University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Informatics – Cryptology (up to 3 positions)
All employees are expected to contribute to leading-edge research and teaching of high international quality. All PhD students at the department are members of our research school in ICT, which provides an opportunity to interact with PhD students across the research fields. The school has annual meetings, monthly lunches and offers courses in scientific writing and application writing. The working environment for this position will be at the Selmer Center in Secure Communication. The Selmer Center is one of the top ICT research groups with main research in areas of sequence design, coding theory, cryptology, Boolean functions, information security, and quantum information theory. The successful candidates will be supervised by one of the faculty members at the Selmer center, depending on their interests and the nature of the research project.
Deadline : 15th September 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in archaeology
The University Museum in Bergen has research, collection management and communication as its core tasks. The museum covers several disciplines: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Cultural history, Botany, Geology and Zoology. The museum is also responsible for the archaeological excavations in accordance to regulations of the Cultural Heritage Act, as well as for the Arboretum and two botanical gardens. The University museum has extensive scientific collections and is a central arena for research communication for UiB. The museum has a little less than 200 employees. More information about the museum: The Research section is a unit under the Department of Cultural History. The department has 29 permanent employees (14 academic positions, 15 technical/administrative positions). In addition, there are a varying number of temporary employees, including 4 PhD positions.
Deadline : 1st September 2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Comparative Politics: “Party Politics and Climate Change”
As a PhD research fellow, you will take part in the PhD programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UiB. The programme corresponds to a period of three years and leads to the PhD degree. To be eligible for admission you must normally have an educational background corresponding to a master’s degree with a scope of 120 ECTS credits, which builds on a bachelor’s degree with a scope of 180 ECTS credits (normally 2 + 3 years), or an integrated master’s degree with a scope of 300 ECTS credits (5 years). Master’s degrees must normally include an independent work of a minimum of 30 ECTS credits. It is expected that the topic of the master’s degree is connected to the academic field to which you are seeking admission.
Deadline : 18th August 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in biosystematics of marine invertebrates (siphonophores)
The candidate will use integrative morphological and molecular taxonomic methods to study several aspects of the diversity of siphonophores in Norwegian waters and across wider scales. A combination of analysis of existing preserved samples and collection of fresh material will provide the first description of baseline diversity for siphonophores and other pelagic hydrozoans in the underexplored Norwegian Sea, as well as provide material for molecular work, curated museal reference collections, and DNA reference libraries. Integrative taxonomy will be used to identify and describe cryptic diversity in selected taxa. Existing and novel genetic data will be used to explore distributional patterns of siphonophores at different spatial scales and the extent of cryptic diversity in the taxon. Part of the work will be done in collaboration with the MSCA project Pole2Pole and the Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative project NOAH, focusing on mitogenomics of bipolar species.
Deadline : 15th August 2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position (4 years) at Centre for Elderly and Nursing Home Medicine (SEFAS)
At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, a full-time temporary PhD position is available for a period of four (4) years or max 4 months after completed the PhD-degree, if this is achieved within a shorter time than four years. The positions include 25 % required duties such as teaching, exam work or supervision, depending on the demands at the department. The position is funded by the University of Bergen (UiB) and is part of the “Virtual darkness and digital phenotyping in specialized and municipal dementia care: The DARK.DEM randomized controlled trial”. The DARK.DEM is funded by the Research Council of Norway. In this project, we will explore if virtual darkness, that is, light without blue wavelengths, can improve treatment of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia, such as agitation, anxiety, depression and psychosis. We will conduct a randomized controlled trial at NKS Olaviken Gerontopsychiatric Hospital, Askøy, in which patients with agitation and dementia will be allocated to either standard treatment or add-on treatment with virtual darkness. We will also utilize data from wearable sensors to evaluate behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.
Deadline : 15th August 2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position
The position is connected to the research project ‘Contested Knowledges in and through Asylum Litigation (ASYKNOW)’ funded by a European Research Council Starting Grant. ASYKNOW will develop new conceptual tools for understanding the role of expert knowledge in asylum governance by investigating the ways in which knowledge about asylum seekers and migration is mobilized, contested, and constituted through asylum litigation. The project combines an ethnography of legal processes with legal archaeology. The applicant is invited to write a research proposal that outlines an ethnographic research project focusing on Denmark and Sweden. The proposal should be aligned with the overall framework of the ASYKNOW project. The candidate is expected to work closely with project leader Marry-Anne Karlsen, Associate Professor in social anthropology, University of Bergen. The project description of ASYKNOW can be obtained by contacting [email protected]. Interested candidates are strongly advised to consult ASYKNOW’s project before writing their project proposal.
Deadline : 15th August 2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in de novo drug design
Development of new pharmaceuticals requires efficient navigation of the vast chemical space. This may be achieved via heuristic computational methods, also termed “de novo” design methods, which may optimize toward desirable drug candidates without having to explore the complete chemical space. Via an interdisciplinary approach that includes informatics, computational chemistry, synthesis, computational biology, and biomedicine, the project team will develop radically new de novo molecular design methods. Specifically, the team will develop methods that integrate expert knowledge early on, via machine-learning models and on-the-fly human intervention in the otherwise automated process. The new methods will be applied to design inhibitors of targets for cancer and antibiotics, the most promising of which will be synthesized and tested. The PhD student will be responsible for the de novo inhibitor design. This responsibility includes the computationally derived fitness, or scoring, function, for which the PhD project may also involve development of machine-learning models to speed up the design process. The PhD research fellow will work at the interface between informatics, chemistry, and biology, and be key to achieve interdisciplinary communication and research.
Deadline : 15th August 2023
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position, Department of Comparative Politics
There is a vacancy for a PhD position at the Department of Comparative Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision and administrative tasks at the Department. The Department of Comparative Politics is a research-intensive department offering an exciting place for research and education on political institutions, organizations, processes, and behaviour at local, national, and international levels. The Department offers bachelor’s and master’s programmes in comparative politics, as well as a bachelor’s programme in European studies. Research at the department is organized in research groups, and around research projects.
Deadline : 15th August 2023
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position (4 years) at the Department of Psychosocial Science
The primary aim of the BLINDZONES project is to determine the mechanisms underlying a recently discovered perceptual illusion, which in addition to challenging basic assumptions in traditional vision science may also contribute to traffic accidents. The illusion consists of a compelling and immediate experience that the blind zone behind an object is empty. We aim to develop a basic scientific understanding of this anomalous phenomenon and to clarify its implications for basic vision theory. In particular, we aim to determine the heuristic principles employed by the underlying visual mechanisms and to identify potential neural correlates of these mechanisms. We also aim to determine the potential role of the illusion in traffic accidents. Based on this research, we also aim to answer the question of what countermeasures are most effective for reducing the risk of accidents associated with blind zones. The project group is organized as a consortium of researchers from University of Bergen, international partners from the University of Leuven, Radboud University, and the University of Wrocław, as well as national partners from the Institute of Transport Economics.
Deadline :15th August 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position (3 years) at the Department of Psychosocial Science
The primary aim of the BLINDZONES project is to determine the mechanisms underlying a recently discovered perceptual illusion, which in addition to challenging basic assumptions in traditional vision science may also contribute to traffic accidents. The illusion consists of a compelling and immediate experience that the blind zone behind an object is empty. We aim to develop a basic scientific understanding of this anomalous phenomenon and to clarify its implications for basic vision theory. In particular, we aim to determine the heuristic principles employed by the underlying visual mechanisms and to identify potential neural correlates of these mechanisms. We also aim to determine the potential role of the illusion in traffic accidents. Based on this research, we also aim to answer the question of what countermeasures are most effective for reducing the risk of accidents associated with blind zones. The project group is organized as a consortium of researchers from University of Bergen, international partners from the University of Leuven, Radboud University, and the University of Wrocław, as well as national partners from the Institute of Transport Economics.
Deadline : 15th August 2023
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow within Water Isotope Research
The project “Isotopic Transfer Rates during Water Phase Changes – iTRANSFER” consists of an experimental and modeling component that will establish an accurate basis for the use of water isotopic composition in studies of the terrestrial and extraterrestrial hydrological cycle. The iTRANSFER project will use new precise water isotopologue spectroscopy analyzers in experimental laboratory setups to measure the isotopologue transfer rates. Water isotopologue spectroscopy analyzers allow developing new experimental setups utilizing the possibility for continuous measurements of the water vapor isotopologue composition and the need for only very small sample volumes. The iTRANSFER project will furthermore use climate models equipped with water isotopologues together with networks of in-situ atmospheric water vapor isotopologue measurements to evaluate the effect of the new and more accurate fractionation factors.
Deadline : 14th August 2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD positions in political science/ public administration
The PhD project should be an independent project but within a relevant and current topic within political science and/or public administration, with a clear research question and delimited research objectives. If possible, please indicate your preferred supervisor at the department. The duration of the PhD position is 4 years, of which 25 percent of the time comprises obligatory duties associated with research, teaching, and dissemination of results. The employment period for the successful candidate may be reduced if he or she previously has been employed in a PhD position. The successful candidate is expected to live and work in the Bergen region during the project and to take an active part in joint activities at the department.
Deadline : 14th August 2023
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position
There is a vacancy for a PhD position at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision, and administrative tasks at the department.
Deadline : 13th August 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in marine Biogeochemistry
The Nordic Seas are of key importance for the global carbon cycle. Here, deep water formation leads to vertical transports of large amounts of carbon from the atmosphere and surface ocean to the abyss, where it is stored for hundreds to thousands of years. This helps slow down global warming. The successful candidate will investigate the dynamics of this process. A key goal is to resolve carbon cycle impacts of current variability and expected future changes in dense water formation and deep mixing. The work will be conducted using traditional ship-based as well as modern observations, such as from biogeochemical Argo floats, in addition to conceptual and climate models.
Deadline : 7th August 2023
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in plant-mycorrhizal interactions
Dwarf-shrubs are a dominant plant functional group across the boreal, arctic and alpine biomes, and they play important roles for biodiversity, ecology and ecosystem functioning in the habitats in which they occur. For example, dwarf-shrubs provide important food resources for grazers, pollinators, and people and habitat for other plants, insects, rodents, and birds. Through interactions with belowground fungal networks (ericoid mycorrhiza), they play critical roles in carbon sequestration and long-term carbon storage in soils, suggesting that dwarf-shrubs may play a critical role in feedbacks from land to the climate system. DURIN will explore the role of dwarf-shrubs in climate responses and feedbacks across biomes and habitats in Norway, integrating plant physiology, ecology, and ecosystem science. Using distributed observational systems, field experiments, and growth chamber studies, we will obtain fundamental knowledge on how climate change directly and indirectly affects this important plant functional group, and its ecosystem functions and services. This improved process understanding will be integrated in land surface and earth system models to understand the role and contribution of dwarf-shrubs in the feedbacks from terrestrial vegetation to the climate system.
Deadline :1st August 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 1 PhD position at the Faculty of Law (3 or 4 years)
LaW-BALANCE seeks to provide a better understanding of the legal framework of working life in transition and develop knowledge on how law can function as an instrument to achieve an inclusive working life and a well-functioning welfare state. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway. LaW-BALANCE centers around the concept of ‘work-life balance’, understood as an individual’s evaluation of their satisfaction with the fit of work and private life. The project focuses on two key instruments related to work-life balance: flexible work arrangements and the availability of paid leave. The project will also look at the protection against discrimination when claiming and enforcing these rights, and on the impact of EU and EEA law in the area
Deadline : 1st August 2023
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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Informatics: Visual Data Science to Master Complex Simulation Ensembles
Our employees are expected to contribute to excellence with high-quality research and teaching. The working environment for this position is (1) UiB’s Center for Data Science, CEDAS, (2) the involved research groups of visualization and machine learning, as well as (3) the cooperation between UiB and the University of Stuttgart. Our cooperation with UiB’s Department of Geosciences is also important for this position. The PhD project is advised by Prof. H. Hauser (visual data science) and co-advised by Assoc.-Prof. N. Blaser (machine learning) as well as Prof. Th. Spengler (meteorology). Profs. Th. Ertl and M. Sedlmair from the Univ. of Stuttgart are also involved in the planned research. The project synopsis is:To understand inherent uncertainties in weather prediction, it is common to consult stochastically perturbed simulation ensembles with highly detailed ensemble members. Extracting relevant conclusions from such ensembles is very challenging and depends on a successful condensation of the data. Especially when aiming at an interpretation of an entire ensemble in terms of domain-relevant features, such as cyclones, fronts, rain, etc., summarization is very difficult and only possible on the basis of expert knowledge. We foresee that new visual data science methods from this project will significantly support the study of such rich ensembles.
Deadline :1st August 2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in machine learning/deep learning in computational life science
The person hired will work at the Computational Biology Unit (CBU), an interdisciplinary center for outstanding research, teaching and infrastructure in computational life sciences. The recruited candidate will use machine learning and artificial intelligence frameworks to predict properties of membrane-binding proteins. The project will build on and further develop datasets and codes from the PePrMInt project (Cf. , The recruited candidate will be co-supervised by Nathalie Reuter and Sergei Grudinin and is therefore expected to also spend time in Grenoble.
Deadline : 30th July 2023
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Nanotechnology
The position is related to the ERC Starting Grant project “smartGROW”, which main objective is the development of a new diamond growth technology that allows diamond synthesis in 3D on complex-shaped objects such as medical implants, flexible electronics, optical and mechanical components for aerospace and marine industries. In the project, a novel surface wave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system will be designed based on various numerical models and realized using advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D metal printing. The vacancy for a PhD fellow is related to those project tasks, which include fabrication and tests of metamaterial-based waveguides with fractal apertures, and design and construction of the novel CVD chamber. The fellow will get the opportunity to be involved in the design optimization of the CVD system and synthesis of diamond on 3D objects at low temperatures. Design and fabrication of reactor chamber components and tests of diamond deposition on various objects and surfaces will be an integral part of the project.
Deadline : 15th July 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Nanotechnology
The position is related to the ERC Starting Grant project “smartGROW”, which main objective is the development of a new diamond growth technology that allows diamond synthesis in 3D on complex-shaped objects such as medical implants, flexible electronics, optical and mechanical components for aerospace and marine industries. In the project, a novel surface wave plasma chemical vapor deposition (CVD) system will be designed based on various numerical models and realized using advanced manufacturing techniques such as 3D metal printing. The vacancy for a PhD fellow is related to those project tasks, which include development of models for metamaterial-based waveguides, fractal apertures and surface wave plasma. The fellow will get the opportunity to be involved in the design optimization of the CVD system using deep neural networks. Design and evaluation of microwave devices using deep generative networks and numerical simulations of electromagnetic fields and surface wave hydrogen plasma will be an integral part of the project.
Deadline : 15th July 2023
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in hydrogen safety for ships
SH2IPS is an interdisciplinary project where the primary objective is to provide science-based recommendations for an international regulatory framework that can facilitate the safe development and deployment of merchant ships powered by hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels. The project activities include the development of fundamental knowledge and competence on ignition and combustion phenomena in hydrogen-air mixtures to support the development of technical solutions for explosion protection in congested and confined environments. The research activities in SH2IPS are conducted in collaboration with other national and international research projects and networks on hydrogen safety. The PhD project will focus on experimental investigations of ignition phenomena for hydrogen-air mixtures. Dependent on the research interests and qualifications of the candidate, the project may also entail modelling of ignition phenomena.
Deadline : 13th July 2023
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in Chemical Medical Technology
- The PhD candidate will be a part of the research group for Chemistry in Medical Technology at Department of Chemistry, University of Bergen. The research group have interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers at Haukeland University Hospital.
- A part of the interdisciplinary collaborations is focused on development of diagnostic methods based on molecular imaging.
- The PhD candidate will work on a project where the goal is to develop methods (acquisition and processing) within molecular imaging for diagnostics of disease processes in the brain, with a particular focus on Magnetic Resonance, but also with the possibility of involving multimodal imaging (e. g. Positron Emission Tomography).
Deadline :6th July 2023
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in chemistry – marine bioresources
The research work will be linked to the extraction, isolation, and characterization of high-value compounds from fresh and processed kelp with potential industrial applications. The exploration will be at the molecular level with extensive use of analytical instrumental methods such as high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS). The project therefore requires a candidate who has skills in and interest in analytical laboratory work.
Deadline : 6th July 2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Research Fellow in hydrogeology.
Groundwater is an important but vulnerable resource and plays a crucial role in many geological and environmental processes. One of the key unanswered questions in groundwater research is how much groundwater there is globally and how this is distributed spatially and with depth. In addition, it is unknown to what extent the global volume of groundwater has changed over geological timescales and how this has influenced processes like sea level change and the isotopic composition of oceans. The project aims to quantify the distribution of groundwater globally. Over the last few years, new datasets have become available that can help improve estimates of the global groundwater volume. The research fellow will compile and analyse porosity, lithological, sedimentological and geological data and combine these data with models that relate groundwater volume to lithology, stress, geological history and other factors.
Deadline : 6th July 2023
About University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway- Official Website
The University of Bergen (Norwegian: Universitetet i Bergen, Urban East Norwegian: [ʉnɪvæʂɪˈtèːtə ɪ ˈbæ̀rɡn̩]) is a research-intensive state university located in Bergen, Norway. The university today has over 4,000 employees and 18,000 students. It was established by an act of parliament in 1946 based on several older scientific institutions dating back to 1825, and is Norway’s second oldest university. It is considered one of Norway’s four “established universities” and has faculties and programmes in all the fields of a classical university including fields that are traditionally reserved by law for established universities, including medicine and law. It is also one of Norway’s leading universities in many natural sciences, including marine research and climate research. It is consistently ranked in the top one percentage among the world’s universities, usually among the best 200 universities[2] and among the best 10 or 50 universities worldwide in some fields such as earth and marine sciences. It is part of the Coimbra Group and of the U5 group of Norway’s oldest and highest ranked universities.
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