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25 PhD Degree-Fully Funded at Maastricht University, Netherlands

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Maastricht University, Netherlands invites online Application for number of  Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Maastricht University, Netherlands.

Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.


(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position: The Memory Function of Sleep: Reactivating lost memories

In our lab, we study ‘The Memory Function of Sleep’. To this end, we conduct both animal and human studies. Some of this work is conducted by looking at the beneficial effects of sleep on memory, but mostly we research sleep’s role in memory by studying the negative consequences of the absence of sleep (sleep loss). Using this approach, the molecular mechanisms behind the negative effects of sleep loss on memory have largely been elucidated. This provided important insights into how sleep is important for memory function during sleep. What remained unknown, however, was the question to what extent these memories are lost. Recent work of our lab, using a combined optogenetic and pharmacological approach, revealed that memories compromised by sleep loss are not completely lost and can even be artificially retrieved in rodents. The current project aims to translate these findings to the human setting. A challenge that arises is the need for a human-applicable alternative for optogenetic memory reactivation. We have successfully used subliminal reactivation paradigms to this end. However, this only results in temporary restoration of the memory. We are searching for means to make the restored memories permanently accessible again. The aim of the current PhD project is to investigate the potential of a pharmacological approach as well as non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) in combination with subliminal memory reactivation. The NIBS studies are conducted in direct collaboration with experts in the field (i.e., Prof. Alexander Sack and Dr. Vincent van de Ven at the department of Cognitive Neuroscience).

Deadline : 07.Jun.2024

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(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PHP Developer

Als PHP-developer help je mee met het verder ontwikkelen en beheren van vier Drupal-systemen: onze corporate website, het student-intranet, profielpagina’s en een hele multisite omgeving. Je doet mee aan sprints, implementeert nieuwe wensen en lost problemen op. Daarnaast help je mee met het bijhouden van (automatische) testen en werk je met tools als Docker, Gitlab en Jenkins.

Je komt te werken in het Drupalteam. Dit is een zelforganiserend scrum-team, dat waarde hecht aan samenwerking en elkaar helpen. Het team bestaat uit drie andere PHP Developers, een Front-end Developer, drie Functioneel Beheerders, een Product Owner en een Scrum Master. Binnen het team gebruiken we PHPStorm als onze IDE en werken we op een Windows-laptop of een MacBook.

Deadline : 26.Mei.2024

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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate synthesis & evaluation of biobased, responsive and self-dispersible waterborne resins.

This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint.
Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values.

The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and stimuli-responsive latex resins thereof via emulsion polymerization, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. The resins are designed to be crosslinkable via reversible bonds and the recyclability of the thermosets will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned.

Deadline :30.Jun.2024

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(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate: synthesis and evaluation of biobased covalent adaptable networks (project SusInkCoat)

This project is part of the SusInkCoat consortium with partners both the public and the private sector. The goal of the SusInkCoat project is to develop switchable and adaptive functional polymers and additives for low environmental footprint.
Plastics have their drawbacks: their production consumes energy and leads to greenhouse gas emissions; they are made from non-sustainable materials; they do not decompose; and less than 10% are recycled. Much progress has been made in making plastics more sustainable for larger applications. However, thin films, such as those used in coatings and inks, are lagging behind. The SusInkCoat project is changing that. Researchers are developing new materials, processes and applications to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks. In addition, the consortium is training a new generation of chemical developers for whom sustainability and circularity are core values.

The task of Maastricht University is to develop biobased monomers and recyclable thermosets thereof, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. Recyclability of the thermosets will be obtained by the introduction of dynamic bonds and their dynamic behavior will be studied. Properties of the resulting inks and coatings will also be investigated. The PhD student will work closely together with academic and industrial project partners in the consortium. Samples will be upscaled for the testing by the industrial partners. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned.

Deadline : 30.Jun.2024

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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate for BIOPYRANIA: Developing polybenzimidazoles with new bio-based aromatic monomers

This project is part of the BIOPYRANIA EU project (HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-04) with partners both the public and the private sector.

European industry is facing the challenge of creating sustainable products while considering the environmental impact, durability, recyclability, and safety. There is a pressing demand to explore alternatives to fossil-fuel-based products, and this presents significant challenges for industries, notably the automotive and energy sectors.

BIOPYRANIA offers an innovative solution by utilising new bio-based aromatic monomers, which are obtained through fermentative processes from European second-generation woody biomass. Expanding on previous studies of polyesters based on these new bio-based aromatic monomers at Maastricht University, BIOPYRANIA shows that incorporating these building blocks into materials results in distinctive properties. Leveraging these properties, the project aims to develop sustainable polyamide (PA) and polybenzimidazole (PBI) polymers for high-performance applications in automotive electrification and green hydrogen production.

Deadline : 30.Jun.2024

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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate for BIOPYRANIA: Developing bio-based polyamides

This project is part of the BIOPYRANIA EU project (HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-R-04) with partners both the public and the private sector.

European industry is facing the challenge of creating sustainable products while considering the environmental impact, durability, recyclability, and safety. There is a pressing demand to explore alternatives to fossil-fuel-based products, and this presents significant challenges for industries, notably the automotive and energy sectors.

BIOPYRANIA offers an innovative solution by utilising new bio-based aromatic monomers, which are obtained through fermentative processes from European second-generation woody biomass. Expanding on previous studies of polyesters based on these new bio-based aromatic monomers at Maastricht University, BIOPYRANIA shows that incorporating these building blocks into materials results in distinctive properties. Leveraging these properties, the project aims to develop sustainable polyamide (PA) and polybenzimidazole (PBI) polymers for high-performance applications in automotive electrification and green hydrogen production.

Deadline : 30.Jun.2024

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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position on neuromodulation strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease

The Neurosurgery department of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) and the Cognitive Neuroscience department of the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN) at Maastricht University have teamed up to advance Alzheimer treatment through closed-loop neuromodulation. The PhD position is funded by the Center of Integrative Neuroscience of Maastricht University.

Available pharmacological treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) offer only temporary relief to a limited number of patients. Consequently, researchers are exploring neuromodulation-based approaches like deep brain stimulation (DBS) and transcranial magnetic/electric stimulation (TMS/TES) to address memory loss in AD and enhance quality of life. In the first part of the project, you will develop a novel TES-EEG closed-loop strategy to improve memory impairment in humans and assess the effect of your approach on hippocampal activity, connectivity, and neurochemistry with neuroimaging methods such as EEG and MRI. In the second part, you will advance both neurochemistry and electrophysiology based closed-loop DBS approaches in a transgenic rat model of AD.

Deadline : 17.May.2024

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(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position on Machine Learning, Data Science, and Algorithmic Accountability

Law affects us all, but it still struggles to address widespread harms in digital technologies. The massive adoption of (often) annoying – and usually illegal – “cookie banners” on websites is just one symptom of this. In your PhD project, you will seek to contribute to a better understanding of how technical methods can help study how cutting-edge digital technologies affect society – and what can be done in response. Your work will aim to better protect the digital lives of ordinary citizens, who are commonly exposed to deceptive software designs, abuse of their data and privacy, and the will of large tech companies in determining how foundational digital infrastructure – that we use daily – is built. To this end, you will work closely with relevant industry partners and public authorities. Ultimately, the ability to find innovative technical solutions to legal challenges – the foundation of this PhD position – could become a key skill of your future career, whether as a researcher, entrepreneur, or engineer.

The PhD position will be carried out as part of the RegTech4AI project, which brings together six full-time researchers to work on a shared vision. Your primary task is conducting the research for your PhD project under the supervision of professors of the Maastricht Law & Tech Lab. Your exact project will be determined in consultation with you and according to your interests and skills. As such, you will be expected to develop your own independent research agenda with the support of our experienced researchers in the Law & Tech Lab. A small proportion of the appointment may be devoted to teaching activities, which commonly amount to teaching activities in eight weeks per year.

Deadline : 30.May.2024

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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. position in Philosophy: Reconstructing AI Narratives

The project will adopt a genealogical approach, drawing from pragmatist tradition (e.g., John Dewey) and critical theory (e.g., Axel Honneth). By tracing the semantic history that converge in mainstream AI discourse, the candidate will highlight the specific worldview expressed by AI and embedded in epistemic, economic, and political traditions. However, a purely theoretical approach is not sufficient to generate a change in the narratives and the policies around AI. The PhD candidate will need to engage with a variety of stakeholders in order to maximize the impact of the project in terms of legitimacy and efficacy.

Deadline : 31.May.2024

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(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PHD ‘Innovatief woon-zorgconcept voor kwetsbare ouderen: Powered by Proteion’

De verandering in de samenstelling van onze bevolking heeft een grote impact op de manier waarop we met elkaar wonen, werken, leven en zorgen. De groep ouderen die in de nabije toekomst voortdurend (intensieve) zorg nodig heeft groeit. Dit vraagt om innovatieve zorgomgevingen. Een voorbeeld van een innovatieve zorgomgeving, is het concept “Powered by Proteion”. Proteion heeft dit concept ontwikkeld, om zorg dichtbij in de wijk of het eigen dorp te stimuleren. Vanuit die gedachte nodigt Proteion lokale Zorgondernemers uit tot een strategische samenwerking. De Zorgondernemers werken intensief samen met Proteion om de bewoners van deze locaties de best mogelijke zorg te bieden. Eerder onderzoek heeft laten zien dat bewoners een actiever dagelijks leven hebben, met meer sociale interactie en betekenisvolle invulling dan vergelijkbare bewoners in reguliere verpleeghuizen. Daarnaast lijkt het concept meerwaarde te bieden voor zorgmedewerkers

Deadline : 03.06.2024

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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate on digital technologies in European Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy

Promoting connectivity and digitisation has been a prominent feature of efforts to support democratization processes. Yet, the socio-political impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is a complicated – and highly contested – matter. Moreover, its various impacts have evolved over time, along with the digital technologies and the applications of the internet itself. The internet’s interwovenness with social, economic and political life is constantly shifting, while the boundaries to online freedoms and rights are continually renegotiated. Contrary to earlier assumptions, the internet’s correlation with democracy and human rights has proven to be far from straightforward and the field is characterised by active norm contestation. In these processes, various actors play a role: from states and international organisations, such as the EU, to large technological companies, civil society actors and citizens.

As PhD candidate you will investigate the changing understandings of, and assumptions about, the role of ICTs in European Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Since the ENP’s launch, prevalent understandings of the internet’s role have shifted from viewing the internet as a tool for strengthening democracy – exemplified by how its operationalisation in popular internet freedom rankings continues to be predicated on democracy- and media freedom-derived indicators – to viewing the internet as a threat to democracy and human rights (e.g., concerns about disinformation, cybersecurity and rising digital authoritarianism).

Deadline : 20.05.2024

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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Sensorimotor Development in Early Childhood

The section Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, as part of the faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, is looking for a PhD candidate who will delve into the relationship between short-term motor learning, skill acquisition and (neural) motor noise. The project will entail theoretical work, computational modelling and empirical studies with infants, young children and adults. You will collect and analyse motion-tracking data both in highly controlled laboratory settings and in the homes of infants with a motor disorder. Additionally, you will investigate infants’ brain activity during motor tasks.

Deadline : 16.05.2024

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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD at MSI in Circular Business Models for Repair and System Dynamics

The PhD in circular business models and ecosystems will be funded through project Fixophobia which is about Improving repair practices for consumer electronics.

Project Fixophobia is a collaborative NWO funded project involving several Dutch academic and business partners, led by Delft University of Technology with Maastricht University as one of the key academic partners. Fixophobia aims to extend the product lifetime of consumer electronics by providing the much-needed, scientific theories, societal tools and system innovations for a multi-actor system change towards a circular economy for consumer electronics. Thus, we intend to increase repair practices among all value chain actors of consumer electronics (incl. consumers), by developing and testing the value of new repair system innovations.

Deadline : 22.05.2024

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(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD on the Role of Precarious Employment in Developing and Sustaining Work-Life Balance Habits

We are looking for a PhD candidate on understanding the role of precarious employment conditions for developing and sustaining habits supporting work-life balance.

Meta-analytical studies indicate that social class indicators correlate with healthy behaviours such as eating healthy or regularly exercising. One reason for such associations may be that living in socio-economically resourceful conditions facilitates developing and adhering to beneficial habits. On the contrary, precarious employment as a condition encompassing aspects indicating lower socio economic resources (e.g., job insecurity, low income, limited workplace rights) may hinder developing and maintaining beneficial habits and thus drives social inequality.

Deadline : 19.05.2024

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(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position “Tipping points and derailment risks of food systems”

The emerging paradigm of degrowth entails unprecedented changes in policy, economic activities, and individual behaviours in order to constrain production-consumption systems within planetary boundaries. The PhD candidate will empirically explore the feasibility and impacts of such changes on the food provision systems of European countries. In particular, urgent research is needed to improve understanding of the systemic interactions between

  1. the major changes required in food supply chains, markets, individual livelihoods, and dietary habits;
  2. the consequences of such changes on social inequality and conflicts, and;
  3. the political dynamics of populism and nationalism in Europe.

Deadline : 17.05.2024

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(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in Philosophy: 20th-Century French Philosophy of Science and Technology

We are seeking a highly qualified PhD candidate with a background in philosophy to join our faculty and pursue groundbreaking research in philosophy with a focus on the history of 20th century postwar French philosophy of science and technology.

Within the philosophy of technology, several frameworks have been developed to critically assess contemporary science and technology. Especially in the Netherlands, these methodologies are often associated with the so-called empirical turn (linked to postphenomenology and STS). In recent years, however, attempts have been made to broaden this toolbox and to revisit other traditions that have thought critically about science and technology, ranging from pragmatism to critical theory. If you are the successful candidate, you will contribute to this broadening of the scope of the philosophy of technology by looking at what 20th century French philosophy of science and technology has to offer.

The existing literature on French philosophy of science has mainly focused on the tradition of historical epistemology, in particular the work of Bachelard, Canguilhem and Foucault. For this project, you will build on this literature, but in particular to explore lesser known figures and traditions. Your project will focus mainly on developments after the Second World War. While it is well known that historical epistemology inspired so-called ‘French theory’ in the 1960s and 1970s (e.g. Althusser, Foucault or Bourdieu), there are other traditions that are less explored. Examples that could potentially be the focus of the PhD project are the biological philosophy of technology (Leroi-Gourhan, Simondon, Stiegler), French phenomenology of science (S. Bachelard, Desanti), philosophical reflections on self-organization processes (Serres, Atlan, Morin), early French analytic philosophy (Granger, Vuillemin), early French new materialism (Serres, Dagognet, Latour) or early French STS (Salomon, Callon, Latour).

Deadline :17.05.2024

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(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD-position “Psychedelics for personal and planetary health”

During the course of this PhD position, you will conduct a series of observational and placebo-controlled, experimental drug trials in healthy volunteers, investigating whether psychedelic drugs’ ability to elicit self-transcendent emotions and feelings of connectedness to nature can be used to investigate key processes that may elicit transformative shifts in human cognition and behaviors that are not only related to personal health, but also towards environmental sustainability.

This proposed research is part of a synergistic, novel collaboration between the Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI), School of Business Economics (SBE), and the Department of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology (NP&PP), Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), to explore the mechanisms by which a pharmacological intervention (a psychedelic) may enhance both personal and planetary health. You would work between both institutes throughout your four years PhD.

Deadline : 15.05.2024

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(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: Ph.D. candidate in the area of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Ecosystems

The Department of Organization, Strategy, & Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University offers a 4-year fully funded PhD position in the area of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, for a student with a (Research) Master of Science degree or equivalent, starting in September 2024.

Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, this PhD project aims at examining the role and dynamics of different actors within social innovation ecosystems. It is our ambition to explore how these diverse actors use and apply their missions and operational strategies to reconcile stakeholder interests, mitigate resource constraints, to pursue innovative solutions to social issues within their ecosystem. Particular attention will be paid to the context of emerging markets, where the interplay between resource constraints and social complexity presents unique opportunities for theoretical insights on this topic.

At SBE, we offer a dynamic and challenging job environment in an internationally oriented organization where students receive advanced education and scholars conduct exciting research. You will have the opportunity to carry out research within the OSE department, in the context of the topic described above, and within the PhD program of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE). As such, you will contribute to the development and outreach of our ongoing research. Working at SBE enables the candidate to be part of an (inter)national network of top universities and renowned scholars.

Deadline :15.05.2024

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(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PHD in Organizational Behavior / HR Management on the topic of Organizational change and learning

The Department of Organization, Strategy, & Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University offers a 4-year PhD position for a student with a (Research) Master of Science degree or equivalent, starting in September 2024.

You will work on a project aimed at studying the interconnectedness of Organizational change and organizational learning climate i.e., how organizational changes and change mindset develop among team members and affect their ability to adapt. The primary goal of this PhD project is to advance knowledge on team coping and adaptation to emerging organizational changes. This PhD project will focus primarily on the scholarly fields of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Organizational Psychology.

You will have the opportunity to carry out research within the OSE department and within the PhD programme of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE). As such, you will contribute to the development and outreach of our research. Working at SBE enables you to be part of an (inter)national network of top universities and renowned scholars.

Deadline : 20.05.2024

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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PHD in Organizational Behavior / HR Management on the topic of Organizational change and learning

The Department of Organization, Strategy, & Entrepreneurship (OSE) at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University offers a 4-year PhD position for a student with a (Research) Master of Science degree or equivalent, starting in September 2024.

You will work on a project aimed at studying the interconnectedness of Organizational change and organizational learning climate i.e., how organizational changes and change mindset develop among team members and affect their ability to adapt. The primary goal of this PhD project is to advance knowledge on team coping and adaptation to emerging organizational changes. This PhD project will focus primarily on the scholarly fields of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, and Organizational Psychology.

You will have the opportunity to carry out research within the OSE department and within the PhD programme of the Graduate School of Business and Economics (GSBE). As such, you will contribute to the development and outreach of our research. Working at SBE enables you to be part of an (inter)national network of top universities and renowned scholars.

Deadline : 20.05.2024

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(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD candidate in Clinical Data Science – iCARE4CVD Project

This PhD position is a shared position between the Institute of Data Science, part of the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences and Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences at Maastricht University. You will contribute to the iCARE4CVD project, focusing on the interaction of patient characteristics, biomarkers, treatment, and outcomes to develop models for personalized medicine.

We are looking for a motivated and dedicated PhD student with a master’s degree in medicine, emphasizing a strong interest and experience in data science. This role involves collaborating with interdisciplinary teams and conducting clinical studies to understand the nuances of patient care. The successful candidate will work at the intersection of data science and clinical practice, driving research with a meaningful impact on patient outcomes.

Deadline :  20.05.2024

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(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD position in the field of sperm cell migration within a 3D in vitro oviduct model

The fallopian tube, otherwise known as the oviduct, is a critical structure within the female productive tract, directing the early stages of oocyte migration and directing the final leg of sperm cell migration. It also serves as the site for oocyte fertilization and early embryo development.

The PhD student will engage in the application and further development of a 3D in vitro model of the oviduct, both a mouse and human model system. Aspects of fertility will be studied, specifically how sperm cell behaviour within the model system is affected by changes to the tissue microenvironment. A wide range of skills will be needed for this project, including organoid cell culture, sperm cell isolation, and cell characterization. Technical activities will also be performed, including the fabrication of 3D in vitro environments and fluidic culture devices and the implementation of fluid flow within the in vitro system to mimic conditions in native tissue. Various biochemical and molecular assays will be required to monitor cell response, as well as the investigation and and application of novel (multiphoton) microscopy methodologies to visualize in real-time dynamic cell behaviour within 3D cell culture platforms.

Deadline :  15.05.2024

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(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate in algorithmic game theory under uncertainty

We are looking for a motivated and talented PhD student with a background in the area of Game Theory and Optimization. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing state-of-the-art algorithms that can take into account uncertainties and provide convergence guarantees towards the Nash equilibrium. Your research task will be to propose and validate such algorithms and find suitable application domains for these models. Your work will advance the theoretical analysis as well as potentially have a societal impact via its possible applications.

Deadline :  19.05.2024

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(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title:  PhD-position in Operations Research

The intended working field for the PhD positions should be in one of the following fields: Econometrics, Mathematical Economics or Operations Research.

The position is fully funded for four years, according to the labor agreement of Dutch universities and contains a moderate teaching load of at most 25%.

The intended starting date is 1 September 2024.

The position is a cooperation between Maastricht University and TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research). You will be expected to work partly at a TNO location, such as Eindhoven or The Hague.

The main research question to investigate by the PhD-Student will be: can quantum computing be beneficial for multi objective QUBO problems and can classical multi-objective optimization help in defining and solving regular QUBO-problems on quantum devices?

Deadline : 16.05.2024

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(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded

PhD position summary/title: PhD-kandidaat / Arts-assistent – Cardiothoracale chirurgie / Fysiologie

Je zal als promovendus verantwoordelijk zijn voor het coördineren van de “Maastricht Atrial Tissue Bank” (MATRICS studie) die deel uitmaakt van een grootschalig internationaal toponderzoek naar atriumfibrilleren (MAESTRIA consortium,

Het hoofddoel van de MATRICS studie is het verwerven van diepgaande kennis in de pathofysiologische mechanismen die leiden tot atriumfibrilleren bij patiënten die een openhartoperatie ondergaan. Je zal als promovendus betrokken zijn bij alle facetten van het onderzoek, zoals inclusie van proefpersonen, het uitvoeren van elektrofysiologische metingen op de operatiekamer, follow-up van de proefpersonen en uiteindelijk ook de data analyse.

Deadline :  17.05.2024

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About Maastricht University, Netherlands –Official Website

Maastricht University  is a public university in Maastricht, Netherlands. Founded in 1976, it is the second youngest of the thirteen Dutch universities.

In 2019, 19,000 students studied at Maastricht University, 54% of whom were foreign students, with over 4,000 employees. About half of the bachelor’s programmes are fully offered in English, while the other half is taught wholly or partly in Dutch. Most of the master’s and doctoral programmes are in English. Besides traditional programmes, Maastricht University also has an honours liberal arts college: University College Maastricht and a Maastricht Science Programme in the same liberal arts tradition. The satellite University College Venlo opened in 2015.


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