Utrecht University, Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Utrecht University, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on Forecasting Subsidence in the Groningen Reservoir Region
Surface subsidence is a significant problem above the gas reservoir in the Netherlands province of Groningen, affecting the environment, buildings, infrastructure, and water management. Compaction of the reservoir continues to drive subsidence, but there also are other, shallower, earth processes that have a significant footprint on the subsidence. Groningen is located close to sea level, so it is highly relevant to answer questions like ‘how long will subsidence continue?’ and ‘how much more subsidence will occur?’.
The DeepNL programme of the Dutch Research Council is funding our proposal to develop a model aimed at forecasting surface deformation in the Groningen gas field region. At this stage we seek to fill two PhD positions in a collaborative project of researchers at Utrecht University and Delft University of Technology aimed at quantifying the physical processes that drive subsidence from InSAR, GPS, and geodetic levelling observations.
Deadline : 8 April 2024
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on LGBT Migrants in the Labour Market
The department of Sociology external link has a job opening for a PhD candidate interested in labour market outcomes of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) migrants. Despite significant progress in recognising the rights of LGBT people, they are still treated unequally in the labour market. Although about 18 million people in the EU identify as LGBT, one out of five felt discriminated against at work specifically due to being LGBT. Previous research has documented that this discrimination results in lower productivity, earnings, and the probability of employment for LGBT people. However, due to data unavailability, these studies have typically ignored heterogeneity within the LGBT population by migration background. Yet, increased international migration and legal recognition of LGBT people have led to a sizeable population of LGBT migrants in recent years (about 10,000 LGBT migrants in the Netherlands). Therefore, studying LGBT migrants provides a unique opportunity to gain theoretical insights into how migration background intersects with gender identity.
Deadline : 24 March 2024
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD Positions: History of Global North-South Public Health Cooperation
As a PhD candidate you will be working on a subproject within the Consolidator Grant project COOPERATION (2024-2029) funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and directed by Dr Ozan Ozavci external link (Principal Investigator, PI) at the department of History and Art History external lin. The COOPERATION project will recapture the lost archives and historical knowledge of international public health cooperation between the ‘global north’ and the ‘global south’ by analysing its first and longest-lasting instances: the sanitary councils in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Established in Tangier, Alexandria, Tunis, Istanbul and Tehran, these unprecedented institutions strategised against waves of epidemics and pandemics between the 1790s and the 1940s. Their European, American and native co-founders invented new models for fighting pandemics from below and stopping the diseases in their tracks. They continually strove to overcome the familiar barriers to cooperation posed by inter-imperial competition in a multipolar world, economic inequities, protests against quarantine restrictions and racial and Orientalist biases, among others. COOPERATION project will write an entangled history of health cooperation, by shifting the focus from top-down to bottom-up processes. Consulting archival sources in Europe, MENA, and North America, it will determine the historical preconditions for effective international public health cooperation.
Deadline : 7 April 2024
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Induced Seismicity and Geothermal Energy Production
We learned a lot by studying induced seismicity due to gas extraction in Groningen. In our multidisciplinary project NEPTUNUS (“Novel methods for the Evaluation and Physical understanding of the Transient natUre of iNdUced Seismicity”) we want to build on the state-of-the-art tools and lessons learned in Groningen to understand which variables and parameters are crucial for the occurrence and mitigation of induced seismicity. The ultimate objective is to provide constraints on the envelope for safe utilisation of the subsurface, which can feed into existing and upcoming seismic hazard assessments for future subsurface use.
We seek an enthusiastic and ambitious PhD candidate to model and understand induced seismicity and assess key model parameters and state variables for depletion and geothermal energy production.
Deadline : 14 April 2024
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in chemical biology of glycans and glycoconjugates
This ERC-supported project aims to develop chemical and chemo-enzymatic methodologies for the synthesis of glycans and glyco-conjugates of unprecedented complexity. The resulting compounds will be employed to develop an integrated technological platform that can unravel how glycans encode information. The synthetic glycans will be used for array development to study protein-glycan binding. Bio-orthogonal (click) methods will be developed to attach synthetic glycans onto the surface of cells for gain-of-function studies. The project will focus on the involvement of complex glycans in infectious disease and immunology.
We are embarking on an exciting multidisciplinary project and seek a creative and passionate scientist to join us. You will use chemical and enzymatic synthesis, combined with biological experiments, to unravel the roles of glycans in health and disease. It will include the use of a wide range of methods to purify and characterise complex synthetic compounds including advances NMR and mass spectrometric approaches.
Deadline : 15 April 2024
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Parental Cancer and the Impact on Child Development and Well-being
Parents diagnosed with cancer not only have to cope with stress and anxiety around the illness itself, but also with the potential impact on their children. Children confronted with parental cancer are at increased risk for symptoms of immediate and long-term psychopathology. Changes in parental identity, child identity and the parent-child relationship are potential mechanisms behind this association. There is an urgent need to increase understanding of these mechanisms.
By further understanding of the underlying mechanisms that increase risk of psychopathology, tools can be developed to support families affected by cancer. Previous support programmes tend to focus either on the ill parent or their children (restricting the intervention to a specific age-group). There are no interventions yet that are equally targeting both parents (also the partner of the diagnosed parent) and children. Also, in the vast majority of studies, the affected parent is the mother. Easy to implement tools that can help facilitate communication between parents and children and help with the renegotiation of identity and roles within families are therefore urgently needed.
Deadline : 24 March 2024
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD: Eye tracking dashboards for improvement of student support
In this position, you will be responsible for conducting a PhD research project within the project “How is it going? Eye-tracking dashboards for teachers to improve student diagnosis and support”. In this project, we investigate the value of dashboards that visualise eye-tracking data within higher education. Such dashboards may be able to support instructors in finding out whether students have a good understanding of the material offered in web lectures, and in planning topics for contact hours in a blended-learning context. Eye-tracking data could potentially play a role in this process, as it contains information about student understanding. In this project, we investigate these questions further, and we develop a dashboard in co-design with teachers. We will then test the dashboard’s effects in two studies.
Deadline : 25 March 2024
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Advanced Network Approaches to Enhance Youth Mental Health
The aim of this project is to uncover dynamic symptom development investigate the interdependence between disorders, symptoms and comorbidity, and inform new targeted interventions based on insights from these developments. You will implement the developed innovative algorithm in this project in a statistical package within the open statistical software environment. To validate the developed model, you will first conduct an extensive simulation study on the estimation and prediction performance of the developed algorithm then you apply the model on the real data. Specifically, you will use a longitudinal cohort study among adolescents with broadly oriented data with information on social, psychological and physical factors. The data set include variables measuring depression, anxiety, internalising and externalising problems, eating disorders, antisocial behaviour, psychotic symptoms, and several psychiatric diagnoses.
Deadline :15 April 2024
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD: Developmental Dynamics of Climate Anxiety and Climate Hope Among Youth
This PhD project applies an interdisciplinary and longitudinal approach to investigate emotional responses of Dutch youth (12-25 years) to the climate crisis, particularly climate anxiety and climate hope, and their relations with pro-environmental behaviour and mental health. This project has the following objectives:
- map the development of climate anxiety and climate hope among Dutch youth;
- investigate the dynamic associations between climate anxiety and climate hope on the one hand and perceived climate change threat, efficacy beliefs, and pro-environmental identity on the other hand;
- uncover the dynamic interplay between climate anxiety, climate hope and pro-environmental engagement and mental health among Dutch youth.
Deadline : 24 March 2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate ‘Self-regulated learning’
We are seeking a colleague who is passionate about scientific thinking. You should have a background in either the veterinary/medical domain or social sciences (MSc), with specific interest and expertise in educational sciences, particularly assessment issues. Furthermore, you bring:
- experience with qualitative and quantitative research methods;
- the ability to work systematically and project-oriented;
- strong analytical skills;
- an affinity for higher education;
- excellent oral and written communication skills in both English and Dutch;
- a proactive mindset and the ability to work both independently and collaboratively within a team.
Deadline : 22 March 2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Resilience and Vulnerability of Tundra Landscapes to Permafrost Thaw
The aim of RESILIENCE is to fundamentally advance our understanding and predictions of tipping points and critical transitions in ecosystems and reveal how these can be evaded and even reversed through spatial pattern formation. RESILIENCE will develop a new theory for emerging resilience through spatial pattern formation and link this with real tipping-prone biomes undergoing accelerating global change: savanna and tundra. The candidate will benefit from the expertise of the four Principal Investigators (PIs) in the RESILIENCE project: Max Rietkerk external link, an ecologist at Utrecht University, Arjen Doelman, a mathematician at Leiden University, Ehud Meron, a physicist at Ben-Gurion University, and Isla Myers-Smith, an ecologist at the University of British Columbia. In this PhD project at University of British Columbia, you will study spatial patterns in tundra ecosystems, revealing how spatial patterns relate to ecosystems tipping points including permafrost thaw in tundra ecosystems. For this project, you could use a combination of satellite images, aerial photographs, drone imagery and in-situ data from focal tundra research sites and regions around the circumpolar Arctic to quantify how spatial patterns relate to landscape stability and permafrost thaw over time. This research will increase our understanding of tundra ecosystem resilience and will be used to predict rates of permafrost thaw disturbances across tundra landscapes with global change. We collaborate with other PhD candidates, postdocs and senior researchers from the different involved universities to explore mathematical and physical models of the resulting data to address the larger project goals.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Spatial Patterns and Resilience in Tundra Community Composition
There is an urgent need to understand the effects that global change can have on the Earth, its system components and ecosystems. One area of critical concern is the imminent abrupt and irreversible critical transitions of ecosystems through tipping points. Recent discoveries indicate that such tipping could be evaded and even reversed in ecosystems through spatial pattern formation, thereby creating pathways of resilience.
The aim of RESILIENCE is to fundamentally advance our understanding and predictions of tipping points and critical transitions in ecosystems and reveal how these can be evaded and even reversed through spatial pattern formation. RESILIENCE will develop a new theory for emerging resilience through spatial pattern formation and link this with real tipping-prone biomes undergoing accelerating global change: savanna and tundra. The candidate will benefit from the expertise of the four Principal Investigators (PIs) in the RESILIENCE project: Max Rietkerk
, an ecologist at Utrecht University, Arjen Doelman, a mathematician at Leiden University, Ehud Meron, a physicist at Ben-Gurion University, and Isla Myers-Smith, an ecologist at the University of British Columbia.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on Reproducing gender inequality in paid and unpaid work patterns
Why is there still gender inequality in the division of labour? Is it reproduced generation after generation? Although women’s labour force participation has increased over the past decades, women still work fewer hours and earn less income than men. Adding to this gender inequality, is the persistent gendered division of housework and childcare, with women doing the lion’s share of unpaid work.
An important explanation for the persistence of this inequality is that gendered patterns in paid and unpaid work are transmitted from one generation to the next. This PhD project aims to better understand the role of intergenerational transmission for gender inequality by:
- studying similarity in paid work and unpaid work for fathers and mothers, sons and daughters;
- studying sources of variation in intergenerational transmission; and
- testing theoretical explanations for these moderating effects.
Deadline : 15 March 2024
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in Development of Ethnic Prejudice
Ethnic discrimination can harm children’s well-being. Research to date, however, has assessed children’s ethnic biases using methods with limited ecological validity (e.g., self-report): children were explicitly asked about their cognitions and behaviours towards ethnic minorities, while real-life ethnic biases may often occur automatically and influence children’s behaviour unknowingly. In this PhD project we will address this gap by conducting ecologically valid, controlled experiments in VR to test how children’s (4-12 years) basic affective processes and deliberate cognitions shape their behaviour towards ethnic minorities. This research advances the field by revealing how and when children’s ethnic biases manifest in social interactions and may be most effectively overcome.
Deadline : 24 March 2024
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on the Sustainability of Revolutionary Reusable Packaging
We are looking for a colleague who:
- holds a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in environmental sciences, industrial ecology, industrial design engineering, sustainable development, sustainable business innovation or another relevant discipline;
- has a multidisciplinary education and experience with natural sciences disciplines. This involves both qualitative and quantitative analytical skills and systems thinking;
- has demonstrated experience applying life cycle assessment and, ideally, knowledge of the packaging sector;
- has the ability to clearly communicate complex information and interact effectively with both academic and diverse stakeholder audiences;
- is enthusiastic to learn and work independently and as part of a larger team working on the transition to the circular economy;
- has excellent English language skills, both written and verbal;
- has the curiosity and motivation to address important real-world problems through rigorous and ambitious academic inquiry.
Deadline : 17 March 2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Plant-Microbiome Signalling
The project evolves around the search for, and the characterisation of, plant components that control the root rhizosphere environment. Billions of microbes inhabit this environment and help plants to grow and stay healthy. Plants impact the rhizosphere environment by exudation of compounds that change the chemistry of the soil and provide energy for the microbes. The exact nature of these compounds, their role in attracting and accommodating microbes, and how they are regulated are mostly unknown. We believe that in order to use the plant microbiome to its full potential in sustainable agriculture, it is important to reveal and better understand the role of these compounds.
In this PhD project you will leverage a collection of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants (a model plant for plant-microbe and plant-microbiome research) that express a class of transcription factors, called MYBs, that are linked to exudation. We will use automated phenotyping to characterise transgenic plants with elevated expression of these MYBs, and we will evaluate how these plants attract and accommodate beneficial microbes using diverse ‘omics techniques including microbiome profiling and transcriptomics.
Deadline : 17 March 2024
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in the Field of Physical Oceanography
Both geological reconstructions and model simulations indicate that the large-scale ocean circulation, and more specifically the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), likely plays an important role in centennial variability. We currently lack a spatio-temporal description of centennial AMOC variability and lack a mechanistic understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms of this variability. Such an understanding is key to interpret the observed climate variations over the last centuries, to better interpret recent and ongoing changes, and to improve climate model projections by including an evidence-based representation of internal variability on all relevant time scales.
Deadline : 1 April 2024
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position on Hydrological Modelling of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
To make the Dutch water systems climate robust and able to deal with future droughts and floods, significant changes in the water system are required. These changes have to be made both in the physical water system and in the water governance system. In this PhD position you will look at what changes in the physical water system are beneficial to achieve this goal. You will specifically contribute by improving our understanding of the groundwater-surface water interactions. These interactions are vital when it comes to potential solutions for additional water storage and potential impacts of future hydrological extremes. You will use a regional hydrological model to simulate the impact of changes in the water management and use, land use and the potential impact of climate change on the freshwater availability for agriculture, nature and drinking water. The ultimate goal is to optimise the entire water system and land use taking their different water needs into account for a transition towards a climate robust water system.
As part of the NWO-KIC WaterScape project you will work in a larger team with PhD candidates who are based at different universities within the Netherlands. You will also interact with stakeholders and our other partners that will use your results for their future policy making, with the goal to create a more climate robust water system in the Netherlands.
Deadline : 22 March 2024
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Algebraic Geometry
Enumerative geometry is the field of algebraic geometry dealing with counting geometric objects satisfying constraints. So far, enumerative geometry largely concerned curve counting. This PhD position is funded by the ERC Consolidator Grant Surfaces on fourfolds on the enumerative geometry of surfaces on Calabi-Yau fourfolds and related subjects. This new field has unexpected connections with various areas of mathematics and physics, such as Hodge theory, singularity theory, representation theory, and string theory.
Deadline : 31 March 2024
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 2 PhD Positions on Multi-Level Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change
Ecosystems are highly complex systems characterised by hierarchies of organisation and trophic levels. Their response to climate change is likely to involve mechanisms operating at different levels, such as phenotypic changes and evolutionary adaptation in individual plants, spatial self-organisation of plant and herbivore populations, and community reassembly. Depending on history, disturbances, and environmental variability, ecosystem response can be realised in various pathways; some may lead to tipping points and collapse, while others may result in resilient states.
RESILIENCE aims to fundamentally advance our understanding and predictions of tipping points and critical transitions in ecosystems and reveal how these can be evaded and even reversed through spatial pattern formation. RESILIENCE will develop a new theory for emerging resilience through spatial pattern formation and link this with real tipping-prone biomes undergoing accelerating global change: savanna and tundra.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Spatial Data of Savanna Community Assembly
We are looking for a PhD candidate with:
- a relevant Master’s degree and a strong scientific background in the field of mathematics, ecology, biology, environmental sciences or physics, preferably spanning two of the disciplines;
- excellent English language skills
external link;
- experience with field work, data collection and spatial data analysis;
- programming skills (e.g. Matlab, Python).
The project is interdisciplinary and affinity with or interest in working in an interdisciplinary environment is important.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Role of Fire Feedbacks in Spatial Resilience of Forest-Savanna Boundaries
The aim of RESILIENCE is to fundamentally advance our understanding and predictions of tipping points and critical transitions in ecosystems and reveal how these can be evaded and even reversed through spatial pattern formation. RESILIENCE will develop a new theory for emerging resilience through spatial pattern formation and link this with real tipping-prone biomes undergoing accelerating global change: savanna and tundra. The candidate will benefit from the expertise of the four Principal Investigators (PIs) in the RESILIENCE project: Max Rietkerk
, an ecologist at Utrecht University, Arjen Doelman, a mathematician at Leiden University, Ehud Meron, a physicist at Ben-Gurion University, and Isla Meyers-Smith, an ecologist at the University of British Columbia.
In this PhD project The Role of Fire Feedbacks in Spatial Resilience of Forest-Savanna Boundaries at Utrecht University, you will study forest-savanna boundaries and develop spatial ecosystem models, revealing how spatial patterns of fuel connectivity affect (the evasion of) forest-savanna tipping points. For this project, satellite images from Africa and South America could be used, relating static and moving forest-savanna boundaries to fire. This will increase our understanding of forest-savanna resilience and will be used to predict the movement of forest-savanna boundaries with global change. We follow a joint modelling and validation approach, in collaboration with other PhD candidates, postdocs and senior researchers from the different involved universities.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on Human Interventions and the Resilience of an Ecosystem
There is an urgent need to understand the effects that global change can have on the Earth, its system components and ecosystems. One area of critical concern is the imminent abrupt and irreversible critical transitions of ecosystems through tipping points. Recent discoveries indicate that such tipping could be evaded and even reversed in ecosystems through spatial pattern formation, thereby creating pathways of resilience.
The aim of RESILIENCE is to fundamentally advance our understanding and predictions of tipping points and critical transitions in ecosystems and reveal how these can be evaded and even reversed through spatial pattern formation. RESILIENCE will develop a new theory for emerging resilience through spatial pattern formation and link this with real tipping-prone biomes undergoing accelerating global change: savanna and tundra. The candidate will benefit from the expertise of the four Principal Investigators (PIs) in the RESILIENCE project: Arjen Doelman, a mathematician at Leiden University, Max Rietkerk, an ecologist at Utrecht University, Ehud Meron, a physicist at Ben-Gurion University, and Isla Meyers-Smith, an ecologist at the University of British Columbia.
Deadline : 20 March 2024
About Utrecht University, Netherlands – Official Website
Utrecht University is a public research university in Utrecht, Netherlands. Established 26 March 1636 (385 years ago), it is one of the oldest universities in the Netherlands. In 2018, it had an enrolment of 31,801 students, and employed 7,191 faculty and staff. In 2018, 525 PhD degrees were awarded and 6,948 scientific articles were published. The 2018 budget of the university was €857 million.
Utrecht University counts a number of distinguished scholars among its alumni and faculty, including 12 Nobel Prize laureates and 13 Spinoza Prize laureates. Utrecht University has been placed consistently in the top 100 universities in the world by prominent international ranking tables. The university is ranked the best university in the Netherlands by the Shanghai Ranking of World Universities 2019, ranking 13th in Europe and 49th in the world.
The university’s motto is “Sol Iustitiae Illustra Nos,” which means “May the Sun of Righteousness Enlighten Us”. This motto was gleaned from a literal Latin Bible translation of Malachi 4:2. Rutgers University, having historical connections with Utrecht University, uses a modified version of this motto.
Utrecht University is led by the University Board, consisting of prof. dr. Henk Kummeling (Rector Magnificus), prof. dr. Anton Pijpers (Chair) and prof. mr. Annetje Ottow (Vice Chair).
Close ties are harboured with other institutions internationally through its membership in the League of European Research Universities (LERU), the Utrecht Network and the European University Association (EUA).
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