University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position within the field of weather and climate extremes
Current data-driven Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning (AI-ML) approaches to assess extreme weather and climate events struggle to cope with events outside their training regimes (such as unprecedented extremes under climate change). Ensembles of future climate scenarios provide a wealth of data for training, but we lack sufficient understanding of the circulation precursors of extreme events (floods, droughts, blizzards, windstorms) to employ such simulations in a reliable fashion. This understanding is key for advancing our ability to both simulate and assess extreme events using numerical models. Current approaches for precursor identification rely on expert knowledge of meteorology and climate dynamics to distill information from reanalysis products and ensemble forecasts, picking out the circulation conditions and features that tend to precede extreme events. With the continual expansion in the amount and types of data available, we now have new opportunities to explore the added value of data-driven enhancements to these approaches. Such enhancements could involve techniques to refine known drivers and identify new drivers, algorithms to handle processes operating on different spatiotemporal scales, causal inference methods to detect the direction of information flow and uncover extremely rare or unprecedented situations. Ultimately, the goal of the project is to develop novel AI-ML frameworks for identifying circulation precursors in climate model output, allowing us to reliably evaluate the characteristics (e.g., frequency, intensity, magnitude) of extreme events in simulations of present and future climate.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position within Cryptography and Security of AI
This postdoctoral position is linked with a research effort aiming to apply cryptographic methods for studying the security aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Cryptographic approaches will be tested for attacks on AI and existing protection methods in cryptography will be applied for security of AI. The candidate will have the freedom to explore new related topics and drive the research in the direction of security of AI and cryptographic elements.
The primary objectives of this project are to explore cryptographic methods and techniques for the security of AI. More concretely, there are three research objectives:
1. To analyze the security of machine learning (ML) models against modifications by using the principles of differential cryptanalysis.
2. To analyze the security of ML models against attacks that aim to recover the parameters of the model (e.g., weights of a neural network).
3. To investigate whether it is possible to improve the security of ML models to make them more resilient against attacks by adapting techniques which have been developed against differential and linear cryptanalyses.
The postdoc will work with a team at the Selmer Center in Secure Communication including among others Adj. Prof. Vincent Rijmen and Prof. Lilya Budaghyan.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position within Reeb graph learning
Manifold learning is a crucial concept in the fields of machine learning and pattern recognition, because it enables the discovery and representation of underlying structures and patterns in high-dimensional data. In real-world scenarios, datasets often exhibit intricate manifold structures and the pursuit of capturing these complex geometries within the data has proven to be a challenging task for many traditional manifold learning algorithms. While it may not always be possible to fully learn the underlying manifold, it is often possible to learn some characteristics of the manifolds. One such characteristic is the Reeb graph, a topological construct that reflects the change of level sets of a real-valued filter function on a manifold. This motivates the field of Reeb graph learning. This project may span one or several of the following different aspects of Reeb graph learning: mathematical foundations, (probabilistic) learning algorithms, performance measures, metrics, visualization, statistics, downstream tasks such as dimensionality reduction or generative modelling and applications to different domains.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position in Logic and Artificial Intelligence
We are looking for an ambitious scholar who wants to advance the field of AI by focusing on the foundations of reliable, trustworthy and transparent AI by incorporating models of social interaction into logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning. The postdoc will become part of a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and inclusive team as a member of the department’s research group for Logic and AI. The postdoc will also be associated with the inter-departmental LEAD AI project at UiB, funded by The European Research Council.
The Logic and Artificial Intelligence (LAI) group studies the foundations of reasoning about information in socio-technical systems of interacting agents. We consider interactions both with people and with computational agents. Our work finds applications in several different sub-areas of Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems particularly including logic-based knowledge representation and reasoning. Key interests of our research include pure and applied modal logic (in particular epistemic and strategic), machine ethics and normative systems, aggregation of information, judgments and preferences, reasoning about social networks, and networks of text and people. Our research is highly interdisciplinary, combining work on formal logic from computer and information science, mathematics and philosophy with models and concepts from the social sciences such as game theory, social choice theory, social network analysis and formal ethics, applied to problems in artificial intelligence such as knowledge representation and machine reasoning.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position in Intelligent Information Systems
We are looking for an ambitious scholar who wants to advance the field of AI by focusing on techniques that enable the creation of trustworthy and responsible information systems. The postdoc will become part of a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and inclusive team as a member of the department’s research group for Intelligent Information Systems (I2S). The postdoc will also be associated with the inter-departmental LEAD AI project at UiB, funded by The European Research Council.
I2S is an interdisciplinary ICT research group with members from areas such as: artificial intelligence, computer science, computational linguistics, data science, information science, information systems, and software engineering. The group studies the foundation, development, and evaluation of information systems (IS) that employ artificial intelligence (AI). Central AI techniques for us are deep learning, image analysis, knowledge graphs, machine learning, and natural-language understanding. We investigate application areas such as digital multimedia forensics, decision making in health IS, personal data analysis, and sustainability. A particular focus is intelligent information systems for the media sector, for example for news production.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position in Algorithms and AI
The postdoc position is available within the “Algorithmic Foundations of Trustworthy AI” project. This collaborative endeavor, spanning the Department of Informatics and the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, aims to develop novel theories for understanding, developing, and designing socially aware algorithms. Successful candidates will actively contribute to research on reconciling social parameters and algorithmic efficiency, as well as the development and application of formal social models.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: LEAD AI postdoctoral research fellow position within organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry
Development of new pharmaceuticals requires efficient navigation of the vast chemical space. This may be achieved via heuristic computational methods, also termed “de novo” design methods, which may optimize toward desirable drug candidates without having to explore the complete chemical space. Via an interdisciplinary approach that includes informatics, computational chemistry, organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, computational biology, and biomedicine, the project team will develop radically new de novo molecular design methods and exploit these toward the discovery of inhibitors drug targets for cancer and antibiotics. Specifically, the team will develop methods that integrate expert knowledge early on, via machine-learning models and on-the-fly human intervention in the otherwise automated process. Through efficient design-synthesize-test cycles, we aim to arrive at highly potent inhibitors with properties that are favorable for further drug discovery efforts.
You will be responsible for the organic synthesis part of the eHACS project. This entails synthesizability evaluation, planning synthesis routes where flexibility will be an important element, and synthesis of small-molecule target compounds in addition to taking part in the design process. You will be tasked with developing new synthesis routes to identified target molecules and using these to produce compound libraries for further evaluation in various assays. We plan to make use of the department’s infrastructure for high-throughput experimentation (batch and flow) for optimization of synthesis steps (and routes), using machine learning in closed-loop optimizations.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position within Earthquake Seismology
The Norwegian National Seismic Network operates a network of more than 40 seismic stations across Norway to monitor earthquake activity in the region. The data are used in various research activities to better understand the distribution and nature of earthquakes. The coastal areas of both southern and northern Norway are the most active on the mainland. Study of earthquakes offshore southern Norway is important due to the vicinity to hydrocarbon extraction, and planned CO2 injection. Northern Norway is known for its intraplate swarm activity that has been studied in detail over recent years. The Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard presents an active intraplate area that has been investigated to understand large earthquakes within the regional tectonic context. Offshore, the Mid-Atlantic ridge plate boundary falls into the region of monitoring interest, producing the largest earthquakes close to Norway. Furthermore, the network has monitoring stations on the volcanically active island of Jan Mayen. In recent years, the research group linked to the seismic network has collected data from ocean bottom seismographs and temporary land deployments from various areas to address specific research questions. While the group has started to apply machine learning tools to a number of data sets, the seismic network still operates based on conventional tools. Objectives of this position are to develop machine learning based approaches to characterize seismicity, apply these to different datasets in Norway to advance the understanding of earthquake distribution and causes, and also to fully implement machine learning into the seismic network processing workflow.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Lead AI postdoctoral research fellow position within Digital Narrative
The Center for Digital Narrative focuses on algorithmic narrativity, interactive environments, materialities, and shifting cultural contexts in which digital narratives are received and processed. The CDN investigates the ways that the interactions of human authors and non-human agents renew narrative forms, how digital narratives have changed over time, and how textual materialities and cultural contexts are now reshaping the use and function of digital narrative. The activities of the Center include research group meetings, interactions with international research leaders in digital narrative, researcher training, PhD summer schools, frequent symposia and exhibitions.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: LEAD AI postdoctoral research fellow position at the Faculty of Psychology
The Faculty of Psychology has a broad thematic profile based on various disciplines and several study programmes. Some of the faculty’s key research areas are basic and applied research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, health promotion, child welfare services, speech therapy, pedagogy and educational science, as well as global and development-related research.
The faculty aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary research and stimulate interaction with other AI researchers at the faculty and at the University of Bergen.
Possible research topics are for example, in alphabetical order:
- AI in applied and clinical psychology
- AI in communication (e.g. as helping tool)
- AI in the context of education and pedagogical challenges and opportunities, including AI in higher education, teacher education and schools
- AI in neuroscience (e.g., analyses of complex and/or big data of genetics, neuroimaging, EEG, ECG, multi-omics, and cognition)
- Use, user experiences, and attitudes towards AI
The vacant postdoctoral research fellow position will be anchored at one of the faculty’s departments or centres, with the expectation of working interdisciplinary. The affiliation will be to the department or centre most relevant to the postdoctor’s research topic.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: LEAD AI postdoctoral research fellow position within artificial intelligence and education
The Centre for the Science of Learning and Technology (SLATE) investigates the technological, pedagogical, cultural, ethical, and legal aspects of learning analytics (LA) and artificial intelligence in education (AIEd) and promote the responsible use of technology in education. The recent release of generative AI tools has led to their adoption in research, a phenomenon that is not yet well understood. Together with possibilities of creativity, productivity, and new multimodal tools to support knowledge creation, fundamental questions of epistemic risks and illusions of understanding of scientific knowledge arise. To further our understanding, this position is to carry out research on the adoption of generative AI in doctoral (Ph.D.) education.
Deadline : 21st May 2024
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the Department of Government
Every two years, face-to-face interviews have been conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples. In the near future, the ESS will transition to self-completion interview mode, where the coming Round 12 will be in hybrid format. This offers a great opportunity to conduct survey methodological research on mode effects or other methodological investigations. The candidate will be a part of the excellent survey research community at the Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) at UiB, and will be invited to join one of the thematic research units that use DIGSSCORE’s online survey research infrastructure, The Norwegian Citizen Panel, The postdoc will contribute to every aspects of the fielding of the survey in Norway, including but not limited to
- Coordination with a) ESS’s central management in London, b) survey agencies conducting fieldwork, and c) national coordinators in other member countries,
- Translation and quality assurance of Norwegian questionnaires,
- Fieldwork monitoring,
- Data analysis and dissemination of results.
Deadline : 4th May 2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow position at the Department of Comparative Politics
The project addresses the impact of demographic change on representative democracy. The growing proportion of senior citizens across European populations increases their influence on elections and policy decisions. How does this affect the political representation of old, young, and future generations ́ interests? To assess the impact of demographic change on Generational Political Pluralism in Norway, Europe, and beyond, the project investigates generational cleavages in two integral parts of policymaking: public opinion and political representation. The empirical analyses draw on a combination of observational, behavioural, and experimental data and will use a range of innovative methods like survey experiments, text analysis, and social network analysis to make descriptive and causal inferences. Read more about the project here. A detailed project plan is available upon request.
Deadline : 3rd May 2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow position within terrestrial ecosystem modelling.
Dwarf-shrubs are a dominant plant functional group across the boreal, arctic and alpine biomes, and they play important roles for biodiversity, ecology and ecosystem functioning in the habitats in which they occur. For example, dwarf-shrubs provide important food resources for grazers, pollinators, and people and habitat for other plants, insects, rodents, and birds. Through interactions with fungal symbionts in the soil (ericoid mychorriza), they play critical roles in ecosystem carbon sequestration and carbon storage, with implications for feedbacks from terrestrial ecosystems to the global climate system. DURIN will explore the role of dwarf-shrubs in climate responses and feedbacks across biomes and habitats in Norway, integrating plant physiology, ecology, and ecosystem science. Using distributed observational systems, field experiments, and growth chamber studies, we will obtain fundamental knowledge on how climate change directly and indirectly affects this important plant functional group, and its ecosystem functions and services. This improved process understanding will be integrated in land surface and earth system models to understand the role and contribution of dwarf-shrubs in the feedbacks from terrestrial vegetation to the climate system.
Deadline : 1st May 2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2 positions) at the Faculty of Medicine
Two (2) open positions as postdoctoral research fellow are available at the Faculty of Medicine for a period of three (3) years (full-time), starting 1st of September 2024.
The postdoctoral research fellow may be assigned required duties at the department or at the faculty. Such duties can be teaching, exam work or supervision, depending on the needs of the department or the faculty, or be connected to the Medical Student Research Program, or the basic course (MEDMET) for PhD candidates. The teaching language is usually Norwegian, but English at PhD level.
The positions will be placed at the relevant department, depending on the project, and the place of work shall primarily be at the faculty in Norway. For the application to be processed, the candidate must be affiliated with a different research environment than during their PhD.
Deadline : 15th April 2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Research Assistant in Informatics – up to 4 positions
As a research assistant you will be responsible for the following tasks:
- 1) Implementation of algorithms for combinatorial problems.
- 2) Experimental evaluation of the implemented algorithms.
- 3) Writing reports describing technical details of implemented algorithms, eventual implementation details and experimental results.
- 4) Participation in research activities, such as reading scientific papers, presenting results in seminars, workshops, etc.
Your work will be split into a sequence of milestones to be agreed on during the execution of the project. You will be working independently towards the completion of each milestone and will have a lot of flexibility in organizing your schedule, respecting the completion of milestones by the deadlines agreed upon. The position is compatible with remote work within Norway.
Deadline : 15th April 2024
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral research fellow in investigative journalism
We are looking for an ambitious researcher who will be developing and strengthening the research and teaching within the area of investigative journalism. The postdoctoral fellow will be affiliated with the Journalism Research Group and mainly have teaching assignments at the Department’s bachelor’s and master’s programs in journalism. The position is four years and 25% of the time is allocated for teaching and administrative duties. The workplace is the Department’s premises in Media City Bergen.
Journalism is a central research and teaching area in the Department. Investigative journalism has been a strategic priority within journalism, and in 2016 the Department established a master’s program in investigative journalism and Center for Investigative Journalism (SUJO). SUJO has extensive collaboration with leading editorial media in Norway and organizes an experience-based master’s in investigative journalism. In Media City Bergen, the Department also hosts MediaFutures: Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation.
Deadline : 15th April 2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Genomics (100 %) 3 years at the Department of Clinical Science
Diabetes is a lifelong incapacitating disease associated with progression to life-threatening complications of the heart, kidney, eye and nerves. Today’s glucose-lowering medications only delay but do not prevent development of these complications. However, progression to complications is not uniform among patients with diabetes.
Recent machine learning algorithms demonstrate that people with diabetes who have the greatest predicted glucose lowering benefit with certain drug modalities are usually not those who are preferentially recommended to receive them according to current treatment guidelines. This emphasises the needs to develop, optimise and test trustworthy algorithms that accurately predict differential treatment responses in different individuals and reduce risk of developing diabetic complications.
Deadline : 14th April 2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Inferring Dynamics of Disease Progression (100 %) 3 years
At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Clinical Science, a full-time (100 %) position as postdoctoral research fellow is available for a period of three (3) years. The position is part of the project ”TRUST-AI4D:TRUSTworthy AI models to predict progression to complications in patients with Diabetes”, financed by Trond Mohn Research Foundation. The project is a collaboration with the department of mathematics and bioinformatics at UiB.
Deadline : 14th April 2024
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(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher position in the field of migration
ASYKNOW will develop new conceptual tools for understanding the role of expert knowledge in asylum litigation. The project investigates how expert knowledge is mobilized, contested and constituted in the asylum appeal process in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany, and combines an ethnography of legal processes with legal archaeology.
We are looking for a researcher who can conduct the research in Germany. This involves conducting ethnographic research focusing on how expert knowledge is deployed in the appeal process of asylum related cases in Germany, as well as a legal archaeology study of selected court cases in Germany. The researcher is also expected to contribute to the development of the overall project in terms of comparison, integration and dissemination of knowledge. Applicants are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the project description of ASYKNOW. This can be obtained by contacting the project leader at [email protected]
Deadline : 7th April 2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position: Development of chemogenetics
Work in the Lynagh group focuses on the evolution, function, and pharmacology of ligand-gated ion channels, receptors that mediate rapid communication between neurons, using molecular phylogenetics, mutagenesis, chemical biology, and electrophysiology. One research stream in the lab is developing novel chemogenetic tools from invertebrate ion channels. Building on existing work in the lab, this postdoc project will use molecular biology and patch clamp to characterize and engineer ion channels into receptors of desired pharmacological properties. This will involve some characterization of novel ion channels with heterologous expression but also in cultured neurons or ex vivo preparations. It is expected that the successful applicant also collaborates with other members of the workgroup, including students and postdocs.
Deadline : 2nd April 2024
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Research Fellow position within middle atmosphere physics modelling
The objective of this project is to understand the role of thunderstorm gamma-ray glows (GRG) in the chemistry of the Earth’s atmosphere and in the global electrical environment.
The objective of this project may be achieved by answering the following research questions:
- What is the mechanism of gamma-ray glow (GRG) generation in thunderstorms? How to quantify their intensity and spectrum based on thunderstorm properties?
- Do GRG contribute significantly to changes in stratospheric chemistry and the dynamics of the ozone layer?
- Do GRG contribute significantly to creation of stratospheric aerosols?
- Do GRG significantly modify the global electric circuit?
The postdoctoral research fellow will develop numerical codes needed for the project, in particular, the aerosol dynamics code, and will help other team members with development of other codes. The fellow will also perform theoretical studies of the GRG, such as the numerical analysis of GRG effects on the ozone layer.
Deadline : 2nd April 2024
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Researcher position: Invertebrate protein biochemistry
Work in the Lynagh group focuses on the evolution, function, and pharmacology of ligand-gated ion channels, receptors that mediate rapid communication between neurons, using molecular phylogenetics, mutagenesis, chemical biology, and electrophysiology. One research stream in the lab is identifying and characterizing novel proteins in invertebrates, with a view towards understanding and exploiting protein evolution to develop pharmacological ideas and tools. This will involve cloning, measuring gene expression, and analysing protein structure and function in vitro and in vivo. It is expected that the successful applicant also collaborates with other members of the workgroup, including students and postdocs.
Deadline : 27th March 2024
About University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway- Official Website
The University of Bergen (Norwegian: Universitetet i Bergen, Urban East Norwegian: [ʉnɪvæʂɪˈtèːtə ɪ ˈbæ̀rɡn̩]) is a research-intensive state university located in Bergen, Norway. The university today has over 4,000 employees and 18,000 students. It was established by an act of parliament in 1946 based on several older scientific institutions dating back to 1825, and is Norway’s second oldest university. It is considered one of Norway’s four “established universities” and has faculties and programmes in all the fields of a classical university including fields that are traditionally reserved by law for established universities, including medicine and law. It is also one of Norway’s leading universities in many natural sciences, including marine research and climate research. It is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually among the best 200 universities[2] and among the best 10 or 50 universities worldwide in some fields such as earth and marine sciences. It is part of the Coimbra Group and of the U5 group of Norway’s oldest and highest ranked universities.
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