ETH Zurich, Switzerland invites online Application for various Postdoctoral Fellowship in their different Departments. We are providing a list of Postdoc Fellowship positions available at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Eligible candidate may Apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in noninvasive imaging and therapy of neurodegenerative diseases
Our Lab is devoted to development of novel structural, functional, metabolic and molecular imaging systems and methods. State-of-the-art infrastructure for in vivo imaging includes advanced multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography, high-field magnetic resonance scanners, fluorescence microscopy, ultrafast ultrasound, as well as hybrid imaging platforms not available elsewhere. The preclinical phase of the project will mainly focus on studies in mouse models, with clinical translation of the methodology expected at a later stage.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title: Postdoc position in Circuit Neuroscience & Behavior
You will lead a project aiming at establishing a new mouse model for neuropsychiatric disorders. Your goal is to perform cell-specific manipulation of dopamine circuits during development and determine the impact on the brain and behavioural function in adulthood. With our guidance, you will need to acquire new methods, be responsible for designing and performing experiments (stereotaxic surgery, behavioural testing, neuropharmacology, brain histology, in vivo fluorescent imaging, write code for analysis, etc.), analyze data and regularly present it, write a yearly report for grant funders and draft figures/manuscripts for publications. According to interest, you may supervise students and collaborate with other lab members and collaborators on other projects.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher: microbiome dynamics in food model systems
Fermented foods and beverages are a nutritionally and culturally significant component of human diets globally, as well as a primary source of microorganisms and microbial metabolites that shape both food quality and human health. They also serve as an experimentally tractable model for testing hypotheses of microbial ecology and evolution. The position is located in the Institute of Food, Nutrition, and Health at ETH Zurich within the Laboratory of Food Systems Biotechnology (Prof. Dr Nicholas Bokulich). The Bokulich laboratory develops bioinformatics methods and software for microbiome research, including QIIME 2, and applies these tools to study microbiomes at the interfaces of foods and human health.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher – Semantic Urban Elements (C3261)
The Semantic Urban Elements module of FCL Global explores how geo-data science, Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) applied to urban design and Computational Social Science approaches can be harnessed to achieve sustainable, resilient, and liveable cities. A Semantic Urban Element represents parts of the urban world as entities and relations. This leads to intelligible, scalable domain models instead of complex physical data models. Semantic Urban Elements are thus specific urban design domain ontologies that can help address challenges of urbanisation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher & Module Coordinator – Semantic Urban Elements
The Semantic Urban Elements module of FCL Global explores how geo-data science, Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) applied to urban design and Computational Social Science approaches can be harnessed to achieve sustainable, resilient, and liveable cities. A Semantic Urban Element represents parts of the urban world as entities and relations. This leads to intelligible, scalable domain models instead of complex physical data models. Semantic Urban Elements are thus specific urban design domain ontologies that can help address challenges of urbanisation.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc Researcher: Dynamic Mobile Sensing Platform (1 year contract)
You will develop and implement a roving sensor platform for gathering information on the health state of critical parts of infrastructure networks and assets, e.g. bridges, railways or wind turbines. Vehicles of different forms (e.g. bicycles, cars, train carriages or drones) are re-imagined as carriers of low-cost sensors able to aggregate a multiplicity of information on the position, direction, velocity, acceleration and other relevant parameters of structures, e.g. bridge surface conditions and/or structural integrity characteristics. This information will be primarily used for the condition assessment of critical infrastructure components.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: PostDoc position: Experimental analysis and numerical modeling of geophysical mass flows
You will support the ongoing development and application of numerical models (depth-averaged or 3D) for the initiation and propagation of alpine mass movements such as avalanches (rock, snow or ice) or debris flow. In addition, you will conduct granular flow experiments on a new mesoscale chute and contribute to its instrumentation. Furthermore, you will participate in teaching activities at ETH Zürich and publish results in scientific journals, presenting them at international conferences.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 2 Postdoctoral Positions in Quantitative Immigration Research
You will be part of a collaborative team committed to rigorous research along the entire integration journey of immigrants and refugees: from their initial entry to a new host country, through their time as foreign citizens to their (potential) naturalization. We study the effects of policies and design and test interventions to improve the well-being and integration of immigrants and strengthen their host communities. To do so, we combine data from registers, surveys and online behaviour with causal inference and machine learning methods to bring new evidence to bear on the urgent problems policymakers and practitioners face.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post Doctoral Position in the Infrastructure Management Group
You, as Senior Assistant, will be generally involved in teaching and research. Teaching, which will include lecturing and supervision of students will be at both the Bachelor’s and Master’s level. For more information about our teaching offerings, please visit our website. In research, you will be co-supervise PhD students, participate in writing research proposals and leading research project at both the national and international level.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral position in Systems or Hardware Security
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to join our group. You will collaborate closely with the PhD students while establishing a new line of research in the group. You are further expected to contribute to the teaching and supervision activities of the group. The position is ideal for someone who wants to strengthen their CV with additional projects and gain leadership experience in preparation for a top faculty or industry position.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc: Negotiating Landscape Transitions for Net-Zero Carbon
The Ecosystem Management group at ETH Zurich is offering a two-year postdoctoral research position to explore scenarios for landscape transitions in Scotland within the frame of delivering land-based contributions to national net-zero carbon ambitions. The project includes collaboration with the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, and Bangor University in Wales.
This project aims to:
- Identify and understand the visions that different stakeholders have for landscape futures.
- Collate existing evidence on changes in selected ecosystem functions (e.g., carbon sequestration and storage, hydrological flows, biodiversity) following land cover change.
- Drawing on (1) and (2), build participatory landscape transition models to explore and evaluate alternative landscape transition scenarios.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc – Development and clinical translation of image-guided neurosurgery
Our Lab is devoted to the development of novel structural, functional, metabolic and molecular imaging systems and methods. State-of-the-art infrastructure for in vivo imaging includes advanced multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography, high-field magnetic resonance scanners, fluorescence microscopy, ultrafast ultrasound, as well as hybrid imaging platforms not available elsewhere. The preclinical phase of the project will focus on studies in small and large animal models, followed by a clinical translation of the new technique.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher – International Corporate Taxation or Local Public Finance/Urban Economics
The Chair of Public Economics at D-MTEC invites applications for a postdoc position. The group`s main focus is on theoretical and empirical research in the area of public economics such as corporate taxation, fiscal federalism and public economy aspects of the digital economy, for instance. The starting date is flexible.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral researcher in management and control of dynamic capacity in shared mobility networks
The focus of this project is to understand how to design and operate a mobility network with a large range of possible vehicles (large, medium, in theory even individual), and service design (on-demand responsive, planned, planned and real-time adaptations). The objective is that the vehicle capacity meets the demand (crowding /denied boarding is minimal), waste capacity is minimized, and the performance is the highest (travel time, waiting time, energy, cost). This broad topic includes approaches for optimization, control and simulation for scheduled and on-demand services.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Shoulder Biomechanics
You will be responsible for conducting your own independent research, and for contributing to the establishment, supervision and growth of an independent research group, in the area of shoulder biomechanics. A focus is placed on the use of multi-body musculoskeletal simulation to create a virtual shoulder model allowing the analysis of shoulder loading in the healthy and diseased state, and to predict the outcome of current and future surgical interventions. You will work closely with your clinical partners to ensure a close alignment of scientific research goals with relevant clinical challenges.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Position: Cancer Research at the Institute of Molecular Health Sciences
We seek a highly-motivated Postdoctoral fellow to lead current drug screen projects in the lab, aimed at the identification of new molecules that act as metastasis suppressors. You will be part of an international team of researchers and participate in well-funded projects at the interface between academia and pharma, in a highly motivated scientific environment.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
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(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: 2-years PostDoctoral researcher on climate risk and multi-criteria decision modelling
- We are looking for someone eager to engage with stakeholders and can implement co-created solutions in a complex data and model context.
- The main tasks will be to integrate the existing open-source CLIMADA platform into a new data matrix and to develop and implement a multi-criteria decision methodology. This includes a programming element, a research element to demonstrate the new methods, and a stakeholder interaction element.
- You are expected to participate in the co-development of CLIMADA and other prototypical decision support systems together to improve the decision process along the full processing chain and across disciplines. Given your interests, interactions and involvement with other ongoing research projects at the WCR group are fully supported.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher: The situation of urban essential workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher who examines the experiences, struggles and policy demands of non-healthcare urban essential workers (such as bus drivers, day care personnel, waste collection workers, or delivery workers) during the pandemic. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been unequal depending on the resources and opportunities people have to cope with the multiple consequences of the pandemic. These inequalities have been exacerbated in cities, especially with regard to urban labour issues. While some workers could continue their work from home, others had to step out and up, becoming or being identified as what we call now ‘essential’. Intersectional burdens, expressed in the overlapping of race, class, and gender, have been reproduced throughout the pandemic, as care and maintenance work have fallen disproportionately on the shoulders of women, people of color, and migrants.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Experimental Quantum Magnetism
The research focus is on exotic quantum phases, excitations and phase transitions in frustrated quantum magnets. The successful candidate will synthesize single crystal samples of novel frustrated compounds and study their spectroscopic, magneto-electric and thermodynamic properties using in-house measurements and neutron scattering experiments at facilities worldwide. All research in the group is performed with a direct involvement of PhD and Masters students, whom the successful candidate will help supervise.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position in Modelling of forest development and wood production
You will work with selected case study regions representing the Swiss Plateau, the pre-Alps and Jura and the Alps, effectively covering most of the important productive regions and their differences. This will also facilitate collaboration with local stakeholders. To assess tree species’ climate suitability and growth dynamics, you will employ dynamic, process-based models such as ForClim (developed at ETH) and 3-PG (applied at WSL). The resulting trajectories will benchmark the projections of the empirical growth model MASSIMO (developed at WSL based on National Forest Inventory data). A spatially explicit forest planning model(FPS.Europe, developed at ETH) will provide linkages with other parts of the project and form the basis for interaction with stakeholders in the case study regions.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc position on “Creating new socio-ecological incentive systems to support sustainable action, recycling and sharing, using Internet of Things technologies”
You will create novel research breakthroughs and contribute to the ambitious ERC Advanced Investigator Grant on “Co-Evolving City Life” (CoCi) in subject areas connected to smart cities and digital societies. Your research focus will be on “Sustainable Cities and Coordination”. Given recent digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (sensor and communication networks), Artificial Intelligence, and Distributed Ledgers (e.g. blockchains), production and logistics are becoming increasingly smart. Ideally, you will study how the convergence of these technologies can be used to fuel new approaches towards more sustainable production and logistics in an urban context, particularly consumption and waste disposal. For example, Blockchain technology allows for the creation of new token-based incentive systems in areas that suffer from externality effects. This might include the implementation of “smart waste”.
Deadline : 15th of November 2022
(22) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc: “Cooperatives in a changing world”
The project has clear deliverables and milestones. You will co-lead the development and (co-)teach in programs as the MSc/MAS in Management, Technology and Economics and Executive MBA as a joint program with HSG. We look for somebody who is interested in cooperatives and their dynamics, particularly in their social impact on society and its measurement. The project builds on past work done in the group, in social innovation and social entrepreneurship, which has led to various papers published in Academy of Management Journal, Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Education Behavior, etc. This project intends to continue and reinforce this research trajectory. There is, however, ample scope to design and steer their research in directions that correspond to the strengths and interests of you.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(23) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoctoral Researcher Urban Building Energy Modelling
The objective of your work will be to gain knowledge and evaluate the GHG reduction potentials of innovative building materials across typical Swiss settlement types. Your work will be centred around building, expanding and analysing Swiss UBEM archetypes and representative buildings using the City Energy Analyst (CEA). This includes identifying the future trends in building properties, materials and building energy systems, developing the UBEMs that reflect the trends, and integrating the research outcome into the City Energy Analyst platform. Furthermore, you will expand the CEA to address lifecycle emissions from a material and temporal perspective. As part of the UBEM team at the chair, you will discuss and, if complementary, contribute to other ongoing research projects with your knowledge and experience.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(24) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc in Aerosol Microbiome Research
We seek to fill a postdoc position to study the diversity, structure and dynamics of aerosolized microbial communities across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The position will be based at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and foresees exchanges with partners at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, as part of a joint project.
Airborne microbes impact key climatological processes such as cloud formation and precipitation. However, the communities they form remain one of the least studied microbial systems on Earth, especially in remote areas such as the open oceans. Studying processes at the ocean-atmosphere interface is thus of particular importance, given that they underpin the distribution of marine microbes, which may affect ecosystem structure and health even thousands of kilometres away from their source. To advance our understanding, it is thus essential to establish an inventory of airborne marine microbial diversity and to study the factors that shape their diversity and drive their emission and dispersal across large geographic distances.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(25) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoktorat: Geodäsie/Ingenieurgeodäsie (m/w/d)
Zur Verstärkung des Teams sucht die Professur für Geosensorik und Ingenieurgeodäsie (GSEG) am Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie (IGP), unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Andreas Wieser, einen Mitarbeitenden in der Funktion als Postdoc. Wir beschäftigen uns in Forschung und Lehre mit Geomonitoring, geodätischer Messtechnik und Auswertemethodik. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind flächenhaftes Monitoring mit terrestrischem Laserscanning und mit Radarinterferometrie, Entwicklung und Kalibrierung geodätischer Messsysteme sowie die vertiefte Analyse von Beobachtungsdaten unter Zuhilfenahme von maschinellem Lernen.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(26) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Postdoc positions in Experimental Quantum Engineering group
The Experimental Quantum Engineering (EQE) group seeks for one or two highly motivated postdoctoral researchers to start a project aiming for building a new architecture for quantum computation and simulation with dual-type dual-element arrays of neutral atoms. The EQE group is led by Prof. Wenchao Xu (profile can be found here:
Deadline : Open Until Filled
(27) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc Fellowship Position summary/title: Post-Doctoral Scientist on Mechanisms of Arthritic Diseases
You will join a large European network interested in understanding the mechanisms of arthritic disease progression and developing interventional therapies. We offer a stimulating and multidisciplinary environment with excellent infrastructure. The ETH lab has several ongoing related projects and collaborations including studies on the role of endotoxin in osteoarthritis, biomaterials/drug delivery for OA treatment, well as image-based analysis of osteoarthritis progression.
Deadline : Open Until Filled
About ETH Zurich, Switzerland- Official Website
ETH Zürich is a public research university in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. Founded by the Swiss Federal Government in 1854 with the stated mission to educate engineers and scientists, the school focuses exclusively on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Like its sister institution EPFL, it is part of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology Domain, part of the Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.
In the 2021 edition of QS World University Rankings, ETH Zurich was ranked 6th in the world, placing it as the second-best European university after the University of Oxford. In the 2020 QS World University Rankings by subject, it ranked 4th in the world for engineering and technology (2nd in Europe) and 1st for earth & marine science. Also, ETH was rated 8th in the world in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2020.
The university is an attractive destination for international students thanks to low tuition fees of 809 CHF per semester, PhD and graduate salaries that are amongst the world’s highest, and a world-class reputation in academia and industry. There are currently 22,200 students from over 120 countries, of which 4,180 are pursuing doctoral degrees.
As of November 2019, 21 Nobel laureates, 2 Fields Medalists, 2 Pritzker Prize winners, and 1 Turing Award winner have been affiliated with the Institute, including Albert Einstein. Other notable alumni include John von Neumann and Santiago Calatrava. It is a founding member of the IDEA League and the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) and a member of the CESAER network.
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