which overcome specific inconsistencies of state-of-the-art approaches for the calculation of physical observables. The developed algorithms should then be combined with techniques for the investigation of uncorrelated real materials (such as density functional theory or GW) to obtain a comprehensive understanding of correlated electrons in solids. This requires in particular the extension of existing quantum field theoretical methods to multi band systems and nonlocal interactions. The developed methods will be then applied to calculate physical phenomena such as (high-temperature) superconductivity or magnetism. This well lead to an improved understanding of such phenomena in real materials which is potentially also of technological relevance. Moreover, the new theoretical approaches will also allow for a better understanding of the role of correlation effects in topological states of matter such as topological insulators. This can lead to a new classification of topological materials based on one- and two-particle correlation functions. 

Deadline : 05.08.2022

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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Return to Mexico” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Anthropological research in our DFG-funded project “Return to Mexico”: Comparing rural and urban Mexican return migrations, the project explores how kinship and home-making frame returning and belonging. The Research Associate will conduct ethnographic fieldwork in urban Mexico. 

Deadline : 05.08.2022

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(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Time-resolved Structural Dynamics of Functional Materials” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

We focus on understanding, with the goal of controlling, electronic excited state dynamics, in particular of transition metal complexes relevant to photoswitching, solar energy conversion and catalytic applications. Many of the light-driven phenomena of direct relevance to efficient e.g. photoswitching conversion occur on the femtosecond time scales and involve rearrangements of the electronic and nuclear structure on the Angstrom length scale. For this purpose we use complementary ultrafast time-resolved techniques relying on laboratory-based femtosecond laser systems and large-scale x-ray sources, synchrotrons and X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs). Specifically, we develop and exploit these methods to determine the kinetics of the photoreactions and to track charge, spin, solvation, and coordination dynamics with atomic specifity and resolution following optical excitation. These methods are combined with inorganic synthesis and simulations to identify the molecular properties that dictate excited state and photochemical processes.

Deadline : 03.08.2022

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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

The position is located at the Department for Quantitative Methods in Psychology. Our research is concerned with the development and evaluation of statistical methods for psychological research. The successful applicant is expected to participate (with supervision) in the ongoing research projects, particularly on statistical method for the treatment of missing data and the improvement of reproducibility in psychological science, with the aim to publish their findings in relevant academic journals. The position offers the opportunity to pursue a doctoral degree, which is highly encouraged. The position entails a teaching obligation of 3 LVS during the lecture period.

Deadline : 03.08.2022

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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “HEPMASITE” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

The successful candidate will focus their research on a topic relevant to HEPMASITE’s project goals. In addition to research, the successful candidate will coordinate the project’s database. The position requires participation in HEPMASITE events and an active engagement in its activities.

Deadline : 02.08.2022

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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence Quantum Universe” Machine learning in astro- or particle physics § 28 Abs. 3 HmbHG

The Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe” performs research to understand mass and gravity at the interface between quantum physics and cosmology. The research team includes leading scientists from mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology at Universität Hamburg and DESY. 

Deadline : 31.07.2022

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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Imaging at extreme intensities using XFEL” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) provide orders of magnitude increase in pulse frequency compared to other sources and have the potential to realize the goal of single-molecule diffractive imaging. Atomic-resolution diffraction from single macromolecules ideally requires pulse fluences above 1014 photons/um2, which is about two orders of magnitude higher than available in current experiments. We are developing multilayer Laue lenses, which can be used to focus X-rays down to few nanometers. Combined with XFELs this opens up opportunities for 3D imaging at the nanometer scale and studying materials under extreme temperatures and pressures.

Deadline : 30.07.2022

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(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Variational Quantum Computing for Nonlinear Problems” § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

A major goal of quantum technologies is to harness functionality arising in highly-controlled non-equilibrium quantum systems. Variational quantum computing algorithms aim to create such quantum states that form trial solutions to scientific problems of interest via digital quantum computing networks. By iteratively improving the quality of these trial solutions through variational methods, highly accurate solutions to a given problem can be found.

Deadline : 29.07.2022

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(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Non-stationarity and quantum synchronization” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties primarily include teaching and research. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Deadline : 29.07.2022

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(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Environment induced non-stationarity and PT symmetries” § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

Research associates will be expected primarily to teach and conduct research. The research associate will also have the opportunity to pursue further academic qualifications, in particular a doctoral dissertation. At least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the research associate’s own academic work.

Deadline : 29.07.2022

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(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Cluster of Excellence ‚CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter‘- Cavity induced phases of matter” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

Duties primarily include teaching and research. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

Deadline : 29.07.2022

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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Political Science, esp. Political Theory § 28 Subsection 2 HmbHG

Duties include teaching and research in the respective department or institute. Research associates may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications as well as acquire teaching experience. These duties are intended to promote academic achievement. Therefore, at least one-third of set working hours will be made available for the associate’s own academic work.

Deadline : 28.07.2022

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(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the Project “Searching for Solutions for Carbon Sequestration in Coastal Ecosystems” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

sea4soCiety is a multidisciplinary research consortium funded through BMBF that aims to develop innovative approaches for improving the potential for carbon dioxide removal by vegetated coastal ecosystems (i.e. salt marshes, mangroves, and seagrass beds). For the subproject on Plant Ecology and Biogeochemistry at Universität Hamburg, we are seeking a candidate that will investigate the carbon-storage capacity and greenhouse-gas dynamics of different coastal ecosystem types of the German North Sea and Baltic and conduct experimental research to assess the effects of climate change on these ecosystem processes. The candidate is furthermore expected to coordinate and assist the work of PhD students within sea4soCiety and tightly collaborate with other researchers of the consortium.

Deadline : 28.07.2022

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(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate Plasma Astrophysics § 28 Subsection 1 HmbHG

The Cluster of Excellence “Quantum Universe” performs research to understand mass and gravity at the interface between quantum physics and cosmology. The research team includes leading scientists from mathematics, particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology at Universität Hamburg and DESY. Topics will include the modelling of plasma instabilities, such as two-beam and oblique instabilities, in the context of high energy particle beams from astrophysical gamma-ray sources using analytical and numerical methods. We will investigate the influence of such instabilities and of cosmic magnetic fields on the gamma-ray spectra observable by gamma-ray telescopes at Earth.

Deadline : 25.07.2022

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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate for the project “Climate mitigation by land-use management” § 28 Subsection 3 HmbHG

This PostDoc project is part of the excellence cluster CLICCS. The successful applicant will work together with a number of CLICCS projects, in particular C2 in order to study global effects of changing soil state variables due to specific adaptations in land-use management. Effects on climate will be studied by sensitivity studies using the MPI Earth System Model. The teaching obligation is 4 LVS.

Deadline : 22.07.2022

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(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate (Postdoc) in Evolutionary Immunogenetics § 28 Subsection 2 HmbHG

The advertised position is located in the Department of Evolutionary Immunogenomics (Prof. Tobias Lenz) and will support the department in research and teaching. The department‘s primary research focus is the study of genetic variability in the adaptive immune system of vertebrates and its importance for disease susceptibility and co-evolution between hosts and their parasites. Special attention is given to important molecular and genetic components in the antigen-specific immune response (MHC, T cell repertoire). The holder of this position is expected to advance the department’s ongoing research projects in this context, as well as develop new projects. The holder is expected to take advantage of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) model system, which is already established in the department. The stickleback is an excellent model for studying the adaptive immune system in a natural context and allows for both experimental work in the laboratory and field work with natural populations.

Deadline : 18.07.2022

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(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position

Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Associate Islamic Studies § 28 Abs. 3 HmbHG

Services and project preparations in the field of history and culture of the Middle East in the pre-modern period, in co-operation with the RomanIslam Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies. Assistance in various publication projects among them historical topography of the Iberian Peninsula, and North Africa (RomanIslam Center). The position also serves for the preparation of scientific research in this field, creation of data collections, source analysis. The professorship of Islamic Studies is primarily concerned with the political and economic history of the Near East from 600 to 1500, from the Iberian Peninsula to Central Asia, as well as comparative empire studies. Further research areas are material culture, epigraphy and numismatics.

Deadline : 15.07.2022

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About University of Hamburg, Germany – Official Website

The University of Hamburg  is a university in Hamburg, Germany. It was founded on 28 March 1919 by combining the previous General Lecture System (Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen), the Colonial Institute of Hamburg (Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut), and the Academic College (Akademisches Gymnasium). The main campus is located in the central district of Rotherbaum, with affiliated institutes and research centres distributed around the city-state.

The university has been ranked in the top 200 universities worldwide by the Times Higher Education Ranking, the Shanghai Ranking and the CWTS Leiden Ranking, placing it among the top 1% of global universities. Six Nobel Prize Winners and one Wolf Prize Winner are affiliated with UHH.

On a national scale, U.S. News & World Report ranks UHH 7th and QS World University Rankings 14th out of a total of 426 German institutions of higher education.




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