Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student positions in Hybrid Quantum Systems
The Hybrid Quantum Systems Laboratory is a new laboratory at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers that will exploit the exquisite control over light enabled by photonics. Nanofabrication of photonic integated circuits and mechanical oscillators with ultralow loss is at the heart of our research. Cold atoms are the third ingredient, and we will use the tools of atomic physics to cool and trap atoms and couple their quantum states to light and mechanical motion. The hybrid quantum systems we create will have both unexplored physics and practical applications.
Deadline : December 1, 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position within WWSC: lignin chemistry and its engineering
Lignin is the second-largest resource component derived from wood. This often underutilized resource can be harnessed to produce a range of valuable bioproducts from plastics to nanopartiles to carbon materials, playing pivotal roles in the biorefinery process. We are actively seeking a motivated Ph.D. student to join an interdisciplinary group in Forest products and Chemical engineering, primarily focusing on the valorization of lignin resources. In this project, the Ph.D. student will work on the development of green chemical ways to obtain versatile and uniform lignin building blocks, which can then be converted into advanced renewable materials, specifically polymeric foams. This project will be performed in a highly collaborative set-up within Chalmers and Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC).
Deadline : 2023-11-30
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in New Materials Concepts for Stable Organic Solar Cells
A PhD student position is available in the research group of Christian Müller at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Chalmers University of Technology. We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student who will develop new material concepts for organic solar cells. Your project will be funded by the Swedish Research Council. You will work closely with several PhD students and postdocs at Chalmers as well as other universities in Sweden and abroad. There will be the opportunity to travel to attend conferences and to visit labs at other universities.
Deadline :13 November, 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD student positions: III-nitride-based lasers
As the successful candidate you will play an essential role in the development of semiconductor lasers for photonic integrated circuits with emission in the blue for underwater communication or in the ultraviolet for quantum applications. You will be given the opportunity to work in one of the world-leading groups on blue-UV surface-emitting lasers and combine device design and numerical simulations with device processing and characterization in close collaboration with partners in Europe who are experts on epitaxial growth.
Deadline : 2023-11-15
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Marie Curie PhD student position in silicon photonics and microcombs
The Horizon Europe Marie Sklodowska Curie Doctoral Network Photonic System Engineering with Microcombs (MicrocombSys) involves 9 partners and supports up to 12 PhD students. The program provides an excellent opportunity for students to participate in network-wide training in both scientific and transferable skills at different locations throughout Europe with leading scientists in the field, including secondments to our industrial and academic partners. Laser frequency combs constitute arguably the biggest advance in precision frequency synthesis in metrology since the invention of the laser. Nowadays, microcombs offer the prospect to reach a similar level of performance at the chip scale. This technology holds a disruptive potential for a vast range of applications: optical interconnects, environmental sensing, quantum information processing, lidar and navigation systems.
Deadline : November 21, 2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in AI-driven biomolecular engineering
It is estimated that ~75% of the human proteome lacks deep binding sites and is considered “undruggable” by traditional small molecule inhibitors. Nonetheless, these so-called undruggable targets are implicated in a wide range of diseases, including cancer, autoimmune diseases, and cardio-metabolomic diseases, motivating the development of therapeutic modalities beyond small molecule inhibitors. Deep generative models are poised to transform our approach to biomolecular engineering by designing molecules with desired properties from scratch so as to minimize experimental screening. Nonetheless, they have seen limited application to multi-target therapeutic modalities, where methods such as generative models can aid medicinal chemists in the design and selection of drug candidates. Deep generative models not only enable scientists to delegate error-prone decisions to computers via the use of predictive and generative computational models, but also have the added advantage that they can learn from datasets of billions of molecules in minutes and be regularly updated with new data.
Deadline : 2023-11-15
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in sustainable antifouling strategies for invasive species control
We are looking for a PhD-candidate within the area of biofouling/antifouling, who will perform work contributing to sustainable ship hull maintenance strategies with a focus on invasive species control. This PhD position offers the opportunity to join an inclusive and creative interdisciplinary team conducting research to mitigate the environmental impact of shipping. The position combines theoretical elements with experimental work in both field and lab. The PhD candidate will work within a novel field of research where results will be used by both industry and authorities.
Deadline : November 18, 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Optimal energy control for vehicle-home-grid integration
This project is in partnership with Polestar Performance AB, a Swedish premium EV manufacturer, and is mainly funded by the Swedish Energy Agency as part of the Vehicle Strategic Research and Innovation programme. In addition to researchers at Chalmers, you will have opportunities to work closely with experts at Polestar. The position is a full-time temporary employment for four years of PhD studies extended up to five years to accommodate teaching performed at the department. You will be provided with a competitive monthly salary. Specifically, the current PhD student salary is about 33 kSEK/month before the half PhD and will have a 5 kSEK increase per month after it. As a PhD student, you will be provided with full social benefits, including pension, parental leave and childcare support (if relevant), ect. The project is expected to start before January 2024.
Deadline : 2023-11-15
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student for Tomorrow’s Solar Cells and Wearable Electronics
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our team working on solar cell, bioelectronics and wearable electronics. The aim to design sustainable materials for future. The project is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project brings together 5 research groups from Chalmers University of Technology and Linköping University, led by Christian Müller, Anna Martinelli, Eva Olsson, Mats Fahlman and Simone Fabiano. The mission of the project is the realization of doped organic semiconductors that display truly stable electronic behaviour. You will be part of a team of five PhD students, as well as several Postdocs, who will together develop and study new materials concepts that facilitate stable doping. We have an extensive international collaboration network that is a resource for your work where you will have access to the forefront expertise and top-of-the-line facilities.
Deadline : 31-03-2024
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Wood Materials
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our team working on wood based materials for future applications in energy technology and wearable electronics. The aim to design sustainable materials for future. The project is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and carried out within the framework of the Wallenberg Wood Science Center. It is a research center with a focus on new materials from trees. The center creates knowledge and builds competence that has the potential to form the basis for an innovative and sustainable future value creation from forest raw materials. You will be part of a team of more than 50 PhD students, as well as several Postdocs and Professors who will together develop and study new materials concepts for wood based materials. We have an extensive international collaboration network that is a resource for your work where you will have access to the forefront expertise and top-of-the-line facilities.
Deadline : 31-03-2024
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in modelling robust energy systems
The Department of Space, Earth and Environment contains five divisions, with research and education spanning from global challenges related to sustainability and energy supply to astronomy and space sciences. The department is host to two major infrastructures, Onsala Space Observatory and Chalmers Power Central, and consist of about 250 employees.
The division of Physical Resource Theory conducts research and provides education on solutions to major environmental challenges such as global warming and sustainable land use. Our research is challenge-driven and interdisciplinary building on both technical and social sciences and using a range of quantitative and qualtitative methods. The division has around 50 staff members, faculty and PhD-students with diverse expertise, including engineers, natural and social scientists.
Deadline : 30-11-2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctor in mmWave antenna systems based on Gap waveguide
Fruitful collaboration among university and industrial partners in different segments of the mmWave wireless communication value chain will foster novel technological solutions in the following research disciplines: RF hardware-DSP controlled beam former co-design for optimized system performance, low-cost and high efficiency fixed beam as well as phased controlled array antenna modules. Highly innovative and industry driven research will allow the working researcher to develop a comprehensive set of theoretical and practical skills relevant for innovation and long-term employability in the rapidly growing sector of wireless communication area.
Deadline : 20 November, 2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in human cell models
In this PhD student position you will learn how to use human cells, both single cultures and co-cultures as models for nutrient uptake and interactions as well as the immune response this interaction causes. You will also learn how to isolate specific cells from human tissues and blood samples. These skills will be acquired by partaking in ongoing synergistic projects with focus on iron uptake and celiac disease.
Deadline : 2023-11-19
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in synchrotron-based studies of electrocatalyst surfaces
Renewable energy systems such as solar and wind power are at the centre of the transition to less carbon-intensive and more sustainable energy systems. To compensate for their downtimes in energy production, the possibility to store energy in form of molecules such as hydrogen, needs to be developed. Electrocatalytic water splitting into the green energy carrier hydrogen and oxygen (Oxygen Evolution Reaction, OER) using solar and wind power constitutes such a promising sustainable pathway. However, novel electrocatalyst materials of improved activity need to be found to replace the costly and rare noble metal catalysts currently used.
Deadline : November 12, 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Student for Tomorrow’s Solar Cells and Wearable Electronics
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our team working on solar cell, bioelectronics and wearable electronics. The aim to design sustainable materials for future. The project is supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The project brings together 5 research groups from Chalmers University of Technology and Linköping University, led by Christian Müller, Anna Martinelli, Eva Olsson, Mats Fahlman and Simone Fabiano. The mission of the project is the realization of doped organic semiconductors that display truly stable electronic behaviour. You will be part of a team of five PhD students, as well as several Postdocs, who will together develop and study new materials concepts that facilitate stable doping. We have an extensive international collaboration network that is a resource for your work where you will have access to the forefront expertise and top-of-the-line facilities.
Deadline : 31-03-2024
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Recycling of electrolyte from batteries by supercritical fluid process
The research group is internationally and nationally recognized to be one of the most successful groups in the field. Group has an extensive collaboration with the industry and it also has a large network in the battery recycling sector.
The recycling of lithium (Li) ion batteries has been attracting both scientific and industrial interest due to the increasing amount of applications, waste, and security of supplying raw materials to the battery industry. Although several recycling processes were suggested to recover the valuable content of batteries, organics in the batteries specifically electrolyte is a challenge for safety and process effectiveness. The project aims to investigate to develop a novel supercritical fluid process technology for the recycling of electrolyte and to design recyclable electrolytes.
Deadline : 2023-12-15
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in Healthcare improvements
Healthcare is undergoing a transformation, and the future is home-centric. An aging population, coupled with complex health challenges, demands a shift in how we approach healthcare. This is where you come in. New technical solutions enable a more flexible healthcare, wherever and whenever we need. Some examples are digital consultations, mobile healthcare services, self-monitoring in the home, andthe development of both medical technology and digital health.
Deadline : 2023-11-24
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD-student in Data-Driven Precision Nutrition
The current position is one out of 10 positions announced in Data-Driven Precision Nutrition in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) project NUTRIOME. The NUTRIOME network involves academic partners at nine European academic institutions and six associated partners from industry across Norway, Poland, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, and the United Kingdom. The purpose of the NUTRIOME network is to train 10 PhDs in data-driven precision nutrition through human intervention studies, omics-technologies and advanced data analyses, in order to evaluate personal responses to foods and diets.
Deadline : 2023-12-04
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position in Applied AI/ML and modelling of battery materials
Stimulated by major needs and challenges in science and a sustainable society, the ambition of the department of Physics is to foster a creative environment for academic research, learning and outreach. We provide a competitive advantage by linking our top-level international and interdisciplinary academic performance in the areas of material science, nanotechnology and energy research with world-leading industrial R&D&I projects. We address a wide array of experimental, computational, methodological and theoretical challenges, from fundamental physics research, through the development of new materials to direct industrial projects generating new inventions. We have a strong learning commitment on all levels from undergraduate to PhD studies where physics meet engineering.
Deadline : December 19, 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student position on BECCS & corrosion
The goal of the project is to further the development of Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC), a concept related to Fluidized-Bed Combustion (FBC), but which involves the use of chemically active bed materials. CLC provides two important advantages over FBC, namely inherent CO2 sequestration and separation of corrosive ash elements and vulnerable heat-transfer surfaces. These advantages make CLC an ideal technology for Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) as well as increase the electricial efficiency when combusting renewable fuels. BECCS involves capturing and storing CO2 absorbed by biomass from the atmosphere during its utilization, and allows for co-generation of negative CO2 emissions, power and heat , which has been identified as a necessary technology for achieving climate policy targets. In the Nordic countries we have unusual good access to biomass resources, unique infrastructure for biomass utilization and technological know-how to realize BECCS in the near term. In contrast to other BECCS techniques, CLC is expected to not only be efficient in CO2-sequestring but also achieve an efficient power production.
Deadline : 2023-12-07
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student – diagnostics and modeling of gas-solids flow
Modeling of gas-solids flow is currently limited by: i) insufficient reliability due to inaccurate descriptions of the flow parameters at the micro-scale, and ii) unaffordable computational costs of full-scale simulations. Having this, this project serves the purpose of developing reliable modeling of gas-solids flow by experimentally gaining novel knowledge of the gas-solids flow at the micro-scale and use it to improve the critical modeling expressions for sub-grid momentum transfer with validated descriptions. This is a critical aspect, since micro-scale gas-solids flow phenomena remain largely unknown despite they are recognized to govern the flow picture at the larger scales. To experimentally access the micro-scale, a unique and novel technique based on THz-radar will be employed which recently demonstrated unprecedented levels of resolution, accuracy, and penetration. Regarding the achievement of full-scale simulations at significantly lowered computing cost, the project will investigate application of state-of-the-art strategies in numerical modeling (recurrence computational fluid-dynamics and deep learning) to the field of gas-solids flow, departing from the improved flow formulation at the micro-scale.
Deadline : 2024-01-15
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD project: Designing free energy landscapes by machine learning
Photoactive molecules play key roles in several potential solar energy applications, e.g., in MOST systems or for improving the efficiency of solar cells. These technologies can make crucial contributions to a sustainable energy economy enabling decentralized energy harvesting, storage, and delivery based entirely on earth-abundant raw materials. To be viable from an application standpoint, the underlying materials must, however, still be improved in various aspects.
In practice, the molecular materials used in the aforementioned cases require careful design through addition of side groups. The rotational and orientational degrees of freedom introduced in this fashion create a complex free energy landscape and a high-dimensional parameter space for molecular design. This motivates to the key scientific questions and goals at the center of this project.
Deadline : December 10, 2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Quantum thermodynamics of electronic devices
We invite applications for a PhD position in the theory of thermodynamics of quantum and nanoscale devices. The position will be part of a research team working on energy conversion in small scale electronic and hybrid devices, reaching from fundamental principles to viable applications in quantum technologies. This research is funded by an ERC consolidator grant (2024-2028) and you will thus be part of a newly formed team of postdocs and PhD students working together towards a common goal. Beyond collaborations in the theory group, where you will get the possibility to bring in own research ideas, you will have the possibility to interact with local and international experimental teams.
Deadline : December 22, 2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position: Quantum thermodynamics & fluctuations in electronic devices
The position will be placed in the theory division of the department for Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers, where diverse research from quantum transport, quantum information, and quantum materials to quantum thermodynamics is carried out. The hired PhD student will work in the group “Dynamics and Thermodynamics of nanoscale devices”, lead by Janine Splettstoesser . The specific research project of this position will deal with the thermodynamics of energy conversion of nanoscale devices. The focus will be on the role of fluctuations, which in contrast to macroscopic systems can be of high relevance in nanoscale devices. It is envsioned to address fluctuations both as resource of conversion processes and as limitation in the precision of the outcome of the conversion process.
Deadline : Open until filled
About Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden –Official Website
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company. He donated part of his fortune for the establishment of an “industrial school”. Chalmers was run as a private institution until 1937, when the institute became a state-owned university. In 1994, the school was incorporated as an aktiebolag under the control of the Swedish Government, the faculty and the Student Union. Chalmers is one of only three universities in Sweden which are named after a person, the other two being Karolinska Institutet and Linnaeus University.
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