Uppsala University, Sweden invites online Application for number of Fully Funded PhD Degree at various Departments. We are providing a list of Fully Funded PhD Programs available at Uppsala University, Sweden.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Hydrology, focus on Coupled Processes in Fractured Rocks
This 4-year PhD project will have a focus on developing an advanced three-dimensional numerical model for simulating coupled hydro-mechanical processes in fractured and/or porous geological media (including heterogeneous bedrocks, soil layers, and fault zones). The simulation tool will be applied to model and predict groundwater drawdown and land subsidence during underground construction in dense urban areas. The model will be validated and calibrated against extensive measurement data available from a major ongoing underground construction project in Sweden. In addition to working at Uppsala University, the PhD candidate will have an opportunity to interact closely with the infrastructure industry.
Deadline : 1 of December 2023
(02) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral Position with focus on Hybrid Materials for Pollutants Mitigation
This doctoral position is part of a newly started research project in the frames of the WISE-recruitment package. This involves close collaboration between NFM and the Air, Water and Landscape Science Program (LUVAL) at the Department of Earth Sciences at Uppsala University. The linkage to cross-cutting environments and programs provides a unique opportunity for access to knowledge and infrastructure of both departments, and opens possibilities to broadly collaborate with other research groups in Materials Sciences and Engineering, Earth Sciences and within the WISE initiative through active participation in workshops and conferences organized by WISE and as a member of the WISE Graduate School.
Deadline : 11 December 2023
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(03) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: 1-2 PhD students in molecular biophysics
The advent of Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized structural biology. Many protein complexes can be predicted with high accuracy, and, together with experimental data, we can potentially build atomistic models of entire cellular compartments. This PhD project aims to bring together large-scale structure prediction using AlphaFold2 with mass spectrometry-based structural proteomics to understand the structure-function relationship of cellular machines, and in particular membraneless organelles that are formed via liquid-liquid phase separation. For this purpose, the PhD candidate will (a) design and produce phase-separating proteins to elucidate their gas-phase structures, (b) conduct large-scale AF2 predictions to identify interactions between cellular components, and (c) combine mass spectrometry, electron microscopy, and computational simulations to predict their three-dimensional structure, and their interactions with target proteins, in their native environment(s). There are, furthermore, opportunities to contribute to work in related areas, including integrating Omics data and alternative approaches within ML-based structure prediction.
Deadline :24 November 2023
(04) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Hydrology on Sustainable Reactive Media for Geo-Barriers
The main aim of the project is to understand how properties, in particular, the structure, porosity and functionality, of biomass-derived nanostructured materials are correlated with their performance as a reactive media for geological barriers to mitigate the spread of emerging pollutants, in particular per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. In order to be effectively applied at real contaminated sites, research of new functional materials for contaminant mitigation (by e.g. immobilization or degradation) will be combined with developing new knowledge about contaminant transport mechanisms coupled with new mitigation technologies.
Deadline : 30 November 2023
(05) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Physics (MSCA project SPIDoc’s)
Single particle imaging using X-ray pulses has become increasingly attainable with the advent of high-intensity free electron lasers. Eliminating the need for crystallised samples enables structural studies of molecules previously inaccessible by conventional crystallography. While this emerging technique already demonstrates substantial promise, some obstacles need to be overcome before SPI can reach its full potential. One such problem is determining the spatial orientation of the sample at the time of X-ray interaction. Simulations have predicted that the orientation of the protein at the instant when it is exposed to the X-ray pulse, can be determined by mapping the distribution of the ejected ions as the sample undergoes a Coulomb explosion following the intense ionisation. By detecting the ions ejected from the fragmented sample, the orientation of the original sample should be possible to determine. Knowledge of the orientation has been shown earlier to be of substantial advantage in the reconstruction of the original structure. This idea has potential to develop into a crucial tool for orientation retrievement in SPI experiments, but for it to reach its full potential we need to do further studies, both experimentally and using simulations. This project focuses on the simulations, with the goal to answer questions such as: “What is the dependence between the reproducibility of the ion distribution maps and the structure of the protein?”, “Can we determine the structure of the original molecule based on the information in the explosion?” You will study the X-ray-induced explosion dynamics of biomolecules using classical molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics simulations. The ion distribution maps will in the next step be analyzed to recover information of the structure of the original molecule. This will be done using machine learning algorithms, and combined with other types data, such as the aminoacid sequence, diffraction image and ion-spectra.
Deadline : 27 November 2023
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(06) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Two PhD positions in Energy materials physics, focus on solar cells
The doctoral position is placed in Ute Cappel’s research group, which focusses on the characterisation of solar cell materials and on gaining understanding of the working mechanisms of different types of solar cells. New opportunities for this arise from a combination of X-ray spectroscopies (specifically photoelectron spectroscopy) with time-resolved measurements. Such methods can give insights into the dynamics and energetics of the photon-to-electron conversion process and into the stability of solar cell materials.
Deadline : 30 November 2023
(07) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: One PhD position in Curriculum Studies
For this PhD position applicants are welcome to submit project plans that investigate Curriculum Studies issues (from pre-school to higher education) relating to research areas that are represented at the Department of Education. This research considers for instance studies on teaching and learning in preschool as well as teaching and learning in mathematics, mother tongue, science and social studies at different school levels. The research includes studies on teaching traditions, sustainable development in teaching practices, comparative studies within teaching and learning, aspects of children’s language practices such as reading and writing and second language development. For more detailed information on these areas see http://edu.uu.se/forskning/didaktik.
Deadline : 23 November 2023,
(08) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: One PhD position in Education
Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy (STEP) performs studies on professions and governance, management and evaluation of educational processes and learning in educational institutions and working life. The selection, organization and legitimization of knowledge, values and identities are analyzed. Specific attention is given to the interplay between different levels and between education policy and practice, in relation to globalization, migration, digitalization and the so called knowledge-based society. Educational Leadership (REL) are particularly interested in the relation between education, leadership and learning.
Deadline : 23 November 2023,
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(09) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: One PhD position in Sociology of Education
PhD students primarily focus on their own research, and the studies consist of four years of full-time employment. Doctoral students are also expected to actively participate in the department’s activities. Teaching or other responsibilities at the department corresponding to a maximum of 20 percent can be assigned, in which case the position may be extended to a corresponding extent.
Deadline : 23 November 2023
(10) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in System services of the future in electric power grids at division of Electricity
In our doctoral project, we focus on developing new system services for the future electric power grid. With the electric power grid rapidly transitioning towards 100% renewable energy production, the demand for new innovative system service design is increasing. The main purpose of the project is to develop system services for the electric power grid, such as voltage and frequency control. The project is forward-thinking and focuses on the actual technical requirements for automated, digitised, and secure operation of the electric power grid. By designing the technical functionality and developing evaluation and compensation models, you will contribute to creating incentives to ensure an adequate supply of system services from various resources in the grid. Digitalisation and flexibility are key words – you will explore how these factors can be utilized to achieve a reliable and 100% renewable electric power grid. The energy sector is evolving, and this is your opportunity to be part of shaping it. By developing the system services of the future, you will play a pivotal role in enabling the transition to 100% renewable energy. The project is carried out in collaboration with other doctoral candidates, researchers, and our funding partners, creating a unique environment for you to acquire new knowledge and exchange ideas in the field of system services. You will be part of both national and international cooperation efforts aimed at creating a better future for generations to come.
Deadline : 2023-12-07
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(11) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD in Evolutionary Genomics
Structural Variants (SVs) encompass a broad variety of (macro-)mutations from hundred nucleotides up to large parts of chromosomes (e.g., large-scale deletions / duplications, inversions). SVs are so common in eukaryotic genomes that the amount of genetic diversity they explain is higher than that explained by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). However, mainly for technical reasons, SVs have so far been little studied and our understanding of key evolutionary processes is therefore incomplete. For instance, little is known about the mutation rates of the various types of SVs, their segregation patterns, and how recombination is affected nearby or within them. Similarly, little is known about the distribution of their fitness effects. This knowledge is much needed to understand the evolution of SVs and genome evolution in general.
Deadline : November, 24 2023
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(12) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Meteorology with focus on flow and extreme situations in complex terrain
This project is a part of a large international academic collaboration network within Marie Curie and the project Atmospheric Physics and Turbulence for Wind Energy (AptWind). The AptWind) Doctoral Network provides training for a new creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient industry-oriented academic generation apt to face current and future challenges at the frontier of research within atmospheric flow physics and turbulence for wind energy applications, where the trained Doctoral Candidates will be able to convert knowledge and ideas into new products, and services for economic and social benefit. AptWind is funded by Horizon Europe through grant number 101119550. For more information visit www.aptwind.eu
Deadline : 17 November 2023,
(13) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Meteorology with focus on assessment of modelling strategies of wind flow over forests and complex terrains
This project is a part of a large international academic collaboration network within Marie Curie and the project Atmospheric Physics and Turbulence for Wind Energy (AptWind). The AptWind) Doctoral Network provides training for a new creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient industry-oriented academic generation apt to face current and future challenges at the frontier of research within atmospheric flow physics and turbulence for wind energy applications, where the trained Doctoral Candidates will be able to convert knowledge and ideas into new products, and services for economic and social benefit. AptWind is funded by Horizon Europe through grant number 101119550. For more information visit www.aptwind.eu
Deadline : 17 November 2023
(14) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Meteorology focusing on loads on wind turbines in complex terrain
This project is a part of a large international academic collaboration network within Marie Curie and the project Atmospheric Physics and Turbulence for Wind Energy (AptWind). The AptWind) Doctoral Network provides training for a new creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and resilient industry-oriented academic generation apt to face current and future challenges at the frontier of research within atmospheric flow physics and turbulence for wind energy applications, where the trained Doctoral Candidates will be able to convert knowledge and ideas into new products, and services for economic and social benefit. AptWind is funded by Horizon Europe through grant number 101119550. For more information visit www.aptwind.eu
Deadline :17 November 2023,
(15) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Meteorology with focus on high fidelity on wind farms offshore
OX2 is a fully integrated provider of renewable energy solutions at scale. We are an international multi-technology company bringing together the brightest minds and most ambitious team players to address the defining challenge of our time: the shift from fossil fuels to clean energy, the greater shift to a sustainable society and economy. We accelerate the access to renewable energy. For more information visit: www.ox2.com
Deadline :17 November 2023
(16) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Meteorology with focus on high-fidelity wind farm modelling
Trends such as larger wind farms and larger wind turbine rotors require high fidelity models such as large-eddy simulation (LES) to predict and understand the underlying aerodynamic and meteorological phenomena. Within this PhD project you will be part of a research group that focuses on fluid mechanics of individual wind turbines and wind farms. The project is concerned with the development of new modelling capabilities of an established numerical model.
Deadline : 17 November 2023,
(17) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in electromobility – machine learning, data security, and privacy
Electrification is vital for a successful transition to a sustainable, fossil-free society. However, capacity bottlenecks in the electric grid threatens to slow down the transition towards a more sustainable energy system. This project aims at contributing towards the development of smart, safe and resilient energy communities in part by developing a framework for microgrid management based on real load models together with privacy-preserving machine learning methods. The proposed methods will be demonstrated at Dansmästaren, a test bed for research on smart EV charging and energy management, located in Uppsala. This position includes close collaboration with a PhD candidate at the Division of Electricity as well as collaboration with industrial partners such as Volvo Cars, CEVT, E.ON, and Vattenfall.
Deadline : November 30, 2023
(18) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Pharmacometrics
A PhD position is available in the Pharmacometrics Research Group at the Department of Pharmacy with a focus on pharmacometric methods to demonstrate treatment effectiveness in very small clinical trials. The doctoral position is part of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) “doctoral network” called Medicines Made to Measure (MMM), which offers an innovative doctoral training program for several young researchers at nine different European universities. MMM aims to go beyond the latest genetic medicine approaches and establish the field of single-patient tailored antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatments for individuals with nano-rare RD mutations, patients currently excluded from benefiting of current medical breakthroughs. Specifically, MMM aims to develop core modules in a new “out-of-the-box”, yet EMA-advised treatment development pathway for single patients with nano-rare mutations – from omics-based therapy, via preclinical target validation to innovative trial methodology and a pioneering ethical framework for individualized genetic therapies. Central to the research and training programs for doctoral students is quantitative modeling that can integrate information from several different saturation sources to demonstrate the effectiveness of an ASO treatment in very small (“n of one”) clinical trials. These models and methods will be developed based on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (pharmacometric) principles.
Deadline :27 November 2023,
(19) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD Position in Organoid Modelling of Intestinal Epithelial Bacterial Infection
We are looking for person with a strong interest in pursuing a PhD degree at the interface between bacterial infection biology and epithelial cell and tissue biology. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate, with an ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others. The position is one of twelve PhD positions in the new Horizon Europe-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Network “SurfEx – Epithelial Exchange Surfaces: From organizing principles to ex vivo disease models of the gatekeepers of the body” (https://surfex-project.eu/)
Deadline : November 22, 2023
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(20) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in electromobility – modeling and control of microgrids
Electrification is vital for a successful transition to a sustainable, fossil-free society. However, capacity bottlenecks in the electric grid threatens to slow down the transition towards a more sustainable energy system. This project aims at contributing towards the development of smart, safe and resilient energy communities in part by developing a framework for microgrid management based on real load models together with privacy-preserving machine learning methods. The proposed methods will be demonstrated at Dansmästaren, a test bed for research on smart EV charging and energy management, located in Uppsala.
Deadline : November 30th, 2023
(21) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in electricity supply at airports with new electric aircraft
The research project is based on the latest research and development of electric aircraft and charging infrastructure. The three research questions intended to be answered are these: 1. How can the airport meet the need for electricity for more electric aircraft and electric vehicles, with battery storage and/or expansion of the electric grid locally and what are its pros and cons and innovation opportunities? 2. Which innovations of battery-powered electric aircraft, eVTOLs and charging infrastructure can contribute to sustainable, resilient and electrified travel in the coming years? 3. What impact do particular national conditions have on charging strategies for electric aircraft at airports and what new strategies can be developed to meet national conditions and needs? The YourFlight research project includes both modeling and experimental work.
Deadline :November 30th, 2023,
(22) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: Doctoral position in Solid Mechanics – multiscale modelling
You work in a joint Nordic hydrogen research project entitled “Material and Structural Integrity Assessment for Safe Nordic Hydrogen Transportation Infrastructure (MatHias)”. The project aims to facilitate the development of hydrogen transport pipelines in the so-called Nordic Hydrogen Valleys, by enhancing the understanding of hydrogen embrittlement in pipeline steels and providing guidance for material selection of the steels. The MatHias project consists of five work packages covering material testing and characterization, theoretical understanding of hydrogen embrittlement, as well as engineering applications. Our project partners include research performing organizations and industry companies in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Working in this project, you build up research competence in solid mechanics and materials science, gain comprehensive understanding of hydrogen embrittlement, and develop a research network with prominent scholars in the field and with industry, which is greatly beneficial for your future career.
Deadline : 17 November 2023,
(23) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in resilience of offshore renewable energy systems to extreme weather hazards
This PhD project will focus on resilience of offshore renewable energy systems (offshore wind, wave, tidal) to extreme weather hazards, as well as the resilience on an electric grid dependent on these energy sources. The project aims to study the impact of environmental conditions on the reliability of offshore energy systems, and connect this to consequences for the energy system at large. In this work, the PhD student will work closely with other researchers to assess electric grid functionalities and related aspects. The project is part of the Centre of Natural Hazards and Disaster Science (CNDS), a leading national center for research within natural hazards and disaster risk management. Collaboration and dialogue within the CNDS framework will provide an interdisciplinary platform to share and gain expertise within disaster risk reduction.
Deadline : December 6th, 2023
(24) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in Industrial Engineering
Historically Sweden has been a ‘nuclear state’ supporting the development and establishment of a nuclear industry resulting in the deployment of several nuclear reactors from the 1960s’ to the mid-1980s’. In the late 1970s’ the political landscape changed aiming to phase out nuclear energy production in the long run. With the increased (future) need for electricity due to the electrification of society as well as the need to limit CO2 emissions, the political landscape regarding nuclear technology is once more under transition, proposing a changing attitude towards developing and deploying nuclear energy production in Sweden.
Deadline : 15 November 2023
(25) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD position in electromobility: Electric motor design
The rapid technological development in electric motor design means that the insulation is exposed to greater stress through higher voltage levels, new fast-switching power electronics as well as new cooling methods. The goal of this PhD project is to develop a method to estimate the lifetime of the insulation in electric motors for applications in electromobility. The aim is to avoid over-dimensioning the insulation and at the same time minimize the risk of failure. The project will consist of analytical calculations, FEM simulations and design and analysis of experiments. The project will be multidisciplinary as consideration needs to be given to many different aspects such as electrical, mechanical and thermal.
Deadline : 15th of November, 2023
(26) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in the Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations with connections to Deep Learning
The duties of a PhD student are primarily directed at their own research education, which lasts for four years. The work may also involve, to a limited extent (maximum 20%), other departmental duties, mainly related to teaching undergraduate courses – in which case the position may be extended to maximum five years. The student is automatically admitted to WASP Graduate School and should participate in offered courses and activities.
The main focus of the research will be the mathematical analysis of PDEs, in particular diffusion equations, with an emphasis on connections to deep learning. Nonlinear parabolic and elliptic PDEs are also of special interest. In terms of methods, the research will mainly fall into the realm of pure mathematics, but may also include some numerical and computational components.
Deadline : 11 December 2023,
(27) PhD Degree – Fully Funded
PhD position summary/title: PhD student in 2D quantum materials (MSCA COFUND project PRISMAS)
Two-dimensional (2D) material van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures exhibit extraordinary quantum traits for next-generation nanoelectronics, spintronics, and optoelectronic applications. The project aims to investigate the quantum (electronic, phononic, and magnonic) properties and phenomena in novel directly-chemical vapor deposited 2D material heterostructures and their functionalized defect-passivated systems, and develop innovative devices. Here we will explore a new direct growth of 2D material heterostructures, for example, semiconducting MoS2 on graphene. Recently, we have innovated the growth of composite 2D heterostructures by nucleation-defined chemical vapor deposition. In this project, we specifically aim to probe the electronic structure of these new quantum materials via advanced x-rays spectroscopic tools, such as angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES), resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), ambient pressure x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (APXPS), nano and micro-(ARPES), to uncover the band structure and surface charge transfer in directly CVD-grown 2D heterostructures of MoS2 over graphene and 2D magnets (Chromium Telluride) over graphene. This will help in understanding spin-orbit coupling and its influence on the electronic and magnonic (involving magnetic 2D materials) band structure in 2D heterostructures. In addition, the project will involve the investigation of defect passivation by chemical treatments on CVD-grown 2D materials. These objectives will impact the understanding of the properties of the directly grown 2D heterostructures and engineering their properties for efficient next-generation optoelectronic and spintronics devices, which will be innovated with these quantum materials. This project is expected to significantly contribute to pushing the boundaries of 2D quantum materials.
Deadline : 17 november 2023
About Uppsala University, Sweden –Official Website
Uppsala University is a research university in Uppsala, Sweden. Founded in 1477, it is the oldest university in Sweden and all of the Nordic countries still in operation. It has ranked among the world’s 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings during recent years. The university uses “Gratiae veritas naturae” as its motto and embraces natural sciences.
The university rose to pronounced significance during the rise of Sweden as a great power at the end of the 16th century and was then given a relative financial stability with the large donation of King Gustavus Adolphus in the early 17th century. Uppsala also has an important historical place in Swedish national culture, identity and for the Swedish establishment: in historiography, literature, politics, and music. Many aspects of Swedish academic culture in general, such as the white student cap, originated in Uppsala. It shares some peculiarities, such as the student nation system, with Lund University and the University of Helsinki.
Uppsala belongs to the Coimbra Group of European universities and to the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. The university has nine faculties distributed over three “disciplinary domains”. It has about 44,000 registered students and 2,300 doctoral students. It has a teaching staff of roughly 1,800 (part-time and full-time) out of a total of 6,900 employees. Twenty-eight per cent of the 716 professors at the university are women. Of its turnover of SEK 6.6 billion (approx. USD 775 million) in 2016, 29% was spent on education at Bachelor’s and Master’s level, while 70% was spent on research and research programs.
Architecturally, Uppsala University has traditionally had a strong presence in Fjärdingen, the neighbourhood around the cathedral on the western side of the River Fyris. Despite some more contemporary building developments further away from the centre, Uppsala’s historic centre continues to be dominated by the presence of the university.
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