Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position AI/ML-based Optimization of Wireless Network
The successful applicant will work at the nexus of AI/ML-based optimization techniques and networks in collaboration with top-notch industry such as Telefonica, Nokia Bell Labs, NEC and others, in the context of a large-scale H2020 project (DAEMON).
Deadline : February 28, 2022
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Harnessing cyber-physical force-fields for contactless microchip assembly
The vacant position is in the Dynamics of Micro and Nanosystems (DMN) section. The group focuses on exploiting the dynamics and mechanics of small scale systems to create new platforms in the fields of scientific instrumentation, healthcare and consumer electronics. Our research topics span from measuring and manipulating (bio)materials at the micro and nano scale, to the design of reliable MEMS and NEMS sensors and actuators.
Deadline : 1 February 2022
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Formal Methods for Learned Systems
The main difference between most modern learned systems and traditional automation is that behavior is not programmed, but derived from examples. When using such systems in practice we need to be able to identify when the system may not be doing what we want. The challenge this project addresses is to support experts in monitoring learned systems, so that they can step in to prevent AI systems making decisions that are discriminating, dangerous or simply wrong.
Deadline : January 17, 2022
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Next Generation Micro-assembly Processes
The current position focuses on developing and testing the reliability of novel chip-to-substrate interconnect technologies. As a PhD researcher you will investigate, design, implement, and test innovative interconnection materials and solutions compatible with ultra-high throughput handling and accurate placement of chips. You will mechanically and electrically characterize these solutions, and design and build experimental setups to demonstrate that they can lead to breakthrough performance in next-generation chip assembly machines.
Deadline : January 1, 2022
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(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in single-molecule studies of DNA replication
We are looking to hire an outstanding experimentalist for this exciting NWO-funded collaborative project at the interface of biochemistry and biophysics. We have an opening for a Ph.D. student keen to participate in probing different aspects of DNA replication from a mechanistic perspective. While our preference is for a Ph.D. student, we will also consider applications from talented prospective postdocs.
Deadline : 31-12-2021
(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundation
A fully funded PhD position is open for an excellent candidate working in an area related to HoTT/UF. The PhD student will be supervised by Benedikt Ahrens.
Deadline : December 31, 2021
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(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in AI for structure & infrastructure life-cycle optimization under uncertainties
The successful candidate will join the research group of Dr. Charalampos Andriotis, at the Chair of Structural Design & Mechanics (SD+M), in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE). The position is funded for a duration of 5 years, during which the appointed candidate will (i) undertake research on her/his PhD topics and (ii) assist with the educational and research agenda of AiDAPT and the host Chair.
Deadline : December 31st, 2021
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Software Restructuring
We are seeking two PhD Students to join the Spoofax team to (1) extend the theory and application of scope graphs to the specification of programmable software restructurings, (2) develop analogs to scope graphs for capturing and transforming control flow, (3) develop a software restructuring framework for the C++ programming language based on this framework, and (4) validate the restructuring infrastructure through restructuring production C++ code at Philips Healthcare.
Deadline : 31 December 2021
(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD positions (3) Next generation force field-based micro-assembly processes
The current positions (3) focus on developing self-assembly processes, non-contact transfer processes, and massively parallel processes. As a PhD researcher you will investigate, design and test innovative physics-based techniques for faster chip handling and accurate placement. You will numerically model these techniques, and design and build experimental setups to demonstrate that they can lead to breakthrough performance in next-generation chip assembly machines.
Deadline : January 1st, 2022
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Marine Litter Transport in the Coastal Zone
This PhD project will investigate the role of coastal zones in trapping or releasing floating plastic marine litter. To do so, it will investigate the role of surface waves and the circulation these drive in transporting floating marine litter to and from the coast. In particular, the project will examine the role of the Earth’s rotation in determining wave-driven coastal circulation and its implications for transport.
Deadline : December 23th 2021
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Tiny smart e-nose for fine-grid early detection of crop infestation – system integration
Electronic noses (e-noses) have a wide range of applications in agri-/horticultural, food, environmental, medical, industrial, smart home, and homeland security domains. However, state-of-the-art e-noses are typically built from a few discrete gas sensors, connected to separate read-out, A/D, control, and I/O electronics. They are inflexible, large, power-hungry and expensive. This severely limits their use for continuous fine-grid monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in mobile (drones, robots), hand-held, and disposable devices.
Deadline : December 17, 2021
(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in “Data driven turbulence modelling for aerodynamic design in Formula 1”
To succeed in this project, you will need strong interest in and aptitude for: numerical analysis and statistics, computational fluid dynamics, and fluid dynamics, in addition to an interest in machine-learning. You will need to have a results-focussed mindset, and expect to do rapid development and testing of ideas, both your own and others. Prior experience of high-performance computing is a plus
Deadline : Open until filled
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(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Miniaturisation of modular flow control components for organs-on-chip systems
Microfluidics technology is an important enabler for many applications in life-sciences, health care and chemical / pharma industry. An example is the upcoming field of Organ-On-Chip (OOC), in which organ functions and their biophysical environment are mimicked on a chip. The processes of organ and medium interaction are studied on a chip minimizing animal study. However, current microfluidics technology, particularly the ancillary components like pumps, flow controllers and switch-valves are all bulky and this is a bottleneck in creating complex microfluidic systems.
Deadline : 5 December 2021
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD or Postdoc position on numerical modeling of the atmospheric impacts of aviation emissions
Aviation emissions adversely impact the environment, contributing both to air pollution and climate effects. The projected growth in aviation emissions and projected decline in emissions from other energy and transportation sectors, result in aviation emissions’ impacts being increasingly important in both absolute terms and relative to other sectors.
Deadline : 1-December-2021
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Gaze Estimation and its Applications
The PhD candidate will work on computer vision and machine learning techniques specifically for the human eye gaze estimation to improve its usability and combine the existing methods for other input signals as additional aids for attention estimation. The final presentation of this PhD project is proofing the developed attention estimation method that can be used in intelligent interactive systems. There is room to adjust the project according to your research interests. For example, we can focus on one of the subjects in this PhD project.
Deadline : 01-12-2021
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Dimensioning On-Demand Multimodal Micromobility Sharing Systems
This PhD project is initiated to model and solve the service network design problem (in terms of dimensioning the fleet size of a multimodal micromobility system) to better use the public space while maximizing the service level and complying with users’ preferences.
Deadline : December 1st 2021
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Algorithms for Microbial Genomics
Bacterial and viral infections pose one of the biggest threats to human health. Genomic mutations (i.e. changes to the genome sequence) can affect characteristics of the pathogen, such as virulence, drug response and vaccine escape. To monitor these mutations and to understand their impact, it is crucial to analyse genomic big data efficiently and accurately.
Deadline : December 1, 2021
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Phd position Biophysics of DNA origami nanoactuators
We are inviting applications for a PhD position at the interface of Biophysics and Nanotechnology.
In this project you will develop the first mechanically-adaptable nanopores by uniquely combining DNA origami nanotechnology, machine-inspired design and synthetic biology. You will answer fundamental biophysics questions regarding the 1) dynamics of programmable conformational changes, 2) the force balance at the membrane/nanopore interface and 3) the design of fast trigger mechanisms. You will use a range of techniques including nanopore measurements, fast-scan AFM and optical tweezers to characterize the dynamics and mechanics of the nanostructures.
Deadline : 1 December 2021
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Material optimization guided by machine learning
This research in this PhD aims at exploring machine learning strategies to improve the optimization process. The goal is to create a robust and general optimizer that can be applied to a broad range of materials science and solid mechanics problems. The work will start by extending recent research conducted at TU Delft that created a data-driven meta-heuristic that performed better than any of the individual optimizers considered during training.
Deadline : 30 November 2021
(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Origami-based Flexible Architected Materials for High-Tech Equipment
In this project, you will study and develop: (1) kinematic synthesis methods for origami-based flexible architected materials, and (2) strategies for a proper stress distribution along origami crease patterns. The research includes both design and modelling, and also performing experiments.
Deadline : 30 November 2021
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Positions on Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Architectural Design
A fair part of our planet is considered as “built environment”. There is a large amount of digital footprint and visual data such as street-view images, maps and interior photos, floor plans, etc. Efficient exploration and analysis of these available data require intelligent tools. Therefore the result is a greater understanding and a superior design of our living environment by architects, designers, and engineers to solve real-world challenges such as sustainability, or health.
Deadline : November 30, 2021
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position Risk-aware motion planning
The main focus of the Cognitive Robotics department is the development of intelligent robots and vehicles that will advance mobility, productivity and quality of life. Our mission is to bring robotic solutions to human-inhabited environments, focusing on research in the areas of machine perception, motion planning and control, machine learning, automatic control and physical interaction of intelligent machines with humans. We combine fundamental research with work on physical demonstrators in areas such as self-driving vehicles, collaborative industrial robots, mobile manipulators and haptic interfaces
Deadline : 25 November 2021
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Candidate Policy Analysis for Living Dikes
Dit promotie-onderzoek is onderdeel van het LIVING DIKES project. LIVING DIKES onderzoekt de implementatie van “soft solutions” voor klimaatadaptatie. Dergelijke “soft solutions” (coastal wetlands) kunnen dienen als buffer voor extreme omstandigheden in het kustgebied voor de komende 50 jaar. U Twente, TU Delft, NIOZ, Wetterskip Fryslân, Van Hall Larenstein, Deltares, Rijkswaterstaat en vele andere partijen voeren dit onderzoek gezamenlijk uit
Deadline : 22 november 2021
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position Software Engineering – Continuous Integration and Delivery
We are seeking an enthusiastic student that is eager to push the envelope in the area of CI/CD. You will develop a general theory on best practices and patterns that can help software engineers to adopt and improve CI/CD in their projects and to guide the required automation efforts by considering the project context. This should especially include fields that traditionally do not perform CI/CD, e.g., machine learning applications. During your studies, you will perform empirical research, mine repositories, analyse data, and work in close collaboration with practitioners in open-source and industry to build and evaluate your research prototypes.
Deadline : November 21, 2021
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Relative social inequality: Spatiotemporal analysis for the Netherlands
The project is fully funded by the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology. You will be part of the Urban Studies group within the Department of Urbanism, supervised by Prof. Maarten van Ham and Dr. Ana Petrovic, in collaboration with Prof. David Manley from the University of Bristol, UK. The Urban Studies section focuses on the interactions between people, the (built) environment and urban design in the context of growing spatial inequalities at various spatial scales.
Deadline : November 20, 2021
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD: Plasmon assisted CO2 conversion to building blocks
In this project you will precisely measure these phenomena (hot electron transfer & photothermal heating) to enable the design, not only of the right catalyst, but also of the reactor with the right illumination conditions. Specifically, you will synthesize plasmonic particles, deposit different catalytic materials on them, and measure both the hot electron transfer, as well as the photothermal heating upon light excitation, and finally (for the best performing catalysts) even the reaction pathway (reaction intermediates).
Deadline : November 20, 2021
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD on data-enabled shared-decision-making in healthcare
The intended PhD project will investigate how data flows within and around care pathways can be related to the social well-being of patients, their families and involved care staff. The PhD project builds on previous research that looked at (a) how AI and Natural Language Processing can be used to analyze qualitative data on online patient forums in order to gain a better understanding of care pathways, and (b) how patient experiences with care pathways can be integrally improved by means of co-creative service design methods.
Deadline : 15 November 2021
About Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands –Official Website
Delft University of Technology, also known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest Dutch public technical university. Located in Delft, Netherlands, it is consistently ranked as one of the best universities in the Netherlands, and as of 2020 it is ranked by QS World University Rankings among the top 15 engineering and technology universities in the world.
With eight faculties and numerous research institutes, it has more than 26,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and 6,000 employees (teaching, research, support and management staff).
The university was established on 8 January 1842 by William II of the Netherlands as a Royal Academy, with the primary purpose of training civil servants for work in the Dutch East Indies. The school expanded its research and education curriculum over time, becoming a polytechnic school in 1864 and an institute of technology (making it a full-fledged university) in 1905. It changed its name to Delft University of Technology in 1986.
Dutch Nobel laureates Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Simon van der Meer have been associated with TU Delft. TU Delft is a member of several university federations, including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH International and 4TU.
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